#Free ds game cheats
launchvewor · 2 years
Free ds game cheats
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dark-elf-writes · 9 months
Tsuna has banned Mario Party DS because the last time they brought it out he almost melted his own DS due to how bullshit the game mechanics are. And the less said about the poor fates of the other handheld gaming consoles, the better.
Pokémon however is free game for competitive stuff because at the end of the day, aside from crits, misses and secondary status effects of moves, literally everything is strategy based so it feels a lot more fair.
Tsuna banned himself from participating because he knows his Hyper Intuition would be low key cheating so he just contents himself into trading Pokémon for the evolutions.
The other versions of Mario party are on thin ice after Lambo lobbed a grenade at the tv and Reborn shot two Wii’s.
Mario kart and smash are both banned entirely after The Incident™️
Tsuna would finish the pokedex so fast both because he is him and doesn’t have much else to do when the others are battling and because Hayato is the exact kind of nerd who could speedrun pokemon in order to trade Tsuna his version exclusives as soon as possible.
They do all however ask Tsuna to join them on every raid battle
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catchyhuh · 1 year
if you cheat at mario kart one more time we're kicking you out of the polycule
this is so specific. why the fuck would their stance on video games mean anything? i wrote it down anyway
has fun with ‘em but doesn’t really play too much. he’s busy! got places to be! but he doesn’t often say no if offered, and probably knows the most pop culture about them compared to the others. like he knows who kiryu is. he knows cloud.
he loves puzzles. especially like space distribution related ones like tetris and sliding blocks and shit, but really he’ll play anything if someone’s sold him on it enough. he doesn’t really care a lot about adventure, actiony types cuz he can just. go outside and do that. unless it’s absolutely batshit insane enough like. idk bayonetta. can’t imagine lupin the third would have an ulterior motive for liking bayonetta!!
does he actually cheat at mario kart: Yes. enough said there but he still gets 2nd place somehow?
“i’m too old for that” this guy had a ds lite in 2009 don’t listen to him. of course he mostly had the boring shit and it was really more of a novelty to him than anything but still. it was the silver one.
console games are not really his thing. he could have a little fun at an ARCADE though and i’m not just saying that because of the like. ghostbusters shoot ‘em up cabinets. the ticket incentive would get to him. he knows it’s just junk but let’s be honest the idea of him actually working to “earn” some shit instead of just stealing it, and the earned bounty being a glow in the dark spider ring is priceless. and you know lupin LOVES to help with this
backseat gamer though. speaking of lupin, he fucking ALWAYS does this to him. “hey you missed that chest.” “that weapon is ass why didn’t you equip the one i told you too” “is this game that hard or are you just that friggin bad at this” until lupin snaps “OKAY DAMN! SHUT UP!” and puts in like wii music or whatever. he still insists he’s playing it wrong.
does he actually cheat at mario kart: usually sits out, so unless you call purposeful sabotage of “don’t fuck this up” talk directed at the ones actually playing REPEATEDLY through the lap cheating, nnnno. even when he does play he doesn’t really bother cheating. pretty content with 6th place and up. It's Just Not That Serious
depending on. whenever she was a kid/teenager since the timeline in this franchise gives me a headache, i’d bet solid money fujiko was bigger on them than you’d expect back in the day. definitely started that stupid fucking pokemon truck rumor in the day
now she’s kind of passive. it just doesn’t interest her like it used to, she’s got more intense passions than animal crossing can fulfill. she’s not like rolling her eyes and calling you a stupid child for offering to Game with her but she just kind of pauses. and shrugs. she might play in a group if it entertains her enough, but that’s more because of the human element than the game itself. she fucking LOVES competitive shit just because of the shit she can stir up with it. free comedy
does she actually cheat: fucking look me in the eyes and ask me that again. mains rosalina to look cute but also exploit the fact she’s the fastest heavyweight class. or was i think they nerfed her WHATEVER
i know people are split on goemon’s actual level of technical ineptitude at times but i really think you could get this guy hooked on bejeweled or some shit. not candy crush. too gaudy.
have you ever (mostly directed at people with siblings) have you ever played a video game FOR someone else. like they tell you “let’s go in that cave” or “wait no choose this dialogue option” like it isn’t backseat gaming, it’s just them essentially using YOU as the controller? goemon does that.
