#Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl
thecipher404 · 2 years
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Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl
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sakokii · 5 years
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watched memoirs of a hunter girl and fell in love with Shino adkjske, so here's a quick screen paint over!
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naesoonghonors · 4 years
Fuse Teppō Musume no Torimonochō, hunter -girl-
Fuse memoirs of the hunter girl
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This is a movie with a lot of backstory. This is a Japanese animated film based on Kazuki Sakuraba's Fusé Gansaku: Satomi Hakkenden. Both of these being an adaption of the classic novel of Kyokutei Bakin, Nansō Satomi Hakkenden. An epic of novels including one story revolving around a female hunter. This is a unique oddity particularly from 1814 Japan. Even in the modern adaption there is still an emphasis and noveltly of our character being a hunter and female. In order to even travel around certain parts of Edo (Tokyo) our hunter must dress as a man. Her own brother compliments Hamaji with “You’ve grown to be a skilled hunter despite being a woman”. There is of course no given explanation as to why a woman would be worse or unskilled as a hunter. Not to imply women are shown in a negative light throughout the movie. There are beautiful strong women throughout. Hamaji’s sister in law becomes the bread winner with her restaurant. Hamajis turning point as a character is actually killing a fellow woman who she previously saw as an inhuman hunt. The Courtesans humanity and love of her son provides a breakthrough for our main character. So learns to be unafraid of being a woman, and finds true connection with her final hunt, Shino.
After the passing of her grandfather, hamaji is invited by her big brother, Dousetsu, to come live with him in Edo. After she has the priest her read her his letter, as she is illiterate, she decides to head down right away as the loneliness of the mountains is getting to her. After arriving she find the heads of several half human half wolf ‘fuse’ in the town square. Even one of a young pup. The men around her taunt her as she is disturbed by the killing of a young wolf as Hamaji’s grandfather taught her that a hunt is a connection between hunter and prey. No one believes she is a hunter and bothered by the savage implications of the killing; the men around her instead imply that she’s a scared little girl. These aggressive older men ignore her ‘womanly’ anguish and continue to insult her very valid concerns. Society has in a sense decided the justness of murdering the young and innocent, and her rejection of this is seen as weird. She is soon won over to their side by the influence of her well meaning but generally not big thinker of a brother. He thinks the Fuse are evil. Which really makes sense due to their appetite of human souls.
This made the main love story was very interesting to me. Hamaji never seems very bothered by Shino’s killing, nor his blinding of a man in one eye. But perhaps they could be cute together as a bit of a clueless couple, after all Shino is the genius watching a girl run around with a giant gun and never made the connection that she was a hunter. On their first meeting Shino teases her and makes her admit she is a girl. He says it makes sense she’s a girl because her cheeks are always blushed. But the truth of the matter is her cheeks are stuck like that due to frostbite. Flush cheeks and pale skin is in fashion in this era of Japan. I guess this is portrayed as a thing she is lucky to have as it makes her cuter, and physically more similar to the child character. Speaking of children after the revelation of Shino being the final Fuse Hamaji still liking his is a bit confusing. Despite the recent efforts of their group of 8 to stop eating souls that is their source of food. Its very odd. Is there a way for the Fuse to live on morally while also sustaining seemingly purely on human souls? Hamaji is set up by the narrative to just accept this. In a beauty and the beast type narrative the young usually more naïve women are expected to accept the beast like man. Overall it’s sad that this strong woman falls for the first man to pay her any attention, especially when that men eats SOULS! Overall the love story seemed to trump this question and brush over the couples completely conflicting outlooks.
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By the end of the film Hamaji has decided never to hunt or kill again, while Shino has disappeared and sends her letters. Hamaji does get the help of her wealthy friend Meido and begins to learn to read and write. This is portrayed as a good and freeing thing for Hamaji. But not very likely for a country bumpkin of the era. There is a beautiful idea of the continuation of works through the generation. Meido is a budding author who wants to continue the work of her elderly and going blind grandfather. There is an acknowledgement that Meido would not be able to create this legacy on her own, as a woman. But she will be able to express her writing thanks to her grandfather’s legacy. So in a subtle way there is an acknowledgement of artistic ability in women but the idea of having to respect or take a woman seriously is holding them back from starting their own legacies. Thankfully as time has moved on women have been more acknowledged in their role in the arts, Miss Hokusai is another great example of this.
Despite all of this I do not believe Shino is a bad guy. After all he is marked with that of a Peony birthmark on his neck. Peonies in Japanese culture stand for good fortune, bravery, and honor. It is often used in tattoos to as a signal of masculine bravery. Another part of this culture in Edo is courtesans. Think a high-class prostitute, but even that is a bit of an oversimplification. Another Fuse is the current top Courtesan, but having a child is a death sentence in that industry. So he takes on the raising of this child. Sadly this boy is the young pup seen at the beginning of the film. His peony mark represents his positive strong masculine traits. He is in great contrast to the Shogun, ruler, who want him dead. The shogun worship obsessively at the sword granted to his family. He is numb to the will of the people and wishes only to kill the Fuse to maintain his power. His soul is so wrapped up in masculine bullshit and toxic that even a starving Shino won’t eat his rotting soul.
