retrocgads · 5 months
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UK 1987
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year
F1 tragedy as Las Vegas Grand Prix construction worker killed while setting up for inaugural Nevada race | In Trend Today
F1 tragedy as Las Vegas Grand Prix construction worker killed while setting up for inaugural Nevada race Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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fiveredlights · 2 months
my viticulture knowledge has failed me :)))
i saw this gif set whilst in a fever induced haze and constructed a whole universe in my head
has anyone consulted a gay person over here you guys still can’t be looking for max’s “wife”
#let us put two and two together and ask why he’s literally never been spotted with a girlfriend like ever #really think about it
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Max walks into the paddock with a simple silver ring on his left ring finger. The internet goes full detective mode looking for his wife.
So that’s the first problem.
basically daniel isn’t a driver in this universe, he’s a wine guy (you wouldn’t be able to tell i did study viticulture for my HSC given the fact i called him a wine guy)—they meet in a dan murphy’s after max stands there like ??? at the wine aisle and daniel slyly recommends his own wine. max has no idea who this hot guy is but lucky for him hot guy mysteriously is at some sponsor event at the grand prix. daniel’s like “did you like the wine?” max is like “well of course it was a gift so i do not know if i would like it. more of a gin and tonic guy.” daniel’s like, well dang it guess i should have started a gin brand and the train finally arrives at the station for max, and daniel, being the epitome of effortlessly uncool over max is like “daniel ricciardo, enchante” and max hates that he’s been so charmed over this guy and his weirdly patterned loud shirt.
time jump blah blah maybe they get eloped in las vegas idk i’ve always wanted to write a las vegas wedding, like six years after they started dating max walks into a race with a wedding ring and people go batshit. internet investigations are started. deuxmoi posts a new sighting with his “wife” almost every day. people analyse every single photo ever with a woman to see if it could his wife.
daniel finds this fucking hilarious and sends max to deliver a tonne of dr3 wines to the paddock and some people are like Oh. Oh! most people are like okay cool whatever i’m sure this wine guy knows who his wife is. people never find out who his wife is, but they get papped going to a wedding (could be george and alex i��ve always gotta sneak them in there) together with matching rings and people are like oh wine guy is actually the wife. wow we’re kinda stupid whilst everyone who has been on the maxiel train gets unlimited i told you so’s for the rest of their life
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laflechebrisee · 30 days
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Article by Gian Paolo Ormezzani, published on La Stampa on the 24th of august 1987, in honor of Didier's death, translated by me.
Didier Pironi was first and foremost a young man to be envied, envied ferociously we could say. Destiny had seen fit to beat his character to a pulp, crushing it under the weight of many misfortunes, torturing it endlessly. Quite the evil thing, which causes great suffering in the feelings of those who had been able to appreciate, in this boy from a very good family and social standing, the real man that had wanted and managed to do better than his lucky beginnings. Pironi was born in a rich family, from a father from Friuli who had a good business in the field of construction and commerce. Pironi lived in Saint-Tropez, and had been driving powerful speedboats and fast cars since he was young. He decided to become a grand prix driver, and that was easy from the start, or at least easier, and he could make a job out of it. Young, handsome, apparently happy. As happy as he should be, one might say, considering what life had been giving him: fame, which is the best sauce to pour on richness, due to the glory reached in what is possibly the most exalting setting of them all, Formula 1. And the call from Ferrari, in which he had managed to cut himself a space next to the already mythical Villeneuve. Didier was handsome, blonde, almost blessed. He got married, and of course it was a gorgeous woman (who would have later felt the call to “fly free” in the jet set, a normal occurrence in certain settings for some people). He won races. But he was so pleasant that no one dared felt envy towards him. He looked as if he was constantly busy repaying the debt he had by being born in a certain place, in a certain family. He was kind, humble even. When a young french doctor arrived in Formula 1 and asked for a guinea pig for his experiments on heartbeats during races, Didier Pironi was the first in line to get his chest covered in electrodes while almost all other drivers refused this small obligation. He lived and endured a deep rivalry with Villeneuve, a great driver already pampered by the myth that he was and the attention he received at Ferrari. He hurt himself, Pironi, and severely too, three months after Villeneuve’s death. Someone said he had risked a lot to show something. An important member of the tribe of those who feel the wind on their face, of those who have a great fire inside them, Didier had decided to become world champion in something. While the doctors debated on his leg to be rebuilt, he went on the water. Maybe someone will say that he was looking for death. But for us, he was looking for life, that special life that destiny had first assigned him and then taken away from him, and that he wanted to take back, even in small pieces.
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hey-kae · 2 years
Could you write a small flashback for the Communications and Confessions imagine where Charles realises that he's in love with his communications manager please 🥺
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Changes In Communications
Part 1
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x female reader
Warnings: a few curse words, google translate italian (like once?), sexual implication, unedited for now.
a/n: so the flashback ended up being the longer part cause i feel like it should be a complete scene and the cute moments turned out shorter so i hope that’s okay.
As for the timeline, the flashback happens at the Hungary GP so -about a month before the initial part (before the confessions) then Monza is a week after and Brazil is over two months after. At the time charles realizes his feelings, reader hadn’t realized her own yet.
Flashback, Hungary Grand Prix:
Fridays in the paddock tended to be the casual days of the weekend. With only free practices taking place, not affecting race results in any way, the people who showed up to watch the session weren't as numerous as the Saturdays and Sundays.
It was safe to say that Charles, despite loving the ambiance of the races, liked the chill nature of those days.
Friday morning of the hungarian grand prix, he strolled into the paddock whistling, twirling his pass in hand, occasionally smiling and nodding at any acquaintances. He came in early that day because he agreed with you beforehand that you'd meet up in the team's hospitality for a quick breakfast before each of you went off to deal with you jobs and tasks for the day.
When the red construction came into view, he couldn't help it that he started looking for you through the windows, squinting and trying to see into the glass that was annoyingly reflected the sky.
Charles walked into the hospitality, greeting everyone he passed on the way until he got to the catering area, a sitting area set out by the coffee machines, a refrigerator stocked with water bottles and the small food bar for team members. He smiled and nodded at a few people sat there before grabbing a bottle of water and picking two empty seats in the corner, one for him and one for you.
A small smile had made its way to Charles' face once he noticed you weren't there. You were late as always when the two of you agreed to meet up and he couldn't wait to joke about it.
Over the time, he started timing your tardiness. It always ranged between a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of eleven. Until now, it was two minutes too late, but counting still. He kept checking his phone for the time as he sipped on his water.
Soon enough, you appeared in the room, rushing towards him, still fixing your hair as you walked with an exhilarated expression on your face.
Messily, you disposed of your bag and phone on the table beside Charles and caught a wide smile on his face.
"What?" You asked as you fell, out of breath from practically sprinting through the paddock, into the chair facing him.
"Four minutes. That's outside the usual margin." He joked, leaning back into his seat.
"Oh, shut up." Your eyes narrowed at him and he burst into chuckles.
Following that, Charles watched you type something into your phone, taken by the focused expression on your face but struggling to understand why he was so attentive to it.
"I'm gonna get coffee. What are you having?" You tossed your phone into the bad and stole his water bottle for a sip.
"Don't worry about me. Go satisfy your addiction and i'll get actual food to eat." He got up with a smirk, patting your shoulders as he crossed you towards where the food was. One thing about Charles is he will never miss an opportunity to tease you about your coffee dependence.
Once the steaming cup of caffeine was secured and you were back in your seat, Charles across from you eating, but watching you sip your drink while doing so, you decided to offer him a sip for a laugh.
"Wanna try?" You brought the cup up to smell it, exaggerating the sigh that you let out at the comforting scent, not thinking much of it.
Charles however caught himself by surprise as gulped at the sound, questioning his heart's reaction to it. It took him a second to reply.
"I'll pass."
"And I'll pretend i'm surprised." You smiled, moved the cup in cheers and resumed enjoying your coffee.
The two of you, from that point on, engaged in a smooth flowing, effortless conversation and while things were normal on your side, Charles on the other hand had caught himself blankly staring at you too many times for him not to question the situation.
Despite the weird mood you had put him in, when you had to part ways, he insisted that you'd have dinner at his hotel room at the end of the day, and after over 10 minutes of discussions about that, you agreed.
The day passed slowly but rather calmly. The two practices were mainly uneventful, so Charles found himself blaming his excitement to wrap up the sessions on that sole factor, not thinking much of his beaming smile when he met up with you to head to the media pen.
"You look happy." You pointed out as you took his water bottle and towel from him, gesturing for him towards an interviewer after having discussed a few things, all while the smile sat perfectly on his face.
"Yeah, our pace looks good." He shrugged and leaned a bit closer to whisper something to you, "I'm excited for dinner too."
"Yeah, we'll have to see about that." You teased.
"Hey! You promised." He looked offended as he objected.
"Charles, go!" You pushed him towards awaiting interviewers and walked behind him.
As expected, Charles didn't let you part ways with him, not even for a second as soon as he was done with all his media responsibilities, his excuse being that he was gonna make sure you stick to the plans made.
That's how you ended up in his car, on the way back to the hotel, bickering with him over a particularly obnoxious and whiny song he was playing, making you feel thankful as you reached your destination and hopped out of the Ferrari.
The agreement was made that you'd make a quick stop by your room to change and go back to his for dinner, so you rushed to change into leggings and a loose fitting grey shirt, pulled half of your hair back messily, grabbed you phone and immediately headed for Charles', your stomach already grumbling from hunger.