you could maybe get him interested in a visual novel but he’d probably have an easier time just reading the damn thing
does he actually cheat: he’d get the hang of it easy, he can drive (ignoring that one gag and looking at like everything else HE CAN DRIVE) and it really is just like. pressing two buttons and turning the controller. he’s too focused in on the track to think about cheating, or even attempt to figure out HOW to cheat? he’s too invested in delfino square dude he can’t be fucked to save that bullet bill for when he’s in 3rd place.
he doesn’t insist he’s too OLD for it. but he doesn’t really have the patience for it exactly. and what’s REALLY lame about it is that he doesn’t even play like. the dull “serious type” games like windows 98 blackjack or whatever because, his reasoning, why wouldn’t he just. play it normally?? in real life?
definitely the kind of person who looks at you like you’ve grown a second head for explaining what a let’s player is, and even more so when you describe how insanely popular they are. because he really just does NOT understand why you wouldn’t just PLAY IT YOURSELF (the more you explain it the more stunned he is, just don't bother it'll only give you both a headache)
however. if you make ANYTHING a competition it’s a completely different story. freakishly high score in monkeyball. speedran through metal gear like it was nothing while still somewhat comprehending the plot. through the fire and flames on expert IT’S AMAZING WHAT THE RIGHT MOTIVATION CAN GET YOU WITH THIS GUY
does he actually cheat: he’ll deny for hours. it’s a semi-common lup gang truce, they’re at one of those bars that has a wii on the floor for some reason, and lupin is insisting, and you know EXACTLY who saves that bullet bill for when he’s somehow pushed his way to 1st place. arguments break out but he won so who cares! let’s gooooo team zeni!!!
wait should i have given all of them mario kart mains. speedrun for the others: peach (excuse to look at cute girl) or diddy kong (obvious joke), shy guy (specif black hood variant yes they bought the dlc), yoshi (inexplicably vibes with him) and uh. luigi? oh god i can’t think of zeni’s main. not bowser. easy “go karting with bowser” joke but no it's not bowser. MARIO. IT’S MARIO HE *WOULD* BE THAT GUY TO JUST FUCKING PICK MARIO
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friday-the-400th · 2 years
okkkk kurt kunkle dating hcs that no one asked for... i just felt like ittttt mostly based around male or gn sorry women
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-greasy hair. unless you propose a bath where you wash his hair, then its fluff time. despite being a murderer, he still likes affection. like a puppy. he even looks like a dog. greasy. like a dog. when he met you it was love at first sight. assuming you like murder and have been a long time fan of him, you and him just clicked. like ctrl+shift. and yes, you get free rides.front seat only, no exceptions. and he has the console (box between the front seats) stuffed with snacks and stuff. and a phone cord you both share. but one extra just in case.
-dog boy here would be honored to have you mention him on a post. just @ kurtsworld96 and youve got a new best friend. but say you get closer. hes gonna be super sweet you, and only you. hes more chill with injuries than other slashers, so he’ll just be like: “hey, you good? you...uh, does that..hurt or anything? like we can go to the pharmacy or something...i have pain killers at home, we go home and get it.” hes sweet, hes really trying, i swear. i also swear hed never hurt you (not on purpose)
-when he said “a follow for a follow” he wasn't kidding. this means he likes every picture or video you post on any site or app, yes he did take your phone, but only to see your accounts and follow them. no other reason. he trusts you, dont worry. if you cheat hed kill them not you, (i think hed assume you just need more attention. BUT DONT CHEAT YOU ASSHOLE) hes so sweet why would you even?
-yes he lets you use his phone, and his gaming stuff and his phone and his everything. yes he lets you post videos on channel since he already introduced you to them on a few occasions. but you share everything because he trusts you and you trust him. he didn't kidnap you, you went to his place willingly, you guys are best friends and partners cmon. an yes hes sharing those shoes he reviewed that one time. this is trust pact so that means hes allowed to use your phone an wear your clothes and if you have a gaming thing (like a switch or ds or ps whatever) then he gets to use it to. its an unsaid rule you both agree to, shut up.
-the bottom line is, he loves you trusts you and hopes you trust and love him to. sweet dog boy.
