#moonbyul pics
hwasablog · 11 days
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀𐙚 ⠀hwasa icons⠀⭒ like or reblog if u save !!
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anouchan-jpg · 9 months
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hwasamariaonly · 11 months
Mamamoo joins Hwa Sa on dancing urangdan 👑 🎤
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hwasatulips · 2 years
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Hwasa icons 💕
hwasatulips on twitter.
photos by mintbox.
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snowddeong · 10 months
My gay girl giggling and kicking her feet at meeting Byul she's so real... and it's not even surprising she still does that with Ryujin and they've known each other for like 10 years or something 😭😭😭😭
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wheenah · 2 years
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dosieslesbian · 1 year
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sollaasystem · 2 years
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taracr0ft · 2 years
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joonberriess · 9 months
“i literally came across the finest man alive the other day,” a girl explains while opening her Instagram, “he’s like a dilf too, like shit can his baby mama or wife fight?” she giggles while showing her friend jungkook’s Instagram page.
she pulls up a photo of jungkook shirtless while carrying both juno and moonbyul on his shoulders, making both girls groan as they admire jungkook’s form and face, “damn you weren’t kidding,” she pouts, “who is this guy?”
“he’s friends with my brother, i’m gonna see if he’s single or not.” she giggles.
“i don’t think so, look at the @ he has in his bio, i think that’s his wife or something.” she clicks the username and they both gawk in awe as the page opens up to pictures of you, you and the girls, or you and jungkook. “DAMN.”
they pull up a pic of you and jungkook from your anniversary dinner, you’re sitting on his lap with a sweet smile on your face, arm tossed over his shoulders as he stares into the camera with a devious grin. he has his hand on your thigh and his other on your ass.
“never mind we can’t compete.”
— jock jk au.
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korean-dreams-girls · 11 months
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Moonbyul (Mamamoo) - 1st Mini Album "Two Rabbits" Concept Pics
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dearweirdme · 3 months
you know I have always been one of the first in lines fighting to defend Tae from that rumor, I'm 100% positive that is mediaplay still but something shifted these days as in yes it was mediaplay but ultimately Tae did choose to take part in that paparazzi walk( albeit he didn't look happy at all I think I have reasons to believe that even if he was somehow coerced he probably was made to feel like he had some negotiation power too) and honestly I guess I felt more adamant to defend him bc i saw how much he tried to fight the tide and separate himself from all of that ( the wv live in the airport, these insta pic changes being the last example etc and seeing ppl disrespecting his agency and his right to state himself his own truth really pissed off me a lot ) but I started to think these last days what's the point in him doing all of that when he agreed to do that walk and he must know what would happen otherwise why did he even agreed, what is he even fighting himself doing little things to separate himself from being associated to this person when he will forever be associated,for the gp and fandom itself and as you said once this will be in the historial of his live forever? By doing all of that it's like he made us, the fans who cared for him and were paying attention to him fr want to defend him too and literally fight air because there is nothing to defend when he did that walk, when the purpose of that walk being met. I'm not saying he did any of that with the purpose of having fans fighting on his name at all, I don't think so but that's what happened, I guess I'm feeling disappointed these days bc i see no need for him to even fight against all of this when this issues reached the levels it did when he chose to do the walk. I'm also disappointed bc i think anything he might do that would have been considered brave and important about his identity before loses weight completely now, him smooching jk's cheek on the party and uploading it, him being bold etc bc no one but a small group of ppl considered delusional by everyone will see this for what it is. He can do a lot now only bc no one it's going to take him/it seriously.
I used to be pissed by Holland behavior that one time but I even kinda can get the frustration now. Tae is safe or at least has reduced the risk at a minimum now to do whatever bc everyone thinks he dates women. And some ppl be crowing him as an LGBT icon when some other idols have actually exposed themselves honestly to a lot more without any security plan to fall back into. And that actually feels like being brave and doing something. Not making everyone who supports you look like a delusional clown and make the thought of you being queer laughable to most ppl. Moonbyul being a pretty good example of someone who has been direct and brave.
Im sorry I really needed to vent, I have loved Tae for a lot of time ( not that i dont love him now but sometimes i cant shake the disappointment and the distaste of not being able to enjoy his content without seeing him being constantly related to ppl I don't like at all) and I'm open to anyone making me feel different about this situation
Hi anon!
Let me give you my perspective on this and maybe that will make you see things differently as well.
Tae is moving within certain boundaries. It is most likely that there are actual clauses in his contract that tell him what he can and cannot share publicly. That goes beyond plain saying that he is queer. That also goes for the level of queerness he can show through art and media. Basically I feel he is able to show queer media and art, but not adress it as such. Going beyond that would probably mean he’d be breaching his contract, which could lead to monetary penalties… and when it goes too far he could be kicked out of BTS (not that I think it would ever go that far). I think it’s possible that with this new contract, things have become more loose though. BH/Hybe doesn’t want to lose Tae, because he is one of the most popular members and losing any member would look bad. So I think there was some leverage there.
In my opinion it should not be underestimated how bad things still are for queer people in SK. Artists loose their careers over it stil. People like Holland are absolutely very brave and I hope within time there will be more and more like him. But you cannot compare one person’s choices with that of another’s. I think Tae possibly discovered his sexuality when he was already under contract with BH.. that would mean he had the choice to either hide, or to break his contract… leave BTS… and be left with a shitload of debt (because you don’t simply leave a contract). He would have no perspective of any career after that.. losing all his dreams and all chances of having any influence at all. It is an impossible choice maybe.. or maybe not.. I don’t know. Has he chosen to leave BH would his life have been easier, better? He would still have had to deal with severe homophobia. So I don’t think Tae had much options but to hide in the first case. It is not something he chose.. it was basically decided for him. Contracts are no fun anon, they basically chain them to the company in many many ways. I don’t think Tae ever had the option to be as open as Holland. And I think that is something he struggled with greatly. So if that walk was something he agreed to just because it would give him some more room to be authentic, I am absolutely not holding that against him. It doesn’t make him bad or whatever, it makes him someone who needs a bit of room to breathe.
