#Funny Mothers Day Sayings 2019
neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Neil!
I don't want to sound like a killjoy, but I'm concerned about David Tennant's family being involved in the second season of Good Omens (or Michael Sheen's partner Anna Lundberg in a future season three). I absolutely have nothing against them, I loved Staged just like everyone else, but this is exactly the matter for me: casting them in the series would automatically make me think about Staged or something else while I'm watching GO, and it would distract me from the plot and the magic of it. It would feel somehow like a family reunion, no matter how talented they are as actors (not to mention that there would be nepotism accusations, above all against David. I hope this won't affect the popularity rating, since season three is still hypothetical). I'm not the only one who thinks this might be an issue, from what I read on blogs here on Tumblr (and on the Internet in general) but I feel like there's a sort of tension, like people are scared to say it out loud, because some fans get the wrong idea and accuse them of hating Georgia or Anna or Ty (and that's why I'm asking this anonymously, I don't want to start a fight). I hope you get what I'm saying, it only felt fair to me to let you know whatever concerns some fans might have, and maybe even give you a perspective you weren't considering? Of course you have the last word on this, and if you think this is not a big deal, I trust your judgement.
I wish you a fantastic day! (And sorry for my English, I'm not native, I tried my best!)
Yeah. So, I find that a little creepy, not very creepy, but definitely a bit.
I thought we were lucky to get Peter Davison in Good Omens 2. (He didn't audition. We offered him the part, as I've been a fan of his since 1978, and All Creatures Great and Small. He crushes it, and is heartbreaking, funny, and still somehow the moral compass of the episode he's in.) Ty Tennant auditioned, along with a number of other actors, and got the part because he did it best. (I didn't know who his family was when we cast him. I just liked the audition tape.)
If you're hunting down family connections, David's mother-in-law, Ty's grandmother, Sandra Dickinson, is in the Audible Sandman, too, as one of the Three Witches/Fates/Eumenides etc. And she was cast in it two years before David Tennant (although probably around the same time Michael Sheen was asked to be Lucifer). (I've been a fan of Sandra's since she was Trillian in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in 1981.)
Anyway, I'm sorry you're worried about Peter and Ty's performances, although I promise you have nothing to worry about, and I'm sorry that you worry that our possibly casting Georgia and Anna in a hypothetical and not-yet actually a real thing Season 3 might make people think of Staged and make them not able to enjoy Good Omens any longer. (Had I known people were this easily shaken I wouldn't have appeared in Staged either, in case my name at the front of Good Omens shattered the fragile illusion and revealed to people that the David Tennant and Michael Sheen who play Crowley and Aziraphale are actors.)
Starting in 2017 I was the recipient of mind-mangling quantities of Tumblr abuse for casting David Tennant and Michael Sheen as Aziraphale and Crowley, which was, many people made very clear to me, the worst casting in the whole entire utter history of casting, and something that Good Omens would never recover from, because for a start neither of them looked like the versions in people's heads, and I'd also miscast them badly because everyone knew that if you had to cast Sheen and Tennant, Michael had to play Crowley and David had to put on some weight and play Aziraphale. (It wasn't until May 2019 that people stopped grumbling.) So people worrying I'm going to cast Anna and Georgia in a season that hasn't even been commissioned in parts that haven't been written just makes me smile.
I hope this helps.
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grapejuicestyless · 8 months
The Tide Always Goes Out
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
Summery: You were sick. You had always been sick. But you looked so healthy, so it couldn’t be true. Conrad could live in denial of his best friend’s inevitable death but there was nothing he could do to stop it and he has to accept it.(Inspired by the book Little Women specifically the scene in the 2019 film between Beth and Jo.) Mentions of illness and death.
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We sat on the beach squished on a small blanket. wrinkles from our shifting and creases beneath us from where we sit. We talk about everything and anything all morning. Not minding the grey overcast of the clouds covering the usually very blue sky. Or how the waves are more violent than they usually are. I know this because I remember it vividly. It wasn’t that long ago I was really there. Making sure it would last forever. Only now I wish I hadn’t because it haunts me more than it comforts me. And the entire way it played out still makes my heart ache with regret.
Somehow I end up with her lying over me. She lays her head in my lap, the thin blanket woven together with faint reds and oranges creating a little hammock for her to rest on. I can feel the way her heartbeats erratically over my thigh. The way her lip’s curl into a soft smile. The ocean reflected in her eyes. If it weren’t for the heavy eye bags and the slight tremble in her bones, she’d be normal. A normal girl with no issues. You wouldn’t even know how deeply her suffering ran. Sometimes, on the better days, I let myself become fooled as well. Playing dumb hurts less than facing the truth.
“Con.” Her eyes flick up to mine, and I can’t help the way my own avert her gaze. I am too afraid to face her. Even now. The girl who I worship day and night. I never did pray before her, but now I pray that when I wake up, she’ll still be beside me. And we can enjoy the company the other has to offer just one last time. I can’t look down and see how much she’s changed. It scares me, because the traces of the illness torturing her is evidence to how real it is. And I would rather live in oblivious bliss.
“I want you to know I’m not really scared anymore.” It’s not what I expected to come from her lips, but it’s what she lands on. Theres no room in her wording for me to deny what she’s trying to say. My eyes flick down to hers, and my hands moves the hair blowing in the wind messily across her face.
“Y/n, come on. Don’t say shit like that.” I smile, but I don’t really mean in. I don’t find her words funny, and I don’t like that my best friend is sick.
“No, Conrad. I’m serious.” She breathes out, hands pressing against my skin to lift herself up. I feel a chill run through my body without her warmth to ease the morning chill. More than that, I can feel the coolness in my heart when she separates from me, and I long for the next moment I’ll feel her gentle touch.
“I’ve had a lot of time to think about this and I’m certain that I’ll be okay.” I continue to look at her, but only this time, she is the one looking at the sand, tracing her fingers in it as they stretch past her ankles to the floor.
“And I’m only so sure because I know you’ll be there.” Her eyes flicker up to the sky and I swear I see the sky brighten for just a moment. The blue underneath all the grey breaking free for a split second. “I’ve known you my whole life, and I’ve felt things for you that I have felt with no one else. I know you, and I trust that you’ll come find me in the next life.” Pulling at her lip, she waits for a response.
“But I want to keep you in this one.” My hand finds hers and all I can do is squeeze onto her desperately. Wanting nothing more but to keep her close. So I can watch her. Make sure shes okay. She’s lost all of her fight, her will to stay. And I know it’s because of the pain. I’ve heard her sobs just down the halls and the hushed whispers of my mother and her’s. But part of me wonders if it’s simply because I did not do enough. If I wasn’t enough reason for her to stay.
“It’s like the tide going out. It goes out slowly, but it can’t be stopped.” And we both know it. Theres no stopping what will happen to her. Theres no wish or medicine or fight that could keep her here beside me. It makes me want to cry, but I don’t. It would be selfish of me to get so upset when I am still here. Well and alive. Promised many years to age and achieve things she never was given the chance to.
“I’ll stop it.” I don’t look down at her, but I can feel how she shifts. The way her frown only deepens and the bags in her eyes get heavier. She sighs heavily into the silence, shaking her head slowly. She refuses to cry though. Partly because I know she knows she’ll have plenty of time to cry in the darkness of her room, when the ache in her bones is too much and theres no way of stopping it. And the other part of me recognizes that it’s because there’s no reason to in her eyes.
Y/n knew it better than all of us. She had lived a good life. She could do things and want things some children could never even dream of. She had a warm home with a glowing fireplace that her family often gathered around. A loving sister and a great brother. Her mother and father were healthy and she had the best friends she could have ever asked for. Her only regret is that she had to make her own mother pick out the details for her headstone.
When I pull her into my body, I have no idea it will be for the last time. I have no clue that her sobs won’t part from her lips. Because when she closes her eyes, she doesn’t drift into her usual place of rest. Her eyes don’t flutter open at the soft creak of the stairs when Jeremiah decides he wants a late night snack. Nor does she stir when Steven laughs, following behind him not as skillfully.
Not even when her mother screams early in the morning, hands clinging to her limp wrists, cold and lifeless. The tears from my mother mixing with her younger sisters don’t even make her flinch. And it’s chilling because it almost looks like she was smiling. The lift of her lips is barely there, but it makes me feel better knowing she went in peace.
I remember that day more clearly than ever. How the grey sky haunts me and the way she spoke so surely about her death still sends chills through my veins. I could have only wished to have looked at her a little closer that day. So that even in her darkest moments, I could be as certain as she was that the image of her would never fade, and I would always be able to memorize each wrinkle in her skin.
So I tell myself that when it’s my time, I’ll do what she said I would. I’ll find her in the next life. And I’ll look a little harder at her, and I’ll admire her for longer.
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wildgreentide · 1 year
Good Omens Historical Fic Recs!
While I'm waiting for my favorite authors to write their new post-s2 stories, I'm revisiting some of my favorite older fics and wanted to share some recommendations! More than anything else I've been craving stories that explore Crowley & Aziraphale's relationship throughout history. If you have a favorite historical fic that's not on here, please feel free to share!