This movie comes out with a strong antigovernment and capitalism message. The Samurai are shown as weak and class obsessed. The only thing to save the town is the collective work of the people men and women alike. The idea of being a samurai in power is praised but the money and politics associated poison the spirit of these men. Hamaji, a woman, is the only person smart enough to stop this and ask for her payment for killing the Fuse in installments. She is a humble soul able to bring those surrounding her together in order to form a more powerful people.
All I can say is watch this movie. Despite how negative some of the things I wrote may have seemed it is a beautiful movie. The film shows a beautiful balance of men and women working to help their community, and species, live a peaceful life.
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nsk96 · 3 years
I watched a movie called “Fusé: Memoirs of a Hunter Girl”. I found a new husbando for my list...who is pretty much a clone of Chime Gen
White hair and red eyes: check!
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Mask: check!
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Prickly on the outside but has a good heart and is a cutie patootie: check!
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Is a Kabuki actor: check!
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Has some kind of inner beast: check!
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Shino 💕
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recentanimenews · 3 years
The Deer King Anime Film Pushes Back Its Release Date Again
    The official website for Shika no Ō: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi / The Deer King: Yuna and the Promised Journey, the forthcoming anime feature film adaptation of Nahoko Uehashi (Moribito series, The Beast Player)'s fantasy novel series, announced today that its release schedule has been postponed again. The film was originally slated for September 18, 2020, but had been postponed for one year to September 10, 2021, due to various circumstances.
  The site writes, "We regret to inform you that we have decided to postpone the release of 'The Deer King: Yuna and the Promised Journey,' which was scheduled to be released on Friday, September 10, 2021, in light of the spread of the new coronavirus. We sincerely apologize to all those who have been looking forward to the release of the film. We will announce the future release schedule on the official website and Twitter as soon as it is decided."
  Advance tickets that have already been purchased will still be available after the postponement.
    新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を受け、2021年9月10日(金)より公開を予定しておりました『鹿の王 ユナと約束の旅』の公開延期を決定いたしました。 今後の公開予定につきましては決定次第、公式HP・Twitterにてお知らせいたします。 詳細は公式HPよりご確認下さい。https://t.co/5SsG8fyLYd#鹿の王 pic.twitter.com/B8Kupz6KAN
— 映画『鹿の王 ユナと約束の旅』【公式】近日公開! (@shikanoou_movie) August 26, 2021
        Acclaimed animator Masashi Ando (Princess Mononoke & Spirited Away animation director, Your Name. character designer/animation director) makes his directorial debut, alongside co-director Masayuki Miyaji (Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl). Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu!!) provides a screenplay, Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell, Miss Hokusai) works on anime production. 
    Theme song "One Reason" by milet:
    Source: "The Deer King: Yuna and the Promised Journey" official website / Twitter
  (C)2021 "The Deer King" Production Committee
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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immortal-hounds · 4 years
Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl
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recentanimenews · 2 years
The Deer King Anime Feature Film Rescheduled For February 2022 in Japan
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  The official Twitter account and site for The Deer King feature film has announced that the film has been officially rescheduled from its previously scheduled September 10th Japanese premiere date to February 4th, 2022, with a new teaser and key visual to celebrate the new premiere date.
  ꧁????????.新公開日決定.????????꧂ 『#鹿の王 ユナと約束の旅』 \????????????????年????月????日全国公開/ 「もののけ姫」の異才アニメーター#安藤雅司 初監督作品 人類と謎の病の壮大な戦いを描いた ◢◤新 予 告 映 像 解 禁◢◤ 大変長らくお待たせいたしました…! 劇場でお待ちしております pic.twitter.com/QL1TnNM31Q
— 映画『鹿の王 ユナと約束の旅』【公式】2月4日全国公開 (@shikanoou_movie) December 5, 2021
The updated key visual:
    ||◤ 新ビジュアル解禁◢|| “ 運命に抗え。    未来を変えろ。” 過酷な運命に抗い 突き進んでいく登場人物たちが 力強く描かれています???? ──── 安藤監督が新たに描き下ろした キービジュアルに注目です#鹿の王 #安藤雅司#ProductionIG #上橋菜穂子 pic.twitter.com/c0zs0zwrmW
— 映画『鹿の王 ユナと約束の旅』【公式】2月4日全国公開 (@shikanoou_movie) December 5, 2021
  Acclaimed animator Masashi Ando (Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away animation director, Your Name. character designer/animation director) makes his directorial debut, alongside co-director Masayuki Miyaji (Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl). Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu!!) handles the screenplay, Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell, Miss Hokusai) is handling the animation production. The film has been licensed for international release by Anime Limited for the UK and French-speaking Europe, while GKIDS will release the film in the US and describes the film:
  In the years following a vicious war, the Empire of Zol now controls the land and citizens of rival Aquafa – except for Aquafa's Fire Horse Territory, where wild dogs that once carried the deadly Black Wolf Fever continue to roam free. When a pack of dogs race through a Zol-controlled mine, Van, an enslaved former soldier, and a young girl named Yuna are both bitten, but manage to escape as the sole survivors of the attack. Finally free, Van and Yuna seek out a simple, peaceful existence in the countryside. But as the deadly disease once again runs rampant, they find themselves at the crossroads of a struggle much larger than any one nation.
