#French Delice Dessert Cups
merzelifestyle · 1 year
French Delice Cups - Set of 6
With its lightly fluted sides and homely and convivial design inspired by the history of French baking. These beautiful delice cups are perfect for the art for French living.
DIAMETER3.75"DIMENSIONS2.75" H. / 9.75 oz.
Material composition: Glass Dishwasher safe Avoid severe thermal shocks
0 notes
darcydarlingdabbles · 27 days
Boys at The Beach ~ 2
Hazbin ~RadioApple+Static ~ 4.3 k
The Explicit Part 2
this is completely a crack fic where Lucifer, Alastor, and Vox go to a beach upstairs in human form. And things get heated.
The sun was starting to hang low on the horizon when Lucifer decided he was starving and went to dig into the bright red cooler. 
The angel pulled out an array of dishes—far from the usual beach fare. 
Shrimp remoulade served chilled across a slice of crusty French bread. Delicate crab cakes with a tangy hot sauce. Mini muffulettas with layers of meats, cheeses, and olives. 
And there was even dessert—individual banana bread pudding cups. 
“I’m impressed, Your Majesty.” Vox drawled, leaning forward to inspect the spread. “This is quite the feast.”
“Oh, you like the food huh?” Lucifer chuckled, an angelic smirk crossing his lips. “Better than a perfect little housewife could whip up, huh?” 
Alastor’s ears pricked, not liking where this was going, though Vox was ready to agree with anything the King said as he stuffed a muffuletta into his mouth. 
“Well, I can’t take the credit—Alastor made it all.”
The Radio Demon’s eye was twitching to the point he could not enjoy his rival choking on his mouthful. 
Vox’s eyes went wide as he turned to Alastor. “You can cook?”
The brunette pushed his glasses up the freckles on his nose and his smirk got a little bit more smug. “I assure you, I have many talents that you are entirely unaware of.” 
Vox swallowed, thickly. 
“Besides,” Alastor shrugged it off. “It wouldn’t due to serve the King of Hell a bunch of pre-packaged rubbish.”
“I suppose not,” Vox conceded, eyeing the artfully arranged platters. Despite himself, his mouth watered at the tantalizing aromas wafting from the cooler. “I have to admit, it does look... decent.”
 “High praise indeed, coming from you!” Alastor’s laugh crackled like radio static. “Perhaps you’d care for a taste? I assure you, my culinary skills are quite beyond up to par.”
As Vox reached for a crab cake, he couldn’t help but wonder what other hidden talents the Radio Demon might possess. 
It was infuriating and intriguing in equal measure.
The angel and the demons fell into a silence as they savored the gourmet spread, the only sounds the gentle lapping of waves and the occasional clink of aluminum cans. 
Vox found himself reluctantly impressed by Alastor’s culinary prowess, though he’d sooner short-circuit than admit it aloud.
As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink, Vox noticed a subtle shift in the atmosphere.
 Lucifer, who the television demon considered to be this untouchably powerful figure, leaned against Alastor’s shoulder with a contented sigh.
“You know,” The King mused, his voice uncharacteristically soft, “one of the things I truly loved about Earth were the sunsets. Hell has its charms, but nothing quite compares to this.”
 The demon’s eyes widened as he spotted their hands intertwined on the beach blanket. 
Vox felt like he was intruding on an intimate moment. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “It’s, uh, certainly something.”
Alastor’s eyes darted to Vox, noticing his gaze on their linked hands. The Radio Demon’s perpetual smile tightened almost imperceptibly as he pulled away from Lucifer.
“Well!” Alastor announced, his voice overly cheerful. “I think I’ll take a little stroll after our delightful repast.”
Before anyone could respond, the Radio Demon vanished into the towering driftwood, leaving Vox and Lucifer alone on the beach.
The angel had a crown on his face that looked thoughtful, and the demon stayed stiffly silent. Still feeling like he was intruding. 
Vox’s gaze fell on the book Alastor had left behind, curiosity getting the better of him. He reached for it, flipping it over to read the cover.
If he still had his television head, it might have just blue-screened. “Is this... a chick book?”
Vox blinked, finally discarding his glasses to confirm—yep, it was a romance novel. 
The demon was momentarily distracted by the unexpected discovery of Alastor’s literary tastes.
 When he looked up again, he found himself alone on the expansive beach. The setting sun cast long shadows across the sand, and an eerie stillness settled over the area.
“Your Highness?” Vox called out, his voice echoing in the emptiness. “Radio Star?”
No one answered him. 
Unease prickling at his circuits, Vox rose to his feet, scanning the shoreline. His gaze fell upon the looming driftwood maze; a forest of gnarled branches reaching skyward like skeletal fingers. Without much choice, he ventured into the labyrinth of bleached wood.
“Hello?” he called again, pushing aside a tangle of branches. “Anyone there?”
As he rounded a particularly large arid tree, Vox froze. 
There, nestled behind a twist of roots, stood Alastor and Lucifer. The Radio Demon, in his real form but still in his beach clothes, leaned casually against a weathered trunk, his signature grin taken an amicable twist as he ducked his head to the King of Hell.
Vox flickered with pure shock. He’d never seen Alastor so...open. The deer demon’s usual rigid posture had softened, and he seemed utterly unbothered by the lack of personal space between them.
Or maybe the space between them was very personal
“You should have seen his face, my dear,” Alastor chuckled, his voice a low purr. “Absolutely priceless!”
Lucifer laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. “Oh, I can imagine. You’re vicious, aren’t ya Bambi?”
Vox felt a twinge of...something. Jealousy? Surely not. Insecure? The fuckers better not be talking about him. He was about to announce his presence when Lucifer’s next move stopped him cold.
The fallen angel’s hand trailed up Alastor’s chest, sliding up beneath the swirling pattern of the red overshirt. 
Holy shit. Vox’s mind was reeling—certain that Alastor was finally going to break and snap at being touched. 
The television demon’s circuits nearly fried as Lucifer rose on his toes, pressing a tender kiss.
Alastor seemed frozen on the spot, for a long moment.
Then the Radio Demon’s hand lifted, curled around Lucifer’s neck to pull the angel’s head back—and press a searing kiss down his throat. 
Alastor’s lips trailed a path down, eliciting a soft gasp from the devil himself.
Vox felt his face heating up, static crackling across his skin as his irises flashed through red and blue.
 He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the scene unfolding before him. 
A realization hit him like a ton of bricks: Alastor, the prudish, touch-averse Radio Demon, was not only allowing Lucifer’s advances because he was the King—he was actively participating in it.
“Fucking call me a brownnoser, huh?” Vox hissed bitterly, before he could stop himself or clap a hand over his mouth. 
Alastor’s eyes snapped open, glowing an infernal scarlet. Without breaking contact with Lucifer’s throat, he murmured. “It seems we have an audience, my dear.”
The angel laughed in his hold. 
“Come out come out Voxy. Hiding isn’t very becoming of an Overlord, now is it?”
Panic surged through Vox’s system. He’d just been caught creeping on the fucking King of Hell. And Alastor. How the fuck was he supposed to explain that? 
Or the way his human face was heating up with a blush. 
Scrambling for an excuse, Vox stepped out from behind the driftwood, defaulted what he was good at—throwing jabs at his rival.
“I wasn’t hiding, Your Majesty! I was just…stunned by Alastor’s pathetic attempts at making a fool of himself.” Vox frowned, but the insult had already fumbled its way out of his mouth. 
Alastor gave a derisive snort.
“That so?” Lucifer’s eyebrow arched, a mischievous glint in his golden eyes as Alastor released his hold. “And I suppose you think you could do better, hmm?”
Vox’s face burned like the sun had scorched him for hours. He opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out.
Alastor’s eyes narrowed, a low growl rumbling in his throat as he glowered at Vox.
Lucifer’s grin widened, showing a hint of sharp teeth. “Well then, Vox,” he snickered, “put up or shut up.”
Vox hesitated, his usual bravado faltering under the intense gazes of both Alastor and Lucifer. Before he could muster a response, golden magic wrapped around his waist, and dragged him into the driftwood clearing.
“Don’t duck out now, big guy.” Lucifer smirked, flicking out his forked tongue as he grabbed the television demon by his teal stripes and dragged him down. 
As their lips met, Vox’s mind went blank, forgetting every witty comeback he’d ever crafted and every kiss he’d ever had. The only thought he had was to open his mouth and let the serpent tongue plunder him. Wondering how much of this sweet taste belonged to the deer demon. 
Alastor watched with narrowed eyes, his perpetual smile tightening as he snorted. “How utterly sloppy,” he sneered, turning on his heel to step back. “I think I’ve seen quite enough of this spectacle.”
Lucifer’s hand shot out, fingers wrapping around the Radio Demon’s wrist. “Not so fast, Bambi,” Lucifer cooed, breaking away from Vox. “The show’s only just begun.”
Vox blinked in surprise as Alastor actually stilled, remaining rooted to the spot despite his obvious disdain.