You knocked your fist on the door three times and waited for him to open it, scrolling through your notifications as you did so. He was taking too long though.
"Leclerc..." You knocked again.
"I'm coming. One fucking second." His voice carried through the hardwood door that swung open a heartbeat later.
Charles was halfway through putting on a shirt when he appeared in front of you, pulling it down to cover his stomach as he stared up at you, stilling when it connected to his pants, scanning your outfit from head to toe then staring at you for a second too long.
"Charles, I was promised dinner, not a staring contest.' You playfully remarked.
"Yeah," He snapped out of it, "come in."
He wasn't used to seeing you in such contrasting colors to the bright Ferrari red you both wore most times you saw each other. Even the times when he saw you dressed in outfits that didn't include team gear, it usually wasn't so laid back. He kept thinking that you looked really good in such casual attire. He was taking a liking to the outfit.
"Um..." He cleared his voice and shut the door once you were past him, "We should order room service.”
"Perfetto." You agreed and took a seat on the couch.
The hotel room service had a contactless menu, so you scanned the code with your phone and began looking through the food options you had, solely focusing on the various platters you could chose from.
"It won't scan." Charles kept tapping his phone screen with his index finger.
"Okay, grandpa." You mocked but got up to help him nonetheless.
He was hunched over the short center table on which he had set the paper he had to scan, so you went up to his side, your hand subconsciously placing itself on his shoulder as you leaned down to check out what was happening with him.
Just like that, Charles' mind seemed to have been disconnected from the rest of his system, underneath your touch, hidden by the material of his shirt, goosebumps making an appearance on his skin. He could literally hear the drumming of his own heartbeat. He was also hoping and praying you couldn't feel it beneath your palm.
Every ounce of self control he had was being sacrificed in the purpose of him not allowing himself to turn around, not to give into the temptation of catching a glimpse of your face right then and there.
What was happening? He was struggling to understand so he pretended that he was still watching whatever it was that you were tapping on his phone screen until your hand disappeared out of his line of sight.
"There you go." You spoke as the menu appeared on his screen, he didn't reply though, "Charles, it worked."
"Charles!" You tapped his head, "You there, buddy?"
You couldn’t help the chuckle that left your lips, especially as he visibly shook his head, breaking his trance to answer you.
"Huh?" He sounded confused as he straightened up and turned to face you.
"You have a fever or something?" You half joked, "The code scanned, by the way."
"I don't know. Check?" He leaned forward towards you so you'd check the temperature of his head, clearly not acknowledging the second part you’d spoken just yet.
Reluctantly, utterly weirded out by this, you pressed the back of your hand his forehead, "I was joking... Do you actually feel ill?"
"Nope." He popped the "p" with a cheeky smile, grabbed his phone and took a seat to pick what to eat.
You were beyond confused, but he had a purpose behind that little play. He had to check for the same reaction as when you touched his shoulder, and sure enough, he was even more suspicious of what was happening now.
Choosing the food took too long, but luckily, the bag had been secured and now you were sat on opposite couches, talking and eating in equal parts.
You were curled up with your bowl of food supported on your knee and steadied by one hand.
Charles, when he saw you in that position, smiled to himself like an idiot, then frowned because what the fuck was that. However, it seemed to be out of his control, the endless number of brief, quick glances at you he took, completely taken by the view of having you around so casually. He was finding it incredibly comforting. It just felt right.
When you started telling him about a little child, dressed in a shirt with Charles' face on it and a Ferrari cap with the number 16 sitting loose on his head, running up to you in the paddock because he saw you were a member of the team, he started realizing what was happening to him.
Every sparkle of your eyes as you shared the details of the story was making him grin. Luckily, he could blame it on the happenings you were narrating to him, but what was he gonna blame the racing of his heart every time you smiled on?
"God, he was so cute." You continued gushing and Charles continued beaming, "His parents came up to apologize about it too. Like, for what? You son is adorable. But apparently, his room is slowly turning into a Charles Leclerc shrine. He insists on buying everything he sees that is related to you or Ferrari and has your picture hung on his wall." You stopped for a moment to take a bite of food. Unknowingly, you saved Charles' heart from just straight up bursting.
Once you swallowed the bite you took, you added the final details of the story.
"You know what's the fuckery here?"
Charles shook his head in question.
"Both his parents had Max Verstappen shirts on, even caps, one of them signed if i'm not mistaken and there they were, walking around the paddock with a Charles Leclerc super fan skipping ahead of them, collecting Ferrari employees in hopes of meeting you." As you spoke, you grabbed your phone and went to your photos app, also ridding yourself of the food bowl by putting it on the table.
"In fact, he wanted to meet you so bad that he agreed to me taking him picture so I would show you his shirt. He was really proud of it." You crossed the room to where Charles was sitting with his legs crossed, taking a seat by him and handing him your phone.
Met with the adorable smile of the kid, he quickly found himself agreeing with you about how cute he was, but despite that, his eyes kept finding you as the soft smile refused to leave his lips.
The realization was slowly setting in.
Thinking there was more than one picture, he swiped his thumb across the screen and found out he was right, except the kid was no longer the star of the capture. You were.
Crouched beside the child, you were smiling widely, holding out a thumbs up as the little boy pulled a funny pose, all while his fingers pointed to the face on his red shirt.
But Charles was only paying attention to how you were glowing, the smile on your face practically taking him breath away and promising not to return it anytime soon.
The realization set in.
He had feelings for his communication manager. He liked you far more than he had known.
"If you see him again tomorrow or Sunday, bring him to me. Or bring me something to sign for him at least. Okay?"
You nodded quickly and, without thinking anything through, you kissed Charles' cheek and told him "You're so sweet, I swear to god."
Charles was left speechless, a small, almost shy smile on his face. He blushed and looked down.
Yeah, it was safe to say he was down bad.
Monza Grand Prix:
"Eight minutes late this time." Charles teased as you climbed into his car after having left him waiting for the exact number of minutes he mentioned, your open bag stuffed with things you needed during the day threatening to spill.
"Shut up and drive." You complained.
He made disapproving noises as he turned to face you and puckered his lips, demanding a kiss for his good morning greeting.
"Ugh, okay." You might have acted annoyed but you absolutely loved kissing him, so you pressed your lips to his for a just a second, still anxious at the thought of arriving late, "Now, drive. We're gonna be late. We're already gonna get mobbed when we arrive because of you."
Charles' eyebrows rose and he was already plotting a comeback to the fact that you, out of all people, were warning him about tardiness.
Seeing where he was going with those looks, you gave him another kiss, a slightly longer one into which you smirked.
"You can't be the one afraid of being late, baby." He still muttered after you pulled away.
"Ugh." You groaned, "Just drive."
Together, you were heading to the circuit, Autodromo Nazionale di Monza, for the Saturday sessions, FP3 and qualifying.
As Charles drove and after you finished rearranging your bag, you finally took notice of the painfully obvious yellow your boyfriend was wearing. Even with the awareness that you'd have to sport the unflattering shade yourself tomorrow, you weren't gonna miss the opportunity to crack a joke, one you'd been seeing on the internet.
"Oh my God." You calmly said, turning in your seat a little to face Charles.
"Cosa?" What? He asked, keeping his attention on the road ahead.
"You've never looked so good."
His head snapped towards you so fast, it made you burst out laughing as he flashed you an unimpressed look.
"Oh, c'mon baby." He whined in annoyance, "I already feel weird enough in yellow already.' He reached over and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers.
The joke over now, you went on to provide him some reassurance that he seemingly was in need of.
"You looks really good." You brought his hand up and kissed his knuckles lightly, "I don't know how, but you make it work."
In the paddock, you inevitably parted ways to get on with your own separate jobs, only meeting up for the press after the third practice session, hanging out together for a bit in the while between free practice and qualifying then ending that with a kiss in his driver's room then parting ways again, but not before promising each other to spend the evening together.
When the time for qualifying came around, you settled in front of one of the many screens in the hospitality and watched along with many other team members, equally as visibly stressed as you were and when the session wrapped up and Charles got pole, you literally had to resist the urge to squeal in joy.
A few minutes later, you went out to find him for his interviews, your eyes easily spotting the bright yellow as he approached you from a distance, a huge smile flawlessly decorating his lips.
As soon as he was within reach, you simply couldn't resist the burning urge to pull him away for a few seconds behind a wall that would give you just enough privacy. Happiness looked so good on him. It was messing with the functionality of your heart, messing with your heartbeat.
Shocked at that bold move, Charles still grinned at you and pulled you in for a quick kiss that left the both of you beaming even more than you already were as you pulled away, Charles even more since you pecked his smiling lips again and again, whispering a quick phrase against them, one that he hadn't heard in such an intimate situation before.
"Il predestinato, veramente." The predestined, truly.
The three words had him chuckling and blushing at first but painted a seemingly never withering smile on his face, one he kept throughout the interview and press conference and for the rest of the day. He was happy about the entirety of that day.
Brazil Grand Prix:
Flashbacks of France was all you could think off as Charles' car spun out and headed straight for the barrier, colliding and momentarily disappearing into a white cloud of smoke and dust as it did.
Only when you had to peak an eye open to glance at the screen did you realize that you had forcefully screwed your eyes shut, refusing to see another DNF.
