#Freelance Writers Tips Using Seo Optimization When Writing
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hammadagency22 · 2 years
How to Start Content Writing.
By Maksudul Islam | 05-10-2022 | Content marketing
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Writing content has never been easy, there are some things that professional writers do. For being a professional content writer the main thing you need to learn is KEYWORD RESEARCH. Let’s see how to start content writing. First, we need to know what is content and what is content writing.
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What is content?
Content is anything you produce that your audience can consume with its senses.
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What is content writing?
Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and publishing web content. 
Content writers are the storytellers of their content. Anybody can write content. But anybody can’t write quality content. Content is everything but quality content is king. A content writer needs the knowledge of SEO process also.
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What is SEO?
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. It means the process of improving your sites/profiles/contents to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your content.
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How does SEO work?
SEO works by optimizing websites/profiles' content, conducting keyword research, and earning inbound links to increase that content's ranking and the website/profile's visibility.
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If you want to be a quality content writer at first you need to learn SEO. For starting content writing you have to know the types of content. There are many types of content.
Types of content:
Image content.
Social media post/text content.
Video content.
Website blogging.
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There are some most important skills you need to become a content writer.
Having writing skills
Find Your Niche
Time management.
Grammar and vocabulary skills.
Research skills.
SEO and content strategy.
Creative writing.
A content writer needs to understand that different client have different needs.
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You have to know about the fields of content writing.
Fields of content writing:
Social media posts.
News writing.
Creative contents.
White papers.
Case studies.
Press Releases.
Product descriptions.
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Whether you are writing content the following tips will help you organize your work for enhanced output:
Study about product/niche.
Choose your platform.
Research your competitors.
Find your audience. 
Start Writing.
Create a killer title.
Know relevant content writing formats.
Share your experiences and stories.
Ask for a comment.
Write content with easy words.
Improve readability.
No grammatical mistakes.
Collect all expert opinions.
Focus on benefits.
Edit and proofread your work.
Promote your work.]
Keep learning.
Be patience.
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There are some on-page SEO factors. These are very important parts of content writing. A successful content writer always follows these rules and applies them to their content. If you want to be a professional content writer you must have to follow these SEO factors.
Some on-page SEO factors:
A blog should contain at least 300 to 1000 words.
Use your keyword in the title.
Use your keyword in the URL.
Maintain keyword density.
Use keywords in the image's ALT tag.
Shorten paragraphs.
Use bullet points & numbers.
Use Image/Video content.
Use internal & external links.
Content writing is very very important for any kind of business. Quality content is a valuable way to connect customers with your brand. There are many benefits of content writing for a business. Content writing boosts Search Engine Optimization, Sales, and Conversion rates. It represents your brand and retains viewers. Content writing helps you to reach new audiences. 
Start content writing:
Start content writing with blog. Blogs are impressive way for learning content writing. By writing blogs you can understand how Search Engine works. You can improve your writing skills.
Once you are confident you can start freelance writing. There are many famous freelancing sites. Like: Fiverr, Upwork, Problogger, Trvelancer, Worknhire etc.
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Some tools to optimize your content writing experience:
Wordpress - https://wordpress.org/
Yoast - https://yoast.com/
Google docs - https://docs.google.com/
Grammarly - https://www.grammarly.com/
Semrush - https://www.semrush.com/
Canva - https://www.canva.com/
Buzzsumo - https://buzzsumo.com/
Hootsuite - https://www.hootsuite.com/
CoSchedule - https://coschedule.com/
Medium - https://medium.com/
To improve your writing work you must take feedback seriously. Paying attention to the critics is the best way for improve your content writing skill.
Thank You....
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soundorp · 8 days
How to prepare the best Podcast Show Note?
Writing podcast show notes can be an aspect for maximizing the potential of your podcast. These summaries act as guides for your audience, enhancing their listening experience and driving traffic to your content. Let’s explore how to cover all the essentials.
Understanding the significance of Podcast Show Notes
Show notes provide a concise summary of each episode which offers listeners a sneak peek into what they can expect to hear. Even if it’s an outline, a bulleted list, or a few sentences of text, show notes works as a roadmap which helps listeners navigate through the content with ease.
Driving Traffic to Your Podcast
Show notes also play a role in attracting new listeners. How? Well, think of show notes as your mini-Podcast SEO. By incorporating relevant keywords and phrases, you can optimize your show notes for search engines, and make it easier for potential listeners to discover your podcast. Additionally, well-crafted show notes can entice curious visitors to click play and dive into your episode, thereby driving traffic to your podcast. The demand of Podcast Show Notes writing has been rised so high by the podcasters, That Podcast Show Notes writer has become a great Gig in Freelance platforms like Fiverr.
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Show Note Etiquette
As a podcaster, your content is your kingdom, and show notes are the royal decree that guides your listeners to the treasures within each episode. But how do you strike the perfect balance between brevity and detail in your show notes? Fear not, for we’ve gathered the most crucial tips and tricks to master podcast show notes etiquette.
Your show notes title is your first impression, you pitch to potential listeners. It’s crucial to craft titles that are both intriguing and informative. Here’s how:
1. Match Your Episode Title: Align your show notes title with your episode title. Consistency breeds familiarity and helps listeners quickly identify the content they seek.
2. Utilize Keywords: Use keywords that accurately represent your episode’s content. Keywords not only improve searchability but also pique curiosity, enticing listeners to get deeper.
3. Generate Excitement: Make your title with excitement and intrigue. Think of it as the headline of a captivating story that entice listeners to as if like they are reading a book and they have got addicted to it.
Here’s how to wield linking effectively:
1. Mentioned Locations: If your podcast references specific locations, include links to relevant websites. If it’s a local museum or a quaint café, provide easy access for your audience to explore further.
2. Referenced Content: Don’t hesitate to link to other podcasts or external content mentioned in your episode. This Not only does this build goodwill within the podcasting community, but it also helps in your audience’s engagement.
3. Cultivate Good Karma: Reciprocity is rare these days. Embrace the reciprocity of linking. By directing traffic to other creators’ content, you can sow the seeds for potential collaborations and meaningful connections within the podcasting ecosystem.
Concise Vs Comprehensive Show Notes
The age-old debate between brevity and detail rages on when you talk about show notes. Here’s how to navigate this delicate balance:
1. Bullet Lists: Opt for a concise bullet list format for streamlined show notes. Ideal for capturing key points and topics, bullet lists offer a quick overview without overwhelming your audience.
2. Detailed Transcripts: If you want a deeper dive, consider providing word-for-word transcripts of your episodes. While more time-consuming, transcripts cater to diverse learning preferences and offer comprehensive insight into your content.
3. Consider Length: Be mindful of the length of your show notes. Align them with the duration and complexity of your episodes. Have a balance between accessibility and depth, ensuring an optimal reading experience for your audience.
Embracing Etiquette
Just as a small car promises to alleviate traffic congestion, following these three simple guidelines can elevate the podcasting experience for creators and listeners alike.
While the impact on traffic jams and oil consumption may remain uncertain, the transformative power of well-crafted show notes is undeniable.
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How to Plan the post
The amount of time you spend planning your show notes is inversely proportional to the amount of time you spend during your show prep. If you forgot everything from your high school Algebra II class, allow me to paraphrase: The more you prepare for your show, the less time you spend working on the show notes — and vice versa. Examine the notes you used when you recorded your podcast. Did you talk about any Web sites? Find the URLs and make sure you spell them right. We highly recommend the copy-and-paste technique for URLs, rather than relying on your typing skills, especially for lengthy URLs.
If you recorded and/or edited your show hours or days before you started this notation process, replaying the media file with pen and paper at the ready is a good idea. Look for need-to-know moments and jot them down as the show plays. After it finishes, use a search engine to find additional, relevant URLs you may want to provide to your listeners. The following sections help you create powerful show notes that benefit you, the listener, and potential listeners.
Focus on the Details
Show notes act as the guide for your audience and offers a roadmap through the auditory journey of your episode. But what level of detail should you employ? Let’s delve into the depths of show notes and uncover the secrets to making them shine.
Primary Purposes
Their primary purposes are twofold:
Table of Contents: Think of show notes as the index of a book, providing a quick glimpse into the topics covered in your episode.
Skip Navigation: Show notes allow your listeners to navigate through the episode, skipping ahead to the sections that pique their interest.
Finding the Balance: Detail vs. Brevity
Now, the million-dollar question arises: how detailed should your show notes be? The answer lies in understanding your audience’s expectations and your personal preferences. Here’s a golden rule to keep in mind: the deeper you delve into a single topic, the less detailed your notes need to be.
Suppose you are hosting a podcast featuring an interview with a renowned Theoretical Physicist discussing the intricacies of his latest book. In such cases, your show notes may consist of little more than a link to purchase the book or watch related content.
Effective Strategies for Crafting Show Notes
Now that we’ve established the importance of show notes, let’s explore some effective strategies for creating them:
Time Stamps: Providing time stamps for key moments in your episode can be a game-changer. This allows listeners to jump to specific sections, especially if your episode covers a wide array of topics.
Prose Format: Taking inspiration from blogging, you can write your show notes in complete sentences and paragraphs. This approach, podcasters like Kris Smith, provides a narrative flavor to your notes and offers potential listeners a glimpse into the essence of your episode.
Beyond the One-Liner: Create more than a one-line summary. Some podcasters, such as Dave Winer (Morning Coffee Notes) take the opposite approach and post a simple one-liner that isn’t much more than a title. I suggest new podcasters not follow his lead because it doesn’t do much for helping attract new listeners. Dave is a seminal figure in the world of podcasting and gets most of his listeners because he’s Dave Winer, not because he posts great show notes.
Detailed show notes are also useful for attracting new listeners. Show notes improve your search engine rankings, and they enable Web surfers to determine the value of an episode before listening. For his Gmail Podcast, Chuck started with a synopsis of each show (for example, “Learn how to be more effective using labels”). After seeing little increase in listenership for 18 months, he started including the full transcript to the 5 minute show, and listenership doubled — that’s how powerful show notes can be.
If things get quite hard for you to operate or you don’t have time enough, podcasters usually outsource these tasks to PODCAST SHOW NOTES WRITERS. This is how you can save tons of time and focus on your real work which is PODCASTING!!
Use Images Effectively
Podcasting is not just about the words you speak; it’s also about the visuals you provide. Including images in your podcast show notes can elevate your content and engage your audience in a whole new way. But before you rush to add images to your posts, let’s dive into some essential considerations to ensure you’re doing it right.