“Why don’t you show us how it’s really done?” Lucifer said, turning his attention back to Alastor with a challenging smirk. 
Alastor’s eyes flashed dangerously. “You’re playing with fire, my King,” he warned, voice low and crackling with static.
“Then burn me,” Lucifer whispered back.
A moment passed between the two, where a silent understanding took hold. 
Alastor’s claws seized a fistful of Lucifer’s golden hair, yanking him close. Their lips crashed together in a fierce, forceful kiss that took even Vox’s breath away.
Vox watched, transfixed, as Alastor pressed Lucifer back against the driftwood. There was nothing gentle about the way the Radio Demon’s hands roamed over the fallen angel’s body, fingers digging into his hips possessively.
Holy fucking shit. 
Vox felt his human lips pull downward into an actual pout as he watched Alastor prove that he could talk the talk and walk the walk. 
The ache in the television demon’s chest had nothing to do with missing Lucifer’s forked tongue; his eyes were on the red fingers locked in the golden hair. 
Dammit all. He was wishing he was under that sharp smile. 
He tried to school his expression into one of indifference, but Alastor, ever perceptive, caught the longing in Vox’s gaze. Making the other demon’s gut curl with want and humiliation. 
The King of Hell pushed gently against Alastor’s chest, breaking their kiss.
“Oh Al,” Lucifer purred, his voice honey-sweet, “I think there’s someone else who’d like a taste.”
Alastor’s eyes narrowed. “Surely, you jest.”
Lucifer nodded towards Vox, a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“What?” Vox and Alastor exclaimed in unison, their eyes meeting with a clash and a sneer from the deer demon.
Vox’s circuits thrummed with want, but his pride refused to let him give in so easily. “As if I’d want that fucker’s mouth anywhere near me,” he scoffed, even as his inner voice screamed for him to shut up and take the opportunity.
“You would be fortunate if I didn’t rip out your throat.” Alastor growled, his smile turned sinister as it pulled back over his gnashed teeth. 
Lucifer, undeterred, began trailing kisses up along Alastor’s throat. He paused at a spot just below Alastor’s jaw—causing the Radio Demon to shudder.
“Come now, darling,” Lucifer murmured against Alastor’s skin. “Just a little kiss. He’s so desperate for it.”
Vox burned bright with embarrassment. “I do not—” he began to protest, but the words died in his throat as Alastor’s crimson gaze locked onto him, and actually tilted his head. Like he was consider it.
Alastor’s trademark grin widened, a hint of malice glinting in his eyes. “Oh, very well,” he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “If it’ll shut you both up.”
In one fluid motion, Alastor’s hand shot out, grasping Vox by the chin firmly.
 The TV demon barely had time to process what was happening before Alastor’s lips were on his and making him short-circuit. 
 It was far from gentle—a clash of teeth and static electricity that sent sparks flying.
Vox’s pride crumbled under the Radio Demon’s mouth.
 A low moan escaped him, unbidden, as Alastor’s tongue traced the edge of his lips, demanding entrance. Submission. 
Vox berated himself, even as his knees threatened to give out. He hated how much he was enjoying this, how desperately he’d wanted it. But Alastor was kissing him like he wanted to consume him, whole, and Vox found himself powerless to resist.
Lucifer watched the scene unfold with undisguised glee, practically bouncing with excitement. As Alastor finally pulled away, leaving Vox dazed and panting, the fallen angel clapped his hands together.
“You know, this was on my beach day to-do list as well!” Lucifer exclaimed. 
Alastor raised an eyebrow,  looking and sounding gallingly uneffected by the state he’d left Vox in. “What was?”
“Sex on the beach!” Lucifer replied with a wink.
Vox’s jaw dropped, his screen flickering in shock. Alastor, for his part, looked equally taken aback.
“Not going to happen.” Alastor huffed, shoving Vox back into some dried out tree roots. 
Lucifer’s eyes gleamed as he grabbed Alastor by his overshirt, pulling him close. “Oh, come on, darling,” he purred, winding his arms around Alastor’s narrow waist. “Don’t be such a spoilsport.”
To Vox’s utter astonishment, he saw the Radio Demon’s resolve begin to waiver. One of his arms curled around the devil’s middle. 
Lucifer was leaning up on his toes, peppering Alastor with more kisses up along his cheek, under his ear, before reaching up and tugging the fuzzy appendage down to his lips.
“Just imagine it...your enemy on his knees, begging for your cock...”
“I would never fucking—” Vox bristled at Lucifer’s words, spluttering indignantly. “—for a fucking fossil to—whatever!”
“Really? Are you sure about that?” Lucifer turned to him, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.  He gestured around the deserted beach. “No one would ever know but us. And this might be your only chance to get a taste of Alastor’s…talents.”
Vox’s circuits buzzed with conflicting emotions—desire, pride, and a burning curiosity he couldn’t quash. He opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out.
Alastor’s eyes suddenly blazed crimson, his grin widening to reveal all of his sharp teeth. He fixed Vox with a predatory gaze that sent shivers down the television demon’s spine.
“Well then, if you truly are desperate, Vox,” Alastor purred, his voice dripping with dark promise. “Beg me.”
Vox’s vision swirled with red. But, to his horror, he found himself sinking to his knees in the cooling sand. His circuits hummed with mortification and arousal as he lowered his head in supplication. “Please, Alastor... let me... I-I... I want to... please...”
The Radio Demon had never smirked like this in his life or death, staring down at the humbled television demon…as he gave an unimpressed shrug. 
“Wicked thing you are.” Lucifer gave a delighted chuckle. “He’s hard to impress Vox, you’ve gotta try harder.”
The demon on his knees spluttered, feeling two inches tall before the two men. 
“Perhaps…a little demonstration would convince me.” Alastor said, nonchalant as ever. Driving the other demon wild. 
“Just tell me what the fuck you want,” Vox growled through grit teeth. 
Alastor’s smile glowered down at him, shivering down his spine, as the red fingers drew down along Lucifer’s marbled skin and between the angel’s legs. 
“You can’t be fucking serious.” Vox snarled. 
“Deadly.” Alastor purred. “Unless…you think you are not worth of pleasuring the king.” 
Vox couldn’t stand the heavy implication on the demon’s tongue. 
Embarrassment and arousal warring within him, the television demon turned his attention to Lucifer’s bulging swim trunks. His fingers trembled as he reached for the drawstrings. 
His eyes locked with Lucifer’s smug, satisfied grin. With a flourish, Vox exposed Lucifer’s impressive erection, already leaking with anticipation.
Lucifer hissed as Vox’s dextrous fingers teased his shaft, and Alastor shifted closer to the angel, leering over the demon on his knees. 
“Go on.”
Vox’s cheeks burned as he wrapped his mouth around the swollen head of Lucifer’s cock, his tongue flicking out to taste the sweet pre-cum. Wondering if it was just angels that tasted so sweet. 
 Lucifer moaned, and Vox couldn’t help but feel a twisted sense of accomplishment as Alastor’s fingers twitched along the devil’s hip. 
He slid his lips further down, taking more of the angelic shaft into his mouth, his throat clenching around the intrusion.
“Mmm, that’s it,” Lucifer purred, running his fingers through Vox’s inky black hair. “I knew you had it in you.”
In the periphery, Vox saw Alastor’s shorts tenting outwards, and the television demon’s eyes glued to the debauched display. 
Vox’s circuits shorted with lust and humiliation, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.
“Fuck,” Lucifer moaned, gripping Vox’s hair tighter. “You sure make for a good cockwarmer, picture box.”
Vox’s eyes flashed with fury, but he didn’t stop his ministrations. He was determined to show what he could do, to seize this unimaginable moment, even if it meant swallowing his pride—literally.
Lucifer’s moans grew louder, and Vox realized with another shock of shame that he was growing hard in his swimsuit. More than just a flash of arousal.
Alastor’s crimson eyes on him, on how he sank down the angel’s shaft, was making a growing damp spot in his shorts and driving a hunger that terrified the demon’s ego. 
Lucifer’s fingers sliped from Vox’s hair, sliding back up Alastor’s chest to curl in his tight black shirt and yank him down. “You have to try his mouth, Bambi.”
“As you wish, my King.”
Suddenly, Alastor’s hand was in Vox’s hair, pulling him back. 
The television demon couldn’t hold the whine that ripped from his throat as Lucifer’s cock slipped from his mouth. But Alastor’s grip was bruising. 
Vox’s eyes flicked up to meet Alastor’s, and he saw the hunger there. The demon’s eyes were glowing red, and his fangs were on full display as he panted.
 Vox’s heart pounded in his chest, his body trembling with anticipation.
He watched as Alastor pulled his length from his shorts—revealing his cock. 
It was slender and long like the deer demon’s body, and just like the pattern of his arms and legs, his cock darkened from a gray tan to pitch black at the tip. 
Vox’s eyes widened, and he licked his lips involuntarily. 
Alastor chuckled darkly, grabbing Vox’s chin and forcing him to look up.