It was hard enough to calm him down on Friday after qualifying. Of course, he was completely rightfully angry but that didn't mean you weren't scared for him when you went up to his hotel room and saw him in that state. It's said that the nicest people are the most intimidating when they were angry, when they have had enough and finally snap. That night had proven that theory to be true. You didn't want him feeling that way again.
So, when you looked back up at the screen and saw him flipping Lando off and driving his car back onto the track, you sighed in partial relief. At least he wasn't out of the race, right?
Wrong because after a pit stop to replace the front wing and check for damage, he rejoined the track in last position. It was to be expected but you still wanted to punch someone nonetheless. That and the fact that Charles had never went as far as giving the middle finger to other drivers. He had to be fuming.
Fast forward an hour or so, you had a re-realization of what an outstanding driver your boyfriend was. Your eyes couldn't leave the screen.
P4. He ended up finishing P4.
He recovered from last to fourth and you just wanted to give him the biggest kiss ever right then, so you did, but after the press and debrief, once the two of you were alone, in the serene quiet of his dimly lit hotel room.
"Charles, that was so fucking sexy." You muttered against his lips while he still had you pushed against the wall, you hands around his neck, his on your waist.
"What was?" He frowned and pulled away a few centimeters.
"The way you drove today." You pecked his lips again, "That reputation era should've started sooner."
Publicly, you were a part of the Ferrari team. Secretly, fuck them for ruining your boyfriend's season.
"I keep reading that and I keep pretending I understand what it means."
You pushed away from his body a little to see if he was being serious and much to your surprise, he looked like it.
"You uncultured swine!" You playfully swatted his shoulder then pointed to a nearby couch behind him, "Sit down and let me educate you."
Charles was highly entertained by this, suddenly interested in understanding the phrase as well. Your reaction to his cluelessness had him wondering if it was something he was supposed to know.
FIfteen minutes later, it all finally made sense in his head.
"Ohh" He said.
"So, when people say they want you to enter your reputation era, it means they want you to stop being so nice, start being badass and giving people what they deserve: pure hell in case of your shit team." You explained further and allowed him to pull you into his lap.
"You're part of the team, do you remember that?" He teased, pressing a kiss onto the skin of your neck.
"So... Give me what I deserve." You teased right back, brushing through his hair with your fingers, your attitude about this extremely amusing Charles.
"Baby..." He dragged the word out.
"Charles..." You replied, locking your eyes with his and giving him a soft smile that never failed to make his heart beat fast at record speeds.
"Fuck, okay.” His arms hooked under your body and he was quick to carry you to the bedroom, "Reputation era it is. Giving people what they deserve and shit of that sort." As soon as he finished his sentence, he laid you down on the bed and his lips found yours.
"You, however... You deserve different things, baby." He implied and showed you repeatedly what he meant by that over the next few hours.
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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First version of the GReddyVI-AZ-1. This is the red version. This was later rebuilt as the white version. Pics from my book by Amemiya san. Translated text below by google with some corrections by myself.
Dream Mine Another dream machine! The compact monster is also my starting point!
GReddyVI-AZ-1 1996 Tokyo Auto Salon Domestic Complete Car Category Excellence Award
The GReddy series so far has been based on FC and FD but the body size is wider
It has turned into a monster.
However, this year, as I entered my last year in my 40s, I looked back on my tuning life up to that point, returned to my roots, and wanted to take on a new challenge. .
My starting point is a machine with tremendous power hidden in a compact body, and I wish I could tear apart a Porsche or Ferrari class hyper sports car from the outside! I wanted to revive the pleasure I experienced with Chante and Cervo.
The original gullwing used in the GReddy7-IIi, IV, and V is of course satisfactory in terms of construction and design, but it is still
PIC CAPTIONS (first pic)
A body that has originality in each part and incorporates every possible idea that is unique to the street and not found in racing cars.
The quality of the gullwings made by Kerr is high in terms of their high degree of perfection and durability. As expected, I have no choice but to say. Therefore, as I am particular about gullwings, I chose the AZ-1 as the base car, which I had been eyeing since it was first released. Sera's Gullwing was also a candidate, but I chose the AZ-1 because the shape of the windshield matched the image.
Although it is based on the AZ-1, only the door structure, roof, windshield, and some interior parts remain. Of course, the engine was replaced with a rotary one, and production began by making everything completely complete, from the body to the frame and suspension structure!
Since it's a K-sized car, I wanted to keep it as compact as possible by keeping it within the same size as the 80 Supra, with 20cms wider on each side, making the body as compact as possible but to allow Air to the 3 rotors loaded in the mid position.
It is also my passion to not attach wings and to make it an integral part of the body. The rear of the bumper has a mesh pattern to vent air.
When it came to the body design, things like introduction, securing downforce, etc., ideas kept coming to me, and it was difficult but fun to turn them into reality.
The chassis and suspension took a lot of time and the know-how gained from participating in races. It is also meant to strengthen the body in order to obtain official approval, and it is stretched to the point where it can be called a pipe frame specification. The suspension has also been set up with an emphasis on handling so that it can ride smoothly around the bay. The locking arm type double wishbone has a stroke of 50mm compared to the standard 140mm. Well, as for ``how about actually driving it?'', it's a pity that I haven't been able to test it out since it hasn't been officially approved yet.
The important engine is a 3-rotor side port specification that uses the eccentric shaft and rotor housing for 20B, and connects three rotors for 13B.
The mid-mounted engine is a 3-rotor using a 13B rotor. We also considered the weight balance and carefully determined the positioning.
The turbine is T78-33D, and it squeezes out about 500ps with a boost of 1.1k. However, this is also not set to the highest speed, but rather to focus on acceleration up to 300km/h by improving mid- to low-speed response. At first, I thought about having an NA like the GT, but since it's a mid-engine car, the sound would get really noisy, so after thinking about it a lot, I decided on a turbo version.
Actually, this car. I won the Excellence Award, but I missed out on the Grand Prix. Why? I heard from Dai-chan and other judges that it was because we were late for the delivery time! If the item is not delivered within the specified time, it will not be subject to inspection. However, I'm grateful that they decided to at least give me the Excellence Award because it's so amazing. I didn't create it just to win an award, but when I think about how it could have won the Grand Prix, I was a little disappointed. I was just so disgusted.
Base vehicle: AZ-1/13B modified 20B
Engine & Turbine system: T78-33 D/Trust wastegate type R/Trust 3-layer inner fin type intercooler for GT-R + 90 piping/one-off radiator
Exhaust system Original stainless steel/other Suspension & drive system Bilstein Porsche racing suspension/Porsche C car hub/Porsche 962C transmission/Brembo 355 monoblock brake caliper (front)/Brembo F40 brake (rear) other
Tires & wheels: Yokohama A-008 P front 255/35-18/rear 295/ 35-18 / AW-7
Others: Carrozzeria, car navigation system, etc.
The shift lever is set to the right of the driver's seat, and the racing car-inspired meters are made by Stack.
I won the Excellence Award, but I missed out on the Grand Prix!
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vintagelasvegas · 5 years
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Las Vegas Park Race Track, 1953
The track went bust after just 13 days of live racing in 1953, a failure of what was intended to marry the Las Vegas gambling and entertainment destination with the Thoroughbred racing boom. The site later became Las Vegas Country Club, Westgate, Regency Towers, and part of Las Vegas Convention Center.
Joe Smoot founded Las Vegas Park in ‘49, and acquired 750 acres from the estate of Leigh S. J. Hunt at $750/acre. The architects were Arthur Froehlich and Paul R. Williams. Construction began in summer of ‘50, and by the following year the business was bankrupt.
Smoot pleaded not guilty to a grand jury embezzlement indictment. In federal court, failing to produce receipts or canceled checks for $500,000 in missing money, he said: “You ever try to pay a politician with a check?”
Las Vegas Jockey Club, a new corporation headed by Lou Smith and Al Luke, emerged as the new owner and operator in early 1953. The park opened September 4, 1953. Their only season was married by faulty ticking and betting equipment. The stables were vacated in Oct. ‘53. Joe W. Brown bought the track following its second bankruptcy.
• Photos of Las Vegas Park Race Track
Las Vegas Turf Club was the second organization to use the track for horse racing. Their Dec. ‘54 season had poor attendance, as low as 400. Ten years later in ‘64 & 65, Las Vegas Park was used for the last time for Nevada Racing Association’s Thunderbird Downs. (The name Thunderbird Downs was also used for the half-mile track a short distance away at the Thunderbird Hotel.)
Throughout the 50s, the track – alternately known as Joe W. Brown Race Track – was also used for convention events and automobile racing: American Automobile Association Championship (‘54), NASCAR Grand National Championship (‘55), and the USAC Grand Prix (‘59). It was the race track seen in the movie “Viva Las Vegas.”
Part of the property was sold to Clark County in ‘57 for the construction of the Convention Center. Joe W. Brown’s estate sold the remaining property to National Equities Inc. in ‘65 for the creation of what became Las Vegas Country Club. National Equities sold some 60 acres to Kirk Kerkorian for The International Hotel; 20 acres to Clark County for an expansion of the Convention Center; the southeast section was saved for what would be come Regency Towers.
• Video: construction and opening of Las Vegas Park in 1953
Photos: Las Vegas News Bureau; Keeneland Library Thoroughbred Times.
