unstatedmartini · 2 years
fucking TIM you motherFUCKER you took me to the HEIGHTS AND THEN THE DEPTHS
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Dofus: The Production - reviewing the artbook
This post won't go too deep in detail, it's just my commentary on the artbook — but the next (or, well, one after the next), post will be me doing some actual research outside of it. I recommend you to buy the artbook, and go see its contents for yourself, if you're curious about it. (or download it. It's been scanned to hell and back...)
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God, this makes me deranged and insane. Even being baby does not stop Kerubim from loving Joris's jokes... I'm insane...
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This part of the artbook has always scared me because like... Does he kill people in Dofus 2, Tot?. Does he.?
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Epic events is a funny way to refer to this movie's unending barrage of traumatic events, but man, we were kinda robbed of cool draconic winged Joris. That's sad.
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I won't include too much art from the artbook if I can help it, but I wanted to report that this is a very good art and theres a lot of love and um and they love each other and um and [CAR CRASH] [GLASS SHATTERING] ‘GOOD LORD!’ [GENERAL COMMOTION] [BABY CRYING] ‘WAAAAH WAAAAH’ [YELLING] [POLICE SIRENS] WEEWOO WEEWOO [HELICOPTERS] ‘WE’RE REPORTING LIVE-‘ [EXPLOSION] ‘MY LEG… MY LEG…’
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I wish I knew what the fuck Tot meant by this. However, knowing that Pupuce is Kerubim's pet, who just liked her owner's kid more than her owner, has fueled some of my headcanons for years and years:
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This version of his armour matches the one we could see in the Dofus Manga. :)
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I find it quite fascinating that at one point, it was considered for Julith to be an osamodas huppermage, considering it was theorized for some time that Joris might be an osamodas.
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I wouldn't call her a tender mother, but eh. She's more of a... "very loving yet despaired mother who doesn't even know her son" mother. A "wants to get back the past which will never return to the point of putting her son into the torture nexus" mother. A "has love in her that is so mentally disturbed" mother. AND I LOVE HER FOR IT!!
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I know that her being an alcoholic is a retcon that Dessous did, but its such a good one. I think it's a good show of her decade of slow slippage of sanity. Comic retcons win over Tot's ideas for all Joris-related media once again.
This post was made by "I love Kerubim's dead family from Dofus Heroes Kerubim and Bakara Alcoholism Lore from Dessous de Dofus" gang.
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These two huppermages from the movie's concept art were reused in season 4 of Wakfu. Though it would be easier to say what in season 4 of Wakfu isn't reused stuff considering the "shoestring and a piece of chewed gum" budget it was made on...
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God, him petting a pupuce is the most important part of the artbook, save for perhaps...
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The fact that this was cut is the biggest personal tragedy of my entire life, and I am NOT joking.
Apparently, in this tavern, we were supposed to learn more of his backstory, — like how his father was a gobbowler, but sadly (or happily, if you really hate Khan) it was cut.
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But listen. Khan would go to some sexworkers to stare at them and do nothing. He's that much of a loser. He would take a 10yo as his drinking buddy.
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This is where my headcanon that he buys Joris booze post-movie comes from, btw.
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Compared to the movie's exaggerated visions of Kerubim crying, these images feel like something Joris would remember seeing in real life, something he'd want to avoid.
It feels more real, than just his panicked visions.
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shammers86 · 7 months
Yall, let those of us who are excited for the new season be excited! ABC is doing a ton of promotion, articles and reels for our little weewoo show.
Let’s list the things that are great about all the article and videos, ok?
One: Look at them using Ryan! He’s got speaking lines in promos, doing interviews and just looking pretty. I’m happy to see this because Eddie is probably tied with Athena for my favorite character and I’m loving we are seeing him.
Two: the entire cast is excited. We have Ravi returning. Norman and Lola. An actual disaster happening! (Not to mention it’s made me go, hey let me look at all these cruise vlogs!) Also Angela and Peter are gonna kill it and I can’t wait! Roll them around like bingo balls (per Peter of course!)
Three: they are shoving Ryan and Oliver together for promos. Tim has mentioned Buddie and their relationship. I ship them fervently yes, but I am kinda glad we are gonna get any kind of Buddie content after season 6. Tim says he wants to hit on it every episode and that says a lot. Let us see the Buckley Diaz family dynamic and for the love of God, let Maddie and Eddie have scenes!
Four: Tim is showrunner and the reason I fell in love with 9-1-1. Bye bye Kristen.
On to the supposed love interests: Natalia. I don’t think Tim liked that storyline and it sounds like we may not see her.
Marisol: she’s mentioned but in one line. Eddie is figuring out who she is. I didn’t relate Marisol and Eddie with Eddie being happy. More like Eddie is getting therapy and learning how to deal with his trauma and getting settled in himself more. Bring on our sassy, bitchy and hilarious Eddie.
Tommy: honestly I have no idea how this came about but Lou Feringo? Jr is so sweet and amazing like his dad. I love Rocker on SWAT and am gonna enjoy seeing Tommy again.