“Ask nicely,” he demanded, the filter vanished from his voice. No jaunty, high accent or crackle of static. It was a voice that must be obeyed. 
Vox’s pride rebelled at the command, but his body betrayed him. He was desperate to feel Alastor’s cock in his mouth, to taste the demon’s lust and power.
“Please, ” he whimpered, his voice hoarse from sucking Lucifer’s cock. “Fuck my throat, Alastor.”
Alastor’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. He simply grabbed Vox’s hair and forced the demon’s head down onto his cock. He thrust his hips forward, hitting the back of Vox’s throat. 
Vox gagged, his eyes watering, but he kept sucking, his own arousal building with every strangled sound that escaped his abused throat.
He gagged again, but Alastor didn’t let up. He held Vox’s head in place, thrusting his hips forward and fucking Vox’s throat roughly.
 Vox could feel his cock straining against the rough swimsuit material.
He moaned, the sound muffled by Alastor’s cock. 
He could hear Lucifer’s laughter in the background, but he didn’t care. 
All that mattered…was pleasing Alastor.
“Mm, I suppose he is mouth is…tolerable enough.” The Radio Demon tutted. 
And Vox burned with humiliation all over again? Tolerable? Barely adequate??
Alastor wasn’t even speaking to him! His eyes and his smirk were on Lucifer, leaning to the angel to kiss him languidly. 
Ignoring that Vox was literally sucking his dick.
Which was fucking humiliating…and somehow, even fucking hotter. Vox redoubled his efforts, his tongue swirling around the dark head of Alastor’s cock before sucking down his length, his mouth a blur as he tried to please his enemy. His own prick leaking down his thighs. 
The hand in his hair was loose, lazy in his hold. 
Vox stared daggers up at the Radio Demon, barely catching the scarlet sclera as Alastor leaned over to casually whisper something filthy into Lucifer’s ear. 
The devil bit his bottom lip.. 
And the demon saw why. The hand Alastor was paying attention to was disappearing into Lucifer’s shorts. His wrist moving slow, steady, hitching upward. Obviously thrusting those long fingers into the angel’s hole. 
Vox’s cheeks burned with shame, and he redoubled his efforts. Fighting for the Radio Demon’s focus, for his attention as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked harder, his tongue running along the sensitive underside of his shaft. 
Alastor let out a low growl. And Vox felt a spark of triumph in his chest as the muscles of the demon’s thighs tensed—and his own orgasm built as Alastor’s did. 
The deer demon’s lips pulled back from Lucifer’s, driving Vox wild as his eyes clenched shut and a little pant came from his lips. 
Vox moaned, his own arousal building to a fever pitch. He could feel his cock straining against his shorts, could feel the telltale tingling in his spine.
Lucifer whispered something in Alastor’s ear that made the demon chuckle. 
Before Vox could wonder, Alastor’s heavy-lidded eyes opened, and finally landed on his. 
“Vox…” he purred in that irresistible voice. “Good boy.” 
The television demon let out a strangled cry, his orgasm crashing into him like a tidal wave. His cock pulsed as his come soaked his swimsuit. 
When Vox came back to reality he realized what he’d done. Creamed his shorts so damn hard he’d burst out of human form—his bliss faded to utter humiliation. And he burned with it. 
He didn’t want to open his eyes. Didn’t want to see Lucifer’s judgement and the mirth that would be in Alastor’s face at his shame. 
Vox expected to hear laughter at his expense—but what he heard was a low, pleasured gasp. 
His mismatched eyes opened and saw that neither Alastor or Lucifer were giving him the time of night. 
The Radio Demon had the Devil pressed back against the driftwood tree trunk, claws dug into the bark as pale legs wrapped desperately around his narrow waist. 
Lucifer’s shorts laid discarded in the sand as the two tangled in their primal embrace. The angel’s head was thrown back in bliss, a little breath punched from his lips with every snap of Alastor’s hips. 
Vox’s euphoria evaporated. Replaced by a bitter jealousy. 
The demon’s hooded eyes locked onto Lucifer’s, his lips curled into a satisfied smirk. 
Vox ached with envy, wishing he were the one being so thoroughly taken. Trembling as Lucifer came on Alastor’s cock. 
The Radio Demon stilled as the angel’s panting slowed, letting him catch his breath. 
Lucifer leaned up, whispering something to Alastor—and the red gaze flickered towards Vox, his eyebrow arched. 
His eyes were dark with desire, and the television demon felt a shiver run down his spine. 
A wicked grin spread over the Radio Demon’s face. And he nodded. 
“Hey, Voxy…” Lucifer called in that sing-song voice of his, as the demon let him back down onto his feet. “C’mere.” 
His brain blue-screened all over again. 
A cool ocean breeze swept across the beach, sending a shiver down Vox’s spine as he watched Alastor framed against the star-dotted sky. The demon pulled back, his red fingers wrapped around the dark slink of his cock. 
 Vox hesitated. Wondering what more they could want from him when they were clearly wrapped up in each other. 
“Come on,” Lucifer crooked his fingers. 
Alastor said nothing, but simply stroked over his straining cock. 
Saliva pooled in Vox’s mouth like he was starving. 
He didn’t even think to brush the sand from his blue knees as he moved to stand—when Alastor finally spoke. 
“Ah-ah,” He purred, looking over at him with glowing red eyes, heavy with lust. “Crawl.”
“What the fuck!?” Vox snapped as his screen flashed and glitched indignantly. 
“Did I stutter?” Alastor tilted his head, his pupils turned to slits. “If you want to taste my come…then you’ll crawl to me.” 
Vox dug his teal claws into the sand, already moving, his screen burning red as he crawled his way to Alastor. Rewarded with the Radio Demon’s gasp as he stroked over his own glistening length. 
Alastor grabbed the flat head, watching his enemy’s digital eyes blown and begging as he stroked himself—until he finally came, splattering Vox’s screen with his come. 
The television demon burned with utter humiliation…and a strange satisfaction at the taste on his tongue, knowing that he had finally pleased Alastor. 
The sun had long since set when Lucifer wrapped himself around Alastor, pillowing into the demon’s chest where they lay back on the beach blanket. Sand clinging to their clothing and skin. 
“See,” Lucifer grinned, folding his fingers under his chin as he looked at the Radio Demon. “I told ya beach day was a great idea.” 
Alastor snorted, rolling his eyes behind his oval glasses. “Well, it certainly was an experience.”
“Sure was.” Lucifer grinned. 
A curse and thump snapped their attention to Vox, stumbling through the portal Lucifer had left open to carry back their gear to hell. 
“You alright Voxy?” Lucifer called. 
The demon blustered, covering his face—which seemed to have turned permanently cherry-red, as he cleared his throat. “Of course, Your Majesty. Just, have to get back to work. I had a lovely—”
Alastor leaned up on his elbows, cocking an eyebrow as he met the digital eyes. 
Vox’s screen blanked, displaying a broadcasting error as he fell through the portal back into his office. 
“And no one in Hell will ever believe it.” Alastor chuckled. 
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Sweet Wine Lingonberry Compote
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Mum made this Sweet Wine Lingonberry Compote at Christmastime, to serve with duck, as a condiment. I fancied that this delicately sweet and slightly tart sauce would also be wonderful drizzled onto ice cream, swirled into yoghurt or used as a coulis for desserts. And so it is! Plus, it makes good use of excellent leftover sweet white wine, lingering in the refrigerator since the Holidays, adding a touch of festive luxury to your morning porridge and your roast chicken alike!
Ingredients (makes about a cup):
1 cup frozen lingonberries
1/2 cup sweet white wine (but not too sweet, like a good Côtes de Gascogne)
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 tablespoon pure local honey (something fragrant, like heather)
In a small saucepan, combine frozen lingonberries and sweet white wine. Bring to a slow boil over medium heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium, and simmer, stirring often, for about 15 minutes, until berries break up and reduce into a compote.
Stir in caster sugar and honey until dissolved.
Serve Sweet Wine Lingonberry Compote warm, onto thick yoghurt, Ice Cream, French Toast, or with game or poultry, or swirl, once cold, into cake batters, porridge...
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coffeelovers · 3 months
Discover the World of Premium Coffee
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Welcome to Brew-itCafe, where coffee is more than just a beverage; it's a journey of taste, aroma, and tradition. Our Luxury Coffee Collection is designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life and seek an unparalleled coffee experience. With a selection of meticulously crafted blends, Brew-itCafe offers a range of flavours that cater to every coffee lover's palate. Join us as we delve into the rich and diverse world of our Signature, Signature Dark Roast, Kata, Liscio, Rimini, and Blue Mountain blends.
The Art of Coffee Selection and Roasting
At Brew-itCafe, the journey to creating exceptional coffee begins with the beans. Our coffee beans are hand-selected from the finest coffee-growing regions around the world. We prioritize ethical sourcing, ensuring that our beans are not only of the highest quality but also contribute to sustainable farming practices and fair trade.