All Seasons, by rfsmiley (20k, M)
Set in Tudor England, this story has Crowley becoming an advisor to Henry VIII and befriending Thomas More. Achingly good.
The blood of Christ, or, Is that any way to speak to your mother?, by doomed_spectacles (528 words, gen)
A brief Biblical story, in which Aziraphale attends the Wedding at Cana. Perfectly Pratchetty.
Communing with the Dead, by acommontater (927 words, gen)
Another Biblical story, but very different in tone: Crowley says the mourner's Kaddish for Judas Iscariot. Powerful.
Gods in the Gaslight, by anti_kate & rfsmiley (12.5K, T)
Aziraphale embarks on a career as a stage magician in Victorian London. Entrancing, atmospheric, heartbreaking.
knowing this will I reach for you, by Aria (24.6K, E)
A dozen or so scenes throughout history, starting with Eden. I absolutely love this story for a number of reasons, but one is that it explores Crowley's anger at God and Heaven after the Flood, which I think explains a lot about his state of mind during the Job story in season 2. It is also (so far) the only fic on AO3 with the tag "Crowley Doesn't Fall in Love He Saunters Vaguely Downwards."
A Letter from "Crawly" to Azirapil, by mostlydeadlanguages (486 words, gen)
Set in Mesopotamia, tiny but brilliant.
The Parting Glass, by equestrianstatue & omnishambles (16.8K, gen)
Seven scenes throughout history, from the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539 to the present day (well, 2019), by two of my favorite authors. Drily funny with just the right amount of angst.
Your Mirror, by equestrianstatue (28.2K, E)
Going backward and then forward in time, this story explores all the ways that Crowley and Aziraphale come together, drift apart, misunderstand each other, and still long for each other throughout the millennia. There are so many great little details in this story, plus *fans self* some extremely hot scenes.
The Weight of Well Tailored Clothes, by reserve (5K, E)
Speaking of extremely hot scenes, my bookmark comment for this one just says "Good lord." Crowley helps Aziraphale undress after he rescues him from the Bastille.
You, Soft and Only, by thehoyden (9.4K, E)
Starting in Mesopotamia with a kiss of convenience, and continuing through ancient Rome, a medieval monastery, Renaissance-era Florence, and more, this story is absolutely swoony.
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what4wh0re · 10 months
little Drabble Ig (Peter Maximoff x normal Fem!Reader)
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Authors Note: Hii this is like my first time writing again since like 2020-2019, aka my wattpad era (ToT), so I hope it's not totally horrible! There will 100% be million of grammatical issues and mistakes! -Jaz
Summary: You and Peter are friends who just happen to be roommates. After turning 21 you and Peter decided to get an apartment together since you don't like living alone, and he needs to get out of his mothers basement. Months later he gets a Super Nintendo and decides to show you, and teach you how to play..
warnings: kissing, suggestive comments, fluffiest fluff ever, and bad writing.
You had just gotten done with training some students, and had started getting ready to go home. Then you hear someone clear their throat, you turn to see your favorite boy with silver hair, Peter.
You smile, 'what do you want?' He smirks 'babe, you know I always come to see you after your training'
turning from him to grab your bag off the floor, 'I know, but you look like you need to tell me something' standing up to turn him, he then crouched down, signaling you to get on his back.
'get on, we're goin home' you nodded getting on his back, shutting your eyes and holding him tightly. In seconds you're back at your guy's apartment.
He smiles, leaving you on his bed, 'you can lay down on my bed for a minute, imma go change n' get, The Coolest Thing Ever! You'll love it!' He is such a dork, honestly.
Looking around his room, it matches him so well, like those teen boy rooms from the movies; game posters, arcade machines, light grey walls, book shelves loaded with comics, and the messiest closet ever.
Speaking of closet, you decided to grab one of his shirts and change into it, taking off your previous clothes. Leaving you in his shirt and your shorts, he always has a pair of your shorts in his closet, you're always in his room or he's always in yours.
He comes out in his own merch.
You burst out laughing, taking a photo of him on his polaroid, you take the photo out and hold onto it with your life, as he walks over to you.
'sweetheart, can I see that photo?' He says as sweetly as possible. 'no, I love this photo!' you laugh.
'You haven't even seen it yet, it's not even done developing, hon.'
'so, it's almost done, and I just know that it's a cute photo'
'how so?' you smirk, deciding to tease him a bit 'cause it's you, and you know that you're cute.' He blushes, he's so adorable, he blushes, and always becomes a bit shy after a compliment, especially from you.
He rubs his neck, looking away from you for a moment. 'Yeah, I knew that, I know that. Uhm,' he clears his throat, 'yeah, oh, Oh, I wanted to show you, this,' He pulls a box from his desk drawer, A Super Nintendo box. He grins ear to ear.
'I thought that maybe you'd like to play with me or something, it's two player, so yeah.'
I smiled, sitting up to watch him set the game up. God he is just the best; cute, funny, dorky, and the sweetest boy ever. And he looks so good doing anything, but right know he looks like an angel.
He looks back at you, 'finished, how d'ya like it?' you smile 'I love it'
He sits on the edge of his bed holding the first player controller, giving you the second, you sit next to him, more like on him, but it's not like he minds, he's having the best day ever.
You in his room, with him, laying on him, playing a game with him, looking at him with those eyes. God, he could just die, and it's been like this for almost a month now, you and him together everyday, he just loves life.
you guys continue to play almost every game on the disk for hours, two hours, and 57 minutes. After changing into three different positions to get comfortable you end up, with him laying on your back and you laying on your stomach.
Turning to look at him 'wanna watch a movie and eat snacks?' he nods and scoops you into his arms walking to your room, 'I'd rather eat you, ya know, winking, before you hit his chest jokingly, laughing a bit. He then throws you on the bed, and jumps onto your bed, with you underneath him.
He stares at you, mostly your lips, okay, you're starting at his lips, so what. You think about what would happen if you kissed him. Only for your thoughts to be cut off by his lips.
He kissed you softly, then panicked breaking away, 'Peter, why did you-' he sits up, apologizing like crazy, 'I'm so sorry, I just, oh my god, I didn't mean too, well I did, but I should've asked first, I'm soso-' only to be cut off by your lips.
Grinning as he kissed back pulling you into his lap, 'Oh, so you feel the same?' he questioned your actions 'Peter, I've liked you for a year now. Of course I like you.'
He smiles, cupping your face 'I like you too, I like you like, a lot, a lot. I've been trying to find the right time to say it, but would you officially go on a date with me as my girlfriend?'
You bite back a smile 'Yes, of course. Boyfriend.' kissing him deeper than before, making him settle his hands onto your hips pulling you closer his chest.
So was that like okay, I'm very good at using Tumblr in fact I've never really used Tumblr in a writing/typing setting, so, yeah. Let me know if you like want a part two I guess, idk maybe I'll write smut for it. I'll try to post at least like twice a week. I will probably be writing for like Evan Peters/some of his characters, Jack Champion/some of his characters, and TASM Spiderman/Andrew Garfield. -Jaz
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 months
I watched Pretty Woman when I was around 12. Which, first of all, my mom let me watch and read anything.
It pretty much encoded in my brain. It also played an important role in my fascination with older men with silver hair. And I love everything about it. I know it's problematic and stuff. But it's so good. Everything is perfect, casting, music, story, acting, cinematography. Romantic movies don't commit like this. I miss the beautiful, curly hair and the romantic ballads. It feels as if Hollywood is allergic to romance now.
I'm suffering from lack of good romantic movies. Please recommend some good movies.
If it makes you feel any better, I was probably younger than 12 when my mom like MADE me watch it with her lmao
And I agree so much with everything you have to say about it. Pretty Woman is, to me, the Iconique romance movie. It feels more like a romance novel, to me, than most movies. And it's sooooo sexy.
For other romantic movies, I'd recommend:
Brown Sugar (2002). This one is really fun because both of the protagonists make really bad choices sometimes! He marries the wrong person, she gets with the wrong person, it's friends to lovers the way it should be done (ie with a lot of angst). But you still root for them to get together! Also, Taye Diggs gives an absolutely perfect line delivery (like several) in this clip.
(We gonna celebrate--what? *clink clink* MY DIVOOOOOORCE!)
Always Be My Maybe (2019). Another example of friends to lovers done right, though it's really one of the things I love in books too, which is "childhood friends to strangers to lovers". So good. Also, the single best usage of a celebrating playing themselves ever with Keanu Reeves.
Imagine Me and You (2005). A sweet sapphic romcom with a bit of a moral quandary in the premise... A woman is walking down the aisle to her husband, looks over, sees florist Lena Headey, and understandably falls in love with florist Lena Headey. But like, she didn't even know she was bi, let alone that florist Lena Headey existed, so--what now? Cheesy in a very sweet way. Actually plays with infidelity in a manner that movies kinda don't as much at the moment (Brown Sugar does as well). Yet it remains heartwarming.
