#Galleryyuhself/sign painting
galleryyuhself · 1 year
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Galleryyuhself - Bruce Cayonne extends his reach - 12ft x 8ft billboard on a road in Grenada.
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
            G    A    L    L    E     R     Y     Y    U    H    S    E    L     F
                                           A wonderful read
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galleryyuhself · 4 years
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~Galleryyuhself~ No one can deny the indomitable typographic style of Bruce Cayonne. He is single handedly making graphic design a natural part of our social landscape.
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galleryyuhself · 4 years
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~Galleryyuhself~ The Graphic Designer Christon Chen posted this on his Facebook page today.  Bruce Cayonne being featured on POW WOW Worldwide. (GY) His use of typography is basically a trademark in Trinidad and Tobago.
The hand painted signs of @iamthesignman. He has been painting signs for businesses in Trinidad and Tobago for 30 years. Locals say that he has helped to give local DJs, music, and culture a voice. // Via @notsirk.• As a mural festival and arts organization, we are constantly on the search for Black artists worldwide. We are committed to doing the work to amplify Black artist voices. We are committed to educating ourselves and unlearning systems that oppress Black artists in our communities.
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galleryyuhself · 4 years
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~Galleryyuhself~ Do enjoy an interview that was put together with the Graphic Artist Bruce Cayonne on his history and working process.
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GY1. Tell me about your childhood experiences that led to you making signs.
Q.1 As a child growing up my experience was seeped in creativity. My dad was a joiner by trade, and he was a very creative person that was always making wooden toys and crafts . My home looked more like a museum with wall hangings and furniture made by him. I loved colors as a child so I spent a lot of time drawing and colouring. 
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 GY2. Did anyone influence your typography? A Teacher, a mentor?
Q.2 I can't say my typography was influenced by any one in particular. However I was always drawn to bold heavy types and that's evident in my body of work. I often found myself creating my own fonts, as it became difficult to find one that bowled me over. 
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 GY3. How did you start your career and when?
Q.3 After spending a few years in fabric painting I signed up for Applied Arts classes in 1988. The classes had an element of sign painting which landed me a job the following year as an inhouse sign painter in the marketing department of a large Company. Even though it was my first real job, it lacked the excitement I was looking for. So after one year I was jobless and on my own ever since. In 1992 I formed part of a team that decided to throw a party that I was entrusted with the duty of advertising. The posters and banners I painted caught the eye of other promoters who started seeking my talent and thus began my career. 
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 GY4. Did you apprentice or did you start on your own?
Q.4 At eighteen years old I didn't know much sign painters, but I was eager to learn, as I had fallen head over heels in love with the art form. I sought out and found one. I was disappointed that I wasn't accepted as an apprentice even though I offered to work without pay. I was unmotivated to continue looking and made a decision to do it on my own. I became good enough to be hired three years later in 1989 to paint billboards  for a Company, advertising their products. 
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 GY5. What have been some of your best and worst experiences and can you share some images.
Q.5 When trying to pull out my best and worst experiences from my 30 years in my craft, it becomes a difficult task because there are so many. In reflection my proudest moment would have to be when I was featured in an international art magazine. And I am probably living my worst experience within this pandemic, as it has severely impacted upon my income together uncertainty.
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galleryyuhself · 4 years
Even though I've been doing this for so many years, it still feels good to know that people take note of, and appreciate my work. Sometimes a lot of effort is put into some pieces, so it's satisfying when it is impacting positively on someone.
Bruce Cayonne
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galleryyuhself · 5 years
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~Galleryyuhself~ I really appreciated the short video Hyline did for their company signage. The text looks gorgeous with its coat of paint and the care taken. This is not something you see every day. Drive around Trinidad and you become more aware of how sun bleached signs are and so many of them are in need of repair.
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galleryyuhself · 8 years
Galleryyuh writing
In my attempt this year to focus more on this blog, I have decided that I have to write about Graphic Design in Trinidad and Tobago. At this time, I have to state that I find that design is not a force to be observed on the island. When I think of Graphic Design, I think about what I actually see in the environment as the first thing, and what I see is an island of Billboards shouting about private hospital care, fast foods and automotive parts and vehicles.
Two phone companies vie for our attention in a very big way, providing redundant imagery all over the country. I spoke with the Artist Jackie Hinkson about the proliferation of signage in his paintings over the years, and he told me that as he paints what he sees on the island, it is inevitable that he now has to paint the poles choked with wires of all types and of course, the huge signs that obscure the very beauty we all want to admire.
This brings me to the question, is Graphic Design truly serving its purpose in Trinidad and Tobago? What do I mean by purpose? If the point is to make the public aware of a product by any means necessary, then yes, the advertising agencies are serving their purpose.
I would like to know if that is all there is to purpose?
The purpose that I am prescribing to is the purpose of education and environmental consideration. I am also speaking about a regard for making things more appealing and beautiful for public consumption.
Again, one will ask, what do I mean by beautiful? To me  beautiful means peace of mind. It means not being jarred by something standing out in a loud, challenging and disconcerting and discordant way. It means,seeing imagery and thinking to oneself that it resonates because it is sensitively handled. I shall be looking at what I see as successful and unsuccessful design this year. I shall also be interviewing people in the field, as it has been my nearly twenty year aim to write a short history of Graphic Design in Trinidad and Tobago.
Welcome to my journey.
I look forward to your feedback.
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