#Funky Time waoooo glad to have a physical spot to spitball my rewrite ideas heh
seawing-vibes · 3 years
Would you... would you care to elaborate on those other ideas you had for Peril's father and how Darkstalker's scroll could have been found? /pos
(honestly I completely forgot he was her father, probably forgot while reading, too. The explanation that was given just didn't make any sense to me)
*cracks my knuckles* alright gamers get ready to hear some REALLY rambly spitballing ideas. So this is all a very loose concept and the fact that I have only read Escaping Peril once probably doesn’t help (I’m re-reading the series again rn so that is likely to change, Escaping Peril & Winter Turning are the only two books I haven’t read more than once hughe)
The Scroll is hidden by Fathom on the costal islands near the rainforest. He hid it on a small inhabitable island, time treated the island poorly and most of it eventually eroded away, becoming nothing but a sandbar now. What happened to the scroll? Lost at sea. Or so we though
A Seawing is the one to find it, which one? Dude I’ve got no idea, either way this Seawing sells it off as some authentic antique scroll (I can imagine the wood thing the paper is on is very fancy & in a very 2,000 years ago fashion) and is picked up by a Skywing. Who is this Skywing you may ask? It’s the man, the myth, the legend *does a quick wiki search* Prince Hawk >:)
Hawk is an enjoyer of antiques and collectibles, he found this scroll and thought it was pretty, he figures out about its power in an interesting way when he writes down his wishes for his one of his sisters to remain alive (in-canon its suspected that he saw some of his sisters die) with this info he comes on Scarlets good side by working for her. This written wish is grated in the form of Ruby
He doesn’t allow Scarlet to know how exactly the magic works and just that he can just mess around with dragons appearances & whatnot, allowing things like Ruby & Pyrite to happen
He eventually hides the scroll once Scarlet is gone, he fears it and doesn’t wish to remain near it anymore, this is when its found by Moon on her own, Darkstalker basically directing her to it and bam, canon stuff happens
So thats my very bad & loose idea for the scroll stuff, there’s a lot of holes and stuff i need to stitch up but for the most part thats the main premise :]
And my main idea for Peril’s father is that he was one of Scarlets personal guardsmen, someone who was close with the royals and knew Scarlet well. He would’ve been a general or just a high ranking guard or something. He met Kestrel and the two actually hit it off really well, I imagine the two had a close and sweet relationship, and one that Scarlet despised. Her personal guard was now milling off with some low ranking grump who had tread on Scarlets tail one too many times. Once Sky & Peril were hatched everything happened normally, and right under the Guardsman’s Nose. He (besides the eggs) become the first dragon to fall victim to Peril. He had found out what happened to his wife months after the incident and had been brewing a revolt among the guards agents their Queen, he was great at planning things and waited until the Brightest Night to strike, but there’s always a talker, in this case the one to double cross the small rebellion was young Prince Vermillion, what a mama’s boy. The guards were thrown into prison, some executed, some being kept alive. Okay so note!! I think this next part is from a fanfic I read YEARS ago. I cannot find the fic anymore (I cant even remember what I read it on) but I remember the action scene that stuck with me. If I’m being completely honest I cant remember if this was a fic I read or something I thought of on my own (I tend to do that a lot so bear with me huregha) but uh. Keep that in mind! So basically Scarlet reveals the info of who his daughter is to him and the details of Kestrel’s death as she’s personally walking him to the Arena. He’s in schock and cant do much beside listen, and before he knows it hes out in the arena, a lil Peril sitting across from him. He loves his daughter despite not knowing her, and he refused to allow scarlet to have it her way, so he sits down, giving Scarlet one last defiant look, and introduces himself to her, and simply asks for a big hug. And I’m sure you can conclude how that ended. I love that being the way he goes out, I just think its neat and im so mad that I cant remember if that was a fic I read or not ggrgefg But I hope you like my long rambling !!! :]
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