Faraway (2023). Nobody ever talks about this movie, even though it has so many things we always say we want—like a woman over 40 who isn't stick thin falling in love with a man over 40 who also doesn't have this insanely ripped body (and he remains hot, to be clear). In this one, a woman finds out her husband is PROBABLY cheating on her on the day of her mother's funeral. She also finds out that her mom had a secret house in Croatia! And when she goes to that house to get away from her family, there's Some Guy squatting there! And now she's kind of in a love triangle with Some Guy and a younger real estate developer who wants to buy the property...? It's delightful. I need to rewatch it.
Hit Man (2023 though let's be real it's a 2024 movie). Anyone who hasn't seen this yet--it's a romcom. It's a whole romcom. With sex in it. It's very funny, it made me attracted to Glen Powell against my will, he eats this girl out a kitchen island (and she thinks he's a hit man she almost hired to kill her husband). It's definitely got a touch of darkness, but everyone who suffers deserves to because they're like, abusive husbands and racist predatory cops. Hell yeah.
Amelie (2001). I'm sure everyone has seen Amelie by now, but if you haven't, watch Amelie. It's everything it's cracked up to be.
Argylle (2024). YEAH. YEAH. I'M PUTTING THIS ON HERE. Everyone shat all over Argylle, and I was like oh shit, what even is Argylle??? I don't wanna spoil too much, but did you know that Argylle pretty much ends on two people making out as they speed away from whimsical chaos??? Did you know that Argylle has like.. AN AMNESIA ROMANCE PLOT??? It's goofy as fuck and it is delightful.
Lisa Frankenstein (2024). Another recent one that is actually so romantic. And the monster uses a giant Hitachi magic wand on Lisa Frankenstein. Good for her.
The Through My Window trilogy I will always cite as Euroteen romance movie excellence. Like, the second movie is kinda rough, but the third makes up for it completely. It is soapy, it is ridiculous, it is EVERYTHING a good Wattpad movie should be except there's also like, an actual earnest heart to it. Ares is a king among men. Raquel is batshit insane but gets away with it because she is That Girl. I love it.
Anyway, this is far from a complete list, but try these for like, the heart feelings.
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Stats from Movies 1501-1600
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Ghostbusters (2016) had the most votes with 1,257 votes. Phantoms (1998) had the least votes with 309 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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The Skeleton Dance (1929) was the most watched film with 63.5% of voters out of 647 saying they had seen it. It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This (2023) had the least "Yes" votes with 0,7% of voters out of 454.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) was the least watched film with 73% of voters out of 449 saying they hadn’t seen it. ¡Corten! (2021) had the least "No" votes with 6,4% of voters out of 390.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Ghostbusters (2016) was the best known film, 1,3% of voters out of 1,257 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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¡Corten! (2021) was the least known film, 92.6% of voters out of 390 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
The Houses October Built 2 (2017) Brightburn (2019) Snow Falls (2023) The Forsaken (2001) Vanishing on 7th Street (2010) The Golem (1920) Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) Friday the 13th: Part 3 (1982) Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) The Monster Squad (1987) Dracula 2000 (2000) The Apparition (2012) Ghosts of Mars (2001)
Ice Cream Man (1995) Ghostbusters (2016) Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) Species (1995) World War Z (2013) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Village of the Damned (1995) Arachnophobia (1990) House of the Dead (2003)
Ghost in the Machine (1993) Wicked Little Things (2006) The Puppet Masters (1994) Lord of Illusions (1995) Quicksilver Highway (1997) Funny Man (1994) Death Becomes Her (1992) Cabin Fever (2002) Alien³ (1992) All Superheroes Must Die (2011)
Boogeyman (2005) The Abandoned (2006) Constantine (2005) Valentine (2001) A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child (1989) Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Godzilla Minus One (2023) Unrest (2006) Phantoms (1998)
Bordello of Blood (1996) Late Night With The Devil (2024) Terror Toons (2002) Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) The Fly II (1989) Sharktopus (2010) The Clovehitch Killer (2018) Blood: The Last Vampire (2000) The Hamiltons (2006) The Kid and the Camera (2022)
The Skeleton Dance (1929) The Stand (1994) Transylvania 6-5000 (1985) The Shining (1997) Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978) Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008) How to Be a Serial Killer (2008) Ed and His Dead Mother (1993) Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Abigail (2024) Elvira's Haunted Hills (2001) Reptilicus (1961) The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009) The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu (2009) The Haunting of Hill House (2018) It (1990) Chronicle (2012) My Name Is Bruce (2007) Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970)
¡Corten! (2021) The Pit (1981) Moon Garden (2022) My First Day (2017) Infested (2023) The Stone Tape (1972) Stung (2015) The Block Island Sound (2020) Sting (2024) Nadja (1994)
History of the Occult (2020) It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This (2023) Moloch (2022) The Tomb of Ligeia (1964) The Premature Burial (1962) The Raven (1963) Dracula 3000 (2004) The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) Malevolence (2004) Cannibal! The Musical (1993)
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killthcromeo · 25 days
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kill the romeo ( hangul: 로미오를 죽여라; stylized as KTR ) is a four membered group under starship entertainment. the lineup includes hayes, kaede, yemi, and yize. they made their debut on march 19, 2018, with the korean single “sweet juice.”
starship entertainment took an unconventional approach with kill the romeo, aiming to draw international attention to the company. their comeback strategy involves a unique system: for each korean release, there's a corresponding english comeback within the same year, and sometimes an additional release in another language. this approach ensures that fans of KTR worldwide feel seen.
the group also stands out because every member was born in 2002. fans, also known as arrows, and netizens in general think this shared birth year was meant to ensure better chemistry and a youthful vibe at their debut since they were all around 16.
quick facts
official fandom name: arrows.
fandom name explanation: cupid uses an arrow to make people fall in love, love is what caused the demise of romeo.
official fandom colors: blood red and pitch black.
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○ ៹ ★  jo haseung ( hangul: 조하승; born march 23rd, 2002 in south gyeongsang, south korea ), best known by stage name HAYES ( 헤이즈 ), is the face of the group, lead vocalist, and sub rapper of kill the romeo. growing up in a home where his dad is no where to be found and his mother might as well have been out with him, haseung has more trouble trusting people than just casting judgement. he’s rebellious, smart, and alluring. he’s known to back-talk to authority figures and push away people who try to help him. But, ultimately, haseung does want people to like him; he just doesn’t know how to let them in. if you can get past haseung’s gruff exterior, maybe you can see the funny, quick-witted, and kind hearted guy underneath all the walls.
stage name:  hayes (헤이즈).
given name:  jo haseung (조하승).
other name:  hayes jo.
nicknames:  hayhay, white swan, smart alec.
age:  twenty two years old.
date of birth:  march 23rd, 2002.
zodiac sign:  aries.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  american.
ethnicity:  south korean.
birth place:  south gyeongsang, south korea.
hometown:  san diego, california.
height:  176 cm.
blood type:  type a.
face claim:  park wonbin (riize).
languages:  korean (mother tongue).  english (fluent).
occupation:  idol. mc.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  five years.
company:  starship entertainment (2013 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🦢.
✦  hayes debuted solo on december 30th, 2019 with his single nervous.
✦  he used to hate anything with avocado on it and refused to eat it until one day he just thought he was being dramatic and tried it again, now loves it.
✦  he always takes very very cold showers, even in the winter.
✦  he has a phobia of birds after one bit his neck while he was at recess when he was seven. still has the scar.
✦  for a very long time after debut (and still with newer fans) it was hard for people to tell him and yize apart. even their staff got them mixed up in the beginning and they wore name tags.
✦  he’s not good at lying, people can almost always tell when he’s lying because it’s obvious.
✦  he has a fear of heights, and usually when the group goes to amusement parks he avoids the rides like the plague and just tries the food. 
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○ ៹ ★  nonaka kaede ( kanji: 野中楓; born may 1st, 2002 in tokyo, japan ), best known by stage name KAEDE ( 카에데 ), is the leader dancer, main vocalist, and leader of kill the romeo. kaede is a fashionable, free-spirited individualist. she copes with the trauma of her childhood by living a life free of responsibility, if she doesn’t think about it it never happened. she uses humor as a defense mechanism and isn’t afraid to say whatever pops into her head, even if in appropriate at the tine. she has a sensitive side too, however. and though her sarcastic manner and unseriousness means people aren’t inclined to take her seriously, she actually knows a lot about how the world works and how people think.
stage name:  kaede (카에데).
given name:  nonaka kaede (野中楓).
other name:  n/a.
nicknames:  kae, dumber (to yize’s dumb), thing 1.
age:  twenty two years old.
date of birth:  may 1st, 2002.
zodiac sign:  taurus.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  japanese.
ethnicity:  japanese.
birth place:  tokyo, japan.
hometown:  tokyo, japan.
height:  157 cm.
blood type:  type o.
face claim:  kondō chisa (xg).
languages:  japanese (mother tongue).  english (fluent). korean (fluent).
occupation:  idol.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  two years.
company:  starship entertainment (2016 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🐥.
✦  kaede debuted solo on march 30th, 2020 with her single into you.