Once the beans are selected, they undergo a meticulous roasting process. Our expert roasters bring out the unique characteristics of each bean, creating a symphony of flavours that is both complex and harmonious. This dedication to quality and craftsmanship is evident in every cup of Brew-itCafe coffee.
Signature Blend: The Essence of Perfection
Our Signature Blend is the cornerstone of the Brew-itCafe collection. This blend is a perfect balance of rich, bold flavours and subtle, nuanced notes. The beans are sourced from premium coffee farms and roasted to perfection, resulting in a smooth, full-bodied coffee with a delightful aroma.
The Signature Blend is ideal for those who enjoy a classic coffee experience. It is versatile and can be enjoyed as an espresso, a pour-over, or a French press. With every sip, you'll discover layers of flavour that evolve and linger on your palate, making it a truly memorable coffee.
Signature Dark Roast: Bold and Intense
For those who prefer a more robust and intense coffee, our Signature Dark Roast is the perfect choice. This blend is crafted from beans that are roasted longer to develop deep, rich flavours and a dark, smoky finish. The result is a coffee that is bold, full-bodied, and incredibly satisfying.
The Signature Dark Roast is perfect for espresso lovers and those who enjoy a strong cup of coffee. Its intense flavour profile makes it an excellent choice for pairing with rich desserts or enjoying as a morning pick-me-up. Whether you prefer it black or with a splash of milk, this dark roast delivers a powerful coffee experience.
Kata Blend: Exotic and Intriguing
The Kata Blend is a unique and exotic addition to the Brew-itCafe collection. This blend is crafted from rare and specialty beans sourced from some of the most renowned coffee regions in the world. The result is a coffee that is both intriguing and delightful, with a flavour profile that is unlike any other.
The Kata Blend features a harmonious blend of fruity, floral, and spicy notes, creating a complex and multi-dimensional coffee. It is perfect for those who enjoy exploring new and exciting flavours in their coffee. Brew it as a pour-over or an aeropress to fully appreciate its intricate taste and aroma.
Liscio Blend: Smooth and Sophisticated
The Liscio Blend is all about smoothness and sophistication. This blend is carefully crafted to deliver a velvety, well-rounded coffee that is both elegant and approachable. The beans are selected for their natural sweetness and roasted to bring out their delicate flavours and aromas.
The Liscio Blend is perfect for those who appreciate a smooth and balanced coffee. It is an excellent choice for both black coffee drinkers and those who prefer to add a touch of milk or cream. Whether you enjoy
it as a morning coffee or an afternoon indulgence, the Liscio Blend offers a refined and enjoyable experience. Its gentle yet pronounced flavours make it a favourite among coffee connoisseurs who seek a sophisticated and satisfying cup.
Rimini Blend: Rich and Velvety
Named after the picturesque Italian city known for its rich culinary heritage, the Rimini Blend embodies the essence of Italian coffee culture. This blend combines beans from different regions to create a coffee that is rich, velvety, and full of character. Each sip transports you to a charming café in Rimini, where coffee is celebrated as an art form.
The Rimini Blend features a deep, chocolatey base with hints of caramel and nuts. It is perfect for those who enjoy a creamy and indulgent coffee. Brew it as a cappuccino, latte, or simply as an espresso to experience the luxurious flavours of this Italian-inspired blend. The Rimini Blend is a true testament to the beauty and tradition of Italian coffee.
Blue Mountain Blend: The Pinnacle of Quality
The Blue Mountain Blend is the crown jewel of the Brew-itCafe collection. Sourced from the renowned Blue Mountain region of Jamaica, this blend represents the pinnacle of coffee quality and excellence. The unique climate and soil conditions of the Blue Mountains produce beans that are highly sought after for their exceptional flavour and aroma.
The Blue Mountain Blend offers a delicate balance of bright acidity, smooth body, and floral notes. It is a coffee that is both complex and refined, making it a favourite among coffee aficionados. Enjoy it as a pour-over or a siphon brew to fully appreciate its exquisite taste and aroma. The Blue Mountain Blend is a true masterpiece that embodies the artistry and passion of Brew-itCafe.
The Brew-itCafe Experience
At Brew-itCafe, we believe that coffee is more than just a drink; it is an experience that should be savoured and enjoyed. Our Luxury Coffee Collection is designed to elevate your coffee ritual and provide you with an unmatched coffee experience. From the selection of the finest beans to the expert roasting process, every step is carefully crafted to ensure that you receive the highest quality coffee.
We invite you to explore our collection and discover the unique flavours and aromas of each blend. Whether you prefer the classic perfection of our Signature Blend, the bold intensity of our Signature Dark Roast, the exotic intrigue of our Kata Blend, the smooth sophistication of our Liscio Blend, the rich velvety taste of our Rimini Blend, or the exquisite quality of our Blue Mountain Blend, there is something for every coffee lover at Brew-itCafe.
Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability
At Brew-itCafe, we are committed to ethical sourcing and sustainability. We believe that great coffee should not come at the expense of the environment or the people who grow it. That is why we work closely with coffee farmers to ensure that our beans are sourced responsibly and sustainably. We prioritize fair trade practices and support initiatives that promote environmental conservation and social responsibility.
By choosing Brew-itCafe, you are not only indulging in premium coffee but also supporting a more sustainable and equitable coffee industry. We are proud to offer coffee that is not only delicious but also makes a positive impact on the world.
Elevate Your Coffee Ritual
Coffee is a deeply personal experience, and at Brew-itCafe, we understand the importance of making each cup special. Our Luxury Coffee Collection is designed to provide you with the tools and flavours to elevate your coffee ritual. Whether you are starting your day with a cup of our Signature Blend or winding down with the smooth taste of our Liscio Blend, each moment is an opportunity to savour the difference.
Take the time to explore our collection and find the blend that speaks to you. Experiment with different brewing methods to discover new dimensions of flavour and aroma. At Brew-itCafe, we are dedicated to helping you create the perfect coffee experience, one cup at a time.
The Brew-itCafe Luxury Coffee Collection is a celebration of the art and science of coffee. With our range of expertly crafted blends, we offer a coffee experience that is truly unmatched. From the hand-selected, ethically sourced beans to the meticulous roasting process, every step is taken to ensure that you receive the highest quality coffee.
Indulge in the rich, complex flavours of our Signature, Signature Dark Roast, Kata, Liscio, Rimini, and Blue Mountain blends. Elevate your coffee ritual with Brew-itCafe and discover the difference that premium coffee can make. Join us on a journey of taste and tradition, and savour the exceptional quality of Brew-itCafe.
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amand60 · 3 months
Tea Cakes Online: Exploring the Delights of Digital Dessert Shopping
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In a world where digital transformation is reshaping every aspect of our lives, the culinary world is not left untouched. Among the myriad of delicacies that have found their way into the e-commerce ecosystem, tea cakes stand out as a particularly delightful treat. These soft, spongy, and often exquisitely flavored cakes, perfect companions to a hot cup of tea, have a rich history and an even richer presence online. This article delves into the world of tea cakes online, exploring their varieties, the convenience of online shopping, and tips for finding the perfect tea cake.
A Brief History of Tea Cakes
Tea cakes have a storied past, with origins tracing back to different parts of the world. In England, tea cakes are typically light, yeast-based buns, often containing dried fruits like currants. In the Southern United States, they take the form of a dense, sweet cookie. Scandinavian versions, such as the Swedish “kaka,” are more like sponge cakes, often flavored with spices. This diversity in preparation and flavor profiles adds to the allure of tea cakes, making them a versatile treat that caters to various tastes and preferences.
The Rise of Online Tea Cake Shops
With the advent of the internet, traditional shopping habits have seen a significant shift. The online marketplace for tea cakes has grown exponentially, driven by the demand for convenience, variety, and accessibility. Numerous bakeries and specialty stores now offer their unique tea cakes through user-friendly websites and apps. This digital shift allows customers to explore a global array of tea cakes from the comfort of their homes.
Varieties to Savor
The online market for tea cakes offers an impressive variety that caters to every palate. From traditional English tea cakes studded with raisins and spices to delicate French madeleines with a hint of lemon zest, the options are endless. Online shops often feature exotic flavors and ingredients, such as matcha green tea, lavender, and earl grey-infused cakes. Seasonal variations, including pumpkin spice for autumn and peppermint for winter, provide a festive touch.
The Convenience of Online Shopping
Shopping for tea cakes online offers unparalleled convenience. The ease of browsing through a wide selection, reading detailed descriptions, and checking customer reviews ensures an informed purchase. Many online stores provide customization options, allowing customers to select specific flavors, ingredients, or even gluten-free and vegan versions. The ability to place an order at any time and have it delivered directly to your doorstep adds to the appeal.
Navigating Online Tea Cake Shops
Finding the perfect tea cake online requires a bit of navigation and knowledge. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
Read Reviews: Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and taste of the tea cakes. Look for shops with high ratings and positive feedback.
Check Ingredients: Ensure that the ingredients listed meet your dietary preferences or restrictions. Many online shops cater to specific dietary needs, such as gluten-free, vegan, or nut-free options.
