leiteemanuelle79 · 2 years
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Pipa - RN, Brasil
Jul, '22
Kodak Gold 200
Pentax Spotmatic SP 50mm Pentax lens
Lab: FFV, Festival de Filmes Vencidos
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leiteemanuelle79 · 2 years
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leiteemanuelle79 · 2 years
Rebel Without A Cause fan poster
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I made this posters a while ago. I think I like the fisrt one better.
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leiteemanuelle79 · 2 years
The Beatles go to Hogwarts
Another fan art/edit, this time The Beatles go to Hogwarts
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it's not the sharpest cuts but I tried :)
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leiteemanuelle79 · 2 years
The photographer that got me into film photography
I don't know how I haven't talked about him yet, but I absolutey love the work of Willem Verbeeck. I met him through YouTube, and I'm already gonna link his YouTube channel
and this is what I believe is the most satisfying video on the internet
Inspired by him and some others I met through him I bought my first film camera. It is a 35mm Pentax Spotmatic F, and I got myself a roll of Kodak Gold 200. I only shot three photos so far, stil I'm very excited to finish the roll and get it developed.
Here are some of my favourite photos by Willem Verbeeck, an awesome photographer you should definetly check out:
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
My thoughts on Cobra Kai Season IV!
(Part 1)
Hello, friends, it's been a while since I don't do one of this big posts. But season four came out, so prepare yourself for the big read!!!!! Are you ready? Let's begin!
First things first
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I got Hawk's hsircolor right!!!!! (https://leiteemanuelle79.tumblr.com/post/646534823341686784/what-does-hawks-hair-color-say-about-him) I was super excited when I saw this.
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But then I got kinda sad to see it didn't even last a full episode
Still, what happend to his character was sooo cool. I absolutely love the development. Also, Jacob's acting is so amazing, I just love it when he gets the kiss from Moon, his body just becomes Hawk's again. AMAZING.
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Johnny and Daniel
Obviously everyone was super excited to see this duo work together since season 1, and man, it was worth the wait. I absolutely LOVE episode 2, can't complain about a thing.
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Johnny and Sam
Ok, so for some reason I said this everywhere except here, but the relationship I was most excited to see in S4 was Johnny and Sam. That's because their only interactions were when Sam's friends broke Johnny's car, and when Sam got drunk, so I imagined it would be somewhat awkard and fun. And damn, I was right, it was one of the highlights of the season to me.
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Starting with their first confrotation, I was quite surprised with Johnny's maturity, and pissed at Sam for trying to give him lessons, but I absolutely love how that scene turned out.
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She just put all her trust in her, now, sensei. I simply love the proud look on both faces.
To be continued...
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
CK fan posters
Hey y'all, I'm suuupeeerr excited about season 4 (saw the episode premier). So, I made some posters for fun and decided to share w u guys.
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Feel free to share your thoughts
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
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The three dojos of Cobra Kai Season 4!
~Cobra Kai
~Eagle Fang
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Updates on Cobra Kai 4! Out in December
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I wrote something big like I'm about to. I'm guessing you've all watched the new clips of Cobra Kai season 4, if that's not the case here it is:
https://youtu.be/x8eRMQtjCBE (Cobra Kai: Season 4 | All Valley Karate Tournament Promo | Netflix)
In that video we can see REALLY fast some scenes of the season four, so I took some screenshots and I'm gonna analyse them now.
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The teaser makes it clear that hawk's hair color is gonna change by not showing it, so maybe it's not as obvious as we thought, but either way, here's the speculation I made some months ago: https://leiteemanuelle79.tumblr.com/post/646534823341686784/what-does-hawks-hair-color-say-about-him
In case you don't wanna read it, I said the color I thought his hair would turn out was purple, and we can se very lightly a blue highlight in his left shoulder. I don't know if that was part of the photography in general but I couldn't find it in any other shot. If that's the case it makes my theory make a lot of sense ( I'd recommend you read all three posts about colors).
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Robby changed his hair and it kinda looks like Kreese's actually, which is similar to what Miguel did to Johnny by wearing his color palette.
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Red V.S. Blue strikes again
I had to maention it, all the red and blue thing is stronger than ever.
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Cobra Kai
In this frame we can see Tory and Robby training and some changes were made in the Cobra Kai dojo, their closes are almost completly black with very few detalis in mostly red. Once again if you read my post about the colors in the Karate Kid universe you'll understand this much better (https://leiteemanuelle79.tumblr.com/post/646500853763751936/what-does-hawks-hair-color-says-about-him)
But as expected, with the come back of Terry Silver, Cobra Kai will get even darker like it happened in The Karate Kid III.
