#& then encouraging 2 abby regarding her feelings 4 him
enragedbisexual · 5 months
so what , u mean 2 tell me *im* gonna have 2 be the one 2 write the first poly / ot3 fic 4 the horror comedy malewife + girlboss comical GENIUS show that literally got canceled 5 yrs ago???? ugh . y must i always carry the burden 😪
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 10
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 10 – Kaia’s POV.
Kaia was officially sick. She missed work for the following two days, feeling as if she had been hit by a truck. After the third day however, Kaia had endured more than enough of being in bed and sleeping it off that she hauled herself off to the nearest pharmacy and bought more cold medicine before heading off to work. She was shivering in her warm clothing despite everyone else on the train being in their summer outfits and by the time she arrived at work, Kaia wondered if she had made such a wise decision.
“Woah, Kaia!” Keith stared at her wide-eyed as she walked into the office, and he rushed to my side. “Should you have come in today? Sungra said when she visited you that you were quite sick but I didn’t realise just how much.”
“I’m fine,” she assured, waving off his concern and heading to her desk. Her eyes had already locked on another person in the room, the girl smiling sympathetically. Kaia smiled back, flashes of the other day returning to her mind. Despite being ill, Abby’s behaviour had stuck out the entire time. Kaia knew she needed answers, and hoped she could get some alone time with the girl during the day.
She turned away from her thoughts as she heard her name and smiled at Sungra who now stood beside her. “I told you to stay at home until you were better!”
“I’m not contagious, so don’t worry. I have plenty of medicine too,” Kaia assured, reaching into her bag and pulling the medicine bag out. Shaking it a little, she smiled again. “Besides, Korean news never stops. I can only imagine the backload already.”
Kaia sat down and settled into her work, her mind now focused on the task at hand. She enjoyed her job so much that she almost forgot she was sick until a cough racked through her chest.
“Not that sick huh?”
“Sung, it’s just a cough, I’m not dying,” Kaia retorted and heard a chuckle come from one of the junior members.
“No, but after what I just found, I believe Changmin is,” Hyurin mentioned and Kaia snapped her focus to the girl. “He apparently is sick over in Japan.”
“Really? Oh no, the poor guy, how untimely!”
Sungra nodded at Minah’s exclamation. “I hope it doesn’t interfere with his promotional work. Where on earth would he get a cold from?”
Kaia could feel her cheeks burning and she swallowed roughly, which caused her to struggle with another loud cough. When she looked up again, Kaia noticed a set of eyes were focused on her.
Abby smirked. “Colds just must be making their way around, right Kai? You must sympathise with Changmin right now.”
“Uh sure,” she managed to squeak out, gulping down some of her water and then cringing at how hard it was to swallow it all. She cleared my throat. “Must be the upcoming season.”
Looking back at her computer screen, Kaia tried to settle herself down and then thought back to the statement Changmin had made regarding his health that night. Smiling, she made a mental note to contact the idol on her next break.
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“We really need to stop meeting like this,” a voice said after the toilet flushed behind her and a sense of déjà vu coursed through Kaia’s veins as Abby stepped towards the sink. She smiled brightly at her as Kaia placed her phone back into her pocket. “Are you feeling any better?”
“I am, thanks.”
“Good.” She started to wash her hands. “Funny how Changmin’s sick too right now. He must know your friend Max, right? Or perhaps he’s the same guy?”
“E-excuse me?!” Kaia spluttered out, watching as Abby’s face broke out into a grin.
“I KNEW IT! You know Changmin!” she exclaimed and Kaia placed her hand over Abby’s mouth, darting her eyes around the area. She struggled to remove Kaia’s hand. “Don’t worry; I checked the cubicles before when I followed you in. I can’t believe you’ve kept this from me!”
“Says the girl who is dating Kim Junsu.” It was Abby’s turn to let her features flood with colour, and Kaia smirked as she poked her playfully. “How could you keep that from me?!”
“It’s not like I wanted to, he told me if we wanted this I had to remain silent about it! We work in the business, you know as well as I do if anyone catches wind of this, we’re doomed.” Abby then poked her back. “But you have a lot to answer for, now I know where you disappear off to. Is it friendship or something more?”
Kaia blushed lightly. “I’m an English teacher at SME in my spare time.”
“You devil!” Abby exclaimed and Kaia giggled, the pair both smiling at one another. Kaia could tell Abby felt as relieved as she did now having someone who knew her secret.
They went to step out of the bathroom, still laughing together until they found someone standing in front of them with wide eyes. Keith pointed at them both and tilted his head, unable to bring himself to speak. Exchanging a look with Abby, Kaia lurched towards him, her hand going over his mouth.
“If you tell anyone what you just heard you’re in big trouble, got it?” Abby hissed and he nodded his head, and Kaia loosened her grip.
“Your secrets are safe with me, as long as you tell me everything.”
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“Ah, I felt like I was dying to the point I wanted nothing more than to sleep forever! I couldn’t even eat, Kaia! Why did you have to get sick?!” Changmin complained as she came into his room with the bowl of popcorn she had just prepared. Rolling her eyes, Kaia placed it next to the Korean who immediately started shovelling the snack into his mouth.
“It appears your appetite is fine now,” she observed and he shot her a look as she sat down and picked up the controller. “And besides, what happened to you being in top form huh? I told you I’d go home so you didn’t get sick.”
“It was a very powerful strand of illness, clearly,” he stated strongly, and then motioned towards the screen. “Hurry up and choose a car to drive.”
“I just sat down,” Kaia spoke back in the same tone he’d just used, but did his biddings, hitting the x on the controller when she had decided. They started to race and became focused on that for a while before taking a break. Her fingers hurt from not playing videos games in a while, though it was tradition for Changmin and Kaia to have a games night whenever he returned to Seoul from his jet setting schedule. Although he had been back for two days from Japan, this was the first time either of them had enough time to dedicate to the ritual.
“So, did you miss me?” he asked with a smirk as they watched the animation front page to the gameplay across the large television. He shifted closer. “With Oppa gone, you must have been so lonely.”
“Oppa?!” Kaia screeched and grabbed his pillow to beat him with it. “You sickening bastard! I’m only two months younger than you and you use Oppa on me?! Ugh!”
“I thought you liked the whole Oppa talk since you are addicted to them dramas,” he teased and Kaia growled, beating him some more. He fell back on the bedding and she used it to her advantage, climbing over his waist and continuing to beat him with the pillow.
“I am not one of them whiny girls who cry out Oppa at men. Have I ever called either you or Yunho that? I’m not Korean for one!”
Changmin chuckled underneath her, finding the situation amusing. “Like I would ever want to you to call me that. This is me you’re talking to. I get enough Changmin-oppa from my fans, let alone needing it from you.”
“Oh really?” Kaia said and leaned down to his face. “Oppaaa.”
“Quit it. Ugh, why did I start this?”
“Oppaaaa,” she repeated with a giggle and Changmin groaned heavily. “Oppa, this is so much fun. I just love playing games with you.”
“Let’s play a different one then,” he urged, grabbing her wrists and yanking them so her body fell on top of his. Kaia’s eyes widened as his laugh vibrated against her body. “What? Aren’t I playing my role right? You say Oppa and I’m meant to fall for it.”
“Yunho’s home you fool, that’s why I reacted like that.”
“So? Yunho is a man, he understands the carnal desires very well,” he pointed out and Kaia closed her eyes as Changmin’s mouth found the side of her neck. He kissed a trail down to where her shoulder curved into her neck and Kaia let out a deep breath before snapping her eyes open.
“No?” he repeated against her skin, his lips spreading into a smile. “Your body is saying yes.”
“I can’t with Yunho in the house Min, it feels wrong!”
He let out an annoyed groan. “Come on Kai, I haven’t had any in well over a week now.”
“Maybe it’s good for you to learn how to pace yourself,” she told him and he thumped the bed in irritation. Propping herself up, Kaia climbed off his waist and picked up her controller. Changmin didn’t move. “Besides, I thought you had the company of a great female whilst gone, Minnie. Or is Kaori Kimura not to your tastes?”
“How did you know?!” He sat up at her piece of information and then shook his head. “That woman is a witch.”
“How so?”
“She might be one of Japan’s leading models at the moment, but she’s very dominant. I tried to escape her attention four times, but she just wouldn’t relent. There’s only so much superficial bantering that I can muster and she wore me out.”
Kaia smirked. “Not what the pictures show.”
“In case you aren’t aware, I’ve been a professional for a very long time Kai, it’s my job to make things appear like magic.”
“Ah, is that what it’s meant to be? Well, couldn’t you magic me up a handsome man that makes me see stars when we kiss, oh great Wizard?” Kaia asked with a laugh and Changmin grabbed her and then leaned down to kiss her.
“I’ll make you see stars once I’m done with you,” he murmured and she knew her previous concern for Yunho was now out the window, though she pouted and hit his shoulder playfully all the same.
