#GAH i jus think they would b so cute
enragedbisexual · 5 months
so what , u mean 2 tell me *im* gonna have 2 be the one 2 write the first poly / ot3 fic 4 the horror comedy malewife + girlboss comical GENIUS show that literally got canceled 5 yrs ago???? ugh . y must i always carry the burden 😪
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baekhyuq · 6 years
“Déjà vu.” | Baekhyun (m) Teacher!AU |Chapter 3
Title: “Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off.”
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst (maybe)
Warnings: Smut/Language
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: Your new obsession as of late has been masturbating sessions when your favorite cam boy is live-streaming . But too bad some nights you’ve got too much homework due from your Psychology teacher to watch your oh so hot cam boy.
deja vu masterlist
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The sun rays beamed down onto your naked body, which had been spread out onto your bed. Your laptop just in between your thighs.
You moaned out slightly, your hips bucking up to meet your hand. You made your bed squeak slightly as you moved around, your climax building up on itself.
“Shit.” Your laptop’s mic spit out at full volume.
“Gah-“ You pushed your finger further in your heat, your heart was beating at a higher rate than normal. Baekhyun’s hand was resting by his red member, he has finished already but you seemed to not be able to reach your climax.
No matter how fast or hard you rubbed your clit or fingered yourself, there was no use.You looked around your room, as if Baekhyun would appear out of thin air and help you get off. Your eyes landed on your phone and you bit your lip.
There’s no way you would be able to call him and he not know you were trying to get off from his voice-
“Fuck it.” You reached for your phone clicking on his contact that was cutely assigned B-Bear. You couldn’t be more obvious. You pressed the phone to your cheek.
“Please answer,” You glanced at your laptop to still see his figure on your screen scrambling to grab his phone which was ringing. You smiled to yourself.
“H-hello?” He answered, his lips weren’t visible on the screen, his torso and lower half were the only things your eyes could scan. His voice was laced with lust but the stuttering made it sound so innocent and boyish you wanted to laugh.
“Hey, what are you up to?”
“I’m actually grading papers right now. What are you doing?” He lied, he sat a little higher in his chair, his hand sliding down to grip his shaft. You gasped at the action, rubbing your clit slightly.
“I-I’m trying to finish my psych homework. I just called to...” You got lost in your own hands movements, “I called to see if you could help me.”
“Help you? Psychology homework is for the student, sorry no can do Babe.”
“Did you just call me Babe?”
There was silence, you looked to the screen to see him covering his mouth with his hand.
“It was a mistake, sorry.” He responded in an octave lower than his usual voice. His hand had traveled back to his thigh, touching himself in an effort to cum again.
“No worries,” Your ears perked up at the quiet sounds from your laptop, you couldn’t hold it any longer. “Ah-“ You choked out a moan as you climaxed around your fingers. You heard a grunt from his line and you saw that he had came all over his hand again, for the second time.
“B-baekhyun, are you alright?” There was a muffled response, a quick “Yeah.” As if to disguise his climax ripping through his body. His hips were twitching and bucking off his chair, it was amazing how quiet he could be.
If it wasn’t for the livestream you’d think he was frustrated from grading papers. Not grunting over the mess you made him make.
“Fuck. Y/n I should get back to grading these papers. I’ll call you sometime, okay?” You could hear the smile in his tone. It made you absolutely giddy, the fact that your voice alone made him cum. Imagine actually fucking him.
“Of course, Baekhyun. Have a nice rest of the day.” You purred into the phone, turning on your side to face your laptop you clicked end call and just watched as his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. He faced his camera and the live ended.
You smiled so hard your cheeks hurt, your morning was off to a great start.
A week or so flew by within a blink of an eye and you couldn’t have felt more stressed about all your Psychology homework stacking up on itself. You decided to try and catch up on older assignments and try to finish your homework later in the week.
In the middle of the assignment your phone rings, the screen displays Baekhyun’s nickname and you sit upright on your couch. You pushed your hair behind your ear before answering.
“Hello, Y/n speaking, furniture rental service.” You joked, you could hear his laugh before responding “Hey.” there was a little static on his end which indicated he was inside of a building with horrible reception.
“Where are you?” You asked, even if his whereabouts were a little too personal of a question, but hey you’re on the phone with your Psych teacher what isn’t personal about this?
“Im actually heading somewhere important.” You heard him say an excuse me to somebody before you heard a ding. Your right side of your mouth rose up in a lopsided grin.
“So you decided to call me?”
“For what?”
“Open your door and see.”
Your head shot to your door and your eyes widened, you looked around your messy living room and you cursed silently. Your shoes were scattered around the floor and you had empty containers of drinks on the table, along with your pillows on the ground from where you sit and studied.
“Are you doing something right now? I can come back-“
“No! Just one second, I have to-“ You pushed all the pillows into a corner in the room and picked up as many bottles as your arms allowed you to carry, emptying them into the bin. You held your phone between your cheek and shoulder as you straightened your outfit out. Your very old white tee, that had so many holes in it you were questioning if it was a functioning shirt anymore.
“Y/n?” His voice rang through the phone.
“Coming-Oof!” You completely face fucked the floor, tripping over your shoes which were conveniently placed to embarrass you.
You could hear Baekhyun’s laugh from the door and the phone. “D-Did you just fall?” He asked through his gasping and laughing attack. You stood on your knees, without answering you ripped open the door.
Baekhyun’s laughing died down as he saw you, his eyes landing on your kneeling figure.
And oh the thoughts that popped into his head~ He was dressed in his padded coat, covering half his body, in one arm he carried a plastic bag and in the other he held onto his laptop.
