readyforthegarden · 1 year
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cel- celebrating- oh my god- celebrating new years with josh.., jeownwk
Devvie please, you would lose track of him and then hear his tipsy giggle throughout the house and have no clue where he is but suddenly the countdown is going for the ball drop and he's right there already kissing you even though it's not midnight yet, saying he just couldn't wait another second to kiss you, his cheeks tinged pink from the wine in his glass. He's pressing little pecks all over your face as you hear the three, two, one! Happy New Year!!! and suddenly he's swept you into a kiss that movies wish they could portray, every ounce of love he's ever felt for you pouring over you from just the press of his lips against yours in the living room of his childhood home. When he pulls away, his eyes are half-lidded from the drink and from the intoxication of being so close to you and so in love with you and all he can say is that he can't wait for next New Years Eve to do that again. Then you get to remind him that he can kiss you any time he wants, and the grin that spreads across his face as he leans back in for more kisses just makes you melt and laugh.
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revalise · 4 years
After the Sun [M] | 03
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Pairing: Chrollo Lucilfer x Fem. OC
Genre: Romance and eventual smut
Rating: M
Words: 3500+
Notes: I'm having a little hard time with the characters because this fic is forcing me to created too many OCs to fit a character because of they do not fit any canon characters from the anime.
This is probably my least favorite chapter and I did have a hard time writing this because of my writer's block. I started writing this around the end of August and finished it only last week.
But anyway, we move to my favorite parts starting from the next chapter! I have to say that this is my favorite work though, so I may or may not be paying attention more to this.
Thanks to Risa for beta reading this chapter again!
Check the updated Spotify playlist and give it a follow if you want to get a better idea of the fic and just listen to good music! /hj
Masterlist | 02 | 04
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Chrollo Lucilfer gets everything he wants, when he wants—even if it means undergoing extreme measures. Nothing bothered him, until an aphrodite, Astra Gerber, appeared one night and stole from the infamous thief. In return that Chrollo doesn't report her, he strikes a deal. But it could be more than what Astra bargained for.
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Astra’s phone rang continuously from the nightstand as she laid in her bed, asleep on her stomach, arms wrapped around the side of her head. Soft, comfortable, and clean white sheets kept her from waking from her slumber.
No, she hadn’t woken up from all the chaos that awaited as the sound of her ringtone filled the entire room. Rather, she had woken up to a loud banging on the door of the hotel room.
She kicked away the comforter that covered the sheer nightgown that wrapped her body. Hissing under her breath with closed eyes, willing herself to fall asleep once more. But the banging only continued, loud and louder until she had no other choice to get on her feet, open the door, and let out a stream of vicious curses at the source. So she wore her irritation on her face, stretched in all the edges, lined with her features that screamed beauty all throughout.
Astra grasped the metal handle, the coldness biting back on the smoothness of her skin. Then a familiar, vexed face met with hers.
“What have you done?” His strained voice erupted against the room. He hadn't waited for her to invite him in. No, he walked past her the moment she opened the door.
He was clad in purple-worked wonder, though a bit too fancy and too flashy for the morning.
“What have you done?” Satotz repeated once more as he sagged on the red ottoman.
Astra crossed her arms, arching a brow and turning to face him. “What do you mean what have I done?”
“Miss…” a timid voice said from beside her. Too timid, too small, and all too shy.
She shot a side glance at the source, revealing Khara. Astra’s brow rose upward, “What?” she snarled.
Khara blinked at the anger and irritation that seeped from Astra’s tone. It took all she had to stop herself from staggering backwards and to appear unintimidated, but it was all too hard for her—all too hard since she’d started working with her.
In truth, Khara looked forward to working with celebrities and being their assistant. And she's been excited to work with Astra. But at Astra’s first wave of a hand, she commanded her to do things she wasn’t sure were included in her job description. Or if it were, it consisted of driving half-across town for the food Astra wanted, subject to her cravings, and coming back to the packing and darkening lights of the set as the staff shut them close.
Astra would snap her fingers once, and Khara would be inclined to come rushing forward in hopes of avoiding the unnecessary lashing out of the lady. She was only a few years younger than Astra, but sometimes, she wondered if she were the older one.
Khara handed a newspaper to Astra, fighting the shudder that shook her hands violently. Her head aligned with the level of her chest as she bowed low and extended her hands. Despite all her efforts, it still showed, making Astra snicker and roll her eyes in response.
Astra strode towards the couch beside Satotz, sitting casually and gracefully, and ignoring the poor girl that was left just outside the door. Khara didn’t say a word, but her face contorted in embarrassment. Her short, black hair and bangs—that she got on a whim because she felt old—kept in the way of her sight. She blinked twice before inviting herself in, but as she did, the familiar perfume she’d memorized all too well invaded her nostrils.
“Good morning, Khara.”
Khara whipped her head around as her heart hammered in her chest.
“G-Good morning, sir,” Khara stuttered, earning a subtle chuckle from Wing, who just so happens to be Astra’s brother.
As rude and as bold as Astra was, Wing was the complete opposite of his sister. He talked with grace and utmost respect, bred like that of those who grew up in their father’s mansion. The way he talked, as Khara would have described it, was smooth and quiet. Polite.
He was very handsome. Tall and lean with raven-black hair just like his sister. Dark brows that accentuated his eyes. Those eyes. Khara swallowed.
One slow, deliberate examination was all it took for Khara to determine the hard muscle that lay underneath his clothed arms. But somehow, he’d always leave his shirt untucked.
“You don’t have to call me, ‘sir,’ Khara. Just Wing will do,” he flashed his white teeth in a smile.
“Okay…” She blushed at the mention of her name and hesitated, “...Wing.” She smiled, and she hoped it didn’t come off forced and awkward.
If Wing found it indifferent, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he only reached a hand over, “Let me help you with that.”
That was when Khara realized the paperbag of coffee dangling from her fingers. Quickly, she shook her head, “It’s okay! I can do it.”
He gave her a friendly smile, “No fair maiden should be carrying anything at all.”
Khara swore, she could have died right then and there. Could have. Only if the sharp memory of Astra making her carry her entire luggage didn’t obliterate her.
At the sole thought of Astra, she yelled from inside the room with utmost impatience, “Khara, did you get my coffee?”
Khara paid a quick glance at Astra, who was eyeing a magazine in her hand as she sat alone on the big, red velvet couch with gold wooden outlines, her feet resting on the coffee table that stacked the same fashion magazines she’d been reading. Completely ignoring Satotz who was massaging his temples from the seat beside her.