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Copyright Concerns: Respect Intellectual Property
Before you hit that upload button for an image, pause and ask yourself: “Is this image protected by copyright?” It’s necessary to understand that using someone else’s creative work without permission is a big no-no. It’s not just unethical; it’s illegal. Even the most innocent intentions can lead to serious legal trouble if you don’t have the proper rights to use an image. Always prioritize obtaining permission, which may involve securing royalties or fees.
Hosting Dilemma: To Link or to Copy?
When it comes to adding images to your podcast show notes, you need to decide how you’ll host them. Some websites allow direct linking to images, while others require you to copy them to your server. Sites like Amazon.com. Spend less. Smile more. have the infrastructure to handle remote hosting, but smaller sites might not. If you opt to copy images to your server, make sure you have the necessary permissions and give credit where it’s due by providing a “courtesy of” link to the original source.
Size Matters: Finding the Right Fit
Images can surely enhance your show notes, but only if they’re the right size. Images that are too small or too large can detract from the user experience. Take the time to select images that fit seamlessly into your page layout. You can use width and height declarations in your HTML to control image size, but be cautious as this can distort the image. Always preview your post with resized images to ensure everything looks just right.
We can’t stress enough how important it is that you not take, post, modify, or use any image without the express permission of the copyright owners. The act of someone posting an image to a Web site does not give you carte blanche to use it as you see fit. When in doubt, leave it out.
Using images into your podcast show notes is better, but it’s essential to do it responsibly. Respect copyright laws, choose the right hosting method, and ensure your images are the perfect fit for your page. By following these tips, you’ll not only enhance your podcast but also create a more enjoyable experience for your listeners.
Time to Post Your Show Notes
If you’ve planned and prepared, posting your show notes is easy. And if you’ve decided for the minimalist approach or don’t really care to use show notes, this process can go quickly as well because there’s nothing to do. In this section, we show you how to enter your show notes by using WordPress and Libsyn as examples. If you use another tool to make your posts, or if you create your notes by hand, you still get value out of these examples as we show you things to consider along the way.
Getting Started with WordPress
WordPress is a fantastic tool for podcasters, which offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features. Here’s how you can post your show notes on WordPress:
Log in to your Website’s Admin Page: Head over to your website’s administration page and log in using your credentials. If you’re using WordPress, the login link is usually found on WordPress pages, and the URL typically looks something like: www.your_domain_here.com/wp-admin.
Click on Write to Begin a New Post: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the top menu and click on “Write” to start a new post. You’ll be taken to a new posting page where you can fill in the details of your episode.
Choose the Right Category: In the Categories section, select the appropriate category for your podcast. While not mandatory, categories can help organize your content better. Consider having separate categories for text/blog entries and podcasts to streamline navigation.
Craft a Compelling Title: Enter the title of your podcast in the Title text box. Keep it short and descriptive, making it easy for your audience to understand what the episode is about at a glance. Consistency is key, so try to use the same title for both your show and show notes for clarity.
In the large text area below, type your show notes. Follow a chronological order and list the various topics covered in your show, one on each line.
Be sure to add URLs to any Web sites you mention. To create a link, highlight the text you want to link and then click the Link button. Copy and paste the full URL — including the http:// part — you want to link to in the pop-up box. Click OK.
Create a link to your podcast file. Enter text like Listen Now or Download MP3. Just as you create a link to a URL in Step 6, you can add a link to your podcast file. If the file is on your server, use the pathname on your server. If your file is on another server, use the entire URL — for example, http://servername/path_to_myfile.mp3.
When you’re done entering your show notes, click the Save button. You can see a preview of your posting by clicking the Preview button — it’s not a bad idea to verify the format and ensure links will work before releasing it to the public.
Scroll down to preview your post. Make sure the links work properly — including your podcast file. Few things are more embarrassing than releasing that long-awaited podcast only to find that a link in your show notes doesn’t work. When you’re just starting out, you likely won’t have a lot of people letting you know of technical issues. It’s up to you to test as much as you can before releasing a new podcast.
Make any adjustments necessary. If you notice links that don’t work or typos, you still have an opportunity to fix them by scrolling back up, making the edits, saving your work, and repeating Step 9 until you’re satisfied.
When you’re satisfied with your show notes, click Publish. The system takes care of generating the RSS 2.0 feed.
Click View Site link at the top of the page to see how your entry looks. Visiting your Web page is a good idea to make sure everything looks as you expected it to. If it doesn’t, simply edit the post and resave your changes.
Getting Started with LibSyn
1. Get acquainted
First things first, let’s get acquainted with the LibSyn interface. Posting your podcast episodes on LibSyn is a breeze, but it’s a bit different from working with traditional blogging software. Here’s how to get started:
Navigate to the Publish Tab: To kick things off, head over to the Publish tab or simply click on the link of the same name from the main page of your LibSyn account.
Create a New Post: Once you’re in the publishing section, hit the New Post option button to begin crafting your latest episode.
2. Crafting Your Episode
Now that you’re ready to create a new post, it’s time to dive into the specifics of your episode. Here’s what you need to do:
Title Your Episode: Give your episode a catchy title that captures the essence of what it’s all about. Keep it simple yet descriptive – think “Classic Car Auction” or something similar.
Choose a Category: Select the appropriate category for your podcast from the Category drop-down list. For most cases, Podcast will suffice.
Include Show Notes: This is where you can really shine. Enter detailed show notes in the provided text box, listing out the topics covered in your episode in chronological order. Don’t forget to include URLs for any websites mentioned during the show.
3. Adding Media Files
No podcast is complete without its audio content. Here’s how to seamlessly integrate your media files into your LibSyn post:
Select Your Podcast Media File: Choose the media file for your episode from the drop-down list. If you haven’t uploaded it yet, simply click the Browse button to locate the file on your computer.
Double-Check Everything: Before hitting that publish button, take a moment to review your post. Check for any spelling errors and ensure all your links are working correctly. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
4. Publishing Your Post
You’ve crossed all your T’s and dotted all your I’s – now it’s time to share your masterpiece with the world:
Click Publish: Once you’re satisfied with your post, hit the Publish button to make it live. LibSyn’s user-friendly interface ensures you won’t accidentally mess things up.
5. Review and Revise
Your work isn’t quite done yet. Here’s what you need to do post-publishing:
Check Your Page: Take a moment to visit your podcast page and see how everything looks from the audience’s perspective. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure everything is in tip-top shape.
Promote Your Show Notes: Don’t forget to remind your audience about your show notes. Whether it’s during the episode or through a post-show message, encourage listeners to visit your website for additional information and links mentioned during the show.
Check Your Page: Take a moment to visit your podcast page and see how everything looks from the audience’s perspective. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure everything is in tip-top shape.
Promote Your Show Notes: Don’t forget to remind your audience about your show notes. Whether it’s during the episode or through a post-show message, encourage listeners to visit your website for additional information and links mentioned during the show.
Final Check: Before calling it a day, double-check your post for any errors or discrepancies. It never hurts to be thorough!
Using a wiki for your show notes
A wiki is a website that allows your listeners to contribute to your show notes. This may sound rather scary — “let others modify MY website? Are you crazy?” Before you dismiss the idea, consider sites like Wikipedia (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), one of the foremost reference sites built entirely by volunteer public efforts. Now imagine the listener community helping you build and maintain your show notes.
One method of using the wiki is to post a framework, or bullet list for your show notes, and let the users contribute. Another way is to just start writing and let the user community come along and do the clean up.
Note that wikis won’t work for every podcast. It takes a certain level of listener loyalty — something the podosphere has no shortage of.
You can employ a wiki in two basic ways: Build one yourself or use a wiki someone else has built. We discuss each way in this section.
Using MediaWiki
MediaWiki (MediaWiki) is the software that runs the popular Wikipedia. The software is freely available to anyone who wants to set up a wiki. It does require you to maintain a database with your Web hosting provider. Check the website to install the software.
Installing MediaWiki is similar to installing WordPress in that it requires you to have a Web host that allows you to upload and install software and access to a MySQL database.
When it’s installed, you can create pages specifically for show notes. MediaWiki does use special formatting characters to create links, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and more; however, using the wiki formatting characters is simpler than trying to teach yourself HTML.
An example of your show notes in a MediaWiki page might look something like this:=Show 15: HP Laptops and me= * Introduction * The week in review * [http://www.microsoft.com Software troubles]
In this example, the line flanked with one or more equal signs (=) indicates a section heading. The more equal signs, the further the indent. The lines starting with asterisks (*) are a bulleted list. The last line enclosed with the single square brackets ([ ]) is a link to another site, everything after the site is the text displayed. In this example, the Web browser displays a link that says Software troubles, which takes users to the Microsoft home page.
The following steps show you how to create a new page of show notes. We assume the top-level page is at http://www.mysite.com/wiki.
Click the Log In/Create Account link in the upper-right corner.
Log in to your wiki with your username and password. Assuming you set up the wiki, you already have an account. New visitors have to use the link Create an Account.
Click the Edit tab. The page will change to “edit mode” allowing you to enter text in a large text area.
Create a page link. Enter the formatting code [[Some Text]], where Some Text is the name of your page. For example, [[April 30, 2008]].
Click the Save Page button. MediaWiki goes back to browse mode. You now see a link with the text of your new page link. Note that the link is in red, which means there’s no actual page for this link — yet.
Click the newly created link. You’re taken to the same page editor as before, but there’s no content. This is where you enter your show notes using the formatting codes for headers, bullet lists, and so on.
Click the Save Page button. Congratulations! You’ve created your first set of show notes using MediaWiki. In very little time, you can create fairly extensive show notes and then link to them from your blog post. Other listeners can then come along (and set up accounts if necessary) and make changes.
You can use the wiki for more than show notes. You can create almost any Web content to support your show from listener show suggestions to results to a contest — there’s practically no limit to the ideas.
Most wikis feature revision control — meaning you can roll-back changes in the event something goes wrong. With multiple people editing the same information, it happens from time to time.
Read the full Article on Podcast Show Notes To know more about optimization and techniques.
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pathstowellness · 5 months
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In the Beginning: Five Things I've Learned About Starting Out as a Freelance Writer
Let me begin this blog with what I learned in becoming a freelance writer.
So you decided you want to be a writer. But can't everyone write to some degree? What makes you so special? These are some of the key questions I've had to wrestle with since deciding to throw my hat into the freelance writing market and a crowded market it is. I come from a background in creative and essay writing and writing is writing, right? Not exactly. Now I must decide not only if this is really what I want but how I will separate myself from the hordes of people calling themselves freelance writers in some way, shape, or form. I'll use this blog to journal my adventures in the written word and share my personal story along the way.
