mapsontheweb · 3 months
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Gakhar Sultanate (1526-1765) and Gakhar Hill States (1000s-1857)
by generic_maps
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microtia-surgeon · 9 months
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👓🙏👓 आज 24 फ़रवरी की हरियाणा निवास चण्डीगढ़ में हुई पिछड़े वर्ग आयोग की बैठक में मुझे ईनैलो राज्य कार्यकारिणी की तरफ से अधिकारिक तौर पर मनोनीत करने के लिए पार्टी का आभार । पार्टी का पक्ष रखने का मौक़ा मिला । हरियाणा पिछड़ा वर्ग आयोग के अध्यक्ष माननीय न्यायमूर्ति श्री दर्शन सिंह, पूर्व न्यायाधीश, पंजाब एवं हरियाणा उच्च न्यायालय के साथ SK Gakhar इंदिरा गांधी विश्वविद्यालय, रेवाड़ी के पूर्व कुलपति व श्याम लाल जांगड़ा जी व अन्य अधिकारी भी उपस्थित थे। ईनैलो की तरफ़ से पिछड़े वर्ग के लिए क्रीमी लेयर की सीमा बढ़ाने का पक्ष पुरज़ोर ढंग से रखा । अन्य सभी सदस्यों ने भी माना कि जब केंद्र ने ही सीमा बढा दी है तो हरियाणा जैसे समृद्ध राज्य मे उससे कम केवल छः लाख मासिक रखने का तो कोई औचित्य ही नही है । यह भी बताया कि कमेरे पिछड़े व शोषित वर्ग के साथ केवल पार्टी ही खड़ी है न कि अडानी जैसे पूँजीपतियों के इशारों पर चलने वाली पार्टीयॉ मेरे साथ पंचकूला से इनैलो के वरिष्ठ पदाधिकारी मुनीश छाछिया भी उपस्थित रहे । 👓🙏👓 (at Chandigarh चंडीगढ़) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDDIvvPjoV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pakistan-journal · 3 years
قلعہ روہتاس، جنگی طرز تعمیر کا شاہکار
شیر شاہ سوری کا قلعہ روہتاس جرنیلی سڑک پر جہلم میں واقع ہے۔ دریائے جہلم بھی یہاں ہی ہے جسے عبور کرنا سکندراعظم کے لئے دوبھر ہو گیا تھا اور ایک دفعہ تو اسے راجہ پورس نے ناکوں چنے چبوا دیئے تھے۔ ''خواص خانی‘‘ دروازے سے قلعے میں داخل ہوا جاتا ہے۔ قلعہ میں سب سے حیران کن چیز باؤلی یعنی ''سیڑھیوں والے کنویں‘‘ ہے۔ قریبی فصیل پر بھی چڑھا جاسکتا ہے ۔ یہ آپ کو 6 صدیاں پیچھے تاریخ میں لے جاتا ہے۔ آج یہ کھنڈرات میں تبدیل ہو رہا ہے۔ شیر شاہ سوری کا تعمیر کیا گیا قلعہ 948ھ میں مکمل ہوا۔ جو پوٹھوہار اور کوہستان نمک کی سرزمین کے وسط میں تعمیر کیا گیا ہے۔ جس کے ایک طرف نالہ کس، دوسری طرف نالہ گھان تیسری طرف گہری کھائیاں اور گھنا جنگل ہے۔ شیر شاہ سوری نے یہ قلعہ گکھڑوں کی سرکوبی کے لیے تعمیر کرایا تھا۔ دراصل گکھڑ مغلوں کو کمک اور بروقت امداد دیتے تھے، جو شیر شاہ سوری کو کسی طور گوارا نہیں تھا۔ 