“I said someone handsome!”
Part 11
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sol-luminosus · 7 years
Do you have any Rachad head canons? Care to share? :D
 Yep, lots of ‘em! Let me section it out (to also help me recall ‘em. Also, this might be pretty long please bear with me)
Cadet Years
1. Chad and Rachel have been acquainted with each other since childhood. However, they weren’t actually close then. At some point, they’ve worked together under the same squad as shown in Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E. (I’m supposing this is an entire class of cadets belonging in the same batch)
2. It was apparent from the start that Chad was a promising prodigy and stood out amongst the others. From then on he’d been officially assigned on Moonbase. Meanwhile, Rachel discovered her knack in espionage and trained as a spy under KND’s intel gathering unit. In my head cannon, this is KND’s Intelligence Department and HQ is stationed on Moonbase.
So, their only connection then would have to be: Classmates –> Same Sector
Global Command Years
1. Whoop whoop, fast forward to being full-fledged operatives. After Numbuh 100′s reign, Chad eventually found his way up in the ranks and secured the spot of Supreme Leader. He doesn’t really interact much with Rachel until later on at this time, where she herself had been successful in her career path and is considered as the top spy of her time. So much so, that there were moments where she’d directly report to the Supreme Leader himself.
2. Their personalities and regard towards each other was much different at first. I’ve always seen Rachel as not being a people person in her run as a full-time spy. She was quiet, and preferred to work alone. She’d accomplish her tasks dutifully and especially hated it when things didn’t go as planned. (Something I derived from F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E. when she had a rage episode at Fanny) However, her general disposition is reserved. The only one who seemed to get under her skin though, is Chad. 
Let’s just say she piqued his curiosity. (Tbh, I’ve always seen Chad as a curious person) It’s a Supreme Leader’s job to look out for his organization and the members within it but Rachel was specifically interesting for him. He’d make efforts to try and get close to her, but Rachel would often be rigid and preferred to keep things professional. But this doesn’t mean that his attempts at friendship annoyed her. In fact, she admired him and looked up to him like everyone else. It’s just how she really is with personal relationships. 
Before they both knew it, they hit it off really well and being close was a given to them and an unspoken acknowledgment with their peers. 
3. The first person to ever admit that they felt something more than friendship for the other was Rachel. Here we have 11 or 12 years old Rachy understanding for herself that she had a crush on the Supreme Leader and silently recognizing it. She doesn’t go over the episode of denial and just takes it in. (I doubt she’s one to do that tbh) But, it’s not something that she tells anyone and just kept it to herself.
4. In addition to item 3, the first person who does understand she has a thing for Chad is Abby. 
5. Rachel’s personality drastically develops during this period. Being with, and working alongside Chad has taught her a lot of things. Rachel may sometimes come off as scarily stern but she’d always been someone who cared a hefty lot for her comrades, one of her golden traits. I like to think that it was Chad that encouraged her to believe in her potential as a leader, and later on this inspired her to strive for the position of Supreme Leader after his defection. 
6. I don’t know if I’m the only one that’s noticed that Rachel often preferred to wear very muted colors with her either always seen wearing dark plums or blacks prior to being a Supreme Leader. (this could’ve been because she was under espionage however) Though, I’m fond of the thought of having Chad as the reason why she’d discarded the whole monochrome apparel and decided to go for bright and calming colors as a means to remember him by. (I’m thinking of writing out a fic for this head cannon btw ㅇ◡ㅇ)
7. Chad was the one that started calling her ‘Rach’. And since then, to Rachel, it’s become a very endearing way to call her.
Relationship Summary thus far:  Classmates –> Same Sector –> Acquaintances –> Friends –> Close Friends
1. For one thing, this isn’t something Chad wanted as an outcome for himself. Assuming the role of an undercover operative and being treated as the enemy of the entire organization he’s worked blood and sweat to hold up was distasteful to him. But the possibility of being accepted into g:KND was also an enticing thought. So he’d grabbed the opportunity anyway. But that didn’t mean it was something he wanted to disclose to Rachel. For one thing, it would hurt her. But if doing so meant continuing being part of the KND then the consequences of his actions was something that he’d been willing to face. At the very least, he could still watch over her and protect her albeit from a distance.
2. Chad’s lack of explanations for his actions had always been something that hurt Rachel, yet she maintained professionalism anyway each time he’d report to her on Moonbase as a double agent. She understood things just couldn’t and wouldn’t be the same between them, especially with the fact that from then on, he’d always give her the cold shoulder. It’s a thought that Chad’s teenage angst isn’t just a mere act to keep up the ‘typical teenager attitude’. For one thing, he’s got a lot of resentment in his system towards the reality of growing up, the g:KND itself, and Numbuh 1. That then contributes a lot to his personal relationships.
Even so, it confuses her more that he never fails to look after her, even saving her countless times from her own missions had he been coincidentally on duty either as a Teen Ninja or a TND operative. Sometimes, she was beginning to think that he’d deliberately be there just to make sure that she was safe. 
3. Basically, if it concerns Rachel’s safety, all forms of reason just instantly flies off and over his head and he rushes in right away just to make sure she wouldn’t get hurt. 
I’ve always thought that Chad was rather impulsive and having to do that was characteristic of him.
4. I also like to think that Chad and Maurice become pretty close as teens despite their seemingly conflicting personalities. And it wasn’t too hard for Maurice to figure out that Chad definitely had feelings for Rachel. Other than that, it wasn’t a surprise for him to understand that Chad hasn’t fully realized his own feelings for himself. (He can get really dense on the love aspect.)
5. Rachel may be accepting of her relationship rift with Chad, but his undercover missions that involve flirting with different girls and even going out with them at times for intel gathering incessantly gets on her nerves. It’s during these times that her temper is shorter and tends to spend excessive hours honing her battle skills. (and imagining she was hitting his face with her staff instead of the training dummy)
6. Chad’s own understanding and coming into terms with his feelings for Rachel is gradual. Whereas it was a simple understanding on Rachel’s case, that wasn’t so for him. 
Ok, actually this is going to overlap with my thoughts with him and Stacey although it’s part of the whole head cannon
So, where does Stacey come in? We do know that he’s depicted as being in a relationship with her. It’s a thought of mine that this is part of the image that he’s trying to keep up with. But while that’s the case, it doesn’t mean that that’s all she is to him. Underneath that jerk of a teen is still that boy that highly valued the people surrounding him, and she’s someone he deems as a friend and part of his new circle. However, he’s wondered for himself at times, why he just couldn’t see her in a different light despite Stacey being a nice girl and all with even a lot of admirers.
And more than once, he’s always found himself, looking forward on each of his trips to Moonbase so he could deliver his report to the Supreme Leader. It’s always something calming to him, and having just a glimpse of Rachel’s face immediately dispels the questions in his head. From here, he begins to understand.
This is also something that he looks back to later on in his older years, and without a doubt, would shake his head at with how silly he was that he just couldn’t get a clue. 
Relationship Summary thus far:  Classmates –> Same Sector –> Acquaintances –> Friends –> Close Friends –> It’s Complicated
g:KND Route
1. Chad doesn’t want her to know about it’s existence for the reason of wanting to keep her safe but well, that doesn’t exactly go as planned. We find Rachel’s status as a fugitive in this timeline. It’s a thought that her reason for vacating the position of Supreme Leader had nothing to do with age. Rather, it was during this time that she’d finally discovered the existence of the g:KND and the threat the organization posed. So when she went rouge, everything was pre-planned, and our runaway teen is furious and on the way to take matters into her own hands and to help stop the g:KND. Along with that, to rescue Chad and to actually give him a piece of her mind about the whole fiasco and secret keeping he’d been doing to her for years.
Relationship Summary thus far:  Classmates –> Same Sector –> Acquaintances –> Friends –> Close Friends –> It’s Complicated –> It’s Still Complicated
Alternate Timeline: TND
1. Let’s say the whole g:KND deal didn’t happen. After her time as a Kids Next Door operative, Rachel gets picked out as one of the teens to remain affiliated with the KND under the TND sub-organization. She still has a strained past with Chad after his ascension as an undercover agent (only difference then is him having no goals of joining the g:KND) and tries to avoid him at all costs. But encountering each other is an unavoidable aspect since the TND is much smaller as compared to the KND. 
2. He still has a habit of throwing all reason into the bin and looking after her to the extent of his capabilities. They often end up bickering due to this.
3. Much to Rachel’s discomfort, her family’s taken a liking to Chad. He didn’t have the best relationship with Harvey but eventually, learned to get along with each other. So, she’d often find him hanging around in her house and it irritates her to no end.
4. The reason for her irritation in item 3 is still linked with her confusion of him with his conflicting actions towards her. She’s not quite sure if he wants to rekindle their relationship or just plans to incessantly annoy her for some unknown reason.
