simsxlife · 7 years
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All of the morning underclassmen had safely arrived at Gwen’s favorite library. Once they stepped inside the creepy, haunted-looking building, they each went to look around by themselves.
Jenna, being the bookworm she is, quickly made her way to the poetry section and picked out a couple of books to read. “I can’t believe I’m about to read this! It’s always been a dream of mine!”
Ian walked around and stopped at the children’s area. “Hmm.. Old ass children’s books? Count me the fuck in.”
Cruz picked a random book and quickly sat down to read it. He wanted to get through one book and get to take a deeper look around the library.
Victoria went straight to sightseeing. “Damn, these scrolls look old as fuck!”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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The lights had gone out and the ones on the second floor all gathered around.
“So like.... The fuck?” Victoria scratched her head and began to squint her eyes to be able to see who was around her.
Ian laughed. “You’d think since they’re old fashioned or whatever the fuck that they would have candles!”
“Guys... we should go look for the others...” Jenna’s voice was heavy with worry. Even thought she wasn’t at the lock down, she knew it was very similar to this current event.
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Before touring around, Alez had to make a quick pit-stop at the bathroom before he would pee himself. After washing his hands, he saw someone had opened the door and was coming inside.
“I’m so sorry! Oh, it’s you!” Gwen jumped with excitement. Alez and Gwen had secretly been seeing each other. They both came to the conclusion that life is, sad to say, too short to not be crazy. She went behind him and began to rub his back. “We haven’t had a chat in a while...”
Alez turned around, wanting to leave the bathroom, but Gwen threw herself at him. “Is there anything you want to...try, Alez?”
As weird as Gwen was, Alez loved her body. ‘Who knew such a weird lookin’ girl could have such a nice body?’ was his biggest defense if anyone were to find out about them. They’ve had to keep being careful around their other classmates so that no one would find out about them.
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Matthew took Sol to a place where she wouldn’t have to hide from humans, a pond where no one ever went to. Sol was always scared to go out in public because she knew people would stare.
“This is perfect.” She smiled. 
Matthew laid down on the floor and motioned for her to do next to him. He began to look deep into her eyes, and at that exact moment he felt his fangs begin to itch. He tried to look away, to get rid of those disgusting thoughts, but it just wasn’t working. His hand began to hold tighter on to hers, putting strong pressure on her fragile hands. He hated what he was becoming.
“Ow, my hand! You, you’re hurting me!”
Once he heard those words he snapped out of it. He looked down and saw how tight he was holding on to her left hand. “I- I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
In the distance he could smell blood, but it wasn’t human blood. His eyes began to gleam and Sol was starting to get scared. “What...? What’s going on?”
“Nothing, nothing.” He got up and helped her get up. He held her in his arms and she began to run her fingers on his shoulder.
“I have an idea.” She whispered.
Now, another part of his body was beginning to get excited. Could she mean..?
She broke free from his arms and began to yell, “Let’s play tag! Come and get me!”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Two weeks had passed by since the lock down at the academy, the students still had a week left of break until they were to return. Matthew and Sol’s relationship grew stronger as time passed by. Matthew was waiting for Sol to finish getting ready so he could take her on a surprise date. He couldn’t stop thinking about how she must taste...
Sol came dancing downstairs. “Hey, Matty-o! I’m all set! Are you... alright? What’s with the worried face?”
Matthew shook his head and gave Sol a warm smile. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it. Ready?”
Just as Sol was about to head towards the door, Matthew reached behind the couch and grabbed the flowers he had bought for her earlier in the day. 
“Surprise! I hope you like them, they’re purple! Like my hair!”
Sol laughed in excitement. “Wow!!! They’re gorgeous! I’ll put them in my room when we get back!”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Mr. Hanes seemed to have appeared at the upperclassmen night class’s dorms almost instantly.  When he got there he saw Kacey floating around outside in the front of the dorm.
“Kacey. I need you to help me gather up all the students downstairs, I need your help with something.”
Kacey crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. “Why should I help you?”