She gave Wing a tight smile before rushing over to Astra and opened the small lid for her. Astra paid her no attention as she sipped her coffee.
Wing invited himself into Astra's room. The first to notice him was Satotz, who widened his eyes at his appearance. Immediately standing up to greet the young lad and shaking his hand, the other clapping on his shoulder.
“Good morning,” Wing greeted.
“Yes, yes. Good morning,” Satotz smiled in return before beckoning Wing to take his seat, even dusting off the cushion with his bare hands.
Astra paid her brother no attention as she scanned the magazine that rested on her thighs. Wing braced his forearms on his knees, giving Astra a polite smile, “Good morning to you too, Astra.”
She didn’t even bother to look up at her brother when she replied curtly, “What’s good about the morning?”
Satotz could only bite his lip in nervousness as he shooed off Khara, making her scoot over.
Oh how interactions with Astra bothered her so much.
Fortunately, Wing was unlike his sisters. Perhaps it was because he was a man and had no interest in the drama surrounding their family, but whatever issues Astra had with her family, he stayed out of it. Women and their dramas.
If Satotz could properly put it into words, Wing was probably the only one in the family who could stand Astra. Even when she had her series of attitudes.
He only smiled, proceeding with another question, “How are you?”
Astra raised her head this time, brows creasing as she gave Wing a look that basically said ‘Why are you asking the obvious?’
“Woke up a bad bitch,” Astra said as she shrugged. “What’s new?”
Satotz issued a rather nervous laugh, hoping to snap Astra out of her misbehavior, “Astra just woke up. That’s why.”
Wing turned his attention to Satotz, seemingly unbothered by Astra, “May I ask your business with my sister, Satotz?” he asked politely.
Satotz felt a faint warmth in his chest, touched that the younger Gerber remembered his name. As he recalled, Astra’s family scorned the thought of show business. Therefore, he wasn’t well received in the family though he promised to answer their questions whatever it was.
But the calls stopped two years ago, when Astra found herself in too many dating scandals. Astra never asked, but Satotz knew she was curious if her father ever called to ask about her.
“Well,” he cleared his throat, switching to a rather serious tone as he pulled his phone from his pocket and displayed a picture of Chrollo and Astra looking a little too friendly—way too friendly. “This has been all over social media, tabloids, and insiders.”
Astra took a good look at the headline, reading loudly for them to hear, “Astra Gerber with another guy?” she almost yelled when she said the penultimate word.
She creased her brows as she took the device, reading the entire article, “And what is wrong with that?”
“You just had a dating scandal last month!” Satotz exclaimed.
She pinched her nose with her fingers, “It’s not my fault they love to start rumors and men love to jump on it.”
“And how come I don’t know any of this? It doesn’t benefit anything. Not even promotions,” Satotz added, ignoring her remark.
“Not all,” Wing grinned with an underlying meaning that piqued Satotz’s interest, tilting his head to the side, beckoning him to keep talking.
“Actually,” heturned his body towards Astra, “Dad sent me here to invite you to dinner tomorrow.”
“Dinner?” Satotz asked.
Wing nodded, “He didn’t say anything else, but it seems he’s interested.”
Astra’s heart pounded mercilessly. Her Dad wanted to see her? It felt unreal, but she didn’t say anything. She pretended to be interested in the comments instead, snorting and sneering at some of them.
[+128, -19] what’s new lol
[+154, -98] I feel bad for these people. Just a dating scandal and everyone’s at it like they killed someone
[+92, -23] right? lol if normal people can do it too why not them
[+19, -2] ew
She arched her brow on the last one before typing a comment in reply.
“Hey, don’t say anything! That’s my account!” Satotz tried to reach for his phone but Astra brought it up higher.
I’m sorry your screen is so reflective, she typed. As soon as she hit ‘reply,’ she took notice of the comment posted right underneath the one she replied to.
[+429, -19] i feel bad for all the lipstick that guy had to consume… he doesn’t deserve that ><
[18, -1] LMAOOOOOO
Astra would never admit it, but she almost laughed. Satotz thought she might reply to another comment and swiped the phone out of her grasp, reading the comment for himself.
He couldn’t help but cackle, almost choking on his coffee. Khara peered from his side, taking a peek at the device.
“Now that is funny,” Satotz laughed.
Khara grinned shyly, “Is it? I guess it is.” She tucked her hair behind her ear.
“Yeah,” Astra crossed her arms and gave a sly smile, “but if I find that person, they’re dead.”
Khara remained silent throughout the whole conversation.
It was still too early for Chrollo to inhale his second stick of cigarette as he looked over the city from the tall building where his empire stood.
He wore his three-piece suit as he held the cigarette with his right hand, the other tucked inside the pocket of his slacks.
From this distance, Chrollo could feel how far he'd come from the slums of Meteor City. He was no longer that boy who scraped off whatever could be salvaged from garbage.
Chrollo Lucilfer was now a bachelor. Rich and young. Just one snap of his ivory fingers and whatever he wants is his. Everything he did was calculated. Careful and clever. He couldn’t care less about arriving at his own judgment day, but he would never want to endanger his friends.
But last night was a mistake.
It took all of Chrollo’s self-control to pull away. The moment he felt something inexplicable was the moment he realized there was something wrong with him.
Usually, he gave the ladies gifts to keep them from complaining once he lost interest. But that night, he realized how genuinely he wanted to give Astra something.
He puffed out smoke when he recalled her words. He had pulled away and she wore that sultry smile. That sultry smile and that mouth that needed reminding of where it belongs.
“You be very careful,” she said slowly as she ran her hands down his blazer, straightening it. “I like you. And you see,” her eyes met his, challenging and batting those long lashes, “I have a habit of always getting what I want.”
Chrollo reached for the silver necklace he usually had around his neck, only to feel its absence. And he remembered that he still has yet to obtain that necklace back from Astra.
The door groaned as it opened and Paku’s voice echoed through the big office, “You should see this.”
Astra was already an hour late for dinner when she stood right outside the manor. Her family’s chauffeur took her red Bugatti to the parking lot when she stopped in front of the big, carved double doors embellished with golden markings that extended from one side to the other.
Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat was engraved in stone against the header, clean and written in cursive.
She licked her red lips as she smiled, remembering the meaning of what her family believed in for so long, “Fortune favors the brave.”
Even in the darkness, the manor shone brightly with the unnecessary lights as if it dared to rival the stars. She circled her fingers around the metal handle, flexing, until finally pushing it open.
Astra roamed her eyes around the interior. The first thing she noticed was how much none of it seemed to change. The house was designed with white and mahogany. A little too old for her liking, but everything about it screamed ‘old money.’