جب یہ قلعہ کسی حد تک مکمل ہو گیا تو شیر شاہ سوری نے کہا کہ آج میں نے ��کھڑوں کی پیٹھ میں چھرا گھونپ دیا ہے۔ اس قلعے کے عین سامنے شیر شاہ سوری کی بنائی ہوئی جرنیلی سڑک گزرتی تھی، جو اب یہاں سے پانچ کلومیٹر دور جا چکی ہے۔ دوسرے قلعوں سے ہٹ کر قلعہ روہتاس کی تعمیر چھوٹی اینٹ کے بجائے دیوہیکل پتھروں سے کی گئی ہے۔ ان بڑے بڑے پتھروں کو بلندیوں پر نصب دیکھ کر عقل حیران رہ جاتی ہے۔ ایک روایت کے مطابق اس قلعے کی تعمیر میں عام مزدوروں کے علاوہ بے شمار بزرگانِ دین نے اپنی جسمانی اور روحانی قوتوں سمیت حصہ لیا تھا۔ ان روایات کو اس امر سے تقویت ملی ہے کہ قلعے کے ہر دروازے کے ساتھ کسی نہ کسی بزرگ کا مقبرہ موجود ہے ، جب کہ قلعے کے اندر بھی جگہ جگہ بزرگوں کے مقابر موجود ہیں، اس کے علاوہ ایک اور روایت ہے کہ یہاں قلعے کی تعمیر سے پہلے ایک بہت بڑا جنگل تھا۔ شیر شاہ سوری کا جب یہاں سے گزر ہوا تو یہاں پر رہنے والے ایک فقیر نے شیر شاہ سوری کو یہاں قلعہ تعمیر کرنے کی ہدایت دی۔
اخراجات: ایک روایت کے مطابق ''ٹوڈرمل‘‘ نے اس قلعے کی تعمیر شروع ہونے والے دن مزدوروں کو فی سلیب (پتھر) ایک سرخ اشرفی بہ طور معاوضہ دینے کا اعلان کیا تھا۔ گو قلعہ کی تعمیر پر اٹھنے والے اخراجات کا درست اندازہ نہیں لگایا جاسکتا تاہم ایک روایت کے مطابق اس پر اس زمانے کے 34 لاکھ 25 ہزار روپے خرچ ہوئے۔ جس کا تخمینہ آج کے اربوں روپے بنتے ہیں۔ واقعات جہانگیری کے مطابق یہ اخراجات ایک پتھر پر کندہ کیے گئے تھے جو ایک زمانے میں قلعے کے کسی دروازے پر نصب تھا۔ قلعے کی تعمیر میں 3 لاکھ مزدوروں نے بہ یک وقت حصہ لیا اور یہ 4 سال 7 ماہ اور 21 دن میں مکمل ہوا۔ یہ چار سو ایکٹر پر محیط ہے، جب کہ بعض کتابوں میں اس کا قطر 4 کلومیٹر بیان کیا گیا ہے۔ قلعے کے بارہ دروازے ہیں۔ جن کی تعمیر جنگی حکمت عملی کو مد نظر رکھ کر کی گئی ہے۔ یہ دروازے فن تعمیر کا نادر نمونہ ہیں۔ 
ان دروازوں میں خواص دروازہ ، موری دروازہ ، شاہ چانن والی دروازہ ، طلاقی دروازہ ، شیشی دروازہ ، لنگر خوانی دروازہ ، بادشاہی دروازہ ، کٹیالی دروازہ ، سوہل دروازہ ، پیپل والا دروازہ ، اور گڈھے والا دروازہ، قلعے کے مختلف حصوں میں اس کے دروازوں کو بے حد اہمیت حاصل تھی۔ اور ہر دروازہ کا اپنا مقصد تھا جبکہ خاص وجہ تسمیہ بھی تھی۔ ہزار خوانی صدر دروازہ تھا۔ طلاقی دروازے سے'' دور شیر شاہی‘‘ میں ہاتھی داخل ہوتے تھے۔ طلاقی دروازے کو منحوس دروازہ سمجھا جاتا تھا۔ شیشی دروازے کو شیشوں اور چمکتی ٹائلوں سے تیار کیا گیا تھا۔ لنگر خوانی لنگر کے لیے استعمال ہوتا تھا۔ کابلی دروازے کا رخ چونکہ کابل کی طرف تھا اس لیے اس کو کابلی دروازہ کہا جاتا تھا۔ سوہل دروازہ زحل کی وجہ سے سوہل کہلایا۔ جبکہ اس کو سہیل دروازہ بھی کہا جاتا تھا کیونکہ حضرت سہیل غازی کا مزار یہیں واقع تھا۔
