#Foxy Bully FNaF4
cassidyandfriends · 5 months
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its-me-vanny · 10 months
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Summer Fun!
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camo1000le · 2 years
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Mikey but he's sunburned but idk how to paint sunburned skin but he looks cute!!
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human-soul-sama · 1 year
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-Fnaf 4 bullies-
*no names yet expect for Michael (duh)
-I tried to make them look a little bit of 80s style-
-plus I made them look fabulous like a pretty boy type-
-idk bye-
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mcnotok · 2 years
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v4mp3rz · 10 months
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I drew Michael 😸
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shadow---ninja · 1 year
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Scared fox fnaf au story part 1-5(so far)
So I just realised I never posted proper au artworks here only on deviant art, so I'm changing that and posting them here too, so heres one of the many stories in my au that im working on and this one follows jordan(I know its Michael but I call him Jordan in this au) and the trouble he's in after having a run in with the dark demon nightmare and having made a deal with said demon to spare his life, where he immediately regrets it.
If you've noticed one looks out of place, that's because the sfm poster was made by my friend nightmaregamerztsfm5 over on da and on discord, they are helping me with this au as its a big au and I'm greatful for that.
(This au is old like early 2016 old so I'm trying to fix, add and remove things to have it make sence, so bare with me on this
Heres a link to my da to see and read the storys(as I don't wanna flood tumblr with them at the moment) :
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pinkyjulyy · 1 year
Michael Afton
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sotogalmo · 5 months
Remembered smth I saw like. A year ago n all. And decided to draw it ig????
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Tried my best to draw like. A foxy mask yk? But to me it was repeatedly there like a line of,,, smth yk??? (Like a line of dolls!)
I saw them on like. A window, and all. But it was dark(like night time) so that's why it's like. That.
Tho tbh they look like rabbits-
Saw these fuckers when I kept playing "A Child Like You". Song is a banger
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never have I played any nights at Freddy fazbears
pls explain the whole plot and all lore to me as if I were small and slightly stupid
oh great timing i literally JUST explained this to my asoue discord
this is a VERY simple summary, but things to keep in mind while reading:
very very VERY little of this is directly spelled out for us. the creator, scott cawthon, LOVES to confuse people on purpose and the vast majority of the lore is gleaned from hidden minigames, secret cutscenes, and easter eggs. this makes things very confusing and controversial within the fanbase, so im gonna try to explain where there are differing opinions
really, there's two main stories: the first main story was completed with FNAF6 and Ultimate Custom Night, the story going on rn is the second and it is still ongoing. as such, a lot of the lore is still a mystery to all of us.
For clarity's sake, I will divide this between: THE AFTON STORY, the one the movie's gonna tell a part of, and THE GLITCH STORY, which the games are going through
dont worry i will make it fun to go through so it doesnt feel like school
ok lets go
First, let's get a visual chart in here. don't worry it's just for show
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These are the important families we will be talking about; the Emily family, with father Henry and daughter Charlie, and the Afton Family, with father William, two sons (Michael and a boy who is still unnamed, he might get named on friday? We call him Crying Child "CC") and a daughter, Elizabeth. Don't worry about the mothers they're not important
Okay so here's the thing: of these four children, all but Michael die VERY early on in the timeline
The problem is we do NOT know THE ORDER each of them died. There's a lot of arguments on all sides but I personally think the order is sad boi->charlie->baby so imma present it in that order. But keep in mind that we don't actually know because of the confusing way the lore is dropped.
okay so for starters.
purple guy is william afton and he and this guy vcalled henry start opening a restaurant chain starring freddy fazbear
in the original location they've got two animatronic suits, fredbear and spring bonnie. the other location has freddy, bonnie, foxy, chica
the og location suits are ~special~ tho, bc henry and william are crazy inventor dudes. these suits are called "springlock suits". they function as full animatronics but you can wind all the wires and gears and endoskeleton and shit back and step into the costume yourself. only problem is the safety is jackshit and if you like. cry or sweat or breathe wrong the springlocks will fail and the metal will come crashing back and crush u to death. u should have enough time to get to the back room so u dont bleed out in front of the customers tho. springlock suits are important remember those
michael is in his early teens and has just learned how to be a shit to his siblings and is trying out this hot new bullying thing. he's picking a lot on CC because CC is terrified of the freddy animatronics. it is said that he "saw something" that scared him, it could be anything as benign as "saw someone go into the suit and got freaked out" to something as serious as "saw one of those aforementioned springlock failures and person bleeding out." could also be charlie or elizabeth's death if those happen earlier in the timeline. again we dont know bc cawthon likes to confuse us
CC is not scared of the freddy characters tho, he has all the plushies and calls them his friends. he's just scared of the animtronics. unfortunately his dad works there so he has to be there like 90% of the time so he's having a wonderful time. hence the moniker "crying child". bc he cries all the time
anyway at his birthday party, michael decides it would be really funny to shove CC up into the animatronic's mouth for kicks. this goes about as well as you'd expect cause the mouth closes and fuckin. crushes his head
kid goes into a coma for a while but eventually flatlines. while he's in the coma we hear michael tearfully apologizing, and his fredbear plush talks to him (presumed to be william) saying he will "put him back together"
anyway that was fun. so next up charlie emily gets FUCKING MURDERED
for some reason charlie gets locked outside the pizzeria. william's driving by and decides to stab her bc why not
honestly most of us believe that this occured after CC just bc it gives william motivation to be pissy at his business partner and kill his kid abt it, but also a book that released a month ago implies that william might have been nightmare gassing his kids for shits and giggles so. who knows. dont worry about that btw its not relevant rn
anyway the thing is willie and henry had an animatronic designed to protect the children called the puppet. the puppet sees charlie outside and goes out to help her but it's raining so it fries up the puppet's circuits and it crashes on top of her dead body. cheery!
