blaqsbi · 9 days
Post: #uhuru #rtyrwarriors #G999
#uhuru #rtyrwarriors #G999 https://www.blaqsbi.com/4ZxT
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sollaasystem · 1 year
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1 year ago Moonbyul released G999 ft. Mirani, first pre-release single for her 3rd mini-album, 6equence
G999 on the first day: 452K combined views on Youtube 50K streams on Spotify
#1 on iTunes in 10 countries
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wearemoneymaker · 1 year
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Blockchain, Metaverse and Games ! Life is a game . Life never stops and it just always continues to know , to perceive, to postulate and to do what it can creates , admires and turn it to a reality to improve or disprove new existence, new conditions and new creative sources of abilities! Finance Energy is one of them ! The 3 keys … save , grow and multiply. How is your money being save ? How it is growing? How it is multiplying? #G999 #Lydian.World IAMGold..international https://youtu.be/qpmRAIqfyoE (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgy8dJju0sj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aiwobonappetit · 1 year
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blueroses-site · 2 years
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⸼ moonbyul icons
⸼ like or reblog if you save. don’t repost!
⸼ psd by: @miniepsds
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wavesofenthusiasm · 1 year
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✨ My favourite songs of 2022
•Moonbyul feat. Seori - 머리에서 발끝까지 (Shutdown) •Simon Goff feat. Katie Melua - Tbilisi Airport •Alligatoah - Nachbeben •Poldoore feat. ASM - Hourglass •Sunmi - 열이올라요 (Heart Burn) •Vega Trails - Epic Dream •Stromae - La solassitude •Florence and the machine - Daffodil •Danielle Ponder - Fray
(Thoughts and sources below the cut)
Okay, where do I begin?
I feel like reviewing the past year is over and done with. New things are already happening and people want to look forward. Well, at least that’s my impression really.
But why not take the time to reminisce?
Of course it was hard to pick the most favourite songs, and often the ones I pick represent an entire album than just the single song. Which is why I sometimes used the imagery of one video for another song. (x) stands for the source of the gif, often the mv. (song) is only mention if the source differs from the song itself.
Moonbyul feat. Seori - 머리에서 발끝까지 (Shutdown) (x)
Well, sit down, lean back, and let Moonbyul sing you this little chill song. From head to toe is the Korean title of this song. With its cosy visuals and intimate lyrics ‘Shutdown’ tells a story of a sapphic encounter. Seori, with her airy and delicate voice, leads you through the chorus. Shutdown is the single from Moonbyul’s Mini Solo Album “Lunatic”. If you’re interested in a little hip hop infused song, I can also recommend G999 by Moonbyul and Mirani from the same album.
Simon Goff feat. Katie Melua - Tbilisi Airport (x) | (song)
We’ll stay in the light and airy mood. Strings and little guitar melodies surround you now. Katie Melua voice carries questions about the past and future (”I was here” | “Should I move here?”). Tbilisi Airport is the first song of her new album “Aerial Objects”, where she collaborated with the violinist and composer Simon Goff.
Seeing that Katie Melua had a new album out, was a pleasant surprise. I always loved her voice and with each new album she’s finding ways to finetune it, for it to shine brighter. The beautiful string melodies, which accompany her singing throughout the album, elevate it to something magical, and definitely something hard to capture in words. 
Alligatoah - Nachbeben (x)
Let’s disrupt the quiet tones now. A deep bass and electric guitar tones, paired with hard hitting rap lines introduce us to this German rap song. In the lyrics Alligatoah confronts us with the attitude of ‘Everything is fine’ ‘I can consume more, work more, watch more.’ He juxtaposes his lyrics with visuals. In the video he embodies a personified dark subconsciousness, that comes to hunt us in our sleep. (”Eines Tages, sagen sie, werden mal deine Träume wahr. Ich hoffe nicht, denn ich träume schwarz - gute Nacht” | They say, some day your dreams will come true. I hope not, because my dreams are dark. Good night!)  His caricature villian reminding us, that we can’t shake off the bad things in life as easily as we like to pretend.
Poldoore feat. ASM (x)
A classic hip hop beat combined with a good flow. A little gem.
Sunmi - 열이올라요 (Heart Burn) (x)
In ‘Heart Burn’ Sunmi is displaying an enticing contrary. While speaking very politely and respectful in her lyrics, in the video she's appearing as a luring siren, seducing men throughout the centuries. What seems to be an empowering role is also a very lonely one. Once again, Sunmi isn't afraid to present us a complex array of ideas in her lyrics and images.