In general I don’t feel Tae owes us much. Speaking for myself, I am here completely voluntarily and completely aware of forever being shit on by the rest of fandom. I’m of the opinion that both Tae and Jk aren’t actually fighting to be out and open.. so that probably makes my perspective on this different than yours. I think they’re just trying to live their lives and what we see of them is just stuff we pick up on.. because we pay attention. I always see myself as a bystander and not a participant in this. But.. that’s just me ofcourse.
So how did we end up here; Tae doing a walk with Jennie. Looking at it from a practical side, it was only one walk.. half an hour tops. If we assume he did agree to it and he wasn’t actually forced all the way, for him that was probably doable, and if he traded that for more freedom to be authentic.. to insert more queerness in his work (which is eventually what people will remember him by), then I think the trade probably looked worth it. Ultimately it wasn’t a fair choice ofcourse, because trading anything for freedom to be yourself is insane.. freedom should always be yours. But I do think the company possibly sold it that way.. and being used to having no freedom for years, maybe to Tae it did seem like a chance. It is ofcourse also possible they made him do this, but it’s not something I’m leaning towards personally.
It is not something Tae would’ve done/come up with himself. Tae didn’t go “yeah, I want to do a papwalk with Jennie for fame and attention”… people are right when they say he didn’t need that. He was not enthusiastic. And I think he was very over it all soon after.
The way I see it.. is that possibly Tae gave away a small part of himself to do something he felt is necessary in a broader way. His new mv is so important! To have such graphic display of queerness is so important! Especially from someone as famous as Tae. Imagine all the young queer fans he has seeing that! Tae knows what kind of influence he has. He has probably missed seeing representation like that himself when he was younger. I think this is what matters to him most and personally I just applaud him for that. Taennie will be nothing but a blimp on our radar in a few years, but his songs and mv’s… I think those will have an actual impact on many lives.
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hwasamariaonly · 1 year
A little late but I love this 💚🤘 🤠
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hwasatulips · 2 years
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Hwasa icons | Maison Valentino FW, Italy.
hwasatulips on twitter
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mala-santa-radfem · 9 months
who’s the girl in your header?
helloooo <3 that's moonbyul from mamamoo! i think that pic in my header is photoshopped tho :( but this is her <3 she has the lesbian community in her grip
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solarsunhae · 1 year
Sappy post about Mamamoo and long overdue (So LATE but whatever I need to get this off my chest) review of MyCon NY incoming!
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Mamamoo finished their USA tour and when I think about it I still get kinda emotional!
First, my review of the concert in New York. It’s nearly a month late but it doesn’t matter because I remember it all vividly.
So I took - what I didn’t realize - the last train to the arena and it was delayed! There had been an accident that occurred earlier and the train was moving slow as hell. I was anxious as hell!! The one thing I didn’t want to happen was to be late for Mamamoo. Luckily the concert was delayed so I had time to breathe. Right after I scanned my ticket I heard music playing. I hoped it was the music they usually play before the concert starts. Then I heard Hwasa say, “Make some noise!” and I SCREAMED her name and my friend and I ran so damn quick to our seats. I remember a few other fans running as well, haha. Unfortunately, I missed the intro VCR but I got there just in time for 1,2,3 Eoi!
Seeing them onstage felt unreal. I already saw them at KCON 2016 but this time I was much closer to the stage. Gosh, they’re so beautiful in real life and they sound amazing live.
I straight up lost my mind during the Solo Medley. I was looking so forward to this part. I was a different person for Eclipse Hwasa. My soul left my body when Hwasa came on stage wearing the Eclipse outfit. I was on my knees for her!!! When they did the body rolls during Maria I screamed so loud. 
Besides the performances, I just love how much Mamamoo loves Moomoos. They were having so much fun interacting with the fans during the talking segments. The audience was barking and Moonbyul immediately embraced it and barked every chance she got. It was so funny because they were so perplexed by it but by the end they just accepted it and did it themselves. The concert had good vibes all around. My only regret is that I wish I arrived earlier so I could do stuff before the concert. There was chalk writing outside the venue where all the fans left cute messages to Mamamoo. I would have loved to have done that. I also wished I was there earlier so I could pick up a fan banner. :(((
I’ve been watching videos of the other USA stops and it’s just so nice to see how they were gradually getting comfortable and more confident with each city. You can see the difference in the way they act from their New York concert to their LA concert. They’re cracking more jokes with the audience and going off script more. Never getting over the fact that in Chicago they saw a fan holding up pink panties and they asked for the panties and wore the panties on their arms without a second thought. I also loved that in every concert photo you can see an increase in Bald Yongs and meme pics in general. I’m so glad they did this tour because they saw how loved their are outside of Korea. The fan VCRs were so sweet as well (Especially LA’s!!!). 
That concert made me so happy. After the concert I thought about how I’ve been a fan since 2016 and how they kept me going during my high school and college years. Then I got emotional. Like damn!! These bishes really made me happy!!
Honestly, I don’t have post concert depression. It’s more like post tour depression. To see them happy on stage and having a good time with fans is everything to me. I’d do anything to see them again. :’)
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