One: There is serious competition out there.
When I started this journey I was thinking I would go on freelance sites like Upworks and Freelancer, get noticed using sample blogs I'd done a part of an internship for a non-profit organization and short stories from my graduate school days, and slowly build my clientele base until I had a small business. Turns out many people had the same idea and while these sites can be useful it's hard to get noticed especially if you don't have credentials already. While Upworks makes you pay extra to see other bids, Freelancer will show you the other bids. Some jobs were getting up to eighty or ninety bids. Since they're global as well you're competing with people from other countries. There is a lot of work out there but there is a lot of people competing for this work.
Two: Learning freelance writing is big money for others.
You could be making six figures in as little as a month. Can you write like a sixth grader then you can make money writing for the brands you love. Sound familiar? I'm naturally a skeptic when it comes to those who promise money upfront and make what are often time-consuming undertakings like learning how to write for a specific audience and what sort of audiences one wants to write for, etc. almost a breeze. I believe a rule of thumb is don't fall for the hype. There are many people and organizations promising big future returns for handing over large sums of money much like gambling. The American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI) is one such organization that specializes in teaching copywriting (writing advertising for companies). They seem credible but also charge five hundred for many of the books in their course. My advice, be careful who you sign up with, do your research, and find whatever free material out there that is helpful. AWAI also has a site called the Barefoot Writer that offers many tips for becoming a writer for free.
Three: Be ready for the jargon
White paper? Blog? SEO? I mentioned before I come from a more academic-oriented writing background and freelance writing tends to be geared more for the consumer market. I knew words like narrative, voice, thesis, etc. Just like in any field it's necessary to understand what people mean when they ask "can you create a white paper or me". Just as important is knowing what products you'll advertise to get business in your particular niche, which is my next point. By the way, a white paper is an in-depth report that presents a problem and a solution, a way of persuading people to buy a product in the consumer world. SEO is Search Engine Optimization that, in short, describes ways of making a website easier to find on the internet. Very useful to know. A blog in case you didn't know already is a regularly updated website usually done in a conversational style. I consider them similar to online journals.
Four: Find your niche
What was that? Do you want to write about pet care? Well, that's great. What do you know about pets? Have you actually taken care of pets? Do you have any examples? These are all questions I had to consider as I got further involved in freelance writing. I quickly learned that while being a generalist may get you a job here and there people and businesses will be drawn more by people who specialize in a niche. You could collect antiques or complete a dissertation on jet engine aerodynamics. We each have topics we can write about. You might even pick a niche or two and decide to change them later. I'm currently working in Arts and Culture as aside from writing I also have a background in social psychology.
Five: Get your promotion on.
Finally, number five, and possibly the most important is getting people aware of your brand. You can have the best writing and websites in the known universe but if no one knows who you are then you're not getting any business. Like I mentioned previously, the freelance writing field is crowded as far as I can see and you need a big virtual banner to get the attention you want. Promotion was an area I knew I wasn't strong in so I went to, yes you guessed it, other freelancers who specialize in that area. I have since hired a freelance social media manager from Fivver to revamp the social media websites I started using including Linked In, Contently, and Wordpress. This is an ongoing process even as I write this blog. I did wrestle with the decision at first, but now I'm happy I made the choice. Otherwise, you can end up spending a lot of effort yourself for little results and wondering why no one has noticed you online.
In Conclusion:
Working as a freelance writer is essentially running your own business. It takes a lot of self-motivation, discipline, and confidence and I've found it's tempting to want to do everything yourself. This is your baby after all. Trust yourself and your skills, but there is nothing wrong with acknowledging you need help. There are just some things you're not good at and that's okay. You have to take care of yourself too. You're not much good to clients if you are stressed out, sleep-deprived, and on edge. Once I discovered how much I didn't know and how much competition there is among people who have probably been at it longer than I have, I quickly realized I needed the help of not only those willing to offer training and advice in the field, but to help me promote my little business. The two most important lessons I've taken away so far are to keep looking for opportunities no matter how bleak things may get and to keep writing. I'll update this blog as I go along with topics directly and indirectly related to the writing world.
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nihiraharim · 6 months
Write for us Travel Paid Free: A Comprehensive Guide
Write for us Travel Paid Free: A Comprehensive Guide
Get submit Write for us Travel Paid Free  article on our site Contact us email [email protected] at to sumit your guest blogs paid contributions.
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Explore the world of travel writing and learn how to get paid for sharing your experiences. Discover valuable tips, strategies, and insights to kickstart your journey as a paid travel writer.
In today's digital age, the allure of Traveling while getting paid is a dream for many. Imagine exploring exotic destinations, immersing yourself in different cultures, and sharing your adventures with a global audience—all while earning a living. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the ins and outs of writing for us travel paid free, from understanding the concept to finding lucrative opportunities and building a successful career in travel writing.
What is Travel Paid Free?
Before diving into the details, let's clarify what "travel paid free" means. This term refers to the practice of writing travel-related content for various platforms, such as blogs, magazines, and websites, and getting compensated for your work. It's a fantastic way to turn your passion for travel into a sustainable income stream.
Benefits of Travel Paid Free
Writing for us travel paid free offers numerous benefits. Not only do you get to explore new destinations and cultures, but you also have the opportunity to:
Earn Money: Turn your travel experiences into a source of income.
Gain Exposure: Reach a wide audience and build your personal brand.
Enhance Writing Skills: Hone your writing abilities by crafting compelling travel narratives.
Enjoy Flexibility: Work on your own schedule and choose topics that interest you.
How to Find Paid Travel Writing Opportunities
Finding paid travel writing gigs requires a strategic approach. Here are some effective strategies to uncover lucrative opportunities:
Research Online Platforms: Explore websites and platforms that accept guest posts and paid submissions.
Network with Industry Professionals: Connect with fellow writers, editors, and travel influencers on social media and professional networking sites.
Pitch Your Ideas: Craft personalized pitches highlighting your expertise and unique perspective.
Utilize Job Boards: Monitor job boards and freelance platforms for travel writing gigs.
Writing High-Quality Content
Creating engaging and SEO-friendly content is essential for success in travel writing. Follow these tips to write compelling articles:
Focus on Storytelling: Transport readers to your destination through vivid descriptions and personal anecdotes.
Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your content.
Include Multimedia Elements: Enhance your articles with photos, videos, and infographics.
Edit and Proofread: Ensure your writing is polished and free of errors.
Submitting Guest Posts
Guest posting is a valuable strategy for expanding your reach and building relationships with publishers. When submitting guest posts:
Follow Guidelines: Adhere to each publisher's submission guidelines and formatting requirements.
Offer Value: Provide unique insights, tips, or perspectives that benefit readers.
Include a Bio: Introduce yourself and include a link to your portfolio or website.
Pitching to Travel Publications
Crafting a compelling pitch is key to landing writing assignments with reputable travel publications. Here's how to create an effective pitch:
Research the Publication: Familiarize yourself with the publication's style, tone, and audience.
Tailor Your Pitch: Customize your pitch to align with the publication's content and themes.
Highlight Your Expertise: Showcase your knowledge and experience in travel writing.
Provide Samples: Include links to relevant writing samples or your portfolio.
Leveraging Social Media
Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your travel writing and connecting with readers. Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to:
Share Your Content: Post engaging snippets of your articles and photos from your travels.
Engage with Followers: Respond to comments, answer questions, and foster meaningful conversations.
Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with travel influencers for cross-promotion and increased visibility.
Building Your Portfolio
A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills and attracting potential clients. Consider these tips for building a compelling portfolio:
Include Diverse Samples: Showcase a variety of writing styles, topics, and formats.
Highlight Achievements: Feature any awards, accolades, or notable publications you've contributed to.
Update Regularly: Keep your portfolio fresh with recent work and testimonials from satisfied clients or readers.
Networking and Collaboration
Collaborating with fellow writers, bloggers, and travel influencers can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Here's how to network effectively:
Attend Events: Participate in industry conferences, workshops, and networking events.
Join Online Communities: Engage with travel writing communities on social media, forums, and blogs.
Offer Value: Share insights, tips, and resources with your peers, and be open to collaboration opportunities.
Avoiding Scams
While there are legitimate paid travel writing opportunities, it's essential to be cautious and vigilant to avoid scams. Here are some red flags to watch out for:
Unsolicited Offers: Be wary of unsolicited emails or messages promising high pay for minimal effort.
Request for Payment: Legitimate opportunities should not require you to pay upfront fees or purchase products.
Research Thoroughly: Research companies, websites, or individuals offering writing gigs to verify their legitimacy.
Q: How much can I earn as a paid travel writer?
A: Earnings vary based on factors such as experience, expertise, and the publication's budget. Experienced writers can command higher rates.
Q: Do I need a degree in journalism or writing to become a travel writer?
A: While a degree can be beneficial, it's not always necessary. Focus on developing your writing skills, building a portfolio, and gaining practical experience.
Q: How can I improve my chances of getting published in travel magazines?
A: Tailor your pitches to the magazine's audience and style, provide unique angles or perspectives, and demonstrate your expertise through writing samples.
Q: Is it possible to travel for free as a travel writer?
A: Some opportunities may offer complimentary travel or accommodations in exchange for coverage, but it's essential to clarify terms and expectations upfront.
Q: What topics are popular in travel writing?
A: Popular topics include destination guides, travel tips, cultural experiences, adventure travel, and sustainable tourism.
Q: How do I negotiate payment for my writing services?
A: Research industry standard rates, highlight your expertise and value, and be prepared to negotiate terms that are fair and beneficial for both parties.
Embarking on a career as a paid travel writer can be both rewarding and fulfilling. By leveraging the strategies, tips, and insights outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the competitive landscape of travel writing, secure paid opportunities, and share your passion for travel with the world.
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brainmineseo · 6 months
Tips for Content Creation in Digital Marketing
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, creating high-quality content efficiently is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. Content is king, but managing time effectively while maintaining its quality can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can implement to streamline your content creation process and save valuable time. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these five time-saving tips will help you boost productivity and achieve better results in your digital marketing efforts.
Plan Ahead with Content Calendars: One of the most effective ways to save time in content creation is by planning ahead with a content calendar. By scheduling your content in advance, you can avoid last-minute scrambles and ensure a steady flow of posts across your digital channels. Use tools like Trello, Asana, or even a simple spreadsheet to map out your content schedule, including topics, keywords, and publication dates. Additionally, consider batching similar tasks together, such as brainstorming, writing, and editing, to minimize context switching and maximize efficiency.