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Sources. Work to Begin on Las Vegas Park Stand. Review-Journal, 5/26/50; B. Dow. “Sports Snorts.” Review-Journal, 7/21/50; Vegas Park Story of Accomplishment. RJ 9/4/53; Big Car Race. Review-Journal, 5/23/54; Vegas Race to Preview 500 Dash? Review-Journal, 11/7/54; Sad Ending: Turf Club Scratched. Review-Journal, 12/6/54; Vegas Track Mark of 95 MPH Might Fall Under Stocks. Review-Journal, 10/16/55; Home Show Opens Tonight at the Race Track. Review-Journal, 6/12/57; 250-Mile Grand Prix Set for Vegas Today. Review-Journal, 11/29/59; J. Price. “A Dream of Horse Racing that became a Nightmare.” The Nevadan, 2/6/66; R. Miech. A sad saga: horse racing in Las Vegas. Las Vegas Sun, 4/29/2008; J. Lowe. The lavish Las Vegas racetrack that went bust in 13 days. Thoroughbred Racing, 2/25/2019; J. Warren, 2021. The Path of the Shield.
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pulaasul · 1 year
Sharing His Luck - Kamen Rider Geats X Persona 5
Haru planned a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend, which he really liked but an uninvited guest rears his ugly head.
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Shoutout to @rainixdra for the brainstorming session we had pushed this fic into existence lol.
A/N: Funny thing, the whole inspiration for this fic was Garnet's line of "This was supposed to be my day" during the Rupphire wedding of Steven Universe... but adding that destroys the flow of the story it got cut.
"Sorry to call you today of all days, Keiwa-kun." A lady apologized to Keiwa as he entered a building.
"It's alright," Keiwa shrugged the apology. "From what I heard, you're understaffed for the whole day, right?" He set his bag down and gave the woman his full attention. "Has anyone taken the kitchen?"
"Unfortunately," The matron nodded. "Would you mind watching the kids? They're still sleeping."
"I won't," Keiwa smiled.
It had been a year since Keiwa and the others had defeated Sueru and the Desire Grand Prix as a whole. It had been a grueling fight, but they won.
In the months since they defeated Sueru: Ace went back to his celebrity life, just modeling for a few brands; Michinaga-san was 'found' by some of his former co-workers and was convinced to return to his old job in the construction business; Neon-chan went on to live in the condominium unit she had bought with his sister but remained in contact with her parents.
And Keiwa found a job in Okumura Foods, specifically its main office.
Everything was peaceful.
Keiwa couldn't ask for anything more if he was being honest.
Before, he'd have wanted – no, he shouldn't be focusing on the past.
Two days from now would be the anniversary of them defeating Sueru. Ace had suggested a fancy dinner at one of the clique hotels but was vetoed almost immediately by Tsumuri-san and Michinaga-san.
As he went inside the orphanage's dining area, he didn't think it was weird for the area to be so dark and empty. The matron did tell him that the children were asleep.
As soon as he turned on the lights he was startled by the sudden loud noise that erupted.
"Happy Birthday!"
Keiwa turned around and saw everyone in front of him holding out a banner that said 'Happy birthday'.
He looked around the room and the dining area was decorated to have a birthday party from the buntings on the ceiling to the balloons that was scattered around the room.
"Looks like our tanuki is speechless." Ace spoke up with a smirk.
"Oh let him compose himself." Neon elbowed the celebrity.
"Happy Birthday, Keiwa-kun," A woman with curly auburn hair approached the birthday boy and kissed his cheeks. "Did you like your surprise?"
"H-haru-chan," Keiwa gulped and composed himself. "D-did you do this?"
"Everyone helped," Haru gestured to the people holding the banner. "Did you like it?"
"Yeah!" Keiwa nodded. "Thank you, thank you."
"Ready Set –" Neon exclaimed.
"Happy Birthday To You!" Everyone in the room began to sing.
As everyone sang the song, Haru pulled Keiwa to the center of the room, where a lone chair was placed. Haru placed him before the chair as the song concluded.
"Happy Birthday, Keiwa." Haru greeted once more before planting a kiss on his lips.
"Thank you, Haru-chan." Keiwa smiled
A lot of things happened since everyone sang happy birthday to Keiwa, that was when a gaggle of children came rushing in, in a hurry to greet their Keiwa-niichan a Happy Birthday.
The kids continued to play games as the adults enjoyed the day and looked after the rowdy children at the same time.
Some of Haru's friends came over and wished him a happy birthday, affirming their threats if he ever hurt her.
"I don't think any of you could even make good on your promises if that ever happened."
"You're right, she'd make you beg for your life," The male blond, Ryuji, shrugged before slinging his arm onto Keiwa's shoulders. "No, seriously man, Haru's life wasn't all rainbows when we met her, I would hate if she'd go back to the way when we met her."
"It's fine, Ryuji-san, Ren-san has already made that clear."
"Man, when will you drop the honorific? "
"But I'm younger than you." Keiwa insisted.
"Don't mind him, Ryuji, Keiwa-kun just like that." Haru chuckled before planting another kiss on her boyfriend's cheeks. "It took me months before he even addressed me as Haru-san."
"Fight with him side by side and he'd drop the honorific in a heartbeat." Ace joined the conversation.
"Fight?" Haru questioned.
"Ace, could you not?" Keiwa groaned. "I don't want anyone to think that I just look for fights."
"But you became one of the most seasoned fighters after you joined," Ace smirked. "Are you saying you regretted joining the fight?"
"No, but I would appreciate it if I get to tell my girlfriend things on my own terms."
"True, if you're worried about keeping the rule of keeping it a secret, you can tell whoever you like, it's not like they can still enforce their rules."
"That is nice to know." Keiwa nodded.
"Dude, you were involved in fights?" Ryuji grinned.
"When you feel ready, Keiwa-kun?" Haru assured before sending a glare at her blond friend.
Sometime later, Keiwa's sister arrived at the venue. She made a beeline towards Keiwa as soon as she saw him and greeted him with a Happy Birthday.
"Did you know that Haru-chan planned a surprise birthday party for me, nee-chan?"
"I did," Sara smiled. "Instead of joining, I decided to be at work today because if I didn't it'd ruin the surprise."
"Thank you, nee-chan." Keiwa hugged his sister, who hugged him back.
"So how's the birthday boy? Did you enjoy the presentation the kids gave to their beloved Keiwa-nii-chan?" Ace smirked as he approached Keiwa.
"Don't tell me, you guys planned this in advance?" Keiwa asked.
"We did," Neon joined in the conversation. "We had to secure the place for this event after all."
"And the matron was all for it, even asked the kids about it."
"Hence the presentation." Keiwa nodded.
"So, how'd you like their presentation?"
"It was really good, as I said to them before." Keiwa smiled.
"They were good." Neon agreed.
"Where's Win-san and Michinaga-san?"
"You're not going to ask where Tsumuri-chan is?"
"I would…"
"She has forgiven you," Ace shook his head. "But she should be arriving later with PunkJack, they volunteered to monitor the place today so that there won't be another incident like XGeats or the one that Na-go and Buffa responded ever happens again."
"Michinaga-san?" Neon inquired this time.
"Buffa felt weird attending your birthday party considering he did end your life once."
"He's feeling weird about it." Keiwa pouted.
"Kinda like you with nee-san." Ace smirked.
"Fine, fine." Keiwa rolled his eyes.
As the party was winding down, the kids tired out from all the activities they did, and a lot of people were starting to pack everything away.
That was when an uninvited guest decided to show his ugly mug. It was someone whom Keiwa was familiar with but not really know.
"Haru, my darling, what are you doing in this disgusting place?" A loud haughty voice was heard. "I heard that you had broken up with that delinquent, Haru, why don't we renew our engagement so we can I make sure your business will prosper."
"This disgusting place, as you call it, Sugimura-san, is the place where people like you throw children like me to steal their inheritance," Haru's amicable demeanor can still be heard despite the heavy words she's uttered. "This orphanage helps make children feel wanted again after people like you discarded them."
"Keiwa-nii-chan, Keiwa-nii-chan," The gaggle of kids who had been outside rushed back to the dining area, surrounding Keiwa. "There's a bad man outside trying to hurt fluffy onee-san!"
"A bad man?" Keiwa raised an eyebrow.
The kids merely nodded.
"Go, I'll look after them."
While Keiwa knew that his girlfriend could handle the situation, he's witnessed it a few times, her friends from when she was in high school were still around, so he knew she was safe from anyone.
He decided it couldn't hurt to show up and offer support to Haru.
"Years too late for that news, Sugimura," Haru smiled. "Could you please leave, you're upsetting the children."
"Children? These unwanted bastards? Who cares about them?" Sugimura scoffed.
"You're a bad man!" A child from inside the establishment rushed to Sugimura and rushed at the intruding man.
The child pounded on the man's leg as Sugimura sneered.
Sugimura unceremoniously whisked his leg away from the child, causing the child to stumble onto the concrete floor.
"Shut up, you brat." Sugimura growled at the sobbing child.
"Are you so heartless, Sugimura, that you're willing to hurt an innocent child?" Haru couldn't hide the disgust in her voice even if she was still smiling.
"Innocent? You saw what happened, Haru, that child dared to touch me with their dirty hands."
"Does not warrant for to hurt a child, does it?" Keiwa growled.
Keiwa had rushed to the front of the establishment upon learning that a child could be hurt.
"Keiwa-kun, I'm sorry for this."
"It's okay, Haru-chan." Keiwa smiled at his girlfriend before he tended to the hurt child.