5. For items 2 and 3, he has feelings for her, thus his actions. His 16 years old self still doesn’t understand this. Maurice often finds himself massaging his temples out of exasperation from him still not realizing after all the years that passed.
6. Chad’s parents have known Rachel as a child. At times even in their teen years, she’d wonder why they’d call her to check up on their son despite having a fallout with him in their adolescence. Nonetheless, she can’t seem to understand for herself why she’s happy they’d think of her when it comes to Chad.
7. Chad and Rachel have always belonged in different cliques, with Chad being with Maurice, Cree, and the other McClintock teens and Rachel with Patton and Fanny. Even then, their paths always seem to cross with Chad and Rachel often bickering that it becomes a habit for the 2 groups to encounter each other. At first, Fanny would glower at seeing Cree’s face, but Chad and Rachel’s banters become so routinal that the 2 girls would actually have the heart to exchange civil ‘heys’ and ‘hellos’ with each other, to Patton’s disbelieving horror.
8. It sets Chad off when a guy attempts to get cozy with Rachel especially when they have the nerve to refer to her as ‘Rach’. Nuh-uh, he’ll wreck havoc if he hears that.
Relationship Summary thus far:  Classmates –> Same Sector –> Acquaintances –> Friends –> Close Friends –> It’s Complicated –> They’re together, like why can’t they realize it?
Latter Years 
Overall, disregarding if we’re going with the g:KND or no g:KND timeline, I doubt that they’d really have it easy. Chad and Rachel’s relationship always seem to be stuck on that ‘it’s complicated’ category during their youth. They’re both very duty bound characters, whether the reason for it is riding on what people expect of them on the roles and responsibilities that they to fulfill or for the good of the majority of people. They’re each other’s soulmates, something which they may or may not understand later on. 
At some point, it’s a thought that their paths might even completely drift away from one another with each of them growing up and maturing with the other completely absent from their lives.
In this head cannon however, when they do find each other again, they make no more hesitations. And although they’ve been through a lot, people aren’t surprised that they still ended up winding up together. 
And their little blonde spitfire that’s the spitting image of Chad with Rachel’s indomitable spirit in him is a proof of this. ´・ᴗ・`
Phew, that was lengthy. I know I was only asked to share my head cannons but I swear, these were specifically categorized in my head from which timeline they came from. 
These head cannons may also vary because at times for my fics, I’d also include head cannons exclusively reserved for whichever universe the story is set in.
Thank you for asking this! I really enjoyed answering this ask! (◑‿◐)
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Also, here’s a little sketchy Rachad / 274/362 art I did some time ago when I was practicing my former art style (very manga / manhwa style inspired I know) prior to how I usually draw in now. 
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sirtadcooper · 7 years
Fandom Tag Meme
I was tagged by @lullapiee! I ❤ you! :)
1. Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s):
I’m currently obsessed with the Twelfth Doctor & Clara! While I know with all of my heart that they loved each other deeply, whether or not they actually did It™ is left up to interpretation, and I prefer to think that they did not. They just have a very deep emotional connection. They inspire each other to be better. One couldn’t knowingly live without the other. (Let me live in my denial.)
I’m also enjoying looking back over series 10 for all of the great moments between the Doctor and Bill, and the Doctor and Nardole. They were so much fun together! I would have loved another series with the three of them.
While watching The Hour recently, I became obsessed with Randall and Lix. Oh, my precious babies. I even found an amazing fic about them which I enjoyed very much (this one).
2. A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind (bonus points: who was that person).
I can’t really think of anything for which the seeds weren’t already there, but @lullapiee is an enabler of my feels for Victoria and Melbourne.
3. A pairing you used to love, but it all fell apart for you.
I used to really like Ten & Rose, but now I just find the whole romantic aspect of it a bit embarrassing. Maybe it’s because of what happened with Martha as a result. I still enjoy them as friends, though.
4. Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Well, I’ve tried a few times! This was this cracky Cyberman gifset that I put a lot of work into but no one really found all that funny. There were also a couple of things I made for my friend’s birthday a few years ago (this and this).
I’ve also written some funny fanfics. My favourites for Doctor Who include: Healing Gifts, Smiley-Face, and Concentrate, and there are some older ones from the days of Eleven and the Ponds too. I started off my writing with fun stuff so there’s plenty of Sherlock and Supernatural too. I’ve also written some funs for my favourite British detectives which can be found on my FanFiction.Net profile as well. I would love to write more fun stuff but writing is hard.
5. What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Primeval is my oldest fandom. I started watching at the start of series 2 in January 2008. I’ve only just looked it up - I thought it was 2007! Whoops. Anyway, wee me at the time went the whole hog with fanfics, fanvids, and fanart even though I had no idea that was what I was doing at the time. It seems I was born for this.
6. Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it?
I think it was Connor and Abby from Primeval.
7. Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over Tumblr.
I watched Parks and Recreation because of Tumblr. It was a good choice! Cheers, Tumblr!
8. Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike).
I think I’ll have to agree with @lullapiee here - while Danny was not my favourite character, at least he was a strong one. You knew what his reaction would be to any given situation. He did give Clara some really great advice during the series as well, and certainly didn’t deserve what happened to him. I just wish he and the Doctor had been a bit nicer to each other.
9. Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Less hate directed at the showrunners, acceptance that people will have differing points of view on characters, ships and stories. More general niceness.
10. Choose a song at random; which ship or character does it remind you of?
Saturn by Sleeping at Last always makes me think of the Doctor and Clara.
11. A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
I’m very mainstream in this regard, really. I can’t think of any!
12. Your most scandalous headcanon for your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s).
I am the single worst person you could ask this to, you know. Um... nope. Nothing. Sorry.
13. Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)?
I don’t tend to think much about this sort of thing, but I like to believe, whether it’s true or not, that that mysterious lady in The End of Time was the Doctor’s mother. Because it’s a nice thought... well, actually, it’s not all that nice. He does end up sending her back into the Time War... actually this is a horrible thought.
14. 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who), Castiel (Supernatural), Fred Thursday (Endeavour), Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) and Miranda (Miranda).
15. 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Amy & Rory (Doctor Who), Tony & Pepper (Marvel), Lois & Clark (Smallville or anywhere, really).
16. 5 favorite ships.
The TARDIS, The Black Pearl, The Enterprise NCC-1701 - there are probably more but those are my favourites.
17. Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged).
I love the level of imagination and creativity on this site but one thing I simply cannot stand is fast gifs. A gif appears faster anyway the longer you stare at it as your brain learns the sequence of the frames. If you stare at a gif that’s already moving at a fair lick you are going to get whiplash! Slow them down, please. The number of times I’ve had to not reblog a perfectly coloured, well put together gifset because the gifs were too fast is very sad. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this opinion either.
I’m going to tag: @amelias-sunflowers, @tonvstarkly, @rowofstars, @pinkfloralcake and @impossiblepond if you’d like to have a go. :)
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maddiereviews · 8 years
The 100 - Season 4, Episode 2
The episode starts with a flashback to nine days before current events. A young Grounder, Ilian, is holding his brother hostage to try and force his mother to take the chip that will make her subservient to A.L.I.E. His father lies dead on the ground, and A.L.I.E. convinces him to kill his brother. He slits his brother’s throat as his mother cries, but then the City of Light is shut down. He runs over to his mother, but she succumbs to her injuries.
After the opening credits we’re back in the current time and in Polis - where Kane and Abby have just finished having sex. She tells him that Roan is expecting her, and hesitates about putting on a necklace with a ring that once belonged to her late husband, Jake. Kane says he’s a part of who she is and encourages her to continue to wear it. While Abby loves Kane, part of her is still mourning Jake. I really do like how strong Abby and Kane’s relationship has become throughout the series.
Meanwhile Ilian is talking with Rafel, the ambassador of his people, the Trishanakru about Roan. Rafel says that Roan is Skaikru’s puppet, and that he plans to challenge him to single combat (which, funnily enough, sounds like “solo gunplay” in the Trigedasleng language). Ilian is uncertain, wanting revenge for his family but holding nothing against the King. However, Octavia has been listening in on their conversation.
Roan heads into the throne room, where again Echo makes comparisons to his mother, which he dislikes, reminding her that their people feared her. Echo asks why Roan rules as Lexa did, but before he can reply, Kane and Octavia enter the throne room, asking to speak to him alone. Kane says Rafel plans to challenge Roan, which Roan doesn’t really mind, however Kane reminds him that he’s still injured. He refuses to let anyone fight for him, but allows Kane to speak to Rafel. Although I can understand that Roan wants to prove himself a strong King - especially when people already doubt him because of his inclusion of Skaikru - he’s being very stubborn. I hope his stubbornness doesn’t get him killed.