“Welcome home, miss,” Zeno, lowered his head at Astra as she entered.
Home, Astra snorted, laughing at the idea. Nah, not that.
She masked her face with merriment, the corners of her red lips twitching upwards, “Old age suits you perfectly, Zeno.”
Zeno's face was lined with wrinkles—a lot more than how she used to remember. His hair had turned silver, hunched shoulders, eyes a little watery, and the bags that rounded them looked saggy.
Even in his old age, she could still point out how he was her father’s favorite. She didn’t know exactly why, but Zeno had always been around her father. Always.
A compliment teased along Astra’s tongue regarding Zeno's loyalty to his father, but she bit back on that action. It wasn’t about Zeno's loyalty to her father, but his loyalty to her grandfather.
“Heh,” Zeno huffed, his face concealed with neutrality. Despite his old age and the difference in appearance, eloquence impacted his voice, not an ounce of fragility coming from the old man. “I see you’re still the same as ever.”
He turned to the side, extending a hand sidelong, “This way, please.”
“If you’d please,” Astra curtsied, mimicking Zeno’s formality only to tease.
Astra walked her way with the majordomo. Occasionally, she stole glances from the interior, comparing and checking how each used to be from the last time she remembered. She stalked past the elegant, absurdly expensive pianoforte in the hall. Shining jetblack in color with outlines of gold in its edges. A memory crossed her mind of playing with its keys and how her piano teacher used to yell at her for not understanding the lesson sooner.
A child from a rich family should be able to play at least one instrument.
Then she paced through bigger chandeliers as Zeno stopped along the opened double doors to the dinner hall, keeping his gnarled fingers clasped together as he stood upright.
“Thank you,” Astra mouthed as she entered, earning a terse nod from Zeno himself.
Martin sat at the head of the long, rectangular table—accented with a velvety red linen—to his right was his wife and Astra’s stepmother, Emilia, followed by Anais then Margaux, while Wing sat on the opposite side. Astra took notice of the empty seat beside her father on his left and right beside Wing.
“Oh, there she is,” Anais, her stepsister, jeered, rolling her eyes as soon as she spotted Astra.
Anais was the eldest in the family. And she had always been mean to Astra. A few pranks here and there that servants in the manor often felt bad for Astra. But one summer night after spending a whole year with Zazan, Astra pulled her big sister’s hair and Anais learned to keep her distance.
Astra simpered, her red Loubotins clattering against the marble floors.
Emilia scoffed at the scene and Astra’s swagger, crossing her hands. As if Martin could sense an insulting remark from his wife, Martin spoke, “Astra, you sit beside me.”
Astra almost stopped on her feet, surprised at the offer, but she knew all too well not to let go of the chance. Besides, she had a lot of covering up to do after being so obvious of how she shuddered in Martin’s presence. She had to scratch that truth out.
“Why thanks, Daddy,” her tone was honeyed, teasing even, as she kissed her father’s cheek before slipping into the chair.
She eyed the clean plates in front of her before her brown eyes flickered over Anais, meeting her dark gaze before she broke it with another roll of the eyes to which she only smirked at.
“So what’s the big occasion?” She whipped her head at Martin, flashing him a big smile that boasted her perfect, white teeth.
“Can’t I invite my daughter over for dinner?” Martin’s voice was dry but the usual tone he often used when trying to intimidate someone was present in it. He kept his gaze on the empty plate laid in front of him, taking the silver utensils from a housemaid
“Aww,” she teased, bracing her forearms on the table. She gazed up at her father with a snakelike smile that painted her face, stretching her sensuous red lips. “Is it that time of the year where you complete your bucket list?”
Martin glared at her while Wing stifled a laugh from his seat. Margaux only reached for her glass of wine, sipping quietly.
“You’re still as rude, as ever. I see,” Emilia said, narrowing her eyes at Astra as they sat across each other. “There are some things that never could be changed from the slums.”
Astra eyed Emilia, taking in her perfectly tied blonde locks and intimidation in those green orbs. But she merely smiled and said, “You say that like I didn’t live in a villa named after your husband before this family took me under their wing.”
Emilia set her utensils down, so harshly that the plates rattled, “You are a child born of wedlock,” she drawled.
“Actually,” Astra clasped her fingers together to rest her chin, giving her stepmother a teasing grin and flashing her perfectly white teeth, “I’d rather you call me a love child.”
“That is enough!” Martin yelled, his voice deep and threatening before he shifted his gaze over to his angered wife. “Emilia,” he said, a little softer but reprimanding.
It was a little odd that Martin came to Astra’s defense. Though it perplexed Astra, she didn’t ask.
Martin’s usual punishing brown eyes were soft when it met with Astra’s. Those same brown eyes were the definite proof that she was his daughter. But despite the softness he tried to show, there was still that seriousness exuding from out of it. Business. Formality. Transaction.
“Astra,” Martin dabbed a cloth over his lips before setting it down. “How are you?”
Astra’s hands found its way to the utensils, “Fine.What else?” She said as a matter of fact.
“Attention seeker,” Anais muttered, giving Astra a conspirator’s grin before she took a bite.
She only chuckled, unaffected and amused, “If I weren’t, I wouldn’t be a celebrity.”
“I heard from Satotz that you’ve been quite free lately,” Martin interrupted.
“Yes,” Astra pricked the steak with her fork. “I’m sort of on a vacation.”
“I see,” Martin replied. It took half a minute before he followed, “With Lucilfer?”
Astra remembered that she got two things from her father: those brown eyes and his iron will.
The iron will they both have to get whatever they want.
“Oh, is that what this is about?” The amusement and arrogance vanished in her eyes as her tone dropped.
“We’ve been trying to get Lucilfer on our side for about a year now. This is an important matter.”
“But he’s still so young,” she reasoned. If she remembered it correctly, young men don’t hold much importance until they’ve proven themselves—and that only happens when they’re as old as her father.
“But he holds some sort of importance,” Martin waved his hand. “And we need him.”
A warmth that swelled from her heart began to burn in her chest—a jealousy for a man she didn’t even know. She didn’t know exactly why her father needed him, and why he was so eager to. And she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
But if having Chrollo Lucilfer meant having her father, then she’d do everything in her power to make him hers.
Astra said nothing as she set her eyes down on her plate. As she realized that this wasn’t about her.