except this is where it gets wild bc charlie proceeds to like. possess the puppet
possession is really complicated in this universe but basically there's no real way to communicate openly with people and the possesser might not even be aware of who or where they are or anything really but. yeah the lil girl def possesses the puppet
its after this that william starts killing kids for funsies. a lot of us presume that he saw the puppet getting possessed and was like "holy shit a way to bring crying kid back" but again he might've just decided this was fun
anyway he lures five kids into the Secret Freddy's Backroom That Is Not On The Maps by wearing the spring bonnie costume. after killing them he shoves them into the other animatronic suits (freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, fredbear "golden freddy") and yeah they start gettin possessed
the fifth missing kid was stuffed in fredbear and here's where it gets veeery theoretical cause we dont have straight confirmation of this but just some theories. it's VERY likely that crying child was also haunting fredbear at this point, and shoving another kid in there got two kids haunting the same bitch and it causes fredbear (golden freddy) to be really fucking weird and glitchy and eldritch or w/e. anyway you dont have to worry about that rn cause golden freddy doesnt show up much they're too busy ascending or smth
now this is where the lore gets confusing-- the first game claims that after the last two were lured, someone was caught on camera, arrested and charged. however we know for a fact willie-boi wasnt caught so either 1) this got retconned when cawthon decided to actually make lore, 2) he wasnt convicted and somehow still kept a hold on the fazbear empire during this, or 3) a lot of us theorize that henry was framed for the crimes and thats why he disappears from the timeline until the sixth game. cause yeah he disappears from the timeline until the sixth game. personally i believe the third it makes a lot of sense but yeah willie-boi stops killing at about five kids
anyway will is going full scientist with all these animatronics and he's like. ripping parts off them and putting them on other animatronics to see what happens. we THINK. again this is really vague but this is just kinda the most logical explanation here.
anyway this is what happens in fnaf2 and what it does is like. split the souls and shit. and he's like "oh this is sick" except this makes all the suits act erratic as hell and very angry towards adults (theyre cool with kids tho) and eventually one of them causes the infamous Bite of 87. we're not entirely sure what it was but one of the animatronics bit off the frontal lobe of someone in 1987. this caused this location to get shut down and willie boi just puts the pieces back on the og animatronics and is like "well shit what do we do now boys"
FNAF5: Sister Location
anyway so this is where we think elizabeth dies in the timeline. william makes these things called the "funtime animatronics"-- we know they are made after a fnaf location shuts down, though it's not specified which. these animatronics are built SPECIFICALLY to kidnap children. ballora is built as a distraction for parents, the other two are built to only move when not seen, and then Circus Baby™ has an arm that can grab kids and drag thtem into her until willie lets em out. she is programmed to only do this when a child is alone in the room so william tells elizabeth "do not go see baby when you are alone in the room"
so elizabeth is like 6 and she goes to see baby when she is alone in the room and baby grabs her but the arm is fucked up and the kid dies p badly
funtime's location is then immediately closed due to "gas leaks" and william rents out the funtimes for parties. at the same time he starts shoving some haunted parts into the funtime animatronics to see what happens. we THINK.
important location here btw is the "scooping room." it's actually very good horror but basically it's a bitch that is supposed to rip the endoskeletons out of the suit whenever theyre malfunctioning. super smart idea that will cause no nightmares going forwards.
anyway the animatronics all kinda know that william killed them so after a while (a few years??? who knows) they start trying to kill him and he's like "hmm. i cannot go into this bunker anymore. let me send michael, my last surviving kid who i hate." this is where michael, now an adult, re-enters the timeline.
mikey boy is told by his dad that he can bring his baby sis back to life if he goes down into this bunker and does some shit. michael is like "oh sweet" bc honestly he probably still feels guilty about literally killing his bro and so he goes down to the bunker.
the animatronics eventually tell him "go into the scooping room it'll be totes mcgotes" and when he gets there he finds out that the animatronics have killed all the other employees, scooped themselves, and fused their endoskeletons into one conglomerate called ennard
ennard is like "yeah we cant escape here cause they just bring us back so we're gonna use you as a skinsuit k thnx" and they scoop him and use him as a skinsuit
it's really good horror i promise
BUT this turned out to be a bad plan because Humans Decay so after like a week ennard gets puked up by the MikeSuit and escapes into the sewers.