Back at Arkadia, Bellamy, Clarke, Monty and Raven are discussing how they can get through the radiation. Clarke insists that she made a promise to Roan to protect the Grounders too, not just the Sky People. Raven says that they should tell everyone to get more minds working on solving the problem, but Bellamy doesn’t want to unless they have a solution. Monty says the Ark is their solution, as if they can seal it up, it will withstand radiation. Bellamy goes to speak to Nate and Bryan, telling them that they’re going to get a hydrogenerator from Farm Station - which is in Azgeda territory.
Jasper is taking a shower outside when he’s approached by Monty, who says he’s wasting their water. He’s oddly happy, especially after he was about to commit suicide just last episode, so I’m guessing this is all an act to hide how bad he really feels. He refuses to go to Farm Station, not wanting to be involved in any more of Clarke’s secrets. He asks Monty to get the weed they stashed behind his bed, which Monty agrees to. Clarke and Raven stay behind to try and find a solution that will also help the Grounders.
Arriving at Farm Station, they realise it’s overrun by Grounders, who they’re captured by. Bellamy shows them the seal that Roan gave them, claiming the King sent them. I feel like involving Roan in this is going to be bad news for the King of Azgeda. They’re then taking to the war chief, who reluctantly allows them to go and get the hydrogenerator. 
Raven has only five volunteers to help with her work and is stressing. Clarke says once Bellamy and the others get back, they’ll be able to go public with the news of the radiation, and get Raven the help she needs. Jaha walks in and Raven is immediately suspicious of him and reminds Clarke what he did, to which Jaha admits he knows of his sins. I’m hoping Jaha has a better arc this season - at least he acknowledges that his actions were wrong, and I’m interested to see how he’ll repent for them.
Roan and Echo are practising fighting in the throne room. He gains the advantage, but then grimaces at the pain in his wound, allowing Echo to defeat him. Abby inspects it and says it’s healing fine, but he needs more time. Echo offers to take his place, but Roan refuses. Abby leaves when Roan says she is no longer needed. After she goes, Echo again make comparisons to what Nia would have done. Roan tells her about the nuclear radiation, but Echo says that they’re lying, and asks to be sent to Arkadia to investigate. Roan says once the fight with Rafel is over, but not before then.
Kane and Octavia approach Rafel and Ilian. Kane tries to get Rafel to reconsider challenging Roan, however he refuses to. Ilian also says he hates Skaikru because the chip made him kill his entire family. Rafel refuses to take Kane’s advice, which is probably going to be bad news for Rafel.
While trying to come up with a solution for everyone including the Grounders, Clarke hears music and heads outside. She realises Jasper has convinced people to relax and have a good time and says that they should be working. Jasper reminds her that the others don’t know the world is ending.
At Farm Station, the group find out that the Grounders are keeping the remaining survivors as slaves. As they work on the hydrogenerator, they try to decide what to do about the slaves. One of the slaves drops a cloth with a message that they’re being moved tomorrow, so they discuss setting off the bomb in order to release the slaves. They take a vote on whether to bring the hydrogenerator back or use it to blow up the ship and free the slaves. Monty and Nate vote to bring the machine back, while Bryan and Harper vote for them to use it now. Bellamy is forced to make the call, and he chooses to free the slaves. 
They use the hydrogenerator to blow the station open, and Bryan says that the war chief is Monty’s kill, as he murdered Monty’s dad. Monty instead frees the slaves and walks away while they kill the war chief. I do like the ongoing theme of humanity, and the difficult choices that the survivors have to make. There’s no “right” decision, there’s just what’s best. Ultimately Bellamy chose with his heart instead of his head, but he’s still wanting to atone for his actions last season.
Jaha confronts Clarke about what she’s doing, but she refuses to say anything. He says he knows all about keeping secrets, and that he didn’t ever want people to die or get hurt, but being a leader is about making the best decisions that you can with the information you have.
Kane and Abby discuss the situation with Roan, before Abby says she wants to head back to Arkadia, as there isn’t anything else she can do to help Roan. Kane realises that she isn’t wearing her necklace anymore, indicating that she’s gotten over Jake’s death and is committed to her relationship with him now.
Octavia confronts Rafel while he’s alone eating dinner. She urges him to reconsider his fight with Roan, but he scoffs at her and refuses again to do so. She kills him by stabbing him through the ear, before cleaning the wound and her blade. The next day, the ambassadors enter - without Rafel. Roan is informed of Rafel’s death, which is apparently due to his heart stopping. Ilian glances at Octavia and says that she should have killed him too. Echo also regards Octavia with suspicion.
Bellamy’s group return to Arkadia. Bryan is upset when Nate admits he can’t say that their actions were the right thing to do. Raven and Clarke ask where the machine is, but Bellamy says they used it to save the slaves. Neither of them are impressed with Bellamy’s decision. Raven urges Clarke to tell the people the truth, so that they can all come up with a solution, which Clarke then does. I’m happy that they actually chose not to keep things secret - which has been a recurring theme in the past. Raven is right, they need all the help they can get.
4 out of 5 stars
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hetbigbang · 7 years
To claim a story you want to do art for, please drop a comment below with: FIRST CHOICE – Story Number: # SECOND CHOICE – Story Number: # Email Address: Remember: first come, first serve!! (*Next year, we will try out the Preview Day thing.) Sign ups for artists as well as this claim post will remain open until all fanfics get claimed! Get all your friends out to come take on some art! If you're willing to sign up as a Pinch Hit Artist, go here. After you have claimed your story, you will receive an email from the mods with your writer's name & info, and the snippets they provided (it may not be immediate, but it should be within 24-48 hours). Authors: you will receive an email with your artist’s information once your fic has been claimed. Artists and authors are not required to chat, but it’s highly encouraged that you work with each other in whatever manner works for both of you. :) What are the requirements for art? You can make whatever kind of art you feel like, in whichever medium. Drawing, painting, digital, manips, vids, fanmix, fabric, mixed media, anything you can think of. We just ask that you put some time and genuine effort into it, as our authors have put major effort into their story. You are required to make a minimum of ONE piece of art for the story you claim. MORE IS BETTER. We love more! We want more! But, based on feedback from prior year’s artists, we only have a requirement of one piece of artwork. Make it nice, put some serious effort into it! :) (more questions about Art and Claims and stuff? Check out our FAQ.) ~ CLAIMS: For the first round of claims, please only choose ONE story to do. We will shortly open it up to a second round, where you may claim a second and third fic if you so wish. If you’re super ambitious and desperately want to do more than three, talk to the mods and/or leave a comment and we’ll see what we can do - you must complete what you claim, however, if at all possible. Trying to find back-up artists is a nightmare - please don’t make us do it. ;) And a reminder that no extensions will be granted. Artists, if you have the time, please consider also signing up to be a pinch hit artist in the event someone has to drop out last minute. Art and Fics Due - August 26th, 11:59 PM (Midnight) PST (here is a timezone converter.) The following are all listed alphabetically by first fandom (i.e. in an Supernatural/Avengers crossover, it will only be listed under Supernatural). ~ #1 Story Name: I Rule The Ruins (tentative) Fandom: Borderlands Pairing: Helga Steele/Ted Blanco Summary: The Crimson Lance is the worst place to fall in love, but the choice is taken out of Commandant Steele's hands when she meets Zed and Ned's 'forbidden brother' and sees a side of him that she'd never expected. #2 Story Name: Moments of Clarity Fandom: Dark Angel Pairing: Max/Alec Summary: Alec gets captured. Max rescues him—alone. Away from Seattle, they deal with their feelings, bickering, trusting, loving each other. But Alec needs to go back and find answers. As they journey home, their love begins to fracture, eventually separating them. Can they find their way back to each other? #3 Story Name: the acoustics of your voice Fandom: Fringe Pairing: Olivia Dunham/Peter Bishop Summary: Set right after the end of Entrada, Olivia and Peter start dating and go undercover at a sex club!! Peter gets sick and things take a turn. (Important note: not a fan of Marionette and the storyline that came after on this side.) (Also; explicit explicit. has m/m, m/f/m, f/f sex scenes. You know, sex club.) #4 Story Name: The Lows and Highs of Us Fandom: Grimm Pairing: Nick Burkhardt/Adalind Schade Summary: Because she’s involved with the Grimm and had the audacity to have his baby, Adalind is kidnapped and tortured by the newly formed Zauberbiest Council. In a race against time and with the help of his friends, including the captain, Nick sets out to save her before it’s too late. #5 Story Name: the bolder the lip Fandom: Iron Man Pairing: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Summary: In Iron Man 2, Tony asks if Pepper wants to go to Venice. In this story, she says yes. #6 Story Name: My