Mr. Hanes looked at her blankly. “Uh... because I’m your teacher...?”
“What do you need to tell us anyway? We have class in a few hours..”
He didn’t have time to keep chatting with her. “Please, just gather everyone. I will tell you all together.”
She grunted and left to gather everyone downstairs in the meeting area.
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simsxlife · 7 years
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The Fortune Academy is now open for enrollment! Interested in taking part of this MURDER MYSTERY? Keep on reading and reserve a spot!
Hello, everyone! I am Lady Fortune, the Dean of this excellent academy. This year we will be starting a new school routine. There will be a morning school group and a night school group. The Morning Group will consist of normal, average civilians. The Night Group will consist of anything not-so-normal, such as Vampires, Fairies, Werewolves, and even Fortune Tellers! We will help shape these young adults lives by teaching them the best skills they will need to survive in the real world. See you all on the first day of school!
Morning School Spots: (VANILLA/BANILLA)
1. @cawthorntales 
2. @strudel-and-the-sims 
1. @legendofsim
2. @drudragonrose
3. @wannabecatwriter
4. @dandylion240
Required: Your student must have a bio telling us who they are and a bit about where they come from. If your student is a NIGHT student, please tell about his/hers powers. What School year are they enrolling into? Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior? Are they involved in school activities? What do they do in their free time? How do they behave around others? Are they studious? Please, please! Be as very detailed as possible! 
.sim files only! Use as much cc as you want, just no sliders.
I have all EP except Pets and ITF, no SP.
THIS WILL BE A MURDER MYSTERY! There will be murders happening throughout the ‘school year’ so please be aware. Yes, both morning AND night schools will have active murders happening. Thank you!
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Erica and Chip were paired up with Erin and Keith. Possibly the worst pairing, ever. After explaining everything (mostly just to Keith) Erin went straight for the insults.
“You asshole! You think you’re SOOOO much better than us just because you were born a werewolf? YOU are the reason why our parents hate me! I should have been the one to get the powers, not you! You don’t deserve them!”
Keith was finally understanding that the two must somehow be related. Chip let Erin finish her insults and, for the first time ever, game some in return. “Erin, I have never told you anything negative, ever! But all you ever tell me is insults! Maybe our parents hate you because you’re such a bitch! Ever thought of that?!”
Erica was starting to get annoyed by the sibling’s argument. “That’s enough, both of you. Just, shut up.”
They both kept quiet and at that moment the door swung wide open, shaking the room.
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Bianca and Erica rushed over to Bianca’s dorm room and she told Erica to sit down.
“Erica. I can feel my powers growing. Last night.. I had what we call a Sight Dream. Basically what a Sight Dream is .. we see someone’s near future in our dream.. And I saw yours.”
Erica kept quiet with an interested look on her face. Bianca kept talking. “I don’t want you to get mad at me, I am just simply warning you about what I saw.. It was a girl named… Ugh what was her name… She had beautiful long, black hair… Glowing skin… She was just- gorgeous! What was her name….”
Erica knew exactly who she was talking about. “Sandy…”
“Yes! Sandy! Erica, she’s alive! I thought it would be better for me to tell you instead of Rei because, well…”
Erica’s eyes began to gleam. “You better be right about this, Bianca.”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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It was Sunday morning, the day after the dance, and since Ezekiel didn’t go to the dance he decided to go out in the morning where there would be sunlight and it would be safer. He walked around town amazed by every little thing he saw and made his way into a small cafe when his hunger started to get the best of him.
“Hi there! Wow, you’re gorgeous! Is your hair naturally that color?”
The worker looked annoyed. “What would you like to order?”
He glanced over the menu and ordered their daily special, honey yogurt. He sat down and calmly ate his food. Once he finished, he asked the worker where the bathroom was and was directed upstairs.
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Fabian had forgotten to grab his math book in the morning and was given permission by Mr. Hanes to go grab it. When he went up the stairs he saw Damien’s body lying on a pool of blood.
