#G.U.N. Being a dick :`)
enteringdullsville · 4 months
Underrated Real Time Fandub Lines: Sonic Adventure 2
“Za Warudo!”
“I’ll make you eat those words!”
Sonic trades barbs faster than his mind can process them.
“THAT’S RIGHT, SONIC! I’M TAKING IT FROM THE oh wait, Sonic isn’t here. Knuckles, I’m taking your emerald.”
Eggman fails to account for the Master Emerald’s guardian.
“Thanks, I forgot who this was! Did we ever establish our names? Hi, I’m Sonic!”
All said in the same angry tone of voice.
“F*** you, moon! You never had the cheese I wanted!”
Doctor Ivo Robotnik, IQ of 300.
“I’m sorry, did you not consent to me saving your life? I’ll put you back down, I’m sorry!”
Knuckles knows not to push his boundaries.
“And now I will control the universe! AND EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO WATCH splatoon2letsplays BY EGGMAN! NOW GET IN THE F***ING ROOM!”
I feel like it would’ve been easier to put it on the news while you were taking everyone’s Best Buys, but you do you, buddy.
Knuckles and the big man upstairs go way back.
“You know I’ve seen my fair share of piss rocks~”
“…You said that really sensually!”
I quote Sonic’s response constantly.
“What you see is what you get! Just a guy who loves piss rocks…and adventure. I’m gonna run now.”
“What the f***.”
From Shadow, that kinda hurts.
“It’s been seventeen days…”
Cut to later…
How much time passed between those fades?
“Please stop, Ivo.”
This can go one of three ways. Either Eggman’s lying to cover his tracks, his full name is Ivo Ivo Robotnik (his actual name is pronounced “Eee-Voh”), or he’s just named “Doctor”.
“I put hot sauce on everything-”
Alfred immediately catches on to what Ryan’s going for.
“That rap! It reminds me of her!”
I really want to know what the heck crimes Maria committed.
“I’m here to show you what Ninten can do…and what Za WaruDON’T!”
“That doesn’t even make any sense.”
Shadow as he prepares his epic Earthbound Beginnings/Jojo crossover fanfiction.
“My follower base!”
“And yet they still can’t figure out how to get nazis off their site.”
In which Shadow utterly scorches the entire platform.
“As long as I get my weed back, I don’t really care.”
“I don’t have a character motive.”
The best part is that since Shadow’s been shot down to Earth for reasons completely unrelated to G.U.N., he really doesn’t have a character motive other than being a troll.
“Are you my mom?”
“No? What? The f***?”
Amy the Hedgehog to Tails, who is a boy, a fox, and far younger than her.
“Yes, Rouge. Thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a Hot Topic.”
You can just hear the realization hit him.
Odd as it may be to put a line from the moon rant in an “underrated lines” compilation, nobody talks about how brilliant a conclusion this is.
“I can’t believe he came to his intervention drunk.”
Really? Because it sounds just like him.
DJ Inexplicable Talking Gemstone’s new hit rock song.
“Wait, I know you! I saw your dick on Twitter!”
That’s one heck of a way to introduce yourself, Amy.
“When I see you, it is ON SIGHT! IT IS ON! SIGHT-”
“Yeah, piss off.”
The Ultimate Life Form cares not for your threats.
“What the f***, you Hot Topic hot sauce motherf***er, why would you even say anything!?”
“There’s nothing hotter than hot sauce, Rouge.”
That’s not even remotely an answer to the question she asked you!
“But I wanted the last thing I breathe to be pot!”
I always used to mishear it as “pie”.
“That’s not really a surprise!”
Amy’s line was golden as is. Tails’ barely audible snapback is just icing.
“And that is why I! Am the true owner of the world! That’s right! All that you see before you? Everything the piss touches? That is your kingdom! And you, my son, shall go forth and inherit it!”
Yes, thank you, Knuckles.
“Ah gave birth.”
Another great throwaway line.
“As we know, my dick is on my hand.”
This guy’s about to jack off…
“If I gave Shadow fifteen apples…and then Amy gave Shadow another sixTEEEN…and then Tails took away three…my question is…what is the total mass of the sun?”
“As Obama told me, it’s THREE!”
“Why does it sound like he’s getting further away-this is stupid.”
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful binge watch.