Blue Bucket of Gold Fandom: Mad Max Pairing: Furiosa/Max Summary: Max returns to the Citadel to make an exchange of favors, but his end of a deal with Furiosa, as well as rising concern for the Dag’s struggles, proves to be an encumbrance he wasn’t prepared for. Change promises to heal, but some old habits are hard to wash out. #7 Story Name: Betting on a Fall Fandom: MCU Pairing: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff Summary: “I bet I can get them to become a couple,” Tony said. “There is no way,” Clint snorted. “Have you met either one of them?” “So that’s a yes to the bet?” “Damn straight it is.” (AKA what happens when the Avengers are bored and Steve and Nat are oblivious.) #8 Story Name: I genuinely have no idea at this point! I'm terrible with titles, so it will probably end up being either a song title or lyrics! Fandom: Once Upon A Time in Wonderland Pairing: Anastasia/Jafar Summary: AU where Anastasia came to Storybrooke with Will in OUAT's season 3. Ana is thinking about Jafar at Christmastime when one of Santa's elves hears her say the only way she'd contemplate a relationship with him is if his bottle showed up under her tree with a bow that said "Merry Christmas, Anastasia." Instead of using her wishes, Ana asks Jafar for answers. WARNINGS for death and dub-con/discussions of previous death and dub-con. #9 Story Name: Jughead and Betty's Epic Detour Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Jughead Jones & Betty Cooper Summary: When Archie Andrews doesn't make the road trip he and Jughead Jones planned to take together, Jughead's other best friend, Betty Cooper accompanies him instead. #10 Story Name: currently untitled Fandom: Sanctuary Pairing: Helen Magnus/Will Zimmerman. Assorted past background pairings may pop up in passing, mostly canon, including: multiple for Helen (including Helen/Ranna, Helen/Charlotte, and Helen/Nikola), Will/Abby, Kate/Garris Summary: Helen's bringing the old team back together, but despite her grand plan there's still a lot of details to work out. Particularly regarding her relationship with Will. Set post-series. Includes a living (AI) Sanctuary, covert surface missions, Nikola, Kate, and Will still continuing to land himself in the infirmary. #11 Story Name: Let Me Drown In Your Laughter (Let Me Die In Your Arms) (the title's final) Fandom: Stargate Pairing: Laura Cadman/Evan Lorne, might also incorporate bits of Jennifer Keller/Ronon Dex Summary: It's the winter of 1868, and Cavalry officer Major Evan Lorne finds himself in the Middle of Nowhere, Colorado. How lucky that he comes across Atlantis, the horse breeding farm owned by Teyla Emmagan, Jennifer Keller… and that girl he met in Chicago five years go: Laura Cadman. #12 Story Name: Constant Still in Heart Abiding Fandom: Stargate Pairing: Sha're Jackson/Daniel Jackson Summary: Spinning off from the episode 2x9 Secrets, Daniel does manage to get Sha're through the Stargate back to the SGC. They plan to get help from the Asgard on Cimmeria to extract the Goa'uld symbiote Amaunet from Sha're, all the while navigating the politics of the SGC and Amaunet's own determination to retain Sha're's body #13 Story Name: A Promise to Burn Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clarke Griffin/Bellamy Blake. Summary: Season 1 rewrite. How much of the story changes if Clarke sleeps with Finn instead of Bellamy after Wells is killed? from Het Big Bang http://ift.tt/2eEXAYH via IFTTT
0 notes
prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 24
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 24 – Kaia’s POV.
The buzz was audible before Kaia even entered the office and she gulped, wondering how bad the news was after her disappearance on Saturday evening. She had already seen the photos of Changmin in the Press pit with Abby, but the girl was keeping tight-lipped about the entire ordeal. It made Kaia concerned and with all the noise as she climbed the stairs up to Korea Star, she became nervous as to what her punishment was going to be. Opening the door, Kaia stopped in her tracks once inside, blinking rapidly. The two figures were still there as she refocused and Kaia dropped her takeaway coffee, barely aware that it had emptied over the floor.
“Kaia!” Keith called her name and she snapped out of her reverie. The visitors to the office turned at the sound and Kaia stared at the taller one with an incredulous look. “Are you surprised at our guests to the office? Come and have a look at what we’re working on!”
“Okay,” Kaia said softly, walking slowly over to her desk and placing down her bag. Still shocked, she looked over at the group of staff and shook her head in attempts to clear the cloud forming in her mind.
“You look stunned.” Sungra smirked. “Even I reacted better when I saw them enter the building earlier than you are right now.”
“So I’m not imagining Yunho and Changmin in our office?”
Sungra pinched Kaia’s lower arm and she yelped. “Apparently not.”
“Kai, come over here,” Changmin instructed, moving over to her and grabbing her upper arms. He prodded Kaia over to Abby’s computer and pushed her gently into a free chair. “We have a plan.”
“For what?” Kaia glanced up at him and he pointed at Yunho who seemed quite pleased with himself. “Yunho?”
“Changmin explained the situation to me about Kaori after the concert. He handled it poorly rushing in to grab your friend Abby here, but the three of us were able to get an idea together to remove Kaori from Changmin’s side.”
Kaia blinked slowly and nodded, snapping her focus to the older man. “You’re what?!”
“Changmin was threatened by Kaori regarding you before going on stage. She told him that she had seen you,” Abby explained and Kaia nodded.
“She told me to be careful and that if she caught me around Changmin again, I’d have no future here, but I still don’t understand what you’re up to.”
“It’s rather romantic don’t you think?” Hyurin commented and Kaia glanced at the Korean in bewilderment. “Though you look really confused, Kaia.”
“That’s because I am.”
“We’re creating a semi-false report right now,” Yunho announced triumphantly. “We’re going to explain that Abby here was witness to a conversation between both Changmin and Kaori regarding their fake relationship. Then we’ve also got an inside report from a member of Kaori’s staff stating that the model was using Changmin for her debut as an actress and planned to drop him as soon as she had established her career. Your boss has agreed to contact SME regarding all this and letting them know before running the story.”
“But we won’t be able to, it’s not a real story,” Kaia rebutted, and Abby raised her hand to refute it.
“Yet I’ve been captured in the company of Changmin. It will simply be seen as his attempts to tell me not to run the story.”
“And thus SME will have no option but to cancel the contract of my relations with Kaori Kimura,” Changmin concluded happily.
Kaia nodded and then looked at the men. “But why are you going to such effort, apart from removing the Witch? Don’t you think this is a little dramatic?”
“It’s drama worthy really!” Keith exclaimed and grinned. “The idol who fell in love with his best friend. It would make a really good story!”
“Woah, what?!” Kaia was lucky she was sitting down, her knees instantly becoming incredibly weak.
Changmin coughed awkwardly. “Ah, let’s go talk somewhere, yeah?”
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Eventually, Changmin stopped walking and Kaia took a seat in the tiny park, her eyes darting around the area. “Uh, are you sure we should be seen in public like this? I know it’s empty but Min-”
“I couldn’t say what I have to in another setting. It would seem too, well it wouldn’t be right.” Changmin ran a hand through his hair before sitting on the park bench beside her. “Kaia, let’s talk.”
“We are,” she said with a smile, nudging him lightly. “You haven’t been this nervous in front of me since the first night we attempted to have sex.”
“I didn’t expect to revisit that memory,” he admitted with a chuckle and he seemed to relax a little. “Are you okay though?”
“In what way?”
Changmin cringed. Kaia smiled; he had always been so awkward talking about his inner thoughts. “Are you happy with how your life is right now?”
“Without you in it, I’m guessing you meant to add on.” He nodded sheepishly. “I miss you every day but I just can’t be your friend anymore. The contract, well it ruined that.”
“I don’t want to be your friend, Kaia,” he said and Kaia glanced at him, nodding lightly. Her heart began to pound and her face felt hot. She knew she was going to cry, but she tried not to let the tears form just yet. “Being your friend, well I enjoyed the time we spent together, but you’re right things have changed. It took me a while to realise it had.”
“Oh,” Kaia murmured, clamping her eyes closed and trying to settle her emotions. She nodded once. “Well, I’m happy still.”
“You, you are?” She had thrown him off.
“Yeah, Jaewon has become a good person within my life. I don’t see him often but when I do, well we have fun.”
Everything fell silent then, and Kaia wondered if Changmin would be able to move on now. She hated hurting him, throwing Jaewon in like a cheap shot, but Kaia was struggling just being in his company. There were so many things she wanted to express and the longer she was around Changmin, the harder it was to suppress them.
Changmin’s phone went off and he held it to his ear, looking dejected. “Yeah hyung, I remember our schedule, don’t worry I’ll be back soon.” He ended the call and Kaia got to her feet, smiling lightly at him.
“Well, sounds like you need to go.”
“Yeah.” He got up as well, nodding softly to himself. Kaia rocked back and forth in her sneakers, hoping he’d leave so she could succumb to the feelings rising within her chest. He stepped away and then stopped, surprising her a little. Kaia had to sniff back the beginning of her tears, blinking the emotion away as fast as she could. Changmin turned back to face her, his dark eyes searching hers for an answer. He then swiftly moved in front of Kaia, grabbing her jaw in his hands. “I have to do this.”