Repurpose Existing Content: Don't reinvent the wheel every time you create content. Instead, leverage your existing assets by repurposing them across different formats and platforms. For example, you can turn a blog post into a series of social media posts, an infographic, or even a video. By repurposing content, you not only save time but also reach new audiences and reinforce your messaging across multiple channels. Remember to optimize your content for each platform and audience to maximize its impact and engagement.
Use Content Templates and Tools: Speed up your content creation process by using templates and tools designed specifically for digital marketing. Whether you're writing blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, having predefined templates can help you maintain consistency and structure while reducing the time spent on formatting and design. Additionally, take advantage of content writing services in pune and tools that offer AI-powered assistance, such as grammar checkers, SEO analyzers, and headline generators. These tools can help you fine-tune your content for maximum impact and efficiency.
Outsource Content Creation: If you're strapped for time or lack the expertise to create certain types of content, consider outsourcing to content writing services or companies. Outsourcing allows you to tap into a pool of talented writers and creatives who can deliver high-quality content tailored to your specific needs and deadlines. Look for reputable content writing companies in Pune or explore freelance marketplaces to find writers with relevant experience in your industry. Outsourcing content creation not only saves you time but also ensures a fresh perspective and diverse voice in your marketing efforts.
Analyze and Iterate: Lastly, don't forget to analyze the performance of your content regularly and iterate based on the insights gathered. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and email marketing platforms to track key metrics such as engagement, conversions, and ROI. By understanding what resonates with your audience and what doesn't, you can refine your content strategy over time and focus on producing content that delivers real results. This data-driven approach not only saves time by eliminating guesswork but also ensures that your content remains relevant and effective in driving business objectives.
In conclusion, time-saving tips are essential for content creation in digital marketing, especially in a competitive landscape where speed and quality are paramount. By planning ahead, repurposing existing content, using templates and tools, outsourcing when necessary, and analyzing performance, you can streamline your content creation process and achieve better results with less effort. Remember to stay flexible and adaptable in your approach, and always prioritize delivering value to your audience through compelling and relevant content.
By implementing these time-saving tips, you can maximize your productivity and efficiency in content creation, ultimately driving better outcomes for your digital marketing efforts.
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creativecourse · 9 months
Course Bundle: The Content Strategy & Marketing Course + The Expert SEO Content Writer Course Information Course Bundle: The Content Strategy & Marketing Course + The Expert SEO Content Writer Course by Julia McCoy is a comprehensive training program designed for entrepreneurs, agencies, and freelancers looking to master content strategy, marketing, and SEO writing. The Content Strategy & Marketing Course THE blueprint and training for entrepreneurs, agencies and freelancers who want to learn EVERY critical, inner working part of a brand content strategy. Maybe you’re sick of trying to implement ALL of the tips and tricks – especially because you never get results. You’re not alone. Here are some common struggles content marketers and strategists deal with: You find content creation, planning and publishing difficult. You draw a blank when it comes to writing on topics that will reach your audience and offer them REAL VALUE. You don’t know how to target your ideal audience and get in their head so you can create for them. You are missing some part of how to do the “SEO” part of content marketing. Do you really know how to research for high-ROI keywords? You’re confused about which tools to use, and how to use them. You aren’t sure how to build a brand “content strategy” from start to finish that the boss or your client will approve. Is it time for you to STOP focusing on TACTICS THAT FAIL to boost your bottom line when it comes to content marketing? …And accelerate all of the strategies that actually work? If that makes you respond with an emphatic YES, then The Practical Content Strategy & Marketing Course is definitely for you. The Practical Content Strategy & Marketing Course is a proven, tested 6-week online training course that teaches you actual, market-ready content skills following actionable steps and implementation methods. This is not your typical course. This is not simply about reading a textbook to get a certificate and a pat on the back. What’s inside is an actionable program with very specific, outlined steps. Steps for you to follow and learn from. Steps that will teach you wildly profitable content marketing and strategy skills. Skills that guarantee you will thrive. Skills you can take to the bank, to earn respect from your boss or win even more clients with. Build a Brand Content Strategy from the Ground Up as You Learn the Skills That Matter in Content Marketing Inside each module, as you learn each progressive skill, you’ll complete a Brand Strategy Exercise. You’ll have exclusive access to our private student community with on-call access to Julia and her team as you advance, getting the full advantage of our inside knowledge and professional guidance as you acquire each new skill. What this means is that by the time you complete the course, you’ll have a completed, working brand content strategy! Use it in your portfolio to gain new clients, or create the strategy to enhance your own brand as you go through the course. The Expert SEO Content Writer Course Does any of this sound familiar when it comes to writing SEO content? Feeling lost when it comes to knowing exactly how to SEO keyword optimize your content. Struggling to identify and come up with SEO keywords and topics that hit the bullseye each time — that you know for sure will win with your audience and Google. Finding it hard to write powerful, engaging blogs and web pages while keeping it correctly SEO optimized. Did you raise your hand to any (or all) of the above? Good. You’re exactly who I created this course for! Keep reading — you’re in the right spot. I’m going to let you in on a little “SEO content secret”… The core of online content success lies in how engaging and well-written the content is. Today, SEO content is absolutely vital to content marketing success. 90%+ of all traffic on the web originates from a Google search (Backlinko and Sparktoro) 71% of buyers look at 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep (The Economist)
B2B companies with strategic content generate 67% more leads than B2Bs that don’t publish content (Hubspot) Websites with a blog tend to have 434% more indexed pages in Google (Techclient) Your Online Writing Weapon: The Expert SEO Content Writer Course Discover the KEY online SEO content strategies I’ve used to write and implement content that ranks for over 20,000 keywords in Google. This course will dramatically grow your skills and knowledge in SEO writing — fast. The best part? I’ve set it up in a way that is super easy for you to digest, retain, and remember these skills. Built for busy people with busy lives, this course is perfect for the day job employee or freelancer/solopreneur building their brand and looking to increase their marketability. You can get through this course in just a week or less. There is ZERO fluff. Every single lesson is immediately actionable and ready to implement in your day-to-day online writing, from blogs to web pages. With under five hours of on-demand video content, subtitles, audio files and easy-to-remember knowledge sheets — not to mention tons of templates and short live demos — you’ll fly through this material and be ready to apply it to your content NEXT WEEK. Future-proof SEO Content Training Have you ever heard of SEO training that is future-proof? This course is. Inside this SEO writing program, you’re not just learning how to write for Google and search bots, you’re learning how to call on your own creative talents — one of the biggest “future-proof” tactics a writer has. You’ll be learning new skills, too. This course includes skills that are critical to knowing and earning more as an SEO content creator. You’ll learn comprehensive SEO keyword research tactics that will ensure you know exactly how to find data-backed hot topics that will outperform the competition. By knowing how to rely on your own creative talents, you protect the future of your content writing career. While the use of artificial intelligence in the content creation industry is cause for concern for many, the technology isn’t anywhere near the level a creative human being can provide. Knowing how to pull from your own creative instincts and build an audience that craves your content, you can future-proof your SEO content skills. Plus, with lifetime access to periodic curriculum updates, you’ll be set up for long-term success! The Expert SEO Content Writer Course: Here’s What’s Included The Expert SEO Content Writer was built with the aspiring SEO copywriter in mind. No matter what stage you’re at in online writing, if you want to be an expert SEO content writer, this is the course for you. You’ll get: The ability to work at your own pace. There are three main modules with videos and on-demand training, as well as a brief introduction and closing module section. You’ll get between 4-5 hours of video content, guiding you all the way from beginner SEO writer to expert. Clear action items that set you up for success. You can download and work from proven content templates, see examples of content formats live in video demonstrations and more! Printable workbooks, knowledge sheets, and templates that help you stay on track, organized, and guided—so you never feel like you’re alone inside this self-paced course. Exclusive access to a private student community to discuss coursework and trade ideas with your classmates. Course Curriculum: What You’ll Learn In The Expert SEO Content Writer Course, you’ll learn every skill involved in becoming an expert SEO content writer. Across three modules, you’ll learn all about: The how and why of SEO writing: You’ll gain a deep perspective on how to research and find amazing, high-ROI keywords using the best software on the market. You’ll learn to write and optimize structured content for the best chance at ranking for the target keyword. How to find hot topics that will perform well in SEO and with human readers: You’ll learn not only SEO keyword research
techniques, but how to use my favorite content analysis tools to capitalize on hot topics your audience will love. How to master each step involved in writing SEO content, with templates: Learn and become an expert at the art of SEO writing! How to write the supporting content around SEO content: This includes lead magnets, great headlines and hooks, SEO web and landing pages, email content and other forms of copy. How to put an accurate price tag on your content services and how to close more clients: If you work in an agency, learn how to deliver and build proven reports that show your boss the ROI of the content you produce. About Author Julia McCoy is a content marketing practitioner, CEO, and bestselling author. Julia has interviewed, trained, and qualified tens of thousands of writers in the past decade running her multi-million dollar content agency, Express Writers. Today, her team has nearly 100 people on staff, with hundreds of clients around the world, and a 99% client happiness rate. Julia exited her agency in a private sale in 2021. In the last decade, Julia has written over 1,000 blogs and taught herself how to create content that has won over 16,000 rankings in Google. Julia is the best-selling 6x author of So You Think You Can Write?, Practical Content Strategy & Marketing, Content Burnout, to name just a few. She teaches a comprehensive content strategy course, this SEO writing course, and leads a 12-month business-building mentorship. She also hosts The Content Transformation Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. More courses from the same author: Julia McCoy
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yoursaptarshi · 11 months
14 Things to Include on Your Freelance Writing Website
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Freelance writing is a popular starting point for people looking to become their own boss. To attract new clients and show off your expertise, having a website can be a great help. When making a freelance writing website, knowing what to include can overwhelm beginners. And while you might think you need a masterpiece, the reality is that a simple site with a few pages will be more than good enough. In this article, you'll discover several things you should include in your freelance writing website—divided between the essentials and nice-to-haves.
Which Platform Should You Use for Your Freelance Writing Website?
WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix are three popular website-building platforms for freelance writers. However, there are also more niche tools like Ghost. WordPress allows users more capability options, with various themes and more control over search engine optimization (SEO) for each webpage. If you use WordPress, consider reading these tips on securing your WordPress website. Squarespace is friendly for beginner website builders; the platform looks after SEO for you, and creating pages is easy. Wix also makes creating web pages easy, but it's worth noting that you can't transfer Wix content between templates. The choice is ultimately yours. Try a few out and see which one works the best for you. And if you're not sure where to start, consider reading this comparison between Wix and Squarespace.