Look for Specialty Shops: Specialty bakeries often offer more authentic and high-quality tea cakes compared to generic online stores. These shops might also provide unique flavors and artisanal touches.
Consider Shipping and Delivery: Check the shipping policies, especially if you’re ordering from a different region. Some tea cakes are delicate and might require special packaging to maintain freshness.
Compare Prices: Prices can vary significantly between different shops. Compare prices and consider the value for money, including shipping costs.
The Joy of Gifting Tea Cakes
Tea cakes make for an excellent gift, especially when purchased from online stores that offer elegant packaging and delivery options. Many shops provide gift boxes or baskets that include a selection of tea cakes along with complementary items like tea bags or preserves. Personalizing the gift with a message or choosing a themed box for occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays can add a special touch.
Supporting Small Businesses
By purchasing tea cakes online, especially from artisanal and local bakeries, you support small businesses. These businesses often rely heavily on online sales, and your purchase can make a significant impact. Moreover, small bakeries tend to use high-quality, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring a superior product.
The online marketplace for tea cakes offers a delightful journey through diverse flavors and traditions. Whether you’re a connoisseur seeking the perfect accompaniment to your tea or looking for a unique gift, the digital world provides a plethora of options. Embrace the convenience, explore the varieties, and savor the deliciousness of tea cakes delivered right to your door. As you indulge in these sweet treats, remember that each bite is a blend of history, culture, and culinary artistry, all made accessible through the power of the internet.
Original Source: Online Cake Delivery in Bangalore
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sedonaarizonausa · 6 months
Indulge in Sedona's Delightful Bakery Scene: A Sweet Journey through Arizona's Red Rock Country
As you wander through the picturesque streets of Sedona, the aroma of freshly baked treats fills the air, drawing you into cozy bakeries where delectable delights await. One such spot is the renowned Sedona Bakery, a beloved local establishment known for its mouthwatering pastries, artisanal bread, and decadent cakes. Whether you're in the mood for a buttery croissant to start your day or a slice of rich chocolate cake to satisfy your sweet cravings, this charming bakery has something for everyone.
For those seeking a taste of tradition, Sedona's bakeries also offer a selection of Southwestern-inspired treats that showcase the region's unique flavors. Indulge in a warm and flaky green chili and cheese scone, or savor the sweetness of a prickly pear cactus cupcake – a dessert as vibrant and colorful as the surrounding landscape.
But bakery sedona arizona scene isn't just about satisfying your sweet tooth – it's also a testament to the town's vibrant culinary culture and commitment to using locally sourced ingredients. Many bakeries in Sedona pride themselves on using fresh, organic produce from nearby farms, ensuring that each bite is not only delicious but also supports the local community.
As you explore Sedona's bakery scene, be sure to stop by some of the hidden gems that dot the outskirts of town. Take a scenic drive along Oak Creek Canyon and discover charming roadside bakeries offering freshly baked pies, cookies, and other homemade treats. These quaint establishments offer a taste of old-fashioned hospitality, inviting you to sit back, relax, and savor the simple pleasures of life.
In addition to traditional baked goods, Sedona's bakeries also cater to a variety of dietary preferences and restrictions, including gluten-free, vegan, and paleo options. Whether you're following a specific diet or simply looking for healthier alternatives, you'll find plenty of delicious options to choose from.
No visit to bakery in sedona arizona scene would be complete without sampling the town's signature dessert – the prickly pear cactus macaron. These delicate French confections are infused with the subtle sweetness of prickly pear cactus fruit, creating a unique and unforgettable flavor experience. Pair it with a cup of locally roasted coffee or herbal tea for the perfect afternoon treat.
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cremornestreet · 1 year
Exploring the Wonderful World of Bakeries: A Friendly Guide
Welcome readers to a delightful journey into the world of bakeries. Whether you have a sweet tooth or a love for freshly baked bread, this blog post aims to provide you with a friendly guide to understanding and enjoying the bakery experience. From the art and science behind baking to the different types of bakeries and must-try bakery in Melbourne items, we will explore it all. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive into the wonderful world of bakeries!
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I. The Art and Science Behind Baking:
Baking is a beautiful combination of art and science. It involves precise measurements, the right ingredients, and various mixing techniques to create scrumptious delights. Flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and leavening agents are the building blocks of many baked goods. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in the final outcome, and understanding their properties is key to successful baking.
Mixing techniques also play a vital role in achieving the desired texture and structure of baked goods. From creaming butter and sugar to folding egg whites, each method brings a unique result. Furthermore, oven temperatures are crucial in determining the final outcome of the baked goods. Whether it's a high temperature for crusty bread or a lower temperature for delicate pastries, precision is essential.
Baking has a rich history that spans centuries. It has evolved from ancient civilizations using hot stones to bake flatbreads to modern-day ovens and advanced techniques. The artistry behind baking has been passed down through generations, and it continues to evolve with new flavors and trends.
II. Types of Bakeries:
Bakeries come in many different shapes and sizes, each with its own unique characteristics, specialties, and ambiance. Artisanal bakeries are known for their handcrafted bread and pastries, often using traditional and time-tested methods. Patisseries, on the other hand, focus on elegant and delicate pastries, cakes, and desserts. These French-inspired establishments are a haven for those with a sweet tooth.
Neighborhood bakeries are the heart and soul of the community. They offer a wide range of baked goods, from fresh bread to delectable pastries, and often become a gathering place for locals. These cozy bakeries exude warmth and familiarity.
Personal anecdotes and experiences can make the exploration of different types of bakeries more relatable. Remember the time you stumbled upon a hidden gem of a bakery during your travels, or the neighborhood bakery that always had your favorite treat waiting for you? These stories add a personal touch to the blog, making it more engaging for readers.
III. Must-Try Bakery Items:
Now, let's tantalize your taste buds with a list of must-try bakery items. The aroma of freshly baked croissants, the crusty perfection of a baguette, the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of a cupcake - each item has its own unique features that make it special and enjoyable.
Croissants, with their buttery and flaky layers, are a classic French pastry that is loved worldwide. Baguettes, with their crisp crust and soft interior, are the epitome of French bread. Cupcakes, with their endless flavor combinations and adorable decorations, are a treat for both the eyes and the taste buds. Pies, with their buttery crusts and luscious fillings, bring comfort and nostalgia. And who can resist a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven?
To add excitement to these classic bakery items, suggest popular flavor combinations or variations. Think chocolate croissants, stuffed baguettes, or even unusual cookie flavors like lavender and lemon. The possibilities are endless, and experimenting with flavors can lead to delightful surprises.
IV. Navigating Specialty Diets at Bakeries:
Dietary restrictions should not hinder the enjoyment of bakery treats. Thankfully, many bakeries now offer options for those with gluten-free, vegan, or other dietary needs. When visiting bakeries, it's important to communicate your dietary restrictions to the staff, who can guide you towards suitable options.
Gluten-free baking has come a long way, and there are now alternatives like almond flour, coconut flour, and gluten-free baking mixes that produce delicious results. Vegan baking substitutes ingredients like eggs and dairy with plant-based alternatives like flax eggs, almond milk, or coconut oil. With a little awareness and communication, those with dietary restrictions can still indulge in the joy of bakery treats.
  V. Etiquette Tips for Visiting Bakeries:
Visiting a bakery is not just about the delicious treats; it's also about the experience. To ensure a pleasant visit, it's important to follow proper etiquette. Be patient in line, as bakeries can get busy, especially during peak hours. Take the time to appreciate the craftsmanship behind each item, and if you have questions about the products, don't hesitate to ask the bakers or staff.
Supporting local businesses is vital for the survival and growth of bakeries. Show your support by purchasing something during each visit, even if it's just a small treat. Your contribution goes a long way in supporting the hard work and passion that goes into creating these delectable delights.
VI. Exploring Bakery Culture Around the World:
Bakeries are not limited to one culture; they are a global phenomenon. Embark on an international tour through renowned bakery cultures and discover unique treats from different countries. French patisseries are known for their delicate pastries, from flaky croissants to elegant macarons. Italian bakeries offer mouthwatering cannoli and tiramisu. In Japan, you can find fluffy and light Japanese cheesecakes, while in India, bakeries serve up aromatic cardamom-spiced cookies and sweet treats like gulab jamun.
Each country has its own baking traditions and cultural significance. Exploring these global bakery experiences in your own city allows you to expand your culinary horizons and appreciate the diversity of flavors and techniques.
VII. Home Baking Tips and Recipes:
For those who want to try their hand at baking, there's no better place to start than in your own kitchen. Home baking brings a sense of joy and satisfaction as you watch ingredients transform into delicious treats. To get started, gather essential tools like measuring cups, mixing bowls, a whisk, and baking pans.
For beginners, simple recipes like chocolate chip cookies or banana bread are a great way to dip your toes into the world of baking. These recipes are easy to follow and yield impressive results. As you gain confidence, you can start experimenting with flavors and techniques, exploring the limitless possibilities of baking.