Vega Trails - Epic Dream (x)
The jazz duo, consisting of double-bassist and composer Milo Fitzpatrick and saxophonist Jordan Smart, put out their first collaborative album last year. 'Epic Dream' is their most elaborate track. Here they are move expertly from an easy pace to a vivid back and forth. The two instruments resonating in the large church, where they are recording, making them sound as full and large as the building itself. 
Stromae - La Solassitude (x)
I'll keep this one short.
La solassitude is beautiful, heart wrenching, and wonderfully honest.
(If there's someone who hasn't listened to Stromae’s album ‘Multitude’ yet, go ahead and do so! It's worth it.)
Florence and the Machine - Daffodil (x) | (song)
Have you ever heard someone be upset about life giving them hope? That's this song for me!
Danielle Ponder - Fray (x) | (song)
I'm sorry, Danielle, that this gif didn't turn out well. You deserve better!
The singer with the extraordinary voice also has an extraordinary biography. The lawyer decided to turn her passion for singing into a full-time job. The topic of injustice finds its way into her music as well.  She sings about empowerment, joy and endurances. Fray is her most personal song, and although ‘So Long’ is brilliant too, this one just went straight into my heart!
You can read more about her, here.
(I apologize for any mistakes in my writing. At this point I just want this over and done with.)
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tired-iris · 2 years
for the music ask: 2,5, 17, 30 :3
2: A song you like with a number in the title
G999 - Moonbyul feat. Mirani
This was the only song in my faves playlist that had numbers in it; there were a couple with "one" but that seemed too easy.
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Valkyrie (Rock ver.) - Oneus
The original already is an absolute banger, but this version goes even harder and I turn up the volume for it every time.
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
Come what may - From "Moulin Rouge" Soundtrack
Realistically none, because I would not sing karaoke, but this seems like a fun dramatic duet option, plus it always makes me think of the Virtue/Moir olympic free skate which is a masterpiece.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
King - Florence + The Machine
Please know how hard it was to resist the temptation of picking something ironic; I was also very close to choosing a song called 'Big Booty'. Instead I picked a song I emotionally relate to, I hope you're proud.
MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty ****ing hard but why not.
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hk-kpop-page · 1 month
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現場直擊📸 ➟ 玟星
◍ 2024.04.19
◍ Moon Byul 1ST WORLD TOUR IN HONG KONG [MUSEUM : an epic of starlit]
◍ 麥花臣場館 MacPherson Stadium
廣東話大叫:我愛你! 親吻紙飛機送台下觀眾
韓國流行音樂界傳奇女子組合MAMAMOO中的成員玟星,今個星期五、六在香港麥花臣場館參加了由SOUL N JOY Entertainment主辦的Moon Byul 1ST WORLD TOUR IN HONG KONG [MUSEUM : an epic of starlit]演唱會,第一晚4月19日的演出剛剛順利完成,並為粉絲帶來一場難忘的音樂體驗。今次玟星的巡迴演唱會,以首爾為起點,途經台北、新加坡、高雄、大阪、東京多站,而香港站除為現場觀眾帶來合照、歡送、簽名海報等多種福利,更預備了〈Intro : SYNOPSIS〉、〈Absence〉、〈Like a Fool〉等20多首歌曲,共兩個多小時的精彩演出,讓來自世界各地的樂迷,一同見證玟星的舞台魅力。
相隔多月沒有跟香港的MOO MOO(MAMAMOO粉絲稱號)見面,玟星先以最近才發行新專輯內的新歌〈Intro: WWUD〉作為演唱會開場曲,絕對適合不過。緊接而來則換上搖滾味十足的〈Eclipse〉炒熱現場氣氛,而作為MAMAMOO中擔當Rapper的玟星,當然也不吝嗇其過人的說唱能力,為觀眾再送上個人作〈MOON MOVIE〉,很快就帶動了樂迷們的情緒,拉近彼此距離。
在演繹完〈DARK ROMANCE〉後,玟星正式跟觀眾們打招呼和自我介紹,風格更由型女變成可愛風,綜藝感十足!她以發音準確的廣東話提到:「大家好,我係玟星,好掛住大家!」接著又跟粉絲們互動:「大家期待嗎?大家開心嗎?我愛你!MOO MOO尖叫啦!」隨即引來歌迷們熱烈回應,更證明玟星真的很想念香港的粉絲。之後,玟星再為觀眾送上〈Shutdown〉、〈TIMELINE〉等新舊歌曲。
深情過後,玟星換上帥氣的西裝外套,送上新專輯的主打歌〈TOUCHIN&MOVIN〉,又跳又唱的她透過獨特的嗓音和深情的演繹,帶領觀眾們走進她的音樂世界,感受其力量和魅力!而繼MAMAMOO的歌曲後,玟星再翻唱了K-pop 前輩PSY的名曲〈Refuge〉,這首她在綜藝節目《第二個世界》的參賽歌曲。玟星的唱功不但令人驚喜,其投入的感情更感染了每位觀眾的心靈!接著玟星跟大家一起回味參賽時的心路歷程,再送上〈Congratulations〉以及奪得總決賽冠軍的歌曲〈COMMA〉,跟香港MOO MOO們分享她的喜悅和回憶。
另一方面,香港觀眾可能也很期待玟星獻唱她在今次巡演上才表演的作品〈TAKE-OFF〉,而玟星也沒有讓粉絲們失望,現場表現淋漓盡致,不論唱功和說唱部份都完美呈現,實力不容置疑。而粉絲也特別準備了應援的紙飛機飛到台上送給玟星,寵粉的她也即時摺回兩架紙飛機,並加上香吻,送回給台下的觀眾,隨即引來全場MOO MOO們尖叫!