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apples-of-apples · 10 months
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No, go ahead. talk about digimon games. I need more research 👁👄👁
*Heavy breathing* Someone asked about digimon...
anyway, I'll tell you about the ds games! yes the world games and ds games are separate even through two of the games are known as digimon world ds (dawn/dusk) I'll explain.
The digimon ds games are a bit confusing for new players as the English translation made them be named after the digimon world franchise instead of existing as their own thing, but the original name they carry are the Digimon Story games! Story because they are the jrpg part of digimon lol
There are also a few universal mechanics like farm islands, devolution + evolution, SPECIES EXP, etc. the game will teach you about these, but feel free to ask about them!
DIGIMON STORY (digimon world ds)
Game is pretty short for a Jrpg!
Digimon selection isn't too shabby with there being many classic ones in the bunch, So there's a lot of variety!
Post games quests are really fun!
Digimon can enter the farm and give quests (I like how it gives the digimon some personality without needing to be full characters all right)
This game is extremely easy. Until that boss.
Like this game is so easy that it almost leaps into mind-numbing
The mind-numbing comes from the grind being really bad...
Some of the best designed and most iconic digimon are locked behind online battles, you might see why this is a problem.
maps are mazes. this is not good. (They aren't hard, but they can be a bit confusing)
A quick summary for this game is that it's definitely made with the idea that kids are going to want to try and get every digimon and that they'll spend A LOT of time grinding for that. Otherwise this game is actually pretty fun!
DIGIMON STORY SUNBURST AND MOONLIGHT (digimon world dawn and dusk)
Game is a bit harder than the original digimon story!
Almost the same amount of digimon as the original digimon story!
Cool fusion digimon are no longer locked behind online battles!!!
extremely quick if you use the resources at your disposal! I've beaten it in like 18~ hours.
Grind is much, much worse (It can become much easier, but it requires planning)
Cool fusion digimon are locked behind post game quest that is the second to last fight in the game :/
Side quests are mandatory throughout the story(Not a personal problem, but a warning)
You cannot get 100% in one game, because these games have ✨Version exclusives✨ plus optional side-quests are locked behind certain digimon, with certain personalities, with certain farm islands, and ✨✨multiple✨✨ ✨version exclusives also have quests✨
Maps are ripped from the original digimon story! with some changes!
Final post game quest needs to be unlocked through cheats because it was locked behind online battles as well...
Quick summary! I literally love these games, it's Stockholm syndrome 💖💖💖. also despite the negatives these games aren't that bad! just a bit boring sometimes! Planning is a bit more important in this game as a lot of things depend on how much mechanics you can figure out... honestly I'd say to give it a try! Btw here's a digivolution guide for the game! you can thank me later lol
DIGIMON STORY LOST EVOLUTION (No official translation)
best ds game by far!
More digimon than ever with a built in evolution tree checker to plan out parties much easier!
less grind due to the game giving out more experience per battle, and a longer overall playtime so levels will not suddenly jump for any bosses!
a decent story with fun locations!
optional bosses throughout the game that reference other digimon media!
a reason to grind past levels! (tree of evolution plates, with expand if you want!)
side quests now have a list to see what digimon you need! and actually good rewards for completing them!
Farms are finally helpful! They give plenty of exp once you unlock the upgrdaes for them!
mandatory quests are still here!
you might need to look for a guide to see what digimon have what evolution plates for your personal team!
Ancient beasts and sovereigns are basically post-game digimon...
Post game quest is locked behind 100,000 tamer points... (for reference main game is completed with only 50,000 points necessary)
there is another That boss you will need to grind for.
Only official translation is an English translation made by fans :/ (game isn't hard to follow without a translation, plus there are Eng guides with digimon evolution info sooooo it's more a personal preference :p)
Has pokemon HM system but the digimon have traits that allow them to do specific things on the map... (you get three digimon with traits to help progress, but you do not need to stick with them, just keep this system in mind.)
30 digimon limit :(
Quick summary! This is unironically one of my favorite games ever! It's game play improves greatly from dawn and dusk, and are very easy to get into without much knowledge of anything! There are a few problems outside of nitpicks, but if you choose one game to play out of all of these, I would 100% recommend this one!
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theprojectreneblogger · 10 months
Skills Progress Update + Sebastian Doing Push-ups + New Team Member!
