buzzbitezz · 1 year
Why your kid Being Dumped by a Friend ?
5 reasons why kids might end a friendship There are many reasons why kids might end a friendship, including drifting apart due to changes in interests, having disagreements or conflicts, feeling left out or excluded, or simply finding new friends. Sometimes the reasons for the breakup are not clear or may be one-sided, with one child wanting to continue the friendship while the other moves…
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itsemerysworld · 7 years
To the “best friend” that I never had To the “best friend” that was there for me when no one wasn’t To the “best friend” you’ve known since your awkward times as a preteen To the “best friend” that has seen sides of you that most people haven’t To the “best friend” who you would sit with late at night and have therapy sessions with To the “best friend” that taught you things To the “best friend” who promised you’d grow old together To the “best friend” who said nothing could come between us To the “best friend” but was really like a sister To the “best friend” that knows everything To the “best friend” thats now a stranger To the “best friend” that maybe wasn’t a best friend To the “best friend” that has seemed to have gone “missing” To the “best friend” that has no problem throwing years away
To the “Best Friend”, the person I really truly never had
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octoberfashion · 9 years
Turning 29-Upcoming Birthday
With my 29th birthday being three days away I figured I would reflect on my life so far. I thought I would be on a different level in my business and personal life by now. However, I can't shortchanged what I have achieved so far. I earned my fashion design degree , started my own fashion blogging business and etc. I know this is the time where people are getting married, having kids and etc. Although, I have seen a lot of that lately especially from my high school classmates,but I don't feel the pressure. If I am being honest I am just not ready for either of those yet. There are few things I need to work on first & my focus right now is taking to my business to the next level. I remembered a passed professor mentioning that your twenties should be for traveling and etc. Now, I don't mean to offend those who are married or have children. However, it's just not the right decision for me. Often we have this "pressure" to be married and such by 30.
I have learned that things tend to happen at the right time. My business will go the next level and everything else when it's the right time. Being 28 has taught me a lot and I am still learning a lot as well. I don't know what 29 will hold,but I am optimistic. I know they are still many lessons to be learned. There might some not so great moments. However, I think it will make me stronger. I am grateful to have made it this far thanks to my faith, family, and those who have supported me (too many to name. There are some people who didn't make for one reason or another. Besides they helped make it possible for me to connect with new people and established new connection. I will admit it does hurt,but I had to realize that had move out of my life. I think if I kept focusing on it then I can't go where I need to go. I have so much I want to do,but I am putting a time limit on it. Well that's been some of my story so far. Next is my 29th birthday.
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