#Future Tempverse
palaceofpassion · 2 years
So future tempverse ask how did Weiss react to holding her kid for the first time
The first time Weiss held her little girl, she cried. She cried more than she had ever cried before, more than when her father had an ill-fated heart attack, more than when she got married. It... it had been a feeling so strange, so new to her. She held her precious daughter, tightly within her hands, refusing to let them go her new bundle of joy. She would be a better parent than her own.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Tempverse ask for jaune
So jaune what would you say were the five top most awkward moments of your live since coming to beacon?
"Uuuuugggggggh...." Jaune put his hands into his face, slapping himself and hiding the harrowed expression.
"There are soooo many! BUt... but number one was accidentally calling Glynda mom when I was half asleep... which wouldn't have been a problem. If we hadn't been in class." He ran his fingers through his hair, "She was as upset as one would expect of a teacher, but later she laughed it off, and even told my actual mom just to upset her! That was bad... REAL bad. It didn't help that CRDL threw out crude jokes... like damn it she's my aunt!"
"The second time was one night... the girls were having a sleep over. I didn't know... and well I end up walking into the room in my Onesie... and... I'd just woken up so ya know... I had one of those... You'd THINK they'd laugh it off. But then I solicited into stripping."
"The third was walking in on Yang kissing her mirror... I... she tried to explain it. And I believed her, but that was just awkward for the two of us."
"Forth was one with Ruby... and I feel really bad about this one. But... well Neon wanted to have some fun, and I was trying to make cookies and... well... Ruby really liked those cookies. I'd tried to throw them away but Ruby had snuck in and grabbed them..."
His face was burning red.
"Last was walking in on Nora and Ren in the shower once. Our shower door is really good at keeping out sound so I hadn't expected them to be there. But Nora was pegging Ren, no big deal right? Well when they saw me... they asked if I wanted to join... I didn't say no."
He took a moment, "So there! awkward moments. I'm sure I'll have a lot more in the future."
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Tempverse ask for the various arc siblings what we’re y’all’s reactions when you learned Rua began to date weiss
Jaune shrugged, "I already knew. So it wasn't a big difference to me."
Lapis blinked, "Rua can do better... the Schnee is quite cold."
"I hate to say it, but I agree with Lapis." Saph had nothing against Weiss personally... maybe... but she felt that her younger sister could use someone warmer... "But it's not for us to say. If she's happy she's happy."
Viole and Liotte shrugged, "Maybe she can get us free stuff! Wouldn't that be cool?!"
Verdelle shrugged, "I dunno, I just hope she doesn't hold her down when it comes to getting stronger. There'll be no point in me beating Rua in the future if it's cause she's weaker."
"I think it's sweet! I'm sure she'll look super pretty in different cosplay outfits too!" Of course that's where Indy's mind went.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Call me a sadist but I wanna see what would happen to the poor idiot who decides to bully one of jaunes kids or more actually how he deals with the Karen mom said bully may have ps love the blog and the tempverse
At a rather quiet park in Vale, a young boy, no older than 9 was being pushed into the ground. His bright red hair matting with sweat and dirt. The opposite of him was a larger boy, a rough looking child who sneered as he prepared to stomp the younger kid down.
"Oi! What the heck do you think you're doing to my brother!"
The voice boomed from the other end of the park, the source was a young child with orange hair with thin blonde stripes. Soft blue eyes which mimicked the younger boy on the floor. Slim and feminine, one could mistake them for a girl if they weren't careful. A strange and lovely feature to note, was the orange tail which wrapped around his waist like a belt.
He didn't give the bully a chance to respond, in a flurry he was practically on top of him. Or as close as he could be with out actually resorting to physical violence.
The suddenness of his speed was enough to cause the bigger kid to nearly barrel over in surprise.
"What the heck!? What do you want you stupid animal."
"What, did, you, do, to, my, brother." Every word punctuated with venom. The 11 year stared into the eyes of the punk before him, unflinching in his sheer determination to make the big bastard before him back down.