21 oct. 2022
This week’s post is all about skills. What are skills? It’s anything that your Parafolks will be able to learn and eventually master. It could be cooking, painting or working out, to name just a few examples. 
Before we get further into that, I’m very happy to announce that someone new has joined our team! Her name is Gabrielle and she will act as an assistant community manager. This means she will be interacting with you Patrons here as well as with followers on social media. She will be hanging out on Discord and she will also be collecting ideas from the community!
Here’s a message from her to you:
Hi everyone! I’m Gabrielle and I’m super excited to be joining the Paralives team as an assistant community manager! I grew up loving life sim games, from playing Animal Crossing on my old Nintendo DS to spending countless hours in the Sims universe and City Skylines. I’m already a big fan of Paralives and I can’t wait to share my love for this project with the community!
Welcome Gabrielle! 👋
🎯 Our Goals for the Skills in Paralives
To help us make decisions on how skills should work in Paralives, we have established various game design goals that I’m sharing with you today:
Skills should make you feel like you are progressing. Skills are one of the core progression elements for your characters so it should be satisfying and motivating to level them up.
Skills should make you feel powerful. As you progress in your skills, you should feel that your characters are getting more and more capable as well as feeling rewarded in different ways for your efforts.
The skill system should have interesting effects on other parts of the game. Education, careers, relationships and more should all have an impact on and be impacted by your character’s skills.
The skill system should have innovations. Our goal is to try different ideas to see which ones are going to make the skills aspect of the game really fun to play with.
With that being said, we are currently testing different new ideas for skills in Paralives. We are looking forward to sharing more about that once we have made progress and tests!
💪 Skill Level Impacting the Character Animations
Some interactions will have different animations based on your current skill level. I made a few GIFs to showcase that today.
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Sebastian is struggling to do push-ups because his fitness skill is low.
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Great! Doing push-ups seems much easier at a higher skill level.
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Here, you can see Sebastian speaking on the phone while doing push-ups. We’re exploring the idea of being able to multitask, if your skill level can handle it!
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Bonus GIF: I added a cheat to set your current skill level. This way, it’s easy for us to test the different animations that vary based on the skill level. I’m sure players will find a use for this cheat as well!
📊 Which Skills Would You Like to See in Paralives?
In the past we’ve held a community brainstorming about skills and you shared many many interesting ideas. Thank you again for that, it was super useful!
Today, I would be very curious to know more specifically which skills you would like to see included in Paralives when it first releases? Think of the most essential or the most interesting ones and please share them in the comment section below!
Take care! Alex Edit - February 2, 2023: This post is now public, feel free to share it!
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marysunshine23 · 1 year
Not THAT Tech-Savvy
Okay, so... when I was in high school and was on my DS-3DSi, you could buy a game shark. You'd put the game shark into the cartridge slot and put the game into the game shark and it'd pull up all the cheats you could use for the game. You pick which ones you want, launch the game, check to make sure it worked, save the game, and any changes made are saved to your game.
The main thing I used this for in Pokemon was to get EVERY SINGLE POKEBALL. And not just one of each. I'd get the most you could get of every Pokeball. It's not helpful for shiny hunting or anything, it just made me happy to be able to match Pokemon vibes with the Pokeball. The loveball is still my favorite, and I'm kinda miffed that the one time we got them in Scarlet and Violet, they only gave us two.
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So it got me back to thinking about gamesharks. I knew that people could mod their Switches to get cheats, but I'm not that tech-savvy. In fact, the idea of modding anything more than my Sims 4 game sounds terrifying. So I went to look at see what there was in line with what I remember using for the DS. And I did find the Switch Up, but reviews were... mixed? And while it had info about using it for Sword, Shield, Diamond, and Pearl, there wasn't anything about Scarlet and Violet.
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So I wasn't about to throw down $40+ for something I wasn't even sure would work. And while I know my ex is tech-savvy enough to mod my switch and get me what I want, his last words to me were that he "doesn't want to have to take care of" me. Plus, I probably can't afford his fees now that we're broken up. (He did stuff on my DS for free when we were together, so.)
