#Fresh Tortillas; Three Meat Wardrobe
muse-soup · 5 months
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afashionpoint · 6 years
How to Make Chicken Soup
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How to Make Chicken Soup
For the winter days nothing better than a good homemade chicken soup to get warm. You can make it in a quick pot and the time decreases considerably. But if you have time to make the chicken broth gently in the traditional casserole. The result will be much richer. If you make the broth the day before and put it in the refrigerator. It will be much simpler to De-grease it. How to make chicken soup is very easy. The chicken soup is a very simple dish to put together. In which preparing the broth in the home is the best way to obtain a unique consistency and flavor. You will see that it is not complicated to do it with the following recipe.
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How to Make Chicken Soup What is a Chicken Soup? A chicken soup is one of the most popular recipes in the western world. There is nothing like a chicken soup on a cool, cloudy day. Is there anything more comforting than a chicken soup. When we're in bed with the flu? Who does not remember a chicken soup prepared by his mother while still a child? Today we bring you how to make chicken soup recipe that is always creamy and delicious. The fact is that everyone has enjoyed one rich and delicious chicken soup prepared by our mother when we were sick. Some perhaps have eaten in those winter days in this chicken soup tastes a thousand delicacies. How to make chicken soup recipe is easy to follow. Take your time and read the recipe again if you did not understand. The chicken soup is made from a broth. Read below and we will tell you how to make chicken broth and then the chicken soup.
How to Make Chicken Soup:
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Ingredients for Homemade Chicken Broth: 1 onion 1 leek 1 potato 1 piece of pumpkin 2 carrots 1 chicken skeleton 1 chicken breast Fresh parsley Salt and black pepper in grain (to taste) 1 bay leaf 5 liters of water Preparation: A home-made broth is to me a kind of luxury. It is perhaps the recipe with chicken that more take home, either on a rainy day, as a first quality or as perfect dinner to take on the sofa and watch an episode of "Game of Thrones". It is certainly a tasty restorative, even serves as a resource to enrich our preparations in the kitchen. Do not think with this that I speak of a difficult recipe with rare ingredients, at all. It is actually a super simple, traditional recipe that matches the classic roast chicken. Nothing special there is, apart from the fact of enjoying a home-made comforting dish. We bring today is how to make chicken soup. In many of the recipes, we cook on all stews and soups, among its ingredients include one good homemade broth can make the difference between a rich dish and a yummy dish. So when we start to prepare a good homemade chicken broth. Which we then keep in jars in the vacuum or in the freezer. We know we have a quality wardrobe background for my day-to-day dishes. And we can use our pantry and include a part of this broth in our stews and that will give them an unbeatable spot. Preparation of the Chicken Soup: We put all the ingredients in a pot and we cover it with the water. We have two options when it comes to making a good homemade chicken broth. We can use a pot of those of a lifetime or opt for modernity and employ a quick pot or express pot. That saves a little time. If we use a quick pot we will let it cook at 3, once it rises to the second ring, for 20 minutes. We turn it off and let it cool until it can be opened. If we choose the traditional method, then we have to cook all the ingredients in a casserole for an hour and a half or two hours. Once the broth is ready we glue it and let it cool. Once it is very cold it will be when we can remove the fat that will have formed on its surface. This is a fairly light and low-fat broth, so this step we could suppress it. Chicken meat can be reserved for another preparation. Also use it crumbled inside the broth accompanied by fine noodles in the form of soup. We can also store it in containers for use in our stews. We usually freeze it in 250 ml jars, so that we have it on hand for any preparation. Optional: If you wish, you can add any other vegetables of your choice including everything that you may like or choose. It is best to put some eggs after we have pulled the chicken to put it to fry. When the broth is boiling, I put like 4 or 5 eggs directly in the soup and I do not move the soup to make them stick. And they are delicious!! It is served hot with a splash of lemon and three freshly made tortillas and.... what a treat! Enjoy it!!