The Essentials That You Should Include on Your Freelance Writing Website
The following items are things you'll absolutely want to include on your website. They can make a huge impact when it comes to landing new clients. 1. A Professional Web Domain Address If you're serious about freelance writing and want clients to take you seriously, getting a professional web domain is a good idea. You don't need to think of a creative or witty business name; your own name will work just fine. You've got plenty of choices for buying a web domain. Squarespace and WordPress.com both offer you a free domain for one year with some of their plans, after which you'll need to pay an annual fee. Alternatively, you can use a hosting service. Bluehost and GoDaddy are both common options. 2. How You'll Help Your Clients Achieve Their Goals On your freelance writing website's homepage, you should talk about how you can help potential clients. Talk about your specialty writing areas and the results your services will get for them. If you don't have much experience, don't worry. The value you provide might be as simple as freeing up some extra time for them to focus on other business areas.
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On your homepage, you should also include a picture of yourself. Whether it's a click-through to your services page or contact form, a call-to-action is also a wise addition. When writing the copy for your homepage, keep it as short as possible. 3. An About Page While clients want to know about the results you can provide for them, they also want to work with a person.
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On your About page, you can get a little more creative. Talk about your journey to becoming a freelancer, why you chose to start writing, and the problems you've overcome. You can also share some facts about yourself, and plenty of personal pictures too. 4. Contact Details Once you've wowed potential clients, you'll want to make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Adding a Contact page to your website is the simplest way to do this. On your Contact page, you can include a simple form for users to fill out. Adding links to your social media profiles is another way to help others reach you, and can also be useful for growing your online presence.
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If you don't include a contact form, you should add your email address. You can also add a map showing where your office is, and include your mobile number if you want. But don't feel pressured to include either of these if you'd rather not have people know where you live or work. 5. Testimonials When you're just getting started as a freelance writer, convincing others to invest in your services can be difficult. The best way to sell yourself is through social proof from others. Think back to people who have been impressed with your work in the past. Former bosses, colleagues, and university lecturers are good places to start when asking for short testimonials.
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When including them on your website, you can either add them to a separate page or onto your homepage. Don't worry about getting lengthy paragraphs; a short quote will work just fine. 6. A Writing Portfolio When pitching to clients and searching for jobs, having a few samples of your writing on hand is essential. Beyond proving that you're good at what you do, having samples will also save you time creating pieces when others ask. Like testimonials, you can choose to add your writing portfolio to a separate page or on your homepage.
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If you've never written for another company before, create your own portfolio pieces. Think of a topic you know well, do your research, and get typing. You can also learn how to become a more organized writer if you need to sit down and create samples. 7. A Privacy Policy
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Data privacy is becoming more and more important online, and several jurisdictions have implemented privacy laws that businesses operating in those regions must comply with. For example, the EU uses the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Many websites have a privacy policy, and you should consider using one on your freelance writing site as well. You can include information about how and why you collect data, along with identifying the different analytics tools you use and more. You should also give users a contact address so that they can get in touch with any concerns or questions they may have. 8. A Services Page When you build a freelance writing business, it's essential that you remove the barrier between clients deciding whether they want to work with you or not. Adding a Services page on your website can allow others to determine whether you'd be a good fit, especially if you offer more than one service. Your Services page doesn't need to go into a huge amount of detail. You can briefly identify what you offer (e.g. blog writing or social media copywriting), before providing some samples of your work. Then, link to your Contact page. 9. Information About the Types of Clients You Work With
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Considering how broad the world of business is, it's essential that you narrow down who you serve and make it clear that you're aiming to help them. Somewhere on your site, you should include information about the types of clients you work with—such as SaaS companies or technology publications. You can add this information wherever you want, but it's a good idea to have it on your homepage.
Besides the essentials, you might want to add a range of things as your freelance writing business grows. Below is a list of nice-to-haves that you can add once you've nailed the basics and gained a little more experience and confidence. 10. A Blog Section Blogging is a great way to increase your SEO ranking and demonstrate your authority on a particular topic. Every blog post you publish is also a portfolio piece. Therefore, you'll simultaneously increase the number of writing samples you can show to others.
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When picking a blogging niche, feel free to talk about whatever you want. You can discuss trending industry topics, your experiences as a freelancer, or something completely different. If you feel like adding a blog section on your site will make it less cohesive, consider setting up a profile on a platform like Medium instead. 11. Logos for Current and Past Clients Once you've got some big-name clients under your belt, adding their logos to your website can be useful for convincing others to hire you. If you have already worked for a reputable company as an employee, adding their logo(s) to your website is also a good idea. Before including any company logos on your website, remember to ask. Although many businesses will have no objections, some might not want you to. 12. Your Own Company Logo Although it's by no means essential for freelance writers, having a company logo can make you look more professional. You can use free software like Canva if you aren't a professional graphic designer. Alternatively, you can hire a graphic designer or ask a friend. Don't spend a huge amount of time on your logo, though, as the task is not as high-leverage as reaching out to clients and writing. 13. Your Rates
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Once you have a solid portfolio, and you've also built some expertise in a particular area, you'll want to filter out the clients you work with. One easy way to limit the people who work with you is by adding how much you charge onto your website. This will eliminate those awkward "we can't afford you" conversations and raise the quality of projects you get. Remember, though, that you're not tied to your rates forever. If you're still getting more work than you can handle, raise them further. Similarly, if your work has slowed down, don't feel ashamed of lowering them. 14. A Newsletter Sign-Up Page As your freelance writing business grows, you might find that others interested in your content will start coming to your website and following you online. To keep your audience informed and engaged, consider starting a newsletter. Create a simple widget on your website where they can opt into your updates. You can manage your newsletter campaigns in Mailchimp and on numerous other platforms.
Attract New Clients With Your Freelance Writing Website
Many new freelance writers spend too much time worrying about the microscopic details. As a result, they never get started. Your website only needs the basics to begin with. Clients want to know how you can help them, a little about you, and that you're a good writer. And, of course, they also want a way to get in touch with you quickly. Start with the essentials and slowly build out from there. And remember: you can change your site's content later if you don't like it. source Read the full article
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bhavnadeuglo · 1 year
Get Content Marketing Services in Bangalore
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Content Marketing Services in Bangalore are designed to help businesses get their message across. In the digital world, content marketing is the best way to communicate with potential customers. It’s no longer enough to simply have a great product, you now need to tell people about it. Content marketing services are one of the ways to make sure your business gets its message across effectively. If you’re looking for a good content marketing service provider in Deuglo, look no further than us at Deuglo! We specialize in providing high-quality content marketing services to small and mid-sized businesses around the globe. Our team offers excellent customer service and we work hard to ensure our clients receive the highest quality results possible. Our goal is simple – deliver outstanding content marketing services and exceed client expectations.
Process of Content Marketing & SEO Content Creation
Content research is the first step in content marketing. You need to know what exactly your audience wants and how they consume content. There are many ways to conduct content research. One way is to observe the behavior of your target market online. Another way is to ask them directly.
After conducting content research, you need to write down everything you find in your notes. Your writing should be concise and interesting. Make sure you include information about your product/service, its strengths, weaknesses, and the benefits it offers.
The third step in content marketing is developing and producing content. When it comes to producing content, you have two options. You can either create content yourself or outsource it. Outsourcing is cheaper than doing it yourself and oftentimes, it’s easier to work with freelancers who specialize in certain topics. If you decide to go the freelance route, make sure you choose a reputable company.
Publishing content means sharing it on different platforms, including social media sites, blogs, etc. You want to publish your content at least once a week. Once you complete each stage of content marketing, you’ll receive feedback from your target market and adjust accordingly.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website’s content to improve its rankings on search engines, thus increasing traffic and visibility. An SEO content writer will help create high-quality content for your site, including blog posts, product descriptions, landing pages, ebooks, etc.
Want to know how we Market Content?
Facebook Ads & Social Media Marketing
Facebook ads are the best way to market content on social platforms. We use them to promote our Instagram and Youtube channels. Our Facebook page is where most of our sales occur. People who visit our Facebook page look at everything from product reviews to videos of us talking about how to grow weed. If you want to reach people, then Facebook is the best place to start.
Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a great way to promote your business. There are many ways to find influencers to partner with, whether that means paying a lot of money for a popular influencer to post about your brand or finding someone locally to do sponsored posts. Either way, influencer marketing works!
Email List Building
This is probably the most effective method out there for any kind of content marketing. If you can build a list of people interested in your products and services, then you can email them regularly and keep them engaged. We use MailChimp, but there are other free options out there.
YouTube Channel Creation
YouTube is one of the biggest platforms around and a great way to create video content. We have several different channels on YouTube, including one specific to our company. We upload videos weekly showing off our product line, giving tips on growing weed, and answering questions from viewers.
Blogging is another great way to market content. Not only does it help you become an expert in your niche, but it gives you a chance to write about things you’re passionate about. It’s a great way to connect with your audience and show them that you care.
Benefits of Content Marketing Services in Bangalore
Content marketing is a type of marketing where content is produced by a business to attract attention online and drive traffic back to its website. Unlike traditional advertising methods (like TV ads), content marketing does not focus solely on getting people to visit your site; instead, it focuses on providing valuable information and engaging readers along the way.
Attract Customers 
By producing high-quality content regularly, businesses can attract consumers who want to learn about their products and services. These customers are often interested in what’s happening in the world around them, and they’ll seek out news and information about whatever topic you’re writing about. When people find helpful information from reliable sources, they trust those sources more than traditional advertisements. In turn, they’ll become loyal to your brand and may even recommend it to others.
Build Trust 
Building relationships with potential clients is a big part of content marketing. By publishing authentic and useful content, brands show that they understand their audience’s needs and wants. As a result, consumers have greater confidence in these companies and are less likely to believe negative claims from competitors.
Get More Traffic 
When visitors arrive at your website thanks to good content, they tend to stay longer and explore deeper pages compared to sites without great content. Visitors spend more time on your page and click more links, which means they may end up buying something if your offer is relevant to them.
Improve SEO 
SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it refers to how well your website ranks in search results. Search engines use algorithms to rank websites, and high-quality content helps improve rankings. People will see your name higher in searches, making it easier for them to find you.
Promote Better Conversions 
High-quality content increases conversions because users trust businesses that provide interesting and useful content. Your product or service will seem more trustworthy, credible, and legitimate, which makes it easier for people to buy from you.
