daeivs · 1 year
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you guys fucking wish you were me
plus i also got a ***decorative*** glass because of its LEAD PAINT contents
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
11/02/2018 DAB Transcript
Ezekiel 3:16-6:14, Hebrews 4:1-16, Psalms 104:24-35, Proverbs 26:27
Today is November 2nd. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It's great to be here with you as…I guess we’re…I guess we’re…like fully moving into this brand-new month even as we’re kind of winding our way down to the end of another week. And I can't think of a better place to be right this minute, then right here, right now, with you. And, so, off we go into our reading for today. We began the book of Ezekiel yesterday in the Old Testament and, of course, we will pick up where we left off. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Ezekiel chapter 3 verse 16 through 6 verse 14.
Okay. So, in our reading from Hebrews today we encountered another very well-known passage of Scripture that, like the verse that we read in second Timothy chapter 3, gives us a clear perspective on why we engage with the Scriptures every single day. And, so, the Scripture from Hebrews is, and you'll probably be able to quote this, it’s very famous, for the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. And, of course, this is a memorable and very quotable verse but have you ever like…like just stopped for a second and considered an instrument that is that precise, something that can penetrate to where soul and spirit meet. I mean, where exactly even is that? So, if the soul is our moral and emotional nature and the Spirit is our essence or the animating life force that's given to us by God that makes us alive then we’re speaking of very deep things. Indeed. This would be the place that contains our consciousness and our instincts and love and our emotions and our convictions. It's where choices are made. And then our bodies are engaged to carry out those decisions. So, I mean, we might otherwise consider this to be our truest identity. And according Hebrews, this is how deeply the word of God can penetrate. It cuts through all the constructs of our personality, right? All of our coping mechanisms. All of our personal hopes and even all of our wounds, all of the things that have wounded and shaped us in our lives. It goes deeper than all of that and speaks directly to the truest spiritual self. So, you know, what else can do that? And, so, this is why day by day, every single day without fail we’re showing up here. And, so, lesser-known, not as popular, but the verse that immediately follows this popular passage about the word of God being sharper than any two-edged sword, we’re told nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes and He is the one to whom we are accountable. So, with that in mind, we can see the irreplaceable value of the Scriptures, right? They don't expose our thoughts and desires to God. He already knows. He's already aware of what's going on inside of us. Instead, the Scriptures reveal what is hidden, even what we've hidden from ourselves and they speak the truth to and even about who we really are at the deepest, truest level. And, so, let's be thankful that God would offer us such a gift and that that He would furnish us with the perspective of thousands of years of his involvement because we’re each a part of this ongoing work of God, this work of redemption and when we allow the Scriptures to speak to us where soul and Spirit meet, truth is being poured into our core identity and this is why the rhythm of the Scriptures in our lives is so vital. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires to the truth.
Father, we thank you for this. What can we say? There is there is nothing else like it. And as we've experienced for all of these months leading us until today, the Scriptures in our lives every day, we can see this. It's continually pressing in, poking and prodding and directing and reconstructing, it's continually inviting us to orient our hearts to you. It's continually reminding us that we are not alone. It is continually forcing us to raise our heads to the horizon and see that there's a bigger picture instead of whatever it is that the drama or chaos of our lives might bring us today. There’s more going on. And, so, we thank you for your word and we ask, Holy Spirit, that You plant it into our lives today, transforming us as you promise to do. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Stay connected. Pray for your brothers and sisters at the Prayer Wall.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, that can be done at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Asia, my beautiful sister, my heart is broken for your family this morning when I heard your call. This is one of those times when you would just sit with a friend, a loved one, and just sit in quiet and have no words. And I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family. I have no words really, not even a prayer right now. I just need to get myself together. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I love you my sister, but I definitely will be praying for you. This is Viv from Canada.