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ddurandal · 4 years
— YMMD Series: Part 1
— YMMD Series: | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
— fic masterlist
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— type: narrative
— genre: contemporary, fluff
— words: 1,945
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Chan wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or angry. Maybe he was feeling both. The guy across him just read a whole paragraph from his physics book in a not-so-loud-but-highly-audible-voice, and Chan didn't sit well with that. He was supposed to be studying dance theory, but with the way things were going, he might memorize physics formulas instead.
He was at the library, trying to cram half of the semester for the midterms exam next week. The place wasn't his ideal spot to spend his afternoon. However, with exams coming up in just a week, he figured he should just cram all of his lessons and maybe, at the very least, get a passing grade. He wasn't the only one working hard to get a passing grade as well. The library was full of students. But he wasn't really sure if he was lucky or not, since yes, he did find an empty seat—the only one left unoccupied— and soon found out why no one was sitting there. The guy across him who was wearing a shirt that was buttoned up to the very last button jittered and mumbled everytime he read from his thick physics book. Chan internally groaned and for a split second thought of throwing chips at the guy so he’d shut up and leave, but then decided against it. By the looks of it though, the passing grade was a blurry ambition as the guy across him tried to open a bottle of iced coffee, and then accidentally spilled it all on the table.
“Fuck,” Chan muttered as he grabbed his book and notebooks away from the liquid. The other guy beside him did the same thing.
“Oh no,” the guy said, eyes wide and now scared. “I’m so sorry!”
“Dude,” the other guy said, “you're making a mess.”
“I'm really sorry! I’ll clean it up fast. I’m so sorry.”
Chan sighed and placed his things on his seat, then he used a scratch paper to help Physics Guy clean the mess up.
“I think I have a pack of tissues in my bag,” the other guy offered. “Can I put my things on your chair while I get it?”
Chan mumbled a ‘yeah, sure’ not really looking at him. He could see the librarian was already on her way to them, anger evident on her face.
“Both of you,” she said as she reached their table. “Get out.”
“I didn't—” Chan tried to explain to her how any of this wasn't his fault at all, but the librarian’s face was already set and any he thought any more protests from him would result in him being banned from the building. So he decided to shut up and gather his things as quickly as he could.
When he was at the door, the physics guy caught up to him and apologized again. Chan had no choice but to smile it off even though, honestly, he was slightly pissed.
He decided to go to a coffee shop instead.
Chan had to call off teaching a few kids the new routine he’d thought of last night. Though, he did bring the black notebook with him to study. He brought it everywhere with him. Inspiration always striked at the oddest of hours and he needed the black notebook to write everything down, or else he was going to forget it all at once.
He went to the nearest coffee shop he could find, sat on a booth and arranged his stuff on the table. “Fine,” he murmured to himself. “Let's get this over with.” He checked his bag for the black notebook, but it wasn’t there.
What the hell, he whispered to himself, rummaging through his backpack.
He was sure he brought it with him to the library, and he was sure he placed it inside his bag before going out of the building. He was panicking now since he had just written a new choreography last night but he couldn’t remember the details.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cursed under his breath. Where could it be? Did he leave it in the library? Did Physics Guy accidentally mistake it as his own notebook? Did someone else take it? He had no damn clue but his heart was already racing. Where is his goddamn black notebook?
As if on cue, his phone chimed, announcing a new text message.
I have your notebook. It had your name and number written on the first page.
Chan, who was nervous as hell, thought it sounded like a message from a kidnapper asking for ransom. Or maybe he was just being dramatic. As fuck.
I need it back. Where should we meet? I’ll get it.
The person who had his notebook seemed like a slow replier. Chan was already biting the nail on his thumb for more or less two minutes. Still no reply.
“Maybe this is a scam,” Chan murmured to himself. However, if this was a scam, how would've this person known he lost his notebook in the first place? He also wrote his name and number on the first page in case it was lost.
His phone chimed again. This is the address.
Chan squinted at the words on the message. He sure was quick to give an address. Nevertheless, he still packed his things and went in search for his notebook.
The address the person gave him was of an old record store. Chan had to ask around because he hadn't been in this part of town before. At first, he thought the guy was shitting him and this was all some sick plan to, maybe, lure him into something illegal. Turns out, the record store was real.
It was a hole in the wall kind which sold old vinyls and CDs. Chan found a Michael Jackson Thriller vinyl, which, of course, was expensive as hell. It was kept inside a glass case, a sort of memorabilia of vintage records for sale.
He looked around, there was no one there that looked like someone his age. Where could this person be? He decided to fish his phone out of his pocket and send him a text.
I’m here. Where are you?
Minutes later, no reply.
Chan sighed and went to the cashier, who looked a few years older than him. He wore a simple blue t-shirt that said ‘worlds away’ and was playing some type of shooting game on his phone.
“Hi,” Chan greeted. The guy at the counter looked up from his game and immediately paused it.
“Is there something you need?” He said, smiling at Chan, showing a dimple on the corner of his mouth. His nametag said 'Seungcheol.’
“Uh,” Chan answered,”yeah. I was wondering if someone—a guy my age—came here? Like, a while ago? Holding a black notebook?”
Damn it. Chan realized he had come here so clueless. He went on a whim, following the guy’s instructions without even knowing what he looked like. He just really wanted his notebook back.
“Oh,” the guy’s eyes widened, “Are you Chan?"
Chan’s eyebrows furrowed, confused. “Yeah, but how did you—”
“The MJ record there is yours,” Seungcheol said, smiling.
“What?” He was even more confused now. “But it's expensive. I don't have money for it.”
“Don't worry. It's already paid.”
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. “What do you mean ‘paid’?”
“The guy you're looking for,” Seungncheol said, “he bought it. Said you liked MJ. He was holding a black notebook, like you said.”
Chan was now outside the record store, holding a paper bag with the MJ vintage record inside that, apparently, had been bought for him. Seungcheol didn't provide anymore didn't of who the guy was. He hurriedly gave Chan the record and went back to his game.
He grabbed his phone again and sent a text to the person.
What's this?
He snapped a photo of the paper bag and hit send.
Immediately, a reply came.
Hope you like it. :D
He wasn't sure if he was even allowed to like it. He was just immensely confused. Was this guy even serious or not?
Look, I don't know who tf you are, but if you just stole my notebook just to make fun of me I swear I will find you.
Again, the person replied immediately.
No, please don't think that. I knew you liked MJ and I just really wanted to make your day better.
“How did you know I liked MJ?” Chan murmured to his phone, looking at the iMessage cursor blinking at him. What was he supposed to say? Did this guy know him? Is he supposed to be creeped out? Chan didn't know what to feel at all, except that he just really wanted to get his notebook back.