"Is that the plebian that you replaced me with?" Sugimura scoffed in disbelief.
"First off, he's not a plebian and secondly, what if he was?" Haru challenged.
"Him of all people? What trash can did you pick this street rat from?" Sugimura sneered.
"Taichi-kun, is anything hurting you?" Keiwa merely ignored the insults coming his way as he tended to the hurt child.
The child continued to sob but he nodded in response to the question.
"We will be talking about what you did earlier, okay?" Keiwa smiled at the child before ruffling his hair.
"I can bring carry him back to the building." A black-haired man offered.
"Please do, Ren-san." Keiwa nodded.
"Boys, let's teach this plebian a lesson of not interacting with people above their stations."
Men in suits suddenly appeared and got a hold of both Keiwa's arms.
"Tycoon." Ace said before nodding.
"Tycoon?" Haru questioned.
Keiwa sighed before he stomped the feet of one of his captors, freeing his right hand in the process, before using it to sock the other guy on the face, freeing his other hand.
Sugimura was speechless at what happened. The biggest bodies he brought in order to intimidate the delinquent and Haru's high school were easily brought down by some no-name nobody.
"For real?! When Ace said that you fought, he wasn't kidding." Ryuji whistled.
"You can't do that! This is assault."
"I believe what you did, Sugimura-san was assault, Sakurai-kun merely defended himself." A black-haired woman stepped forward. "Make no mistake, had Sakurai-kun not fought back, I would have made arrests here and now."
"What are you, a cop?"
"Not yet but Section 213 of the Code of Criminal Procedure allows anyone from civilians to firefighters witnessing any crime in progress to make an arrest." Makoto stated.
"Section 220 talks about illegal imprisonment." Sugimura smirked.
"Those would only apply to defamation accidental injury, illegal assembly, and the like," Makoto responded.
"Shouldn't you be arresting him, then?" Sugimura pointed at Keiwa.
"Why? He simply defended himself after you had your men assault him."
"Sugimura-san, was it?" Keiwa let out a long breath. "I suggest you take your men and get away from this establishment." Keiwa glared at Sugimura as he cracked his fingers with his thumb.
"Okay, this has gone on long enough." Ace showed his face to the trespassing group.
"You know, I don't really like it if anyone hurts my friends." Neon stood beside Ace.
"I assume you know us judging from how pale you look right now." Ace spoke.
"I think I have some capital to spend and buy the company out from you, Sugimuira," Neon smiled.
"That's a good idea, maybe he'll learn some humility."
"So I suggest before I really call someone to buy your company's stocks and demote you to janitor." Neon glared at the man.
Sugimura gulped before he scampered off to who knows where.
As soon as Sugimura left, Sara immediately fussed over her brother. She checked if her brother was hurt by the men Sugimura used to attempt to cause an injury to him.
Keiwa had reassured his sister that he was fine.
As soon as Sara was satisfied, Keiwa was approached by Ryuji who simply put an arm over his shoulders, grinning.
"I totally did not expect you to beat up Sugimura's men, I was about to rush in myself."
"Yeah well, if you have to fight for your life for a whole year, you learn a thing or two about defending yourself." Keiwa shrugged.
"It was that bad, huh?"
"It's all in the past." Keiwa smiled.
"Ryuji, can I talk to Keiwa-kun?"
"Go right ahead, I need to find Renren anyway." Ryuji grinned as he offered his seat to Haru.
"I'm sorry you had to be introduced to him on your special day." Haru apologized for what happened.
"It's fine, I would have been fine to let you handle him and it looked like you could have handled him but he went and hurt a child."
"Understandable." Haru nodded.
"Were you hurt?"
"My hand hurt a little after I punched that one guy flat," Keiwa chuckled. "Other than that, I'm fine."
It came time for Keiwa to leave the orphanage with Haru. They had just succeeded in making every child sleep for the night after the whole afternoon party they had.
"I'm sorry you had to meet Sugimura like that." Haru apologized to the matron of the orphanage.
"Think nothing of it, it's a good thing you have a dependable boyfriend, huh?" The matron teased.
Keiwa and Haru blushed at the remark.
"You both should be off, it's getting later."
"Thank you for the surprise, obaa-san."
"Anything for you, Keiwa-kun." The matron smiled.
As Keiwa and Haru left the orphanage, Haru looked at her boyfriend.
"Did you like your birthday surprise, Keiwa-kun?"
"I did, Haru-chan, I really did," Keiwa kissed Haru's cheek. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Where did you get the idea to surprise me?"
"It was Neon-chan's idea," Haru revealed. "She told me that she has always wanted to attend a surprise birthday party, and I must admit, I do too."
"That's understandable."
"It was Sara-san who suggested that we use the orphanage you volunteer your time to as the venue."
"Typical nee-chan," Keiwa gave a fond smile. "She knows me too well."
"She mentioned how you'd rather have a birthday party at the orphanage rather than in a private venue so that the kids could also enjoy your special day."
"Yeah," Keiwa nodded. "I know the feeling of losing parents, I feel so lucky that nee-chan was there to support me and I really like to share the luck I enjoyed with them."
"That's so sweet, Keiwa-kun."
"I really love the surprise you gave me, Haru-chan." Keiwa cupped Haru's face. "And I've got a surprise of my own for you."
Keiwa kissed Haru on the lips, which Haru reciprocated.
"Did you have a Happy Birthday?"
"I did"
The couple resumed kissing under the moonlight.
A/N: Haru X Keiwa is a ship that's really out there lol! But I kinda love it.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 7.29 (after 1920)
1920 – Construction of the Link River Dam begins as part of the Klamath Reclamation Project. 1921 – Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. 1932 – Great Depression: In Washington, D.C., troops disperse the last of the "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans. 1937 – Tongzhou mutiny: In Tongzhou, China, the East Hebei Army attacks Japanese troops and civilians. 1945 – The BBC Light Programme radio station is launched for mainstream light entertainment and music. 1948 – Olympic Games: The Games of the XIV Olympiad: After a hiatus of 12 years caused by World War II, the first Summer Olympics to be held since the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, open in London. 1950 – Korean War: After four days, the No Gun Ri Massacre ends when the US Army 7th Cavalry Regiment is withdrawn. 1957 – The International Atomic Energy Agency is established. 1957 – Tonight Starring Jack Paar premieres on NBC with Jack Paar beginning the modern day talk show. 1958 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs into law the National Aeronautics and Space Act, which creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 1959 – First United States Congress elections in Hawaii as a state of the Union. 1965 – Vietnam War: The first 4,000 101st Airborne Division paratroopers arrive in Vietnam, landing at Cam Ranh Bay. 1967 – Vietnam War: Off the coast of North Vietnam the USS Forrestal catches on fire in the worst U.S. naval disaster since World War II, killing 134. 1967 – During the fourth day of celebrating its 400th anniversary, the city of Caracas, Venezuela is shaken by an earthquake, leaving approximately 500 dead. 1973 – Greeks vote to abolish the monarchy, beginning the first period of the Metapolitefsi. 1973 – Driver Roger Williamson is killed during the Dutch Grand Prix, after a suspected tire failure causes his car to pitch into the barriers at high speed. 1976 – In New York City, David Berkowitz (a.k.a. the "Son of Sam") kills one person and seriously wounds another in the first of a series of attacks. 1980 – Iran adopts a new "holy" flag after the Islamic Revolution. 1981 – A worldwide television audience of around 750 million people watch the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul's Cathedral in London. 1981 – After impeachment on June 21, Abolhassan Banisadr flees with Massoud Rajavi to Paris, in an Iranian Air Force Boeing 707, piloted by Colonel Behzad Moezzi, to form the National Council of Resistance of Iran. 1987 – British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and President of France François Mitterrand sign the agreement to build a tunnel under the English Channel (Eurotunnel). 1987 – Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi and President of Sri Lanka J. R. Jayewardene sign the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord on ethnic issues. 1993 – The Supreme Court of Israel acquits alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk of all charges and he is set free. 1996 – The child protection portion of the Communications Decency Act is struck down by a U.S. federal court as too broad. 2005 – Astronomers announce their discovery of the dwarf planet Eris. 2010 – An overloaded passenger ferry capsizes on the Kasai River in Bandundu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, resulting in at least 80 deaths. 2013 – Two passenger trains collide in the Swiss municipality of Granges-près-Marnand near Lausanne injuring 25 people. 2015 – The first piece of suspected debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is discovered on Réunion Island. 2019 – The 2019 Altamira prison riot between rival Brazilian drug gangs leaves 62 dead. 2021 – The International Space Station temporarily spins out of control, moving the ISS 45 degrees out of attitude, following an engine malfunction of Russian module Nauka.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Ferrari Enzo 
From the early days campaigning Alfa Romeo’s Grand Prix titans to the final game-changing supercar launched shortly before his death, Enzo Ferrari was committed throughout his life to creating world-beating machines. Whether sitting at the pinnacle of motorsport or within the pages of magazine centrefolds, cars that wore the Prancing Horse badge represented the very cutting edge of technology, style, and performance. Fitting, then, that the car built in his honour—the Ferrari Enzo—would exemplify everything that had seen the Maranello marque grow from a boutique producer of sports racers to one of the most coveted and desirable badges in automotive history.Like the great halo models that came before, the Enzo was created to push the boundaries of road car performance, utilising technology derived from the top-tier of motorsport and otherworldly styling from long-term design partner Pininfarina. Constructed from lightweight carbon fibre and aluminium, the Enzo’s sophisticated chassis was clothed in composite bodywork styled by the carrozzeria’s Ken Okuyama and shaped by wind-tunnel testing. Influenced by Ferrari’s leading grand prix cars, the rakish nose struck a tone carried over to the rest of the coachwork, with subtle ground-effect aerodynamics and a small active spoiler in place of the F50’s outrageous rear wing.At the Enzo’s heart lay an all-new, mid-mounted, 6.0-litre V-12 engine that produced a staggering 651 horsepower— greater than the output of any of its rivals. But it wasn’t just the headline power figure that impressed, but how it was delivered, with a perfect combination of low-end torque; fierce acceleration with each shift of the paddles; and an addictive howl as the needle approached the 8,200 rpm redline. Like its top-of-the-range predecessors, the Enzo set a new benchmark for performance and design, and due to a production run that numbered just 399 examples, has since become one of the most significant collector cars of the early 21st Century.