✦  the opposite of yemi, kaede is only allowed to have headpiece mics because she has accidentally thrown multiple handheld ones.
✦  when she runs out of room to carry things with his hands he uses his mouth/teeth, which triggers people (yemi) so badly.
✦  was almost considered to be leader but fell to the ground sobbing, begging them not to choose her.
✦  she was bad at live singing during their debut not because she couldn’t sing, but because she would get so overwhelming excited to be performing that her voice would get shaky.
✦  she is banned from the kitchen and using several utensils like knives and metal forks because of how clumsy she is.
✦  despite being at starship for 8 years, she gets lost still and needs her members to help her find where she is. she is the reason every member has each others’ location.
✦  if she had to choose which member’s solo music she enjoys listening to the most, she’d say yize.
✦  she’s not very coordinated at all, she’s a baby deer in a human body.
✦  kaede is vegatarian, because she doesn’t like the texture of most meat products.
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○ ៹ ★  adeyemi caspari ( born january 15th, 2002 in adelaide, australia ), best known by stage name YEMI ( 예미 ), is the leader dancer, lead rapper, and visual of kill the romeo. adeyemi is nothing else if not seen by the men in her life. after her father left her and her mother alone, she unfortunately craves any type of attention she can get. she tries so hard to win over men in her life that she often loses sight of who she is. she’s sweet, insecure, and emotional. adeyemi wears her heart on her sleeve, and that makes her vulnerable to a lot of heartbreak. she wants someone to love her for her and not the persona she has put on, but she’s not sure who she is either.
stage name:  yemi (예미).
given name:  adeyemi caspari.
nicknames:  bambi, yemi, ade
age:  twenty two years old.
date of birth:  january 15th, 2002.
zodiac sign:  capricorn.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  australian.
ethnicity:  ghanian-swiss.
birth place:  adelaide, australia.
hometown:  adelaide, australia.
height:  166 cm.
blood type:  type b.
face claim:  meret manon (katseye).
languages:  english (mother tongue).  swiss-german (fluent). french (fluent). korean (mostly fluent).
occupation:  idol. actress.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  three years.
company:  starship entertainment (2015 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🦌.
✦  yemi debuted solo on july 30th, 2020 with her single chihiro.
✦  yemi’s not allowed to have headpiece mics because she has a habit of singing the other member’s parts and doesn’t know how to stop.
✦  yemi doesn’t move her arms when she walks or runs, they just stay still at her sides.
✦  she hates talking on the phone, every call she gets goes straight to voicemail. even the ceo has to text her if they want a response.
✦  she either remembers your name right off the bat or it takes her weeks of interactions to be able to remember it, no in between. but she’s really great when it comes to faces.
✦ she sniffs everything before using it, like even random things like her mic.
✦  she has an anxious tic of blinking really rapidly, fans pick up on it a lot during interviews.
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○ ៹ ★  ruan yize ( hanzi: 阮宜澤; born october 1st, 2002 in taipei, taiwan ), best known by stage name YIZE ( 이제 ), is the main dancer, main rapper, lead vocalist, and center of kill the romeo. growing up constantly in second place to his older brother, yize naturally developed a huge inferiority complex and a short fuse. never allowed to express his emotions properly, he often bottles up his emotions until he genuinely cannot hold them anymore and tends to explode, music has been helping it really has, but he’s still angry. even as an adult, yize constantly feels the need to prove himself. though he doesn’t like to show it, he also has a softer, more sensitive side too. he’s deeply loyal to those he cares about and absolutely fearless when it comes to helping people (if he’s in the mood).
stage name:  yize (이제).
given name:  ruan yize (阮宜澤).
nicknames:  thing 2, dumb (to kaede’s dumber), yi
age:  twenty one years old.
date of birth:  october 1st, 2002.
zodiac sign:  libra.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  taiwanese.
ethnicity:  taiwanese.
birth place:  taipei, taiwan.
hometown:  taipei, taiwan.
height:  178 cm.
blood type:  type ab.
face claim:  wang yihsiang (&team).
languages:  mandarin (mother tongue).  english (fluent). korean (mostly fluent).
occupation:  idol. actor.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  two years.
company:  starship entertainment (2016 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🦊.
✦  yize debuted solo on october 30th, 2020 with his single cruel.
✦  yize clenches his fists before doing stuff because it helps him feel stronger and more in control. so in a lot of fancams you can see his fists balled together before the music starts.
✦  when excited, he hiccups and slightly trembles. he’s not sure why he just does.
✦  for a very long time after debut (and still with newer fans) it was hard for people to tell him and hayes apart. even their staff got them mixed up in the beginning and they wore name tags.
✦  yize was scouted through his sound cloud account, to which he already had several songs.
✦  yize carries a chococat figure he got in one of those sanrio blind boxes in his pocket at all times. he’s stressed whenever he forgets it at the dorm.
✦  he is not a morning person. he needs at least an hour before being able to function beyond just nodding and grumbling.
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lokislittlesigyn · 11 months
This past weekend I had .. A truly lovely experience. One that will stick with me forever, I believe.
Story time.
About a month ago I got an unexpected message that Tom Hiddleston would be at NYCC. I'd never heard of NYCC before - though I live within driving distance of NYC. I visited last year to see a Broadway play and visit the Loki figure at Madame Tussauds. But more, in 2019, my parents surprised me with tickets to see Betrayal on Broadway.
When we went to the show, I hoped to give Tom a letter, thanking him for the impact his work has had on my life, and get some art autographed. After the show - which was breathtaking and fantastic and funny and heartbreaking - I stood outside in the bitter cold and watched as Tom stayed outside for 2 hours talking to and autographing things for his fans. I distinctly remember saying his name and him looking me right in the eye - I asked if he'd take my letter. His response? "Of course I will." those words also stuck with me. spoken surely, as though kindness was deserved without question.
I got an autograph from him that day on my Playbill - they didn't allow non-Betrayal works to be signed. But I wanted, very badly, to see him again. Namely for a hug ... And to get that art signed.
In the spring of 2020 I heard about a drivable convention Tom was slated to be at. Tickets to see him were hundreds of dollars, but I was willing to pay.
Then the pandemic hit. Everything was cancelled.
Fast forward to last month. My birthday is coming up and I have no idea what to ask for, I have a steady job and I'm trying to give myself permission to buy fun things so I actually feel something when I get a paycheck. ive legit been getting money and just feeling nothing when it goes into my account. :')
And I did it. I bought a pass. An autograph pass, since the photo passes only allowed a few seconds with the individual - I wanted to talk even for a moment, not stand awkwardly while I try to make myself give a natural smile.
I'll spare you the details of the convention itself - it was huge, and while it was exciting, that wasn't the main draw. Tom was. I finished an art piece and had it printed, and took it with me to give to him. I also wrote a message on the back of it, so there was no risk of the message being lost (I don't know if he actually got my first letter. There's really no way to tell!). That message is private, but the art is not.
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It took over two hours to get through the line. As someone with joint and sensory issues, this was .. Quite an experience. if i hadnt had my compression socks on i honestly dont think i would have made it. also i really need to look into what ADA passes they have because there is an ADA line and i continuously tell myself im not disabled enough for that but maybe i am, idk
But I got through the line and went around the corner where they had a curtained-off area, and there he was.
My first thought? "Oh, you're real."
its always surprising to see him in person.
But as happened before, the nervousness and excitement and heart beating out of my chest gave way to a quiet calm.
He took the piece I brought to be signed, and signed it. And I spoke up.
"I made this for you, if that's okay." And I handed him the above artwork.
He took it. Looked at it. "You're very talented."
I thanked him.
And he looked at me again.
Now, it's relevant to mention I am autistic. Eye contact is extremely difficult for me. It feels unsafe, exposed, scary. I can literally get physically unsettled if I look at someone's eyes too long. This man is the only person - not even my mother and father feel safe to look in the eye - that I can not just stand to look in the eye, but actually feel ... peaceful. i think it's because he has lokis eyes.
"Thank you. Have a good rest of your weekend."
He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I thanked him again.
It's a small interaction. It was in the last event on the last day of the con - this man was probably exhausted, and rightly so. I also want to be clear, I don't have any sort of parasocial feelings toward Tom, or even romantic/etc. feelings. Tom is his own person, with his own life and experiences, and I don't feel anything toward him other than a general fondness and gratitude. More importantly, he is married, a husband and a father, and that is so important to remember.
I'm simply grateful to him. Out of hundreds, possibly thousands of people over the weekend, he took a bit of time to look at the art, and say something kind, and to look at me and smile.
Photos weren't allowed in the area, or I would have wanted one. Likewise, there were tables between the attendees and him - I would've asked for a hug otherwise. But I don't regret the weekend, for all its ups and downs. I got to give Tom a present, and I know I'll see him again someday.
And maybe next time, I'll get that hug.
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flythesail · 1 year
Last summer, I decided to get rid of an old wallet when my parents had a garage sale. It was pink with a cat and sequins. I don't remember ever using it as a real wallet, just something to play with as a kid.