The world of bakeries is a delightful one, filled with delicious treats, rich history, and cultural significance. We have explored the art and science behind baking, the different types of bakeries, must-try bakery items, and even tips for navigating dietary restrictions. Remember to embrace the bakery experience with curiosity and enthusiasm, supporting local businesses along the way. Whether you choose to explore the patisseries or bake your favorite cookies at home, the joy of bakery treats is a universal language. Thank you for joining us on this wonderful journey, and we look forward to hearing your feedback or personal bakery Melbourne stories. Happy baking!
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brookpub · 1 year
Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub | World Cup 2023
The Rugby World Cup 2023 will feature the greatest rugby players in the world competing in a high-stakes tournament. The tournament is a spectacle that brings countries together every four years in the purpose of friendly competition and sportsmanship. Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub. Let's go into the specifics of this much-talked-about happening World Cup 2023.
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Watch Live Rugby Screenig : World Cup 2023 
Countries and Cities Taking Part in World Cup 2023:
Twenty countries will compete for rugby's highest honour at the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Rugby superpowers like New Zealand, South Africa, England, Australia, and France are among those taking part, along with other formidable competitors from throughout the world. The games will be played in multiple French locales, showcasing the country's enduring passion for rugby and its distinguished sporting history.
Why the Rugby World Cup Matters:
The Rugby World Cup is more than simply a competition; it's a festival honouring the way that rugby brings together people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. It gives athletes a chance to show the world their tremendous talents, dedication, and sportsmanship on a global stage. In addition, it promotes international goodwill by providing participants and spectators with unforgettable experiences.
The Rugby World Cup is a chance for the host nation to show off its hospitality, facilities, and dedication to the sport. It unites people and spreads a spirit of celebration and anticipation throughout the host towns.
Watch Live Rugby Screening at The Brook Pub Cambridge:
The enthusiasm of the Rugby World Cup 2023 among residents of Cambridge, England, is about to reach new heights. The Brook Pub near Mill Road in Cambridge, will host an exciting live screening event from September 8th to October 1st, 2023. So do not miss a chance to Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub, Cambridge.
An exceptional game-watching experience is guaranteed at The Brook Pub near Holiday Inn express, thanks to its cutting-edge screens and an ambience that captures the pure essence of rugby. No matter how serious or casual a rugby fan you are, you should be here.
Why Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub
Atmospheric Immersion: 
You can feel the excitement and anticipation the moment you enter The Brook Pub. The atmosphere of the tavern is meant to make each cheer and tackle feel real.
Fine Dining: 
Get your fill of delicious food and drinks to add to the excitement of the game. There is a wide variety of food available, from traditional pub fare to gourmet specialties.
Group of Fans: 
Come together with other die-hard rugby supporters and commiserate about the ups and downs of the sport. The energy of the crowd enhances the show in unexpected ways.
Convenient Spot: 
The Brook Pub in Cambridge is conveniently located on Mill Road, giving it a great place to watch a game without having to travel far.
Savoring the Game:
Rugby fans from all around the world are getting excited not only for the thrilling matches that will be played in 2023, but also for the delicious treats that will be served at this year's Rugby World Cup. The food at the World Cup, like the sport itself, is a celebration of cultures and flavours from all around the world.
Delectable Dishes from Around the World: World Cup 2023
New Zealand:
Meat and vegetables are slow-cooked in an earth oven, a traditional Mori cooking method, until they are tender and full of flavour.
Pavlova, a dessert made of meringue and topped with whipped cream and fruit, is a crowd pleaser.
Sashimi and sushi: 
Traditional Japanese fare, including the likes of sushi and sashimi, will undoubtedly be on the menu.
Pastries and Croissants: 
Croissants and other delicate pastries are a hallmark of French patisseries, and it's hard to resist their buttery sweetness.
South Africa:
Biltong is a type of dried, cured beef that is quite popular among rugby fans because of its delicious, savoury flavour.
Grilled to perfection and accompanied by a variety of condiments, this South African sausage is a culinary staple.
Pot Pies: 
Australians love these savoury pork pies made with flaky crust and devour them while watching the game.
Drinks to Quench:
New Zealand:
Sauvignon Blanc: 
New Zealand's world-class Sauvignon Blanc is the perfect light and crisp beverage to enjoy while watching the game.
Many rugby fans can't watch the game without a pint of Guinness, a powerful and velvety beer.
Malbec, the flagship red wine of Argentina, has a rich, fruity flavour that goes well with grilled foods.
Try this Japanese rice wine, made in everything from dry to sweet varieties, for a true sense of Japan.
Ciders made from apples are a popular beverage in England and are often seen as a lighter and more refreshing alternative to beer.
Brook Pub Drinks: World Cup 2023
Come celebrate the arrival of the Rugby World Cup 2023 with some of the finest British Pub Food and Drinks at the Brook Pub near Mill Road. We like providing our guests with a wide selection of the finest wines, gins, whiskies, Best Pitcher’s and cask-conditioned beers. You may support your team with your loved ones at your side.
Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub which is just one of several events we'll be showing here at the bar. The Facebook page will be the place to find out about all of our upcoming activities.
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Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub | World Cup 2023
The Rugby World Cup 2023 will feature the greatest rugby players in the world competing in a high-stakes tournament. The tournament is a spectacle that brings countries together every four years in the purpose of friendly competition and sportsmanship. Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub. Let's go into the specifics of this much-talked-about happening World Cup 2023.
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Watch Live Rugby Screenig : World Cup 2023 
Countries and Cities Taking Part in World Cup 2023:
Twenty countries will compete for rugby's highest honour at the 2023 Rugby World Cup. Rugby superpowers like New Zealand, South Africa, England, Australia, and France are among those taking part, along with other formidable competitors from throughout the world. The games will be played in multiple French locales, showcasing the country's enduring passion for rugby and its distinguished sporting history.
Why the Rugby World Cup Matters:
The Rugby World Cup is more than simply a competition; it's a festival honouring the way that rugby brings together people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. It gives athletes a chance to show the world their tremendous talents, dedication, and sportsmanship on a global stage. In addition, it promotes international goodwill by providing participants and spectators with unforgettable experiences.
The Rugby World Cup is a chance for the host nation to show off its hospitality, facilities, and dedication to the sport. It unites people and spreads a spirit of celebration and anticipation throughout the host towns.
Watch Live Rugby Screening at The Brook Pub Cambridge:
The enthusiasm of the Rugby World Cup 2023 among residents of Cambridge, England, is about to reach new heights. The Brook Pub near Mill Road in Cambridge, will host an exciting live screening event from September 8th to October 1st, 2023. So do not miss a chance to Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub, Cambridge.
An exceptional game-watching experience is guaranteed at The Brook Pub near Holiday Inn express, thanks to its cutting-edge screens and an ambience that captures the pure essence of rugby. No matter how serious or casual a rugby fan you are, you should be here.
Why Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub
Atmospheric Immersion: 
You can feel the excitement and anticipation the moment you enter The Brook Pub. The atmosphere of the tavern is meant to make each cheer and tackle feel real.
Fine Dining: 
Get your fill of delicious food and drinks to add to the excitement of the game. There is a wide variety of food available, from traditional pub fare to gourmet specialties.
Group of Fans: 
Come together with other die-hard rugby supporters and commiserate about the ups and downs of the sport. The energy of the crowd enhances the show in unexpected ways.
Convenient Spot: 
The Brook Pub in Cambridge is conveniently located on Mill Road, giving it a great place to watch a game without having to travel far.
Savoring the Game:
Rugby fans from all around the world are getting excited not only for the thrilling matches that will be played in 2023, but also for the delicious treats that will be served at this year's Rugby World Cup. The food at the World Cup, like the sport itself, is a celebration of cultures and flavours from all around the world.
Delectable Dishes from Around the World: World Cup 2023
New Zealand:
Meat and vegetables are slow-cooked in an earth oven, a traditional Mori cooking method, until they are tender and full of flavour.
Pavlova, a dessert made of meringue and topped with whipped cream and fruit, is a crowd pleaser.
Sashimi and sushi: 
Traditional Japanese fare, including the likes of sushi and sashimi, will undoubtedly be on the menu.
Pastries and Croissants: 
Croissants and other delicate pastries are a hallmark of French patisseries, and it's hard to resist their buttery sweetness.
South Africa:
Biltong is a type of dried, cured beef that is quite popular among rugby fans because of its delicious, savoury flavour.
Grilled to perfection and accompanied by a variety of condiments, this South African sausage is a culinary staple.
Pot Pies: 
Australians love these savoury pork pies made with flaky crust and devour them while watching the game.
Drinks to Quench:
New Zealand:
Sauvignon Blanc: 
New Zealand's world-class Sauvignon Blanc is the perfect light and crisp beverage to enjoy while watching the game.
Many rugby fans can't watch the game without a pint of Guinness, a powerful and velvety beer.
Malbec, the flagship red wine of Argentina, has a rich, fruity flavour that goes well with grilled foods.