"Wha?! Brother?!" The 12 year old looked back and forth between the two of them, the newcomer suddenly helping the original victim up. "Didn't know people called pets siblings now! Bahahaha! Bahahah!" The bully found it funny enough to start bellowing in laughter.
To his surprise, the meek child from before suddenly had the nerve to stand up to him, "You take that back you big bully! "Fuscy isn't a pet!"
"Oh? You want to stand up to me now you little brat? Well why don't you shove off!"
Before he could even try to push Pomme down again, he found himself laying flat on his back, his nose suddenly hurting.
Fuscy stood atop him, his foot now planted on his stomach.
"Don't really care about the animal joke, it's old and tired. But again, don't touch my brother, do you get it?"
The punks eyes began to water as the stinging pain started to spread through his entire face, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! HE HIT ME!"
In what could only be described as a rampage and torrent of nightmares, a woman stomped her way towards him. Fuscy could only describe it as an aberration of all the worlds horrors put into one!
He didn't even register the obscenities she shouted at him, to busy with covering his little brother's ears to pay attention.
His tail flicked ever so slightly, his eyes rolling at the stupidity of it all. "Oh boy, here we go again."
"What did you say?!?"
Now, he'd expected a few things, one for her to keep on going off, maybe stomp away even... that would have been nice. BUt what he didn't expect was for her to raise her bag as if to strike him.
Though he knew he had nothing to worry about as a piece of metal suddenly thunked against her bag with tremendous force, knocking it right out of her hands.
"What were you going to do to my child?"
Fuscy smiled as one of his amazing mom's stepped forward. More specifically the one that had brought everyone to the park today.
apparently the woman didn't register who exactly his mother was, as she turned to her, forcing herself to look upwards into her green eyes. "I was teaching your brat a lesson! He hit my boy, so if you won't punish him I will!"
"He protected my other son, from your bully of a kid, who not only knocked him down but tried to hit him again... and you tried to strike my son..."
Metal began to bend around them, benches nearly caving in as the force of her aura flared. Her emerald eyes shone with a dangerous intent as she stepped closer, forcing the smaller woman back.
"Who... who do you think you are to talk to me like that?! I know a reporter I can get you in trouble!"
His mother laughed.
"Do you not know who I am?
Something she would have said in the past as a way of conversation starter, now? Now it was a threat.
"It doesn't matter who you ar-"
Then it dinged as the woman blinked. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Pyrrha.
"I'm Pyrrha Arc... and this beast as you so claim is my son..." She drew closer, her fingers wrapping around the woman's chin, squeezing tightly against her. "I don't like when people insult, or hurt my family... so you were saying you knew reporters did you? Well... so do I... and I know a few other people to... I bet it would be all to easy ruining your lively hood..."
Pyrrha smiled at her, letting the information sink in. Then something hit her.
"Hmm~ Now that I think about it... isn't your husband that one dust shop owner?"
"Wh.a... what does he have to do with this?!"
"Did you know Weiss Schnee is my sister in law?"
"That's what I thought... now leave, before I stop feeling generous."
The woman grabbed her child, suddenly running in fear.
"Yes dear?"
"You're scary sometimes, you know that?"
"Oh! Of course. But, no one hurts my family... now then. HOw about we get some icecream? Apri's waiting for us after all."
"Yep, really scare... come on Pomme."
"Mom's so cool!"
"She really is."
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Can I request some fluff of future Pyrrha and may helping one of their kids overcome their fear?
Ps love the blog!
Of course you can! I really do feel that this blog has become like 40 percent fluff, 30 percent smut, 20 percent dark as hell smut, and 10 percent just whatever at this point. Also I seriously need to think of names for these kids, and make like an actual post about it if I keep getting future asks.
A young boy with dark black hair and a dark complexion, rocked back and forth on the heals of his feet. Blaidd was his name, currently 13 years of age, biological son of Jaune Arc and Ciel Arc, actual son of just about everyone else.
His nerves grated against themselves as he eyed the paper in front of him, his mind racing heavily as he tried to verbally speak the lines. "Why do I have to do this?"
