#Free lease agreement
acuvatauditing · 2 years
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legaldocumentsblog · 3 months
Indiana Lease Agreement
How Rental Lease Agreements Ensure a Smoother Renting Experience?
Rental lease agreements serve as the backbone of the landlord-tenant relationship, outlining rights, responsibilities, and expectations for both parties. Despite their critical role, however, there are several issues within these agreements that often go unaddressed. Here are five crucial aspects that demand attention and clarification in a free rental lease agreement, ensuring a smoother and more transparent renting experience for all parties involved.
Utilities and Maintenance
One common gray area in lease agreements revolves around utilities and maintenance responsibilities. Tenants may find themselves grappling with ambiguous clauses regarding who shoulders the burden of utility payments and routine maintenance tasks.
A comprehensive lease agreement should explicitly outline these details, preventing potential disputes and fostering a clear understanding of each party's obligations.
The issue of subleasing is another potential source of contention. Lease agreements often lack clarity on whether subleasing is allowed and under what conditions.
Providing explicit clauses on subleasing, including the landlord's consent requirements and any associated fees, can help prevent misunderstandings and unauthorized subletting, ultimately preserving the integrity of the Indiana lease agreement.
Dispute Resolution
Disputes between landlords and tenants can arise from various issues, ranging from property repairs to rent adjustments. Lease agreements must incorporate a robust dispute resolution mechanism, specifying the steps both parties should take in the event of a disagreement.
This could involve mediation, arbitration, or other agreed-upon methods, fostering a fair and efficient resolution process.
Renewal Process and Notice Period
Lease renewals often become sources of uncertainty due to vague terms surrounding the process and notice periods. Clearly defining the renewal process and the required notice period allows both parties to plan accordingly. This transparency contributes to a more stable and predictable leasing environment, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings during lease extension negotiations.
A well-crafted lease agreement helps in guiding the steps and ensuring harmony.  It not only protects the interests of both parties but also fosters a relationship built on transparency and trust. As renters and property owners alike deal with the complexities of leasing, these agreements can help ensure clarity, providing a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership for everyone concerned.
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Free Legal Form
Crafting a Balanced Rental Lease Agreement: A Win-Win for Landlords and Tenants
A rental lease agreement is the cornerstone of a successful landlord-tenant relationship. It sets the rules, outlines responsibilities, and protects the interests of both parties involved. To ensure that your rental agreement is fair and balanced, here are some crucial tips for landlords and tenants alike.
Use Clear and Comprehensive Language
The lease agreement should be written in clear, understandable language. Avoid jargon or legalese that can confuse either party. A well-structured document is the first step to a fair agreement.
Define Responsibilities
Outline the responsibilities of both parties clearly. This includes specifying who is responsible for maintenance, repairs, utilities, and other ongoing costs. Clarity here can prevent disputes down the road.
Mention Proper Rent and Payment Terms
Clearly state the monthly rent amount and the due date. Include details about late fees, grace periods, and the method of payment. A fair Oregon rental agreement ensures that both parties understand their financial obligations.
Specify the Duration and Renewal Terms
Specify the lease term and renewal options. Tenants should know how long the lease lasts, while landlords can plan for potential vacancies or changes in rent.
Mention Maintenance and Repairs
Define how maintenance and repairs will be handled. For instance, mention who is responsible for minor repairs, and establish a procedure for reporting and addressing issues promptly.
Include Security Deposits T&C
Be transparent about the security deposit amount and the conditions under which it will be returned. State the timeline for refunding the deposit after the lease ends.
Mention Rules and Regulations
Refer to templates available at free legal form websites and lay out any rules and regulations related to the property, such as restrictions on smoking or pet policies. Tenants should be aware of these rules from the beginning.
Include Termination and Notice terms
Clarify the process for terminating the lease agreement, including notice periods required by both parties. This ensures a smooth transition when the lease ends.
Include Fair Eviction Terms
In case eviction becomes necessary, outline the legal process and grounds for eviction. This protects both parties' rights and prevents misuse of eviction as a threat.
Consider Legal Compliance
Ensure that your lease agreement complies with local, state, and federal laws. Laws regarding rent control, discrimination, and other housing regulations vary, so it is crucial to stay informed.
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carl-glendon · 1 year
Commercial Lease Agreement: Understanding the Terms and Conditions for Business Properties
In this video, we'll take a closer look at the commercial lease agreement, a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for leasing commercial properties. Explore the key components of a commercial lease agreement, including rent amount, lease term, renewal options, and restrictions on use of the property by visiting this website https://forms.legal
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Free Lease Agreement in Texas
Things Tenants Must Remember While Leasing a Property
  Renting a property is a great way to invest, but it can also be complicated. You need to make sure that you are aware of the terms and conditions of the rental lease agreement so that you do not end up in any trouble. When contracting to rent space, landlords and tenants should always reach an agreement in writing. It is important to keep all the details of the free rental lease agreement in a written document so there are no surprises down the line. This can help avoid any disagreements or disputes that could crop up. Here are some important things to remember when leasing a property:
  1. Read the lease agreement before signing anything!
This document contains important information about the property, the tenant, and the landlord. Make sure you understand all of the terms before you sign on the dotted line. Verify the availability of the property. Make sure to check with the landlord to make sure that the property is in good condition and available for your use. The landlord may require inspection reports or past rental history to substantiate this claim.
  2. Pay attention to terms that pertain to rent displacement!
A lot can happen in nine months (or 374 days!), so it is important to be aware of any changes that could impact your rent payments. For example, if the property undergoes renovations or a fire damages part of it, be prepared to negotiate a settlement with your landlord.
  3. Know your tenant rights and responsibilities
When you lease a property, it is important to be aware of all the details involved in the free lease agreement in Texas. This includes things like the upfront cost, monthly payments, and term of the lease. You should also be aware of any penalties or fees that may apply if you miss a payment. It is also important to know your tenant rights and responsibilities.
  As a tenant, you must pay promptly. The sooner you pay rent, the sooner you are out of debt and saved from potential penalties. Late payments can incur interest, add additional fees, or lead to eviction proceedings.
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nakedwilbur · 2 months
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Broke and unemployed he had no other choice than to reluctantly sign the revised lease agreement. He could keep the apartment for free if he took the job as the janitor assistant. He was quite handy and not afraid of the job. What bothered him was the mandatory assistant janitor uniform added to the lease agreement by the landlord at the last minute.
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nrnyx · 8 months
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PROMPT: How about Derek and Stiles meeting at a dog adoption event and falling in love over the same dog.
Thank you @steelcodewolf-blog for the prompt!
Stiles ran up to the counter and slammed his application down. “For Sparky!” he gasped out of breath as he’d just sprinted the entire mile to the adoption agency after his jeep broke down. It was finally the day. Stiles was free of his lease agreement and moving into a pet-friendly apartment. He could have a dog - his dog because he’d been visiting Sparky for months now after seeing his cute picture online. 
The animal shelter staff held Sparky as long as they could for him, but he’d been warned that today was their big adoption fair, and Sparky would be part of the group being pushed hardest for adoption. Sparky had already been with them for nearly a year before Stiles showed up, and before that, poor Sparky had been shipped from another shelter in New York. The shelter couldn’t hold him if someone wanted to adopt him. 
Stiles hadn’t been too worried. One of the reasons Sparky was still around was because he was a rather large and somewhat alarming German Shepard mix that might have actually been a wolf-dog, but the shelter didn’t have the funds to test his genetics, to be sure. Sparky had never been aggressive or tried to attack anyone. He was a chill dog that loved belly rubs, so he remained up for adoption. 
The staff even said that Stiles was the only person Sparky had ever shown an interest in. Sparky didn’t really like toys, wasn’t interested in other dogs or attention of any kind really, but he liked Stiles. The staff said he already knew the sound of Stiles's jeep and only ever bothered barking to alert them that Stiles was coming. Stiles adored the old grump right back and had visited him at least once every few days with the hopes that no one else would take notice of just how awesome Sparky was. 
Being a newly graduated college student and an intern with the FBI didn’t exactly bring in the big bucks yet, so Stiles had to wait for his lease to be up in order to find a new place to live that allowed pets. He’d managed to scrape up enough extra money for the rather hefty pet deposit and had Sparky a new bed, food, and dog tags waiting for him in the jeep, which they would have to walk back to, but he was sure Sparky would like the chance to stretch his legs.
It was going to be awesome.
Martha’s face fell as soon as she realized it was him, and Stiles felt his heart falling right along with her look of pity. “Stiles…” she started, but Stiles didn’t give her time to finish.
“Where’s Sparky? Please tell me you didn’t give him to some stranger off the street! I’ve been coming in for months!” Stiles protested in disbelief. How could they betray him? He thought they were all rooting for him and Sparky. He’d told them he would be in by the end of the day. They promised that even if someone tried to adopt, they wouldn’t let Sparky leave the same day. They’d make an excuse to hold him as long as they could for Stiles.
“I’m so sorry, Stiles. I know how excited you’ve been. This must be so heartbreaking for you, but his dad showed up,” the woman explained with actual tears in her eyes. 
Stiles couldn’t find his voice. That had been the last thing he’d expected to hear. “His dad?” he finally managed to get out. “His dad?”
“Yes, he had proof -” 
“He lost him! He lost him for over a year, and you’re just going to let him walk in and take him! Just like that? Clearly, the guy wasn’t a responsible dog parent to begin with. I mean, what kind of evidence did this guy have?”
“Uh Stiles…” Martha tried to interrupt, but Stiles was on a roll. There was no way Sparky was going anywhere with anyone but him. 
“Because photos can be photoshopped, and videos can be falsified. I know! I work for the FBI. Who is this guy? I want to see some I.D. and this so-called evidence. No one is leaving here with Sparky until I hear this assholes side of the story because there’s no way Sparky - ”  
“Jacks,” a male voice spoke up from beside him, and Stiles was momentarily left speechless as he turned and caught sight of, frankly, the most attractive guy he’d ever seen in his entire life, and he’d gone to school with Jackson Whittmore. 
“Holy shit, adopt me,” Stiles mumbled before his brain-to-mouth filter could catch up.
The guy's eyebrows did something impressive. “What?” 
“What?” Stiles asked back equally as dumbfounded. Honestly, he was just as surprised as anyone at what came out of his mouth sometimes. 
“Stiles, uhh… meet Sparky’s…  I’m sorry. I mean Jacks’s dad, Derek Hale,” Martha introduced as Stiles's big brain tried to get back online. “Apparently, Jacks was stolen about a year ago. His dad’s been looking for him ever since. He tracked him down here all the way from New York. Crazy, right?” Martha laughed nervously as she looked between the two.
Stiles eyed Derek Hale for a long moment and already felt himself accepting this new disappointing reality. The guy looked like Sparky’s dad. They both had a certain wolfishness about them that was undeniable. Honestly, Derek Hale had to be the most dedicated dog dad in the world to have tracked his lost dog all the way across the continent. 
Stiles felt himself deflating. “I’m glad you guys are reunited. I’m sure Sparky - I mean Jacks is pumped to see you again.”
Derek fished his phone from his pocket and turned it so Stiles could see the screen saver, which was truthfully the most adorable picture of the two together and obviously happy. “After he was taken, it took me a while to track him down. I found out that a shelter in New York shipped him to the West Coast, thinking he’d have a better chance of being adopted, but they couldn’t tell me where he ended up. I started checking shelters in Washington and was working my way down the coast when I saw an ad for today’s event. Jacks picture was part of it.”
“I’m glad you found him,” Stiles offered again, unable to look at the guy as he said it even though he did mean it. He couldn’t even get that kind of dedication out of a boyfriend. This guy was like a superhero or something. “Cool, well I gotta go…” 
Derek opened his mouth to say something, but Jimmy from the back was calling for him. Stiles knew Jimmy was the one who typically got the adopted dogs ready and brought them out to greet their new owners. He needed to get out of there. Stiles didn’t think he could say goodbye to Sparky- well, Jacks, which was a much more suitable and dignified name, he supposed. 