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f1 · 1 year
Drivers notch up over 600 laps in Pirellis 2024 tyre test as Mick Schumacher makes Mercedes debut
Ferrari and Mercedes’ drivers have notched up over 600 laps between them over the course of two days of lapping the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya – host of last weekend’s Spanish Grand Prix – as Pirelli tested a selection of proposed tyre compounds for the 2024 season. Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz, and Mercedes’ George Russell and Mick Schumacher – the team’s reserve, who was making his on-track debut for the Silver Arrows in the newly-upgraded W14 – clocked up 617 laps between them across Tuesday and Wednesday: 167 for Leclerc, 152 for Schumacher, 151 for Russell and 147 for Sainz. WATCH: Schumacher returns to F1 action with first run in Mercedes’ W14 “These were two very important days of testing,” said Pirelli’s Head of Motorsport Mario Isola, “as we gathered plenty of useful information to come up with the best possible choices for next year. “In terms of construction, there are still just a few details to fine-tune, while during this test we began to identify a solid development base for the compounds; especially for the middle of what will be the 2024 range.” Ferrari and Mercedes were on hand to test the new rubber Meanwhile, Pirelli confirmed that running took place without the use of tyre blankets – with the manufacturer having been set to trial a blanket-less wet weather compound at the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix before it was called off last month. “All the running took place without using tyre blankets. We verified a few interesting things on track,” added Isola. “Now we move on to a complete analysis of all the data so that we head into the next test, at Silverstone after the British Grand Prix, as well prepared as we can be. “After that we will draw some conclusions from all the work done over the last few months and present the FIA, F1 and the teams with the complete picture, so that the best decisions can be taken using all the information available.” READ MORE: Pirelli 'happy' with their tyre development in 2023 as they talk plans for their future in Formula 1 Meanwhile Schumacher – son of seven-time champion Michael – who lost his drive at Haas to fellow German Nico Hulkenberg at the end of 2022, said it had been “good to get back in the driving seat” – with the 24-year-old having been praised after the Spanish Grand Prix weekend by Mercedes race drivers Russell and Lewis Hamilton for his simulator work developing the W14. “It was great! I learned a lot and it was a lot of fun,” said Schumacher, who drove alongside Sainz on Wednesday. “It was a very productive day; we got through everything we wanted to and ran every test tyre on the plan. It was also good to have that first experience of the tyres without any blankets. Obviously having not driven in a while, I felt it physically, but it was good to be back in the driving seat. George Russell discusses the new compounds with the Pirelli engineers “There is obviously a difference between the simulator and driving in the real world,” he added. “There will always be a difference as the technology is not at a point where you can compare it 100%. However, it is the closest experience I've had between a simulator and real life. The simulator has prepared me, and the team has made a great effort of correlating it. That helped me to know what to expect when driving it. READ MORE: Hamilton and Russell pay tribute to Schumacher for simulator work that contributed to double podium in Spain “I'm very excited for the rest of the year. I've had a great time today and hopefully I'll be back in a car at some point. I loved every bit of it! I want to say a big thank you to everybody for this opportunity.” Pirelli, meanwhile, will introduce a new specification of slick tyre for July’s British Grand Prix at Silverstone, with teams having tested the new construction in free practice for the Spanish Grand Prix last week. The next tyre test will take place at Silverstone after the British Grand Prix via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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1958 Porsche 356 A Coupe
The Porsche 356A (T2) Speedster September 1957 to August 1958 (Carrerra Speedsters continued into 1959)
The last of the 356A Speedsters are probably the most attractive and the most desirable. The 356A (T2) Speedster was introduced in September 1957 and continued until the basic Speedster was replaced by the Convertible D in August 1958 although a number of Carrera, GS and GT Speedsters were produced in 1959.
Ferdinand Porsche and the foundation of the Porsche Company
Ferdinand Porsche was born on September 3rd 1875, in the Bohemian village of Maffersdor. After attending grammar school and Staatsgewerbeschule (State Vocational School) in Reichenberg, he entered his father's metalworking business. The young and imaginative Ferdinand pursued a fascination with electricity working on the design of an electric car and in 1900 The Lohner-Porsche electric car is presented at the World Fair in Paris. Porsche's wheel hub engines brought the young engineer international attention. In the same year, he developed an all-wheel-drive racecar, as well as a hybrid petrol/electric vehicle.
In 1906 Ferdinand Porsche became Technical Director at Austro-Daimler in Wiener Neustadt. At the age of only 31, he became responsible for the model range of one of Europe's largest automotive concerns.
In September1909 Ferdinand's first son, Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche, later known as 'Ferry', was born. In 1910 The Austro-Daimler touring car designed by Ferdinand Porsche scores a triple victory in the Prince Henry Trials.
In 1923 as Technical Director and Board Member of the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Stuttgart, Ferdinand Porsche was responsible for the design of the legendary Mercedes Compressor Sports Car and in the following year, he led the development of the 2-litre racecar won the Targa Florio. The Mercedes-Benz S-Type models dominate international motorsport from 1927.
Professor Ferdinand Porsche 1875-1951
In 1931 Ferdinand Porsche founded the company that bears his name "Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche GmbH" to provide 'engineering and consultation on engine and vehicle design'. Based in Stuttgart the company carried out projects for manufacturers such as as Wanderer, Zündapp and NSU. In 1933 Porsche developed a Grand Prix mid-engined 16-cylinder racecar for Auto Union. He also developed a rear engined compact vehicle concept for NSU.
One year later the Porsche company received an official order for the design and construction of a German 'Peoples Car' or Volkswagen. The prototype was developed and assembled in the garage of the Porsche villa in Stuttgart and was road tested within 12 months At the same time production facilities were being set up for the Volkswagen which was officially called the 'KdF-Wagen'.
In December 1935 Ferdinand Alexander Porsche the first son of Ferry Porsche (and later known as 'Butzi') was born in Stuttgart.
During 1939 Porsche developed 3 racing coupés for long-distance endurance competition. These 'Berlin­Rome-Wagens' could be considered the forerunners of later Porsche sports cars.
He also designed the Mercedes T-80 in1939 to conquer the world land speed record. It was reputed to have a 3000 hp aircraft engine.
Because of the outbreak of the second world war Volkswagen production was diverted towards the military version of the Beetle, the Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen. Only 1207 Volkswagen KdFs were built between 1941 and 1944
Porsche also designed several heavy tanks but did not get the production contract. Towards the end of the war the Porsche Engineering office moved to the relative safety of Gmünd in the Austrian province of Carinthia.
After the war the Volkswagen factory at Wolfsburg was taken over by the British and Ferdinand Porsche was arrested and imprisoned in France for 20 months.
In 1946 under the direction of Ferdinand Porsche's son Ferry, the Porsche Engineering office became involved in the design of an all-wheeldrive Grand Prix racecar for an Italian industrialist, Piero Dusio.
Ferry Porsche saw a market for a small, light two seater roadster and was unable to find a car in the market that matched his preference. He decided to build a car which became the first 356 and the first sportscar to bear the Porsche name.