Increase Social Media Engagement 
Social media platforms like Facebook generate tons of content daily, and businesses should take advantage of this by posting updates several times per day. As an added bonus, social media posts allow you to interact directly with your target audience — a feature that traditional advertising just doesn’t give you.
Why should you choose Deuglo – a Content Marketing Company?
Deuglo helps brands create content marketing strategies that go beyond mere creation. It provides valuable insights into how people consume content, what they want to read about, and where to find them. By analyzing data points across social media platforms, we provide clients with actionable information to help them engage their audience effectively.
Our team of experts has worked extensively with many Fortune 500 companies to develop effective content marketing campaigns. We understand the importance of being able to target specific audiences based on interests and demographics to maximize ROI.
We partner with brands to achieve these goals using our proven methodology. Our award-winning team of specialists includes experienced copywriters, SEO strategists, graphic designers, videographers, photographers, web developers, project managers, and marketers, all working together to deliver results.
We believe that great content marketing starts with great ideas. Our strategy is built around finding out what makes your brand unique and then crafting compelling stories that resonate with your audience.
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christophermraerdon · 2 years
How to Use White Label Content Creation Services to Grow Your Business
If you’re looking for a way to rapidly grow your business, consider partnering with a white label content creation service. White label content creation services provide high-quality, original content that you can use on your website or blog. This type of service is an excellent option if you don’t have the time or resources to produce quality content yourself.
There are many benefits of using white label content creation services. The first benefit is that you can save time and money by outsourcing your content needs. A good white label service will also help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, since they can create keyword-rich articles that will help your site rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, partnering with a reputable white label provider can give your brand a boost by association.
If you’re interested in using a white label content creation service to help grow your business, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to find a reputable and experienced provider who understands your industry and target audience. Second, be sure to clearly communicate your expectations and requirements upfront so that there’s no confusion about what kind of content you need delivered. Finally, make sure you’re happy with the final product before publishing it on your site – after all, it’s representing YOUR brand!
“White Label Content Creation Services”
As a business owner, you know that content is key to driving traffic and engagement. But creating high-quality, original content can be time-consuming and expensive. That’s where white label content creation services come in.
White label content creation services are provided by third-party companies who create custom content for your business. This content is then published under your brand name, giving you all the credit (and traffic!) without any of the hassle or expense.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to produce great content, white label content creation services may be the perfect solution. With these services, you can get the high-qualitycontent you need to drive results – without lifting a finger!
“Why White Label Content Creation is Important”
If you’re running a business, it’s important to have a good understanding of what white label content creation is and why it’s important. Here are three reasons why white label content creation is so important for businesses:
1. It Can Help You Save Time and Money
2. It Can Help You Increase Your Brand’s Reach and Visibility
3. It Can Help You Build Better Customer Relationships
“How to Get Started with White Label Content Creation”
Are you a content marketer? Or maybe you’re a freelance writer who is looking to expand their services. If so, then you might be wondering how to get started with white label content creation.
White label content creation is when you create content for another company or individual and they put their brand on it. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door with new clients, or to expand your services to existing clients.
Here are a few tips on how to get started with white label content creation:
1. Understand the client’s needs – Before you start creating any content, it’s important that you understand the needs of the client. What are they looking for? What kind of tone do they want? What is their target audience? Once you have a good understanding of all of this, then you can start creating compelling and useful content that will help them achieve their goals.
2. Come up with ideas and outlines – Once you know what the client wants, it’s time to come up with some ideas and outlines for articles, blog posts, or whatever type of content they need. Keep in mind their target audience and what would be most useful or interesting for them. Again, the goal is to create something that will help them achieve their objectives.
3. Write quality copy – This should go without saying, but it’s important that your writing is error-free and engaging if you want people to read it (and share it). Take your time and make sure everything sounds great before hitting “publish.”
4 Promote your work – Lastly, once your piece is published, don’t forget to promote it! Share it on social media, email it out to relevant contacts, etc. Getting eyes
“The Benefits of White Label Content Creation”
As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to save time and money while still providing your customers with high-quality products or services. White label content creation is one way to accomplish this.
When you outsource your content creation to a white label company, they handle all of the work behind the scenes so that you can focus on running your business. This includes creating articles, blog posts, social media updates, and more.
Not only does this save you time, but it also saves you money because you don’t have to hire in-house staff to create this content for you. In addition, white label content is often of higher quality than if you were to create it yourself or have someone on your team who is not a professional writer handle it.
If saving time and money while still getting high-quality content sounds like something that would benefit your business, then consider outsourcing your content creation needs to a white label company.
“How to Make the Most of White Label Content Creation”
Assuming you want a blog titled “How to Make the Most of White Label Content Creation”:
As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save time and money while still delivering high-quality results to your clients. One way to do this is by using white label content creation services.
White label content creation refers to when a content creator produces materials that are branded with the client’s name and logo instead of their own. This allows businesses to outsource their content needs without having to sacrifice brand voice or quality.
There are many benefits of using white label content creation services, including saving time and money on your marketing budget, gaining access to expert writers and editors, and simplifying your workflow. If you’re thinking about outsourcing your content needs, here are a few tips on how to make the most of white label content creation services:
1) Define Your Goals: Before you start working with a white label content provider, it’s important that you take the time to define your goals and objectives. What type of material do you need? How often do you need it? Who is your target audience? By taking the time to answer these questions upfront, you can ensure that both you and your service provider are on the same page from the start.
2) Do Your Research: Not all white label providers are created equal. When choosing a service provider, be sure to do your research in order to find one that best fits your needs. Ask for samples of their work, read online reviews, and compare pricing structures before making your final decision.
3) Be Involved in the Process: Once you’ve chosen a white label partner
“The Future of White Label Content Creation”
There’s no doubt that content marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. But as the industry evolves, so too does the way in which we create and consume content. So what does the future hold for white label content creation?
As demand for high-quality, engaging content continues to grow, so too will the need for white label content creators. These professionals will be in hot demand as businesses look to outsource their content needs to experts who can help them save time and money.
We can expect to see more companies offering white label content services, and more freelancers specializing in this area. This will create a highly competitive marketplace, but one that offers a lot of opportunity for those with the right skillset.
So if you’re looking to get ahead of the curve, now is the time to start thinking about a career in white labelcontent creation. With expert knowledge and a passion for creating great contentsurpass your competition!
If you’re looking to grow your business, one way you can do so is by using white label content creation services. This will allow you to outsource the production of content, freeing up your time to focus on other areas of your business. When selecting a white label content service provider, be sure to choose one that offers quality content and that has experience in your industry.
The post How to Use White Label Content Creation Services to Grow Your Business appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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barbarewjohnson · 2 years
How to Use White Label Content Creation Services to Grow Your Business
If you’re looking for a way to rapidly grow your business, consider partnering with a white label content creation service. White label content creation services provide high-quality, original content that you can use on your website or blog. This type of service is an excellent option if you don’t have the time or resources to produce quality content yourself.
There are many benefits of using white label content creation services. The first benefit is that you can save time and money by outsourcing your content needs. A good white label service will also help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, since they can create keyword-rich articles that will help your site rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, partnering with a reputable white label provider can give your brand a boost by association.
If you’re interested in using a white label content creation service to help grow your business, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to find a reputable and experienced provider who understands your industry and target audience. Second, be sure to clearly communicate your expectations and requirements upfront so that there’s no confusion about what kind of content you need delivered. Finally, make sure you’re happy with the final product before publishing it on your site – after all, it’s representing YOUR brand!
“White Label Content Creation Services”
As a business owner, you know that content is key to driving traffic and engagement. But creating high-quality, original content can be time-consuming and expensive. That’s where white label content creation services come in.
White label content creation services are provided by third-party companies who create custom content for your business. This content is then published under your brand name, giving you all the credit (and traffic!) without any of the hassle or expense.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to produce great content, white label content creation services may be the perfect solution. With these services, you can get the high-qualitycontent you need to drive results – without lifting a finger!
“Why White Label Content Creation is Important”
If you’re running a business, it’s important to have a good understanding of what white label content creation is and why it’s important. Here are three reasons why white label content creation is so important for businesses:
1. It Can Help You Save Time and Money
2. It Can Help You Increase Your Brand’s Reach and Visibility
3. It Can Help You Build Better Customer Relationships
“How to Get Started with White Label Content Creation”
Are you a content marketer? Or maybe you’re a freelance writer who is looking to expand their services. If so, then you might be wondering how to get started with white label content creation.
White label content creation is when you create content for another company or individual and they put their brand on it. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door with new clients, or to expand your services to existing clients.
Here are a few tips on how to get started with white label content creation:
1. Understand the client’s needs – Before you start creating any content, it’s important that you understand the needs of the client. What are they looking for? What kind of tone do they want? What is their target audience? Once you have a good understanding of all of this, then you can start creating compelling and useful content that will help them achieve their goals.
2. Come up with ideas and outlines – Once you know what the client wants, it’s time to come up with some ideas and outlines for articles, blog posts, or whatever type of content they need. Keep in mind their target audience and what would be most useful or interesting for them. Again, the goal is to create something that will help them achieve their objectives.
3. Write quality copy – This should go without saying, but it’s important that your writing is error-free and engaging if you want people to read it (and share it). Take your time and make sure everything sounds great before hitting “publish.”
4 Promote your work – Lastly, once your piece is published, don’t forget to promote it! Share it on social media, email it out to relevant contacts, etc. Getting eyes
“The Benefits of White Label Content Creation”
As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to save time and money while still providing your customers with high-quality products or services. White label content creation is one way to accomplish this.
When you outsource your content creation to a white label company, they handle all of the work behind the scenes so that you can focus on running your business. This includes creating articles, blog posts, social media updates, and more.
Not only does this save you time, but it also saves you money because you don’t have to hire in-house staff to create this content for you. In addition, white label content is often of higher quality than if you were to create it yourself or have someone on your team who is not a professional writer handle it.
If saving time and money while still getting high-quality content sounds like something that would benefit your business, then consider outsourcing your content creation needs to a white label company.
“How to Make the Most of White Label Content Creation”
Assuming you want a blog titled “How to Make the Most of White Label Content Creation”:
As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save time and money while still delivering high-quality results to your clients. One way to do this is by using white label content creation services.
White label content creation refers to when a content creator produces materials that are branded with the client’s name and logo instead of their own. This allows businesses to outsource their content needs without having to sacrifice brand voice or quality.