The pen in his hand hovered over an empty line, the prior text reading, "Career path-"
"I'm only 13! I don't even know what I want to do!" His balled fists slammed against his desk. He couldn't help it, he didn't know what he wanted to do, he wasn't even sure if there was any big goal that he had in mind.
The future was terrifying to him, it was absolutely horrific. He knew his mother had always known, even his father had figured things out before he knew it! All his brothers and sisters, and all his moms... everyone seemed like they had a plan. Like they had a goal in mind.
But him? He didn't, he never did. He was smart, and he wasn't just tooting his own horn here. But that didn't mean he wanted to do something like education. He could be a hunter... but well... he never saw the need to, or had the urge to. Call him a coward, but he'd always felt pragmatic on making sure he was alive.
Then there was the option to be a medic! That had always appealed to him... but it was scary... especially with the world they lived in.
"Okay." He exhaled, "Calm down, just... just calm down."
Try as he might, his hands quivered, and his teeth clacked as tears streamed down his cheeks. The future was a scary thing, and he wasn't sure he would ever figure out what he wanted to do.
Three knocks at his door, three very soft knocks, that was enough to tell him who was at the door.
"Come in mom."
His door slowly opened revealing not one mom, but two. Pyrrha and May, shield mom and sniper mom as everyone liked to affectionately call them.
"Everything alright honey?" May spoke first, taking small steps towards her son.
"We heard a loud crash. and got worried." Pyrrha followed after her, both women taking to his left and right respectively.
"I... I don't know... I just, I don't know what I want to do." He turned his attention towards the paper, it wasnt like him to skirt around the issue, so telling them right away was the obvious choice.
Both women looked at it, a sense of understanding slowly dawning upon them.
"Oh sweetie."
Pyrrha gently wrapped an arm around his shoulder, while May lowered herself nuzzling her forehead against the top of his head.
"I always hated these things."
"You did?"
"Of course!"
Pyrrha quickly jolted up, raising her hand upwards. "You know, I never did want to be a champion. Tournament fighting had always been more of a means to an end, I had always known I wanted to help people but... but there were a lot of ways I could have done that." Pyrrha took a deep breath.
"Same for me... I wasn't sure I wanted to be a huntsman. And even more I wasn't sure what school I wanted... but I honestly didn't have a choice. Not in Vacuo anyways."
May took a seat on his bedside. "There were a lot of things that we could have done, but I was honestly pretty terrified when I went to Beacon, I almost had an anxiety attack."
Blaidd's brows furrowed, "I don't see how that's supposed to help me."
May laughed, "Yes well! You see, it was all a random decision, and because of it, I got to meet all your moms and dad!"
"What May's trying to say is that, sometimes we don't know what we're going to do, or how we're going to end up. And that's okay? THis paper?" Pyrrha grabbed it and shook it a little, "This paper means nothing in the long run. Whatever you want to do will change from time to time, and that's alright. Your future isn't set in stone, and it's never too late to try something new. And even then? No matter what you decide, we'll always love you."
Blaidd seemed to finally relax, "I see..." Both women turned to him, pulling him into a tight nit hug.
"Thank you.":
"Anytime Blaidd."
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
So what does the future family of emerald ren and Nora look like feel like it be a chaotic little household
It's super chaotic! So despite what everyone may think, all of the children are from Ren. I want to just say that now.
They have three kids, so not too many, two from Emerald and one from Nora.
They do everything they can to give them a life that they should have, so a super happy time for their kids.
Ren is great at keeping everyone disciplined though!
There is a Rumor that their only son. Between Nora and Ren, Zilong, has a crush on Fuscy, Jaune and Neon's son!
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Future Pyrrha give your husband a break his hips can’t take anymore!
"I don't mean it! It's just well... you know, sometimes when the kids are out with one of their aunts or we've got some alone time. Or we're in the movies, maybe on a date at the park, or just whenever really... right whenever we get the chance, I just have to take it."
Pyrrha was obviously not sorry.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Arc Sisters
Finally after a ton of deliberation, and talking it out with others, I’ve decided on the images/characters, the arc sisters are based on for appearance.  The sisters are either incredibly lithe, or run closer to their father’s side, much to their mother’s chagrin.