在玟星跟全場觀眾一起拍攝大合照後,便來到演唱會的Encore部份,玟星不但親民地走到台下,更走到場館最後排位置跟歌迷們近距離見面。同時她又順應粉絲要求,演唱了由他們即場點唱的4首歌曲。包括她跟Red Velvet成員Seulgi合唱的〈SELFISH〉,還有〈LUNATIC〉和在今次演唱會第二度獻唱的〈I'll throw it away〉,以及她跟Rapper Mirani合作的〈G999〉,才正式為第一晚的Moon Byul 1ST WORLD TOUR IN HONG KONG [MUSEUM : an epic of starlit]演唱會畫上完美句號,同時更期待第二晚演出。
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blaqsbi · 13 days
Post: #uhuru #rtyrwarriors #G999
#uhuru #rtyrwarriors #G999 https://www.blaqsbi.com/4NSe
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europa-news · 3 years
Is G999 a Scam or The Opportunity of a Lifetime?
G999 is the brainchild of Josip Heit (née Curcic). Furthermore, it is the native token for the Gold Standard Bank (GSB) Blockchain. The Gold Standard Bank Blockchain itself is a fork (modified copy) of PIVX. The Gold Standard Bank is not a bank as they do not have a banking license. Gold Standard Partners (GSP) is the “marketing” department of GSB. Nobody has been able to figure out why they use the word “Bank” in their name.
Could it be to fool people into thinking they are a bank?
My interest in Gold Standard Partners was initially more focused on the token and why I hold a negative view of multilevel marketing. My first video review of their sales techniques received a lot of attention. Josip Heit and company also took notice and promptly sued me for defamation. This was a red flag and the first sign that I was on to something much bigger, so naturally, I started digging more.
In this post, I will attempt to cover the following topics
How did it all come about?
What exactly is the opportunity?
Who are the main players?
What are the claims being made?
What products or services are on offer?
Compensation Plan
Final thoughts on Gold Standard Bank
History of G999 and the Gold Standard Partners
Before G999 there was KCB or KBC, it all depends on who you want to believe but ultimately KBC/KCB is the same thing. It was/is/will be/may have been/could be the digital token for Karatbars. The leaders seem to have ported the majority of players/promotors in G999 from Karatbars. There are rumours in the community about a secret “Karatbar MLM leadership council” meeting (with NDAs and all) where they planned these shenanigans. According to a live Facebook stream by Ricardo Hamilton, Tammy Morrison – is one of the few “in the know at Karatbars” who decided not to come over to G999.
Whilst every effort has been made to try and distance GSB and GSP from Karatbars, there is simply too much evidence to the contrary. You have to ask yourself: Is G999 simply a reboot of the Karatbars Pyramid Scheme?
The G999 coin launched in February 2021 at $0.007 and was shamelessly pumped to $0.02 during the first week. It has since spectacularly crashed to $0.002655 after promises of a $1.00 valuation in the first year. To add insult to injury, they subsequently launched two additional shitcoin tokens (JOne / XLT and LYS) within the same year.
The indicators point to the Gold Standard “insert name here” LTD/AG/PTY/LLC being one big pyramid scheme driven by expert MLM operators.
The G999 “Opportunity” by the Gold Standard Partners
The fantasy is that this is the blockchain that will change the world and revolutionise the way we do things. Email over blockchain, video over blockchain, chat over the blockchain. Decentralised. Metaverse, NFTs. Lydian World. The ecosystem of ecosystems. Tokenized real estate, electric cars and global payment processing. The gold standard partners want you to believe that these are some of the industries that will be powered by GSB and the G999 token.