There are many benefits of using white label content creation services, including saving time and money on your marketing budget, gaining access to expert writers and editors, and simplifying your workflow. If you’re thinking about outsourcing your content needs, here are a few tips on how to make the most of white label content creation services:
1) Define Your Goals: Before you start working with a white label content provider, it’s important that you take the time to define your goals and objectives. What type of material do you need? How often do you need it? Who is your target audience? By taking the time to answer these questions upfront, you can ensure that both you and your service provider are on the same page from the start.
2) Do Your Research: Not all white label providers are created equal. When choosing a service provider, be sure to do your research in order to find one that best fits your needs. Ask for samples of their work, read online reviews, and compare pricing structures before making your final decision.
3) Be Involved in the Process: Once you’ve chosen a white label partner
“The Future of White Label Content Creation”
There’s no doubt that content marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. But as the industry evolves, so too does the way in which we create and consume content. So what does the future hold for white label content creation?
As demand for high-quality, engaging content continues to grow, so too will the need for white label content creators. These professionals will be in hot demand as businesses look to outsource their content needs to experts who can help them save time and money.
We can expect to see more companies offering white label content services, and more freelancers specializing in this area. This will create a highly competitive marketplace, but one that offers a lot of opportunity for those with the right skillset.
So if you’re looking to get ahead of the curve, now is the time to start thinking about a career in white labelcontent creation. With expert knowledge and a passion for creating great contentsurpass your competition!
If you’re looking to grow your business, one way you can do so is by using white label content creation services. This will allow you to outsource the production of content, freeing up your time to focus on other areas of your business. When selecting a white label content service provider, be sure to choose one that offers quality content and that has experience in your industry.
The post How to Use White Label Content Creation Services to Grow Your Business appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/how-to-use-white-label-content-creation-services-to-grow-your-business/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.weebly.com/swift-creator/how-to-use-white-label-content-creation-services-to-grow-your-business
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Blogging 101 Specialize in Several Niches When Blogging 
Subscribe to get access As a new freelance writer things can be crazy in understanding all of the ins and outs and the success of the freelancer. However, if you are just starting out this blog will help you succeed and land that perfect contract with that first client. Read more of this content when you subscribe today. Subscribe
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8 Tips on how to write SEO friendly blog posts
If you are curious about how to write SEO-friendly blog posts, this article will help!
Writing well-optimized blogs and articles for both the search engines and the users is a skill that you have to acquire. It’s time-consuming work as well as difficult. But with the right tips and tricks, you can master the skill. Good SEO-friendly content has more chances of getting the top SERP rank and drive organic traffic. But how to write such great content? Here are 8 proven tips to get you through the hurdle and create the best possible content that easily gets the top rank on Google SERP.
8 proven tips on how to write articles and blogs that are SEO-friendly
I have known many aspiring content writers, like you, who struggle through writing content that works. So for them, I have collated these 8 tips which worked for me. Have a look at them.
Keyword Research is the First Step: Every second Google is assumed to process over 70,000 search queries (source: HubSpot)! So if you want your content to reach your target users, you must find out what words or phrases they are using when they make any search. This is called keyword research. You’ll get a lot of online tools to aid your research. One such tool is Google Keyword Planner. So start doing your research today.
Use Proper Headings: Use headings like H1, H2, H3 and so on to give your readers as well as crawlers a clear idea of the topic and subtopic of your blog. Using the right keyword that your target viewers use for searching will bring you a huge chance of getting a top SERP rank.
Write for Your Users: Always follow the SEO guidelines but remember one thing that your content has to be user-friendly to get a high SERP rank. Your users have to understand and relate to what you are trying to convey to them. So you can consider the topics that are relevant to the needs or address the pain points of your target audience.
Write Longer Posts: Although 300 is the minimum length of your blog, the more informative and detailed content you add to your blog, the more your users are going to like it. Use bullet points and listings to make the blog more compelling and easily scannable. If you are into freelance copywriting or other content writing services, these tips are your assets. Implement the tips in your content to get the maximum results.
Use Keywords in the Content: The keywords you have researched and found out needs to be included in your blog post in a proper manner. Remember not to overuse them to avoid keyword stuffing which will create a negative impact.
Include Keywords in Your Meta Tag: You must include keywords in the title and meta description of your blog to make it SEO-friendly. It will give your blog more exposure than blogs that don’t follow the same. Write short, compelling meta descriptions and use one or two keywords in them to make your blog stand out.
Don’t Forget About Image Optimization: The images you are using in your blog post have to be properly optimized for better SEO outcomes. Using Alt text for the images in your blog post will let Google and the users understand the purpose of the image in your blog post. The Alt text should be simple yet descriptive of what’s there in the image. Also, use a compressed size of the image to enable faster page loading speed.
Link to Websites with High DA: Linking your blogposts with high-authority websites will give it much greater exposure. It will offer your readers additional materials and insights on the topic you are writing. It will also show the search engines that you have done your research well.
Why wait? Start writing your SEO content, now!
25% of the clicks of any search go to the 1st website on the top Google SERP. For the 2nd website placed on the top SERP, the number drops drastically to 15% (source: HubSpot). And for the websites on the second or later pages, the clicks are very minimal. It implies that placing a website on the top SERP is of optimum importance for getting the desired leads, conversions and sales. And for this, writing SEO-friendly content is one of the very major steps.
So if you want to master the art of writing the best SEO-friendly content, follow the 8 tips that I have mentioned here and keep practicing. For further assistance, Get in Touch with me.
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transorze123 · 4 years
In 2021, your brand authority will matter more than ever. For most SMBs, the focus is on strengthening the overall company name itself versus the actual human being or beings behind the companies. This is a mistake. The more you can center a single person as the expert and authoritative figure that represents a business, the better. Founders and CEOs typically follow this role, something familiar with giant corporations (think Howard Schultz, Elon Musk, or Tim Cook). Most smaller businesses, though, have multiple voices representing their company.If you have various experts on staff or freelancing for you, having separate authors for topics is ideal.
Take digital marketing agencies.
Experts in social media should write about social media, and experts in content marketing should write about content marketing, and, well, you get it.
The problem with many smaller businesses is they have only a few core services but continue to byline stuff as “staff” or even use fictitious names.
This provides zero identity to the company and doesn’t help the business build a strong following and repeated visits to that website.
The solution is to take one of these high authority figures within an SMB – again, typically a founder or CEO – and make them the voice of the content across that website.
The more niche the service or product, the more optimal it is to use a singular voice.
Think about a company selling stock investment services – would you trust the voice of the CEO or the voice of some unknown on the marketing staff?
With that said, it’s always smart to write in first-person pronouns.
Either “I” as the authoritative figure or “we” from the voice of the authoritative figure representing the company.
Back to digital marketing agencies.
Again, it’s wise to have experts writing on their specialized topics.
But also get the CEO involved.
This is where ghostwriting helps progress sales.
Even better is if the CEOs like to write and do the work themselves (or at least provide a bullet-point outline for your writer or agency).
Another trend I see is more
traditional PR approaches
such as media outreach, especially for those clients with a strong local base (think restaurants, auto service centers, massage therapy, etc.).
Local online and traditional news publications have much clout, and many of the reporters working for those publications are always on the hunt for local business angles.
Searching for more national media coverage?
Join HARO (Help A Reporter Out), one of the go-to tools of my ghostwriting services.
2021 SEO Checklist for Content Writing
Now that I covered brand authority, it’s time to move into
optimizing your website’s content
following some trends for 2021.
The following speaks to both page and blog content.
All guidance derives from the trends I’ve witnessed with clients and other website rankings over the year, and I expect much of this to stick throughout 2021.
To keep things organized, I advise my writers to think SERP info first, then follow the page from top to bottom.
Begin with the title tag and meta description, and move down through the actual page as you would see it on the screen.
Following is the checklist for optimizing each content element as we throttle into 2021.
Keyword Research Optimization
All SEO professionals know that performing keyword research is the very first step in creating optimized content.
SEJ features hundreds of articles on
performing keyword research
so that I won’t go into crazy detail here.
But sadly many SMBs still refuse to perform any type of keyword research.This is normal for new clients at my agency who have never worked with an SEO pro before.
But, unfortunately, I also see a lack of keyword research for new clients who have worked with SEO professionals before.
If you neglect to perform keyword research, you’ll fail to garner any traction in the search results.
Here are some thoughts on keyword research trends as we head into 2021:
Target 80% Evergreen Keywords; 20% Trending Keywords
Take the time to truly understand the evergreen content needs of your market and audience, and target
keywords for that content.
The goal is to have that content add value and solve the reader’s problems for many years into the future.
An example from a digital marketing agency: content writing tips, SEO basics, etc.
With that said, you also need to pay attention to trending keywords, such as the latest products available with your marketing.
An example from a digital marketing agency: how to optimize for voice search, predictive search, etc.
And if you follow these trending keywords, and create authoritative content early enough, some may turn into evergreen keywords, and you’ll have a jump on the competition.
Create a Buyer Persona: Target Keywords & Content Towards That Buyer Persona
Spend time
building out your buyer persona
, and create an actual fictional character such as SEO pro Sarah.
What would Sara be searching for?
What keyword would attract her to your content?
What type of CTAs will Sara engage with?
How about imagery?
Don’t Go Crazy Over Volume
When you’re creating a constant flow of content, typically through a blog, don’t go crazy over only targeting high-volume keywords.
Depending on the ROI on a service or product, I’ll target keywords as low as 10-20 visitors per month.
I had a client who sold annual investing services with high guarantees worth around $4,000 yearly.
I targeted a few terms of around 20 search volume and sold eight of those annual services – $32,000 and all resigned through the following year.
2. Title Tag Optimization
Title tags remain one of the strongest signals for search engines to explain what that page is about.
When writing title tags
, they must not only engage humans but also satisfy SEO.
This is why the target keyword must be included in the headline.
The best practice is to have it as close to the front of the title as possible, and I’ve personally witnessed rankings change based on swapping around words in titles, something I explained above.
Other things to check off
with regards to title tag creation are:
Keep It Short
The standard practice for SEO professionals is to create title tags between 50-60 characters because Google typically truncates everything after 60.
Meta Description Optimization
Here are the tips on
optimizing meta descriptions
in 2021:
Keep Them Shorter Than the Recommended 150-160
This is especially true for mobile.
We began experimenting with metas around 120-130 and observed increased click-through rates among various clients.
Always Use Your Target Keywords in the Meta Descriptions
Though Google says meta descriptions have no direct ranking value, they certainly have an indirect ranking value.
If the target keywords are searched for, they will become bold in the meta descriptions, providing relevancy to the searcher’s intent.