But the wallet interests someone, and she checks the pockets before she buys it for a quarter. I must have missed a pocket because inside was a library receipt from 2011. The text is so faded I can barely read it, but the title at the top is easy enough to make out: The Secret of the Old Clock.
Now, I don't remember reading Nancy Drew as a kid. So did I ever read that book or just check it out? There's no way to know. But even if i didn't, it's funny to think about that receipt going forgotten for over a decade, only to be found when Nancy Drew has come to mean so much to me.
Believe it or not... In 2019, I watched Nancy Drew for the first time and decided I didn't like it. It's not what I expected it to be, and I didn't like other CW shows, so why bother.
Okay, I did bother and continued to give it a classic "half paying attention" watch anyway.
For as much as I claimed to not care, I googled "Does Ace die in Nancy Drew" after 1x07. I fell in love with the Drew Crew when they showed up and surrounded Nancy in her living room, although she didn’t ask. I saw Nick carve his name under one of the tables at the Claw, and listened to Nancy and Ace read emails out loud in the library. I saw Bess and George become truer versions of themselves.
There's something beautiful about stories that are given the room to grow. That last long enough that you can change your mind and grow right along with them.
Sometimes, life sucks. Yet Nancy Drew became one thing I could count on when I needed good in my life. When college was hard or when a global pandemic made it nearly impossible to make new friends at a time I was also losing some from high school - the Drew Crew were there for me with their mystery solving, own struggles, and general shenanigans.
Over the next years, I'd go from watching new episodes days after they premiered to watching them live. I'd write over 100k of fic and realize through it that writing is all I want to do with my life. I'd spend so much time in these characters' heads that they would begin to feel like my own.
Nancy Drew is about finding your people and your place in the world. It hits that early adulthood period that maybe isn't talked about as much as it should be and it makes you feel a little less alone when you see the way you feel in your own life reflected on screen.
We've seen Nancy start at the Claw, find her family, fall in love, build strong relationships with her fathers, and bring her mothers with her. Nancy Drew is a show that says it's okay to not have it all figured out - or maybe even to never - because who you become along the way is just as important. Nancy Drew is a show that says things do get better, and sometimes that's exactly what you need to be told.
So here's to a show that means a lot to me, and to all the wonderful people I've met along the way. Here's to every rewatch to come. That's the best part about stories. Even when you reach the end, you can always go back to the beginning. You can feel the way they made you feel all over again.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork and June Millington (one of the founders of the rock group Fanny), 2012.
Janis Ian and June Millington on Peter...
“In mourning for Peter Tork, one of the kindest people I’ve ever known, who was so gracious and so good to me when I was starting out. It’s testimony to the man that his family asks donations to be made to Institute for the Musical Arts, founded by June Millington and Ann Hackler to support women and girls in music. Lovely man, and a sad day to know he’s gone.” - Janis Ian, Facebook, February 22, 2019
“Thank you Peter Tork and family for your incredibly powerful gesture in suggesting that people make a donation to IMA’s ‘In the Names of Our Mothers’ fund, in support women and girls in music. Especially in these times, so meaningful ~ you will be remembered here for generations! Thing is, you’ve been such a good friend to me (us) over the years, and continue to give. That is a true testament to your soul, and your spirit. Love you always, xx June” - June Millington, Facebook, February 23, 2019
“I met him [Peter] here in Massachusetts through our really great friend Leah Kunkel. […] And they were really good friends since Peter and John Sebastian and Leah, Mama Cass… were in the Village […] And Peter did a benefit for us once […], for IMA. […] And he did record here as well. […] Peter was here a few months before he died, he came to actually record that last song that he put out with The Monkees [‘Angels We Have Heard On High,’ from Christmas Party; the instrumental track, featuring Peter on banjo, was originally from A Beachwood Christmas, 2003]. […] I wish I could have recorded him for my podcast because he told me a few stories which I love so much. [...] He played a great piano, which I didn’t know until the last time he was here. He swung by the piano and he — even though he was sick and he didn’t have much energy — he sat down and he played some brilliant classical piece. I’m like, ‘Peter, I didn’t know you played the piano!’ And he said, ‘Oh. Yeah.’ And I said, ‘How did that come about?’ He said, ‘Oh, I took lessons.’ So his parents definitely wanted him to be, shall we say, cultured, and have… you know, to play piano, the have a college degree and all of that. […] He was such a smart guy, he was so funny, he was so funny, he would be quipping all the time, you know. And it was, the last couple of years were a little bit of a slog for him because the cancer was coming back and it was really trying to get him. But he — he kept his humor intact the whole time. He was really a very generous, and he was a super-funny guy. That’s my biggest impression of him, is how giving he was. And he wanted to support IMA, the Institute for the Musical Arts, which is a nonprofit that supports women and girls in music by passing on what we know. So we do rock ‘n’ roll girls camp […], lessons — everything is being passed on to future generations. So it’s the only organization of its kind in the world where we are really hands on passing it on. And he just loved that. Like, he sent his daughter here — his wife had, you know, had a daughter, so they sent her here to one of our rock ‘n’ roll girl camps. So he put his money and his time where his mouth was, you know. […] So he was always trying to think of ways that he could help. He recorded here. You know, as I said, he was super-generous. He had a heart of gold, I gotta say. Super heart of gold. And he and Leah remained really good friends, really good friends until, you know, the last days. […] He was so smart. He was on top of current affairs, you know; he had so many jokes at the top of his fingers. […] He was a super-talented guy. […] Go to IMA dot org to take a look at this place. Peter realized the value. He loved passing it on. And he loved being around women and working with women, there’s no, you know (laughs), there’s no other way I could say it: he loved women. And he wanted to help, you know. And he let us know that, boy, he wanted to help and he did help.” - Plastic EP, 2021
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Well here's a fucking Chortle headline for the roundup:
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Holy fuck. I cannot believe that. Never for a moment did it cross my mind that this might happen. It's been nearly ten years since he left, and this never once seemed like a possibility.
I remember exactly when he left. I know it was announced in February 2015, because I was sitting in my bedroom in the city where I lived in 2015, where I'd moved to join their bigger and more impressive sports team and ended up just being miserable and lonely for two years because I did not have any of the skills required to fit in there. Anyway, it's fine, not the point of this post. The point is I know it was 2015 and I know it was February because I vividly remember sitting in that bedroom and scrolling on Facebook, and seeing a mock Valentine's Day card that said "May Jon Stewart be the only man to break your heart this week." And that's how I found out he'd announced he was leaving The Daily Show.
I know when he actually left, too. It was August 2015. Because Donald Trump walked down that fucking escalator in June 2015, and announced he'd be running for president. I remember watching The Daily Show that night, and Jon Stewart, incredibly pleased at the comedy gold mine that was about to befall all political comedians, looked into the camera and said to Donald Trump: "Thank you for making my last six weeks the best six weeks." Then he stayed on for six more weeks and made Trump jokes every night, then he left, and the world immediately ended. Looking back with a bit of perspective, Jon Stewart really did happen leave the show right as the Western world was on a precipice of having the norms as we thought we knew them all crumble at once. I'm thinking of that timeline that says 2000-2015=nostalgia, 2016-2019=2016, 2020-present=plague. Those are pretty much my life's eras. And Jon Stewart was there for a hell of a lot of that first one. (Not actually the first era of my life, there is also 90s=childhood, but I'm pretty sure everything was fine then, right?)
It's a bit weird to me now to see Jon Stewart as having an individual career, if that makes any sense at all. If you'd asked me in 2009 who my favourite comedians were, it wouldn't have occurred to me to say Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, even though I watched them both every night and loved those shows. I hardly even though of those as things that people had to make by being comedians and writers. They were just fixtures. Part of the landscape. I was so confused when he left the show, I didn't think it could exist without him. It didn't really feel like television could exist without Jon Stewart coming on at the end of the night. I remember learning some time ago about Marc Maron's feud with Jon Stewart over their days on the comedy circuit, and that was so weird. Jon Stewart didn't have days on the comedy circuit. He didn't have a career you could object to or admire, or opinions you could agree with or disagree with. He was just a fixture in the landscape.
I remember the first time I saw Jon Stewart. I think it was probably 2006, maybe 2005. I was really into Rick Mercer, this Canadian comedian who did TV shows where he made fun of the news. My mother put on a TV show, pointed to the guy behind the desk, and said, "That's Jon Stewart, he's like an American Rick Mercer." It only occurred to me relatively recently how funny it is to call Jon Stewart "an American Rick Mercer". But anyway, I watched that episode with my mom and then I kept doing that every night for many years.
I remember watching his final Daily Show episode with my mother, in August 2015. Bruce Springsteen came on live and played him out. My mother and I both got fairly emotional.
I kept watching The Daily Show for a long time after Jon Stewart left. I even followed a lot of the similar spinoff shows by its correspondents. I watched Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, and The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, and Larry Wilmore's The Nightly Show, and Hasan Minhaj's Patriot Act, and Michelle Wolf's The Break. Obviously, I followed John Oliver to Last Week Tonight (and would also if necessary follow him to the ends of the Earth, but that's beside the point).