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Daniel and Miguel
This is actually one of the moments I was most excited for, I've also made a post about how similar they are (https://leiteemanuelle79.tumblr.com/post/646449279079153664/miguel-diaz-is-daniel-larusso-or-not). I really like the fact that he's trainning with Daniel instead of Johnny, Sam, or any other Eagle Fang student, I obviously don't know the context but I think it will be very intresting to see them developing their relationship.
In the background there is Hawk and Mitch.
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Daniel and Johnny
Right after that we see this frame of Johnny and Daniel fist bumping, and by their faces (specially Daniel's) they're really getting along, not only "tolerating each other" anymore, I think that's the thing we were all looking for.
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Johnny and Eagle Fang!
When I saw this frame I could only think of Rocky (which could be a reference, since the former director of The Karate Kid is also responsable for Rocky), and the training he put together himself in season 1 episode 8. I also love the walkman (I think) he's playing, I love those 80s moments. And very diferently from the training Daniel was doing, I'm pretty sure this is an Eagle Fang thing.
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Terry Silver
Do I have to say more?
Okay, I know there's a theory going on about Miguel being Terry's son, maybe I'll do another post about, but I really hope it's not the case, we already have enough daddy issues.
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Season 4 - Out in December
This is all for today, I decided to post this to show with more details the little bits they left us until December, I'm sooo excited, I'll keep updating this whenever something new comes up.
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Wacthing Cobra Kai for the fourth time feels like:
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Making of my last post:
Hey guys, I decided to post a comic strip of mine for the first time ever. I know the quality is missing in many ways, but I like to do these really quick, it's just a way of having fun to me, not something I take seriously.
I had the idea for this strip because lately I've been ADDICTED to this song by Supla, if you don't know him, he's a brazillian musician who also makes music in English, and in this case he realesed a whole record twice, one with the English versions and the other with Portuguese versions. Give it a listen and have fun :)
Portuguese version (my favourite):
English version:
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
The best and worst episodes of The Wonder Years (in my opinion)
The Wonder Years is one of my favorite shows, and I think the season 6 is one of the best, but while watching it, I got really disapointed at the show, and then satisfied again with the next episode, here is why:
In case you wanna (re)watch it:
The Worst Episode
S06E17 - Eclipse
My problem with this episode is its shallowness, the whole plot is based on a game, Winnie gets all upset (as usual) like, she begs him to tell what's wrong with her, and when he does she gets mad, makes no sense, but y'know that's Winnie. Chuck "nearly gets murdered" (not to mention the fact that we don't know how the door was locked, how come three people close and open the door three times, and when Chuck does it it's locked, did somebody lock it? We don't know), but yet none of that matters, it's all a bunch of information and tennage drama that doesn't connect with anything, no one grows, except for Mary Jo Genero, she's definetly the best character of the episode, but still, why make up all those crazy stories. I think the central problem is that the episode doesn't know what it is about, it's just confusing.
The Best Episode
S06E18 - Poker
I feel like this is the successful version of the previous episode, there are a lot of similarities, like the fact that there are a lot of characters, the thought of something crazy happening, in this case the possible fatherhood of Chuck (weirdly or not, it's Chuck who's in the strangest position in both cases, since the bizarre thing about the last one being his nearly death). There's also a unaccepted kid (on episode 17 being Harlam and on this one being Paul) who gets accepeted by only one of the group (episode 17: Mary Jo; episode 18: Kevin). But yet, what makes this one of the best episodes I've ever watched in my life, and the other one a disgust?
'Poker' is about friendships and adolescence, things so simple and yet, so relatable, the thought of them as elders playing on the same table, which represents how we feel like time is infinite when we are with people we like, and like nothing will ever change. Every character has their moments, and they are the driving force of it all, there's no trip, bus or possible explosions, it's just a house and five teenagers. There is no hurry to tell the story, which makes an infinetly better pace, we see each character worry about simple things, like a grade, or the fact that they don't want to take Paul to the trip, and also care about each other, like by calming Chuck and Randy down, of course in their own way.
As a teenager I can tell you, 'Poker' is a masterpiece about adolescence and friendship and I will always remember it.
Piece! :)
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Best Beatles Outtakes
I only chose four, but there are sooo much more, maybe I'll bring a part II
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Paul playing the guitar <3
I'm in love with these, speacially the take two of 'Her Majesty'
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
I feel like this is the one of the films that gets the closest to perfection!
Music is amazing, and it's the perfect ballance between being fan made and being original.
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leiteemanuelle79 · 3 years
Why yellow is the color of originality in the Karate Kid Universe
This is the part III of a post called "Color Theory in the Karate Kid Universe"
Alright, I really didn't expect to be doing a third part of this color thing, in fact, it was all supposed to be one post, but the more I write the more ideas come to my mind, and the more I watch, the more I realise new things, so I'll be analysing the color yellow and its meaning in Karate Kid and Cobra Kai.