گٹیالی دروازے کا رخ چونکہ گٹیال پتن کی طرف تھا اس لیے اس کو یہی نام دیا گیا۔ اس طرح مختلف دروازوں کے مقاصد مختلف تھے۔ قلعہ روہتاس کا سب سے قابلِ دید ، عالی شان اور ناقابل شکست حصہ اس کی فصیل ہے۔ اس پر 68 برج ، 184 برجیاں ، 6881 کنگرے اور 8556 سیڑھیاں ہیں جو فن تعمیر کا نادر نمونہ ہیں۔ یہ بات حیرت انگیز ہے کہ اتنے بڑے قلعے میں محض چند رہائشی عمارتیں تعمیر کی گئی ہیں۔ قلعے کی عمارتوں میں سے ایک عمارت کو شاہ مسجد کہا جاتا ہے اور چند باؤلیاں تھیں، بعد ازاں ایک حویلی تعمیر کی گئی، جسے راجا مان سنگھ نے بنوایا تھا۔ محلات کے نہ ہونے کے باعث مغل شہنشاہ اس قلعے میں آکر خیموں میں رہا کرتے تھے۔ یہ قلعہ صرف دفاعی حکمت علمی کے تحت بنایا گیا تھا ، اس لیے شیر شاہ سوری کے بعد بھی برسر اقتدار آنے والوں نے اپنے ٹھہرنے کے لیے یہاں کسی پرتعیش رہائش گاہ کا اہتمام نہیں کیا۔
قلعہ روہتاس دیکھنے والوں کو ایک بے ترتیب سا تعمیری ڈھانچا نظرآتا ہے لیکن حقیقت یہ ہے کہ شیر شاہ سوری نے اسے تعمیر کرتے ہوئے نقش نگاری اور خوب صورتی کے تصور کو فراموش نہیں کیا۔ قلعے کے دروازے اور بادشاہی مسجد میں کی جانے والی میناکاری اس کا واضح ثبوت ہے۔ ہندوانہ طرز تعمیر کی پہچان قوسین قلعے میں جابجا دکھائی دیتی ہیں۔ جن کی بہترین مثال سوہل گیٹ ہے۔ اسی طرح بھربھرے پتھر اور سنگ مر مر کی سلوں پر کندہ مختلف مذہبی عبارات والے کتبے خطابی کے نادر نمونوں میں شمار ہوتے ہیں۔ جو خط نسخ میں تحریر کیے گئے ہیں۔ خواص خوانی دروازے کے اندرونی حصے میں دو سلیں نصب ہیں جن میں سے ایک پر کلمہ شریف اور دوسری پر مختلف قرآنی آیات کندہ ہیں۔ شیشی دروازے پر نصب سلیب پر فارسی میں قلعے کی تعمیر کا سال 948ھ کندہ کیا گیا ہے موجودہ حالت: قلعے کے اندر مکمل شہر آباد ہے اور ایک ہائی اسکول بھی قائم ہے۔ مقامی لوگوں نے قلعے کے پتھر اکھاڑ اکھاڑ کر مکان بنا لیے ہیں۔ 
قلعے کے اندر کی زمین کی فروخت منع ہے۔ اس وقت سطح زمین سے اوسط تین سو فٹ بلند ہے۔ اس وقت چند دروازوں ، مغل شہنشاہ اکبر اعظم کے سسر راجا مان سنگھ کے محل اور بڑے پھانسی گھاٹ کے سوا قلعہ کا بیش تر حصہ کھنڈرات میں تبدیل ہو چکا ہے۔ شیر شاہ سوری کے بیٹے سلیم شاہ نے قلعے کے باہر کی آبادی کو قلعہ کے اندر منتقل ہونے کی اجازت دے دی تھی۔ اس آبادی کی منتقلی کے بعد جو بستی وجود میں آئی اب اسے روہتاس گاؤں کہتے ہیں۔ سلیم شاہ کا خیال تھا کہ آبادی ہونے کے باعث قلعہ موسمی اثرات اور حوادثِ زمانہ سے محفوظ رہے گا ، لیکن ایسا نہ ہو سکا اور آج اپنے وقت کا یہ مضبوط ترین قلعہ بکھری ہوئی اینٹوں کی صورت اس حقیقت کا منہ بولتا ثبوت ہے کہ ثبات ایک تغیر کو ہے زمانے میں۔
فرخ ، رانا عثمان
بشکریہ دنیا نیوز
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myzmak · 5 years
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gurbirgakhar-blog · 5 years
Gurbir Gakhar-Expert Office Administrative with Taxation Advocate
If you are seeking for the professional office administrative to work with accuracy then come to Gurbir Gakhar. He is a best in maintaining office records and interact any changes in laws and policies. Kindly visit!