I quite like Trevor Noah too; when he took over the show I read his autobiography and watched his stand-up specials and the documentary about him. I even saw him live in 2019. So I wasn't one of those people saying the show could never recover from Jon Stewart leaving. I watched a lot of the Trevor Noah years, and only dropped off from following it so closely fairly recently. It was around 2022, I think, when I just stopped keeping up with it. I had so much Britcom going on, and the world was so fucking depressing, getting all my news from actual news sites (as everyone should always always do, do not get your news from comedians, use political comedy as a way to lighten the mood of the regular news that you should first get from actual journalists, for the love of God please do not let the industry of actual journalism be steamrolled by entertainment) was stressful enough and I didn't want to keep having this other way of going over it.
So, those are a few disjointed memories that came into my mind when I saw that story this week. Here's another memory: I remember reading an interview with Jon Stewart from just after he left The Daily Show, in which he was asked if he would ever watch Fox News again. He replied that if he were ever in some post-apocalyptic scenario where Fox News was the only way to find out where to find vital life-saving information, he still wouldn't watch it. Because doing that job that required him to watch so much Fox News had destroyed him mentally and he could not wait to never ever ever ever ever do it again.
I was one of those people, after he left, saying, "I get it, it's high-pressure and difficult, I see why he wants to move on and have a break. But I would pay to have Jon Stewart just broadcast once a month in his sweatpants from his living room couch. He can't just be gone. He needs to keep telling us about the news, what will we do without him?"
We did do without him for nine years, and the world we thought we knew has crumbled around us in about twenty-five different ways since then, and I have absolutely no idea how the fuck Jon Stewart could fit into the landscape as it exists today. Like. I don't know what to do with this information. It wasn't on my radar. It's like finding out they're rebooting Buffy with the entire original cast and writing crew. Or if the girl I had a crush on from the ages of 9 to 14 showed up and told me she was in love with me. Of course it's what I wanted, but... what? Really? Why? Why now? Do I even still want this? You mean everything pre-2016 wasn't just a dream and we still technically exist in the same world as that one and the things in it are still out there and could just come back?
...There are people like @lastweeksshirttonight who actually know things about the US late-night comedy show scene, who have always understood that Jon Stewart is a person with a backstory who entered and then left an industry that also had a backstory and those things affected each other and this will have a significant effect on the ecosystem. Those people will have intelligent takes on what's happening right now. But I do not. Jon Stewart was on TV when I was in high school. He can't be on TV now because I am no longer in high school (even though I was 24 when he left in 2015). What the fuck?
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alovesongforu · 23 days
One - My Mom Finally Goes Crazy
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Have you ever watched any race in your life? If your answer is 'yes', I bet you've asked yourself  "How can they run so fast and so much? Is that even humanly possible?" 
I used to ask the same question, but now, pursued by hundreds, maybe thousands of flesh-hungry monsters, I have the answer: yes. When your mind is filled with a surviving instinct, it releases a funny hormone in your blood that keeps you going on, no matter what's happening. 
It doesn't matter if your lungs burn so much they feel like combusting, it doesn't matter if every fiber in your legs is screaming for rest, it doesn't matter if you have a bite so deep in your neck that blood gushes.
It keeps you going, numbing your pain and clouding your senses with just one message: Keep going or you'll die. The name of this hormone? Adrenaline. I could continue my story from here, but I don't think you readers would understand it fully, so let's go back in the storyline.  
June 5, 2019. Brazil, São Paulo.
12:30 PM.
I hate school. Even though I have changed schools multiple times, bullying haunts me. I had no friends in Guarulhos, the only ones I managed to make turned their backs against me, I was beaten every single day. 
In São Paulo, things are not that different. People ignore me, unless they want to ridicule me. I don't get beaten anymore, no one scratches my desk with insults, telling me to kill myself, but I'm alone. Lonely. I try to console myself, saying that it's better being alone than poorly accompanied, but it still hurts.
Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm so sorry! My name is Beatrice, Beatrice Sunnova D'Agostino.
I'm ten years old and I study in some fancy private school in the city of São Paulo. My mom is an artist who gained fame not long ago. As I was saying, I'm completely alone. The only friends I have are my mom and...Well, I know it sounds weird, but pigeons, bugs and rats. 
I also know what you're thinking right now. "Poor girl, she's completely nuts...", but I'm not. These animals, 'pests', they talk to me. And even if I am crazy, could you even blame me? If you, my dear reader, went through everything I've been through, I highly doubt you wouldn't think like me or be friends with them too.
I'm a person of many thoughts, so I could spend days and days just narrating all the incessant questions or stories that I create in my head to entertain myself and forget that I don't have a single friend my age, but I think I need to contextualize you from reality.
Right now, I'm having math class. I know, I know, a torture, but it's the last class of the day. Then, I'll go back home and no one will throw paper balls at me, with messages like: "you look like a pig", or "why are you still here? Nobody likes you". I'll be able to eat delicious food, wear comfortable clothes and read until it's dinner time again.
Mr. Ricardo (Yes, in Brazil we don't call our teachers by their last names.), was saying something about... to the power of, I guess? I'm not paying attention, all I can think about is how today's hell is going to end in...ten minutes, no, nine.
You must be asking yourself 'Is this school so bad? Why don't you tell everything to your mom, Beatrice?' Firstly, call me Bea, please. Secondly, my fellow: This is a true hell on earth. I hate this place with all my might. Every day, when I wake up, I pray this place has caught fire, with everyone inside, preferably. 
Now, your second question: My mother became a millionaire, I know she did. But I've only been studying here for a year and a half, and I don't want my mother to spend any more money on me, going through the trouble of buying a new uniform, transferring me to another school, and so on. On top of that, I don't have much time left at school, just six and a half years...Yeah, maybe I do, but I can handle it, I swear.
Mr. Ricardo continued to fill the board with equations, and although I copied it obediently, my ears were focused on the conversation of the clique of girls behind me. Maria Luisa, Sarah, Marina and Carla. You know that group of girls in your class that you clearly see that are nothing more than bitches with some sort of Regina George syndrome, but for some reason, everyone likes them? Yeah, that 's them.
Don't get me wrong, I love girls and I think it's silly to talk negatively about their interests because they are purely feminine, but these girls are demons. They have power over the class and, if they want to, they will make children be excluded and looked down on by the entire school for simply not agreeing with them.
"You're all going to sleep at my house this weekend, right? My parents have already bought everything." Marina said.
"Yeah, but I think I'll just show up at night."
Carla replies.
"Why?" "I have mass in the afternoon." 
"If that's the case then don't even come, Carla! You'll miss all the fun!" 
They were toxic towards each other, I know that, but deep down I wanted a friendship like that. Someone to talk to during class and keep me company during recess. Normally I stay in the school terrace, talking to my pigeon friends. I sound ungrateful right now, yes, I love my pigeon friends, I really do, but I would like to be friends with some girls my age.
With that horrible, booming siren, the bell rings, marking the end of classes. Thank God. I didn't care about my material when I put it in my backpack, I just threw it in and left the room. Nobody talks to me when I'm at the exit, but that's fine. I have my headphones and my music to distract me while my mom doesn't arrive. 
I don't live far from school, but my mom insists on driving me and picking me up every day. That 's fine by me. Even if there are other people from my school who live in the same area as me, I would just be ignored the entire way, so it's even better to get a ride. I'll finally have someone to talk to.
My headphones were blasting with 'A Little Death' by The Neighborhood, and I'm sure other people could hear it, but I couldn't care less. For as long as I can remember, music has always been everything to me. When my mom would fight with my grandfather because he called me a pest, I would just turn up the volume on my headphones and suddenly I would be in another world. 
One where my family loved me, one where I wouldn't have sucked the last drop out of my mother's beauty, one where I wasn't a money-eating parasite. Well...you can understand that music is important for my survival, right?
Even if I was distracted with the music and people passing through me, I still could see my mom's gray VW Virtus stopping in the driveway. I sighed, relieved. Today's hell was over. Now, let me make one thing clear: there are many children in the world who hate their parents for not spending time with them, but not me. I love my mom with my soul. In my eyes, she is the best woman in the world. The most beautiful, nicest, most pleasant, most talented, most perfect in existence. 
My mom is my idol, and if she wanted to touch my bones, I would open the flesh of my body with my bare hands just to satisfy her wish. I hurry to get into the car and immediately realize that there is something wrong. Her smile was forced, her eyes, always so curious and expressive, showed pain and sadness. 
"How was your day, sweetheart?" 
She asks me, but everything about her attitude was wrong. "It was... good. What about yours?"
"It was good too. What do you think about eating filet parmigiana today?"
"Yeah, sure! I'll never complain about filet parmigiana..."
Even if my mom was pretending everything was okay, we both knew there was something wrong. She couldn't keep a poker face to save her life. The ride home was silent. Not the comfortable silence type. The uncomfortable one, super uncomfortable. 
When we finally got home, I jumped out of the car in a hurry, desperate to escape that strange atmosphere. It was even worse in the elevator. Other people occupied that small cubicle, and my mom wouldn't dare say anything with other people around. I know that.