“Wait, that’s no moon, that’s a space station!”
“Nice reference. I also love Star Trek.”
Oh, Shadow.
“Shadow didn’t deserve to die for his piss-”
“Yeah he did!”
“-but here we are.”
She’s not wrong.
“My shoes-my shoes in my reflection are opaque, bye!”
Again, she’s not wrong.
“I’m not understanding any of this, but here’s a gloog.”
We all need a gloog in our life.
“So if we were to all drink piss, does that make you or me?”
“It makes us both avid piss drinkers.”
This explains so much.
“Can I ask you, um-”
“No. Make sure to like, comment and subs-”
No is one of the greatest words in the English language.
“This is a Big McIntosh…”
It took me years to catch that reference.
“This is wagyu steak. Named after the dog, because wagyu tail?”
…I got hit by a “deez nuts” joke.
“I’m gonna get a paper towel.” (Grabs a jar of pickles)
Eh, close enough.
“Don’t worry, this one literally has gold on it, so you will die if you eat it.”
“Good, that was the goal.”
Talk about a rich flavor.
“You hit me in my nose! That’s the spot where I don’t like being hit!”
“Well then that’s where I’ll hit you on repeated instances!”
Sonic being a menace to society.
“Hey, that’s some good bars man, y’know I’m coming to kill you right now.”
“…Can you not do that?”
“Uhhh, for how long?”
“Give me at least…y’know fifteen, sixteen…years.”
Followed shortly by Eggman trying to gaslight Sonic into thinking he destroyed the world.
“If they did make a prune juice cocktail, like half prune juice, half vodka, that would be called the ‘factory reset’.”
I have no idea how they started talking about prune juice, but whatever.
The Dark Story version of Rouge and Knuckles’ encounter is…strange to say the least.
“Hey that’s…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Hey, that’s!”
I think Shadow’s the fake hedgehog around here.
“I’m gonna kill you, and I’m sober now, ‘cause I went to my own intervention!”
Sometimes it just be like that.
“That was completely unnecessary. My back hurts now.”
Screaming for three consecutive years finally caught up with him.
“I diagnose you with DEAD, Wazowski!”
The entire Roz sequence came out of nowhere, and I love it for that.
Not pictured: the epilogue to the Piss Saga.
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Another bit of “Life is a big, bad joke”
Shadow is amnesiac, again, so he is calling Sonic “Sir” and “Mister. Also, both are being held by G.U.N. so... Slow Burn Sonadow. 
Leaving the sir to gather himself up privately, Shadow padded away to give him a moment alone, taking his time to look at the place they have been holed up in. He had been doing so since he came, while also trying to knit together the bits of information he had, trying to remember more about himself, about this place, wondering what may have changed and what could have happened in those years he missed. Or, forgot about?
Just, how much time have passed? What major important events he may have lost? Besides the fact that apparently he was now older than what he thought he would ever get to be, that he was on earth, and that it was also called Movious, or something, not earth, as he had been taught during all this time? Just, what the fuck?
This was…all of this was just, so fucked up Shadow didn’t even knew where goddamn shit he should start on. The fact that he was alive? How much had he changed? Why couldn’t he remember what happened to him? WHY was he so damaged? What was this guy doing here? Who was that white corpse? Why did that…person… clung to him so tightly?
Just WHAT?!
He could feel the anger and confusion boiling down on his stomach, fear lacing its way through his body.
He hated it.
Being afraid was never a good thing. It just meant more pain was going to come.
He took the skates from where he left them, scratched, worn and somewhat burnt but functional, no doubt. A single kitty hand and they would be in perfect conditions, he decided. Knowing he couldn’t dally anymore without it being suspicious, he made his way back and tried to hand them over, but the Sir, currently busy snacking on the bread Shadow gave him, didn’t accept them, somehow backing away every time they were offered much to Shadows surprise.
Why did he ask for them, then?
<<Make up your mind! >>
Shadow didn’t dared to question, though, and just stood there, holding the skates in his hands and, Mh, waiting for an instruction?
He grimaced.