He sighed and sent a reply saying just that.
I just really want my notebook back. Please give it back.
The person didn't reply immediately this time. Perhaps, Chan thought, he was contemplating giving it back now. He’ll finally meet him, and he planned to give the MJ record back to him too.
His phone chimed. Chan looked up from the paperbag in his hand that he hadn't realized he was staring at.
Okay. I guess I stressed you out. I hadn't intended to. I'd like to make it up to you. Let me buy you coffee.
Chan took a cab back to the coffee shop, clutching the paperbag next to him. Was he nervous? Very much so. He was finally going to meet this guy. He didn't know what this guy’s plan was but Chan just wanted to get this over with.
As soon as he opened the door, he saw him, smiling, looking down at his coffee. Beside the cup was his black notebook. He had texted him the address of the coffee shop and what he was wearing. Simple graphic white shirt and jeans, and his backpack beside him. Just like what he wore in the library when he asked Chan if it was okay to put his things on his seat. Just like when he offered Chan a pack of tissues.
Chan walked up slowly to him, realizing now who he was. Of course he still had to ask him why he stole the notebook and how the hell he knew he liked MJ, but his heart still skipped a beat.
“Hi,” the guy smiled up at him. “Please sit.”
“You're back,” was all Chan could say, not moving an inch.
The guy chuckled at him, “Yeah, I am. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But here I am.”
“Soonyoung…” Words seemed to have left Chan’s mind and mouth. He couldn't say a word. He didn't know what to say. Instead, memories invaded his brain, ones that happened a year ago, ones that had the man in front of him in them.
He remembered when Soonyoung kissed his forehead after his team won the dance competition. He remembered how they had matching smoothies in the same café they were in right now, except Chan only had black coffee now. He remembered how Soonyoung had to leave that day, uncertain when he would be back. He remembered he had to leave because his brother had been in a bad accident. He remembered how they had lost connection.
And now, here they were, meeting again, in the same place where they had first met.
“Maybe I should introduce myself again,” Soonyoung stood up, offering his hand for Chan to shake. “Hi, I'm Soonyoung. Nice to meet you.”
Chan, slowly, took his hand, and looked up at him. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he was smiling. “Nice to meet you too. I'm Chan.”
— • —
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lovelysheepy · 6 years
Eldritch Manors and Snow Globes
@spookyselfship Event Prompt Week 1 - Haunted Mansion
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, and Gore.
Word Count: Approximately 4000 words
The shattering of a snow globe turns all of Hat Manor into a terrifying death trap, and unfortunately someone has to deal with the whole affair.
I woke up as the plane hit land at last. My eyes blinked the grogginess away as I tried to reaffirm myself back to reality and everything I’d need to do to return to my usual routine. My mind and eyes glaze over as I pick up my carry-on bag and exit the plane from my first class seat hat Black Hat insisted on, and I hurried to collect my luggage at the baggage claim.
Of all the things I expected, it certainly wasn’t Dr. Flug. I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I figured I was seeing shit - the doctor hardly ever left his laboratory, much less Hat Manor. I watched him twitch and look around in a panicked manner. I glanced at the baggage carousel to see if my luggage was there as I walked my way towards Flug.
“Hey.” I called to him. “What are you-”
He exclaims my name and runs towards me - cutting me off, clearly filled with anxiety. “Where were you this entire time?” I blinked at him in confusion at his distress.
“Out of the country.” I answered, trying to remain calm for Flug’s sake. “What’s wrong?”
“I need you to come back with me to the manor.” Flug insists, getting behind me and starting to push me forward.
“Hey!” I retort, using my heels to ground myself from moving. “Will you calm down?!”
“Calm down?! If you think I’m the one who needs calming, wait until you see your boyfriend!” Flug whispers to me, worried about making a scene. We caught a few stares, and I glared at everyone who did as some glanced away and some continued to stare.
“Well, I’ll go - but I need my fucking luggage first so can you keep a lid on it, paperbag?” I frown, obviously unhappy. As with most people, I did not enjoy being pushed around. I glance behind me, as Flug’s eyelids were half open in exasperation - clearly dissatisfied with my response. “Don’t give me that. I literally just got back after two weeks.”
“Fine.” Flug says, no longer trying to push me. Instead, he waits by the baggage carousel. I stand next to him, and he slips his hands into his pockets.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Dementia… broke something. The Boss flipped. I’ll tell you more when there aren’t so many people around.”
I nod at him in understanding. After a few minutes my luggage finally shows up on the carousel, and I quickly go to retrieve it. We made our way to the airport’s parking lot in silence. I was tired and it was obvious Flug had something else on his mind. I felt a bitter taste in my mouth, hoping that I would have received a better greeting - this was the first I’ve ever been away from Black Hat and his subordinates. When we finally got to the black van that is Flug’s vehicle, company logo present on the side, Flug opens the back two doors of the van.
“Here.” Flug says, offering to take my luggage. I hand it over to him, as I watch him toss it into the back rather carefully.
“No problem.” He nods at me. I notice he was a lot more relaxed than before as he closes the doors and then goes around to the driver’s side of the van. I make my way around to the passenger side, and hop in.
“Y’know…” I start, securing myself with the seat belt. “You’re more relaxed than when I first saw you.”
“It’s… nice. To have a…” He quiets, squinting through the windshield. “....a friend.”
“...How come you didn’t answer your phone?”
“I didn’t have signal out of the country, my plan doesn’t have that kind of coverage. Actually-” I reach to pull out my phone from my pocket, as a turn it on. When the phone finally turns on completely, I see a rush of messages and phone calls followed by way too many phone vibrations than is necessary, and I cringe. “Jesus.”
“Yeah. It’s been. Pretty bad, to say the least.”
“Christ, Flug. What in the fresh hell happened?” I stare at him as he takes a deep breath, beginning to reverse and drive out of the parking lot. My eyes glance back over to my phone, looking at the texts and the phone calls. Half of the phone calls are from Black Hat, and the other half are from Flug. All of the texts were from Flug, with very few from my boyfriend. The texts don’t particularly explain the scenario, but there is clear desperation and some really dark images sent from Flug’s end that of which I couldn’t make out, and then texts from Black Hat that seemed relatively normal.
“I don’t remember where she got it, but Dementia came into my lab with some snow globe she was obsessed with. Something about how it was shiny. Anyway, Black Hat came stomping in a fit from his office and into the lab, and the snow globe broke since Dementia dropped it. And then just like that, he… the Boss… just snapped.” Flug fumbles with his words, clearly unsure of how to describe it. “The whole manor is a death trap now.” Flug sighs, becoming tense. I nod, staring at the pictures.
