#Gadsden Animal Clinic
care4dog · 2 years
Emergency vet in Gadsden, AL | Find Your Nearest Vet Clinic
Emergency vet in Gadsden, AL | Find Your Nearest Vet Clinic
Are you looking for the 24-hour Emergency Veterinarian nearest to you in Gadsden, AL? Find Chip Emergency Animal Hospital quickly. Our team in Gadsden makes it easy to find an emergency vet based on top customer ratings and reviews. Find the nearest Emergency Mobile Pet Hospital, Animal Hospital in Gadsden, AL. Gadsden Animal Clinic Rating 4.6 out of 339 reviews Address: 362 E Meighan Blvd,…
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gonnabesyk · 4 years
November 1st, 2018 10:44pm
We went to our local vet with Jowee this morning and had a good experience there. They don’t have a certified exotics vet, but they do have someone who is still willing to try to treat them. It’s very obvious he loves animals, he kept giving Jowee kisses and cuddling him, haha.
He said his rear end looked a little swollen and gave us some antibiotic ointment, said it would be okay if we treated his upper respiratory infection with the Clavamox we got from the other vet.
The vet we went to yesterday made us pay $100 up front, then charged us an additional $60 when we left. The vet we saw today? He only charged us for the antibiotic cream, not for the visit at all. And this isn’t the first time he’s done that. It’s the third, at least. He told us he frequently doesn’t charge people with exotics simply because he loves seeing them so much. He talked to us for like 20 minutes, even told us about the pet chickens, possum, and hedgehog he treated recently. I asked if he’d ever seen a skunk and he said yep, but that he was asked to de-scent one and wouldn’t do it. I’m not sure if this is because he was afraid of being sprayed or if it was a moral thing, but I was pleased to hear that regardless. I asked him if he’d be willing to treat a skunk if we ever obtained one, and he said yes. Too bad we’re trying to get out of Alabama. I think I need cooler temperatures more than I need a skunk (even though that’s hard to admit!).
He said he wasn’t quite sure what the growth was on Jowee’s foot, but we’re going to try treating it with the ointment for a while. I think it’s probably either a basal cell carcinoma or mast cell tumor; the latter is largely benign in ferrets (though uncomfortably itchy) and the former is a type of cancer, but almost never metastisizes. He’s had this bump since at least July so I doubt it’s anything life-threatening. Just unsightly and probably a little sore for Jowee.
Everyone but Icky is sick-y, but they’re still eating and drinking, and are alert when awake. Jowee is still crying when he goes potty, but I think it’s not as bad as it was.. The doctor said ferrets who have been de-scented still kind of have leftover scent glands that sometimes get infected - I wonder if that might be what’s wrong. His bottom definitely looks odd compared to my other ferrets.
I’m glad we gave this other vet another chance. He was honest that he isn’t an expert on ferrets (simply because they’re seen so rarely at the clinic), but that he’s willing to research them when needed. Our experience today was so much better than at the vet in Gadsden - even Jim felt good about the visit. If you’ve known me for a while, you probably know I have ridiculously high standards when it comes to animal hospitals. I felt the doctor properly addressed my concerns today, he was kind to our pet and gave us his honest opinion. Even if he’s not a ferret specialist, those three things are very important to me.
I’m gonna take a couple ibuprofen, eat dinner, and relax. I can’t sneezing & now my head is pounding, ahh.. I think it’s a combination of too much sleep/crappy weather. It’s warm and rainy.
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