Derek, with his man stubble and leather jacket, looked like a guy who would own a dog named Jacks. 
More proof that they fit together.
While Derek was distracted, Stiles slipped away, shoulders slumped as he started the long walk back to his jeep. About halfway there, a familiar bark froze him in his tracks. Stiles turned just in time to see a black pickup slowing down to a stop beside him. The passenger window was down, and Jacks's big head was sticking out of it. 
“Do you live around here?” Derek called from the driver's side as he leaned out of the way of Jack’s aggressively thumping tail. 
Jacks whined, and Stiles immediately reached out to soothe him, running a hand over his massive ears and scratching how he knew Jacks liked. This earned him a great big lick across his face in return. Stiles laughed, swatting playfully, but Jacks only pushed closer, beginning to lick Stiles in earnest.
“That’s amazing. The shelter told me about you visiting him. I didn’t believe them at first. Jacks has never taken to… well, anyone else really,” Derek spoke up again, amusement clear in his voice as Stiles tried to fend off all the affection being lavished on him. Jacks had never been quite this excited to see him either, but it was a very welcome shift after the heartbreak he’d been feeling a moment ago. 
At least Stiles knew Jacks would miss him too. “Yeah, me and him… we kind of bonded while he was waiting on you.” Stiles shrugged in reply taking a small step back and almost giving in again when Jacks whined in protest.
Derek glanced at Jacks, before reaching out and patting him on the back in a reassuring way. “They said he was pretty depressed before you came around. Wasn’t eating much or leaving his kennel,” Derek explained. Stiles hadn’t known that part, but he was glad he helped Jacks until Derek found him. It was at least some comfort he could take home with him.
“I should uh… get back to my jeep,” Stiles said, pointing his thumb in the direction he was walking. 
As much as he liked seeing Jacks he really wanted to get home and have a good cry in private. Not only was he losing Jacks, but Jacks owner happened to be an insanely hot guy right out of Stiles's fantasies and entirely out of his league. It just reminded Stiles of exactly how lonely he was these days. Loneliness and his last breakup had been the whole reason Stiles was on the shelter’s page looking at adoptable dogs in the first place. 
“It’s parked a little down the road. I need to call a tow,” Stiles felt the need to explain, hoping his ears weren’t as red as they probably were. It was a bit embarrassing, but the jeep had been his mom’s, and he only had a few more years as a lowly FBI intern before he could afford to get it fixed properly. Maybe he could get his pet deposit back. That would help pay for the tow truck he was going to need to call. 
 Derek leaned over to unlatch the door. “Hop in. I’ll drive you down there and take a look. I’m a mechanic.”
Stiles couldn’t help how his mouth fell open. Could this guy be any more perfect? The only thing that would be better was if he were - 
“And maybe you’ll let me and Jacks take you to dinner… you know, as a thank you for looking out for him.” Derek sent him a wolfish smile that had probably seduced the panties off of hundreds of college co-eds back in his day. Stiles wasn’t embarrassed to admit that he could now be bunched into that category. 
“Uhh yeah okay…” Because what else was he going to say. Jacks moved over a bit to give him room, and as soon as Stiles settled, he had a lap full of wolfdog. 
Derek threw his head back and laughed. “Doesn’t look like he’s going to be letting you leave so easily.”
Stiles cleared away the lump in his throat and buried his face in Jacks soft fur. “I don’t mind.”
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Was I the asshole for not paying an ex-roommate money I supposedly owed them?
this happened several years ago and i have had 0 contact with this person. they tried to take me to court over this a while ago and i just started thinking about it again. i wont be reaching out to pay them this money at all.
my ex roommate and i (early 20s) were a very sudden living situation, their old roommate left suddenly (wasnt on the lease) and i moved several states to live with them after a weekend of conversation about it and a month or two of knowing them. i was not on the lease. i know this was dumb please dont comment just that.
we shared a one bedroom apartment with rent being about $1200, but i ended up sleeping in the living room most of the time. i was having severe mental health issues and struggled holding a job at the time, so i paid what i could towards rent each month but it was usually not half.
our third month together, roommate came into the apartment the day after paying rent. i had already sent them my portion. roommate said that rent had not been taken out of their bank account but they were certain they paid. i asked them to go to the office to check that it had been paid. they said they would not and hoped it would be a free month of rent.
turns out they had put the wrong account information on the electronic payment, and two days later we got an eviction notice on our door telling us we had to pay rent x2 due to the late payment. roommate starts freaking out, but at this point i was already making plans to move back in with my family. roommate gets a loan of $2400 from their mother with no input from me, and then demanded that i pay half of it.
i kinda brushed it off and when i left back to my families home they continued to email me, even sent me one saying they would press charges on me. i ended up blocking them on everything and ghosting them hardcore, so i dont know what/how they’re doing now.
i did a lot of other things at the time that were certainly assholish behaviors, and on the off chance anyone who recognizes this situation sees this: i know i did a lot of shitty stuff. however, im not asking about any of that, im only asking about this.
reasons i could be YTA: i already wasnt paying solid half of rent every month, i was doing a lot of other shitty stuff at the time, we were both struggling and i kinda left them out to dry so to speak.
reasons i could be NTA: they made the loan agreement from their mother with no input from me, i actively told them to make sure rent was paid with the office out of fear of this happening and they ignored it.
so yeah. was i the asshole for this?
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partypoisonzz · 11 months
passenger princess (90s!trey parker x fem!reader)
Thanks to my beloved mutual @sqiblet for the title and inspiring the concept with a message they sent me a week or so ago.
- Road head (woohoo)
- Mean!Trey
- Degradation AND praise kinks
- Hair pulling
- Everyone's a switch and nothing hurts (except for when it's meant to)
Word Count: 2,826
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
Hope you enjoy.
- Pen
You shift in the passenger seat, eyes opening slowly. Squinting at the clock on the dash through the dark, you find that it is currently 10:47 PM.
Jesus, you think as you blink and stretch. I've been asleep for over four hours.
You straighten in your seat, turning to look at your boyfriend as he stops at a red light. Even in the dim light from the road, you can see that Trey looks tired, and no wonder.
The two of you threw a handful of your belongings into the trunk of his car before the sun rose this morning and started driving out to California. You're headed to some cheap little apartment that you've never even seen in person because Trey and Matt rushed to sign the lease as soon as they finished the walkthrough. You don't know exactly what to expect. You just know that your life as you've known it all these years is done, and you're starting over.
You should be scared shitless, but you aren't. You owe all of that to the guy in the driver's seat. 
A drowsy smile comes over your face. It might not be smart, but you would follow him anywhere. Once school was over and the first movie was out, the possibility of success seemed all the more real. It just wouldn't be too easy to find in Colorado. When he suggested pooling some money together and heading towards LA sooner rather than later, he was only met with agreement from Matt and Dian. And you, of course. 
Now the four of you have a one-bedroom apartment waiting for you on the outskirts of the city. It's real, and it all could be the world's dumbest flight of fancy, but you can't bring yourself to worry about it right now. 
Not when your boyfriend looks so fucking beautiful in the glow of the traffic light. 
"Hey," you rasp out, throat still scratchy from your nap. 
He glances over at you, shooting you a tired smile. "Good morning," he says, despite the fact that you still have a little over an hour to go before midnight. "How'd you sleep?" 
"As good as I can in a car." Taking note of the dark circles forming under his eyes, you ask: "Do you want to switch off again?" 
He shakes his head, loose strands of his newly-bleached hair falling over his face. "Nah," he says. "We've only got a few more miles 'til the rest stop. Then we can stop for the night." 
You frown. "You sure? You look like you're about to fall asleep…"
"I'll be fine," he assures you. His free hand lands on your thigh as the light changes, squeezing as the car creeps back into motion. "As long as I have you to keep me awake, I'll be good."
You grin, reveling in the feeling of his fingers against your skin. You find yourself wishing he would dig them in just a little bit harder, leave behind some of those pretty bruises you love so much. Reminders of who you belong to. "Keep you awake, huh?" you ask. "How?"
"Talk to me," he responds easily. Try as he might to play coy, you are keenly aware of his hand climbing higher and higher up your leg, stopping at the seam of your shorts before traveling back down. "Have any interesting dreams?" 
You laugh. "Do you want me to be honest or make one up?"
"Hmm… Honesty first."
"We made it to the apartment," you tell him. "We were unpacking. It was a dumpy little place, but I was just so happy that it was ours."
"Mmm-hmm." He gives your thigh a slight squeeze. "And what about the more interesting one?" 
You bite back a laugh as your own hand travels across the center console, stopping to hover over his zipper. "I found a more fun way to keep you awake." 
You can tell that he's struggling not to look down at where your hand is going, wondering if you're getting at what he suspects. "And what was that?" 
With that, your hand meets denim. "I blew you while you were driving."
Before he can try to suppress it, a groan breaks up from the back of his throat. "Shit," he curses.
A spark of satisfaction runs through you, noting that he's already getting hard before you even start moving your hand. It really doesn't take much. "You didn't seem tired anymore, that's for sure." You manage to keep your voice level as you palm him through his jeans, hiding the fact that you're getting wet at the mere thought of it. "Only problem was you only had one hand on the wheel. The other one was on the back of my head, pushing me further down onto your cock." You laugh. "We made a real mess, too. I tried to swallow it all, but…"
Your words drift off as he finally digs his fingers into your skin, biting out an order. "Shut up." 
Though the dominance in his tone makes your heart flutter, you continue your teasing. "Wanna do it for me?" 
"Fuck." The hand that was resting on your leg falls away, reaching to undo your seatbelt. "Come here." 
You hesitate. It's always fun to get him hot and bothered, then piss him off. All the better outcome for you. "You really think you'll be able to concentrate on the road while I'm sucking you off?" 
"Yeah, I will," he snaps. "Just get over here and…"
"Okay, okay." You lean over the center console, contorting yourself in a less-than-comfortable position. Though it's really only a mild inconvenience, you opt to put on for just a bit longer. See how wild you can drive him before getting down to it. "You know… This is sort of an awkward position…"
"Don't care," he cuts you off. "Just… Fucking…"
"Shouldn't you be a bit more patient?" you chastise him, even though you're already tugging down his zipper. 
He huffs. "Shouldn't you be a little less of a fucking tease?" He freezes, shivering slightly under your touch as you quickly manage to snap the button on his jeans and tug them down. 
Though you know he isn't looking at you, you smile up at him, anyway. "You know that you love it, baby," you coo, planting your hands against his trembling thighs. "Look at you. You try to be all mean, but you're fucking shaking for me." 
His jaw clenches. You know he's about to say something that would probably hurt your feelings if you weren't so damn turned on. Before he can, you grab ahold of his cock through the thin fabric of his boxers, inspiring a desperate gasp as he involuntarily bucks his hips up into your hand.
You laugh. Suddenly, you're the mean one. "See? You can try to take control all you want, but at the end of the day you're just my good boy." 
Your eyes flicker back up to take in his expression, only for heat to pool in your belly. 
Yeah. You've really done it now. 
Though he's obviously flustered, it's all the more apparent that he's pissed off. You love this struggle that the two of you regularly engage in, the constant question of who will be the first to give in and let the other have their way with them. 
Tonight, you had no intention of winning this struggle. You just wanted to see how much it would take to push him over the edge. 
When he stops at the next light, you know for sure that you've reached that point. His hand momentarily leaves the steering wheel, pulling his pants down the rest of the way while the fingers of his other hand curl beneath your jaw, holding your head in place. "You and your smart fucking mouth," he spits. "I'm gonna give you something else to do with it."
Just like that, any semblance of dominance leaves you. You find yourself whimpering, relishing the force of his touch. "Please."
He laughs. "Please?" he echoes. "Baby, you don't have to beg." He releases your jaw, his left hand returning to the steering wheel as his right settles on the back of your neck. You swear you could melt into the seats as he presses down. "Just fucking take it."