The reality is that the main method to make money with GSP and all their glorious products is by recruiting other people to join, who in turn recruit other people to join. So as far as I can tell the actual opportunity here is to start your own business (well you think it’s a business) in recruitment and earn commission from joining fees.
Main G999 Players or “Gold Standard Partners” of the Gold Standard Bank
Gold Standard Bank Corporation is a bit like a brand, that has many legal entities all over the world. Trying to figure out which legal entity belongs to which part of the brand, where they operate, and which jurisdiction they are regulated by is a full-time job. They do this for good reason as it becomes impossible for a layman to do any due diligence. Therefore, we will refer to Josip Heit (née Curcic) controlled entities collectively as GSB / GSP or Gold Standard Bank / Gold Standard Partners.
Entities or names used by the GS Group
So far there is a multitude of names and descriptions being used. Some are registered companies, others are simply abbreviations or trading names. They are:
The Gold Standard Bank (GSB)
Gold Standard Partners (GSP)
Gold Standard Pay
The Gold Standard Corporation AG
The Gold Standard Bank Corporation AG
Gold Standard Group
Mr Josip Heit (née Curcic) is a Croatian “businessman” and was the Chairman of Karatbars according to his statements on the Karatbars Marketing videos. We have been unable to find any real operational business linked to Mr Heist, but that could simply be a result of our incompetence. We do however know that Josip Heit has bought control of a publishing entity, which could be responsible for disseminating flattering articles about him and his illustrious career. Josip Heit is currently the head honcho for G999 / Gold Standard Bank.
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newsmaniaa · 6 months
GS Partners not licensed to solicit investments in SA – FSCA
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The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has warned the public to exercise caution when dealing with GS Partners, also known as GSP or Gold Standard Partners.
This follows similar warnings against GS Partners in the US and Canada for violations of securities laws.
“GS Partners is not licensed under any financial sector law to provide financial products or financial services in South Africa. The FSCA is concerned about the unrealistic returns offered by GS Partners, and is conducting a preliminary investigation into its activities in South Africa. The FSCA has approached GS Partners for comment, and the entity has until Friday, 24 November 2023 to reply,” reads the FSCA statement.
The FSCA goes on to say that while it is not commenting on the specifics of GS Partners’s business, anyone offering financial products in SA requires authorisation from the FSCA.
Backing from sports stars
GS Partners and its affiliates have been criticised on social media for operating a multi-level marketing scheme that appeared to offer unrealistic returns while rewarding agents with generous commissions for introducing new investors.
The company extensively used sports stars, among them former Springbok hero Victor Matfield, to market its investments.
A cease and desist order issued by the Texas State Securities Board this month highlighted this aspect of its business model: “GSP has been claiming that various athletes have also endorsed, promoted or otherwise supported the investments, the operations of GSB Group, and/or Lydian World. These athletes include boxer Floyd Mayweather and footballers Roberto Carlos, Mario Yepes, David Trezeguet, Michel Salgado, and [former SA soccer star] Lucas Radebe.”
Gold Standard Banking Corporation (GSB) is another affiliated company registered in Germany.
Defamation lawsuit
In 2021, GSB, its chair Josip Heit, and four other individuals – Tony De Gouveia, Bruce Hughes, Andrew Eaton and Brendon Earp-Jones – sued three commentators appearing on the YouTube channel G-Crypt for defamation and loss of income to the tune of R476 million after they criticised the company’s investment offering in unflattering terms. The company and the plaintiffs say they suffered substantial income losses after the videos first appeared.
The three defendants are Louis Nel, Francois Harris, and Gareth Grobler. The offending G-Crypt videos have since been removed from YouTube, though efforts are being made to reinstate them. Grobler founded the now-defunct iCE3x crypto exchange, which is currently in provisional liquidation.
The defendants opposed the GSB defamation claim and fired off a counter-suit, seeking to have it declared an illegal scheme. That legal suit has yet to be heard in court, and it is unclear what impact the latest FSCA warning will have on the outcome.
Skyscraper vouchers and the metaverse
The Texas State Securities Board says GSP recently engaged in an offering of digital assets where each digital asset represented fractional ownership of a unit in a skyscraper, known by the names “G999 Exclusive Living Business Bay” and “G999 Tower”.
It purportedly acquired the rights to resell units in the Dubai skyscraper for 12 months and issued “XLT Vouchers”, representing ownership of one square inch of the tower as a way to earn passive income. The vouchers for the first phase of the scheme went on sale for $9.63 (about R180) each, with two more phases due to come on stream at $12.52 and $15.68 each, with the purpose of raising about $175 million (about R3.2 billion) in total.