here, meanwhile, is where mike pulls a reverse uno card and possesses his own decaying corpse
he then calls up his dad and is like "hey dad :) elizabeth's fine now :) BUT :) they fucking killed me :) because they thought i was you :) you sure sent me down here to die huh :) anyway :) im gonna come find you :) you have a ten minute head start start running :)"
actor really fucking sold that monologue too ngl
so he's like. PISSSSSSED and rightfully so he is walking around in his own corpse. so he goes to find his dad
this is about when peepaw willie goes back to the original fnaf location (we THINK) and is like "ok im just gonna take apart all the animatronics and do something with these"
only when he destroys the suits the missing kids' ghosts show up and spook him. so this guy who's been studying ghosts is like "oh fuckshit there's ghosts here" and tries to hide in the spring bonnie suit. only he laughs and this causes the springlocks to malfunction and FUCKING VIOLENTLY KILL HIM. get springlocked idiot
except then HE possesses the spring bonnie suit and this is springtrap. but also he's in a super secret back room while this happens so he is trapped there for a while
so ennard, michael and william are fuckin around for a couple years. at some point ennard decides that elizabeth is kinda a freak actually and kicks her out of the hivemind so she just rebuilds herself a circus baby suit and keeps wanderin around so now we got four bitches doing who knows what
eventually it's been 30 years since the last freddy's closed and someone opens up a haunted house parody of it. mike goes to work there as a security guard* and guess what they found springtrap and bring him to the attraction thinking he's just an animatronic. after five nights of fucking with him mike sets the place on fire to try and finally kill his dad fr. it does not work
*note that this isnt confirmed to be michael but we kinda. all know it's probably him. it really seems to be him
anyway then michael finds out that an actual fazbear's is opening and needs an owner so he goes and becomes owner of the restaraunt. while some guy on a cassette tape is giving him tutorial instructions he sets up the place and also collects several animatronics. these are:
scraptrap (peepaw post-fire and really pissed)
scrapbaby (elizabeth now thinking that maybe if she kills things her dad will pay attention to her)
molten freddy (remains of ennard still not entirely sure what's going on)
lefty (a bear solely built to capture the puppet, who was still fuckin around the fnaf2 location i guess. anyway now the puppet is here thats important)
so after our five nights scrapbaby comes on the speaker system and is like "omg dad if we kill people will you love me. we're gonna kill soooo many people it's my passion actually" and that's when the cassette tutorial guy interrupts her
and he just goes "yeah. you're not doing that"
anyway he's like "hi guys. you remember me??? henry??? from 30 years ago?? i owned half this business? you killed my daughter and stuffed her soul in a puppet? lmao yeah i literally lured you all here and you came like the fucking idiots you are. im setting the place on fire, we're all gonna die and go to heaven. except for YOU, WILL. you are not going there. lmao bye" and he sets the place on fire and they all burn. it's more epic when he says it tbh
now henry mentions that he had an escape route ready for the building owner but he figured out the owner was michael and was like "i feel like you wanna stay and burn with us" and michael's like "fuck yeah"
you might think that wraps up the story nicely but OH NO THERE'S MORE
Ultimate Custom Night
see, the next game is ultimate custom night where you can choose which animatronics hunt you and their level of difficulty. it is through hidden messages and shit that we find out that ucn is, canonically, william being tortured in hell. which is sick af
anyway the tormentor is a spirit labelled "the vengeful spirit" in the files, and "the one you should not have killed" by the animatronics. we sometimes hear either a light voice behind the other animatronic lines (could be either a woman with a light voice, a little girl, or a little boy), and the pic that sometimes shows up as a hallucination is a distorted photo of scott cawthon's son. we know for a FACT this spirit is someone from the fnaf6 fire cause they reference the fire more than once while poking willie with a stick. it's probably not elizabeth cause she was just tryin to get her dad's attention. it's not charlie/puppet bc one of her lines is like "ffs just stay out of my way for ONCE." we also know for a fact it's not henry cause they were like "henry sure tried to release us huh. not happening im not letting you go that easily bitch haha" so that narrows it down to michael and the missing kids
now here's the thing.