  SOURCES: Deer King Official Site (JP)
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  By: Humberto Saabedra
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recentanimenews · 3 years
The Deer King Anime Film Promo Highlights milet's Theme Song
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  Singer-songwriter milet was announced as the theme song artist for The Deer King anime film last month, and now we have a new trailer previewing the main theme "One Reason." Check it out along with more footage from the stunning movie below.
    Acclaimed animator Masashi Ando (Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away animation director, Your Name. character designer/animation director) makes his directorial debut, alongside co-director Masayuki Miyaji (Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl). Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu!!) provides a screenplay, Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell, Miss Hokusai) works on anime production. 
  The film will be released in Japanese theaters on September 10th, after a year long delay. The film has been licensed for international release by Anime Limited for the UK and French-speaking Europe, while GKIDS will release the film later this year in the US and describes the film:
  In the years following a vicious war, the Empire of Zol now controls the land and citizens of rival Aquafa – except for Aquafa's Fire Horse Territory, where wild dogs that once carried the deadly Black Wolf Fever continue to roam free. When a pack of dogs race through a Zol-controlled mine, Van, an enslaved former soldier, and a young girl named Yuna are both bitten, but manage to escape as the sole survivors of the attack. Finally free, Van and Yuna seek out a simple, peaceful existence in the countryside. But as the deadly disease once again runs rampant, they find themselves at the crossroads of a struggle much larger than any one nation.
  Source: @shikanoou_movie
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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recentanimenews · 3 years
The Deer King Anime Film Teaser Trailer Announces New Release Date of September 10, 2021
    Toho's official YouTube channel has started streaming a 30-second teaser trailer for Shika no Ō: Yuna to Yakusoku no Tabi / The Deer King: Yuna and the Promised Journey, the forthcoming anime feature film adaptation of Nahoko Uehashi (Moribito series, The Beast Player)'s fantasy novel series Shika no Ō / The Deer King, to announce its new release date of September 10, 2021. The film was originally slated for September 18, 2020, but has been postponed for one year due to various circumstances.
  The clip also introduces the film's three main characters and their voice cast - Shinichi Tsutsumi (Katakuriko Matsudaira in Gintama live-action film) as Van, a lonely warrior who survives a mysterious disease that leads to death, Ryoma Takeuchi (Kamen Rider Drive) as Hohsalle, a genius doctor who searches for a cure for the disease, and Anne (Oei in Miss Hokusai) as Sae, a skilled female warrior who is trying to track down Van. According to Anne, their voice recording session was held two years ago when the anime visuals were not completed yet. 
    Teaser trailer:
    Teaser visual:
      Acclaimed animator Masashi Ando (Princess Mononoke & Spirited Away animation director, Your Name. character designer/animation director) makes his directorial debut, alongside co-director Masayuki Miyaji (Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl). Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu!!) provides a screenplay, Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell, Miss Hokusai) works on anime production. 
  The novel was originally released from KADOKAWA in two-volume hardcover edition in September 2014, then re-released as four-volume bunko edition in June-July 2017. The series won the Booksellers Award and the fourth Japan Medical Novel Award in 2015, and has printed 1.9 million copies in Japan so far. And its third volume Ninasoko no Hashi (The bridge in the bottom of the water) was released on March 27, 2019.
    The author's official English site introduces its first two volumes' story as below:
  1st volume: "Ikinokotta Mono (Survivors)"
The Lone Antlers, a band of death warriors, gave their lives to save their homeland from the empire of Zol. Van, their leader and the sole survivor, is enslaved in a salt mine. One night, savage dogs attack the mine, and soon after, a mysterious disease wipes out both the slaves and their keepers. Van, however, escapes with a little girl called Yuna.
  2nd volume: "Kaette iku Mono (Returnees)"  
Someone has kidnapped Yuna, and Van sets off in pursuit. Meanwhile, Hohsalle, a gifted physician, searches for a cure for the disease that is spreading among the Zolian settlers. What path will these men choose to save their loved ones and the people of this land?