Even though I was desperate inside, I calmly opened the apartment door, dropping my backpack and taking off my shoes. It wasn't a house rule to take the shoes off to enter the house, but I liked the feeling of my bare feet on the cold floor, even in winter.
The platter with steak and parmigiana was already waiting for the two of us at the table, and my mom served it to me. I poured some juice into my glass while she tried to make conversation. 
"So...nothing funny happened today?" I forgot to mention, but I hate worrying my mom, so I lied to her for maybe the second time in my life. I said I made three friends: Luana, Pedro and Zé. It wasn't a lie, I just didn't mention that my friends were...well, pigeons. But I think it's just a trivial detail, right?
"...Same..." She then began to cut the food on her plate, but didn't put anything in her mouth. I can't take it anymore. 
"Mom, what's going on?" 
She purses her lips. 
"Bea, we need to talk." 
"Yeah, I can see."
My mom takes a deep breath, she looked like she was about to burst into tears.
"Bea, I already  told you how I met your father, didn't I?"
"He appeared in one of the exhibitions from your college project."
I was starting to feel restless, why didn't she tell me what was happening at once?
"Yes...we started talking, he invited me for a date and...well, I'll spare you from the details-"
"Mommy, where exactly do you want to get to?"
"Bea...I fell in love with a god."
...Uh, okay? If she wants to say this to herself, it's fine, but what do I have to do with this? I probably made a face and let my emotions very clear, because she lets out a whimper, wiping away a tear. 
"Sweetie, you're a demigod."
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This day in history
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I'm OFFLINE UNTIL MID-SEPTEMBER, but you can catch me in person at BURNING MAN! On TUESDAY (Aug 27) at 1PM, I'm giving a talk called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!" at PALENQUE NORTE (7&E). On WEDNESDAY (Aug 28) at NOON, I'm doing a "Talking Caterpillar" Q&A at LIMINAL LABS (830&C).
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#20yrsago EFF wins Grokster! Software doesn’t have to be easy for Hollywood to wiretap! https://web.archive.org/web/20041026154633/https://www.eff.org/IP/P2P/MGM_v_Grokster/20040819_mgm_v_grokster_decision.pdf
#15yrsago Poor design-choices in the Star Wars universe https://web.archive.org/web/20090821185001/http://blogs.amctv.com/scifi-scanner/2009/08/bad-designs-in-star-wars.php
#15yrsago Computers’ limitations, as seen in 1967 https://web.archive.org/web/20090823020726/http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2009/08/19/computers-their-built-in-limitations/
#15yrsago WMD swag from a chemistry conference https://web.archive.org/web/20090824144536/http://cenblog.org/2009/08/19/wmd-goodie-bag/
#15yrsago Entertainment Weekly ad with a video-screen glued to the pages https://web.archive.org/web/20090821204702/https://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/08/cbs-embeds-a-video-playing-ad-in-a-print-magazine/
#15yrsago Brutal military dictatorship that backs Fiji Water https://web.archive.org/web/20090816093201/http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/09/fiji-spin-bottle
#15yrsago Sipping Spiders Through a Straw: funny monster lyrics to traditional tunes https://memex.craphound.com/2009/08/19/sipping-spiders-through-a-straw-funny-monster-lyrics-to-traditional-tunes/
#10yrsago Copyright extortion startup wants to hijack your browser until you pay https://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-outfit-wants-to-hijack-browsers-until-fine-paid-140816/
#10yrsago Militarized cops: arms dealers bribed Congress to ramboize Barney Fife https://www.motherjones.com/criminal-justice/2014/08/how-defense-industry-made-room-militarized-police-today/
#10yrsago How the US government exerts control over ICANN https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2014/08/government-control-internet-governance-icann-proposes-giving-gac-increased-power-board-decisions/
#5yrsago New Hampshire court to patent troll: it’s not libel when someone calls you a “patent troll” https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/08/patent-troll-sues-over-patent-troll-label-loses/
#5yrsago An appreciation for Samuel Delany https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/08/books/samuel-delany-jordy-rosenberg.html
#5yrsago More than 20 Texas cities and towns have been taken hostage by ransomware https://dir.texas.gov/news?id=210
#5yrsago Owner of Phoenix apartment building serves eviction notices to every tenant so he can turn their homes into unlicensed hotel rooms https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/phoenix-landlord-evicts-tenants-short-term-rental-wanderjaunt-11345084
#5yrsago Ecofascism isn’t new: white supremacy and exterminism have always lurked in the environmental movement https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/aug/15/anti
#5yrsago A cycle of renewal, broken: How Big Tech and Big Media abuse copyright law to slay competition https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/08/cycle-renewal-broken-how-big-tech-and-big-media-abuse-copyright-law-slay
#5yrsago The TSA strip searched a grandmother on Mother’s Day and now says that she’s overreacting because it’s no different from a locker room https://professional-troublemaker.com/2019/08/19/tsa-forced-strip-search-no-more-offensive-than-voluntarily-using-a-locker-room/
#1yrago SoCal Gas spent millions on astroturf ops to fight climate rules https://pluralistic.net/2023/08/19/cooking-the-books-with-gas/#reichman-jorgensen
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On SEPTEMBER 24th, I'll be speaking IN PERSON at the BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY!!
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checkmatehq · 2 months
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: NAM SOOJUNG, born on the 19th of AUGUST, 1996 and bears a striking resemblance to GO YOUNJUNG. they’re a FIRST year BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATIONS student and EX-GIRLFRIEND OF A KPOP BOY GROUP MEMBER — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be a COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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It’s got all the makings of a cliché: baby girl grows up with a silver spoon between her teeth and a clenched fist. Even the devil’s details are overdone: the youngest child, the only granddaughter, the spoiled rotten. Haters will say she was set up for failure, being indulged without purpose; too busy for real affection but not too busy to write a cheque. She says fuck the haters (even though yeah, they’re right), because that Birkin she got for her birthday was worth it. Probably.
Sweet as a peach, the adults say as they pinch her cheeks and make sure her collar is neatly tucked away. The comparison feels sour on her tongue even as a child (and the collar chafes). They only ever call her that when she’s dressed like a doll and smiles with no teeth. Dad had just laughed when she asked him if she could join the boys playing outside, told her she’d just ruin her dress. After she’d done it anyway, her mother cried over the wound on her knee. You used to be perfect, baby girl. Let’s hope it doesn’t scar. She thinks: don’t call her a peach if you don’t expect her to bruise.
It scars, of course. Those kinds of things tend to.
Something something ‘feeling like she’s only worthy of love when she’s meeting expectations’ something. Not important, circle back later.
Teen angst is whatever. Teen angst with a budget? Now you’re fucking talking. Think the worst of her and dial it to a 100 and you wouldn’t even be close. It’s not about pushing the envelope, but tearing it apart. Would you still want a fruit with bruised, dark spots?
Her father hits her for the first and only time in the dead night of her seventeenth. The imprint of his palm burns first, then softens into numbness, as he tells her to stop ruining her (read: his) fucking life. It was kind of weird, to be honest, because lately he’s been calling her face her ‘saving grace’. Her mother doesn’t cry over this wound, funny enough; in the days after she doesn’t look at her at all. When it comes to her these days, empathy is a dry well.
She broke up with him. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise – no, actually, just listen to the song he wrote about her and come to your own opinion. Likely her bid for her dad’s former social club happened in the post-breakup haze, helpfully egged on by the sizable threat of locked-up purse strings. Now that she’s in it, might as well go through it – her way, of course. This give-and-take is something she’s intimate with, finding just enough pliancy in her spine to adhere to the fake deepness, the sickly sweet self-importance of people trying to be gods. Used to the bending, the squeezing, the asphyxiation. Same same, but different.
Circling back: the collar still chafes. In the mirror, around her neck, it looks like her father’s hands. She looks more like her mother than ever – pretty and placid and always wearing The Row. The last date her father arranged ended in humiliation; his, because she yelled vitriol at the waiter she’d paid off to spill the red, and hers, because he was ugly. Grandpa says it would be nice to see her married before his untimely death, but to her that sounds an awful lot like they’d be going down together. They’ve put her up in this nice little office, at least – fancy degree all framed up behind her as if it means anything. As if any of this means anything. As if it all isn’t just a waiting game – but for what, she’s not quite sure.
There’s a pit in her stomach always – proof of something, but what?
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throne-for-queens · 2 months
Sandra, what do you think is mgk/Colson's "golden type" as far as looks? (You said you didn't think Megan or a Bunnie type are "it" for him.)
Do you think he has a type for his public persona as mgk and then being Colson, it's a totally different type of woman he really wants?
I remember an old video (Rover? or something or other) he said he had a Cleveland girl if I'm not mistaken, who was down with his lifestyle (even being with other women together) but she left him and started a family of her own in the end (in the Nessa Hot 97, the 2nd interview he did with Nessa). I assume she looked neither like Megan or Bunnie (side note: it's funny now Bunnie is in the mix but only because she's seemingly so adjacent to him nowadays because of Jelly Roll) or at least not the extreme versions of them.