Hi DAB family, this is Mary in Colorado. I’m a first-time caller. I just started listening on October 13th. It is currently October 29th, around 10:30 in the morning and I just want to say how grateful I am to have found this community. I went to Israel two years ago and ever since then I just have not felt like I’m being filled by the churches I’ve gone to. And my roommate and I have checked out several and we finally found one that she likes but, I don’t know, to me it just seems like the best we can do but it’s not great. And the DAB podcasts are just really fulfilling to me. And I want to say thank you Brian and to everyone else and to the whole family. I’d like to request prayer for my dad as he is having surgery on his deviated septum tomorrow. So, finally he’ll be able to breathe but it’s going to be a long recovery. So, if you could pray for him that would be great. Thank you. Bye.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is His Beloved in California. I’m calling today to please lift up my dearest friend Carol. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and I am just praying for her and praying for a healing. I am praying that her eyes would be open to the Lord through this, to honor God. Father, I just pray over her, that she would get close to You and know You through this, that You would comfort her and bless her through this. And family, I just, I just need you to know that I just moved so much tears and on my knees with such love and admiration for all of you. We don’t even know each other and when I hear the prayers like this morning for Asia, I’m just, so wowed by the love and support we all have for each other. I pray for all of you every morning that you would just be blanketed in His love and His peace and His health and His healing. And I just love you. And thank you, Brian and Jill for creating this for all of us to come together and support one another. In Jesus’ name. Brothers and sisters I love you. Amen. Amen. Have a blessed day.
Hi DAB family this is Kat from Denver. I’m calling you to ask for prayers for my son, Philip. He’s the reason that I originally found the DAB family eight years ago. Back then he was initially arrested for downloading underage pornography. He was under 18 and since then it has been a roller coaster of working through our incredibly impossible legal system and their impossible demands for him that he has been unable to fulfill, which just mostly include paying exorbitant fees for fines and going to classes that he has to pay for every week and going to treatment that he has to pay for every week. So, at this point he is unfortunately in prison because he was unable to fulfill his requirement. And he was arrested three months ago. At the time he had his daily contacts in. He has very poor eyesight. And one of them has ripped, the other one is still working but it’s three months old and he’s on the waiting list. But we’re told it takes many months to be approved. And I was just informed today that I was not approved for visiting him because my address is not the same as the DMV. So, that was three months to wait for that response. Please…
Hello, good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Jay from Nashville. I wanted to call out and just encourage and love on Asia from Munich. Asia, you’ve been on here for as long as I’ve been listening, and I’ve prayed for you for your marriage, I’ve prayed for you for baby G, and I now I’m going to pray for you in this. You know, your story is an inspiration to us all. And over the years I feel like I’ve become so close to you because you’ve been sharing moments of your life, exciting things that have happened. And I just feel like…I feel like I’m up part of your family, your part of my family, you’re like my big sister. So, to hear the pain in your voice, it just, it broke me. Asia, I want you to know that I love you. I’m pretty confident that you know that the DAB family loves you. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ we come before You oh God with our sister Asia from Munich on our hearts and our minds today and will be for a while. Father, we pray that Your Holy Spirit will comfort her, will comfort her husband, will comfort her family in those times when the tears are too much to bear, when she’s cried so much that there’s nothing left, it’s dry Father. Father I pray Lord God that You’ll be there. Remind her that we love her. Remind her that we’re here for her. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. And Asia, just keep calling in. Everything that you’re going through, someone else is going through as well and your story is going to encourage them. I love you, and I’m just, I’m so sorry for your loss.
I love you mom. You held me in your womb for just a little while and then I was born straight into heavens arms. I didn’t get to open my eyes and see your face, but I saw His. I opened my eyes for the very first time and looked straight into the face of love Himself, the love that made me. Imagine that mom. Imagine that. I know you are sad, really, really sad. And that’s okay. You’re sad because you miss me. You wanted me. I feel it. I feel the full force of your love for me. Thank you for loving me that much. I miss you too, but I want you to know something. I can see it. I can see our future together and it's so beautiful I can hardly stand it sometimes. It would blow your mind mom, the places we’ll go together, the things we'll make. You will compose the music and I’ll dance. I’ll dream up stories and you’ll write and it will all be for Him, the One who gave us each other and everything else. It will be such a blast, I can’t wait. Until then I’m here in the great cloud of witnesses cheering you on. Can you see my face? I’m the one with your eyes and the really big grin. I know you’ll be okay, better than okay. Just wait, you’ll see. I love you mom. I love you too.