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risingpakistan · 12 years
Rawat Fort
Rawat Fort is located in Pothohar Pakistan. The fort was built in early 16th century by Gakhars, a tribe of the Pothohar plateau. It is 17 km east of Rawalpindi on Grand Trunk Road. The fort was the scene of a battle between the Gakhar chief Sultan Sarang Khan and Sher Shah Suri in 1546 AD.
The fort is almost in square form and has two gates. It contains a mosque made up of three big dome shaped rooms. There is also a quadrangular building with a dome. Along the wall there are additional small rooms. In the center of the fort there are many graves. Among them is the tomb of Sultan Sarang Khan. His 16 sons, who died there fighting, are also buried inside the fort. Mankiala stupa can be seen from the roof of the mosque as it is few kilometers from here.
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shiningpakistan · 12 years
Famous Forts of Pakistan
Royal Fort Lahore 
The Lahore Fort, locally referred to as Shahi Qila, is located in the north-western corner of Lahore, adjacent to the Walled City. In 1981, the fort was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the Shalimar Gardens. Although most parts of the Royal Fort were constructed around 1566 A.D. by the Mughal Emperor, Akbar the Great, there is evidence that a mud fort was in existence here in 1021 A.D. as well, when Mahmood of Ghazna invaded this area. Akbar demolished the old mud fort and constructed most of the modern Fort, as we see it today, on the old foundations. The part of the wall of the Elephant Steps towards the Fort’s inner gate are scarred by bullet marks, bearing testimony to the Sikh Civil War of 1847 A.D.
Rawat Fort 
Rawat Fort is located 17 km east of Rawalpindi, on the Grand Trunk (G.T) Road leading to Lahore. Gakkhars, a fiercely independent tribe of the Potohar Plateau built the fort in early 16th century. The grave of a Gakkhar Chief, Sultan Sarang Khan is located inside the fort. He died in 1546 AD while fighting against the forces of Sher Shah Suri. While dares to climb the broken steps inside the tomb, one may get a panoramic view of the plateau and the Mankiala Stupa.
Pharwala Fort 
Pharwala is an historic Fort located about 40 km from Rawalpindi in Kahuta, Punjab. Its one side is naturally defended by a small Himalayan range and the other by the Swaan River.It is a Gakhar fort built in the 15th century on the ruins of a 10th century Hindi Shahi Fort.The Mughal Emperor, Babar conquered the fort in 1519, however, after the Mughals reconciled with the Gakhars, the fort was returned to them. Later in 1825, Sikhs expelled Gakhars from this fort.
Rohtas Fort 
Rohtas Fort is 109 km from Rawalpindi. It is located about 6 km south-west of Dina Town. The fort is one of the most impressive historical monuments in Pakistan. It was built by Afghan ruler Sher Shah Suri, between 1540 and 1547 AD. It served as a huge fortified base for military operations against Gakkhars by Sher Shah Suri. It was later used by Mughal emperor Akbar and Sikhs. Within the huge terraced rampart walls with robust bastions and twelve gates, is located another fortress, palaces and ancillary buildings.
Attock Fort 
It is situated about 101 km west of Islamabad on the left bank of Indus River. The fort was completed in 1583 under the supervision of Khawaja Shamsuddin Khawafi, a minister of Emperor Akbar. The Mughal caravan sarai outside the fort, which is almost on the G.T. Road, was also built during this period.
Multan Fort 
Multan Fort was built on a mound separating it from the city by the old bed of river Ravi. Its date cannot be fixed with accuracy. When intact, its circumference was 6,600 ft. having 46 bastions, including two
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ilgarofanoverde · 6 years
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A still life close up photograph of a red rose close to the end of its life
by Simon Gakhar
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awaisalitv · 4 years
Historical Place of Pakistan – 468 Years Old Fort in Rawalpindi Hidden From World’s Eyes
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earthanthem · 2 years
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Hanging Down | Simon Gakhar | Flickr 
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farooqposts · 4 years
Culture of Punjab Pakistan
Punjabi Culture is one of the most established in world history, dating from old artifact to the cutting edge time. The degree, history, intricacy and thickness of the way of life are huge. A portion of the principle regions of the Punjabi culture include: Punjabi cooking, theory, verse, imaginativeness, music, design, customs and qualities and history. A few urban areas of Punjab have more significance for Sikh people group from India. The author of Sikh religion was brought into the world in Nankana Sahib, an area of Punjab so Sikh from various pieces of world come and visits Punjab. Jahngir burial chamber and Badshahi Masjid in Lahore are the significant spots of Pakistan. Information Sahib is extremely frightened spot in Punjab and the greater part of individuals come and visit Data sahib consistently.