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Benefits of chicken soup for the flu: The chicken soup is a healthy dish especially rich in interesting not only against the flu or colds but for general health properties. The different natural ingredients found in this wonderful recipe (chicken, onion, carrots, parsley and celery) help very positively, thanks to its anti-inflammatory benefits. This means that it is a dish that helps in case of flu or cold because it controls the activity of neutrophils (granular leukocytes that appear in great quantity when a person is sick of influenza or suffers respiratory infection since they are produced by the Immune system to protect the body against these). When once you have made the chicken soup and have mastered in it, as it is not that difficult, trust me you will enjoy it every time you make it. Trending Post: Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Recipe  Healthy Butternut Squash Soup Recipe  Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe Homemade Cream Of Mushroom Soup Recipe Weight Watchers Vegetable Soup Recipe Read the full article
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whosebody · 8 years
pre-op assessments and my homemade diet
On Tuesday (yesterday) they called and made me an appointment for the pre-op consultations. I will be seeing a counsellor, a physical therapist, and a dietician.  I just went through a two day diabetes program last year, and one whole day of that was nutrition. But if I have to hear it all again, that's okay because I apparently didn't learn much there.
On the 22nd of January this year (2017) I started my own eating program. I invented it myself, and I'm not selling it. In fact, there's nothing to buy except food, and I shop at Kroger, Meijer, Aldi, and GFS. What I basically did was kick my family (my husband T and my live-at-home adult daughter C) off my food island and told them "Root hog, or die." I no longer cook for them unless I happen to feel like it, which is basically never. They are so hard to cook for. He won't eat canned fish or cheese, and she won't eat fresh fish or pork. In her defense she has no gall bladder and things like pork and sausage cause her problems. T, on the other hand, is a food princess. The only vegetables he will eat are green beans, corn, and carrots. And green beans and corn are not technically even vegetables, they are a legume and a grain! I am a princess regarding white fish ever since I cut into a filet and found a worm. It was a dead worm, but it was a freakin worm. In. My. Food.  Now white fish gags me.  I have tried to get over it, and I just can't. I am terrified to look at white fish for fear I might see a worm, and terrified not to look for fear there might be a worm and I won't see it. Add to that the fact that I am violently allergic to chicken and turkey, and every meal was just a logistical nightmare. We ate a lot of pizza, which is an exception to T's no-cheese rule.  When I cooked real food, I often had to cook two or three separate meals. I resented that. Tons of planning, tons of work, tons of cleanup, tons of money.  And what they would eat was almost all bad for me/my diabetes, which is to say specifically high carb. Spaghetti. Potatoes. Things piled onto bread. So I told them they could buy what they want, and they also have to fix it themselves because I want to live, and if they love me, they should want me to live too. After hours of binge-watching My 600-pound Life (more on that later) I came up with a diet plan of my own.  Then I remembered a conversation I overheard once while waiting in line at Goodwill. The woman in front of me was purchasing a whole lot of clothing.  The checkout lady said something to the effect of, "It looks like you are getting a whole new wardrobe." The customer replied, "Well I kind of have to. I lost a hundred pounds."  The checkout lady froze for a second then said, "How did you do that?" and the customer replied, "Basically I stopped eating anything white." My rebel brain immediately started fussing, yeah, but what about cauliflower? but when I was planning my DIY eating plan it came back to me and I knew what she meant. No bread, no rice, no pasta, no potatoes.  None of the good stuff, in other words. I decided I would only have white carbs at dinner, and only in a reasonable amount--whatever that might be. I went to the grocery and I bought eggs, protein powder, and those lean cuisine-type meals that come under different names.  I had to get the meat-based kind, which there is a much smaller selection. I got one that was some kind of meat patty and some macaroni and cheese.  The first time I nuked one of those, I had an epiphany that had somehow eluded me throughout the nutrition classes. This tiny dab of macaroni is a serving. I feel really stupid now, or at least resistant. How did I avoid knowing this all these years? I have these little refrigerator storage dishes that I bought. I thought they were for condiments. It turns out those are servings. They are a half a cup! Seriously. A half a damn cup. So now I know. So this is my eating plan.  Eggs and or yogurt for breakfast. A protein drink or bar for lunch, and a tray of frozen crap nuked for dinner plus vegetables, because those dinners never have enough vegetables, if they have any at all. I am really glad I love vegetables because if not for those I would probably have given up on day two. I can have a plate full of vegetables and not blow up my calories the way a slice of bread or a piece of meat will. Not that I'm some vegetable eating angel. Sometimes I want a sammitch, dammit. But I have figured out that I can put a sammitch on one small tortilla and have far fewer carbs and calories than two slices of bread. Although if I'm straightening my halo I can put the filling on a romaine lettuce leaf and pretend I'm having a sub. My halo doesn't get straightened all that much though.