With those words, you do exactly as you were told.
He groans as you wrap your lips around him, tongue running over the side of his cock. You cast your eyes up again just in time to see him catch himself after leaning back against the headrest as his left hand curls back around the steering wheel. "There we go," he chokes out as he straightens his posture. 
You feel a rush of heat between your thighs as his hand moves from your neck to your hair. Now that he has you where he wants you, his forcefulness has melted away into tenderness. "That's my good girl," he praises you as you lick back up the side and over his head. You moan around him at the affectionate name, inspiring a breathy chuckle. 
"You like that, don't you?" he asks. "Yeah, you do. My desperate little good girl, sucking my cock to keep me awake while I drive."
The car begins to move again as you continue to work him. By this point, you have each other memorized, knowing exactly what sends one another over the edge. You know exactly where to press your tongue, when to hollow your cheeks around him, how fast to go. It's familiar, but it isn't boring by any stretch of the imagination. You're just waiting for the reward of making him come, — a privilege that never gets old. 
You could never get tired of his voice, either. You swear that every word and sound that leaves his mouth makes you wetter, spurring you on. 
Despite the fact that his eyes are focused on the road, Trey sounds just as thoroughly debauched as if you were kneeling in front of the couch. Each desperate groan inspires you to slow down, drawing out every repeated movement as the salty taste of precome meets your tongue. 
"Fuck," he curses as you swirl your tongue around his head at a frustratingly slow pace. "Thought you were done being a little tease…" His complaint is cut off by a gasp as you abruptly take him all the way down. 
His fingers tangle in your hair as a desperate, high-pitched sound escapes his mouth. Finally, he reaches the back of your throat, eliciting a gag.
"Holy shit, baby." You feel his thighs shaking beneath your hands again as he forces out the breathy curse. He lets out another sharp gasp as you momentarily lift your head, only to lower yourself back down, constricting around him again with a quiet choked sound.
With that, his desperate moan turns into a growl. "That's what you want, huh?" he asks. "You want me to fuck your throat?" 
You bob your head again, resulting in another gag, followed by an affirmative hum. 
He laughs, fingers running absentmindedly over your scalp. "Pretty little slut," he mutters before bucking his hips up against your mouth. 
Tears prick at your eyes as you gag again. The growing warmth between your legs causes you to shift a bit, squeezing your thighs together in an attempt to satisfy your growing desire to be touched. 
Each buck is harsh, though the violence of your gag reflex's response lessens over time. Even still, Trey's hand in your hair and the sounds that he makes are enough to leave you whimpering, shifting against the seat desperately. 
"Such a good fucking slut for me… Oh, fuck…" He rolls his hips up again, causing your throat to tighten at the same time that your walls clench around nothing. You can feel him, pulsing and twitching in your mouth, letting you know that he's getting close. 
The way his hand tightens in your hair confirms this suspicion. You moan as he collects a handful of hair and harshly tugs before pushing you back down on him. "Is this what you wanted?" he asks through a series of strained groans. "Wanted me to use you? Wanted me to treat you like my own little fuckdoll?" 
You try to hum an agreement, only for an unintelligible sound to break up from your throat. 
He laughs. The combination of affection and condescension makes you even wetter. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby." He pushes your head down again, resulting in another choked sound. 
You focus on breathing through your nose as each push of his hips gets faster and his groans grow louder and more desperate. 
"I'm gonna come," he announces. "Gonna fill up your pretty little mouth…" 
He gives your hair an especially harsh pull as he releases with a loud, shaking groan. You let out a quiet, desperate sound as warm come fills your mouth, swallowing around him as he rides out his orgasm. 
Finally, he relaxes back against the seat with an unsteady sigh. "Fuck…" His fingers relax in your hair, going back to stroking gently as your breathing begins to even out. "You okay, baby?" 
You nod as you pull away, running your hand across your mouth as you swallow once more. "Yeah," you choke out, voice slightly rough. 
He hums in reply as he flicks on his turn signal, turning into a convenience store parking lot. 
He pulls the car into a dimly-lit parking space before reaching for the glove compartment. He comes up with a stack of fast food napkins. He uses one to clean himself up before fixing his pants. Discarding the first napkin, he turns towards you. "C'mere, hon." 
You scoot closer to him, allowing him to begin wiping at your face. 
You lean slightly into his hand as he cleans up the mascara-tinged tear streaks and mixture of come and drool. "You weren't kidding," he comments as he grabs another napkin. "We really do make a mess together."
Finally, he deems his work satisfactory, crumpling the last napkin before gently cupping your face in both hands. He presses a gentle kiss against your lips before pulling back, running his thumb against your cheek. "So good for me," he says. "I love you."
You smile, resting your forehead against his. "Love you, too."
You stay there like that for a moment before he gently pats your cheek. "Let's go get something to eat, hmm?" he says. "My treat."
You sit your selection of various snacks aside, grabbing a large cup from the stack next to the soda fountain. As you fill the cup up with ice, you feel a familiar pair of arms snake around your waist. 
You smile as Trey rests his chin on your shoulder, holding you as though you were standing in your own kitchen and not some random convenience store in the middle of the night. "Find anything you like?" he asks.
You lean back into him, pulling your cup away from the ice dispenser. "Mmm-hmm."
"Good." He kisses your forehead as he pulls away. "I'll be able to actually spoil you one day. I promise." 
Warmth blooms in your chest at that thought. You don't care if the spoiling part ever comes to fruition. Just the promise of one day is enough for you, assuring you that, whatever the future holds, you'll be doing it together. 
He doesn't let you drive the rest of the way to the rest stop. "Just a few minutes," he tells you. "Then we can both get some sleep."
Soon enough, you're parked in the parking lot, hulking trucks on all sides. The two of you climb into the backseat, where Trey takes off his jacket and folds in his lap. "Here."
You lay your head in his lap with a contented sigh, allowing him to go back to playing with your hair. You close your eyes, leaning into his touch.
"Do you want me to, ah… Do anything for you?" he asks quietly.
You laugh, shaking your head. "We'll be at the apartment tomorrow. Matt and Dian won't be up here for a few days. We'll have plenty of time." You laugh. "Too many creepy old truckers here."
"I'd make those truckers look the other fucking way…" 
You swat at him lazily. "Shut up. I know you can't fight."
"For you, I could." 
You look up at his dark-circled eyes and make an incredulous sound. "I don't think you could even stay awake for long enough."
"For you, I could," he repeats. He reaches for your hand and pulls it up to his lips. Your eyes flutter as he plants a gentle kiss against your fingers. "Love you, baby."
"Love you, too." You close your eyes, feeling yourself beginning to drift off. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Even with your eyes closed, you can hear the smile in his voice. "Yeah," he says. "Tomorrow."
Another promise to soothe you to sleep. 
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acuvatauditing · 2 years
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saturniandevil · 1 month
May 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes from The Astrology Podcast's May Forecast.
April recap: on the 8th we had the solar eclipse in Aries that covered much of the United States, during a Mercury retrograde and right before a Mars-Saturn conjunction--all also in Aries! In international news this connects to Iran's retaliation for Israel's strike on its Syrian embassy. A tragic eclipse story is of astrologer Danielle Ayoka, whose death after a mental breakdown was sensationalized by the LA times as part of modern-day Satanic Panic. Our hosts urge the wider astrological community to learn more about how to support others who may be going through a mental health crisis and extend sympathy to the affected families. The inflammatory reporting also connects to a larger story of backlash against astrology as Saturn approaches a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces and the latter leaves the sign.
On April 10th we had an exact Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces, which a previous forecast predicted would correspond with issues of contaminated water, maritime warfare, and flooding. On the day of the conjunction, the EPA issued the first national limit for forever chemicals in the water. Saturn signifies both the restrictions and the longevity of the chemicals. There was also torrential flooding in Dubai, Russia, and Kazakhstan.
Jupiter conjoined Uranus in Taurus on April 20th; these planets only align every 14 years. Jupiter-Uranus indicates uprisings and revolutions: the last one corresponded with the Arab Spring, and there was also one in 1968-70 during Vietnam War protests, as well as the French and American revolutions. The student protests at Columbia (and later other universities) calling for divestment and ceasefire in Gaza are a direct connection here (the current encampment was directly inspired by student protestors doing the same thing in 1968 to protest the Vietnam War). These protests began on April 17th and saw a boom in media coverage when the conjunction went exact. The 1969 conjunction was in Libra; in Venus-ruled signs this alignment signals uprisings of "we don't want to be at war!" If these protests did start right at dawn on the 17th, this would have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (already exact by degree, but not minute) rising, fitting for an action that has sparked events across the nation.
Another Jupiter-Uranus story includes Congress passing a bill wrapping together military funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan with a probable TikTok ban. A historical connection here is the passing of the Lend-Lease bill in 1941, a precursor to the US entering WW2. With the US Uranus return coming up (which corresponds to the Civil War and WW2), Chris is nervous. Other conjunction stories include the restoration of net neutrality on April 25th (Taurus ruling basic necessities and resources), the Department of Transportation mandating airlines to give refunds (the Wright Brothers flew under a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction), the FTC put a ban on employer non-compete agreements, and a VW factory in Tennessee successfully unionized as part of UAW--one of the first unionized auto factories in the South! These regulation stories also fit with Saturn bringing rules and regulations.
We're entering the month of May right as Mars enters his domicile Aries, freeing us of the Saturn conjunction, Mercury stationing direct, and Venus in her home sign of Taurus.
May 2nd - Pluto stations Retrograde This occurs at 2 degrees of Aquarius and will see Pluto backtrack into Capricorn for the final time this summer. Retrograde stations intensify the significations of a particular planet in that sign, and this particular one occurs with a square from Venus in Taurus and copresence with the Moon. Pluto in Aquarius developments include developments in AI & technology, and with Venus signifying the arts we can expect AI image/video developments. On a personal level Venus-Pluto can indicate deep, transformative relationships as well as control, manipulation, and power dynamics. Venus in Taurus also activates the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, especially in the realm of our relationship to the natural world & differentiating what is real from what is fake. On a more positive note, this is a good time to indulge in creative projects, and with a retrograde especially, returning your idea to its original state. Venus-Pluto also relates to issues of women's rights and bodily autonomy (ex. Roe v. Wade).
May 7th - New Moon in Taurus
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At 18 degrees of Taurus, the New Moon forms a sextile to Saturn (17♓), and soon approaches the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (orb 3) just a few degrees away. Jupiter-Uranus themes will become more pronounced collectively and in our personal lives, likely bringing new chapters in the stories discussed in the recap. Also in Taurus is Venus, who's slowing down after her zip through Aries and emphasizes relationships as she brings us back down to earth. Meanwhile, Mars in Aries doesn't make many aspects to other planets this month (even copresent Mercury is moving away from him), making him a bit of a renegade, but also not interfering with other planets. On the 25th Mars will reach the degree of the eclipse (18♈), so those affected by the eclipse, especially night charts, will definitely see extra focus in this part of their lives, while day charts can expect some challenges.
May 12th/13th - Sun conjoins Uranus (not pictured) This Taurus season sees the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction continually activated. Rather than the usual relaxation, we'll hear the bells of rebellion tolling over and over. (Another date to watch is May 18th, when the Sun hits Jupiter.)
May 13th - Mercury enters Taurus He exits his retrograde shadow before this ingress and at the same time Venus sextiles Saturn, clarifying conversations. We'll feel like we're finally done with some hassles. Mercury's ingress into Taurus also focuses the solid majority of our energy in this area, rather than splitting it with Aries. However, he squares Pluto immediately upon entering, so before smooth sailing we'll have to deal with intense focus, digging up the past, and uncovering secrets. This might deepen conversations as Mercury treats the same issues Venus brought up with her square to Pluto earlier this month, but now with more distance and calculation than the tender emotions, or it can amplify those issues with a microphone.