“So, now what?” he asked hesitantly, looking at his friend with an arched eye ridge, and, wow, wasn’t that a giddy feeling? Having someone to certainly call friend besides his sister Maria! He couldn’t help but be excited about this finding. He couldn’t help, neither, to want to see her soon and tell her, maybe even Professor Gerald! A friend… Would they be proud of him? He could only hope… He could even tell Merick once he saw him! Or…Mh… well, maybe not Hanna, exactly. He didn’t think Hanna would have the best of the reactions…
There were moments when he didn’t knew wherever Hanna was his friend or not.
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The Black Comet from the game really wasn’t the most visually-appealing location in the Sonic universe, but I appreciate the comic reusing familiar set pieces from the Black Comet stages, like those winding corridors and spirals with tentacles everywhere.
Also there’s this G.U.N. soldier who’s always being a dick to Shadow and trying to make everyone suspicious of the hedgehog dude. Also, is there any reason why he looks a bit like Archie?
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
If you had full creative freedom for a brand new Sonic cartoon, what would you do with it?
This is by no means a complete list of what I'd do, but it gives you a general idea all the same.
- Since Sonic X was long ago by this point, I think it'd be nice to have another attempt at an anime, particularly if it looked something like the OVA or the animated intro for Riders. The actual art direction would basically take the Modern designs, but place them in a world that combines the best visual elements of SA1 and the Classics/Advances/Mania.
- I don't care if the writers are Japanese or American. Treating one as better simply because they're Japanese/American is a tad too elitist and extremist IMO, especially since neither of them have perfect marks when it comes to writing for this franchise. Whoever the writers are, all that matters is that the writing is good.
- It would have a lot more in common with the game universe. Since there have been so many adaptations that practically make a point about doing their own wacky thing (even the ones that claim to be linked to the games...), I think a more genuinely faithful adaptation would be welcome. There would be minor differences of course, and I'm open to taking notes from the better aspects of certain adaptations, but the overall spirit and characterizations would be reasonably consistent with the games.
- Stories would be brand new. Callbacks and references to existing plots is fine, and I wouldn't necessarily mind a show to the side that tackles adaptations ala Pokemon Origins, but overall, I'd rather have new refreshing adventures rather than adapt SA1/SA2 for the millionth time.
- The tone would pretty much be like SA1. Funny and tense in equal measures, never goes too far in either direction. Whether it's a funny moment or a serious moment, it would be sincere. Self-aware enough to be able to acknowledge the weirdness and be willing to poke fun at itself, but not to the point of being overly self-deprecating and pandering to the franchise’s detractors.
- The lore would connect certain plotlines to each other on SOME occasions, and only if the logic was reasonable and kept to a minimum. It would not be all tied together in an overly contrived manner that ends up leaving no interesting questions. In other words, the S3&K/SA1 connection through Angel Island's lore would be fine, but there'd be no “Did you know the Black Arms worshipped Solaris, went to war with Chaos, were the offspring of Dark Gaia, and wrote the Arabian Nights???” bollocks.
- Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream would make up the main quartet, with their personalities and bonds bouncing off each other. Other characters would appear and be of importance, but only when their involvement is justified. Said characters including - but not limited to - Knuckles, Team Dark, the Chaotix, Blaze, Big, G-Merl, and even Tikal and Chaos.
- Likewise, Eggman and his Badnik army would naturally be the main villains. Other villains who aren't affiliated with him are free to exist and get their own time in the spotlight (as long as they're not shit and don't need to upstage the doctor to look credible), but Eggman is a plague to the world in spite of his eccentric qualities, and is treated accordingly. He does what he wants, and unless you’re Sonic and/or his friends, there’s not a thing you can do about it.
- Since they appeared in Sonic Forces Mobile, I would MAYBE be willing to include Tangle and Whisper if they were allowed. Starline too, but only if he keeps his simp privilege this time, if ya know what I’m saying. The Hard-Boiled Heavies would definitely be there, because they're too good to be only used once.
Regarding certain characters in particular:
- Sonic is not dumb. Nor is he an asshole. He can be rough around the edges, he can make hasty decisions depending on whether he feels it’s the right thing to do, but at the end of the day, he’s still as good a guy as any good guy could be, and as long as you’re not a villain or a Penders-tier asshole, he’ll be friendly with you. You’d still have to deal with quips of course, but that’s just how he is, right?
- Tails maintains his independent streak from SA1, but he still thinks the world of Sonic and would drop everything in an instant if the hedgehog ever needed his help. Though his more cautious approach occasionally clashes with Sonic being a little more gung-ho (albeit not to the point of flanderization), he always has full faith in his big bro.
