zarophod · 1 year
“i watch taskmaster for the plot”
the plot:
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sliggoons · 4 years
Omg hi 🥺💗 your writing is so heartwarming and I hope you know that. I’m so soft for guzma now that I read your last few fics, could I request a fic for taking Guzma to one of those Butterfly World/Butterfly Garden type of places? Thank you 💕💕
This might actually be the cutest idea I’ve ever heard, I hope I did it justice :’)
Butterfly Garden, Guzma x Reader
    Guzma was running late, as always. ‘Hurry’ was not a word your boyfriend knew. He said he’d meet you outside of Po Town at 1:00, but five minutes had ticked by and he was nowhere to be found. You expected this, of course, and had half the mind to show up late as well, thinking you wouldn’t have to wait around. But you always made an effort to show up on time, hoping that one day, Guzma would do the same.
    “Awh, hey babe, what’s up?” Guzma greeted you at 1:09, casually strolling out of the Po Town gates. He slung an arm lazily around your waist, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.
    “You’re late,” you commented, a smirk on your face.
    “It takes a lot of time to look this good,” your boyfriend replied. And he was right, he did look good. He had cleaned up, shaving away a few days worth of stubble, made an attempt to comb through his hair, and Guzma even switched up his outfit. He traded his signature white tank and jacket for a simple black t-shirt, it was tight enough to show off his broad shoulders and strong arms. Although he kept his beat up white sneakers on, his baggy sweatpants had been forgotten in favor of plain black joggers, the kind that clung to his legs a bit better, making him look even taller than usual. You were flattered that Guzma had put in more effort than usual for your date, given, it was pretty rare that the two of you rarely actually made it out for a proper date. This was all Guzma’s idea too, and you were overjoyed by the level of care you had seen from Guzma recently. 
    “Although, I don’t know if I look quite as good as you,” Guzma winked. “You ready?”
You nodded, taking Guzma’s hand as he slid it from your waist to hold yours. 
    A few days ago, Guzma had called you, ecstatic. He was yelling about some place he had discovered that he was dying to take you to. Once he had calmed down, you found out it was a small, local butterfly garden somewhere along Route 17 before you reached Ula’Ula Meadow. 
    “Are you sure this is the right path?” You asked, eyeing the narrow dirt path leading into the thick woods. 
“Yes, doll, you just gotta trust me.” Guzma drawled, tugging on your hand. You obliged, following him down the tiny path, barely enough room for the two of you to walk side by side. He settled for wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you even closer to him. 
    After a minute or so of walking down this path, it suddenly opened up into a cozy clearing. There was a small shed type building, and from behind it you could see a huge building towering above it. The building seemed fragile, you wondered how it was still standing so close to the stormy coast of Ula’Ula. It was beautiful, something you thought you’d see in a magazine. Built of glass and thin metal bars to frame the panes, you could only imagine what it would look like on a rare sunny day, sparkling and shining. But still the glass walls and geometrical domed top was still beautiful under the grey sky.
    “You like it?” Guzma asked you as the two of you walked towards the door to the smaller building. 
    “It’s beautiful, Guz! How’d you ever find this place?”
    “It was in some old little brochure I saw in the corner store down the street from Po Town. I stopped by here yesterday to make sure they’d be open. The old geezer who runs this place is a real nice guy,” Guzma opened the door for you, allowing you to walk into the cozy room. It was a bit dusty, the wood plank flooring creaked under your steps, and rather minimalist, but the elderly man standing behind the reception counter had a kind smile.
    “Ah, Guzma! I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” He greeted, his voice was low and wise, and he hobbled as he came around to shake Guzma’s hand.
    “I told you, I’m never on time,” your boyfriend laughed. Him and this man talked and smiled like they were old friends.
    “This must be Y/N? Guzma would not stop talking about yesterday,” the older man winked at you as he shook your hand as well, before introducing himself as Arthur. 
    You noticed the light blush on Guzma’s cheeks as he denied Arthur’s claims. The two of you stood to chat with him for a few minutes, learning that many years ago, Arthur built the garden for his wife, who’s two favorite things were flowers and butterflies. After her passing, Arthur opened up the place to visitors, hoping that people would continue to fill the conservatory with love and joy.
    “I won’t keep you two any longer, go on now, have fun!” Arthur opened a door for you which led into a small transitioning room. Guzma thanked him as he shut the door, leaving you in the small hall. A few odd shaped mirrors were hung up around the walls. 
    “Its for when you come out, sometimes the lil guys like to hang on to your clothes, and you gotta make sure you don’t take em with you” Guzma explained, opening the glass door into the conservatory. “After you,” he waved, giving you a cheesy grin.
    The inside of the conservatory wasn’t huge, but every inch was put to use. In the middle of the circular room was a fountain, water bubbling and mixing in with the sound of the gentle rain that had started up, plinking against the glass ceiling. There were beds of flowers against the outer walls, every color you could imagine, and they smelled wonderful. The whole room was warm despite the cool rain falling and the floral scent drifted around dreamily. 
    Your attention was caught by Guzma’s laugh, followed by his cheerful voice. “Y/N, Y/N, look at this!” You turned to face him, seeing a small black butterfly perched delicately on his curved pointer finger. It fluttered gently, and you could see the vibrant teal band running down its wings. You noticed all the other butterflies then, flying around, resting on the ivy growing up the walls, and drinking nectar from the flowers. 
    “I think it's a blue banded swallowtail? Hmm, I could be wrong though,” Guzma mused, holding the bug close to his eyes and intently staring at it, a slight smile resting on his lips. He actually giggled as it took off to lilt around the room, flying up to swirl around the top of the dome.
    “That one’s got to be a Mourning Cloak! I didn’t think he’d have one here, they’re my favorite!” Guzma pointed to a beautiful butterfly. It’s deep red wings were edged with a buttery yellow and dotted with sky blue spots. Who knew your boyfriend was such a butterfly expert?
    You and Guzma spent the next few hours loitering around, lounging in the two iron garden chairs, just talking and enjoying the company of the fluttering insects. The butterflies seemed to be drawn to your boyfriend. At one point he had two on his arms, one on his hand, and two fluttering around in his hair. You’d never forget that sight, Guzma overwhelmed with butterflies, laughing, and the biggest smile you’d ever seen on his face. 
    Needless to say, the butterfly conservatory was filled with love, and would be for many more days to come, thanks to you and Guzma. 
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