May 14th - Electional chart for the month (not pictured)
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May is actually one of the best months for electional astrology all year, free of Mars retrograde and most outer planet tensions that will overshadow the later part of the year. This selection is for about 12:30PM local time. This should give Leo rising, and the Ascendant ruler the Sun is in Taurus within 3 degrees of a conjunction to Jupiter in the 10th house. Venus is also in Taurus, squaring a Leo Moon in the first house. This is a great chart for 10th house matters like career, reputation, and public image, with the Ascendant ruler fully bonified by Jupiter and supported by both benefics. With the first house connection Diana suggests this is also a good time to update your work wardrobe or possibly website in ways that may seem unexpected. It's a good time to do something unique or innovative with Uranus placed so prominently. It's not as good for ninth house matters like foreign travel, as Mars is there in a day chart.
May 18th - Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter Venus conjoins Uranus (23♉) at the same time that the Sun conjoins Jupiter (28♉), bringing us optimism and excitement. It's extremely buoyant and can be disruptive simply by virtue of so much happening at once. It's a Saturday, so a great time to have fun, but be prepared to sleep in late the next day. We can find new relationships that begin quickly but burn out fast too, and run into unexpected good luck.
May 19th/20th - Mars conjoins North Node (not pictured) The next day the Moon enters Libra and opposes this configuration, activating it. Mars takes the place of the Sun in an eclipse, reactivating the stories that these Aries-Libra eclipses have been pinging in our lives. Mars's anger may be in response to people crossing our social boundaries represented by the Moon in Libra. With the Moon bringing in the South Node and Mars's severing associations, we may become aware of things we need to relinquish or cut off. Picking fights can lead to consequences you really don't want.
May 20th - Sun enters Gemini This ingress foreshadows the stellium of planets in Taurus shifting to Gemini.
May 23rd - Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter sextile Neptune, Venus enters Gemini
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This Full Moon is opposite the Venus-Jupiter conjunction (29♉), both of whom sextile Neptune (29♓), and when the Moon exactly opposes the Sun it sextiles Pluto. This is a more positive and optimistic lunation than what we've been seeing so far: the best of the night sect with the best of the day sect. Agreements made during this time will have staying power, and it's a good sign for peace in world events. Neptune connotes idealism in these accords--sometimes you need ungrounded hopes and dreams to go on. Venus-Jupiter conjunctions can also bring too much of a good thing, so be careful not to overindulge. This is also a good time to enjoy material and sensual comforts. It's the perfect day for a picnic!
Venus joins the Sun in Gemini soon after.
May 25th - Jupiter enters Gemini Jupiter spends about a year in a sign, and we'll be shifting from slow, grounded Taurus to mutable, airy Gemini. He'll be trining Pluto in Aquarius while here, accelerating technological advancements like AI and innovations in transportation. Diana uses the image of lots of busy bumblebees trying to collect lots of different information very rapidly. It might be overwhelming, and we could see heightened allergens. This also sets up the next month, where we'll have lots of activity in Gemini...all of which will square Saturn in Pisces! It'll be a lively air and water show with changes in short-term travel. In our personal lives, the combination of Venus & Jupiter will alleviate some of the issues we've been feeling in mutable signs, where places we've felt weighed down and restricted will receive some levity and buoyancy. Whichever house Gemini occupies in your chart will see some smooth sailing for awhile. Use this positive support in Taurus and Gemini to make hay while the sun shines!
May 31st - Mercury conjunct Uranus Mercury is the last planet to ping Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; in general there is a lot of planetary activity in Taurus this month, really activating whichever house that falls in for individuals. Mercury brings a megaphone to the final blast of energy from Taurus. Surprising news, unexpected communications, and conversations with unlikely sources are in order. Uranus-Mercury can open up possibilities that you never could have predicted, and are good for thinking on your feet. Both planets are associated with the nervous system--it's a good day to be cautious with your caffeine consumption.
Whether you need to be active or just rest, take advantage of the stability and help this month!
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mostmouse · 1 year
Holding Out for Each Other
Derek brings you back to the apartment after your rides in the ferris wheel, and decides that he'll finally show you his room. (F!reader, explicit, 7,100 words) cross -posted to AO3
Spoilers for Derek's DLC, both step 2 moments, and step 4
You felt as if you were on cloud nine walking through the doorway with Derek after your time at the boardwalk. His confession, your mutual agreement to move in together, everything had your head up in the clouds. You couldn’t believe this trip led to the two of you finally becoming an official item. You were afraid it was a dream, part of you wanting to pinch yourself just to see if you’d wake up. 
Derek led you to the living room, the couches looking the same as they had all week, but now they were your couches. This was your home. Your shared home with Derek - at least as soon as he got permission from the management company to add another person onto the lease. You were sure that would happen much sooner than you packing up a single box as soon as you got back to your own apartment tomorrow night. Derek always had a plan, and a backup, and of course, a backup to the backup. 
The man in question swung around to face you, his eyes alight with mirth and smiling at you. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit as he watched you closely, bashfully crowding his space and hiding your face in his neck. You were glad he was only a couple inches taller, it would be easy to reach up and kiss him however you wanted to. “So, what do you wanna do while we wait for everyone?” 
His hand came up and rubbed your back, you sighed, nuzzling him a bit more before pulling back. Humming slightly, you pouted your lips. What to do... Suddenly you perked up, looking up at his face and kissing just under his jaw. “I could finally get to see your room? Now that we’re dating, you can’t be embarassed by how it might look.”
Derek laughed slightly, a blush dusting over his cheeks. “Embarrassed? Me?” Scoffing, he turned away from you, hand grabbing yours and leading you down the hall to the master bedroom, “I’ve never felt shame in my life.” The both of you laughed, knowing that wasn’t true, especially after his emotional outburst in the park just yesterday. 
He hesitated slightly with his hand on the knob. Turning to you, his face was uncharacteristically serious. “Prepare yourself.” Pushing the door open, you couldn’t help the excitement in your belly. Once his bulky frame no longer hindered your gaze, you deflated instantly, gasping and punching his arm with your free hand. 
“Derek! You loser, this is so- so-!” You couldn’t help it as you devolved into laughter, your new boyfriend quickly following suit. “I should’ve known, my responsible man would have a very normal bedroom.” He smiled at you, eyes shining and a grin cutting across his face. 
“What, you don’t like it? After all that build up from the first day too, I thought you’d fawn over it.” His grin was smug as he watched you do a quick 360. Laughing softly, he held up his arms, “Just lil ol’ me in here. Nothing exciting, right?” 
His slightly down attitude didn’t get past you as you faced him fully. Reaching out, you took both his hands in each of yours. “There’s not a single thing that isn’t exciting about you, Derek. Even just looking at you gets my heart racing. I think it's a very nice room. Very you!” You leaned forward on your toes, kissing the tip of his nose. “Why didn’t you want me to see it before? When I first got here?” 
Taking one of his hands back, you instead held one with both as he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, face flushed. “I just- I didn’t see a reason why you should, I mean, it's just a room, you know?” He refused to meet your eye, looking sideways then up towards the ceiling. You hummed thoughtfully, his obvious lie in the open. 
Licking your lips slightly, you watched as he still refused to look at you. You couldn’t help but smile as you reached back up, kissing him softly. You had almost forgotten for a moment that you could do that. He was your boyfriend! Finally! You smiled gently, pulling away just to smooch him again. 
Derek relaxed as your lips pressed against his. Hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you in close. Sighing as you broke away from him, he let your hands maneuver him, watching you through lidded eyes as you guided him backwards. Just as he was about to voice his confusion, the backs of his knees met the edge of his mattress. Swallowing thickly, his wide emerald eyes met yours. 
Your hands pet down his chest before resting against his hips softly, “You can tell me to stop.” Your gaze was earnest, eyes warm as smiled up at him. He bit his lip before leaning down to kiss you again, hand on the back of your head and holding you close. 
“Don’t stop. Please.” His eyes searched yours as he broke away, swallowing nervously. Your lips curled up, hands pushing his hips as he whimpered slightly, letting you push him onto the bed. Scooting back slightly, so his thighs were fully supported, he looked back up at you. 
Following his lead, you crawled up, straddling his thighs but not sitting in his lap. He flicked his gaze down towards your legs, thighs slightly exposed under your dress as you crawled towards him. He could feel his cheeks warm, however, most of his blood rushed downwards, which had him fidgeting under you. 
You either had the decency to not mention it or you didn’t notice. He prayed it was the latter as your hands held his face. Your eyes were warm and full of love, and he felt himself melt. You leaned down, finally taller than him again as you hovered in his lap, kissing him softly. Derek noticed how you didn’t push it further, how you simply kept your lips closed, moving against him and sighing. Assuming, with a small smile, that you didn’t want to feel like you were pushing him, he let his hands rest softly on your thighs. 
He felt you smile against him as well, your hands moving down to grip his shoulders as he licked your lips. You grinned before opening your mouth, moaning as his tongue slipped inside. His fingertips bit into the plush skin of your thighs at the sound, blood pumping through him. He could feel himself getting harder under you, hoping you were raised high enough you wouldn’t feel him. He cursed his attire, the sweatpants he was wearing doing absolutely nothing to hide his swelling cock.  
Pulling back, you gasped for air, lidded eyes meeting his as he panted as well. His hands were tight on your thighs, and you licked your lips before grinning. Leaning back down, you kissed the corner of his mouth, humming happily as he tilted his head back for you. Licking and kissing your way along his jawline, you finally kissed him sweetly right on his pulse. “Your heart’s racing, Derek. Are you getting excited?” Your words had him groaning roughly under you. 
Not giving him another moment, you nibbled on his skin, moaning softly as you kissed and nipped him. The outside world didn’t exist anymore, you were everything to him, the only other person in his bedroom - soon to be your shared bedroom. His hands slid around your thighs, and taking the opportunity without his vice grip, you grinned as you dropped your weight down onto his lap, shoving your hips firmly against his. 
The sudden contact had you both gasping, his hands seizing your body again, pulling you closer as he cried out, his head moving to pin yours against his neck, “Fuck!” His hips involuntarily bucked against you, thin panties the only thing covering your heated cunt. You whimpered into his neck, his mouth next to your ear as his husky curses passed over you. “Fuck... I- ahh~” 
His cheeks were hot, jerking back slightly so you weren’t pinned. His hands stayed on you, keeping you pressed against him, his words gravely, “S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to- I-” He swallowed, trying to find his words and ignoring how hot you were above him, feeling your heat radiating through his pants. 
You laughed breathlessly, rocking your hips unconsciously into him, hands fisted in his hoodie. “I-Its okay, I don’t mind it, really.” He kissed your neck, biting indiscriminately as his hands lifted your hips, gripping them tight and guiding you into a soft rhythm. 
“Do you want this? We can stop. It’s okay.” His words had your hand in his hair, pulling him back. Before you could get out a response, he moaned. Brows tilted up, his eyes closed and his head fell back with your hand in his hair. “Fuck- I-” Groaning, he met your gaze, and the heat pooling within them had your words stuck in your throat. 
“I didn’t- This is why I said no the first time. When you asked to come see my room.” He sighed, moving your hips a bit faster, his bucking up to meet yours and watching as you curled forward and shuddered. “I didn’t- I knew I’d do this, that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from, fuck- Touching you. You- You can say stop, I won’t be- ahh~ m-mad.” 
The constant pressure against your clothed cunt had you dripping, and for a moment, you wondered if you were getting the front of his gray sweats wet. You shivered at the thought, leaning forward and catching Derek in a heated kiss. “I want this. I want you, I want you, ahh! S-So badly, Derek. I-” You whimpered, pressing your forehead against his. 
Swallowing thickly, you let his hands guide you and set the pace as you ground against each other, still fully clothed. “I love you, Derek. I’ve always wanted this, wanted you.” You laughed breathlessly, letting your hands drift down to the hem of his top. “I can’t even tell you how many times I-” Your cheeks warmed, hesitating slightly. 