Which is why I'm turning to Tumblr. I know if I shoot out a question here, someone will have some kind of answer for me. I'm sure I could get more responses on Reddit or something, but from my experience, Redditers have very little patience for people like me. I may be the tech guru in my house, but compared to them I'm a big dumdum.
So my fellow Tumblr Goers (or whatever our denizen name is), can anyone help me with this? Please let me know if I have to just accept that I can no longer get infinite Pokeballs or if there is some kind of hope for me.
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zigwouldnever · 1 year
Hiii, welcome back. I missed u and ur Blog so much. Glad to hav u in this fandom. It was sooo long ago since before u left.
Lemme keep u updated...
WEH... i agree. So much angst, but definitly a good book of the new ones. Poor Dakota
I see u are reading RWB. Haven't read that.
Very popular and to recommend are Crimes of Passion, Kindred and Guinevere
Fans decided to give books which deserve a sequel a sequel in form of a real Choices game. So a fanmade Choices game which can be played like a game for FREE. Honestly they are making a much better job than PB because the Choices matter, Customizing MC, accessoires, tattoos, collecting points, relationship matters means there are consequences if you try to cheat or something like that. Some examples: @itlivesproject with ItLives3 is fully released, @nightboundfanfiction with the Nightbound 2 game coming soon (first demo releases on Halloween 2023) and @thedistantshoresproject with DS in work...
The Tumblr Choices Book Club @choicesbookclub is back and currently the books are Crimes of Passion 2 and soon BladesofLight&Shadow2 ... don't know what they will do later (maybe an upcoming new choices sequel on the app or maybe an choices book sequel for an upcoming choices project game sequel, idk)
This month #choicesfanficappreciation2023 is beeing hosted to appreciate all fic writers by reading their fics no matter what pairings.
Pixelberry sadly deleted their old games HSS and HollywoodU, instead we got Storyloom :(
... that's it, i think
hiiii tysm for these updates!!
yeah now that some time has passed i appreciate WEH a bit more. it was well written for sure
don't read it it's terrible and apparently it's going to be a series. not a RWB 2 but a similar concept with overlapping characters according to the message at the end of the book so you can just try the new one if you want but i probably won't
i have actually been playing the fan made it lives sequel! long but loving it so far. however i had NO IDEA ABOUT THE FAN MADE NIGHT BOUND 2 BOOK!! tagging @cloudywithachanceofdiscourse because she'll want to play that too. tysm for these updates!!
the rest of the bullet points are great to know thanks for updating me. appreciate you!
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Todos los trucos, claves, trampas y guías de Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2 para NDS, Nintendo DS. Sácale el máximo partido a Naruto. Download free apk file Tomy Corp unveils the first gameplay footage for their 3D fighting game NARUTO Shippuden Ninja Destiny 2 for the Nintendo DS For more. Download free apk file Naruto Ninja Destiny 2 es un videojuego de Naruto cheats amp codes for Naruto Shippuden Ninja Destiny 2Naruto Ninja Destiny 2 Se. Descubre todos los trucos, códigos y secretos de Naruto: Ninja Destiny 2. -Personajes No-Shippuden. Gana 15 batallas en el modo. Itachi Uchiha · Modo Aventura · Naruto Kyubi (4 colas) · Deidara y Sasori · Personaje: Kabuto, Jiraya, Orochimaru y Tsunade · Personaje: Sasuke Shippuden · Itachi y. Destiny Fight APK (Game) - Ninja Destiny Shippuden Ultimate Fight APK - ✓ Última Versión: 2 - Updated: - estinyfight. Orochimaru: debes completar el modo Arcade del juego con Jiraiya. Sasuke Cursed Seal 2: Cuando desbloquees a todos los personajes, debes completar el modo. Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Retsuden 3 Trucos para Nintendo DS, . Tramposos, Tutoriales y ayuda de Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Retsuden 3, Cheats.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Amplified Lightsaber Damage. Unlock All Databank Entries. Costumes & Chaos ; MARAJADE - Unlocks Force Combos ; LIGHTSABER - Extra Damage effect always on ; KATARN - All Force Powers at maximum potency. Every Cheat Code in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Nintendo Switch) ; AAYLA - Unlocks the Aayla Secura costume ; ACOLYTE - Unlocks the Asajj. Cheat Codes PS3 ; Storm-Trooper commander costume, TKBLUE ; Unlock all Lightsabre Crystals, HURRIKANE ; Unlock Emperor Costume, MASTERMIND ; Unlock Lightsabre. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed cheats allow you to maximise your Force powers while unlocking new characters to use and fresh costumes to wear during your adventures with Luke Skywalker and the crew. This one made me laugh! Of course you have to go to death star. Then when your in the place where your right next to the death ray. Pick up a guy and hold him over the death ray. It will kill him. Trust me. Its so fun to use it. Near the end of the first area in the level, if you use force grip, it will pull up a Headhunter looks like a X-Wing without the second set of wings and if you do it right it will stay up. If you walk backwards through a level and pass a save point, anything beyond that save point will respawn. This works great in the 1st level. After you get to the last elevator before boss "I'm ready" , turn around and make your way back to the beginning of the level. Now you can rekill basically everything, and stock up on some needed force points for the levels ahead. Right at the beginning of the level, after you force push through the first metal barricade, you follow a path that curves to the right, with a cliff to the left that is patrolled by TIE fighters. Jump over the broken bridge and in front of you there is a Rodian defender on a raised platform with a blaster. Once you have taken care of the enemies stand on the platform where that Rodian was and check out the scenery to the right. You cant miss it, its a big freakin ship! In the trophy room to the right of the crocodile head you should see a dark head mounted on the wall. Pull it down and you notice that it is the head of Andross from Star Fox Adventures. While watching the credits after beating the game, close and open your DS to hear Lord Vader's heavy breathing sound. After you complete the dark side ending by killing Vader, you unlock the Sith stalker armor. While wearing this armor, Starkiller has multiple lightsabers; including Kotas's, Darth Vader's and half of Darth Maul's lightsaber. Inside Ozzik Sturn trophy room, on the wall near the door where you enter, there is are three trophies. Crumb the annoying little monkey rat that Jabba the hut had 3 is the Dianoga, the eyeball thingy that was in the trash compacter in the first starwars movie. That is not just a regular clone helmet, it is a helmet from Delta 38 of the Star Wars Republic Commando for the Xbox, Google image search to see what I am talking about. If you go into the Databank and browse through vehicles you should see the "Load Spider THX Cargo Shuttle" select this to read more about it and the first line of the description starts "After the success of the THX ". On Imperial Kashykk, when in the room with the trophies where you face the senate guard guys with staff lightsabers and free the wookie in the round cage, face the way you came in. To your right, there should someone frozen in carbonite look closely and it should be Jar-jar. Raxus Prime Zone 1 - After reaching the last platform past all the lava, or whatever it is, before you leave the area there is an x-wing submerged in the lava use your force grip to pull it out. The junk yard planet - At the start of the level you need to make your way across a river of molten metal. Once you cross it look left, you will see a spire of fire, highlight it and use force grip and you can reveal an X-Wing. Outside Walkway - Above the tunnel in the back of the walkway - Before hopping over the gap to the side along the walkway where the TIE fighters swoop by, if you want to see a hidden helmet easter egg, then use force grip to stack up a few crates next to the rooftop of the tunnel at the end of the first walkway then leap up to the rooftop of that tunnel. It is best to stack a cylindrical crate on its side standing up then stack another cylindrical crate on top of it or stack two rectangular crates on top of the cylindrical crate. Position them with the left analog then set them down lightly by using the right analog to lower them before letting go. Either way, make sure the crates are stacked right below the rooftop then hop on top of them and double jump to the rooftop. Use the force dash L1 to help gain some extra air time during the double jump if needed. It is best to attempt this on the easiest mode since the TIE fighters will be swooping by and firing at Starkiller the entire time from the left side. The helmet will be at the end of the rooftop. It can't be collected. Stare in amazement then drop down and get back to the situation at hand. He does not care for Xbox Achievements. Total Film. Iain Wilson. See comments.