“Holy crap! I... I gotta go tell someone!”
He panicked and ran back down to the stairs. As he was running he felt someone behind him, but didn’t look.
“Goodbye, Fabian.”
The mysterious person violently pushed Fabian down the stairs, causing him to hit his head hard enough for him to tumble down to the bottom of the staircase, blood everywhere.
“Two less to worry about.”
Side note! Fabian Franco was made by @cawthorntales ♥ Sorry he had to go this way! 
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simsxlife · 7 years
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The twins were about to make their way out the door when Alez suddenly stopped. 
“Man, this shit is depressing. It feels like everyone’s suddenly dying, dude. Fuck that, I’m not tryna be next.”
Cruz got sad when he heard his brother say that. “We’re not next, dude. We’ll stick through this shit together. If anything, we can just.. run away. If things start to get too crazy we’ll just leave. But for now, we must keep going to school. Alright?”
They gave each other a bro hug and kept walking towards campus.
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Mr. Hanes walked inside the dorms and saw everyone was already waiting for him in the meeting area. “Thank you all for gathering together. There is not much time for me to explain, so listen carefully… Two of the morning students have just been brutally murdered. The police officers aren’t as concerned as we are. I need all of you here to partner up with some of the morning students and stick together. If we all come together, we can beat the murderer. Any questions?”
Bianca was beginning to tremble. “Uh.. if they’re getting killed there.. why should we go? It’s so dangerous.. what if we get killed?!”
Candy pat Bianca on her back, slowly calming he down. “Bianca, we need to help those students. They aren’t gifted like us! What if we were in their shoes.. wouldn’t you want someone to help?”
Chip looked just as uncertain as Bianca. Rei didn’t seem to agree with the idea that much. “You want us to risk our lives to save some pathetic humans? Yeah, right. How do you know the killer’s not one of us?”
Everyone slowly turned to look at Rei except Tracy. “No way it could be one of us, Rei! We were all here since morning.”
Erica didn’t get along with anyone, but she was willing to make it work. “Whatever, I’ll help. Are you going to tell the underclassmen too, Mr. Hanes?”
Mr. Hanes shook his head. “Absolutely not. Not with Hero Hunter there. She will warn the senate and that’s the last thing we want. I will just tell them class has been cancelled until further notice. Now, let’s get a move on.”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Everyone was now safely outside of the poisoned classroom. Chip placed Erin on the floor so she could regulate her breathing and Rei laid Keith down to check his pulse.
“Anything?” Chip asked with a concerned look on his face. 
Rei put his two cold fingers on Keith’s neck once again and held his hand. “Come on, man… You gotta pull through. Don’t be such a weak human!”
Erica looked at Keith on the floor. “He’s gone. We have to keep going, we can make it outside!”
“What, and leave him here?” Questioned Rei.
Erin placed her hand on her forehead. “I’ll stay… I don’t think this headache will help me get through, anyway.”
A strange voice from behind the said, “No one’s staying, let’s go!”
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simsxlife · 7 years
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The room was starting to get cold, and a strange smell began to surround the area. Erin was closest to the air vents, so she noticed first. “It smells weird...”
Right after she said that she collapsed to the floor, her body was limp. Chip ran to pick her up and helped carry her outside. “Erica, open the door! Keith, are you good?”
Keith had inhaled through his mouth and was now choking. “He...Help..” Before anyone could go help him he fell on the floor. 
Rei ran back inside to the room and dragged Keith out of there. “Hang on, dude. We’ll make it!” 
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simsxlife · 7 years
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Rei was looking around to find the room where Erica was at. He knew she’s have something to do with Jonas. As he was going room to room, the lights went out. Luckily, the emergency red lights were working all around campus. Rei stood in front of the window, dreaming about how his life would have been if he would have never killed her... His only love...
He touched the window and whispered, “Forgive me, Sandy.” He knew he needed more than forgiveness, but for now he had to help humans in order to feel better about what he had done in his past. He turned around and kept looking for the room.
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