It caught his attention, his hands slipping under your dress to curve over your ass over your panties. You squeaked, bucking your hips directly against his swollen cock and the both of you moaned. “What? How many times you what?” He panted in your face, eyes watching your mouth as if your next words could break his heart open. 
You swallowed again, kissing him and pushing your tongue into his mouth. Swallowing his low moan, you drug your hands upwards slowly, tugging his hoodie up along with them. Breaking away, he lifted his arms for you to pull it off. Sitting back, enjoying a brief reprieve from his devious hands, you admired his chest openly. 
Letting your palms glide over him, you looked into his eyes. Licking your lips, you brushed over his nipples, grinning as he shuddered. “Just thinking about how many times I-” You blushed hard, the flush trailing up to your ears and down your neck. Leaning forward, you kept your half lidded eyes open, watching him as you ghosted your lips over his. “How many times I dreamed about this. Fantasized about it.” You leaned forward, biting his lower lip and moaning, “How many times I touched myself imagining this exact situation. About touching you everywhere, feeling your cock against me, knowing you were barely controlling yourself while touching me.” 
It was his turn to hide his face in your neck, and you grinned, laughing as he shoved his hips against yours, cock throbbing in his boxers. Panting above him, you pulled his hair, but he refused to face you. “Hmm? Does my sweet Derek like to hear such naughty things? About how every time you sent me a picture of you after the gym, sweaty and flushed, how I’d have to get my vibe and touch my cute little cunt?” 
He groaned heavily, biting your neck and sucking harshly at the skin. Curling forward, you cried out, his teeth rough against you as he dragged you along his cock in his lap. “S-So cute~” Your voice cooing to him riled him up. Leaning back, he fixed you with a heated stare, hands gripping the bottom of your dress and practically ripping it off over your head. Squealing, you let him flip you both over, dragging you sideways until your head was amongst his pillows. 
Sitting back on his knees, you admired his body. Light gray sweats, now with a noticeable wet spot in the center, left nothing to the imagination, straining cock outlined perfectly. You couldn’t help but whine, thighs moving to close for a hint of friction, but Derek’s hands stopped you easily. “Derek...” Your whimpers had him drooling. Eyes raking over you, his hands slid up and under you, unhooking your bra and freeing your heavy breasts. 
He moaned aloud, one hand tossing your bra away as the other palmed as his shaft. You giggled, wiggling in your spot as you watched him excitedly. “Cuter to see them like this instead of that swim suit, yeah?” Eyes flicking up to yours, he seemed surprised. Cocking your head at him, you hummed in a questioning tone.
Suddenly, his face was on fire, alight with a hot blush as his eyes widened. Covering his eyes, he sat back on his heels. You couldn’t help but laugh, hands reaching towards him and flexing your fingers in a grabbing motion. “Derek! Come back! I love you!” 
He laughed bashfully, eyes looking away as his hands dragged down his face. “I- Fuck, I forgot we were even here for a second. I was just, lost in the moment, I guess.” Facing you again, he leaned down on his forearms, hovering over you. “I love you, too. You’re beautiful, just... Absolutely amazing. Better than I ever imagined, too.” Kissing you softly, one hand trailed down your body. 
Moaning into the kiss, you looped your arms around his neck as you broke away for air. His hand gripped your thigh and brought it up around his waist. Pushing his still clothed pelvis against yours, you moaned at the soft friction. “B-Better than you imagined, huh? So you’ve fantasized about me too?” Your smug grin had him laughing as he bumped your nose with his. 
Contrary to how you were flustered admitting it, he smiled, kissing your forehead. “Fuck yeah I did. All the time, even when we were just teenagers. Whenever you’d call me to tell me about your day,” He kissed the shell of your ear, voice low and husky. “I’d lock my door, put the phone on mute, and I’d touch myself to your voice.” 
You moaned at the confession, hands gripping his shoulders, his words and rhythm working you up, thrusting his clothed cock against you. “I got off to the risk. Not only did I have your beautiful voice talking to me, but you had no idea I was jerking myself off to you. How my cock throbbed with every word. You’d get so excited about something, and I could just imagine your voice calling out to me instead. Begging me to go faster, to cum for you, and, fuck! Y-You’d be moaning my name, Derek, Derek, Derek, fuck me, I want your cock inside me, fuck!” 
A messy pace betrayed his confession, your face so hot you’d thought you’d catch fire. Your body was limp as you thought about every time you called in high school - you spent half your week on the phone with him once he got a cell phone and could take calls in his room instead of the hallway. You panted as he held your legs open wide, the seams of your panties soaked and clinging right over your clit. 
You whined and moaned, your arms on either side of you, letting him dry fuck you. “D-Derek!” Your voice was soft and erotic, moaning his name as he bucked roughly into you. You could see him above you, your knees in his hands as he held you open. “Derek! Fuck- I-Inside, please! I want you inside me!” 
He moaned hotly, eyes on your face as he dropped on leg and planted his palm to the side of your head. “I- Fuck! You’re sure- you can- ahh! I don’t want to take advantage of you- ahh~” His moaning and actions betrayed his words, hands already slipping your panties down from your legs. 
Tossing your last soaked article of clothing aside, you lay before Derek completely bare, skin flushed and hot to the touch as he dived between your legs, mouthing over your swollen cunt. You shouted, free leg curling around his head as your slick thighs trapped him. Your hands tangled themself into his short hair, back arching as he ate you out. 
“Derek! Fuck- I want your cock, baby, please!” However, your hands didn’t let go, nor did your legs open wider to push him away. You moaned as he shoved his tongue inside you, licking your plush skin before pulling away and licking until he found your clit. 
Whining loudly, you tried to pull your hips away. However, even being on his belly, Derek was still much stronger. He didn’t let you move an inch, instead digging his fingers so tight into your hips, you knew you’d have marks. Moaning hotly, you dragged him even closer, his face buried in your cunt as he licked and sucked your clit. “Derek! Fuck- I- ahh!” 
With all the teasing, the dry fucking, and his salacious words, you felt yourself already on the edge. Your thighs trembled around him, but he didn’t slow down, instead eating you out even more passionately. Nestling himself close to you, he ground his hips down against the bed. Moaning against you, one hand curled around you, and calloused fingertips began rubbing your clit harshly as he shoved his tongue back inside of you. 
Crying out, you gripped his hair tightly, enough to hurt if you were in your right mind to worry about it, but you couldn’t feel anything except the burning between your legs, body arching as you finished in his mouth. Derek moaned loudly, tongue licking up every drop of your cum as his fingers played with your clit, only just a bit slower. 
Shoving his jaw closer, he held his breath as he ran his tongue all across you, catching every bit of your cum before slipping back inside. You whined, writhing under him as he touched you. “Derek~ Please~” You begged him, your voice full of pleasure. Shuddering, he left wet kisses against your cunt, fingers leaving your clit as he sat back. 
Panting for breath, he dragged his hands across his face, licking the cum from his fingers. He grinned down at you as you lay motionless beneath him. He watched as you gasped for breath, your eyes unfocused, your chest rising and falling. “Fuck... That was better than anything I could’ve dreamed up. You taste perfect. I really didn’t wanna stop.” His husky words had your cunt clenching, and he watched you closely as you writhed slightly. 
Swallowing thickly, he dragged his sweats down along with his boxer briefs. Sighing as his cock was finally freed, he kicked them off and settled between your legs again. Stroking himself, he moaned softly. “C’mon baby, look at me. Look at the cock that’s about to split you open. I want you to beg me for it. Beg for my cock to be inside your cunt. You want me, baby? You gotta ask.” 
You almost couldn’t believe your ears, his smug haughty words the exact opposite of your sweet boyfriend. You shuddered, listening to him as you blinked your eyes rapidly. Finally meeting his eyes, you bit your lip. His gaze was warm and loving, arm moving slightly, and you moaned. “How did you not cum already?” 
Breaking his role, he laughed. “I, uh, I might enjoy edging a little too much. I can last a while, don’t worry.” His grin sent another wave of pleasure through you. He watched as your eyes dropped down, and he let go of himself, cock standing proud and tall. He heard you whimper, looking up at the ceiling quickly. 
Licking his lips, he moved to hover over you, gentle gaze catching yours. “Hey, are you okay? We can stop here, I don’t mind.” His words were sweet, you couldn’t help but toss your arms around his neck. 
“No! I don’t wanna stop. It’s just-” You hesitated, looking away from him for a moment. You gasped loudly as he leaned back, while he was surprised as you didn’t let go and instead merely shouted slightly from being pulled up with him. 
Derek laughed softly, hands supporting your ass before he moved you up into his lap as he sat back. “I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself. Can you be good and lay back down? Let me grab a condom.” To his further surprise, you tightened your arms around his neck. “Hey, baby, I know you want me,” His voice was smug before he started laughing again, “But I can’t get to the bedside stand if you’re hanging onto me like a very sexy necklace.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Pulling backwards, you kissed him softly. “I’m on birth control, can we have our first time, uh-” You giggled bashfully, “Can we do it without a condom? I promise I’m not baby trapping you.” And just like that, it was his turn to flush bright red. 
“Baby tr- Never! I know you’d never do that! And besides, I’d love to have a bunch of kids with you!” Both your eyes widened at what he said, “W-Wait! That’s not- I didn’t mean-” Groaning, he hid his face in your chest, arms curling around your back to make you arch up, letting his face disappear in your body. “Please say something else, I’m gonna die of embarrassment at this rate.”
You laughed softly, petting his hair as you arched more, sighing happily as your back cracked. “We can talk about babies another day, sweetness. How about we focus on making love?” Your warm words made his heart swell, one half relieved he didn’t scare you off while the other half was now obsessed with thinking about your future family. 
“Just one question, Derek...” Your eyes were mischievous, and he felt himself laugh nervously.
“What?” His heart was pounding, already excited about smothering himself in your chest, your soft breasts on either side of his head, and his cock nestled right against your mound. He could feel the heat from your cunt radiating onto him. Although, the quick breather had himself cooling down just a bit. He knew he could last, but a piece of him was terrified at being some sort of two pump chump. 
You smiled innocently, petting his hair. “Why do you have condoms in your nightstand? Have you been getting down and dirty with other people in this bustling city? Or maybe... You got them before I came here, and you were hoping and praying to get me into your bed?” you said both so evenly and playful, he knew you weren’t judging him, but he felt the need to speak up. 
“I haven’t ever been with anyone! I mean, I’ve kissed other people before but I’m still a virgin!” His cheeks lit on fire at your surprised face. Leaning back up to full height, he looked you in the eyes, “I’ve always known I loved you. I was always going to come back for you- I just-” He looked away slightly, and you knew he was thinking about the park. 
Holding his cheeks in your hands, you brought his face back to yours. Smiling encouragingly, you kissed him softly, prompting him forwards. “I knew I wanted to be with you. I didn’t sleep with anyone while I was out on the east coast. I knew I wanted to save myself for you. I wanted you to be the only person I’d share my heart and body with.” His gaze was vulnerable, mouth pulled down in a slight frown. 
You smiled softly, kissing him again. Derek melted into the kiss, sighing as you moved softly against him. However, before he could slip his tongue into your mouth, you pulled back. Smiling at his now curious expression, you nuzzled your nose against his. “I feel the same way. I haven’t been with anyone either. I’ve been so in love with you since we were thirteen, Derek. I, uh, actually, today was my first real kiss. With you. In the ferris wheel.” 
You felt like you’d burst into flames with how his eyes widened and how heated you felt. You squealed suddenly as he pulled you into a crushing hug. “Ahh! Derek! You’re gonna break me!” He laughed along with you, and you squealed louder as he swung you side to side as much as he could in a seated position. 
“I love you! I love you so much!” Pulling back, his tearful eyes met yours, “I love you. I love you, I love you! I can’t believe I get to say it now. You’re everything to me, thank you for waiting for me while I was lost.” He basked in your warmth, in your sunshine smile, as you kissed him slowly. 