First Impressions
The first time that we see yellow with a certain signifance is in a shirt Daniel is wearing under a blue flannel, in that same day he washes Mr. Miyagi's cars for the first time, and later in the movie he gets the first car he washed as a birthday gift, so it might not seem so important, after all the first apperance of the color is only the 50th minute of the movie.
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But when we look at Cobra Kai, we see it appear way more. Starting by the oppening title.
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As the red and blue, I think it's another way to shows teams, and who is with whom. On episode two of season one, we have the oppening title yellow, with a red background, and when Miguel goes to school he's wearing a "shy" red, which is basically a dark red, with a grey shirt under it, meaning he's unconfortable and wants to blend in. When he sits with Demitri and Eli (binary brothers... Sorry couldn't contain myself) they are dressed in yellow tones, espeacially Demitri, which I think means they're both in the same side. Yasmine is also wearing yellow, and it's almost the same yellow that Demetri is, which I think could be a clue for the fact that they would be together later. Samantha is wearing blue though, and so is Kyler, who is wearing white too, but he has a black hat, which could be refrence to him being a bad person in the mind, or just a refrence to Johnny as I metioned in the first part.
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When I first started thinking about this, I thought that yellow was Miguel's color, here's why:
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He wears it A LOT, definetly more than the other characters, but when I was looking for these images, I realised that from S2E3 to S3E4, he didn't wear yellow at all, he mostly wore red (which shows the influence that Johnny has on him), sometimes blue (which shows that he's not completly Johnny) and he also wore a lot of black (which shows Kreese's influence, even though he was the student that bought Kreese's act the least, he still listened to him.)
Not to mention the fact that in season 1 episode 7, he takes Johnny's advice and acts like him, while Johnny takes Miguel's advice and does things his way, which is shown in their clothes (last picture above), and at first it seemed to me that yellow is Miguel's way of doing things, since red is Johnny's.
Untill that moment I was really confused, 'cause I saw some other characters such as Hawk, Tory, Robby and even Armand waering it, but not Miguel, I couldn't see a pattern at that point, but there were two scenes that made it very clear.
On the episode five of the third season, right after Johnny's trials of making Miguel walk again fails, he's wearing yellow, but after the concert where he moves his foot, he's back with red and black, until eight episode of the same season, Miguel wears yellow again, right after fighting with Johnny, and that was the thing that caught my attention. Whenever Miguel wasn't quite on Johnny's side, or anyone else's he wore yellow, but still I thought that that was his color.
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The thing that really made me see it, was with Hawk. In the episode nine of season three he wears yellow, they go to the zoo to steal the snake, and he ends up seen as "not so cool" since Robby was the one that got it, after that he goes to Daniel's house to beggin what would be the big fight of the season, and he's wearing a red jacket, to show strength, but inside he's still wearing yellow, which means he still has some Eli inside, and that makes yellow the color of orginality, it's when you're being truly yourself.
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As you can see in Tory's example, she's at home, so she's totally "comfortable", or at least she's not trying to show anyone anything, and Armand is completly comfortable, after all he doesn't have any manners when eating. But what about Sam and Robby?
Feeling lost
Here's when I noticed that things weren't that simple, in Sam's case, she wears yellow right after seeing Kyler being a bully, so she's confused. Robby is clearly confused, after all he starts the scene not wanting anything to do with his father, then accepts his help, but soon gets mad at him. Hawk doesn't wear it because he's confident enough, that was right after he started realising what he was becoming, we see that throughout the whole season, but he's still resisting, he still wants to stay in that "cool" position, we see that as he tries to hide the "Eli he has inside" by wearing a red jacket.
I think that yellow is only the color of originality for characters who haven't found who they truly are yet. If we look back at the Red vs. Blue thing, we'll see that not only red means more ofense, and blue means more defense, but blue is Daniel's true self, and red is Johnny's true self, of course that they wear different colors some times to show the things I said, but not only things usually doesn't go that well, but they act differently then the usual, so Johnny's originality is red, and Daniel's is blue, but these other character don't know yet.
The logo
That's why I think that Cobra Kai chose yellow to be the title color, this show is telling us, that this rivality is makes no sense, and the new characters are trying to find their own identities, even if they use the help of pre-existing concepts, they still gotta search for themselves.
Now, you may say that this is all bullshit, and the only reason for the show to have the title yellow is because the Cobra Kai original logo is yellow, but I disagree, because at the end of every episode we see a dark silver Cobra Kai logo instead of the yellow, black and red one, which I think means the new perspective Johnny is about to discover: Cobra Kai is very dark, and bad in general.
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As I've said before, this is all just theories and I would love to hear the opinion of people who disagree.
Peace! :)
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