The Texas regulator says the company was also involved in promoting a metaverse known as Lydian World or Lydian.World, which would allow its community members to participate in assisted copy trading (the ability to mimic expert traders), digital artwork creation and marketing, and transparent digital banking reward mechanisms, among other opportunities.
Lydian World provides over 18 million square metres of virtual land that can be acquired with LYS tokens, a digital asset issued on the Binance blockchain.
“After using LYS to purchase virtual land in Lydian World, users can then build a virtual building on the virtual land, and then open a virtual business using the virtual building as a virtual storefront, and even rent the virtual building to other users – assuming the virtual building’s design is approved by a virtual city town hall,” says the Texas cease and desist order.
LYS token owners can purportedly earn annual returns of 14.8% in the first year by “staking” (investing) the tokens. Additional benefits accrue to members who purchase what are known as Elemental MetaCertificates and Success Series Certificates.
“Respondent GSP frequently incentivizes the loading of additional principal through various promotions. These promotions may increase the value of a certificate or unlock weekly or monthly income streams,” says the Texas regulator.
The FSCA notice provides links to warnings issued against GSB by regulators in Texas, Washington, California and Wisconsin, as well as the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Canada’s Autorité Des Marchés Financiers. Cease and desist orders were also issued in recent weeks against GSB and its affiliates, including Swiss Valorem Bank and Josip Heit, by the US states of New Hampshire, Arizona and Florida.
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We are the Lydians , we know , we perceive, we postulate and do what’s a Golden Creativity for the greater good of able Lydians inside out of the Lydian World … The New Improve Civilization of Digital Era! You are free to leave any Game , free to join any Game, if you have intentions to free Human Spirits and expand your Life in Lydian World , we will teach you! #G999 # IAMgold.international #Lydian. World https://youtu.be/6EFLeziD9nQ (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgg7uk1umMa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gspartners02 · 4 months
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cryptodigi · 6 months
텍사스 주 증권위원회는 "GS" 브랜드 하에 독일에서 운영되는 네트워크 기업들을 공식적으로 비난 #비트코인 #이더리움 # 암호화폐 #블록체인 #디지파이넥스
텍사스 주 증권위원회는 "GS" 브랜드 하에 독일에서 운영되는 네트워크 기업들을 공식적으로 비난하며, 이들이 디지털 자산과 프로퍼티 메타버스에 연계된 사기행위를 한 것으로 지목했습니다. 조십 도르트문트 하이트가 이 네트워크 기업을 통제하고 있습니다.
2021년 9월부터 세 라운드의 메타버스 부동산 판매를 진행한 GS 파트너스, GS 스마트 파이낸스, GS 웰스는 투자자들에게 XLT 바우처나 BNB 체인 토큰을 구매할 수 있다고 알려주었습니다. 이들은 이를 통해 G999 타워 메타버스의 한 평방 인치의 소유권을 나타내는 제품을 판매했는데, 당시에는 1개의 바우처당 9.63 테더(USDT)였습니다. 그러나 이 토큰은 목표치인 1억 7500만 달러의 모금 목표를 달성하지 못하고 가치를 빠르게 잃었으며, 반응자들은 토큰을 PancakeSwap에서 각각 0.0000049 USDT 미만으로 팔게 되었습니다.
"반응자들은 증권 위원회에 따라 시기적절하게 딜러나 대리인으로 등록되지 않았습니다."
정부 당국은 GSB가 만든 다른 투자 상품인 리디언 월드 메타버스 토큰, 골드 토큰, G999 코인, 그리고 엘리멘탈 인증서도 등록되지 않은 증권 제공으로 간주한다고 주장합니다. 텍사스 주 증권위원회는 GSB 기업 그룹에 대한 긴급한 단속 조치를 취하고, 해당 행위를 중지하도록 명령하였습니다. 이전에도 온타리오 증권위원회가 GS 파트너스가 캐나다 온타리오 지방에서 사업을 진행할 수 있는 등록을 받지 못했다는 경고를 발표했으며, 이 회사에 대한 경고는 사스카처완, 브리티시 컬럼비아, 알버타, 퀘벡의 증권 관리 기관에서도 공개되었습니다.
크립토 관련 토론 및 소식을 공유하는 비공식 채널을 개설하였습니다. 자유롭게 방문하셔서 정보도 공유하고 많은 이야기를 같이 나누었으면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다.
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#비트코인 #이더리움 # 암호화폐 #블록체인 #디지파이넥스
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azizedowi-love · 6 months
تحديث تايجر TIGER G999 V01762 بتاريخ 13-11-2023
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