“Is that what the pictures you sent are of? The manor?”
I stared at them in silence, trying to find any signs. I vaguely remembered giving Black Hat a snow globe awhile back, who told me that he used it as a decoration for his office desk. If it was the same snow globe, I could understand why he’d be upset. If someone came around and stole my shit and broke a gift that my boyfriend gave to me - to say the least I would not be able to guarantee their safety. I decided not to tell Flug the snow globe was from me - as it didn’t matter either way and I thought it’d be nice to keep some of Black Hat’s dignity intact.
“So is the whole manor like this?”
“The whole manor. I haven’t been staying there since five days ago when it happened.”
“Five days? Where have you been staying, Flug?”
“Your apartment.” He admits, gulping a bit. I give him a look of disbelief. “W-Well there wasn’t exactly anywhere else and y-you told me I could always drop b-by and I knew you’d have a sp-spare key underneath the flower pot so I…” He trails off.
“No, no. It’s okay, Flug. I get it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Christ, sorry about the mess.” I shook my head and waved my hands. “Sorry. I forgot to clean before I left.” I began to scratch the back of my neck, sighing that this ordeal happened to begin with.
“I hope you don’t mind if 5.0.5 cleaned up your apartment while you were gone. I told him he shouldn’t mess with your stuff but he couldn’t help himself when I passed out that night.” I laughed.
“5.0.5 is such a sweetheart.” I glance at the road ahead. “It’s fine. As long as I can find my stuff.”
“...You don’t take care of yourself that much either, do you?”
“A bit of a hypocrite, aren’t you?” He snorts, clearly making a reference to the fact that I always made an effort to pester him about his self-care.
“Yeah. I guess I am. I try, but - y’know, you’ve seen the state of my apartment.” I sigh. “I suffer from major depressive disorder, it’s hard to get out of bed some days.”
“...Oh. I’m sorry. Are you taking medication?”
“Yeah.” I nod, vaguely remembering the medication in my bag. “It only does so much, though. That’s just how it is.”
“Does the Boss know?”
“I think? I take it in the evening so every time I’ve stayed overnight at the manor I’ve had to bring it with me. He’s seen me take it, but he’s never asked what it was for.” I answer honestly, finger rising to my chin as I stare at the road ahead in thought.
“I think you should tell him.” Flug states, making a turn. “...Sorry I didn’t ask before at the airport, but uh. How was your trip?”
“Oh, that’s okay.” I reassure him. “Hearing your situation, I can understand why. But uh, my trip was fine. I visited family. One of my cousins was finally getting married and she went through all the trouble to invite me and I couldn’t help but want to go there. Not to mention the rest of my family were also going so it was a pretty big reunion I couldn’t bring myself to miss out on. I told Black Hat about it before I left, hoping something like this wouldn’t happen. I thought he’d mention it to you, but doesn’t seem like that was the case.”
Flug sighs. “What he tells me is always on a need-to-know basis. You know he doesn’t approve of our amicable relationship.”
“Well, I disapprove of his disapproval.” I say with a huff. “He can learn how to deal.” I couldn’t help but smile, when I finally heard Flug laugh.
“If I ever said anything like that, Boss would have my head. I don’t understand how you do it.”
I shake my head, smile growing on my face. “It’s cause I’m cute.”
“I can neither confirm or deny.” His smug tone is clear.
“Well, I didn’t ask you.” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. We both can’t help but laugh as we reach Hat Manor. I turn to stare out the window at the manor, which looks relatively as normal as ever. “Looks fine, Flug.” I notice Flug visibly swallow.
“It’s worse on the inside.” I nod at him as he turns to me, and I begin to undo my seat belt and get out of the van. I stand in front of the gates, expecting Black Hat to open up the doors and greet me like all the times he’s done before this. He doesn’t come out of the manor, so I squint - fully aware that something is very, very wrong.
“I’ll disable the security system.” Flug states, pulling a device out of his pocket. He presses a few buttons and keys. “There, now you should be able to safely get inside.”
“Are you not coming with me?” I ask him, concerned.
“Are you serious? If I go in there I’m sure I’ll die.” Flug retorts, pulling out a maglite from the back of the van and handing it to me. “You’ll need this.”
“Well, then why are you sending me in there?!”
“Because, I don’t think Black Hat will tear your head off.” I glare at Flug, who simply shrugs at me. I grab the maglite from him, and then I stare at the manor, squinting.
“Fine.” I grumble, as I open up the gates and walk my way into the manor. I turn back to Flug, who is watching me as I trek on. When I finally reach the doors to the manor, I’m disappointed that Black Hat had yet to greet me. I take a deep breath and open the doors - seeing an inky blackness inside. Even as the windows are obviously uncovered, there is no light in the foyer. I turn on the maglite in my hand, and step inside.
The moment I finally step inside, the door slams behind me. I turn back to jingle the handles of the entrance door, only to find that the door will no longer open and the handles are stuck. “Fuck.” I curse to myself, turning around to face the stairs.
The inside of the manor is pitch black, and completely silent. I step forward up the stairs quietly, hand touching the handrails of the entryway stairs, only to feel my hand become wet. I yelp in surprise, staring at my hand dripping with a black substance. I attempt to shake it off, unhappy with the mess. I continue to step up the stairs which creak with it’s age. It felt like walking through a haunted mansion, but this was very real.
I flashed the maglite around to the painting of Black Hat that had adorned the center of the manor’s entryway, staring at the distorted form before me. It looked as if something was pulsating over the painting of Black Hat of a nature and origin that I could not place. I regretted taking a sharp intake of breath as I tried to calm my nerves.
“Ugh.” I reel, a corpse-like stench emitting from the substance. I continue on to move away from the substance as quickly as possible, attempting to find the other stairway towards Flug’s lab. I was not sure where Black Hat would be - but if Flug’s story had been correct then that would be the first place to start searching. I wondered where Dementia was - if she was even alive at this point if this is how Black Hat lashed out.
It was further up the stairs where I found what looked to be Dementia’s body. I gasped, running over towards her. I flashed the maglite towards the walls and ceiling, which was covered in sticky and dry blood. “Oh, god.” I murmured, leaning down to touch her shoulder. She was cold. I bit my lip, and tried to turn her over with my foot. I held back a scream, seeing her torso completely mutilated - a gaping hole from her chest where her heart should have been. Dementia’s eyes were empty, her brain clearly visible in the back from where the eyes were no longer. I flinched away from her body, hand covering my mouth.