the vaaaaast majority of the fandom is convinced that the vengeful spirit is cassidy, the missing child that was stuffed inside golden freddy with cc. this is because golden freddy is in a looot of ultimate custom night and if you beat the hardest mode you just get a quick cutscene of him glitching and then everything fades to black
however. i have seen legiterally no convincing evidence that this is the case. all we know about cassidy is she is the golden freddy missing kid and was talking to cc through the logbook. and we BARELY know this. in the alternate universe book she first showed up in (the silver eyes) she wasn't even the golden freddy kid. people point out a similar situation to her and cc in fazbear frights where one of the kids was tormenting william (stitchwraith) but that's literally a whole separate universe and completely separate characters with separate backstories and personalities
there's a sprite in security breach who fights glitchtrap (explained below) who was named in the files as "cassidy" so ppl point to that but 1) they changed that name after people made a deal out of it, 2) that could mean literally anything, 3) the protag of the next game was named "cassie" and her story kinda paralleled the sprite's first game so uuhhhh anyway
honestly i think it's WAY more likely the vengeful spirit is mr michael "i'm going to come find you and set you on fire twice" afton, using his childhood likeness to fuck with his dad. this is strengthened by one of the easter egg cutscenes in ucn, where the vengeful spirit talks to a benevolent spirit who tells them to "leave the demon to his demons. there is nothing for you here." the audio in the background is someone distortedly screaming "HENRY" and "MICHAEL"
one of the animatronic lines also says "is this a prison for you or for me? perhaps both" implying that the vengeful spirit feels like they belong in hell, which would fit with mike's "i killed my brother" self-loathing. the golden freddy glitch could very easily be his mental anguish as well as william's, with the optional cutscene telling us that while michael is self-harming by torturing his dad in hell, he has the ability to move on and find peace if he can forgive himself. honestly i really like that open ending there
another point towards "vengeful mike" theory is that we play as him for most of the games (definitely 5 and 6, most likely 1 and 3, some theorize 4) and so him being the vengeful spirit is way more emotionally impactful than "random kid #5"
however every time i bring this up to the fnaf fandom they get really really pissy at me because y'all love ur angry lil girl cassidy headcanons and honestly that is completely fair i also love angry lil girls. im just saying this bc we're going over whats canon rn and i firmly believe in vengeful mike (thank @birdsareblooming for that) but yknow. cassidy is also fun as hell
i wrote a whole essay on this btw these are just the cliffnotes. do you guys wanna see the essay
anyway that's where the afton story ends but OHHH NO MR CAWTHON CANNOT STOP
if you just want a quick catchup before the movie you can stop here but anyway. let's talk mimicry
the games coming out recently are kinda a sequel-story and bc theyre still coming out we are still very confused about what the fuck is canon and what is not so this one will be a lot more guessing. i digress let's talk about
Help Wanted
so back on earth, it's the 2020s-2030s. turns out the fazbear company is still functional and they're like "well shit guys what the FUCK do we do about all of That"
so they decide they need a brand cleansing and what they do is they secretly hire an "indie game developer" to make the fnaf games in-universe, to make light of the tragedies and make people take them less seriously. they pretend to have beef with this indie dev but eventually put all of his games into a VR game as a show of "good faith." somehow this actually does work in revitalizing the brand image
also sidenote but the books imply that the indie dev was kidnapped and gaslit into making the games but thats not important
now see there's a glitch in the game and the beta-tester jeremy mentions it and then gets increasingly withdrawn and obsessive. because it turns out there is a Bitch in here
now. the identity of the Bitch is uh. controversial in the fandom rn. i will say for clarity that i am in Party Two and will probably be biased towards that but here's the thing. the Bitch is either:
a digital upload of william afton's soul (somehow escaping hell)
Help Wanted Interlude: The Mimic
see, the other books (silver eyes, fazbear frights) are set in a parallel universe-ish to the books, similar rules and worldbuilding but cawthon can fuck around all he wants with no consequences. there were charliebots and springtrap mpreg at one point it was nuts. but the thing is right now they're kinda trying to tell us that the current series, tales from the pizzaplex, is game-canon. god only knows if they'll stick to that so some people think the books are in the game's universe, others think they're parallels to the games and not 1-1 exact much like the others
but anyway they give us crucial lore on The Mimic so here we go
some guy named edwin (some think he's a parallel to henry or william, but rn we're just gonna assume he's canon) is a single dad to a toddler. however he's working for fazbear making all these animatronics and he's sooo busy and needs something to distract the toddler so he creates a fucked up nightmare animatronic called The Mimic, whose programming is extremely basic: "copy whatever you see being done"
the toddler actually loves the fucked up nightmare animatronic and teaches him to play patty-cake and carry around stuffed animals or w/e. anyway then the toddler runs out into the street and gets hit by a car
edwin is still grieving and the mimic comes up carrying the toddler's stuffed animal and still copying him and when the mimic that edwin programmed to copy things is still copying things edwin snaps and just beats the fuck out of it bc he needs a grief outlet. he then abandons the thing but however the mimic has just learned Violence
some employees come by to see where edwin's animatronics are and the mimic just starts killing all of them bc. well. it's supposed to copy things. it will copy things