Try this Japanese rice wine, made in everything from dry to sweet varieties, for a true sense of Japan.
Ciders made from apples are a popular beverage in England and are often seen as a lighter and more refreshing alternative to beer.
Brook Pub Drinks: World Cup 2023
Come celebrate the arrival of the Rugby World Cup 2023 with some of the finest British Pub Food and Drinks at the Brook Pub near Mill Road. We like providing our guests with a wide selection of the finest wines, gins, whiskies, Best Pitcher’s and cask-conditioned beers. You may support your team with your loved ones at your side.
Watch Live Rugby Screenig at The Brook Pub which is just one of several events we'll be showing here at the bar. The Facebook page will be the place to find out about all of our upcoming activities.
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briochedoree · 1 year
Liven up your afternoon with delicious snacks at Café Brioche Doré Bonjour, dear café lovers! 
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Bonjour, dear café lovers!
At Café Brioche Dorée, we believe that every moment in life deserves to be celebrated, especially the cherished hours between lunch and dinner. Join us for an exquisite experience as we introduce you to our delectable afternoon snack offerings. Whether you're seeking savory delights or sweet treats, we've curated a menu that's sure to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to the streets of Paris.
1. Canapés:
Salmon & Cheese Canapé:
Indulge in the luxurious flavors of smoked salmon paired with creamy cheese, elegantly presented on a delicate slice of French baguette. A bite-sized masterpiece that will leave you craving for more.
Tuna & Mayo Canapé:
Savor the freshness of tuna salad combined with a hint of mayo, nestled on a crunchy cracker. This delightful canapé is a perfect choice for those looking for a savory bite.
Cucumber & Cheese Canapé:
Experience the crispness of cucumbers and the creaminess of cheese harmoniously blended atop a perfectly toasted slice of bread. A light and refreshing option that's perfect for a warm afternoon.
2. Bites:
Mini Croissant Sandwiches:
Our signature flaky croissants play host to an array of mouthwatering fillings. From ham and cheese to turkey and cranberry, these bite-sized sandwiches are the epitome of French elegance.
Mini Baguette Sandwiches:
A bite-sized version of our classic baguette sandwiches, these mini wonders are packed with flavors. Choose from options like chicken Caesar or roast beef with horseradish for an unforgettable experience.
Spinach Sushi Crepe:
For a unique twist on traditional sushi, try our spinach sushi crepe. Fresh spinach, rice, and a touch of sesame come together in this delightful fusion snack.
Mushroom & Cheese Mini Tartlets:
Indulge in the rich and earthy flavors of mushrooms combined with creamy cheese, all encased in a buttery, flaky tartlet. It's a savory treat you won't want to miss.
3. Desserts:
Mini Fruit Tartlets:
Experience a burst of fruity goodness with our mini fruit tartlets. These bite-sized delights feature a delicate pastry shell filled with fresh seasonal fruits and a hint of pastry cream.
Mini Cupcakes:
Satisfy your sweet tooth with our mini cupcakes, available in a variety of flavors. From classic chocolate to zesty lemon, these little cakes pack a big punch of flavor.
Assorted Mini French Pastries:
Indulge in the artistry of French pastry with our assorted mini pastries. From éclairs to macarons, this delightful selection showcases the best of French patisserie.
4. Beverages:
Fresh Orange Juice:
Quench your thirst with a glass of our freshly squeezed orange juice. The perfect accompaniment to your afternoon snack.
Detox Water:
For those looking for a refreshing and health-conscious option, our detox water infused with fresh fruits and herbs is a revitalizing choice.
Filtered Coffee:
Complete your snack experience with a cup of our rich and aromatic filtered coffee. The perfect way to unwind and savor the moment.
At Café Brioche Dorée, we invite you to elevate your afternoon with a delightful array of snacks that capture the essence of French culinary artistry. Whether you prefer savory canapés, satisfying bites, sweet desserts, or refreshing beverages, our menu is designed to cater to your every craving. Join us at our café, and let your taste buds embark on a journey through the flavors of France. Bon appétit!
Follow us on Instagram (@briochedoree.official) to stay updated with our latest offerings, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exclusive promotions. Share your Café Brioche Dorée moments with us using #BriocheDelights and be part of our vibrant community of food enthusiasts. We can't wait to see you there!
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French Crêpes Recipe These French crêpes are thin, delicate, and delicious for breakfast or dessert. Fill as you like with fresh berries, jam, or chocolate spread. 1 teaspoon white sugar, 2 cups milk, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons butter melted, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 3 eggs
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mapatisserie · 1 year
Recipe: Tropezienne - A Taste of Saint-Tropez's Sweet Delight
If you've ever dreamed of savoring the flavors of the French Riviera, the Tropezienne is your ticket to a taste of Saint-Tropez's sweet paradise. This delectable pastry, shrouded in history and allure, combines the lightness of brioche with a rich cream filling, creating a delightful symphony of flavors that will transport you to the sun-kissed shores of Saint-Tropez. Let's embark on a culinary journey and bring the essence of this iconic French dessert into your kitchen with this authentic Tropezienne recipe.
For the Brioche:
500g all-purpose flour
75g granulated sugar
10g active dry yeast
5 large eggs
125ml whole milk, lukewarm
200g unsalted butter, softened
1 teaspoon orange blossom water
Pinch of salt
For the Cream Filling:
500ml whole milk
1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 large egg yolks
100g granulated sugar
50g cornstarch
250ml heavy cream, chilled
Optional Garnish:
Powdered sugar
In a mixing bowl, combine the lukewarm milk and active dry yeast. Let it sit for a few minutes until the yeast is activated and becomes frothy.
Add the flour, sugar, eggs, orange blossom water, and a pinch of salt to the yeast mixture. Mix everything until a dough forms.
Gradually incorporate the softened butter into the dough while continuing to knead. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic, and pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
Cover the bowl with a damp kitchen towel and let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free place for about 1.5 to 2 hours, or until it doubles in size.
Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
Punch down the dough to release excess air. Divide it into two equal portions, and shape each portion into a round disc of about 20cm (8 inches) in diameter.
Place the discs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and let them rise for another 30 minutes.
Bake the brioche discs in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until they turn golden brown. Let them cool completely on a wire rack.
Cream Filling:
In a saucepan, heat the whole milk and the scraped seeds of the vanilla bean (or vanilla extract) over medium heat until it reaches a gentle simmer.
In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks, granulated sugar, and cornstarch until well combined.
Gradually pour the hot milk into the egg yolk mixture, whisking continuously to prevent curdling.
Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens and reaches a custard-like consistency.
Remove the custard from the heat and let it cool to room temperature, covering the surface with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming.
In a separate bowl, whip the chilled heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
Gently fold the whipped cream into the cooled custard to create the Tropezienne's creamy filling.
Slice each cooled brioche disc horizontally to create a top and a bottom layer.
Spread a generous amount of the cream filling onto the bottom layer of each brioche disc.
Sandwich the brioche layers together, gently pressing them to secure the filling.
Optional Garnish: Dust the top of the Tropezienne with powdered sugar for an elegant finishing touch.
Serve & Enjoy: The Tropezienne is best enjoyed fresh. Serve it with a cup of coffee or tea, and savor the heavenly combination of the delicate brioche and the indulgent cream filling. Bon appétit!
Whether you're reminiscing about your travels to Saint-Tropez or discovering the charm of this French delicacy for the first time, the Tropezienne is sure to delight your taste buds and transport you to the sunny shores of the French Riviera. So, embrace the culinary magic and treat yourself to a taste of Saint-Tropez with this delightful Tropezienne recipe.
For More Info :-
recette tropezienne
tarte tropezienne
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How to cook sweet potato pie At Home? - Chicken Fried Receipe
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January 24, 2023
How to cook sweet potato pie At Home?
A common dessert that has its roots in the South of the United States is sweet potato pie. During the American holiday season, it is frequently offered in place of pumpkin pie, which is more common in other parts of the country, particularly during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Dough for single-crust pie
Two medium sweet potatoes (about 1-1/2 pounds), peeled and cubed
1/3 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Roll out the dough to a circle that is 1/8 inch thick on a lightly dusted surface, then transfer it to a 9-inch pie plate. Cut the crust 1/2 inch beyond the plate’s rim, then flute the edge. While preparing the filling, refrigerate.
Add enough water to cover the sweet potatoes in a medium saucepan. up to a boil. Reduce heat; cook, uncovered, for 13–15 minutes, or until tender. Return the drained potatoes to the pan. Blend thoroughly, then let cool to room temperature.
Cream the butter and sugar in a bowl. Add eggs and thoroughly combine. Mix in the milk, 2 cups of sweet potatoes that have been mashed, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Add liquid to crust. For 15 minutes, bake. Reduce heat to 350° and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until set or a knife inserted in the centre comes out clean. on a wire rack to cool. Keep leftovers in the fridge.