Punjabi individuals are kind and carefree. Punjabis are heterogeneous gathering involving various clans, factions, networks and are known to commend every single convention of their way of life. Individuals of Punjab have solid convictions on pir-faqeers, jogi, taweez, manat-ka-dhaga, holy person of notoriety, dark wizardry, and different notions, anyway as of late because of increment of proficiency, individuals have gotten to some degree judicious . Punjabis likewise trust in cast framework yet as now individuals are getting instructed, the distinctions are getting obscured. Some well known projects of Punjabi's are; Jats, Maliks, Mughals, Arains, Gujjars, Awans, Rajputs, Gakhars, Khokhars, Sheikhs, Aheers, Kambohs, Niazis, Legharis, Khosas, Dogars, Thaheem, Mirani, Qureshis, and Syeds.
In towns' kin generally live in little networks (biradaris), anyway they live in harmony and congruity with one another. They take dynamic part in the bliss/lament of one another and give a lot of regard to their way of life, standards and run their lives as per their set customs. Punjabi individuals are acclaimed for their cordial and cherishing nature.
Punjabi is the common language of Punjab. It is communicated in as the principal language by larger part individuals in Punjab, even spoken and comprehended in regions past the limits of Punjab. Statistical data points show that Punjabi language is communicated in as first language by 44% of Pakistanis. Urdu language is likewise regularly spoken in this district. Key Punjabi dialects/tongues are:
Outfits of Punjab are a sign of the brilliant and dynamic culture and way of life of individuals.
The ensembles are a blend of tones, solace and excellence and Punjab is notable for the utilization of phulkari(embroidery) in its outfits. In the greater part of the towns of Punjab men wear Pagri(turban), dhoti/lacha, kurta, khusa. Ladies wear gharara, or choridar pajama or beautiful shalwar kameez, paranda, choli/duppata, khusa, kola puri chappal or tillay wali jutti. While in metropolitan zones of Punjab people follow most recent patterns and design, by and large they wear various styles of shalwar kameez.
The broad food of Punjab can be vegan and non-veggie lover. One shared characteristic between all Punjabi dishes is the liberal use of ghee or explained margarine flavors and Punjabis are enamored with sweet-meats too. Most Punjabi food is eaten with one or the other rice or roti. There are a few dishes that are select to Punjab, for example, Mah Di Dal, Paratha, Makai ki rotti, Saron Da Saag, and in urban areas Choley, Haleem, Baryani and other fiery dishes are mainstream. In refreshments, tea is burned-through altogether seasons and as a custom the greater part of Punjabis serve tea to their visitors. Punjabis are additionally partial to Zarda, Gulab-Jamuns, Kheer, Jalaibi,Samosy, Pakorey and so forth During summers individuals drink lassi, doodh-pop, aloo bokharey ka sharbat, lemonade and so forth These cooking styles have become overall luxuries with enormous scope portrayal.
Punjabi individuals have over the top interest in games. Punjabi's are attached to kabaddi, and wrestling, which is likewise well known in different pieces of Pakistan and it's additionally played on public level. Different games being played in Punjab area incorporate Gilli-Danda, Khoo-Khoo, Yassu-Panju, Pitho-Garam, Ludo, Chuppan-Chupai, Baraf-Panni, Kanchy and some significant games incorporate cricket, boxing, horse-dashing, hockey and football. Public Horse and Cattle Show at Lahore is the greatest celebration where sports, presentations, and domesticated animals rivalries are held.
Social Festivals
There are various celebrations which are praised by Punjabi individuals including some strict celebrations, for example, Eid-Milad-Un-Nabi, Jumu'ah, Laylat-ul-Qadr and so on Urcs (reverential fairs),which are held at the shirnes of sufi holy people, Melas and Nomaish (exhibitions).The Provincial capital Lahore is broadly well known for its engaging occasions and exercises. Lahori's are popular everywhere on the country for their festivals especially for Basant celebration (kite flying) in the spring season. Different celebrations celebrated in Punjab district incorporate Baisakhi, Teej, Kanak Katai and so on
Dance and Music
Bhangra is most regularly known Punjabi music kind and dance style. Punjabis enthusiastically love society melodies/music, Qawali and Punjabi music is perceived all through the world. The Tabla, Dhol, Dholki, Chimta, Flute and Sitar are on the whole basic instruments of this great culture. Punjabi dance is based around joy, energy and enthusiasm.Different types of dance in Punjab are: Loddi, Dhamal, Sammi, Kikli, Gatka, Bhangra, Giddha and Dandiya. Punjabi moves have been embraced by the American culture and others the same and now they are perhaps the most appreciated artistic expressions.