there's a BIG GAP here in what happens to it next but it disappears for the next 30 years. however it is heavily, HEAVILY implied that it witnessed at least one of the missing children incidents
fazbear actually has a Lot of mimic endoskeletons but bc they start copying violent shit they shut them all down. however they all run on the same program, "mimic1" and fazbear keeps that tech around cause you know it could be helpful
Back to Help Wanted
now here is where the "we only THINK this is canon we dont knkow yet" comes in
back to the vr game, they are just shoving random old pieces of code in there to speefd up the process of making the game cause capitalism doesnt like long development times. this puts the mimic1 program into the program and it immediately sees All Of Afton's Crimes In 4K. it decides "oh yeah i can mimic this but i should probably get a physical body in order to do that"
so beta tester jeremy sees the mimic program, which takes the form of Spring Bonnie Suit. this is Glitchtrap
now keep in mind that some people do still believe that all this aint happenin and the spring bonnie glitch is just william. again i personally believe the mimic cause it makes more sense than "william escaped hell somehow" but w/e
anyway, glitchtrap is fuckin around. it tries to possess beta tester jeremy and in order to stop it, jeremy does the sensible thing and cuts his own face off
so glitchtrap is like "hmm. that didn't work out" and decides to go for the more subtle approach. the next beta tester, currently unnamed, starts recording tapes inside the game to send to the next beta tester so they dont fuck with glitchtrap. glitchtrap however seals itself inside the tapes so that when the beta testers try to delete it, it'll instead be inside the tapes and cant be removed lmao. it then "mimics" tape girl's voice and adds a last tape saying "let him possess you its ok i promise"
it also mimics her intro of "hello can you hear me" in the one time it speaks so. mimic
anyway the next beta tester is this gal named vanessa and she gets possessed like suuuper quickly and glitchtrap is like "oh fucking FINALLY"
Security Breach Therapy Tapes
vanessa's acting weird at work so company requires her to go to therapy, however she has the same therapist as Another Patient. this patient will be named later however right now we're calling them Patient 46. they do not talk but have the same therapist as Vanessa and is creepy about it. anyway whenever a therapist prods too much into either Vanessa or P46's life, or discovers them fucking with fazbear tech, the therapist mysteriously goes missing and shows up later dead and mangled by machinery
they go through like five of these bitches at least, but it's clear P46 is another bitch possessed by glitchtrap but they're like more possessed than vanessa is so glitchtrap likes them better
Security Breach
fazbear opens a giant 80s-style mall with a ton of attractions like disneyland or w/e and call it the Mega Pizzaplex. There's state-of-the-art animatronics in here that are basically sentient ai. they might be possessed but we're not actually sure rn they might just be advanced robots
they start with "glamrock" freddy, bonnie and chica, along with roxy wolf instead of foxy. we're not sure why rn. anyway at some point something suspicious happens and bonnie is found mangled and he's replaced with montgomery gator, a c-list animatronic they had to run the golf course. he doesnt seem to take the spotlight well and has started breaking things but its probably fine
anyway they eventually realize they can automate the staff and stop paying human beings and they jump on that cause they love cutting costs. they've got staffbots everywhere except for ONE person- vanessa, who is hired as the security guard. we find a note saying that her interviewer found her too inexperienced for the position, but someone "very" high up in the company pushed her into the role. this is implied to be glitchtrap taking over the systems
so vanessa and P46 are shoving glitchtrap into the systems because, well, guess what? the pizzaplex is built on top of the fnaf6 location. the one where henry set them all on fire, and they're trying to do some sort of shit with the burnt remains of springtrap. if you believe in william!glitchtrap he's trying to get his body back; if you believe in mimic!glitchtrap he's trying to fuse himself to afton's corpse in order to gain a corporeal form. it also helps that there is The OG Mimic Endoskeleton in this area (its explained in the books im not going into it) but it's pretty fuckin damaged so they gotta spend some time fixing it before fusing it with peepaw's corpse
but the night they're supposed to do that, something goes wrong: a child is loose in the pizzaplex
glamrock freddy had a malfunction onstage, and when he wakes up in his room, there is a child hiding in his stomach compartment (used for oversized piñatas and cakes). this child is named gregory and he looks suspiciously like the crying child and we dont have an explanation for that but no, matpat, he's not a robot, it's probably just symbolism
anyway gregory actually has like very little memory of what's going on and barely remembers his own name but he says that vanessa the security guard is trying to fuckin kill him so he needs to get tf out of the pizzaplex. freddy's like "well you're shit out of luck cause the doors close and seal until 6am but that's fine we can make it til then" and gregory's like "fucking JOY"
long story short gregory has to run around the pizzaplex while every animatronic but freddy is trying to kill him. freddy is not trying to kill him bc his malfunction caused him to enter Safe Mode and it turns out that Safe Mode is safe from the glitchtrap virus. everyone else, however, gets glitchtrapped and is trying to kill this kid
you dont find out why until like laaaate in the game and even THEN you're confused until one of the goosebumps-knockoff short stories confirms a thing, and that thing is:
gregory is patient 46
oh shit