    Original 1st and 2nd hardcover volume covers
    Source: Eiga.com
  (C)2021 "The Deer King" Production Committee
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
0 notes
recentanimenews · 4 years
The Deer King Anime Film's Release Date Pushed Back to 2021
    Toho announced today that the release date for the anime feature film adaptation of Nahoko Uehashi (Moribito series, The Beast Player)'s fantasy novel series Shika no Ō / The Deer King is postponed to sometime in 2021 due to various reasons. The film was originally set for a release on September 18, 2020, but no trailers had been posted even just one month before its release. A new release schedule will be announced on Toho's official website as soon as it is confirmed.
  Acclaimed animator Masashi Ando (50/Princess Mononoke&Spirited Away animation director, Your Name. character designer/animation director) makes his directorial debut alongside co-director Masayuki Miyaji (43/Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl). Taku Kishimoto (44/Haikyu!!) provides a screenplay, Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell, Miss Hokusai) works on anime production. 
    【『鹿の王』公開延期のお知らせ】 この度、2020年9月18日(金)より公開を予定しておりました『鹿の王』につきまして、諸般の事情により、2021年に公開日の延期を決定いたしましたことをお知らせします。 作品の公開を楽しみにお待ち頂いていた皆様には誠に申し訳なく、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 pic.twitter.com/wuWaC7YZYD
— 東宝映画情報 (@toho_movie) August 6, 2020
    The novel was originally released from KADOKAWA in two-volume hardcover edition in September 2014, then re-released as four-volume bunko edition in June-July 2017. The series won the Booksellers Award and the fourth Japan Medical Novel Award in 2015, and has printed 1.9 million copies in Japan so far. And its third volume Ninasoko no Hashi (The bridge in the bottom of the water) was released on March 27, 2019.
  The author's official English site introduces its first two volumes' story as below:
  1st volume: "Ikinokotta Mono (Survivors)"
The Lone Antlers, a band of death warriors, gave their lives to save their homeland from the empire of Zol. Van, their leader and the sole survivor, is enslaved in a salt mine. One night, savage dogs attack the mine, and soon after, a mysterious disease wipes out both the slaves and their keepers. Van, however, escapes with a little girl called Yuna.
  2nd volume: "Kaette iku Mono (Returnees)"  
Someone has kidnapped Yuna, and Van sets off in pursuit. Meanwhile, Hohsalle, a gifted physician, searches for a cure for the disease that is spreading among the Zolian settlers. What path will these men choose to save their loved ones and the people of this land?
  Original 1st and 2nd hardcover volume covers
    Source: Toho's official movie information Twitter
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The Deer King Anime Film Set for Release on September 18, 2020
  It is officially announced today that the forthcoming anime feature film adaptation of Nahoko Uehashi (Moribito series, The Beast Player)'s fantasy novel series Shika no Ō / The Deer King is set to be released in Japan on September 18, 2020.
  Acclaimed animator Masashi Ando (50/Princess Mononoke&Spirited Away animation director, Your Name. character designer/animation director) makes his directorial debut alongside co-director Masayuki Miyaji (43/Fusé: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl). Taku Kishimoto (44/Haikyu!!) provides a screenplay, Production I.G (Ghost in The Shell, Miss Hokusai) works on anime production. 
  The film's first image visual is also revealed.
    安藤雅司「鹿の王」でアニメファン待望の初監督!20年9月18日に公開 #鹿の王 #安藤雅司 https://t.co/mMsVqN2RQo
— 映画.com (@eigacom) December 10, 2019
    The novel was originally released from KADOKAWA in two-volume hardcover edition in September 2014, then re-released as four-volume bunko edition in June-July 2017. The series won the Booksellers Award and the fourth Japan Medical Novel Award in 2015, and has printed 1.9 million copies in Japan so far. And its third volume Ninasoko no Hashi (The bridge in the bottom of the water) was released on March 27, 2019.
  The author's official English site introduces its first two volumes' story as below:
  1st volume: "Ikinokotta Mono (Survivors)"
The Lone Antlers, a band of death warriors, gave their lives to save their homeland from the empire of Zol. Van, their leader and the sole survivor, is enslaved in a salt mine. One night, savage dogs attack the mine, and soon after, a mysterious disease wipes out both the slaves and their keepers. Van, however, escapes with a little girl called Yuna.
  2nd volume: "Kaette iku Mono (Returnees)"  
Someone has kidnapped Yuna, and Van sets off in pursuit. Meanwhile, Hohsalle, a gifted physician, searches for a cure for the disease that is spreading among the Zolian settlers. What path will these men choose to save their loved ones and the people of this land?
  Original 1st and 2nd hardcover volume covers
    via: Eiga.com
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