phosphor-object-show · 5 months
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she/her aka: Plasticine
Leah joined this competition with the goal and the determination to fully win. She just has to convince the others to listen to what she's saying, and she can lead them to victory. Teamwork is useful after all, no matter how frustrating it is to organise. Once they realise she knows what she's doing the best, it'll all work out. Not the most open with people, given she didn't really come here for friends. She has her sister, and that's enough for her. Eyesight is distorted, especially in her left (which is also sometimes her right) eye. Squishing her wouldn't hurt, but she'd really rather you didn't, thanks. She's not about to investigate being pulled apart, either.
likes: art, sometimes getting help from her sister with some mediums. basic athletic type stuff too. dislikes: things falling apart and not going to plan. also grass. it sticks to her.
power: depends what you consider one. being mouldable by just about anyone but herself doesn’t really feel like shapeshifting in her eyes, personally.
fav colour: white. pale green if that doesn’t count.
orientation and gender: girl, phosphor-lore-typical unlabelled.
relationships: has a sister who she gets along with well, if you can look through the mostly light-hearted bickering.
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goldieclaws · 11 months
On my laptop and can't access my emoji keyboard but just imagine I sent you lots n lots of sparkles for that oc ask game!
Send me ✨ for a random thing about one of my OCs!
✨ As I also call my Quartet my 'Ghirahim Expies' (bc that is what they all are at their core!), I do tend to copy over some facts about Ghirahim into them. For example, I believe and write Fi and Ghirahim as siblings so in turn:
Nameless has a younger adoptive sister called Danaë, Ghirren has a baby sister called Fae, and Sheridan also has a younger sister called Imogen!
MEW is the outlier here in that he doesn't have a sister, biological or adopted, but Nächster pretty much is his sister in all but name. And it does go both ways bc although MEW doesn't get on well with anyone and finds it very difficult to form bonds with people, he has been able to form one with her :>
✨ A joke I have with my Quartet is if they were to bond together physically, they would be able to make Ghirahim since they are his personality/skills split into four!
Nameless is a literal sword spirit and pretty flamboyant/narcissistic. Ghirren is an incredibly skilled swordsman and does have connections to a literal demon. MEW is essentially pure anger and rage personified oh my god get this bitch some therapy (as well as the child of a god which is what I hc Ghirahim to be). And Sheridan is the most intelligent/calculating/sometimes prone to causing problems on purpose with an entire gang at his beck and call if he needs them after he befriended the gang's leader by punching him in the face ghjdg.
✨ Whilst they do all have their own stories, I wrote them all when I was a sad(der) little shit and some have lightened up or stayed the same.
MEW's and currently Nameless' stories haven't changed from their original conception (but it is possible Nameless' could change when I sit down and properly draft it out), whilst Ghirren's and Sheridan's story have taken a more lighthearted turn in place, especially Sheridan's as bc the other three's stories are A Lot (be it for me or those reading the stories), I use his as a fun outlet to enjoy myself in.
After all, in his world, all four of them live together and get up to dumb hijinks so I have something funny to look back on! Maybe I will return to Sheridan's original concept but for now, I like the 'gag a day' dynamic they have lmao.
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ghostbustingreen · 2 years
[cont.] || @ultimatelife​
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   His kind smile is filled with sunshine as he offers the quiet hedgehog a plate to taste. 
     ❝ I always make-a lots ‘cause I’m-a used to cookin’ for-a Mario’s appetite, heh. Just try as much or as little as-a you’d like, okey-dokey? ❞
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the--highlanders · 4 months
personal/fic update below the cut <3
I'm gonna be real with you guys I'm not doing super great mentally rn. if anyone's worried I'm all good!! pretty sure I've got a seasonal something that's being activated by the fact that I currently live in a hole in the ground with one (1) functional window. ghfdk but it IS sapping my energy levels + motivation quite a bit. so if fics are a little bit patchy for a while or they just generally seem a bit less polished or w/e, that's probably why <3
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moriihana · 1 year
ask game: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: [radio static]
favourite colour: pastels in general but esp blue n pink
last song i listened to: VORACITY - MTYH & ROID
song stuck in my head: also VORACITY
three favourite foods: uhhh spaghet, korean food in general, bread
last thing i googled: updates on dreadwolf ghfdk
dream trip: i wanna visit everybody in TBC >:3 
something i want right now: gojo satoru
thank u for the tag @crossxguild <3 im not gonna tag any1 but whoever wants 2 do this u can say i tagged u idk
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ellovett · 2 years
🦴 For Heaven or Taika? 🏃
the inspo for heaven was basically a suggestion by a good friend of mine in a server !!!! i was making a base for a ignihyde oc but had no idea who to twst it from and they said mount olympus as a joke, a joke i took v seriously :) i thought the color pallete was suuuper pretty so it was the main motivation, heaven was the start of me twsting shit from buildings/places GHFDK idk if i wouldve made twst disney castle if i didnt make heaven
with taika i jus rlly wanted 2 make a savanaclaw oc </3 i thought the dorm uniform was rlly fun, and i rlly like tigger/winnie the pooh in general !! the franchise is smthn that brings me a lot of comfort and peace so I thought itd b fun to make smthn out of smthn i rlly love HDFKJ
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cornerstonc · 2 years
o | accepting
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"...it's funny how things work out, isn't it. He's nothing like what I would have imagined for myself had I spent more time thinking of such things, and in... ah, occasionally disheartening ways, were I to be pessimistic." Then, after a pause, feeling perhaps that he has overshared, "I suppose it's in my nature sometimes. Pardon me."