turns out gregory was possessed by glitchtrap for FUCK knows how long and was used as its body for like the entire time. and when he eventually wakes up un-possessed (no idea how that happened) he has no memory of whats going on at ALL and is understandably fucking terrified. doesnt remember being possessed or killing ppl or anything he just wakes up and runs. glam freddy likely malfunctioned cause glitchtrap was like "oh my god go GET that stupid kid" and glam freddy was like "but???? protecc????" and entered safe mode
so gregory eventually fuckin DEMOLISHES all the other animatronics and uses their parts to upgrade freddy. freddy is like "hey where'd you get these parts" and gregory's like "uhhhhhhhhh dont worry about it" "hey where are my friends" "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT"
while this is happening, a possessed vanessa is in a bunny suit calling herself vanny and also trying to kill him. this is just as confusing to us as it is to you
anyway there are six endings to security breach. according to the most recent game, there is a chance that two of them are canon. WE DO NOT KNOW which of the two is canon. these are the endings:
Princess Quest Ending: greg and freddy try to confront vanny and she gets freddy ripped apart by staffbots. gregory then finds an arcade game in her room and plays and beats it which sets her soul free (presumably he knew how to do this cause he's remembering bits and pieces of being possessed??? idk). anyway once the game is beat she is unpossessed and takes gregory and freddy's decapitated head out of the pizzaplex
Burntrap Ending: gregory and freddy avoid vanny and go to the fnaf6 basement where freddy starts acting all fucked up and then thtey find the Springtrap corpse, now Burntrap (fused with the mimic? glitchtrap? yknow). it tries to kill them so you have to Boss Fight everything and then set him on fire again. THEN a tangled mess of animatronic wires with a funtime freddy head (remains of ennard???) shows up and drags him off. again, just as confusing for us as it is for you. freddy and gregory escape. no idea where vanessa is
ONE of these is canon. we do not know which. this is making the fanbase super chill and normal /lying
Evidence for Princess Quest: in ruin, we see a headless glamrock freddy in the exact same area he is in pq. we also have no sign of vanny trying to help glitchtrap. you can collect gregory's fanart of his own game and pq is the only one he didn't draw. princess quest arcade game has sword sticking out of it
Evidence against Princess Quest: aforementioned headless freddy is labelled a prototype on his foot and we know for a fact that our freddy does not have that stamp. he also has a gift inside his stomach when freddy gave his stomach gift to gregory already (and it was a diff color). the pq arcade game has sword sticking out of it BUT that could symbolize the princess being skewered, and surrounding the game is art of the escaped glitchbunny
Evidence for Burntrap: labelled as "true ending" in the files, only ending to be FULLY animated instead of switching to comic form and also only one with boss fight, the tangled animatronic mess is definitely canon (we see it, gregory draws it so he saw it too which means he went in the basement where it was), while vanny isn't seen her grafitti is everywhere and appears to be recent
Evidence against Burntrap: the "true ending" label, like cassidy, could mean literally fucking anything. also if vanessa is still under his control why the fuck doesnt she help him where is she
so yeah we're having fun figuring THAT out
Ruin (the end so far thank god)
the most recent game we got, then, was the dlc for the above game, this dlc is called ruin. a few months after this, a lil girl named cassie wanders into the ruins of the pizzaplex cause her best friend gregory told her to meet him there. when she gets there she finds a walkie-talkie and he's like "girl im trapped under the pizzaplex you need to shut down the security and come get me" and she's like "sounds great"
she finds vanny's mask and puts it on and enters an AR world where a glitched bunny is trying to kill her (this one isnt glitchtrap actually) and a friendly little AR bear is telling her to keep going she's doing a great job (this one IS glitchtrap probably)
anyway it turns out her backstory is her dad worked for the pizzaplex and she had a birthday party there with her Favorite Character Roxy and literally none of her friends showed up. she was sad about it until gregory showed up and became her friend. then gregory went missing and she was sad
anyway the last security node is favorite character Roxy and roxy recognizes her and is nice to her and its very sad
cassie eventually goes down to the fnaf6 basement and is like "ok gregory i opened the door are you okay" and PSYCH, IT'S NOT GREGORY
the mimic immediately tries to kill her bc it likes violence but roxy shows up to save her. the real gregory calls her on the walkie-talkie and is like "bITCH GET OUT OF THERE" and she's like "IM TRYING" and gregory's "friend" (whose pronouns are very specifically blurred out, so it could be either freddy or vanessa) uses the building maps to help her to an elevator. however when she gets in the elevator gregory's like "yeahhhhh sorry we cant let you be followed :(" and drops the elevator, trapping her there
it's like a 99% chance this last bit was not gregory but it was the mimic, seeing as gregory is not even in the pizzaplex and the mimic lost cassie right next to the elevator fuse box that it could easily rip out. so you know
anyway we end with either roxy finding cassie or the mimic using roxy's voice finding her so this kid's fucked lmao
also other questions about if mimic is burntrap is that we see the mimic p naked in this game and not in a fun corpse skinsuit so where did bunny go??? however i will also mention that there is a secret ending that shows us that the FUCKING SCOOPER is here so. personally i think that answers that question. get scooped idiot
oh also if you noticed "hey 'cassie' sounds a lot like 'cassidy,' the golden freddy kid who was sharing a body with the crying child, who has a similar design to gregory," congrats! we've noticed that too! we have no fucking idea what it means! :D
and thaaaaat's five nights at freddy's
that didnt take too long did it
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Thoughts on the New Fnaf Trailer
I just wanted to compile my thoughts or something. This isn't a deep dive, but I might ramble about lore too much.