I felt goosebumps go through my spine, and began to feel a cold sweat on my brow as I stared at her lifeless form. Black Hat really had done this. All of this. My hands began to tremble, full of fear. Unable to look at her body anymore, I closed my eyes - trying to hold back tears. I always had known Dementia did not like me that much, or so I thought. I knew she had always resented me slightly, because of Black Hat’s favoritism - she pined for him so much. However, I had never felt ill-will towards her, and I knew that I would never wished for her end to be like this. It was just a gift - a fucking snow globe. I could’ve made a new snow globe, as many as it took.
I could not hold back a sniffle from escaping, as I tried to move forward away from her body. My mind drifted from Dementia to Black Hat, and I wondered why he had to go this far. I bit my lip, anger beginning to rise in my throat. It was so unnecessary. My anger was so overwhelming, I sniffled again - tears beginning to well up in the corners of my eyes.
My attention had switched from the grim thoughts of Dementia’s corpse, when I began to hear the sounds of shifting behind the hall which I walked from. I turned my head, glancing at the form of a black creature, moving in the manner of a biped on two spindly legs. It had two spindly arms, sharp and ended in a point similar to that of icicles. I took a deep breath, watching the creature in shock - the smell of corpses once again hitting my nose. I had to run. I had to get out of here. I had to find Black Hat.
I began to run forward in a sprint, making my way towards the lab. I turned back to watch as the creature got down on all fours to make chase after me. I would have screamed for help, if I wasn’t worried about attracted attention to any creature similar, and if I wasn’t worried about wasting my breath that I needed in my run. I could feel the creature gaining on me, speed being an advantage of a four-legged creature over a bipedal one. I turned the corner and laid eyes on the open door of Flug’s lab. I rushed towards it, entering the lab door as I began to fumble in a panic to close the sliding metal doors with the console.
“Hurry up, hurry up…” I said, watching the doors closing too slow as the creature began to pick up in speed to make it to the doors. Scared for my life, I began to feel my life flash before my eyes. At least I had gotten to say goodbye to my family at the reunion. I watched as the creature began to leap towards me through the small crack in the door, awaiting my demise. I flinched and closed my eyes - however pain nor death came. I opened an eye only to see the doors closed, and my life well intact. I began to cry, coming down from the adrenaline high. I took a deep breath after a few minutes, as I tried to collect myself.
I turned around to face the lab, eyes still stinging from the tears. I see a form besides the remains of a broken snow globe. The creature was similar to the one that had chased me before, but the shape was more human-like. I blinked, staring at the top hat-like mass on the head of the creature. My eyes glanced to the broken snow globe, and seeing the ground covered in red glitter - I had identified that this was in fact, the snow globe that I gave to him. I bit my lip, and approached the figure.
“Black Hat?” I called out to it. The creature turned to me.
"̵̢̕͢͝Y̸'̷̧͡ ̕͜͠͏ą͘h̕͠ ̵̨͘͠l̴̶͘҉̢'͜͢͢͝ ́s͞o͘͢͡͡͠r̷̵ŕ̴͏y̴͢͢,̛́͡ ̵̶̢y̴̢͟a̷̡͢ ̡͢ḑ̢̢͡e͏̷a҉̵̨̨r͢҉̷́́.̴̴̷̢͝"̨́͜͠
The creature speaks, but it comes out garbled. I squint, trying to make sense of what it says - but only barely. The language sounds very different from what I was familiar with, but I could make out the word “sorry” and “dear”. The message seemed clear enough.
“It’s okay.” I tell the creature, walking forward to touch it’s shoulder. It doesn’t flinch away from me when my hand makes contact, but it feels wet, and I can’t help but be uncomfortable. It takes a lot to keep my hand from retracting, but I let it stay. “What happened to you, Black Hat?”
"̴̧̧̛̀C̛͜a̛h̡́͢͡f̵̵̨͞ ́̕͜ǫ̛́t͘͡ ̧̀h͢͝͡h͘͞'͘͟͝ ́͘̕͘a̴̢͜͏h͟ ̵͟͢g̴i͜͡͠f͜͝t̸̶̸͘ ̸̧͟͝h̶͘͟͝u̷̡͢p҉͡ ̧͟͞y͡a̡̡̛ ͏҉̷͏̢o̷͏͏͏r͜͢͡ŗ́̕'͏̛͝͏͝ę̸͜ ҉̨̧u̵̕͡a͢͏̀a͘͢à̶̀͘͟h̵͢͢͝g͏̀͝o̡͢͟f̡̢͟'̶͏̵͟ń̶̢͞ ̷̨̀́̕a̷̷͞͝h̵͡͞ ̢͢s͡h̷͝͞͏̛a̶̢̨͢t̸͟҉t̸̶͟e̵̷̡͢ŗ͞͡͡ę̴́d̛͘ ͏҉̛͟l̸͜͡ļ͠͏̵͝l̷͏͡l͏͟͞ ̷͠҉͏͝á̕͡͏z̡̕a̸̡̢n̛͘a̡͞h̴͏́͟ó̡̨̧t̕͟҉̷̨h̵̵̸́͠.̛̕͜͝"̶̡͝
“I-” I stutter, trying to make sense of what is being said. It is definitely in a different language. I gulp. “I don’t understand what you are saying, I’m sorry.”
The creature stands up, and turns to me. I stare up at the creature, amazed by the two foot difference in height. While Black Hat often dwarfed me, I have never felt so small. I blinked in awe. The creature’s human-like hand takes mine.
"̛́̀͢͞L̢͜ĺ̷̡̀͟l̛͏̵̸̕l̢̡͢ ̶́̕͟͞n͟҉o̶͢͠͝g͘ ́́͘͠͠ý̴̨̧́a̧̢͠͠͝.̀͘͢͟͡"̧͟͜͢͠
I squint, still unable to understand as the creature attempts to drag me off towards the door. I gasp as I almost trip to keep up, the grip on my hand certain and insistent. I frown but try to keep up with the creature, assuming that it’s trying to get me to follow. The double doors open, as the creature leads me through the darkness. I shine my maglite in front of me, but the creature smacks it away.
“Hey!” I yell in surprise, and the creature growls. I stare into the darkness, completely unable to see. I sigh. “I can’t see anymore.”