- The handling of Amy's crush would be perfectly balanced. Not too overwhelming to the point of acting irrational and chasing Sonic like a loony, but not too downplayed to the point where it might as well not be there at all. That said, more focus would be placed on her other traits and interests, such as her tarot cards and her bond with Cream.
- Knuckles would still be prone to gullible and less-than-flattering moments, because it's Knuckles, but more focus would be given to his admirable attributes, like his expertise in translating ancient texts, and occasionally making good points when in an clash of ideas with Sonic.
- Shadow's backstory would remain the same at its core (though maybe without the aliens), but it'd be altered to be less edgy. For example, rather than getting capped, Maria would succumb to her illness, and Gerald's anger would instead be the result of feeling betrayed by G.U.N. for denying him the means/funds to be able to cure her.
- Metal Sonic is fiercely loyal to Eggman, but his identity crisis would also be on full blast, and eventually he'd realise the oxymoron of believing himself to be Sonic while working for Eggman. Rather than turn traitor and wear elf shoes however, Metal would try to rationalize this to himself... with insane results. Eggman knows about this, and would humor it as long as it benefits him. He'd probably also bring out the other Mecha Sonics now and then for no other reason than to confuse Metal even more. Because he's a dick.
- The Sol Dimension now includes Soleanna, which would be the main kingdom. (It's already got Sol in the name anyway.) Since Blaze would be the ruler because of this, his sadly means that Elise would probably have to get cut, but ah well. Due to the change in context, Solaris would be built up as the Sol Dimension's equivalent to Chaos, with more focus on their contrasts (Chaos is water while Solaris is light, Chaos looks aquatic/reptilian while Solaris looks like a bird, Chaos' turn to evil was caused by an ancient event while Solaris' turn to evil was caused by scientists, etc).
- If Silver were in this show, he'd be no more of a casual acquaintance to Blaze than he would be to Sonic. Instead, her tagalong would be Marine. Though Blaze would still get annoyed by Marine's antics at first, she would come around to gaining more respect for her whenever the situation justified it.
- Trudy would-
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mobius-prime · 4 years
251. Sonic the Hedgehog #182
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Fallen Angel
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
The familiar face of Knuckles addresses the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix as Enerjak, inviting them to follow him so he can lead them into a peaceful, happy new world free of technology. Sure, the whole "no more pain and suffering" thing sounds great, but Nicole rightfully points out that it was technology that allowed her to become a living being, and Julie-Su reminds him of how badly things went before when he had access to this much power, begging him to come back to her. Enerjak merely frowns in disappointment and informs them that he'll demonstrate his power to all of them to prove he's in the right.
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So do you guys remember how, during the original M25YL arc, we learned that nearly everything in that future came about because Knuckles once again went all Chaos-y, and tried to "remake Mobius as he saw fit," which included forcibly taking away Julie-Su's cybernetics? And how for some unfathomable reason, after all that, she elected to stay with him and didn't seem to harbor him any ill will for essentially forcing his own bodily ideals onto her without her consent, literally changing parts of her body against her will? Yeah, this is precisely why I have such a problem with Kenders having made that the backstory for future Knuckles. Despite her distaste for the Legion, Julie-Su clearly has no intention of getting rid of her cybernetic parts, and in fact rather likes them. Here in this situation, she's rather traumatized by Enerjak's attempt to "liberate" her from her cybernetics, and has to be handed off to Mighty so Sonic can continue the fight against Enerjak. Before the fight can go much further, with Sonic calling Enerjak by all sorts of mocking puns on his name, none other than Shadow enters the fray! Turns out he's working for G.U.N. now, and is the agent that Rouge sent to help out. Enerjak is enraged as Sonic jumps back into the fight, calling him by yet another mocking nickname.