Although, it seems that Mike and William don't know each other? So he's not his kid in this movie? Which is kinda weird. Sure, it's always been up in the air if the Foxy Mask Bully kid in FNAF4 is Mike, or if the Crying Child is actually real... but at the end of Sister Location's custom night, Mike, literally refers to William as "Father" .....So... Like...
I don't know....
This could just be FNAF reusing names and it could be a different Mike? It's hard to tell from just a trailer.
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Also I love how Vanessa just exists to explain the plot and cause problems on purpose.
Vanessa: So have you seen the killer animatronics yet?
Also, it seems these animatronics are different then the ones in the games. In that, they want to cause a child harm. Which has NEVER been the case. (until Security Breach) The ghosts have always meant to take vengeance on adults, but tend to get along with the kids fine. Either Vanessa is misinformed, or these ghost kids want something different then the original game gang.
Anyway. Those are my only thoughts. I'm excited!
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jetstream1985 · 14 days
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Them assholes got arrested!! I repeat, the fnaf4 bullies got arrested for the death of Evan Afton!(It's only for 1 year tho)
Here's their prison bios, because info
(I made this up on the spot so lemme know if any mistakes)
Name: Fritz Smith (Freddy Bully)
Date of Birth: April 2nd, 1968
Age: 14
Crime(s): Manslaughter, Shoplifting, Harassment
Sentence: 1 year jail (Previous Sentence)
Imprisonment Date: February 20, 1983
Release Date: February 20, 1984(Previous Date), March 7, 1989(Extended Date)
Name: Mike Schmidt (Chica Bully)
Date of Birth: October 18th, 1970
Age: 12
Crime(s): Manslaughter, Shoplifting, Harassment
Sentence: 1 year jail
Imprisonment Date: February 20, 1983
Release Date: February 20, 1984(Passed away before Release)
Name: Michael Afton (Foxy Bully)
Date of Birth: January 17th, 1970
Age: 13
Crime(s): Manslaughter, Shoplifting, Harassment
Sentence: 1 year jail
Imprisonment Date: February 20, 1983
Release Date: February 20, 1984
Name: Jeremy Fitzgerald (Bonnie Bully)
Date of Birth: July 14th, 1969
Age: 13
Crime(s): Manslaughter, Shoplifting, Harassment
Sentence: 1 year jail
Imprisonment Date: February 20, 1983
Release Date: February 20, 1984
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its-me-vanny · 10 months
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(desings + name headcanons)
Bonnie mask: Jacob/Jeremy F.
Chica mask: Christopher
Freddy mask: Alexander
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camo1000le · 2 years
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Some practices 😦
Ignore the ages and the weird expressions
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final-boy · 5 months
haissgisheishue sorry this is so random but I remember you made this fnaf au like a year ago in the summer I think?? And it was something along the lines of Michael going outside instead of Charlie and he gets killed by William and I think he possessed foxy I can’t find the actual art so I don’t know for sure BUT. Im curious to hear more about that au. Like give us the lore behind it WHAT HAPPENED (if that’s ok with you ofc)
Dead Mike AU!! Cuz i never gave it like an actual name lmfoaidnsakll ill be honest i never ended up developing it a BUNCH but basically what would have been like the first chapter or so if it were a fic wpuld be (with like the BIGGEST of help from @/peariandpine figuring half of it out with me lmfao :
- Party of 83 happens like canon, Mike is bullying his little brother and CCs head is crushed - this au would also be going off the idea of CC being the protag of fnaf4 so hed be in the hospital
- this causes a bigger rift between Michael and his dad ofc and i wanna say the fourth night is when the catalyst of it all happened
- Michael, after another fight with his dad refuses to go to the hospital alongside him after work , preferring to just go on his own later > Charlie gives him his jacket
- William leaves the hospital more annoyed and amgry than he was before because he had still expected Michael to come at some point anyway AND because thru his preexisting jealousy of Henry is angry at the man for trying to console him - he takes it as an insult esp since Henry has never lost a child and has two (sammys here btw lol) perfectly alive, healthy kids
- as hes going home, stewing in that anger and jealousy he sees who he thinks is Charlie walking alongside the road and begins to pull over already thinking of killing the girl only to be met with Michael
> he demands Michael get inside the car, Micheal refuses and William steps out to try and get him in - some nasty words are exchanged and William gets,,violent
- Michael panics and runs into the nearby woods , getring slowed down by the jacket snagging, eventually throwing it off to the side
- unfortunately, for him he hesitates upon coming across a river and that gives William more than enough time to catch up
- William, again just absolutely angry and hopped on adrenaline (and a lot of his own self hatred bubbling to the surface) starts taking his frustrations out on Michael - hes not thinking clearly at all and with Michael looking SO MUCH like him it really is not helping him out until...Michael goes silent after Williams dunked his head in the water