"̡͜T̶͢͏̴ŕ͜͟ú́s̶̀͘͢͝t̵͡҉ ͞҉y̢̢͟͡a͏̵.̵̶̸͢"̴̡̢͝͝
I make out the word “trust”, and I simply sigh as I’m led away through the darkness in silence. After walking for awhile and hearing shuffling in the distance, I finally hear the sound of a door opening as a green light flickers from the room. I feel a hand on my back, as I assume the creature that was leading me beckons for me to step inside. I step inside, seeing a creature of unspeakable horror sit in front of the fireplace - tendrils and multiple appendages reach out to me, and touch my face and the rest of my body.
I stare in horror, and see it - the top hat. Was this Black Hat? I feel myself being tugged forward by the tendrils, and I stop by digging my heels into the ground. It only tugs harder, as I am swept off of my feet and absorbed into the Black Mass. I gasp, feeling like a dark tar begins to enter through my mouth and nostrils, the sensation burning and incredibly painful. I felt like I was going to drown, and then suddenly I felt nothing. However, I was clearly alive. The tar felt like air, and in the dark expanse I saw my boyfriend - his form monstrous and disheveled. The tendrils from the previous monstrosity led me to him, as tendrils that came from him and wrapped around me - as if the tendrils were passing me on. Once I was close enough, his arms wrapped around my form, and he buried his face into my neck. I sighed, wrapping my arms around him.
“I’m back, Black Hat.” I say, hoping for a response I could understand.
"̧Wel̕c͏o͠m̛è ́back." He says, voice and language discernible and understandable. I sigh, relieved to know what he was saying but unhappy with the lack of information regarding the manor’s current state.
“Thank you. ...Are you going to explain?” I sigh, and Black Hat grumbles.
“̴T͝he ̵ĺi͏z͏ar͘d̴ ̶br̴oke̸ ͜m̡y ̧g̀if͠t ̨f̀r͡o͠m̵ y̴o͞u. ̨S̢o ͏I ende̴d͞ ̸h͢er͜ l̢i҉fe.” I blinked a few times - in shock that my hypothesis was actually true. I didn’t know why I expected anything different, however.
“...I see.” I say, staring at the darkness behind him. It felt as if we were floating in water, my hair rising up on it’s own.
“̡..̸.͞Ar̸ȩ ̴yo̕u̷ ̢n̵ot̢ ̀angr̵y̡?͜”
“́Y͜ou s͝h̸ould͝ ͜b̷e.”͞ He hisses.
“Why? It’s just a snow globe.”
“N͢o,̨ my ͘dea͠r. I͘t w̸a҉s҉ no͞t j̴us̛t a̵ ͟s̷n͜ow globe̶. It w͞a̢s͞ ͜yơur͡ s̡n̴ǫw̶ gl͞obȩ.̶”
“I can make more snow globes, Black Hat.”
“Y͜ou͝ ͡dón̶’͏t͞ ̴gȩt it̀.”͝ He growls. I could feel the tendrils tighten around my form.
“No - you know what? Okay. No, I definitely get it. I get where you’re coming from, because if  someone decided to try and steal a gift that was from you and then go as far as to break it, I would be pretty mad, too. But I would not go as far as to kill someone over it - because you’re still here. As long as no one has hurt you, then everything will be okay.” I sigh, my hold on Black Hat tightening. He doesn’t respond.
“I will always have more gifts for you, so you don’t have to fret over the snow globe, okay? I know you treasured it, you even put it on your office desk and it was… really wonderful of you to do that. It made me feel special. But you didn’t have to kill Dementia for it - she didn’t deserve that.”
“͟You̶ ̴don’t knoẃ ̡w͜hat̷ sh̷e ͏desȩr͢v̵e͞d̨.́” He huffs.
“She didn’t deserve death, that’s for sure.” I retort with a bit of sass in my tone. “I don’t think she meant to break it, I think she just found it really nice to look at.”
“͠Well, ͞s̶h͡e͠ sh̶óul̕d͞ h̷av̛è ke̡pt h͜e҉r͢ sc̵a̧l̛y h̶a͏n̢ds̀ off͠ ́of it͏ ̸and͘ j͡ust l͠ooked̵ ̴a̧t ̛it͠.̡”̛
“Black Hat.” I sternly reply. He sighs.
“̀.͡..̶I d̡i̷d̶n’t kil͜l͜ ̡her̀. A҉l͢ļ ̷I ̀did ͟ẃa̛s ̷rip͡ h̵e͝r ̴śoul͏ out̕ of́ ̶her b͏o̴dy͏ a͝nd̷ mau̴led the ͟bod̷y.̸ ҉T͟h͝i҉s ҉is̀n͝’t͜ ̶the f̨ir̶st ͡t̨ime͏.́”̴
“Y̧es.̛ ̵I͜ ̨w̷i͜ll͘ ̡have F̷lu̸ģ ͜m҉ak̢e h͜e̢r a̢ n̶ȩw ̴b̶o͝d̴ý. I ̛was ͘t͘èac͟hing ͏t͢h̸e̢ ͏rưn̕t̵ a lesson͜.͞ ̛Sh̴e ͝was ͡j̨ust͝ a̕ ͝m̢utáted l͢iz͘a͘r͟d̵ ͞anywa͝y͝.”̧
“Then why have you been like this for five days?”
“Black Hat.”
“I̸ ̴d̨i͡d n̶o̴t w͘a̸n̵t̡ to̢ ̛s̕e̡e̵ ͘any͟o̧n͢e’s f͘ac̕e ͟in t̕his ma͞nor un̴lés͘s it was̢ ͜yo͘urs.͟”͏
“Ah.” I respond, nodding to his honesty. “Fair. ...Will you turn back, at least?”
“In͝ a f͞e͠w hòu͞ŕs. A̕l̡śo͜, neve̛r̵ l̶ea͟v͜e ͝m͟e ̕a̛ga͠in.͜ S̛ta͘y͞ įn ͘th̶e͜ ͟ma̷no̷r ͢for̢ a ̷f̨eẃ d̸a̵y͟s͞.”͡ I can’t help but let out a laugh at his request.
“Okay. But I can’t just skirt family gatherings. So you’ll have to come with me next time. Can we make a deal?”
“̡..͏.F͠i̛ne.” He grumbles, dissatisfied but satisfied enough to agree.
“Alright. I also need to unpack my luggage at my apartment, but then I’ll pack some stuff so I can stay here for a few days.” He hums in response, and it was my notion of knowing it was fine.
As promised a few hours later, Black Hat eventually returned to normal. I was quick to send Flug a selfie of Black Hat and I - feeling warmed by the thumbs up in response.
Everything was going to be fine, I thought, cuddled up to Black Hat whose tendrils wrapped around me and my form, gently petting my hair and his hands firmly pressed against my waist.
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