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xolta · 2 years
Games part 5
Xolta's Big old recommended games list Part 5 gen 6-7
Dreamcast: Illbled(mind fuck/ surivival horror) Sonic Adventure 1&2(platformer) Chu chu rocket(puzzle) Crazy taxi1&2(taxi em up) Dynamite cop(beat em up) Jet Set Radio( 3d platforming) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (adventure) Power Stone 1&2(platform fighter) SoulCalibur(fighting) Space channle 5(rythm)
Game Boy Advance: Advance Guardian Heroes(beat em up) Advance Wars(Tatics) Astro Boy: Omega Factor (anime em up) Bomberman Max 2(bomber man) Bomberman Tournament(zelda like rpg) Bubble Bobble: Old & New (singel screen platformer) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (metroidvania) Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure (platformer) Digimon Battle Spirit 2(platform fighter) Drill Dozer (platformer) F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (Future racing) Fire Emblem (Srpg) Game & Watch Gallery 4 (mixed bag) Godzilla: Domination! (kaiju fighting) Golden Sun (rpg) Gunstar Super Heroes (Run and gun platforming) Justice League Heroes: The Flash (im speed em up) Konami Krazy Racers (kart racing) Metal Slug Advance (run and gun) Metroid Fusion (metroidvania) Pinball of the Dead (pinball) Mario advance series(platformer) Sonic Advance series(platformer/ bullshit pits) Summon Night 1&2(rpg/Gay charters in the 2000s) Super Puzzle Fighter II (puzzle) Wario Land 4(platformer)
Xbox (og): Beyond Good & Evil (adventure) Blinx: The Time Sweeper(platformer) Breakdown(first person action) Burnout 3 (raceing) Crazy taxi 3(taxi em up) Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge(plane fighting action/plup em up) Fable(rpg) Gladius(rpg) Halo 1&2(fps/ i perfer the pc port) Jet Set Radio Future(action 3d platforming) Ninja Gaiden Black (charater action) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Fps/tps) Panzer Dragoon Orta(on rails shooter) Phantom Dust (action/wackey) Psychonauts (platformer) Super monkey ball deluxe(ball rolling/rage)
PlayStation 2: The Adventures of Cookie & Cream(platformer) Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance(action rpg) BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle(janky vehicle combat) Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (3d metroidvania) Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (3d metrovania) DarkWatch(fps) Final Fantasy X-2 (jrpg) Final Fantasy XII (jrpg) Gitaroo Man (rythm) God Hand (charater acrion) God of war(charater action) Grand Theft Auto 2-3(sandbox action) GunGrave (big dumb action game) IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (combat racing) Katamari Damacy (Ball rolling action) Killzone (fps) Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (platformer) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (hack n slash) Maximo vs. Army of Zin (Platformer) Metal Slug Anthology(collection) Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary (mixed bag) Nightshade(action hack and slash platformer/Ninja ass and tits) OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast(raceing) King Kong(adventure) The Punisher(tps) The Red Star(beat em up/shooter) Samurai Western(samuri em up) Sega Classics Collection(collection) Shadow Hearts series (jrpg) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1&2 (jrpg) Shinobi (action platformer/Ninja ass and Dick) Soul Calibur 2&3(fighting) TimeSplitters 1&2(fps) War of the Monsters (3d kaiju fighting) The Warriors(beat em up) We heart Katamari(ball rolling) Dragon quest 8 (jrpg) Viewtiful Joe 1&2(CRAZY ACTION/i perfer the gamecube versions)
Gamecube: Alien Hominid (run and gun) Animal Crossing (life sim) Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean (jrpg) Beyond Good & Evil (action adventure) Bloody Roar: Primal Fury(fighting) Custom Robo (mecha combat) Donkey Konga (rythm) DragonBall Z: Budokai 1&2(anime fighting) F-Zero GX (future racing) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles(action rpg) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (tatics rpg) Gauntlet: Dark Legacy(hack n slash/warrior needs food badly) Kirby Air Ride (racing) Lost Kingdoms (jpg) Mario Kart: Double Dash (kart racing) Mario Superstar Baseball (baseball) Mega Man Anniversary Collection (collection) Metroid Prime 1&2 (fps/3d metroidvania) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (rpg) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (platformer) Puyo Pop Fever (puzzle) Resident Evil 4 (surivial horror) The Simpsons Road Rage (crazy taxi clone) Skies of Arcadia Legends (jprg) Sonic adventure 1 &2(platformer) Super Monkey Ball (ball rolling/rage) Super Smash Bros. Melee(platform fighter) TubeSlider(future racing) Ultimate Muscle( Wrestling) Viewtiful Joe 1&2(CRAZY ACTION) X-Men Legends (action rpg) Sonic heroes(platformer)
Nintendo DS: Advance Wars: Dual Strike(tatics) Advance Wars: Days of Ruin(tatics) Aliens: Infestation(metroidvania) Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow(action rpg) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow(metroidvania) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin(metroidvania) Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia(metroidvania) Contra 4(run and gun/hard) Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies(jrpg) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime(action adventure) Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker(monster rasing rpg) Elite Beat Agents(rythm) Final Fantasy Tactics A2(srpg) Izuna 1 & 2(rouge like/rpg) Kirby Canvas Curse( kirby rolling) Kirby Squeak Squad(platformer) Kirby Super Star Ultra(platformer) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(advenutre/ gimmicks abound) The Legendary Starfy(platformer) Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ(shoot em up) Metriod prime pinball(pinball) Lunar Knights(action adventure) Mario kart ds(kart racing) Metal Slug 7(run and gun) New Super Mario Bros.(platformer/bah bah sim) Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword(charater action) Okamiden(adventure) Pokémon Platinum& daimond(monster rasing rpg) Pokemon soul sliver and heart gold(monster rasing rpg) Pokémon Black and White 1&2( monster rasing rpg) Scribblenauts 1&2(puzzle) Scurge: Hive(metroidvania) SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters DS(tgc) Sonic Rush (platformer) Sonic colors(platformer) Super Mario 64 DS(3d platformer) The World Ends With You(action rpg) WarioWare: Touched!(mirco games)
Xbox 360: Bayonetta (charater action) Beautiful Katamari(ball rolling) BioShock 1&2 (fps with some rpg elements) Blue Dragon(rpg) Burnout Paradise (raceing) Crackdown1&2(Sandbox tps) Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (manily anime em up) Halo 3(fps/I perfer the pc version) Lost Planet 1&2(tps) Tekken Tag Tournament 2(fighting) Vanquish (tps/Exploding knees) Viva Piñata(life sim) Sonic Generations(platformer) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (action adventure) F.E.A.R. (fps/horror) Forza Motorsport 3(sim racing) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (kart racing) Call of Duty: Black Ops 1&2(fps) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2&3(fps)
Wii: Animal Crossing: City Folk(life sim) Battalion Wars 2 (rts/tps) The Conduit (fps) de Blob (platformer) Donkey Kong Country Returns (platformer/ i perfer the 3ds version) Epic Mickey (3d platfroming/Bad camera) Excite Truck (racing) Excitebots: Trick Racing (racing) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn(Srpg) The House of the Dead: Overkill (light gun) Kirby's Epic Yarn(platformer) Kirby's Return to Dream Land(platformer) MadWorld (charater action) Mario kart wii(kart racing) Metal Slug Anthology (run and gun) Metroid Prime Trilogy (fps/3d metroidvania) Monster Hunter 3 Tri(monster hunting) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (action) NEW Super Mario Bros. Wii(platformer) NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (flying/jank) No More Heroes 1&2(action/ i hear other versions are better) Okami ( adventure) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers( hack and slash jank cheese cake fest) Rodea the Sky Soldier (flying platformer/ dont play the wiiu version its trash) Sin & Punishment: Star Successor(rail shooter) Sonic Colors (platformer) Super Mario Galaxy 1&2(3d platfromer) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (platform fighter) Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars(fighting) Wario Land: Shake It(greed) Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure(puzzle adventure) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (law em up)
psp: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (paltformer) Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (fighting) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (law em up) Metal Slug XX (run and gun) Power Stone Collection (platfrom fighter) Wipeout Pure(future racing) Wipe out pluse( future racing)
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bamperformance · 2 months
Elevate Your Ride: The Best Kawasaki Ninja GP Shifter Kits by BAM Performance LLC
Motorcycle enthusiasts understand the significance of precision and performance. For Kawasaki Ninja riders, every gear shift can be a game-changer. BAM Performance LLC, a pioneer in motorcycle performance parts, offers top-of-the-line GP shifter kits designed to optimize your Kawasaki Ninja’s capabilities. Let us explore why these shifter kits are essential for your riding experience and what makes BAM Performance LLC the go-to source for the best Kawasaki Ninja GP shifter kits.
The Essence of GP Shifter Kits
A GP (Grand Prix) shifter kit is a specialized motorcycle accessory that allows for quicker and smoother gear shifts. Originally developed for racing, these kits are now available for street bikes, providing everyday riders with race-grade performance enhancements. For Kawasaki Ninja owners, installing a GP shifter kit can significantly improve the riding experience, offering benefits such as:
Enhanced Acceleration: By minimizing shift times, GP shifter kits ensure that power is delivered more efficiently, resulting in faster acceleration.
Improved Control: Smoother shifts mean better control over the bike, which is crucial for both high-speed riding and navigating challenging terrains.
Increased Safety: Faster and more precise gear changes reduce the likelihood of missed shifts, which can be dangerous, especially during aggressive riding.
Why Choose BAM Performance LLC?
BAM Performance LLC is renowned for its high-quality motorcycle parts, and their Kawasaki Ninja GP shifter kits are no exception. Here is why they stand out:
Superior Quality Materials: BAM Performance LLC uses only the best materials to ensure durability and reliability. Their shifter kits are designed to withstand the demands of high-performance riding.
Precision Engineering: Each shifter kit is meticulously engineered for optimal performance. The precision design ensures smooth and accurate gear changes, enhancing the overall riding experience.
Easy Installation: BAM Performance LLC’s shifter kits are designed for easy installation. With detailed instructions included, riders can quickly upgrade their bikes without needing extensive mechanical knowledge.
Customizable Options: Understanding that every rider has unique preferences, BAM Performance LLC offers customizable shifter settings. This allows you to tailor the shifter kit to your specific riding style and needs.
Key Features of BAM Performance LLC’s Kawasaki Ninja GP Shifter Kits
Quick Shifting Mechanism: The primary advantage of the GP shifter kit is its ability to significantly reduce shifting time. This quick shifting mechanism ensures that the power is delivered smoothly and efficiently, providing a seamless riding experience.
Durable Construction: Built to last, BAM Performance LLC’s shifter kits are crafted from high-grade materials that can withstand the rigors of intense riding. This durability ensures that your investment provides long-term benefits.