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custom-emojis · 3 years
Cheese flavouring is better than most real cheeses and I am objectively right
agreed i like some cheese flavoured snacks like cheetos, and i dont mind cheese like. mixed in w other stuff. but i am very picky on what cheeses i'd eat like, by itself. and the only ones i rly eat are high moisture motz or boursin. or like. specifically, herb and garlic creamcheese and ONLY on bagels.
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iruludavare · 3 years
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          “...Sometimes, I feel as though the password to Lysandre Labs being ‘open sesame’ is more unbelievable than an ancient, world-ending, immortality-granting machine being hidden under Geosenge Town for three thousand years...”
          “Anything else would have been more effective. Unless Lysandre thought those in Team Flare could not remember something more complex...? It just... makes no sense why he did that...”
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caffeinated-cryptid · 4 years
i looked at my calendar today and??? the one year anniversary of the ts unsolved au is on august 4th????
this year has gone by so fast, i can’t believe how old my baby is,,,
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fyrewalks · 3 years
“kiss me.” / nettle and taylor.
"why," taylor hums distractedly, eyes never leaving her laptop screen. "i'm working," she adds like an after thought, as if the scene of her in silken robe, lacey bra peeking out, with her laptop perched in her laptop could be taken as anything else. some might call her obsessed with her work, taylor considered it being proactive. driven. she had a streak of boring, uninspired stories. la, for once, had fallen into a boring, uninspired lull. her segment ratings were starting to dip. not that she could blame the station's viewership; she'd change the channel too if she saw herself reporting about some c rated celebrity for the fourth time this week. in fact, taylor had - she wasn't one of those people who cringed at and thus avoided watching clips of themselves, she frequently reviewed her tapes, critiquing and looking for improvement; this week she'd given up a few seconds in. it wasn't her that was the issue, it was the lack of good stories. she needed something juicy. maybe even something scandalous. "seriously - my producer is gonna cut my time any day now." dramatic, but close enough to the truth. @residualed
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solesoldier-a · 3 years
I have made a desperate attempt to join png avatar club ... and I do mean desperate 
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nep-moved · 4 years
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the--highlanders · 1 year
quick little life update! not really relevant to anything unless you care about my fic posting schedule gfdkj. but it's here if anyone cares abt that
so guess who's finally moving to the uk next month!! ngl I'm a liiitle bit terrified bc I'm moving to the other side of the world and there is a Lot of uncertainty but also this is something I've wanted to do for uhh almost a decade now. god.
buuut there /is/ a whole bunch of uncertainty, I really don't know what life is going to throw at me over the next few months!! & while I would love to keep up my current fic schedule I have no idea whether that's actually going to be feasible. I can't necessarily guarantee that I'll have the time/mental space to write enough for that. I'll give it my best shot but we'll see.
I don't think this is a huge deal, I kinda doubt many people if anyone is actually hanging out for my fic schedule (if anyone is. hello. I owe you my life <33) but if stuff doesn't show up as regularly. that's why!
anyway I am VERY much looking forward to not being in a long distance relationship ❣️💕💓💞 (or being in a relationship that's not quite so long distance anyway ghfdk). maybe I'll finally stop writing long distance vibes pining fics who knows
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sominmaneo · 4 years
— open !
it’s been almost a week since somin’s come out of her coma and being trapped in bed for most of the day is slowly killing her. she’d asked iseul to bring her more plants from home and they have been helping, but the doctors and nurses only let her out of bed for physical therapy and sometimes to go to the bathroom. the first few days in the hospital were the worst, but the last few days haven’t been that great either. she considers herself lucky that seojin’s there to take care of her even if he has been throwing weird glances her way and being uncharacteristically gentle with her. even if she was in a weak state, somin would never consider herself fragile. she can take care of herself. to be fair to him, it seems like most people that come in and out of her private room all seem to be particularly cautious with her. there’s always someone asking if she wants water or coming in to make sure she’s comfortable. it all just seems a little excessive to her.
for once this week, though, she actually feels a little excited. she get’s to have visitors! the only people she’s had contact with so far is seojin, jaehwa, iseul, and her nurses. the witch is excited to be able to see some of her friends even if the guilt is still eating her alive. she’s grateful that seojin kept her secret all this time more than anything. she hopes she’ll be able to stay clean, but she doesn’t know if it’s a possible goal at this point. it’s only been a few days, but she already misses the high. she shakes the thought from her head when there’s a knock at her door. her eyes light up and she sits up a little straighter, even if it pulls at her sore muscles. “come in,” she says, hoping it’s a new visitor and not the same people she’s been seeing repeatedly the last few days. nothing against the ones who have helped her, but she needs a little bit more social interaction that what she’s getting right now.
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jazz for your soul
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