Also: the outfits from the episode 100 celebration on Buck and Eddie? I have soooo many questions but will enjoy the chaos that will bring.
Also Madney wedding! HenRen my beloved. More Tracie please!
I didn’t feel this excited last season. This season, bring it on! ABC (and Tim, you heifer and your stills) you have done your job!
5 days to go!
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
WEEWOO, CC, ACOTAR, AND TOG SPOILERS AHEAD as well as my own lighthearted opinions/ theories on sjm's work<3
ab what the other anon said, i also remember moriel being pretty big. there were a lot of really good theories and fanart at the time and sjm was leaving lil breadcrumbs in interviews that people were excited about if i remember correctly too.
but around that time a lot of authors, directors, etc started getting an increasing amount of backlash about the representation or lack thereof in their work, and sjm was one of them. so i think that influenced the hasty switch in mor :( which unfortunately led to me personally not enjoying it as much. as a queer woman who dates people regardless of gender it just fell really flat to me, which really sucked because i loved mor and i was super invested in her character at the time.
which isnt to say that i dont enjoy these characters, this is still a series i really enjoy reading even if i dont love it as much as tog or cc 😂
and now, about cc hehe, i read somewhere there were supposed to be 4 books, one for each house. And Sjm's confirmed the fourth book but hasnt said whether there will be more or not. Im curious to see what the plan is now that the asteri are dead tho, because i thought they would be the main antagonist of the series so maybe she'll introduce another?
and i totally agree with your criticisms ab cc as well. The lil crossover nuggets we got with aelin being the red comet (headcanon that her court would laugh a lil knowing that she was considered a bad omen in another world lol), the books, etc. But I honestly didn't expect to get a crossover from CC into acotar, i thought it would be more fun for acotar and tog to clash. (let aelin into helion's libraries i BEG of u sjm pls 🙏🙏)
(not to mention the crack theory that maybe maeve is why daemati exist, that maybe millenia ago she or other valg were in prythian?? the powers are described similarly in dorian's povs i cant even lie 😭)
PS sorry if my last post came off a lil mean ab acotar 😭 i reread it and was like why did i word it like that and felt a lil bad but shhhh we can pretend that didnt happen
PPS god yes lorcan showed elide everything and sjm really showed us nothing. i hope lucien makes up for it otherwise i think im gonna start gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
PPPS elide, helion, cbmthy crackship? i dont think lorcan would be into it if helion was there 😂 (he doesnt seem like the type to share nicely)
Warnings: a plenty lot of spoilers for CC, acotar, and ToG!
‘but around that time a lot of authors, directors, etc started getting an increasing amount of backlash about the representation or lack thereof in their work, and sjm was one of them.’
I think I’m glad I read acotar after that 🫤
It’s kind of lame if miss Maas did sprinkle in hints for Moriel and then suddenly changed it? Obviously someone will probably have a different stance on this to me, but personally I think if you have an actual story to tell, yes representation would be lovely just because I think if it’s done well it can be such a great way to nourish a story and add depth to it, but if it would conflict with the immersion and detail you already have in your story then I don’t think it’s necessary? I think ultimately I am happy Mor was written to like males and females, but I can understand the frustration if miss Maas was hinting at a pairing and then double back on it that would be so irritating :/
‘Im curious to see what the plan is now that the asteri are dead tho, because i thought they would be the main antagonist of the series so maybe she'll introduce another?’
I still haven’t finished CC3 but I have to agree with you because they seemed like such great antagonists??? They actually end up dead?? Okay I might actually finish the book now to find out how because I 100% thought they would be the main villains because, to be fair, they were excellently terrifying 😭 I think miss Maas did do an amazing job on coming up with creatures so obviously more powerful than the fae?
Although now the asteri are dead, it feels like if CC4 does some out it will either be a case of ‘oh, one survived’ or ‘they came back from the dead’ or she’ll just invent a new scare but either of those feels like it would be insincere and not thought out very well? I guess unless Maeve or Erawan somehow got shoved into the CC universe? that might be kind of cool? But I think if that was the case i’d want Maeve or Erawan to win 🫢 just for funsies and chaos 🫢
‘ i thought it would be more fun for acotar and tog to clash. (let aelin into helion's libraries i BEG of u sjm pls 🙏🙏)’
Oh my gosh yes that crossover would have been so amazing I would have loved to see that! Well, I would have loved to see them getting along with one another—I wouldn’t be able to read a crossover if they were fighting 😭
‘(not to mention the crack theory that maybe maeve is why daemati exist, that maybe millenia ago she or other valg were in prythian?? the powers are described similarly in dorian's povs i cant even lie 😭)’
Oh I’ve seen some stuff about Maeve and the Valg, like how her mind reading powers are described, and I think her eyes were supposed to be kind of similar to Rhys’? To be fair I’d be quite like for that plot line to be explored, it’s doesn’t sound as implausible as some other theories I’ve heard so I think it would be quite cool? Though I don’t know what effect it would have on the story?