Optimized for Performance: Each shifter kit is optimized for performance, ensuring that your Kawasaki Ninja operates at its peak. The precision engineering behind these kits enhances both speed and control.
User-Friendly Design: The shifter kits are designed with the rider in mind. The easy installation process and intuitive design make it accessible for all riders, regardless of their technical expertise.
Transform Your Riding Experience
Installing a GP shifter kit on your Kawasaki Ninja can transform your riding experience. Whether you are navigating city streets or pushing your bike to its limits on the track, the benefits are undeniable. Here is how a GP shifter kit from BAM Performance LLC can make a difference:
Seamless Gear Changes: Experience the thrill of lightning-fast gear changes that are both smooth and precise. This can make a significant difference in performance, especially during high-speed riding.
Enhanced Riding Comfort: Smoother shifts mean less strain on the rider, leading to a more comfortable and enjoyable ride. This is particularly beneficial for long-distance rides or extended periods of riding.
Increased Confidence: Knowing that your bike is equipped with a top-of-the-line GP shifter kit can boost your confidence. This can translate to better handling and overall improved riding skills.
For Kawasaki Ninja riders looking to elevate their performance, the GP shifter kits from BAM Performance LLC are a must-have. These kits offer a blend of quick shifting, durability, and customizable options that cater to every rider’s needs. Whether you are a seasoned racer or a passionate rider, BAM Performance LLC provides the best Kawasaki Ninja GP shifter kits to enhance your motorcycle's performance. Experience the thrill of precise, seamless gear changes and take your riding to the next level with BAM Performance LLC.
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mkt-magnovite-2024 · 7 months
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Formula 1, often abbreviated as F1, is the pinnacle of motorsport, renowned for its high-speed races, cutting-edge technology, and global appeal. Established in 1950, Formula 1 has evolved into a premier international racing series with a passionate fan base. The heart of Formula 1 lies in its Grand Prix events, a series of races held on diverse tracks around the world. These tracks range from traditional circuits like Monza and Silverstone to street circuits like Monaco, each presenting unique challenges for drivers and teams. The racing calendar spans multiple continents, showcasing the global nature of the sport.
Teams are a fundamental aspect of Formula 1, with each season featuring a roster of competitive outfits. Renowned teams include Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull Racing, and McLaren, each contributing to the intense competition. The sport follows a constructor model, where teams design and build their cars, incorporating the latest technological advancements in  aerodynamics, materials, and engine technology. This leads to constant innovation and a relentless pursuit of speed and performance. The drivers, often considered the heroes of the sport, play a pivotal role in the drama of Formula 1. They navigate the high-speed circuits with precision and skill, enduring forces that can exceed 5g during acceleration and braking. The battle for the World Drivers' Championship adds a personal touch to the competition, as drivers vie for individual glory. Formula 1 races are not just about speed; they involve complex strategies. Teams must decide when to pit for tire changes and fuel, considering the ever-changing race conditions. Pit stops are a ballet of coordination, showcasing the efficiency and precision of the pit crews.
In the heart of India's bustling business district, GIFT City, whispers of a future roar echo through the air. A potential Formula One circuit, gleaming and ambitious, awaits its birth on the banks of the Sabarmati River. Though still a mirage shimmering in the desert of planning, the dream of an Indian Grand Prix in Ahmedabad ignites the imagination. This envisioned serpent of asphalt promises to be unlike any other. Nestled within the futuristic cityscape of GIFT City, the track could seamlessly blend modern architecture with the raw adrenaline of motorsport. Imagine sleek cars, blurring like brushstrokes of color, weaving through tight corners that hug the river's embrace. For Indian motorsport, this future circuit represents a potential watershed moment. Imagine the nation's talented drivers carving their names onto the asphalt alongside global legends, igniting a new generation of racing hearts. Though details remain shrouded in the dust of feasibility studies and proposals, the vision of an
F1 circuit in GIFT City pulsates with promise. It beckons us to a future where India roars not just in commerce, but in the heart-pounding ballet of Formula One. Stay tuned, for this exciting race is just beginning, its checkered flag yet to be waved. Established in 1904, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) wields unparalleled influence as motorsport's global conductor. From the pinnacle of Formula One to the grassroots passion of karting, it meticulously composes the rules, ensuring fair competition on every meticulously-designed stage. Safety is the orchestra's top note, with the FIA pioneering life- saving innovations that often reverberate onto everyday roads. Beyond regulation, the FIA orchestrates renowned championships, transforming each circuit into a thrilling symphony of speed, skill, and relentless automotive evolution.
Task At hand:
FIA in contribution with Indian Government is looking for construction companies that could build and set up an infrastructure that is capable enough to meet the standards set by FIA for F1 racing in India. The planned infrastructure is to be set up in Gujarat.
You are the CMO and head of this project for your company, your job is to make sure that the Government as well as FIA are convinced and finds no loophole in your company’s plan.
A report and a PPT consisting of:
Overview of your company (Mission, vision, Objectives, logo, tagline)
A detailed description of products and services you offered in the past or will offer in future.
Strategies to promote F1 in India?
What sponsors will you bring in and why?
A phase wise implementation plan.
Submission Deadline : 9:45AM
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toolanddyedesign · 9 months
How Germany's Famous Autobahns Came To Be
The idea for the construction of the autobahn was first conceived in the mid-1920s during the days of the Weimar Republic, but the construction was slow, and most projected sections did not progress much beyond the planning stage due to economic problems and a lack of political support.
One project was the private initiative HaFraBa which planned a "car-only road" crossing Germany from Hamburg in the north via central Frankfurt to Switzerland. Parts of the HaFraBa were completed in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but construction eventually was halted by World War II. The first public road of this kind was completed in 1932 between Cologne and Bonn and opened by Konrad Adenauer on 6 August 1932.
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Today, that road is the Bundesautobahn 555. This road was not yet called Autobahn and lacked a centre median like modern motorways, but instead was termed a “Kraftfahrstraße” ("motor vehicle road") with two lanes each direction without intersections, pedestrians, bicycles, or animal-powered transportation.
Just days after the 1933 Nazi takeover, Adolf Hitler enthusiastically embraced an ambitious autobahn construction project, appointing Fritz Todt, the Inspector General of German Road Construction, to lead it.
By 1936, 130,000 workers were directly employed in construction, as well as an additional 270,000 in the supply chain for construction equipment, steel, concrete, signage, maintenance equipment, etc. In rural areas, new camps to house the workers were built near construction sites. The job creation program aspect was not especially important because full employment was almost reached by 1936.
Contrary to popular belief the autobahns were not primarily intended as major infrastructure improvement of special value to the military as often stated. Their military value was limited as all major military transports in Germany were done by train to save fuel. The propaganda ministry turned the construction of the autobahns into a major media event that attracted international attention.
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The autobahns formed the first limited-access, high-speed road network in the world, with the first section from Frankfurt to Darmstadt opening in 1935. This straight section was used for high-speed record attempts by the Grand Prix racing teams of Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union until a fatal accident involving popular German race driver Bernd Rosemeyer in early 1938. The world record of 432 kilometres per hour (268 mph) set by Rudolf Caracciola on this stretch just prior to the accident remains one of the highest speeds ever achieved on a public motorway.
A similar intent in the 1930s existed for a ten-kilometre stretch of what is today Bundesautobahn 9 just south of Dessau—called the Dessauer Rennstrecke—had bridges with no piers, meant for land speed record cars like the Mercedes-Benz T80 to have made a record attempt in January 1940, abandoned due to the outbreak of World War II in Europe four months earlier.
During World War II, the median strips of some autobahns were paved over to allow their conversion into auxiliary airstrips. Aircraft were either stashed in numerous tunnels or camouflaged in nearby woods. However, for the most part during the war, the autobahns were not militarily significant.
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Motor vehicles, such as trucks, could not carry goods or troops as quickly or in as much bulk and in the same numbers as trains could, and the autobahns could not be used by tanks as their weight and caterpillar tracks damaged the road surface. The general shortage of gasoline in Germany during much of the war, as well as the low number of trucks and motor vehicles needed for direct support of military operations, further decreased the autobahn's significance.
As a result, most military and economic freight was carried by rail. After the war, numerous sections of the autobahns were in bad shape, severely damaged by heavy Allied bombing and military demolition. Furthermore, thousands of kilometres of autobahns remained unfinished, their construction brought to a halt by 1943 due to the increasing demands of the war effort.
In West Germany, most existing autobahns were repaired soon after the war. During the 1950s, the West German government restarted the construction program. It invested in new sections and in improvements to older ones. Finishing the incomplete sections took longer, with some stretches opened to traffic by the 1980s. Some sections cut by the Iron Curtain in 1945 were only completed after German reunification in 1990. Others were never completed, as more advantageous routes were found. Some of these incomplete sections to this very day stretch across the landscape forming a unique type of modern ruin, often easily visible on satellite photographs.
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The autobahns of East Germany were neglected in comparison to those in West Germany after 1945. East German autobahns were used primarily for GDR military traffic and for state-owned farming or manufacturing vehicles. The speed limit on the GDR autobahns was 100 km/h; however, lower speed limits were frequently encountered due to poor or quickly changing road conditions. The speed limits on the GDR autobahns were rigorously enforced by the Volkspolizei, whose patrol cars were frequently found hiding under camouflage tarpaulins waiting for speeders.
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