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afashionpoint · 6 years
How to Make Chicken Soup
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For the winter days nothing better than a good homemade chicken soup to get warm. You can make it in a quick pot and the time decreases considerably. But if you have time to make the chicken broth gently in the traditional casserole. The result will be much richer. If you make the broth the day before and put it in the refrigerator. It will be much simpler to De-grease it. How to make chicken soup is very easy. The chicken soup is a very simple dish to put together. In which preparing the broth in the home is the best way to obtain a unique consistency and flavour. You will see that it is not complicated to do it with the following recipe. What is a Chicken Soup? A chicken soup is one of the most popular recipes in the western world. There is nothing like a chicken soup on a cool, cloudy day. Is there anything more comforting than a chicken soup. When we're in bed with the flu? Who does not remember a chicken soup prepared by his mother while still a child? Today we bring you how to make chicken soup recipe that is always creamy and delicious. The fact is that everyone has enjoyed one rich and delicious chicken soup prepared by our mother when we were sick. Some perhaps have eaten in those winter days in this chicken soup tastes a thousand delicacies. How to make chicken soup recipe is easy to follow. Take your time and read the recipe again if you did not understand. The chicken soup is made from a broth. Read below and we will tell you how to make chicken broth and then the chicken soup.
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How to Make Chicken Soup:
Ingredients for Homemade Chicken Broth: 1 onion 1 leek 1 potato 1 piece of pumpkin 2 carrots 1 chicken skeleton 1 chicken breast Fresh parsley Salt and black pepper in grain (to taste) 1 bay leaf 5 liters of water Preparation: A home-made broth is to me a kind of luxury. It is perhaps the recipe with chicken that more take home, either on a rainy day, as a first quality or as perfect dinner to take on the sofa and watch an episode of "Game of Thrones". It is certainly a tasty restorative, even serves as a resource to enrich our preparations in the kitchen. Do not think with this that I speak of a difficult recipe with rare ingredients, at all. It is actually a super simple, traditional recipe that matches the classic roast chicken. Nothing special there is, apart from the fact of enjoying a home-made comforting dish. We bring today is how to make chicken soup. In many of the recipes, we cook on all stews and soups, among its ingredients include one good homemade broth can make the difference between a rich dish and a yummy dish. So when we start to prepare a good homemade chicken broth. Which we then keep in jars in the vacuum or in the freezer. We know we have a quality wardrobe background for my day-to-day dishes. And we can use our pantry and include a part of this broth in our stews and that will give them an unbeatable spot. Preparation of the Chicken Soup: We put all the ingredients in a pot and we cover it with the water. We have two options when it comes to making a good homemade chicken broth. We can use a pot of those of a lifetime or opt for modernity and employ a quick pot or express pot. That saves a little time. If we use a quick pot we will let it cook at 3, once it rises to the second ring, for 20 minutes. We turn it off and let it cool until it can be opened. If we choose the traditional method, then we have to cook all the ingredients in a casserole for an hour and a half or two hours. Once the broth is ready we glue it and let it cool. Once it is very cold it will be when we can remove the fat that will have formed on its surface. This is a fairly light and low-fat broth, so this step we could suppress it. Chicken meat can be reserved for another preparation. Also use it crumbled inside the broth accompanied by fine noodles in the form of soup. We can also store it in containers for use in our stews. We usually freeze it in 250 ml jars, so that we have it on hand for any preparation. Optional: If you wish, you can add any other vegetables of your choice including everything that you may like or choose. It is best to put some eggs after we have pulled the chicken to put it to fry. When the broth is boiling, I put like 4 or 5 eggs directly in the soup and I do not move the soup to make them stick. And they are delicious!! It is served hot with a splash of lemon and three freshly made tortillas and.... what a treat! Enjoy it!! Benefits of chicken soup for the flu: The chicken soup is a healthy dish especially rich in interesting not only against the flu or colds but for general health properties. The different natural ingredients found in this wonderful recipe (chicken, onion, carrots, parsley and celery) help very positively, thanks to its anti-inflammatory benefits. This means that it is a dish that helps in case of flu or cold because it controls the activity of neutrophils (granular leukocytes that appear in great quantity when a person is sick of influenza or suffers respiratory infection since they are produced by the Immune system to protect the body against these). When once you have made the chicken soup and have mastered in it, as it is not that difficult, trust me you will enjoy it every time you make it. Read the full article
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