Custums and Rituals
A portion of the traditions continued in Punjab have no establishment in Islam. Nonetheless, the Punjabi culture has embraced those functions and conventions from Hindu culture.
Birth Rituals
Punjabis praise birth of their kid with extraordinary eagerness. Granddad or grandma or some regarded senior part from the family puts nectar with their pointer in youngster's mouth called Ghutii. Desserts are conveyed among companions and family members and individuals bring presents for the kid and mother. For the most part on 7thday youngster's head is shaven and Aqiqa service is held, additionally sheep/goat is butchered.
Punjabi Weddings
Punjabi weddings depend on conventions and are directed with solid impression of the Punjabi culture followed by a few pre-wedding customs and ceremonies (dholki,mayun,ubtan etc.)Punjabi weddings are exceptionally boisterous, vigorous, brimming with music,colors, extravagant dresses, food and moving. Punjabi weddings have numerous traditions and functions that have advanced since conventional occasions. In urban communities the wedding are praised following a mix of current and customary traditions and the function for the most part goes on for 3days, Mehndi, Barat (Nikkah+Ruksati) and Walima, trailed by Chauti (taking the lady of the hour back to her folks' home the following day).
Burial service Rituals
At burial services after namaz-e-janaza it is standard to offer lunch to individuals who came for sympathy. On 3rdday of the memorial service, Qul is held and each after thursday the Quran is discussed (jumah-e-raat) trailed by petitions for perished and after 40days the chaliswaan is held. After which the memorial service is finished. A few families notice commemorations yearly (barsi).There is no proper clothing regulation for Punjabi memorial services anyway individuals generally wear shalwar kameez and easygoing attire is noticed. Memorial services of Shia families are more exceptional. The two people wear dark shalwar-kameez and thorough crying and shouting is a typical event at such memorial services.
Punjab is exceptionally rich with writing and Sufis adds more in its writing. Punjabi verse is famous for its amazingly profound importance, excellent and cheerful utilization of words. The enormous number of Punjabi verse is being made an interpretation of all through the world into numerous dialects. Some acclaimed writers of Punjabi are Sultan Bahu, Mia Mohammad Baksh, Baba Farid, Shah Hussain, Anwar Masood and so forth Waris Shah, whose commitment to Punjabi writing is most popular for his fundamental work in Heer Ranjha, known as Shakespeare of Punjabi language. Bulleh Shah was a Punjabi Sufi artist, a humanist and a logician. The stanza from Bulleh Shah basically utilized is known as the Kafi, a style of Punjabi. Some other well known classic stories of Punjab incorporate Sassi-Punnu, Sohni Mahiwal and so forth that are going through ages.
Expressions and Crafts
Punjab is the significant assembling industry in Pakistan's economy and here every workmanship appreciates a position. The fundamental specialties made in the high countries and other rustic territories of Punjab are basketry, earthenware, which are well known for their cutting edge and customary plans everywhere on the world and are remembered for the best developments of Punjabis. bone work, material, fabric woven on handlooms with staggering prints is weaved in the provincial territories and the weavers produce beautiful fabrics like cotton,silk and so forth weaving, weaving, rugs, stone art, adornments, metal work alongside truck workmanship and other wood works. The specialty of Punjab is its basic soul and its art make its substance.
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taifunu · 4 years
Snow White by Simon Gakhar
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bestdentistindwarka · 3 years
Best Dentist in Dwarka | Dr. Abhishek Gakhar
If You Are Searching for the Best Dentist in Dwarka then Dr. Abhishek Gakhar is the best Dentist For yourself, Dr. Abhishek Gakhar is certified BDS, MDS and has a Specialty in Periodontology and Oral Implantology, Periodontist, Implantologist, Dental Surgeon, Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentist and Have the 15+ Year Experience in General Dentistry. He is also a Consultant Oral Implantologist & Periodontitis in various Famous Dental Clinics & Hospitals in Delhi/NCR.