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This page is one of my prime examples for exactly why I love Ian's writing of Sonic so much. Shadow begins unleashing ridiculous amounts of Chaos energy, making Nicole struggle to hold all the nanites in place so the city doesn't get destroyed by the raw power, and she points out worriedly that since she doesn't have enough power to maintain the energy shield, they're wide open for an attack from Eggman. Her fears aren't unfounded, either - at that exact moment, Eggman is watching the proceedings while Snively works on an "improvement" to his last few remaining Egg Grapes, surprised to see Shadow there. Apparently, it wasn't Enerjak scrambling New Mobotropolis' communications after all - it was Eggman, deliberately trying to make it seem like everyone has abandoned the fight for freedom and having outright lied to Sonic during the attack on Knothole about the world turning their backs on the Freedom Fighters. I mean, granted, we kind of knew that wasn't true already, considering the group we know as "the Freedom Fighters" are just the Knothole (now New Mobotropolis) chapter. As Eggman launches his fleet towards the city, Shadow continues his fight against Enerjak, but even his substantial fighting ability isn't enough to take him down. Somewhere along the line, Enerjak's helmet is knocked off, and Sonic is surprised and disturbed to see that Enerjak is in fact Knuckles, not having realized such until now. Despite his misgivings, he and the rest of the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix charge forward to take on Enerjak as one, but Enerjak, thoroughly angered by now, merely freezes everyone in place effortlessly with Chaos energy.
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Oh boy, one of those "we must burn this world to make room for the new order" types! Sonic calls out to Enerjak, trying to reach the true Knuckles within, but Enerjak coldly insists there's nothing anyone can do to make him change his mind. However, Eggman would like to contest that statement! He shows up in his Egg Fleet and overwhelms Enerjak's attempt to resist with an extra-strong teleportation beam, taking him directly to the center of the Egg Grapes for energy extraction. Eggman, projecting a hologram of himself onto the ground, cheerfully reminds Sonic of their "deal," and is unfazed when Sonic angrily tells him that kidnapping Knuckles wasn't supposed to be part of that deal. As the Egg Fleet leaves the city, Sonic tries to rally everyone for a rescue plan, but Sally heads him off, saying that as much as they don't want to leave Knuckles in the hands of Eggman, rescuing him would only unleash Enerjak onto the world again. Before Sonic and Julie-Su can argue the point, a warp ring portal suddenly opens up and a hand drags the two of them through it, depositing them onto Angel Island with no warning.
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Well, I suppose Locke isn't the worst person to be kidnapped by. He informs them that after Enerjak's last rampage, he and the rest of the Brotherhood designed a weapon to be used against him should he ever return. Sonic is eager to go get this weapon to turn Knuckles back to normal, but Locke clarifies - this is a killing weapon. If they use it, Knuckles won't survive the process. And he intends to use it anyway. …I take it back, there are definitely better people to be kidnapped by than Locke.
Albion's Shameful Secret
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
So, how did Locke find out about what was going on? Well, if his island suddenly blowing up wasn't enough of a clue, turns out he was visiting Albion not long ago, only to find it a ruined, abandoned wasteland. There, he watched a video recording by none other than Gala-Na, who explained the true nature of Finitevus. Once upon a time, he was an ordinary, promising young scientist within the city, and in fact was the one who came up with the technical side of the plan to contain Green Knuckles' power a year ago. He was the one in the suit that the Chaos Syphon was connected to, and received the full brunt of the energy wave that Knuckles unleashed that day.
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Why am I not surprised that Gala-Na of all people would scoff at such a thing? Extremist one moment, slothful the next. Finitevus started going power-mad and using dark energies in his experiments, and eventually was deemed so dangerous that Gala-Na called for his execution. Goddamn, woman, you'd think she'd have learned from the last time she tried to "neutralize" someone imbued with insane amounts of power without their consent! Predictably, Finitevus escaped, and when he returned he had the entire Egg Fleet behind him, having betrayed Albion's location to Eggman. This is where the recording ends, as Gala-Na recorded her spiel during the invasion, and ended the video by begging whoever might find her message not to repeat her mistakes as her people were captured and killed around her. Great, even more systematic erasure of Kenders' echidna-related worldbuilding by Ian! Seriously, Ian, I know Kenders was kind of a dick, but you could at the very least not kill off 99% of the entire echidna population in the process of fixing his mistakes.
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Well, good to know that the various ex-Legionnaires and Echidnaopolis refugees have come together, and that Remington is back in his right mind! And looks like Gala-Na is gone for good. Normally I might have said "good riddance," but the Egg Grapes are a torture I wouldn't wish on anyone, so, uh… bye then, I guess? Sorry, Gala-Na, but I really just can't bring myself to care that much about you.
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