Everyone knows Saphron, the eldest sister at 24, happily married with a son!
Then there is Rua, the ever popular OC who shows up in a lot of my tempverse works.
Rua 19.
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Then there is Verdel 16, a huge Pyrrha fan!  She’s hoping to not only challenge her, but learn from her in the future.
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Indy is 16, Ruby isn’t jealous, hopefully when she meets Pyrrha, a conversation of their shared interest doesn’t spill.  She’s why Jaune can sew.
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Lapis is next at 15, she’s worried Ruby is taking her best little sister spot.
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Finally the twins, Vione and Liotte at 13.  Vione is a brat but with a good heart.  She thinks it’s her job to make sure that Jaune finds a good wife, even if Lapis doesn’t agree.  
Liotte is spunky, and slightly tanned.  She’s an adventurer at heart and enjoys doing sports and getting dirty, something that contrasts her from her twin.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Can I request giant future tempverse arc family cuddle pile with jaune may Pyrrha and their future kids
Lowering his book, one Jaune Arc brought his attention towards his doorway. Standing before him were eight lovely children. Four young girls with dark skin, and various shades of red and blonde hair. Two boys and two girls with a softer more peach tinted skin, lovely greens and blues in their eyes, with a deeper shade of red covering their heads.
"Yes Apri?" The eldest of his children, a young girl with eyes of blue as deep as the ocean and a deep maroon tinted hair stared at him as she held her youngest brother's hand.
"Pomme had a nightmare."
He turned his attention towards the youngest child, bright red hair that could put any flame to shame, and vibrant green eyes to match his mother down to the T. The boy himself seemed in some sort of daze, his arms rubbing above his eyes to fight back the tears.
The other children tightly circled around him, each all with their own worries and concerns for their baby brother.
He couldn't help but feel his heart swoon, he knew that Pyrrha, May, and him all raised their kids right.
"Well then... May, Pyr?" He turned towards his left, May and Pyrrha shifted awfully close to one another a small hint of pink on their cheeks as they slowly parted away. "Would you mind if the kids stay with us?"
"No...no! Of course not!" Even through all these years, Pyrrha was still so very easy to fluster, especially if her and May were caught. Though thankfully Jaune had opted to take the place closest to the door, just in case something like this would happen.
"Ye...yes!" May nodded along with her wife, gently pulling her hair past her good eye to prevent it from getting in the way, hopefully fixing up her own presentation.
"Well then! You heard your moms. Come on up!"
In a flurry their children pounced, eight little figures practically flew through the air as they landed upon their parents.
A ruckus of laughter filled the room as Jaune held his kids and wives close.
He knew, that he was perhaps the luckiest man on Remnant.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Ok been a little sad as of late so can I request some future tempverse Yang adopting her first kid? If it’s no trouble of course
Yang had never wanted kids of her own, well... that was a lie. She did want to have her own kids one day, but she'd have to carefully pick which one of the guys in her life would help her out there.
She didn't care for relationships, at least to be tied down, she wasn't in it for a romantic life that just didn't suit her. She had a family that cared for her, and that was all that mattered. But watching the others start to have kids? That was starting to make her envious.
She'd talked it over with everyone already, and was wondering if they minded if she adopted.
Now that may seem like a strange question, but when the two teams decided that they were all but family at heart, well everyone moving intogether in one big home was all but expected at that point.
So yeah, had to make sure. No one declined of course, they were all happy with it, and any one of them would help Yang raise her kid.
So that's why she was now at Vale's Orphanage. It was a rather big place, Ozpin had put a lot of effort into making sure that the kids who lost their families were well taken care of.
She wondered if that was in part to Glynda? They were the adoptive type!
Regardless, she'd been watching the kids for a while, considering who she wanted to adopt and bring into the fold.
After a few hours, yes she had decided this would be important. She'd realized who.
There had been a single boy, about 14 years old, the oldest kid in the bunch. She'd noticed how well he'd taken care of the other kids, how structured he was. But she'd also noticed how sad he was.