His lips pressed against hers passionately and for a moment Kaia was too stunned to react. As they caressed her mouth she snapped out of it, sliding her arms around his neck and kissing him back. The tears began to fall from Kaia’s eyes, wondering why she was allowing herself to have this last embrace. Eventually, Kaia found the willpower to pull away, covering her mouth with her hand and trying to settle her crying.
Changmin sighed. “I’m not sorry for kissing you. In fact, if I could, I would kiss you over and over. But that’s selfish of me to push my feelings onto you when you don’t want the same thing.”
“What?” Kaia snapped her eyes back to his face and shook her head. “What did you say?”
“Kai, why do you think we’re taking time out of our busy schedule right now constructing my escape from Kaori? I don’t want her coming after you. I don’t want to lose you because of her. I’ve already lost you because I was too blind to see I had fallen in love with you! But there was no way-”
“You, you love me?” Kaia breathed and Changmin’s cheeks flushed with colour. “You actually love me?”
“You said, in the beginning, these kinds of arrangements usually went one of two ways. The pair either split up wanting more from the world or fall in love, remember?” Kaia nodded. Changmin smiled and brushed her curls away gently. “I fell in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for weeks now. I just did-”
She cut him off with her lips, kissing him with demand. Changmin managed to balance Kaia’s attack, gripping her body hard within his arms and meeting her hunger completely. They kissed until breathless and then he leant his forehead against hers.
“I love you too.”
“I think that was apparent by the way you just leapt on me.” He chuckled. “Yunho told me you must have left because I was too blind to see you were in love with me too, but I didn’t believe you did; I thought I had done something to make you hate me.”
“It became too hard to bear the weight of my feelings around you,” Kaia confessed and Changmin laughed. She pouted, and then let out a whine. “Why are you laughing?!”
“Because we are complete idiots, just like Yunho has been telling us all along.”
Kaia rolled her eyes but smiled all the same. “It took you forever to figure it out. You’re more of an idiot than me!”
“Oh really? Why did you just think right now that I didn’t want anything to do with you?” He smirked and Kaia pouted again. Laughing, he pulled her against his chest and held her close. “It doesn’t matter now. I have you in my arms, and I’m not letting you go.”
Kaia snuggled into the embrace, closing her eyes and smiled happily. She didn’t want to let go either.
Part 25
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 22
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 22 – Kaia’s POV.
Kaia clamped her eyes shut as the headlights blinded her momentarily, the car’s engine soon turning off. As she reopened them, Changmin got out of the vehicle, his face a mixture of emotions. Narrowing her gaze, Kaia stood up and folded her arms across her chest.
“Kaia.” Changmin looked at her and for a moment she softened her expression with how scared he appeared. Then she remembered tonight and glared at the man all the same. “What, uh what are you doing here?”
“I wish I could have asked you the same thing earlier.”
He walked up to the internal access of his home and opened the door. Letting her in, Kaia followed Changmin up the stairs and into the apartment. Instead of approaching the situation, the Korean went straight for the refrigerator, peering inside it. She got frustrated by his avoidance and walked over. Shoving the door in attempts to get his attention, Changmin yelped and she smiled.
“Stop avoiding me in there then.”
He didn’t respond but kept whining. Opening the door, she found Changmin bending over and holding his face. Kaia’s eyes widened and she pried a hand aside to see blood coming from his nose.
“Ah it hurts!” he finally wailed and Kaia nodded, grabbing his arm and leading him to his bedroom.
“Tilt your head back to stem the bleeding,” she instructed along the way, pulling him into the bathroom and looking about for a solution. With his height, it would make more sense to use the shower and so she reached in for the nozzle and removed it from the wall whilst turning the tap on. She then beckoned Changmin over, running the cold water over his face slowly to clean the area and hope it would assist in stopping the flow. She turned it off and reached for a face cloth, pressing it to his nose firmly and waiting for it to settle down. A few minutes later it had finally subsided and Changmin took her hand away, cleaning his face up a little more.
“I didn’t expect that when I saw you sitting there Kai.”
She grimaced. “I wasn’t exactly hoping to physically harm you myself.”
He walked out of the bathroom and Kaia took a deep breath, following him into his room. Everything was still the same way as she remembered and she swallowed roughly, a wave of nostalgia hit her.
“I didn’t intentionally follow you if you think I did,” he announced and Kaia tilted her head to the side. “Not in the beginning anyway, I was on a date with the Witch.”
“I saw.” Kaia sat down on his bean bag, not wanting to climb on his bed beside him. It was hard enough being in the same room. “What is your deal though? Did you think Jaewon wouldn’t tell me about meeting you in the bathroom?!”
“I didn’t even think of it.”
“What were you thinking then?” Kaia got up, feeling the invasion of tonight coming back to surface. She had a right to be annoyed with Changmin right now.
“I wasn’t.”
He didn’t have any energy to fight with her. Kaia hesitated, wondering why he looked so meek. It wasn’t like Changmin to be so defeated. Blinking a couple of times, she turned away from him. “I don’t know what your plan is but I don’t need you to ruin things with Jaewon. You have Kaori so-”
“It’s not my intention to step into your relationship, Kaia.” Changmin’s voice wasn’t very loud, in fact, it didn’t even sound like him. “I’m sorry for following you tonight. I realised it but I didn’t want to cause a scene with Kaori either. There were reporters in the area.”
“Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Did you uh, have a good time?”
“Until I noticed you, yeah.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kaia squeezed her eyes shut and then moved to his side. “What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“Something’s bothering you, what is it?”
“You.” He groaned as soon as he said it, but it was enough to make her feel like she had been electrocuted. Picking her bag up, she nodded blindly. “Kaia, it’s not like that!”
“It was stupid of me to overreact and come here. I expected differently. Please just leave me alone from now on Changmin and don’t follow me anymore, I don’t like it.” She hurried to the front door but the Korean stopped her exit, stepping in front of it.
“I’m sorry that the contract did all this to our friendship.”
Kaia blinked roughly. “I, I am too. I have to go.”
“I miss you so much, Kaia.”
“Really need to go now,” she repeated, blinking back her tears. He seemed to accept this and stepped aside, slumping against the wall. Kaia took advantage of it and dashed out of the house, running down the path and away from the entire scene.
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A couple of days went by and Kaia had become confused about everything around her. She went to work, though she barely focused there, and had shut off from both Keith and Sungra. Kaia even spotted Abby meeting with Kim Junsu again, although it held no effect. All she could think of was how Changmin appeared when she last saw him. His face was the first thing she saw when she woke up and the last when she went to sleep, the miserable expression weighing her down no matter where she was. And no matter what Kaia tried to remove it, Changmin still remained on her brain. It was hopeless, and she guessed was a true sign that she was more in love with him than she realised.
The first guy that she didn’t try to paint as her Prince had arrived in her life. And she couldn’t even have him.
“Kaia?” She snapped her attention to Sungra and blinked out of her thoughts.
The Korean eyed her warily. “Minah’s been calling for you to go into her office for the past five minutes, didn’t you hear her?”
“She has?” Sungra nodded. “Oh, okay.”
Kaia got up and walked over to her office, knocking on the door and stepped inside. She felt instantly nervous, wondering if her work was appearing as distracted as she felt. Minah smiled and instructed Kaia to take a seat.
“Is everything okay?” she enquired and Kaia smiled weakly.
“To be honest, not really but it’s a personal issue, I’m sorry for letting it affect my work here.”
“I’m glad you admitted to that,” the older woman clasped her hands together. “It shows responsibility. Is it anything you’d like to talk about?”
Kaia shook her head. “I wouldn’t know where to begin and it’s something I don’t have my head around completely.”
“I wouldn’t ask someone normally to do this job for me with their head so out of the game; however you’re one of the only members of staff here at Korea Star with hands-on experience.”
“I am?” Kaia became intrigued, wondering what Minah was going to offer.
“There is a music festival coming up that has invited friends from Japan over. It will showcase Japanese acts, but more importantly, it will also have performances from Korean groups that promote over in Japan. It has an impressive line-up, and I want you to attend it and be the VIP reporter for Korea Star. You can choose one other staff member to help.”
Kaia gulped. “Why me?”
“As I said, you impressed me with your TONE editorial. I want to see just how well you are out on the front line. It could give you massive benefits, as people have already come to me regarding your articles recently.”
“People have what?” Kaia was stunned. “This is why you asked me to write under my real name? So I could get a credible portfolio in case I get interest from bigger journalism opportunities?”
Minah nodded. “It took you a while to realise this, didn’t it?”
“I only understood it now,” Kaia admittedly sheepishly and laughed awkwardly.
“Will you do the festival then? It’s going to help you tremendously.”
“I uh.” Kaia sighed. “Do you have the line-up?”
“Yes TVXQ will be performing, it’s a given.” Minah smiled knowingly. “Whatever went down between you and the members there is none of my business but stop sabotaging your professionalism for them. And I’m sure it will be good fun, there are heaps of artists performing, like KARA, THE BOSS, Supernova, Girl’s Day, CODE V and even SHINee. You’ll get in for free as being part of the press. Surely you don’t want to miss out on a great concert?”