He has their self-owned and Famous Practice in Dwarka which name is Friend Dental Clinic, Friend dental Clinic is a Multi- Specialty Dental Clinic in Dwarka, In Friend dental Clinic, they provide their Clients the best Facility and care in their Dental Clinic, They Have More than 1000+ happy Clients in there in past 3 years. In Friend Dental Clinic, Dr. Abhishek Gakhar has treated their Patients very Nicely and Gently, they Provide a very Calm ad Hygienic Environment around their Patients, They Treat their Patients as Family members Not As Ordinary Clients.
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risingpakistan · 12 years
Famous Forts of Pakistan
Royal Fort Lahore 
The Lahore Fort, locally referred to as Shahi Qila, is located in the north-western corner of Lahore, adjacent to the Walled City. In 1981, the fort was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the Shalimar Gardens. Although most parts of the Royal Fort were constructed around 1566 A.D. by the Mughal Emperor, Akbar the Great, there is evidence that a mud fort was in existence here in 1021 A.D. as well, when Mahmood of Ghazna invaded this area. Akbar demolished the old mud fort and constructed most of the modern Fort, as we see it today, on the old foundations. The part of the wall of the Elephant Steps towards the Fort’s inner gate are scarred by bullet marks, bearing testimony to the Sikh Civil War of 1847 A.D.
Rawat Fort 
Rawat Fort is located 17 km east of Rawalpindi, on the Grand Trunk (G.T) Road leading to Lahore. Gakkhars, a fiercely independent tribe of the Potohar Plateau built the fort in early 16th century. The grave of a Gakkhar Chief, Sultan Sarang Khan is located inside the fort. He died in 1546 AD while fighting against the forces of Sher Shah Suri. While dares to climb the broken steps inside the tomb, one may get a panoramic view of the plateau and the Mankiala Stupa.
Pharwala Fort 
Pharwala is an historic Fort located about 40 km from Rawalpindi in Kahuta, Punjab. Its one side is naturally defended by a small Himalayan range and the other by the Swaan River.It is a Gakhar fort built in the 15th century on the ruins of a 10th century Hindi Shahi Fort.The Mughal Emperor, Babar conquered the fort in 1519, however, after the Mughals reconciled with the Gakhars, the fort was returned to them. Later in 1825, Sikhs expelled Gakhars from this fort.
Rohtas Fort 
Rohtas Fort is 109 km from Rawalpindi. It is located about 6 km south-west of Dina Town. The fort is one of the most impressive historical monuments in Pakistan. It was built by Afghan ruler Sher Shah Suri, between 1540 and 1547 AD. It served as a huge fortified base for military operations against Gakkhars by Sher Shah Suri. It was later used by Mughal emperor Akbar and Sikhs. Within the huge terraced rampart walls with robust bastions and twelve gates, is located another fortress, palaces and ancillary buildings.
Attock Fort 
It is situated about 101 km west of Islamabad on the left bank of Indus River. The fort was completed in 1583 under the supervision of Khawaja Shamsuddin Khawafi, a minister of Emperor Akbar. The Mughal caravan sarai outside the fort, which is almost on the G.T. Road, was also built during this period.
Multan Fort 
Multan Fort was built on a mound separating it from the city by the old bed of river Ravi. Its date cannot be fixed with accuracy. When intact, its circumference was 6,600 ft. having 46 bastions, including two
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ijtsrd · 4 years
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Study of Effectiveness of Various Promotional Strategies used by Honda
by Neha Gakhare | Mayur S. Raut | Mayur Y. Ghagre "Study of Effectiveness of Various Promotional Strategies used by Honda"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-5 , August 2020,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd31796.pdf
Paper Url :https://www.ijtsrd.com/management/marketing/31796/study-of-effectiveness-of-various-promotional-strategies-used-by-honda/neha-gakhare
ugcapprovedmanagementjournal, openaccessjournalofmanagement, paperpublicationinmanagement
HONDAs key strategies are to build a sturdy product portfolio across categories. Explore growth possibilities globally, continuously improve its operational efficiency, aggressively extend its attain to customers, maintain to spend money on brand building activities and make certain customer and shareholder delight. Honda Has to be upgraded so that it reaches to the mass..Current Market fashion in quarter of cars Needs few Improvement in order that it reaches to the corners of the nation. New product launch must be able to attract it’s buyer through various beneficial scheme, so that people show promptness in shopping for the product. Promotional elements of Honda may be very much effective as it promotes in regional languages too but charges must be reasonable for not unusual people. 
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