AFter asking around, she'd learned that he hadn't been adopted for the past several years, and as he was getting older the chances for adoption became slimmer and slimmer.
"Alright, I'd like to adopt him please."
The caretaker stared at her for a moment, "Are you sure?"
Yang wasn't sure how to take that, but she decided to keep her cool. "Yes."
The pregnant silence was enough to kill a woman, but after a few short seconds the lady smiled. "Perfect... thank you so much."
The paper work was awful, 'Should have brought Weiss with me.'
But after a couple of minutes she'd managed to finish it, settling down she waited for the caretaker to come back with her new son.
A bit more waiting and the door opened to reveal the rather confused teenager.
His voice was soft, softer than any other she'd heard before.
Yang felt a warmth spread in her bosom as he carefully eyed her, unsure if what was happening was real or not.
"Hey. I'm Yang, from now on I'm going to be your mother."
"A... are you being serious? This... this isn't a joke... is it?"
She could tell he was worried, in fact he was most likely more than a little terrified if the way his hands were trembling was to go off of.
"No. I've already filled out the paper work, We can settle things for a bit if you'd like, but I do plan to fully take you in."
Tears burst through a dam long since held together by sticks and stones. The boy began to cry, whether they were tears of joy or finally being free Yang wasn't sure.
All she knew was that she wanted to hold him. Gently her arms wrapped around him as he folded beneath her, letting her pull him into a tight embrace.
She knew she wasn't going to regret pulling him into their little family.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Can I request some tempverse fluff of future weiss taking care of her future kid feel with Rua or elm free to get as creative as you want with this
Weiss had never once felt joy in family, she'd never felt that such things amounted to much other than a name. At least, that used to be the case, back when the only family she had was her father, mother, brother and even her sister.
Yet, ever since she got into Beacon, she'd felt her perception of family change. Now? Now she knew who her true family was, who she knew loved her.
And... and something special had come of that. In her arms, hair as soft and golden as a fresh field of wheat slipped through her fingers. Soft baby blue eyes gazed up at her longingly.
The young baby tilted it's head to the side, staring at her mother in earnest joy.
Her heart swooned as she stared down at her child, her child. She... she'd never been so happy to be alive than the day she had her.
Her wives, though not here at the moment, had meant so much to her. And through the donation of a wonderful friend, they'd been able to have this precious bundle of joy. She... she loved her baby with all her heart.
"I love you... I love you so much."
She knew, that she'd be a better mom than hers ever was, and she knew she'd be surrounded by a warm family, one that she never got the chance for.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
So how many kids do you think jaunes gonna have in the future considering the polycue he’s in only seems to be expanding by the day
Is this in reference to the tempverse? If so I've brought up a few. But I'm still trying to think of a good steady number that would be permanent.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
How do you think each of the tempverse characters would react to seeing their younger selves I picture it as like one of those or vice versa with the younger versions seeing their older/future selves excluding Blake because I love her to much to see that bit of sadness
Penny and Jaune would be incredibly happy. They'd both realize that they have a future, that they won't be alone for the rest of their lives.
Penny especially, she thought there would be no hope, she'd probably cry tears of Joy.
Similarly Nora would tell her younger self that she'd find people that loved her, that she WOULD have a family.
Ren would let his youngerself know that, despite what he's going through. He won't always have to carry his burdens by himself.
And Emerald would just be happy to see herself, a big strong huntress.
Pyrrha would let herself know that through the loneliness her real friends would care for her.
May would tell herself, even with her parents the way they are she'd have a second set. That the Arc's would forever remember her.
Yang would simply want to hang out with her younger self, and to just let things go by. She would also strangle hug younger ruby.
Ruby would in turn do the same to younger yang.
Blake you're getting anyways! She would be filled with shame. Her ideals turned into something they shouldn't have. She would realize, know that she messed up along the way. That her hubris blinded her to not only running from her family, but running away from her duties. That she ended up choosing to do something terrible, when in the end all she did was run away. She would try to give herself advise, and remind her that her parents love her.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
I have only one concern for future tempverse Rua whenever her and Weiss take the kids ice skating
It'll be fine!
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