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lilacskyent-blog · 6 years
Breakfast with Alex Wex
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People have a million opinions and false facts about the digital world we live in today, and even more about social media. For a lot of people, they use platforms like Instagram and Twitter to follow celebrities, and some use it to bully celebrities. Most forget that that connection can also be used for good. We live in a world of amazing accessibility and, when used properly, could foster a wonderful connection between people. A prime example of this is the Will Smith Jump event that took the internet by storm, that all started with a video message. It’s incredible what can happen when you reach out to people. That was the main thought in my mind before sitting down with Alex Wex yesterday. Alex Wex is an amazing Twitch streamer, and until recently, was a producer for FBE and REACT on Youtube. As of this interview, Alex Wex has fostered a wonderful community through Twitch and Discord known as the Jank Squad, and recently broke his view count record at 210 viewers for his birthday stream, also hitting close to 600 subscribers. Given that I was in Atlanta and he was in LA we couldn’t actually meet for breakfast like I usually do so we had an amazing video chat instead.
So for starters, I just want to thank you for sitting down with me. I’ve been following your work since I first saw you on FBE and I think you’re an awesome dude so thanks. I wanna start at the very beginning because I’m really interested in your story. So, I know you went to high school in Atlanta, GA. What can you tell me about that?
I was actually born in Manhattan, my family moved to Atlanta around pre-K and I lived there up until I graduated from Riverwood High School. All my friends wanted to go to UGA or Georgia Tech but I was really interested in traveling and branching out, so I went to Ohio for college, and now I live in L.A. I made some truly amazing friends in Atlanta, and having this kind of east coast, south culture mixture has made life pretty interesting.
When did you know you wanted to work in entertainment, and what led to you becoming a producer?
When I was a kid, my family liked to record family videos, and I always wanted to see the recording. I had the eye for production pretty early. Once I started high school I got involved in performing, did Grease, The Wiz, and a few other school plays that got me interested in the performance aspect as well. In college, I majored in video production with a minor in film and sociology so I gained real knowledge of the art that happens behind the camera.
How does one go from school in Atlanta to working at FBE?
As I mentioned before I went to college at Ohio University, what got me was their video production department. I actually still work with the head of the department and speak to the alumni when they come here, advising them on some dos and don'ts. As a graduation gift, my Dad gave me an all expense paid trip to anywhere I wanted to go in the U.S for a few days and I chose L.A. So I was here, hanging out with my current roommate Johnny and we just decided to come out here permanently and live the dream. So I packed up my car and drove from Atlanta to LA and started looking for internships while working at Chipotle.I first joined FBE as an intern, then got hired as a PA and eventually was a writer for some of their scripted shows, and I worked my way up until I was offered the producer position. I loved producing because that involved every aspect of working behind the camera, from writing to filming to editing and seeing the baby from birth to fully grown. Being in front of the camera came back when FBE launched the community team and started streaming on Twitch.
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Watching Alex grow on YouTube, putting reactors in hilarious challenges, eat crazy concoctions and brave some insane hot sauces that would make Sean Evans proud, his personality radiates through the screen. His passion for both sides of the camera is clear in the quality of every video he makes. However, taking part in one of his Twitch streams gives you an even more full experience. It’s like the difference between a teaser trailer and a full film.
Freddy or Jason?
Freddy is my favorite in Dead By Daylight but I love Jason, in fact, Friday the 13th was the first game I ever streamed. I’d have to say, Jason.
So, we were in high school in the baby years of YouTube, I mostly used it for music videos and anime, I think back then I only followed Phil Defranco and Timothy Delaghetto consistently. Back then, did you ever look at YouTube and think “this is going to revolutionize the world and turn traditional media on its head?”
Yeah, it’s changed everything. Almost every network has a YouTube channel now. Late night shows and things like SNL upload segments that get massive amounts of views. YouTube is still growing, testing out its premium service and channel enrollment and things like that, but it’s exciting to see where it’s going to end up.
It’s even crazier when you think about how much Twitch has already changed the game.
Definitely, I mean we’ve seen what happens when some of the top YouTube creators come over to Twitch and realize that it’s completely different from what they’re used to. It’s more like an improv radio show, you have to be on for two or three hours and avoid dead air, rather than being able to edit something together. It’s hard to be constantly entertaining when you're used to delivering a finished edit rather than a live audience. For example, Logan Paul had over 100,000 people in his first stream but after that, the numbers dropped just cause that’s not his world. Live Streaming is a constant conversation. It’s the opposite of YouTube.
I remember seeing YouTubers flood to Twitch after the adpocalypse and feeling like it made no sense. A lot of vloggers and creators who never expressed any interest in video games were all suddenly obsessed with Fortnite. However, when people like Alex Wex came to Twitch they brought genuine love of gaming, skill, and a great sense of community.