- Michaels not responding and now Williams starting to come back to reality and begins to panic, realizing exactly what hes just done - Charlies death, while it still would have been a very on the spot thing, would not have been as messily executed and , in Williams mind, would have had a purpose
- he then tries to convince himself that this is okay actually because michael killed his other son so really this was punishment.....only for CC to Live in this version
- Michael here would actually be taking a page from Andrews book and attach himself to Williams soul instead of any one specific animatronic - since Foxy has always been his favorite tho he does tend to mess eith it more when in Freddys and manifests himself throigh its image when messing with William
- this drives William ro try and get Michael back somehow, whichever way he possibly can to absolve himself of this, to put things back together again,,,
- this au would have also led to Charlie, Sammy, Liz, and to a smaller extent Evan, trying to find Michael after his "disappreance "
- this would also just be a huge more psychological horror on Williams end tbh 😭 i dont think ALL of the things happening and supernatural occurences would be because of Mike - Will is severely paranoid, hes not in the right state of mind at all, and i think hes kinda managed to create his own personal agony monster
For awhile i was considering having Mike possibly not have even possessed ANYTHING and would have left it as purely Williams own descent to madness
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camzverse · 1 month
sorry for answering like two weeks late btw 💀💀💀💀 ignore rhattt
(i wanted 2 do all three but like theres practically no canon information about cassidy.. this shit a travesty forreal. like what do we even know about her besides some logbook and ucn stuff. Sighh............ so just mikey n roxy i GUESS)
favorite thing about them: either the way he just watches that little vampire soap opera every night (So silly) or the fact he can draw. his little drawings in the logbook...
least favorite thing about them: him being a little BITCH in fnaf4. he was straiggt up INFURIATING. if i ever encountered 1983 mike its ON SIGHT
favorite line: "he tripped and fell on freddys teeth not our fault" <-ITS SO FUNNY TO ME WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM . that or his whole "i should be dead but im not im going to come find you" speech it was pretty cool tbh. he ate
brOTP: Does he even have friends. wait do him and helpy count theyre so silly. freak corpse father and little toy bear son... im not sure what does and doesnt count as a brotp lmao
OTP: dont really care that much for shipping him but jeremike is soo fun :3 i like them
nOTP: ummm idk i guess just. Not the icky stuff yk. cant really think of anything else
random headcanon: i personally lov the idea that he kinda designed foxy. like he came up w the idea in like a drawing. i think its neat
unpopular opinion: idk exactly how unpopular this is but ive seen a loott of people saying it and. i dont think mike was mean 2 evan bc elizabeth died and he took it out on him or Whatever tf it is people think (i also dont even think she was dead at this point. imo) i think he was just mean bc. he just was mean yk. he just enjoyed being mean to ev and scaring him. as older brothers often do. i just dont think there was some deeper reason i really believe he was just being mean for the sake of fucking w his sibling. side note i dont think he ever wouldve taken it as far as the bite incident on his own i think that was jst a special case bc his bullying was being super enabled by his equally dickheaded friends. ykwim? not like he wasnt at fault he absolutely was but like i think it was a mob mentality kinda thing. if thta even makes sense. Anyway
song i associate with them: cop car by mitski.... something something "i will never die" Also michael afton + dog metaphor makes me insane
favorite picture of them:
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he is Lookingg..
favorite thing about them: i LOVE her design. and also her personality. shes just a really cool and interesting character as a whole i like what theyve done in creating her. Ok thats not really a fav thing ermm im gonna go w her design cuz it goes so hard
least favorite thing about them: shes a gregory hater and i cannot get behind that !! Sorry queen u fell off
favorite line: def either "sign up today and be a WINNER! nobody likes a loser 🙄🙄" (i love the way she says it its so funny 2 me) or "i remember because you are number one—twice :)" (aww CRIES)
brOTP: do her and cassie count. Theyre everything. i really do not think i am understanding brotp correctly but its not like theres that many options either. whatevr. OOHhhh yk what i really fw roxy-freddy friendship. their dynamic intrigues me....
OTP: also not big on shipping for roxy but i yhink roxica is cutee ^_^
nOTP: umm i have no idea actualky. lmao
random headcanon: she is a #lesbian she kisses girls shes a big fan of women etc u get it. also hc that when kids go in her green room and they play the racing arcade machine she starts backseat gaming them like crazy . shes just mad she cant play the game herself lmao
unpopular opinion: umm i dont think i really have one Question mark.. tbh i feel like people dont talk about roxy that much so im not sure what Is a popular opinion. people should talk about her more shes interesting
song i associate with them: what you waiting for by gwen stefani!!!!! actually bc of that one roxy drawing u made that had that song LOL
favorite picture of them:
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shes so cool..
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