“Did you say CODE V?” Kaia repeated and the woman nodded. She knew she had to go then. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
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“This is amazing!” Abby yelled and Kaia nodded, grinning at the girl. She had ended up choosing the American over Sungra and Keith, who had been impressively trying to get picked to join Kaia. She didn’t want to cause any fights or rivalries between the pair and opted to take a safer choice. It had worked out well so far, as they had been enjoying the concert together and getting a lot of work done at the same time. It helped that Abby was good with a camera too, as Kaia wasn’t able to capture the most influential moments in anything better than words.
Speaking into the voice recorder regarding the Girl’s Day performance, Kaia then turned to Abby. “Can you hold up here? I just need to use the bathroom.”
“Sure, don’t be long yeah?”
Kaia smiled and headed behind the scenes to the designated press area, looking for the toilets. Finding the sign directing to them, she went to turn but banged into a familiar woman. She looked Kaia up and down just like their last encounter, but this time instead of walking off, she placed a hand on Kaia’s lower arm. “My English is not good.”
“I can speak Korean if that helps?” Kaia responded in her second language and she nodded.
“I speak this better. Let’s talk.”
“Shim Changmin,” Kaori stated and Kaia froze as Kaori’s elegant face broke into a smile. “Ah, so you know him as I thought.”
“Yes, but I really have nothing to do with him.”
“Not what I’ve picked up on. I saw where he was looking on his date with me. I also know he followed you afterwards. Let me just get this clear. Stay away. People like you don’t belong with people like us. Haven’t you learnt this by now?”
“I don’t-”
She smiled brightly before leaning in to hug Kaia, Kaori’s mouth hovering around her ear. “If I see you with Changmin again, I will make sure you have no future in Korea.”
Part 23
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 12
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 12 – Kaia’s POV.
Kaia stood in front of the team members she had been working closely with and played with her bracelets nervously, wondering just how much she knew about each individual. Ever since Kaia had decided to tell the entire team about her second job that morning, she had been experiencing several emotions, one being guilt. Kaia never expected that her friendship with Changmin would ever amount to anything since it was so secretive in existence on its own. As she looked back over the time of being friends with the superstar, Kaia realised they had both been incredibly reckless. All it took was a photograph together, and with how Changmin had explained it to her a while ago, someone of his status would usually be followed. Kaia knew her luck had run out now.
“What is it Kai, you’re kind of scaring me,” Keith finally piped up out of the sea of expectant faces and she tried to pull herself together. “Has something bad happened?”
She nodded.
“Are you okay?!” Sungra immediately questioned, her dark eyes filling with concern. Kaia felt the guiltiest towards her, wondering how she would fix their friendship if Sungra took her news badly.
Minah stepped forward and placed a hand on Kaia’s shoulder reassuringly. “Are you leaving the team? You’re an asset to us Kaia, so I really hope its nothing like that.”
“I have been the worst person.” Kaia looked weakly around at the faces, all of them stunned that she had started speaking. “I have taken all of your friendship for granted and enjoyed your openness with me but I haven’t been open about everything in my life.”
Kaia watched as Keith and Abby exchanged glances and then shook their heads as if to stop her. She chose to ignore their protest and took another deep breath as Sungra looked at her, hurt evident in her dark gaze.
“I have a second job, and its one that I have kept to myself because of the implications it brings to this office-”
“Is it illegal?” Minah interrupted and Kaia shook her head. “What kind of implications then?”
“I work for an Entertainment company teaching English to idols,” Kaia finally announced and gasps filled the otherwise silent room. “I kept it from you all because I didn’t want to be seen as someone biased, though personally, I’ve never written anything to over exaggerate any idol.”
Sungra looked at Kaia coldly for a moment and nodded her head. “It’s SM Entertainment, isn’t it?”
“H-how did you know?” Kaia stuttered, and the room filled with more shocked noises.
“You work with Eunhyuk-oppa?!” Hyurin asked and Kaia grimaced, nodding lightly. “Can you please give him my phone number?!”
“Oh, and SHINee! Is Key as high maintenance and naggy as he appears on variety shows?!”
“Ladies,” Minah called out, silencing the bustling talking. “This is probably one of the reasons why Kaia felt compelled to keep this from us. Have you no dignity?”
“I have to go,” a small voice said and Kaia darted her focus back to Sungra. She rushed towards the exit and Kaia followed after her, screaming her name as she hurried down the flight of stairs. Sungra paused at the door and looked up at Kaia, tears forming in her eyes. “Please just let me have space. I will talk to you when I feel like I can. Right now, I’m wondering who my best friend truly is. And it has nothing to do with who works in that building but the reasons behind why you never told me.”
Sungra stepped out into the street then and Kaia watched for a moment before heading back up the stairs slowly. Everyone looked at her return and she shook her head softly. Keith came up and slung his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t worry Kai; she’ll not stay mad for long.”
“She’s not mad, she’s hurt.”
“She’ll come around, she always does though,” Abby assured and Kaia nodded, going back over to the group.
Minah cleared her throat. “Kaia, my office please.”
Kaia followed the woman down to the small room, sliding the door shut behind her. The older woman sat down at her desk and regarded Kaia for a moment. “I’m sorry for not informing you of this.”
“It must have been hard to keep it secret,” she said and Kaia nodded. “How long now?”
“I think it’s nearly eleven months.”
“Is there a particular reason you decided to share the information now?” she wondered and Kaia nodded again, hoping her idea would come across as a realistic opportunity.
“I have been given the chance to join TVXQ over in Japan for their TONE promotions. I won’t need any expenses to be paid for, just your permission to go and be a VIP reporter for Korea Star.” Kaia bit her lip gently in hopes Minah would agree.
“Does SME know you work here?”
“I believe they did a full background check on my enlistment into the company. They also are aware I write under a pen name.”
Minah seemed thoughtful. “Are you willing to take responsibility for anything you write?”
“I am.”
“Including writing the article under your real name? How we never picked up the fact you were the English teacher they employed who was good friends with Shim Changmin, I don’t-” She stopped her train of thought and let a knowing smile curl her lips up. “You have done the best to your ability to keep this secret to the point you ensured we wouldn’t discover you here.”
“I feel bad for taking the deliberate steps to not be uncovered. I didn’t want to be seen as a biased member of this team,” Kaia answered honestly and Minah chuckled.
“I will allow this trip, so long as you bring me the best news possible, and before the other news companies who we normally translate from. And that you write it all under your real name.”
Kaia cringed. “Is that last stipulation really necessary?”
“It’s the only reason I’ll let you come back to your job,” she replied and Kaia swallowed, Minah staring at her with a complicated expression. “You have no idea why I said that, but you’ll realise it in time.”
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Changmin had been so excited Kaia was going along to Japan, that he booked her flight immediately. Three days went by and still she hadn’t heard from Sungra, despite leaving at least fifty messages on her phone and email, even going around to her apartment for an hour without luck. Earlier in the morning, Kaia had returned to slip a note under her door explaining what best she could and of her whereabouts for the next three weeks. She then made her way to the airport with luggage in tow, wondering if she’d be able to get to the hotel she was staying at without getting lost. Kaia was panicking over her zero understanding of Japanese minus Konnichiwa and Arigatou, and realised she and Changmin hadn’t really thought this plan out as well.
All the same, Kaia boarded the plane when her flight was called over the intercom system and followed the other passengers onto it. She went to continue into economy but the stewardess stopped her, taking the ticket again and shaking her head.
“Miss, your seat is back up in first class.”
“It is?!” Kaia squeaked in astonishment, allowing the stewardess to direct her to the right seat. After thanking her distractedly, she sat down in the chair and blinked a few times. Pulling down the tray in front of her, Kaia ceased all movement when she noted the huge screen and assorted luxuries of the seat, before closing it back up hastily to pinch her arm. Letting out a yelp, Kaia shook her arm and accidentally bumped the person now beside her, bowing lightly despite his back being turned to her. Going back to her thoughts, Kaia barely noticed they were already in the air until she heard the seatbelt bell go off.
“Why on earth did he get me a first class ticket? Just because he lives a life of jet setting, did he think I would feel comfortable in amongst all these businessmen?” she mumbled to herself, pondering the idea and pulling a face. Kaia decided she wouldn’t play with anything out of stubbornness and the fact that she felt too far out of her depth. Folding her arms across her chest dramatically, Kaia cringed as she somehow bumped the man beside her again. “So much for heaps of space.”
“I never expected you to complain so much.”
“Well, its just completely unorthodox for me to be sitting here,” Kaia answered immediately and scowled at the chair in front of her.
“Could you imagine me back in economy with my long legs? You’re joking with me, right?” the person beside her continued and Kaia rolled her eyes and then let out a small scream, his hand covering her mouth so it became muffled. “Ugh, do you really have to make such a scene?”
