zushimart · 8 months
If you can guess who I am I'll stay (no I won't I'd be mortified and ghost you forever)
stop thiss is too mcuhs oressure i ltierallt cnanot see my leuboard or i guess im not lookigng can we tey again tin the mornigngpelase peladepleasepelade can we try agains cabvn you give me a himt maysbe
Are you one of my znaonas regulars do yorubhave a name :3HELPP LDMAOOO noooo Noooo Nooo Giys i had four ahots of tequila and aozke cider please aingope
Wait i hot this Watch this:
I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me.
and watcunthat do younsee thDo you see that I can be so serio7:/s
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