“I’ll always wait for you, Derek Suarez. Until the end of time. You’re my whole world.” He kissed you passionately, lying you down onto your back again, nestling in close as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. Moaning hotly, you looped your arms back around his shoulders as he pawed at your chest. 
Sighing as his calloused hands groped you, you lied back and watched as he explored your body. Flushing slightly as you felt his cock against you again, you met his gaze as he smiled down at you. “Everything okay? We can still stop.” 
You licked your lips, shaking your head. “It’s just that... Well...” You looked away, blushing hotly, “You’re, uhm, bigger than my toys... I guess I wasn’t expecting that...” Derek blinked above you, stunned. You looked at him again, “What! Don’t look at me like that!” You grinned bashfully, covering his face with your hands as you laughed. “Derek!”
His hands gripped your wrists and tugged you away from him. He smiled lovingly, kissing your knuckles. “I’ll go slow, if it hurts at all, we can stop. You know I have the self control for that.” He winked at you and you giggled shyly. You did know he had the self control for it, Derek was the most disciplined and responsible man you knew, not to mention incredibly respectful, and always had been. “Although...” He grinned, “Not gonna lie, it boosts my ego to hear you say that. You like my big cock, baby?” 
His rough voice had you squealing under him, hiding your face in the pillows as he kept a firm grip on your wrists. “C’mon baby, let me see that cute face. Say you like me, baby, tell me how much you love my big cock.” His voice was teasing, not at all serious as he lay down over you. You tilted your head, letting his lips move to your neck to kiss you before his hands suddenly gripped your arms tightly, unable to move as he blew a raspberry against you. 
“Derek! You evil man! Stop!” You both laughed loudly as he kept blowing raspberries on you, you wiggling earnestly in his grip, and him showing off his overwhelming strength as you could barely move an inch. You wouldn't lie, the obvious show of power was getting you wetter. 
Finally, the two of you calmed down again, foreheads pressed together as you giggled softly in each other’s faces. Whispering your love to each other, his hands softly rubbed your thighs. Looping your arms around his neck, you pulled him in for a kiss as you spread your legs wide open to fit him. 
Accepting your invitation, he slotted his hips into yours, the underside of his shaft brushing your still swollen clit. Shuttering, you moaned into his mouth. Breaking apart, he looked into your eyes, and you felt entranced by the emerald glow that threatened to swallow you whole. Leaning forward, you kissed him softly again, breaking apart as you reached down, guiding his heated cock towards you. 
You couldn’t help but giggle as the tip slid in easily, smiling as Derek peppered your face in kisses. “Tell me if it hurts.” You sighed, kissing his cheek before nodding. Steadily, he pushed in deeper, feeling you relaxing under him, sighing dreamily. Swallowing thickly, he focused on how your body reacted to him, and less of how you felt wrapped around him. 
Breathing out stiffly, he watched your face as he sunk deeper and deeper inside. Your tight, burning hot cunt gently unfurled around him, letting him press his cock into you. Moaning loudly, he adjusted your legs to be wider apart, your cunt taking in all of him inch by inch. Your face was flushed, expression dreamy as your eyes unfocused. You moaned softly, panting every time he pulled a bit out, just to push back in. 
“Fuck...” His breathy voice had you moaning, and in turn, had your cunt tightening around him, which led to him cursing more. It was a euphoric cycle as he finally bottomed out inside you. Raising a shaky hand to your cheek, he panted heavily, your cunt squeezing his virgin cock. “Ahh~ Fuck, you- ahh! Took all of me, baby.” He shut his mouth, moaning silently as his brows knit together. “You’re so- fuck! So perfect.” 
You sighed under him, hands reaching up and he took a hold of one and held it to his cheek. Letting the other hand fall amongst the sheets, you smiled dreamily up at him. “So big... You’re touching me everywhere... I’ve never felt so full.” You sighed again, legs tightening around him. Whimpering as he let go of you, he dropped his palms on either side of you. 
“Move, baby. I wanna feel you~” Your sultry voice had him moaning, and making sure your legs were wrapped tightly around him, he placed his hands down again and pulled out of you a few inches, just to press back inside slowly. 
You moaned under him, and he watched as your eyes closed almost all the way, but still watching him carefully. Licking his lips, he pulled back again, but instead shoving himself rougher inside you. Whining loudly for him, he grinned down at you. Heavy breathing picking back up, he began a quick pace, pulling out further and further each time until he was worried he’d slip out of you completely. 
Derek watched as you arched your back, hands on either side of your elevated hips and twisting into his sheets. Panting heavily, you tossed your head back, moaning and crying out as he pounded hard into you. He grinned, eyes flitting down to watch your chest bounce heavily with each powerful thrust. “Ahh! Fuck, you look so good, baby, taking my- ahh~ taking my cock. I knew you could, you were-” He breathed out as you tightened around him, a burning hot, wet vice around his cock, “You were made for me. Made to take me, made to- fuck! Love me, you’re so good, baby, so hot, fucking perfect.” 
His praise had you crying out, hands reaching up and grasping the pillows, heated eyes matching his as you licked your lips, gasping and moaning. “T-Touch me more, I- ahhh~ So close~” Your strained voice had him melting, and grinned. 
Reaching down, calloused fingers rubbed your clit in tight rough circles. He grinned wolfishly as you cried out, legs lifting higher up on his body until he moved them so your ankles were up over his shoulders. He panted heavily, moaning as he was able to slip deeper inside you. 
He didn’t let up on his pace, rubbing you and pounding his cock hard inside your tightening cunt. Gritting his teeth, he watched as you arched back, screaming. “Derek! Fuck! Fuck, I- Ahh!” You were breathing hard, moaning with every exhale as he fucked you hard and fast. He could feel your orgasm coming, how you tightened on him, the squeeze intensifying until he felt like you’d break. 
He tried to talk you off, beg you to cum for him, tell you how good you were being, how amazing you felt, but his words got stuck in his throat, only able to whimper and whine as you finished. You shouted loudly, “Derek!” Your body writhing once more under him. He cried out, feeling your intense heat wash over him. 
Gritting his teeth, he moved your leg across his chest so that both were pressed together and still against his torso. Panting heavily, he choked on his moans, feeling you tighten around him as he pressed your legs together. Dark green eyes watched as you lost yourself in pleasure. 
Beginning another fast brutal pace, his hips stuttered every so often, his own orgasm fast approaching. His name was just a slur of syllables on your tongue, drooling as he fucked you harder. It was all he could do to just watch you fall apart below him. You gasped and moaned wantonly, hazy eyes watching as he slowly fell apart over you. 
“Fuck!” He couldn’t help but shout, hands leaving your legs as he balanced himself above you on his palms. In your orgasmic haze, your hands reached out towards him, petting his cheeks as your body ripped with each thrust of his hips. “G-Gonna cum, fuck! I-Inside?” He closed one eye in concentration, breathing heavily. 
Hearing you moan at his question brought him to the edge as he cried out, broad shoulders shuddering as he blew his load inside you. You moaned loudly, head turning to the side as you weakly bit his wrist. Screwing his eyes shut, his hips stuttered, breaking his rhythm as he finished inside you. Panting hotly, his hands curled into fists, muscles flexing as he rode out his orgasm. 
Leaning back on shaking thighs, he brought your legs to rest on his hips once more. Sighing, he bucked his hips weakly and slowly into you, bringing himself to overstimulation. Shuddering at the feeling, he watched as you blissfully took him, dropping his gaze to where your bodies met, and how your messy cunt easily took his cum covered cock. 
Moaning at the sight, he tried to make a mental note to ask you if you’d be okay with him filming the two of you. It was simply too fucking hot to ignore. Gritting his teeth, he whimpered as it became painful, his cock rubbed raw from the dry fucking and now being encased in your sweltering heat. Panting, he gripped your hips tightly, licking his lips and grinning as you moaned lasciviously at the contact. 
Dragging himself free, moaning how his cum immediately began to leak from your fluttering cunt, he fell face down next to you, sighing in contentment. Feeling your hands pawing at him, he groaned as he moved over slightly, draping a thick arm across your chest and hearing you hum happily. “Love you.” Your words were a hoarse whisper, and yet it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard. 
Turning his head to you, he watched as your eyes stayed closed, mouth open slightly as you caught your breath before seemingly falling asleep. He grinned, hand brushing your sweaty hair from your face. Once he caught his own breath, he carefully got up out of bed, padding silently to your room. Experienced with never wanting to wake his younger siblings, Derek was silent as he moved about. 
Grabbing your suitcase and lifting it up onto the bed, he rifled through it to find fresh panties. Humming curiously, he grabbed a box buried in your clothes and brought it out. Blushing brightly, he licked his lips and grinned. Setting it aside, he grabbed fresh panties and moved into the bathroom. 
Running the hot water, he soaked a cloth and cleaned himself up. Once that was finished, he soaked another one, wrung it out a bit, and went back into his room with all his spoils. Making eye contact with your own unfocused and hazy stare, he smiled gently. 
His voice was barely a whisper, “Grabbed you some panties and something to clean you up with. We’re still hosting dinner tonight, you know.” You pouted, throwing your arms up over your face and whining. He laughed softly, setting the box and panties down on the bedside table, and gently spreading your legs to clean you up. 
He hushed you as you whined, “No... S’too much, baby...” Smiling slightly, one hand cupped your cheek. 
“It’ll be okay, just need to do this and then we’ll get you bundled up, okay?” You continued to whine, but didn’t close your legs as he cleaned up the mess. Sighing once he was done, he set the cloth with your other dirty clothes, tugged your panties up, and grabbed his phone before snuggling behind you. 
Bare chest to your bare back, he hummed happily. Typing out a quick message to Nico, he asked when they were leaving to come over. Quick as a whip, Nico fired back, ‘Leaving in an hour, mom’s getting up from her nap soon.’ 
Sighing happily, he relaxed with you, comforted by the fact he still had an hour. He had no doubt Liz and Jorge were already texting as well, keeping your family informed of the one hour ETA. Tossing his phone behind him, he basked in your shared afterglow, your body warm and perfect against his. After a while in content silence, he felt you move against him, humming. 
Lying flat on your back, you looked up at him, smiling. “Hey.” He grinned, whispering back to you. 
“Hey.” The both of you laughed softly, holding each other close. You hummed again, kissing his nose before moving and kissing the corner of his mouth. Your adorable boyfriend pouted, and you pretended to think before just kissing him properly. Derek sighed happily, holding your cheek in one hand as he broke away and opened his eyes again. “I love you.” 
He watched as you blushed, grinning brightly at him, “I love you, too!” He laughed as you wrapped yourself around him. The both of you wiggling in unbridled happiness. Finally, he loosened his grip and let you fall back beside him. Peering down, you smiled, “Already covered me up, yeah? Guess that means no bonus round?” 
You giggled as he bashfully looked away, cheeks hot, “C’mon our families are gonna be here soon. Let’s get up and ready, okay?” You smiled, turning around and sitting on the edge of the bed, stretching high. 
You sighed happily as you felt Derek pressed right against you, arms looping around your waist. “I also found these in your suitcase. Have something you’d like to confess?” You looked at him curiously before looking to where his hand was. 
You yelped, covering your mouth as you saw the box of assorted sizes, flavors, and textures of condoms. You squealed, swatting your hand behind you. “Derek! You naughty boy, you went through my stuff! You’re bad!” There was no malice in your voice, and no power behind your hand. The both of you laughed together before you leaned back against him. 
“Okay, okay, you got me, I was raiding your panties. But I wasn’t about to let you go free from this, especially since you gave me shit about having condoms, too.” You giggled mischievously from where you sat between his legs. 
“Fine, you got me. I was also hoping we’d have a bomb, mind blowing, incredible session of making love.” You turned in his hold, tilting your head as you saw he was blushing. “What? You’re so cute when you get nervous.” He laughed in your arms, looking away. For a moment, you saw Derek when he was just thirteen years old, in the rusty playground, face rosy as you made a pact to get married in ten years. 