“Study date?” You hopped to your feet, examining the plastic bag, basically taking it from his hands as you invite him in.
“More like, i’m here to push your ass to get your homework finished because you haven’t turned in 2 weeks worth. Plus I brought food.” He chuckled before sitting his laptop on the kitchen table. “Touché. Either way I get to eat, so i’m happy.” You mumbled happily.
As you and Baekhyun became settled into your sofa, finishing the chinese takeout he so graciously brought, you began your homework assignments. You groaned loudly, looking at your laptop as if it would your homework for you.
“Baekhyun help me.”
“What do you need help with.”
“Writing a whole five page essay on the different parts of the brain.”
“You’re still on that? I assigned that 3 weeks ago! Y/n!”
“Baekhyun!” You both looked at each other, his brows furrowed and your lips pouting.
“If you’re going to take my class I want you to take it seriously, no playing around or procrastinating. If you fail this class you will only be wasting your time and money. So start your essay and finish it before next week.”
Something about the way he told you sounded like a demand. A demanding Baekhyun in your presence was a blessing in disguise. You also felt naughty that you’d put off so much homework just to watch him masturbate instead.
“O-okay.” Your stuttering made his stern gaze soften, he swallowed before turning back to his laptop. You figured he would be grading papers like always so you turned your attention to your homework.
After about an hour of endless typing and listening to a show on the television playing music in the background, you were on the 3rd page of your essay. To your surprise these assignments weren’t hard at all, you felt horrible for not doing them sooner.
Your gaze fell on Baekhyun’s arms, which were crossed over one of your many pillows. His biceps were peaking from his short sleeved shirt, the veins traveling down to his hands.
Your legs were laid out on the sofa and your laptop rested on your thighs, you were as comfortable as you could get with a man so fine in the same room as you.
“I can feel you staring, get back to your paper. I know you’re almost finished.” He tilted his head at your wandering eyes. You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest.
“Three pages down, if I finish this tonight you have to give me a reward.”
Your eyes widened, “Deal?”
“Yeah, only if you finish it today.” He smirked while his eyes rolled over his own screen.
“Challenge accepted-“
“But if you don’t, you give me something.”
Your cheeks stung and you were sure they were turning red, “Like what?” You managed to form a short question through your tangled thoughts. “I’ll think about it.” He let out a deep laugh that you knew had an double meaning.
Without hesitating you typed every thought in your head and tried to translate it to at least decent english sentences. But shortly you had nothing else to give this paper, you were on page 5 and half way down the page your mind blanked.
“This cannot be happening,” You smacked your forehead with your palm and tried picking your brain for any bit of information to add. “I have half a page left. Can I at least get something for that?” You mumbled.
“You heard the challenge didn’t you, and it’s officially 12am sweetheart.” Baekhyun’s voice was teasing, while you were on the verge of begging. “Are you ready for my wish genie?” Baekhyun’s victory smile made you forget all your pride and instantly start begging.
“Please Baekhyun, just give me 30 more minutes.” You were crawling across the sofa to reach him, stopping by his side to pull on his arm. “Have mercy, I am not but a peasant your majesty!”
You couldn’t help but to joke with him, he was just a playful personality. “I’ll give you 5 minutes to send it to me and i’ll read it over to consider letting you win.” He snickered.
“That’s a trick you know your email doesn’t update till the next day if it’s from a student!”
“Why cant you take the punishment.” Baekhyun laced his hands behind his head. You glanced at his biceps once more, before glaring at his face.
“Because I cant accept this failure.”
“Maybe one failure will teach you a lesson.”
“Baekhyun please!” You unconsciously ended up in his lap, begging. “You can’t hurt my pride like this.”
Baekhyun didn’t respond, he noticed how close to him you were and he didn’t want to move an inch. With you being so close you could feel the unaddressed sexual tension between you two.
“I-“ He began before I cut him off.
“Kiss me.” I demanded.
Baekhyun didn’t hesitate for even a second, his soft lips pressed against mine. The sexual frustration you’d built up over the past few days was finally draining itself out of you. Baekhyun’s lips were surprisingly plush and his bottom lip was caught in your mouth and you couldn’t help but to nibble at the soft tissue.
Baekhyun’s strong arms wrapped around your torso and crushed you into his chest. You let out a surprised yelp before placing your hands on his broad shoulders. His lips moved against yours in a dance, creating this exchange of blissfulness.
You felt Baekhyun’s hand slide up to the back of your neck and pull you closer, if that was even humanly possible. You were jealous at how much he could feel if you and you could barely feel him. The fluttery feeling in your stomach made you shiver in his grasp. He could feel your goosebumps on your back was his hand shifted under your shirt.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” You shyly asked. For a person who initiated this heated exchange of body heat you seemed a little hesitant. Baekhyun’s mouth opened but closed again, swiftly standing up and wrapping your legs around his torso.
Making his way around your apartment he sat you on the island in the kitchen, you both now seeing eye to eye.
“You don’t understand how long i’ve wanted to kiss you.” He admitted so shamelessly it made you slightly embarrassed. He slid his hand up your thigh, “You’ll never know the many scenarios i’ve imagined you in.” He grazed his lips over your collarbones.
“Oh? I think I have a pretty good idea.” The confidence came from nowhere but you weren’t going to not drop hints about his cam boy career.
“Mister B-Bear.” You whispered in his ear. You felt him tense as he brought his face from your neck to stare at you wide eyed.
“W-what did you just say?” His stuttering voice made you laugh.
“That is your teacher email isn’t it?”
taglist: @deliciouslydisturbed365 @92byunie @thenamethatisgiven
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