For more delicious recipes to check
Authentic Louisiana Red Beans and Rice Recipe
The Classic Lasagna Recipe
Italian Style Pork Chops recipe
French Toast recipe
  Nutrition facts
sweet potato pie contains 360 calories per 136 g serving. This serving contains 15 g of fat, 5 g of protein and 52 g of carbohydrate. The latter is 27 g sugar and 1 g of dietary fiber, the rest is complex carbohydrate. Sweet potato pie contains 6 g of saturated fat and 24 mg of cholesterol per serving. 136 g of Sweet potato pie contains 1.01 mg of iron, 115.60 mg of calcium, 360 mg of potassium.
      This smooth, creamy sweet potato pie is delicately flavoured and slices wonderfully! Around the holidays, we advise creating a couple sweet potato pies to give to friends and family.
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merlastagaxe · 1 year
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Bread Pudding
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When Jules and I were little, our Mum would often take us to the bakery after school, where we’d buy cakes or coissants for our goûter, the French pendant for afternoon tea. There would often be Religieuses or Chocolate Eclairs, Croissants and Brioche. But also, whenever my sister opted for a generous slice of flan pâtissier, I would have one of (bread) pudding (for I never was too keen on crème pat!) I loved the concoction of milk-soaked bread, with vanilla, sometimes swirled in with a little chocolate, much, much better! I have made a few bread and butter puddings, the English cousin to this childhood treat, which is sliced and served like a cake, but never the treat itself. Until I found my Mum’s recipe (actually, her friend Marylin’s nan’s), handwritten in her much-used recipe book, and we so happened to have (as we often do), heaps of bread to use up. This delicious Bread Pudding, with its crisp top, and its soft, delicately sweet middle, is a delight, really as scrumptious as I remembered it! And you can have it at tea or for dessert. Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 4 to 6):
1/4 cup sultanas
1/4 cup good quality white rum (like Guadeloupe’s Damoiseau)
2 cups semi-skimmed milk
1 plump vanilla bean
170 grams/6 ounces stale Sourdough Bread and/or Baguette
1/3 cup caster sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter
Spoon sultanas into a small bowl. Cover with white rum, and allow to soak, several hours (at least a couple.)
Pour milk in a medium saucepan.
Halve vanilla bean and scrape its seeds off. Add vanilla seeds and empty pod to the milk, and heat over a low flame.
Tear Bread and Baguette into large chunks into a large bowl. Sprinkle generously with caster sugar. 
Once the milk is just simmering, pour over the Bread and Baguette chunks, discarding empty pod. Give a good stir with a wooden spoon, to combine. Cover with a tea towel and allow to rest, 15 to 20 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180°C/355°F. Generously butter a pie plate.
Once the Bread and Baguette have soaked up most of the milk, and the mixture has cooled, break in the eggs, and mix well. Stir in reserved sultanas and their rum.
Gently spoon mixture into prepared pie plate, levelling with the back of the wooden spoon. Scatter small chunks of butter liberally on top. Place in the middle of the warm oven, and bake, at 180°C/355°F, 1 hour and a quarter to 1 hour and a half, until nicely golden brown on top.
Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.
Serve Bread Pudding warm or cooled.
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janksfatass · 2 years
La Lune
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Smut 18+
Synopsis: You and Jake take a vacation in the French countryside. You spend the day at a vineyard then come back to your rented cottage overlooking the Rhône River. You both decide to let the wine do the talking.
Word count: 1300
Warnings: Drinking, oral(f/rec), public/unprotected deeds, sickeningly sweet sentiments from Sir Jacob
“That was incredible!” You gush to Jake as you kick off your heels and plop down on the plush sofa. “Wine tasting in France can now be checked off the bucket list.” He chuckles at your statement.
“Whatever my girl wants, my girl gets.” He gives you a toothy grin. He goes into the kitchen to pull two wine glasses out of the cabinet and one of the bottles you had brought back from the vineyard. He makes his way to the glass paneled doors leading out to the veranda.
“Will you join me out here, my love?” He calls to you.
You stand up and make your way outside. The cobblestone that’s been heated by the summer sun warms your feet. You stand at the edge of the balcony. The sunset illuminates the ridges of the mountains and flickers in the ripples of the water down below.
“Do you like what you see?” Jake hands you the glass and you look over his face. It could just be the wine but you’re seeing him so intensely. He is the most beautiful being you’ve ever seen. The sun hitting his eyes, turning them from the usual hazelnut brown into a warm honey. His face, so soft and browned from the European sun. His hair rustling in the warm breeze. His lips full and glistening from his tongue tracing over them. He takes a sip of the wine.
“I’ve never seen anything this breathtaking before in my life.” Your eyes lock with his and he lifts his hand to frame your face with his fingers. His thumb rests on your bottom lip, pulling down slightly.
“I haven’t either.” He takes another sip from his glass. “This wine is delectable but I believe it would pair much better with dessert.” He places his hands on your hips and guides you backwards until you’re leaning against the parapet. He slides his hands up your dress to slip his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulls them off of you.
“Jake, what are you-” He lifts your dress and leans in to kiss up the inside of your thigh while simultaneously running his hands up the length of your legs until his hands find a home, resting on your hips.
Your breathing intensifies as he trails his lips closer and closer to your dripping core. His touch sends chills up your spine and goosebumps begin to form on your skin. When a kiss lands on your clit, you sigh out from the pleasure. He flicks his tongue delicately across the surface and moves his hands from your hips down to cup your ass as he flattens his tongue and licks languidly along your folds. You reach down and lace your fingers into his hair, gently bucking forward into his face.
“Oh my god, Jakey.” You look down at him and he meets your gaze. His previously honey brown eyes, now dark with lust.
“Cum for me, Princess. I want to taste you. I NEED to taste you. All of you. Can you do that for Daddy, Sweet Girl?” You nod rapidly. He quickens his pace, lapping at you hungrily. Like you are the last thing he will ever put in his mouth. Your back arches and you try to pull him closer to you, as if that was possible. Fire burning in between your legs, you’re certain your heart stops for a few seconds as your orgasm crashes down on his tongue, effectively extinguishing the flame. He slows his tongue allowing you to come down from your high. He gives your thighs a final kiss before standing and returning the favor to your lips.
“Turn around for me baby”
You do as he says then he places his hands on your waist and he steps into you. He pulls your hair back to expose your shoulder before leaning his head down and blessing it with a soft, warm kiss.
He speaks softly into your neck, “I would never take another sip of wine, so long as it meant I am able to taste you like this everyday for the rest of my life.”
His words went straight to your core then down your legs into your toes. He places his hand around the crook of your knee to lift your leg onto the ledge then lifts your dress up over your ass. Behind you, you hear the clink of his belt buckle as he slides it through the loops of his pants. He pulls out his cock and places it on one of your cheeks as he slides his pants and underwear down some. He is already throbbing and you feel hot sticky precum drip onto your ass.
He grabs himself and lines up with your entrance, but not before sliding through your folds a few times. Effectively mixing your combined slick all over your pussy. Keeping one hand on your hip, he pushes into you slowly and your eyes roll back into your head as he bottoms out. He starts with slow and deep thrusts, making sure to hit your g spot with every stroke. The pure bliss is so overwhelming, you’re completely cock drunk as he fucks into you.
“You feel like heaven, baby. So tight and wet. This pussy was made to be wrapped around me.” He pants as he rhythmically slides in and out of you. He reaches around you to run quick circles over your clit as he’s reaching all of the right places inside you. Soft moans escape your lips as your second release of the evening creeps up on you.
He feels you start to tighten around him, “Give it to me, Sweet Girl.” His pace speeds up and his thrusts deeper than before. Soon the beautiful landscape before you begins to fade in and out as your climax radiates through you, your pussy spasming around Jake’s cock. He’s not far behind you, his strokes becoming erratic before his hips begin to stutter and you feel his cock pulse deep within you, painting your walls with his release. “Oh- oh my god, fuck, Y/N.” He moans out as he slowly pushes into you one last time. He slides out of you and immediately you feel his cum dripping out of you like warm honey onto your thighs.
He pulls his pants up but leaves them unbuttoned as he takes your hand to walk you back into the cottage. You both go to the bathroom and he sits on the edge of the tub as he fills it with hot water and your favorite bath salts. Once the bath is ready, he pulls your dress up over your head and holds onto your hand as you step into the steaming water.
“I’ll be right back.” He says as he exits the bathroom. You begin to clean yourself up and he comes back with warm towels fresh from the dryer and, of course, more wine. This time it’s a bottle of champagne. There are strawberry slices placed on the rim of the flutes. He sets them on the edge of the bath. He pours the champagne and removes a strawberry to bring it to your lips. You open your mouth to accept it and he places it on your tongue letting his finger linger for just a moment. You wrap your lips around it then pull back creating a soft ‘pop.’
“You’re too good to me.” You say to him with a smile as you bring the glass to your lips.
He looks at you with a soft expression and runs his fingers through your hair, using his thumb to gently stroke your temple.
“That’s impossible, my love. There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for you. You deserve the moon.”
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