What insight can you give into the world of a producer? Especially on the internet, how to figure out what videos are gonna get views or go viral?
It’s a case by case basis depending on what you make. With Challenge Chalice, we made it during the high point of internet challenges and we had consistent challenges to make content with constantly, but this past year challenges have kinda quieted down so that got more difficult. We revisited and revised a lot of earlier challenges to make them more interesting, and that has to do with being present during every step of the process. You can’t slack off on anything, from script to editing. Being organized is key, and definitely take on the ideas and criticisms of the people working with you. Be flexible and open-minded. It’s not about balance, it’s about harmony.
3 Breakfast must haves?
Belgian Waffles are incredible
Hack-n-slash? RPG? Or FPS? And why?
That’s complicated. Overwatch is one of my favorite games but it doesn’t play exactly like an FPS. For me, hack-n-slash for games like Dead Cells, Rogue Lights, I love games with massive replay value. I’m playing Diablo 3 on switch right now and I love it.
What games are best for streaming? Does the game you play matter?
A little, but it shouldn’t be everything. You want your audience to gravitate towards your personality. Never play something you don’t enjoy playing. I love Overwatch and it’s not one of the current hot stream games but I love playing it. Story games are complicated. If people miss parts of story mode games they tune it out cause they won’t know what’s going on. More than anything put your own spin on what you’re doing. For example, when I do Dead By Daylight I do stream vs chat where my chat helps the survivors escape if I’m playing the killer. In fact, chatting streams are starting to really blow up. It’s more about the person playing than the game they play.
What game has you hype for 2019?
That’s tough, but probably Kingdom Hearts 3. I’m excited for Smash Bros for my last game of 2018 too.
What led you to Twitch?
I’d seen some of it, but Tom had been doing it for 6 months and kept suggesting it until one day I finally did. I had a decent setup with an ultra-wide monitor and Tom’s old video capture device and I started streaming Dead by Daylight. We actually came into the name Jank Squad because of how janky the streams were in the beginning.
What led you to leave FBE and what are you working on now?
I wanted to focus more on my Twitch, and it was exhausting streaming at work on the days when I’m also streaming at home. I wanted to give my audience the most energy I could and be more involved with them as a community. I’m creating new ways to interact with my audience, more active in my Discord, and after working there for 5 years I felt stuck. There wasn’t any new learning experience and things felt a little sour and monotonous with the new direction things were going in. I’m actually getting a new camera and a green screen to upgrade the stream quality. I’d love to make partner with Twitch.
What’s the dream?
I take things to step by step. I’m definitely in a transition right now. I’m looking for another good full-time job at the moment. I’d love to be a full-time streamer but I’d also love to produce my own stuff and then stream after work. Streaming is probably one of the most consistent things I’ve ever done. Funny enough, that’s part of what got me into it cause Tom knew my leisure activity was video games, and streaming just takes that to another level. It definitely takes work, but the community you foster on this platform is unlike any other with the rating system and how everything is set up.
Alright so the zombie apocalypse is upon us and you can have 1 mortal character, one god tier video game character, and one Reactor in your survival squad, who you got?
Kratos from God of War 2 causes his chain blades would tear through everything, my regular would be Leon from Resident Evil 4 cause his aim is amazing and he’s used to zombies, and my Reactor would be Chelsea cause she knows so much about The Walking Dead. That’s my squad.
East Coast or West Coast
East, it’s where I was born and bred.
Top 10 songs or artists on your playlist right now?
Meek Mill- Intro with the amazing Phil Collins sample
Tyler the Creator’s Grinch is great for the holidays
The Cool-Lupe Fiasco
Chance The Rapper’s new songs
Paramore- Ain’t It Fun
You come from the same city I did with only a two year age difference, and you’re the first brown face I saw in relation to FBE and now you’re killing it on Twitch. Do you know how dope you are?
I appreciate that. I like to think I’m dope in some ways but I also do my best to keep it real, keep myself humble, and not letting the numbers get to my head. I hope everyone thinks they’re fucking awesome, cause they are. I have my good and bad days but I like to look at what has been built and keep grinding. Everyone is on a different time stream. I don’t want to rush things, I’m on my own path, and right now I just wanna build this community.
I for one, am excited to see what comes next from Alex Wex, including his stream later this week. You can find him @ItsMrWex
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-Strawberry Smirk of Lilac Sky Entertainment
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