Kaia’s eyes grew wide as Changmin rolled over to face her properly; his hair covered in a hat and hoodie that also shielded his face. She pushed his hand away from her mouth and then beat him with her own, his cries disturbing the older couple in front of them. After giving an apologetic smile to them both, Kaia leant towards the boy. “What are you doing here?!”
“I decided to be a nice friend, is this the thanks I get for jumping planes?”
“You’re supposed to be on the jet right now!” Kaia hissed back and he shrugged, picking up his iPod and fiddling with his playlists. “What if your fans saw you change?”
“I look like this, how could they?”
Kaia gave him an incredulous look. “You look completely like an idol. Who else tries too hard to hide in public? It’s just a complete giveaway.”
“Stop complaining, I did this for you because I knew you’d be worried about arriving in Japan and getting lost,” he spat back and she softened her expression, noting how uncomfortable it made him. “Don’t get too overwhelmed. Can we just enjoy the flight together?”
“Thank you,” Kaia said honestly and rearranged herself in the chair. Changmin placed one of his earbuds in his ear and offered the other to her, which made Kaia smile. Listening as Muse sounded through the device, she smiled up at Changmin and his ability to calm her nerves. Kaia wondered if she was able to offer anything to the tall Korean like he seemed to whenever she needed it.
With this thought in mind, Kaia hoped that she would be able to help Changmin with his dilemma of Kaori Kimura. It was the least she could do.
Part 13
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 20
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 20 – Kaia’s POV.
“So that went incredibly well, huh?” Kaia didn’t respond, her eyes were fixated on the two pieces of paper strewn on the floor by her feet. “I’m sure there was no other way you could possibly think of handling that, Kaia.”
“Your sarcasm isn’t needed right now.” Kaia finally glanced up at Sungra, the Korean smiling sympathetically. “Nothing is needed.”
“Why didn’t you tell him how you feel instead? I swear you are clueless at times.”
Kaia sighed heavily and leaned against Sungra as she crouched down beside her. “Tell him what exactly? That I’m falling in love with him and I can’t bear to see his face or hear his voice because it all hurts too much? I doubt Changmin would want to hear it. In fact, he’s so hell-bent on the friends issue that I know he’s only ever going to see me that way.”
“Kaia, you are simply hopeless.”
“I’m just stating the truth, Sung!” Kaia glared briefly at her friend as the hurt continued to course through her veins. “Shim Changmin is out of my league and doesn’t see me the way I do. I like him but he doesn’t like me. Not in the same way, anyway.”
“Fool.” Sungra shook her head. “Why the hell do you think he left here in such a hurry when he heard about Jaewon?”
“What are you getting at?”
Sungra gave her a hard look. “Ugh, and you wondered why Yunho called you stupid all the time. He’s right; you’re both as clueless as one another!”
“Don’t act like you know the situation Sungra,” Kaia warned and couldn’t help but smirk. “You only met him for less than five minutes and your first reaction was to scream and slam the door in his face.”
“Hey, it wasn’t my finest moment.” She cringed at the memory. “But I wasn’t exactly expecting to open the door and find him there. That kind of stuff happens in movies, not reality.”
Kaia sighed again and thought over the past few months. “I think what Changmin and I did should have remained in the movies too and not become our reality. I’m going to miss him. I miss him right now.”
“Kai, are you going to just stop meeting with him?”
“Of course.” She diverted her eyes to the contract, noting the friends clause. “If we couldn’t protect our friendship from falling, then there’s no way I can attempt to fix it. I’m in love with him now. It’s best I forget I ever had relations with Shim Changmin.”
Getting up off the floor, Kaia hastily picked up the contract and scrunched it up in her hand whilst walking over to her desk. She hovered above the trash bin, blinking a couple of times before dumping the paper into it and turned away.
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Kaia had been lucky enough to keep her job at Korea Star despite ending the trip to Japan short. Minah hadn’t even been angry, which had completely surprised her. It was still awkward to work in the office, however, Kaia’s fellow staff members all coming to her now and then in attempts to get information. She couldn’t blame them; she had stuck a big neon sign above her head stating she was an inside source of SME idols. Keith and Sungra slowed them down though, interrupting the conversations sometimes even before they began. Kaia was thankful to them both; she was struggling to work to the best of her ability since returning back to the office anyway.
“Kaia, I have a new article for you to work on.”
Kaia glanced up at Minah and smiled. “Sure, what is it?”
“You have the most knowledge on it.” She handed the transcript to her with a smile and Kaia glanced at it, her breath ceasing. It was regarding Changmin and Kaori and she closed her eyes, wishing she hadn’t of reacted so visibly.
“I don’t think I can give this piece a good attempt,” she said softly and avoided eye contact with her boss.
“I wouldn’t give it to you if I didn’t think you could handle it.”
Kaia coughed awkwardly. “Abby is very up to date on the TVXQ front also, perhaps she would prove a better candidate for the story?”
“I can do it if you don’t want to Kaia,” the girl mentioned said across from her, and relief coursed through Kaia’s body. She handed it over to her and sat back down, Minah still standing above her.
“Are you avoiding work from SME too?”
“E-excuse me?”
The woman folded her arms across her chest. “Are you still working for SME?”
“Not currently, I’m on a leave of absence.”
“Really? How come?” Hyurin asked quickly and Kaia heard Keith make a hissing sound in her direction. The junior staff member sat back down slowly.
“That is interesting.” Minah nodded and continued. “Your work on the TVXQ TONE promotion was top notch Kaia and I just find it odd you’ve come back from it with a different outlook than you went in. Are you struggling because I told you to write under your real name?”
Kaia looked around at the rest of the occupants of the room, her cheeks reddening. “Shouldn’t we take this to your office?”
“Do you feel uncomfortable?”
Minah smiled. “Don’t worry then, I’ll drop the subject. Back to work everyone.”
Kaia sat there for a moment, watching her boss retreat to the separate office before letting out a deep breath. Chairs from either side of Kaia swivelled around to her cubicle and she glanced at the pair.
“That was intense.”
Keith nodded. “I wonder why she brought all that up in front of us. That’s not like Minah to make a point in front of everyone, is it?”
“She’s normally so nice. I wonder if she is angry you came home earlier than planned Kai?”
Kaia thought over the conversation again and then shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know but I really need to stop looking like a deer caught in headlights every time I come across awkward situations.”
“Don’t worry; your secret is safe with us.”
Sungra slapped the man and shook her head, leaning closer to the man. “Not if you don’t keep acting like there’s a big story that we’re hiding in front of everyone. I swear sometimes you are a dangerous man to be around!”
“You’re just as dangerous Sungra!”
“Really?! I’ll have you know that I’m the best at these types of things!”
Kaia turned away from the bickering pair and back to her computer screen, scooting the chair closer to the device. It was hard to keep her mind from travelling to the report she had briefly scanned just moments ago and so she got to her feet, deciding a bathroom break was in order. Once inside the restroom, Kaia went over to the mirrors and stared at the image reflecting back. It didn’t look like her and as she scrutinised her appearance, her phone started to vibrate in her pocket.
Freezing, Kaia looked down at her jeans. Is it him? Changmin always had an uncanny way of contacting her within this room. Slipping a hand into the pocket, she pulled the device out and unlocked it. Jaewon flashed over the screen instead, and Kaia answered the call quickly before it clicked over to her message inbox.
“I thought you weren’t ever going to pick up.”
“Sorry I’m in the bathroom,” she admitted the man on the other end chuckled. “I’m fine to talk though, how are you?”
“Missing you.”
“Oh really? How is Japan?” Kaia turned around and leant against one of the sinks, smiling lightly to herself.
“I don’t know, I’m in Seoul currently.” He chuckled again. “I just got in actually.”
“And you chose to ring me?”
“Well I rung my Mum first,” he teased and she laughed. “I want to see you.”
“Now, tonight, tomorrow, whenever you’re free.”
Kaia blushed despite being alone. She had forgotten how different Jaewon was about how he was feeling. He was so upfront, unlike other guys. “What about your schedule?”
“Forget that I’m an idol and consider me a man instead.”
“You’re an idol?” Kaia joked and laughed again. “Surely you have a schedule though?”
“Well, I can’t actually do anything tomorrow but my manager gave us tonight off because the choreographer in charge of our new release is sick.”
“I’m so glad to be a second thought then.”
“Hey!” He laughed all the same. “Come on, can you squeeze me in for something tonight? A movie? Dinner? A movie and dinner?”
“I guess I can’t leave you bored,” Kaia agreed slowly, turning back to face the mirrors. “A movie and dinner does sound nice.”
We arranged a time and meeting spot and then hung up, Kaia now looking at the reflection smiling back at her. Her smile grew and she nodded, happy to see the stranger who was previously there was gone.
Kaia just hoped that Jaewon could heal the damage she had recently caused.
Part 21
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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