This influences a clickthrough, indirectly affecting rank value.
Also, though Google might only be using your own meta descriptions
about 3o%
of the time and typically automatically populates them, it’s still the best practice to provide unique meta descriptions for every page across the website.
I’d argue even pages such as the privacy policy or contact pages, which are typically left to self populate.
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articlewritingbd · 4 years
Exactly how to Write an Effective Marketing Article
Article writing is just one of the most effective advertising techniques for a home service. Providing web content for other websites or perhaps publish media gets your company information a large circulation.
The Pros
1. It's Free
A. Website proprietors and online media are hopeless for material and want to upload your particular, quality-written, pertinent article on their websites.
It Gets You before Other Businesses' Markets:
Your service gets a new look as your content is displayed on other websites.
It Builds Credibility
. Having your product turn up on various other proprietors' websites recommends that you're a professional.
You Might Get Paid Some blogs and online publications pay you to post your article. You can also pitch your article concepts to publish magazines or sector e-newsletters, numerous of which pay.
The Cons
1. It takes some time not just to create the article but additionally to discover a media outlet to publish it.
a.And with the majority of media outlets currently desiring initial exclusive material, you can't distribute the same article to multiple locations. Each area you'd like an article to show up requires its very own initial piece.
You have no standard over when your article writing will run if the electrical outlet chooses to post it in any way.
There is no warranty that individuals who check out the article will certainly seek out your service. The finest means to entice readers to check your business out is through a quality article and also promoting your lead magnet in your biography.
Getting going
Don't you think you can create? Yes, you can. The most crucial action to article writing is to get started.
1. Grab a Piece of Paper / Get in Front of Your Computer
awhile an empty web page or display can be frightening, when you have a subject concept, you must be able to take down vital ideas. At this factor, your goal is to collect suggestions and compose the first draft.
Choose a Topic
. Don't simply think regarding what you recognize. Rather, consider what individuals wish to know that's associated with your company.
List the Major Points You have to Cover on the Topic:
This checklist can become your topic subheadings in the article.
Fill out the Major Points With Key Concepts:
Next off, create down the information viewers require to find out about significant factors.
Let the Article Writing Sit for an Hour or a Day:
After that, read as well as change it to expand your ideas, clarify your principles, and also tidy up the errors.
Write an Interesting Bio:
One that consists of a phone call to action for viewers to get your complimentary lead magnet. It will certainly appear at the end of your article.
Pitch Your Article Idea when It's Ready :
Pitch it to various other blog sites, web sites, or media resources that target the exact same market that you do.
Tips for Effective Writing :
1. Create a Good Article That Solves a Problem or Provides Value
a. People go on the internet for info, and if you can provide it to them, they'll need to know more regarding you. Concentrate on bringing worth to your readers. If they take action on your concepts, provide details in a way that permits readers to picture the outcome. Find a distinct angle or an excellent hook, and establish a discussion with your reader.
Compose Articles in Conversation Mode :
You do not wish to be totally informal, yet you do want to come across as pleasant, appealing, and friendly.
Respond to the Readers' Question: "so What?"
Why should people respect what you're claiming? Why should you care about content writing a good article? (So what?) Due to the fact that with an excellent article, you can enhance your reach and credibility, which can cause even more earnings in your house service.
Compose Concisely:
Every word needs to make its keep, especially your headlines. The language can not be dull, as well as tight. You aren't attempting to win honors. Instead, you're trying to engage viewers as well as tempt that hopefully will then need to know more about your business. Keep the article exciting, brief, and to the point.
Maintain its basic:
Create a simple language. You want your write-ups to be loaded with details and content, but the average person can comprehend in words.
Usage "You." :
Your senior high school English instructor informed you not to create making use of "you," yet in advertising and marketing, that's the most important word. Remember, you want individuals to link directly with what you're saying.
Be Organized :
.Your article should flow and be simple to eat. Several on the internet readers are scanners, which indicates a lengthy message can bore them. Rather, make use of paragraph breaks, vibrant kind, numbers, or lists to break up the content right into easy-to-digest pieces.
Google's Panda update altered the effectiveness and also the convenience of article advertising and marketing for search engine optimization functions. Internet sites are punished for bad quality or irrelevant material. In most cases, website owners will certainly put no-follow qualities around your web links, informing Google not to note the web link, consequently removing the SEO advantage. Nevertheless, that doesn't indicate article marketing is no longer efficient. As currently discussed, articles can increase your reach and reliability.
While article advertising and marketing may not have the exact same SEO increase that it utilized to, it doesn't hurt to consider it when article writing your articles. It would help if you incorporated search phrases in your article writing; however, constantly create for the human reader initially. It's pointless if an article is stuffed with keywords but has no human interest.
 Reliable article advertising and marketing with an online search engine in mind require a few vital phrases as well as good keywords. These words and phrases should pertain to the subject as well as the article context. These keywords, as well as essential expressions, need to appear flawlessly in the article and also not disrupt the all-natural circulation of the web content.
Don't Have the moment or Ability?
Articles that you've created for your own service are continually going to be the most authentic as well as authentic, but if you're strapped for time or do not feel the top quality of your writing suffices, you have a few options.
1. Purchase and Rewrite Private Label Right (PLR) Content.
a.PLR content can be an excellent means to get concepts and also an area to start. Bear in mind to rewrite the material in your very own words to make sure that it's unique.
Hire a Writer :
If you need an established number of articles often, you can post your writing job on a selection of writing websites, or you can search for authors on freelance websites such as Upwork.
Work with an Editor to Fix Your Writing :
This method can be less costly than hiring a writer while still maintaining your authentic voice. Write your article as well as then employ an editor to cleanse it up.
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christophermraerdon · 2 years
The Best Content Creation Companies to Help You Grow Your Business
As a business owner, you know that high-quality content is a vital part of growing your company. The problem is, you may not have the time or resources to produce the content yourself. That’s where content creation companies come in.
There are many content creation companies out there, so how do you choose the right one? Here are some things to look for:
3. A company that offers a variety of services, such as writing, editing, graphic design, and video production.
Content Creation Company Names: The Top 10
Choosing a name for your content creation company is an important step in establishing your brand. There are many factors to consider when choosing a name, including the type of content you produce and your target audience. Here are ten of the best content creation company names to help get you started:
1. Copyblogger Media: A leader in creating high-quality written content,Copyblogger has been helping businesses grow their online presence since 2006. Their team specializes in copywriting, SEO, email marketing, and more.
2. Content Marketing Institute (CMI): CMI helps companies create and execute effective content marketing strategies. They offer resources such as training programs, events, research, and articles to help companies improve theircontent marketing efforts.
3. Contently: Contently provides a platform for businesses to connect with freelance writers and create high-quality written content. They also offer tools to help businesses track their progress and measure the ROI of theircontent marketing campaigns.
4. CoSchedule: CoSchedule is a tool that helps businesses plan, publish, optimize, and measure their blog posts and social media updates. It integrates with WordPress and other popular blogging platforms to make scheduling and publishing easier than ever before.
Content Creation Company Names: The Pros and Cons
There are pros and cons to having a content creation company name. On the one hand, it can be helpful in terms of marketing and branding. Having a content creation company name can help you appear more professional and established, which can attract new clients. It can also make it easier for people to find your business online. On the other hand, there are some potential downsides to having a content creation company name. For example, it may be harder to change your name later on down the road if you decide to pivot or rebrand. And if you have a common name, it might be difficult to stand out from the rest of the pack. Ultimately, whether or not you choose to have a content creation company name is up to you. But if you do decide to go this route, make sure to put some thought into it!
Content Creation Company Names: How to Choose the Right One
If you’re in the process of naming your content creation company, you want to choose a name that is both clever and reflective of what your business does. Here are some tips on how to choose the right content creation company name:
1. Keep it short and sweet: A shorter name is easier to remember and looks better on marketing materials. It also gives you more flexibility when it comes to choosing a domain name for your website.
2. Make sure it’s easy to spell: You don’t want potential customers getting frustrated because they can’t figure out how to spell your company’s name.
3. Use keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your company name so that people can easily find you when they’re searching online for content creators.
4. Consider using puns or wordplay: A clever play on words can make your company name memorable and help it stand out from the competition
Content Creation Company Names: Tips for Naming Your Business
Naming your business can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are some tips for choosing content creation company names that will make your life easier.
1. Keep it simple and easy to remember.
You want your name to be something that people can easily remember and recognize. The last thing you want is for someone to forget your name or confuse it with another company. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.
2. Make sure it’s relevant to what you do.
Your name should reflect what your company does. If you’re a content marketing agency, then “Content Marketing Agency” would be a great name! This way, people will instantly know what you do just by looking at your name. And if they need content marketing services, they’ll know exactly where to go! It’s important that your name is not only easy to remember and relevant, but also descriptive so potential customers know what they’re getting when they work with you. After all, first impressions matter! Creating a strong brand starts with having a greatname…so choose wisely! 3) Do some research Once you’ve brainstormed ideas and narrowed down your list of potential names, it’s time for some market research
content creation company names- Finding a name that works for you
When it comes to naming your content creation company, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. The name should be catchy, unique, and memorable. But most importantly, it should reflect the type of content you create. After all, potential clients will be seeing this name before they see any of your work.
If you’re stuck on what kind of name would work best for your company, try thinking about what makes your content stand out. What is it that you specialize in? What do you want people to think of when they hear your company name? Answering these questions can help give you some direction.
Once you have an idea of the direction you want to go in, try playing around with different word combinations until something clicks. If all else fails, consider reaching out to a professional branding agency who can help create a strong identity for your business.
content creation company names- brainstorming and top tips
Content creation company names can be tricky to come up with. Here are some brainstorming tips and top tricks:
1. Start by thinking about what your content creation company does. What are its core values? What makes it unique? Use these as a starting point for coming up with content creation company names.
2. Try using alliteration or puns to make your content creation company name more memorable.
3. Consider using a play on words related to content or creativity. For example, “The Content Machine” or “Creative Juice Lab.”
4. If you’re having trouble coming up with content creation company names, try looking to other companies in similar industries for inspiration. See what they’ve done and see if there’s anything you can borrow from their naming strategy
Assuming you are looking for a content creation company to help with your business:
There are a lot of content creation companies out there and it can be tough to determine which one is best for you and your business. However, by doing your research and reading reviews, you can find the perfect company that will help you grow your business. Some of the best content creation companies include Copyblogger Media, Contently, and HubSpot.
The post The Best Content Creation Companies to Help You Grow Your Business appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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