‘PS sorry if my last post came off a lil mean ab acotar 😭 i reread it and was like why did i word it like that and felt a lil bad but shhhh we can pretend that didnt happen’
Babes don’t worry I literally didn’t think any of it was rude at all!
‘PPPS elide, helion, cbmthy crackship? i dont think lorcan would be into it if helion was there 😂 (he doesnt seem like the type to share nicely)’
I could imagine Helion pestering Lorcan though 😭 I think reader and Elide would get along so well oh my gosh I want to hug Elide so badly you don’t understand she’s definitely one of my favourite characters in ToG ☹️🫂
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
ya'll I'm so sorry but I'm about to go tf off again about this damn weewoo show and these dumb coparenting firefighters.
I can't keep track over what's been discussed already and what hasn't, but I'm freaking out over my re-watch of 4x08 (Breaking Point). I could probably write 25k words on that episode alone and maybe this will be a multi-part post, but I don't want to set the precedent that I'm organized so this will be some more word vomit thrown into the void.
The rest under a cut so you can ignore my hiatus crackheadery if you wish:
Alright, so whoever is still here, I want to talk about three specific scenes in Breaking Point that happen in succession. They are as follows:
1. Eddie's talk with Chris about Ana
2. Buck's awkward double date with Taylor
3. Christopher running away to Buck
Firstly, what I do remember is an excellent meta by @jackles-coded (and they do have some excellent posts about 9-1-1) about this episode and how Albert/Veronica were proxies for Eddie/Ana, so definitely go check that out for a deeper dive. Sorry I don't have the direct link :(
Alright, let's get into this nonsense:
Eddie's talk with Chris about Ana
There are some interesting choices in this scene for sure. We're going to be talking about the usage of the word friend. In this scene, Eddie talks to Christopher about the friend he mentioned before, which Christopher gives a god-tier side-eye to, before Eddie specifically follows up by saying his friend is a woman, in which Christopher proceeds to go ape shit. The end of this scene shows Eddie holding his face with his right hand. There's a shot of LA before the next scene, but the first shot in that scene is a close-up of Buck's right hand, before it zooms out to show the rest of him. Listen, I don't know if this is tinhattery or not, but what a subtle way to connect these two scenes. Which brings us to . . .
Buck's awkward double date with Taylor
The song playing in the background as this scene opens, I know we all know it by now: Where Do We Go by Beauty Queen. In case you don't know, have some lyrics:
I wanna know there will be someone else for you / Cuz I can't stand making plans without you / where do we go when there is nothing left to do / cuz I'm wondering, wondering / where do I go when I stop running? / Will I have a place for my heart to stay? / Don't wanna end up one day with nothing / Where do I go when I stop running
When I return will it have been too many days / spent too long trying just to get away / feeling low and I know you can relate / cuz I'm wondering, wondering / where do I go when I stop running? / Will I have a place for my heart to stay? / Don't wanna end up one day with nothing / Where do I go when I stop running
Speaks for itself, right? It's actually driving me insane.
Not only is this obviously about Buck and Taylor, but this song being placed immediately after the scene with Eddie implores me to parallel it to Eddie's situation with Ana as well.
The scene continues, Taylor spits that unforgiveable bullshit at Buck, causing him to revert to Buck 1.0 before our very eyes. And again we have the usage of the word friend: "Because I could really use a friend right now," says Taylor. Leaving Buck looking dejected, and leading right into the next scene which is . . .
Christopher running away to Buck
So we go from Taylor leaving Buck behind to a scene with Ana trying to peace out herself, but Eddie asking her to stay. And we know what happens: Chris takes an Uber (???) to Buck's and Dad!Buck jumps out for a hot second. We have Buck assuring Christopher that he will always be there for him, and then again the use of friend: "You're a good friend [Buck]."
Listen, I'm sorry (not sorry), but these three scenes happening one after the other, connected the way they are, with an obvious theme about "friendship" and what does it mean and when does it lead to something more, threaded through each scene? What was the reason? What is the endgame here?
The episode altogether, but especially these three scenes, are so loud. The writers really tipped their hands for us, but again, I don't think it's something you catch on the first or second viewing. This plotline was entirely about Buck and Eddie. They have their little moment together at the beginning (which is an entire meta to itself), but they are intentionally separated throughout the rest of the episode. It was about them blindly following the paths they thought they were supposed to travel, ignoring the obvious signs of where they should be going. I am beside myself. These writers . . . .
4.08 is a gold mine, someone dig into this nonsense with me please.
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unstatedmartini · 2 years
tk may have said shut up and carlos may have laughed but it's the way carlos was completely serious when he said the day i met you!!!
the way he really takes a moment and centers himself as he says it because he's choosing to meet tk's vulnerability and trust with his own instead of just frantically trying to figure out what to say to Make Things Better oh my GOD it was supposed to be a weewoo show
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