His type as how he presents himself with the women he's been with publicly is all over the place so I wonder if he truly even has a true type. From a black mother of his daughter to now white Megan is a big difference. Maybe when he sees a woman he just feels that's his type rather than sees it or something corny, cute like that. He's so interesting, his tastes. He's said in a super past interview he's turned down "hot girls" because they weren't fans. So maybe he really bases his attraction off of energy + looks 2nd.
p.s. Thank you! <3 Sandra for having this tumblr! I get to get so many random /weird thoughts off my chest about one of my fav artists :) with like-minded ppl :D
I'm glad you enjoy the page, Tumblr allows me the space to ask and talk about so many random things. I'm happy there are people like you willing to interact.
I think colson does base a lot of his dating preferences off energy and attitude. He's slept with so many different types of women that at first glance one can assume that he has no type. But he does in fact, in his earlier interviews he mentioned liking salama Hayek and Eva Mendes ( I would mention the 3rd, but I'll refrain since it's a pretty controversial interview). So you can see that he leans towards brunettes, he further proves this when he dated adult film stars Remy LaCroix and Rachel Starr ( only two that I know that he dated publicly). Let's also not forget the ex he can't forget Hedi Gores and then he dated her mini me Chantel Jeffries. We know he physically prefers smaller breasts (but obviously he's willing to have exceptions) because he's a butt man, so his golden type to me is a petite brunette with a smaller top and a wider bottom, sort of like a 🍐 or ⌛. I also think prior to becoming immersed in LA culture, he preferred the natural face at least up until 2019. I'm not saying he looks down on fillers (because he's been with people who have them) but his crushes before didn't.
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Now as far as what he's looking for, that has definitely changed since his lace up days. I think he's now looking for something serious. Remy had mentioned that the cause of her break up from Kells was due to him not being ready for that, Kelly Kay said the same, and I'm sure there are other previous partners who wanted him to be completely exclusive but had no success.
Now I think he wants to settle down and have that one person, but do I think that means he's done with the open part of a relationship? can't say for sure. I feel like once you've built that habit, it's really hard to break. And he did that for years with Hedi and Rachel.
Just adding here: 2008 Transformers, GQ magazine fits into this type. I'm saying this before anyone points out that she's a brunette. 🫠
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changbinsnmb1simp · 1 year
My thoughts on the ZB1 lineup.
Not proof read.
So while I don't HATE it, it's not the greatest. All the boys in lineup besides two are Korean. They dont even have a Japanese member. Keita and Jay were robbed fr but anyways. Here are my thoughts on the members, and just what I have to say about the group.
lets see if yall can tell who I'm probably gonna ult just by reading this lol.
P01 - Zhanghao: Honestly, ever since the 3rd elimination I was rooting for him to take over shanbin's spot just once. I thought it would be funny, iconic, and legendary if he did it. One thing I didn't expect was for it to happen in the finale. HOLY CRAP i was shocked. The first ever non Korean to win 1st place in an Mnet survival show, and one of the only few who in survival shows in general (from what I have seen anyways). He caught my eyes from he start, mainly because of his adorable ears that stick out. he wears them proudly and i love him for that. truly an icon. He doesn't suit Korean beauty standards, he was the nugu center, he had no prior fanbase, and he worked himself up from the bottom to the top. I am SO excited to hear his voice shine be itself in a solo song, and standout amongst the rest of the voices in ZB1 (I was bouta call them bep1er no joke). Charisma Zhanghao!!
P02 - Shanbin: I mean we all new he was debuting. He is the Korean center, hes been popular since day one, he is extreamly loveable, talented, FINE oh my gawsh (go look at the recent photoshoot he did omfg sir) He did a great job maintaining his 1st place spot until the end, and I salute to him forbeing able to hold it. I can already see it. The 5th gen IT boy! Or prince. Idk there are like 3 different titles he could have. He could also be the 5th gen ace or visual. Which one do Y'all think?
P03 - Matthew: I have been rooting for matthew since day one. As soon as i saw there was a Canadian on the show I jumped (as I am also Canadian lol). It was my lifes mission to make sure he debuted. After Haruto (my original 1 pick), I knew I was switching to Matthew and Jay ( I have been supporting Jay since 2019 it only made sense for me to continue so I voted them on seperate devices). Matthew has always just been there to make my day. Just looking at him makes me smile. I am so happy we managed to get him back up higher i the top 9. He was shocked when he heard his name, and so was I. I cried happy tears with his sister lol. I like spammed her in instagram congratulating her. it was an emotional 10 minutes. DESERVED MATTHEW SEOK
P04 - Ricky: I was not expecting to see him sky rocket that high. When I first heard his name I was like "His one pick was that strong!?". I didn't see many people voting for him online other than a small group on a discord server I am on. Don't get me wrong he was in my top 9 but I really didn't expect his fandom to come through at all. I am so proud of him, and so happy he ranked as high as he did. He truly deserved it.
P05 - Gunwook: While I was expecting him to debut, I didn't hink he would ran so high. I was expecting maybe between 7-9th area especially because he has never been above rank 9 before, but his 1 pick came in clutch. I know he has had a solid fanbase since the beginning of the shw, I just thought other people would make it in front of him? I almost cried when I saw he was called. I was like "Holy shit he actually made it!?!?!". Proud mother moment fr.
P06 - Taerae: to say I was shocked. I mean 3 days before he was 11th place!? I was not expecting his 1 pik to sky rocket THAT MUCH. I mean deserved! ZB1's highnote boi!! I love his vocal tone, and though he wasn't in my top 9 he was very close to it. He was like my 10th/11th pick I can't remember anymore, all I know is i am sad none of his other wakeone boys made it in the group with him and i really hope he adapts fast. He isn't as close with a few of the members from what i know but i am sure he will warm up. CONGRATS TAERAEEEE.
P07 - Gyuvin: Tbh, he didn't catch my eyes. I didn't hate him, I actually thought he was really cute and funny, I just though other people were a bit better than him. That was a while ago though. Over the past 3 weeks, Gyuvin grew on me a lot. While he may not be the most rounded, he is def talented and def deserved a spot in ZB1! I am very proud of him, and I as quite shocked considering he has dropped to 16th before. I didn't have much hope in his 1 pick, but I was pleasently surprised. SLAY GYUVIN!!!!!
P08 - Jiwoong: I knew he was going to debut, I just didn't know at what rank. He has always been one of my picks, ever since i first saw he was going to be on boys planet. I have watched his past dramas, and heard much good stuff about him. I am vry happy a BL actor has made it in the group, just because it can open so many oppertunities for zb1 in the western audience and really just any audience, jiwoong will also soon be staring in a new drama I believe so look out for them! I really cherish Jiwoong. I think he is very talented. The groups hidden all rounder if you would. I can see him or ZHanghao being an amazing leader, but I thik I would perfer Jiwoong be leader.
P09 - Yujin: Just like Gyuvin, he was kinda just there for me throughout the show, but I am sure as he gets more screen time and we get to see the real him, he will grow on me more. I have never at any point ever hated any of the trainees. they are all sweet to me in their own ways, and some more than others. I am very proud of Yujin, and in my op he isn't too young to debut. I could argue that here for hours but I would rather just leave it at this and if you are curious to as why I think that just ask me in the comments. Also, seeing Yujin and Jiwoong harmonize the other day...man... that kid has a voice, hes just a teenager lol, so ofc his voice is gonna crack and change and sound weird at times. I think he deserved this spot a lot tbh, he is a great maknae for the group!
SO overall, I do really like this lineup. I am def going to be ulting this group, I know that for sure. 6/9 of my picks made it (Matthew, SHanbin, Zhanghao, Jiwoong, Gunwook, ricky)
extra; positions I think will be given toeach member.
Zhanghao - Leader, lead vocal, center
Shanbin - FOTG, main vocal, main dancer
Matthew - vocalist, sub rapper,
Ricky - Sub vocal, rapper, main dancer
Gunwook - Main rapper, vocalist
Taerae - main vocal, prince of the group (i made that up but eh)
Gyuvin - lead dancer, lead rapper, visual
Jiwoong - leader 2, rapper, sub vocal
Yujin - Maknae, rapper, main dancer
keep in mind though, since this is 5th gen, they may just discard the whole "position" thing and have them all do a bit of everything considering they all have very unique voices (especially Hao, Taerae, and Jiwoong. Somewhat shanbin) but if we are following your usual 4th gen 9 member group structure, i think these would be the positions.
now... line distribution... well.
Most to least:
Shanbin 30+ seconds
Taerae (he will have a lot of adlibs) 17-20 secs of acual lines +10 for adlibs
Zhanghao 24-27 seconds
Gunwook 20-23 seconds
Matthew/Jiwoong (back and fourth it depends) 15-17 seconds
Gyuvin/Yujin (same with Jiwoong and Matthew) 14-16 seconds
Ricky (I just have that really good feeling hes the Xiaotng of the group) anywhere between 8-17 seconds (hes's mostly last cuz he will vary)
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