You smiled, leaning forward and kissing him tenderly. He sighed into your kiss, hand coming up and holding the back of your head. Slipping his tongue into your mouth, he moaned contentedly. Licking your tongue and teeth, he finally pulled away. Pressing your foreheads together, he smiled softly. “I love you.” Giggling, you echoed his sentiment back to him. 
Wiggling off his lap, he whined as his hands fell to either side of him on the bed. “Our families are gonna be here soon, and unless we want them to know we fucked nasty, we’ve gotta get ready.” He grinned boyishly at you, pride swelling knowing he literally just blew your world. 
Getting up, he went over to his closet, “Yeah, I’d rather just break the news we got together, not that we... ya’ know.” You grinned smugly, meeting his eyes before winking and moving back to the room you were using. “Make sure you cover up your bruises!” You balked, rushing to the bathroom first. 
“Derek Rio Suarez! You bit me to hell and back! Oh my g- there’s bruises all over my hips and thighs! You’re a beast!” All you could hear was loud laughter, and you puffed a breath of air up at your messed up hair. “I hope you’re just as marked up!” Snickering as you heard him laugh to himself, you went and got dressed in a more conservative outfit you had brought. 
Suddenly, thick muscled arms were wrapped around you, as you squealed. “No! I fucked up!” You turned around, questioning your boyfriend as he gripped your cheeks, squishing your face together until you had fish lips, “It’s a dinner party! We don’t have any fucking dinner!” You laughed loudly, bending slightly, “It’s not funny, they’re gonna be here any-” 
Cutting off his panic, the doorbell rang, Nico’s voice loud and reaching you even in the back bedrooms, “Derek! I’m hungry, c’mon, open up or I will!” Other words were heard, though not clearly enough. “Okay, fine, I won’t! But only ‘cause mom said so!” Derek sighed in relief, before shooting back up.
“What should we do?!” You smiled, holding his cheeks and rubbing your thumbs under his eyes.
“Pizza.” Your one word had all the stress leaving his body. He laid heavily against you, sighing happily. 
“Pizza it is.” Kissing each other again, you made your way out into the living room, checking each other once over again, making sure not a hair was out of place. Walking over to the door, you shared in welcoming both his and your family, who had also arrived while you were finishing up. Smiling at everyone, you held pinkies for a moment before starting to ask what everyone wanted as toppings. 
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iamthenerdqueen · 8 months
The Red String of Faith - Chapter XI
Idol!AteezXOCs Soulmates!ot8AteezXOCs OCXOC Slight Social Media AU!
slight twigger warnings:Polyamory, group of 10, two OC's -feel free to replace one OC with yourself if you'd like- , listen this is an idea me and my best friend had and is something for fun read at own risk, not edited as always, also we are starting to explore themes such as bxb and gxg if thats not for you, this story may not be for you.
Chapter VIII, Chapter IX. Chapter X, Next
The hardest part about moving to the other side of the world, literally was finding a place to live. On top of that, finding a place large enough for 10 people to live comfortably in a city as populated as Seoul. 
Just after Lia and Lyra returned home from LA months ago, they decided that the most important thing in their move was this exact issue. With the help of the ever-faithful Hajoon, they began a very specific hunt, and to no one's surprise, they found nothing that was what they imagined. Now, did they really expect to find an apartment or condo with enough space for 10 adults to have their own rooms, no. 
Instead what they ended up finding, by a stroke of luck and a random choice was an apartment complex up for sale. It was rather large and seemed to be a luxury apartment complex. Now the price had several zeros attached to it, but something the girls rarely spoke of was their current finances. After Lia had begun getting a decent income from her streams and brand deals the first thing the girls did was invest in property. 
They owned the apartment they lived in, a rental house in Myrtle Beach, and their most expensive property up until that point was a historic home located in downtown Charleston. They made a significant amount of passive income from these properties, and the Charleston house was specifically successful as it was used often as a wedding venue. So, dealing with property wasn’t anything new for them, but the biggest problem was that they weren’t Korean citizens nor did they understand the laws surrounding owning property like that in Korea. 
This is where Hajoon was a real lifesaver, he knew a good deal about how to go about this. Instead of the complex belonging to Lia and Lyra as personal property, they were able to obtain it using the property management company they had established in the United States for their Charleston property. 
The fun part of all of this is that because of the change in management and the sale, many of the tenants had moved out long before the girls came into the picture. Those who had remained through the buying process had turned out to be incredibly kind tenants and many of them had lived in the building for many years. 
New lease agreements had to be sent out to those who remained and the girls did all they could to keep the rent the same or even lower it if they could, they also let those who remained know that there would be some renovations taking place as soon as possible. 
They had really lucked out with the fact that the top floor of the building had become completely vacant during the process, and to accommodate their large soulgroup they were planning to turn the entire top floor into one large living space. There were six units on each floor of the building, four three-bedroom/two-bath apartments, and two three-bedroom/three-bathroom apartments on every floor of the building. 
So to begin with the girls had decided to take two of the three-bedroom apartments and one of the three-bedroom apartments to make one ten-bedroom apartment, plus each of the three-bedroom apartments had a small office. Now, you might be a little lost here because of the sheer amount of luck the girls had in making this possible, they were too. They really handed a lot of the reins over to Hajoon to figure out the layout of the project as he knew what would work the best for the boys and their lifestyles. The few things the girls requested were as follows: one bathtub, one western-style standing shower, at least two refrigerators, a washer, and a dryer. 
It was a lot and a lot of money. It really ate into the savings the girls had acquired over the years but their plan was to live and die in this place. Plus Lyra didn’t think she could handle using a drying rack ever again after college. What surprised them was pretty soon after renovations were in full swing and they were again accepting tenant applications was the outreach from several other soulgroups looking to apply for housing. Before they knew it they had a nearly full complex with soulgroups or families of at least 5 people, it was quite the shock. They also were able to retain the same staff as the previous owner employed, with a very strict NDA to sign in their new employment contracts to add some protection to the boys from stalkers or paparazzi. 
The most interesting part of it all was that the boys had no idea, and all Hajoon had told them was they would be moving to a new residence to accommodate the new size. They were none the wiser to the fact that the girls owned the building or that they had completely renovated a space for all of them. 
“Tell me again why we’re meeting the girls there? Why are they there before us?” Wooyoung was badgering Hajoon with questions about the whole situation and was really annoyed at the fact they had been back in Korea for only 48 hours, had only seen the girls twice as they had to go into the company and do some schedules, plus they had just haphazardly packed up their whole life to move to some random new dorm on the other side of town. He did have to admit it was the fancy part of town but still… he was crabby.
“Because Wooyoung, they are already there and have been since we returned to Korea. They’ve had their own things to handle like their visas and all the soulmate paperwork, you boys got off easy because you had to be at the company all you needed to do this round was sign the paperwork. Plus they had their things shipped here from the otherside of the world and have been working on putting together furniture, being there for final installations, so” Hajoon rattled off as he drove.
“Final installations? What do you mean?” Hongjoong asked from farther back in the SUV, Jonho and Yeosang were also in the back of the car with him while Wooyoung sat in the passenger seat. The other half of their group was in an SUV behind them with Yunho driving. 
“You’ll understand when we get there, it’s just a new place.” Hajoon did his best to not tell them anything, he knew the girls wanted everything to be a secret. Silence fell over the car and remained that way until Hajoon pulled their vehicle into the garage attached to the apartment building. 
For Lia and Lyra, they were still unpacking. They had made it through all the crap that went into their rooms, their shared office space that was also Lia’s filming set up, and everything for the living room they had and was like 60% of the way through the things that belonged in the kitchen. 
There were two main things both of them hated about moving which were packing and unpacking. It was clear to tell that during their packing they had given up as they now were dealing with boxes of random shit intermixed with their kitchen supplies. 
The current box they were dealing with had pots and pans as well as some things that were obviously last-minute additions intended to go in a box headed for Lia’s bedroom. 
“Oh my god, Lia. Listen, I know you like some weird shit but this paddle…” Lyra didn’t finish her sentence, instead, she just laughed as she held up the bright pink paddle that looked more like a gag gift than a real sex toy. It had the Playboy bunny logo cut out in the middle and meow etched across the pink leather handle. 
“I don’t have an answer for that one. I saw it on Amazon and knew I had to have it.” Lia answered straight-faced, “It was under my sink in case anyone went snooping they would think I was a freak and stop looking through my things,” she finished now halfway into another box. 
This was when all eight of their other soulmates and one incredibly tired Hajoon came in through the door. Walking into the room they all just saw two piles of boxes, some of their own but most of them belonging to the girls. Lyra, with a bright pink paddle in her hand, and Lia bent over in front of her reaching into a box. 
It was very…. suggestive to say the least. 
“I thought you two were platonic, this doesn’t look very platonic to me,” Wooyoung was the first to say anything, his hands on his hips like a parent who just found out their child was doing something naughty. 
“Hajoon I’m so sorry. I swear this is not what it looks like,” Lyra said as she tossed the paddle across the room as if she was trying to dispose of the evidence. The boys just started laughing, unable to take the situation seriously, Yunho even laughed so hard that he dropped the duffle bag he was carrying. It was that movement that made the girls realize that the boys were carrying the last of their things with them, mostly the last of their clothes in luggage or duffle bags plus their daily essentials like their toiletries. 
“I’m going home now, I’ll be back to pick you all up for schedules the day after tomorrow. Please, don’t call me.” Hajoon was joking, well everyone hoped he was joking as the tired man waved as he walked out the door of the apartment. 
The boys paused to take their shows off at the door before walking further into their new space all of them with the same confused look on their faces, they knew they would be in a large apartment but this was huge. 
“KQ has gone all out huh, how did they afford this? I know we are doing well, but this is like something insane,” Seonghwa said as he walked through the new living room that was somewhat put together with a brand new couch big enough for all of them to fit comfortably, a couple of new tables that matched the new entertainment system that was set up along the back wall. 
“KQ didn’t pay for this?” LIa said from her new spot crisscrossed on the floor working on the same box as before, “We bought it once we made the finalized plans to move here, the whole building actually.”
“What?” Several of the boys said at the same time while some others just looked at Lia like she had grown two heads. 
“It just ended up making more sense to own and this opportunity came up, it also gave us the chance to have free reign on what we wanted. Come on,” Lia stopped talking to stand from her spot on the floor, “Let’s go on the grand tour,” 
The next forty-five minutes were spent with the whole group going through the entire apartment. They were the most excited about the fact that each of them got their own room, and had a space to make a small in-house studio if they wanted in the empty office. The real kicker was their reaction to the kitchen, well the two kitchens combined into one. 
“It’s huge, I think I might pass out. Two fridges, this is a dream,” Wooyoung really did look like he might pass out at the sight of the new kitchen. 
“Wait until you see the one in the den,” Lyra said as she began toward the other side of the apartment, though calling it an apartment at this point was a little lackluster. Really they should call it a penthouse or their floor, something more true to size. 
“Den?” Yunho put his arm around Lyra's waist as he walked up behind her to follow her through the rest of the tour. He wasn’t super familiar with the term, it sounded funny to him in English.
When he saw the set up his jaw dropped, the den was on the far side of their new space. The room was huge and almost all of the walls were lined with shelves. Books filled one whole wall from floor to ceiling with different series and books while the other side was half books and games for all kinds of consoles. 
“What?” Yunho asked in Korean, taking in the room, it seemed more personal and geared toward them here. Unlike the living room, they had seen right when they walked in. 
“We know you all are gamers, and I have quite the book collection, so…” Lyra shrugged, smiling at the room, personal things like this made it all worth it for her. Seeing parts of all of them coming together, making a home for all of them. 
All the boys filtered in and began exploring, most of them looking at the area where they could set up their games and seeing the gaming consoles the girls had brought with them. A switch and an older Xbox 360 were all they had, leaving plenty of room for the boys to set up the ones they brought with them. 