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pokemon blaze black 2 cheats download working 250B#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The best pokemon Blaze Black 2 cheats free download Video game hacks and cheats are an essential tool for anyone who wants to be a. Download Pokemon Blaze Black 2 ROM with Direct Link (Pokemon Black 2 Hack) for Nintendo DS and get Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Cheats, Walkthrough. Dont mean to revive an old topic but ive updated the codelist for some of the pokemon games - Added code for effectively having unlimited. Yeah, it's pretty simple, as far as I know most of the cheats carry right over with no problem. I use R4CCE to edit the USRCHEAT. 9 However, to use these codes on flashcards, you will need to edit your own usrcheat with the Game ID, as well as the codes. Double Movement The Double Movement code is a usual one that will make your character move twice as fast. Basically, this means ordinarily walking is the same as running speed, and the running speed is twice as fast as before. However, the bicycle is unaffected this time. Decide for yourself whether making Flash useless is worthwhile. Hold L for Grass Shaking, Dirt Spot and Bubble An incredibly useful code that will generate a rare patch just by holding down L and walking a step or two. This is great for Audino grinding, and will work near any grass, water, cave or bridge tiles. Note that you still need to have the first badge for it to have any effect! Unlock Key System If you mess up and forget to save before receiving the Easy and Challenge mode keys in Aspertia City, then you can use this code to unlock all of them instead. The regular trainer music will just carry on. The first part is for the messages, the second is for the animations. Season Changing This one will allow you to change the seasons quite easily — just input the combination and then exit a building. Automatic Hidden Grotto Regeneration These codes, when activated, will cause all Hidden Grottos to spawn something new the moment you take a step. Note that they have to be empty first for anything new to appear! This includes hidden items, so do check for those. Instant Messages Although this is relatively unnecessary with the fast text speed in fifth gen, these will cause all text messages to appear instantly rather than being scrolling based. Black 2 White 2 C0 D C0 D No Low HP Music If the low HP music drives you crazy, then you can use this code to stop it playing altogether. Black 2 White 2 FF C0 A C0 D F8F0F C0 A C0 D Instant Messages Although this is relatively unnecessary with the fast text speed in fifth gen, these will cause all text messages to appear instantly rather than being scrolling based.
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pokemon light platinum ds cheats download working 3GOK#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Download Pokemon Light Platinum DS ROM with Direct Link (Pokemon Heart Gold Hack) for Nintendo DS and get Pokemon Light Platinum DS Cheats, Walkthrough. Unlock All Battle Items · FCFF · BD40 · ED3C · 03E 03E · 03E 03EA · 03EB 03EC. Game Name: Pokemon Light Platinum NDS; Platform: NDS; Base ROM: HeartGold; Inspired From: Pokemon Light Platinum GBA. Complete Overview and. Credits: Cheat Code Crew @ GBAtemp & Codejunkies · Max Cash (Press L+R) · Max Coins (Press L+R) · Capture Trainer Pokemon · Wild Pokemons Are Shiny (Credit: Kenobi). 9 Pokemon Platinum was first released in in Japan and has sold over 7 million copies worldwide. Now, if you want to use Pokemon Platinum cheat codes, you have to use an emulator for it. Use this code to get all medicines along with rare candies. You can later chuck the medicines and only carry rare candies. Type in the code and you can check your balance when you try to purchase any new item from PokeMart. Type in the code and get free Master Balls. You can either use a Master Ball to ensure a catch or type in the following code. With this code, you will be able to catch a Pokemon even with full HP. This code will unlock all battle items. This way your Pokemon can have max stats during battle. This code will unlock the complete Sinnoh Pokedex. We recommend you use this cheat before you beat this game. Once you unlock the National Pokedex, all Sinnoh entries will automatically get transferred. This cheat will unlock all items that appear under the ITEMS category and you can have them in your bag. Now that you have the Pokemon Platinum cheat codes handy you need not plow through the levels to get badges, special items, and Pokemon modifiers. Just enter the Pokemon Platinum action replay codes in your NDS emulator and you can pretty much take on any hurdle that the game has to offer. Type above and press Enter to search. Press Esc to cancel. What's Hot. Sep 30, Facebook Twitter Instagram. By Devin Kelly Aug 21, What's Inside? Pokemon Platinum Action Replay Codes 1. Walk Through Walls. Quick EXP. Encounter Shiny Pokemon. Infinite Cash. Master Ball. Unlock Gym Badges. Unlock All Battle Items. Unlock Sinnoh Pokedex. Unlock All Items. More Pokemon Cheats. Related Posts. Add A Comment. Comments are closed. Submit Type above and press Enter to search.
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