“I don’t know this book,” Yeosang said from where he stood looking at the books, noticing different ones on slight display. Some he knew despite the English titles, like Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, but he hadn’t read this one. 
It was displayed in a mixture of poetry and other books. 
“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am.” Lyra spoke softly and mimicked the thumping of a heart as she spoke the last few words, “That is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, I love that book. It’s about a woman in college who struggles with her mental health. I read it as a young woman in college struggling with her mental health, it helped me a lot. The ones to the right are the books I wrote my senior thesis about,” Lyra pointed to two books shelved together before shifting to point to the tallest shelf.
“The quote I just said, I used part of it on my graduation cap. To remind myself that I got myself where I was, to feel the beating of my heart not because I was nervous, but because I was proud of myself.” The cap had a background of what looked like pages out of an old book, the entire edge of the cap was lined with fake white pearls. The top and bottom corners were lined with a mixture of pink and white fake flowers that had a thin layer of glitter on them from what Yeosang could see. The English words were clear in the middle of the cap. I am, I am, I am.
The closer Yeosang looked across the shelves of books he noticed that there were books in Korean, poetry, histories, fables, and versions of copies of some of the books from the other side. 
“Why did you get the same books in Korean?” Yeosang asked as he picked up a second copy of Peter Pan, this one in Korean. 
“I got those so that you all knew that there is something for you all to read, there are some of my favorites and some of Lia’s favorites,” Lyra pointed to the copy of Dracula and tapped the hardback cover he had in his hand, “That is my favorite of all. I fell in love with the idea of Neverland and decided that I would never grow up.”
Yeosang smiled at her words, the girls always seemed to surprise him. He couldn’t think that thought from his head as the night continued. The boys unpacked some of their things, beginning most excited to set up the den with their own games and consoles. 
Everyone spread out within their new space trying to get settled, not much could be done for the boys as their new furniture had yet to arrive, only their new mattresses had come. Lia and Lyra were both engrossed once again in the process of unpacking, doing a little here and there.
“Pretty!! I want to see your room!” San was far from quiet as he made his way down the hall toward Lia’s room. 
Without much hesitation, San walked into the room of all-white furniture and fake plants. A string of fairy lights was Lia’s current task as she was standing on her bed putting the string up above her headboard. 
“It’s not totally done yet, I don’t have my vanity set up yet.” Lia’s words went in one ear and out the other as San focused in on the CDs she had displayed on the wall and beside it the album they belonged to set neatly on several shelves. 
“It’s all so cute except for the albums.” San was pouting from behind her Lia could hear it in his voice. Turning over her shoulder to look at him she saw the expression on his face, he was full-on pouting but also glaring at the wall where she had her kpop albums displayed.
“The albums are cute, you’re just mad that I listen to more groups than y’all.” Lia stuck her tongue out at him as she teased her soulmate from across the room. 
“I can’t believe my own soulmate is cheating on us with so many others,” San made the motion to wipe away a fake tear from his eye.
“You are so dramatic,” Lia rolled her eyes as she walked over to him and hugged him despite the fact that he had crossed his arms.
“How are you calling me dramatic when you’re the one with Stray Kids, BTS, Seventeen, and NCT on your wall? Do we mean nothing to you?” the fake crying returned at this point as he tipped his head up toward the ceiling playfully. 
“Oh no, you don’t get to leave out the fact that Ateez is also on that wall, thank you very much.” Lia pointed to the places where several of their albums were on display. “And at least I didn’t display my lightsticks… yet. Lyra has her up in her room already.”
At Lia’s words, San's eyes went wide before he began to turn to go hunt down his other soulmate who had the audacity to stan other groups. 
Lyra, who was unexpectedly folding clothes in her room with Jongho, was surprised when San walked into the room like a bat out of hell. 
“You are also a cheater, not even trying to hide it,” San went straight up to one of her bookshelves where she had her albums neatly shelved with her two light sticks on either side as if they were book ends. 
“Is this about us being multi-stans again?” Lyra didn’t blink as San picked up her Ahgabong and waved it around as proof. 
“How could you, I thought you were ATINY. I thought we were the lights of your lives, I thought you loved us,” San’s volume had attracted a few more of the boys down the hall to the girls' rooms, most notably Hongjoong had come down as well. 
Hongjoong was just a little too smug at the conversation happening as he was probably the most unhappy with the fact that the girls were die-hard fans of other groups. 
“I mean, by this train of thought I’m cheating on GOT7 with you, not the other way around,” Lyra shrugged, not really bothered by the dramatics of her soulmates. 
A gasp left Hongjoong from just inside her bedroom door, before Lia spoke from her spot in the room, “Yeah, I would technically be cheating on Stray Kids with Ateez.”
The was a split second where the boys seemed to make eye contact and even Jongho who really didn’t have a dog in this fight quickly caught on to what was about to happen, so he shifted to the left of Lyra to get out of the way.
Both girls were soon wrapped up by San and Hongjoong respectively as they showered them with aggressive affection as they would call it. The girls were helpless to escape the awful tickling they were receiving until they gave in to the boys' demands to be ATINY first and everything else second.
A few hours later they had all settled and had unpacked as much as they possibly could. 
In plain honest truth, they were all clingy, and at some point, someone had suggested they just make a giant pallet on the floor of the den. 
It was Lia. Lia suggested the giant pallet on the floor and because the boys had very little willpower when the girls were concerned, they were all lying in a giant puppy pile on the floor. Lia snuggled between Jongho and Yeosang, each of them had their own blankets, unlike the rest of the soulmates who were sharing with each other. Those three were blanket hogs and unashamed to say it. 
Lyra had found herself between Wooyoung and San, the three of them under the same blanket. It’s a good thing that Lyra tended to sleep on her back, but she couldn’t move if she wanted to because of the vice grip both her soulmates had on either side of her. They were all chatting quietly while Yunho and Jongho were playing a 1 vs. 1 game on the switch. 
Lyra was almost asleep when she heard Lia get up hastily from her spot on the floor, making a bee-line for the bathroom. She had been dealing with some sort of nausea since the flight into Korea. Her immune system had always been trash and all this traveling was finally catching up to Lia were the last thoughts that crossed Lyra's mind as she fell asleep that night. 
A/N: Hi friends :) Long time no see, but I am back with the next chapter and the start of the second arch of this story. That being said this is not my favorite chapter tbh and is really nothing more than a filler. I also would like to say here that it will be few and far between for a while until I update again, but I will be doing my best to write and publish many at once.
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carl-glendon · 1 year
Commercial Lease Agreement: Understanding the Terms and Conditions for Business Properties
In this video, we'll take a closer look at the commercial lease agreement, a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for leasing commercial properties. Explore the key components of a commercial lease agreement, including rent amount, lease term, renewal options, and restrictions on use of the property by visiting this website https://forms.legal
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
Eddie is the luckiest bastard on the planet.
He has to be.
There’s no other way around it.
There’s no other possible explanation for why he got to wake up this morning with Steve Harrington still fast asleep against his side, an arm curled around Eddie’s stomach so his hand rests warm on the curve of his waist, his cheek smushed against Eddie’s collarbone, and their legs entangled beneath the sheets. There’s no other reason for why he’s gotten to wake up like this pretty much every morning for the past year and a half (they’ve actually been together for a little over two, but it’s been a year and a half since Ed replaced Robin on the lease for their little apartment by the harbor in Tacoma, Washington).
Maybe luckiest on the entire planet is up for debate, but, god does Eddie feels fucking lucky — and not just because he’s the one who bagged Steve Harrington, king of Hawkins High (though he seriously hopes Steve will be up for attending their high school reunion whenever it comes around).
Steve just loves so hard, he’s like a bottomless pit of goodness and kindness and love, and by some grace of whatever God is in charge of that kind of shit, Eddie gets to be on the receiving end of it.
Christ, is he fucking lucky.
In the two years that they’ve been together, Eddie has spent a considerable amount of time wondering if he even deserves Steve. He’s pretty firmly landed on he doesn’t, but Steve doesn’t seem to be with the program (and Ed is irreversibly head over heels for him, so he’ll take it).
“Ed,” Steve mutters from beside him as he rolls back towards his side of the bed, his sleep-addled voice rough like gravel, “Go back to sleep.”
Though Eddie is far too awake to fall back asleep, he hums his agreement, molding himself to Steve’s back and tucking a hand between his thighs.
Eddie’s sleep schedule is kind of fucked at this point. To be fair, it was kind of always fucked, but his saving grace as a teenager had been the fixed schedule of school, and then as an adult, work. Ten months ago, however, he signed a real-life publishing deal for the book he’s been working on for ages that came with an upfront payment and the expectation of writing full-time. Since then, he’s had free reign to live by whatever hours he sees fit, for better or for worse.
Recently he’s been trying his damndest to stick to normal waking hours, which hasn't exactly been easy for the night owl that he tends to be, but Steve’s last semester in his PsyD program started up last week after a short break, so spending time with him means abiding to the same hours (and more than anything, more than any vocation or any job or any amount of money, Eddie just wants to spend time with Steve).
At this point, they’ve got a whole routine down —
Steve will pull himself out of bed with his alarm.
Eddie will do whatever he can to convince him to skip out on his clinical and spend the day with him, which Steve will ignore.
Eddie will then spend the morning killing time.
Steve will call home midway through the day. He’ll asks what Eddie’s been up to and tell him he misses him, and Eddie will fall just that much more in love.
After they hang up, Eddie might manage to put in a good few hours of writing, might have a meeting with his agent or his publishing house, and sometimes he’ll go out to pick up some things for his and Steve’s evening — usually groceries and a bottle of wine (Steve is becoming a wine guy in his old age of twenty-eight, and while Ed’s not totally sure he’s convinced, he has been noticing his taste in beer becoming less and less redneck, as Nancy ever-so-kindly describes it).
Steve is the designated cook in their relationship (thank god, because any relationship where Eddie is the more culinarily-inclined of the pair is not a relationship destined to be sustainable, and Ed needs this to be sustainable), so Eddie won’t actually get dinner started per se, but he will put a tape on (Led Zeppelin’s IV, more often than not, because “Going to California” reminds him of Steve), and he’ll clean up the kitchen, put the wine in the fridge to chill, and get a pot of water boiling because he’s usually pretty sure that whatever Steve has planned includes pasta.
(And if it doesn’t, it usually works out anyway because when Steve returns home, they’ll make out against the kitchen counter for so long that all the water boils off).
They might watch something after dinner or maybe they’ll start a new puzzle or maybe Steve will convince him to play Mario Kart with him or maybe they’ll do something else entirely, but no matter what they’ll talk and rib each other and tell each other about their days.
If Steve turns in early, Ed will go with him. He’ll stand behind him in the bathroom with an arm around his middle while they brush their teeth together, and once they’re in bed he’ll let (let, as if he’d ever say no) Steve cuddle up against him while he jots down something that had popped into his brain in the notebook he takes with him wherever he goes.
It’s a routine Eddie is pretty goddamn happy with, actually.
He loves Steve — he loves him, he loves him, he loves him.
He loves his old-man schedule that has him rising and falling practically with the sun. He loves his sexy early-morning voice, loves the way he snores when he sleeps on his back for too long, loves the way Eddie can gently smush a hand into Steve’s face for a moment so he’ll stop.
He loves Steve and his absurd collection of houseplants and the way their coffee table is almost always consumed by a puzzle (Steve likes the tricky ones — they’re a 1000-piece minimum household) and his determination to try a new recipe every week.
He loves how Steve ends every phone call with love you, Ed and every note with a doodled heart, smiley-face, and star, and how he cuddles with his nose shoved into the bend of Eddie’s neck so he can feel his heartbeat and how he likes to keep his socks on during sex.
“I don’t like it,” Steve always responds whenever Ed brings this up, “I'm just not gonna put a pause on everything to take my fucking socks off if it doesn’t make literally any difference to me.”
Which, Eddie supposes, is fair enough.
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