#Garage Door Repair Winters
garagedoorrepairc · 12 days
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kimmiliah · 1 year
Maximizing the Lifespan of Your Garage Door Spring: Maintenance Tips for Homeowners
Garage doors are an important part of any home, providing security and accessibility to your garage. However, the garage door’s smooth operation is dependent on its springs, which are an integral part of the garage door system. Garage door springs play a critical role in lifting the door and holding its weight, making it easy to open and close. But like any mechanical part, garage door springs…
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Rocket Garage Door Services | Garage Door Supplier in Winter Haven FL
We are your trustworthy go-to for Garage Door Installation in Winter Haven FL; our professionals have years of experience in the industry. We are licensed and insured and always provide our customers with outstanding service at an affordable price. We can handle any garage door-related problem. We use only the best quality materials and products, so you can assure your garage door will be repaired or installed safely and securely. We are also the best Garage Door Supplier in Winter Haven FL. Our garage door supplies and service standards are simply the best. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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rotworld · 2 years
Lance's Pack: All the Quiet Things
an anon asked:
Ok so we've seen Lance possessiveness, but what about blake obsessive behavior? Does he act in a certain manner when he's alone with the pack human?
it's actually the opposite. he's especially careful with how he acts around the pack human. his worst only comes up when they aren't around...
->explicit; blake/reader, mentioned lance/reader. contains mentioned dubcon, captivity, werewolf-human power imbalance, mild feral behavior, scent kink, stealing undergarments, obsessive behavior.
Blake is here, ostensibly, for the laundry. The excuse is balanced on the tip of his tongue, waiting anxiously for its moment. He won’t need it. He knows that. He passed Max on the way here, loitering in the open bay door of the commune’s repair garage with one of the other shepherds, and he’d been almost disappointed when they just nodded as he walked by. He’s the pack beta—no one will ask him to explain himself. 
There still aren’t enough of them to make proper use of all the cabins. Wolves pass through the den’s communal space all the time for conversation and a spot by the fire. He passes someone on their way out, trades more quiet, friendly nods. It’s just a bit past noon. Quiet. Everyone attending to their duties. Lance is in the workshop. Will be until late, probably. You’re out in the woods, west of the commune. Blake caught your scent where the conifers rubbed against you, and the scent of the shepherd Max asked to tail you. You earned the freedom to wander after a month of good behavior, but trust? That’s going to take a lot longer.
So he has time. A good while before either of you will be back. Lance’s door is ajar and creaks open with just the slightest urging. And he’s still thinking it—laundry, with a little quirk at the corner of his lips, a joke he’s telling himself. It’s not a lie, though. Lance is booked well into the winter with commissions. The money’s been good but he’s busy, forgetting things. As beta, it’s only right that Blake picks up the slack, takes care of the alpha just like he takes care of them. 
Stepping into the room, he’s engulfed by your mingling scents. Lance’s, of course, settled into the foundations. Everything from the rug to the quilted bedspread smells like him. But you’re here, too. Your scent is mingled with his in some places, distinct in others. It’s such a shame you aren’t a wolf, that you can’t understand what this is like for him. Your scent is more than where you’ve been, more than the muted, herbal shampoo Lance picked out for you. It’s enticing in a way that’s hard to describe. The thicker it gets, the more his mouth waters. 
He’s here for the laundry. The sheets, specifically. He was going to strip the bed. Rub his face against the side where you sleep. Sniff your pillowcase, maybe. That’s all. But he forgets about all of that, forgets everything, when something catches his eye. Half-buried under the heavy droop of the quilt, forgotten, nearly under the bed—that couldn’t be, could it? The scent of you, stronger than anywhere else in the room. He kneels, cautious. Shouldn’t touch anything he isn’t about to wash. Carefully, he tugs the quilt aside and finds it there, in the dark gap between the bedframe and the rug underneath. Clothes. Your clothes. Worn, certainly, and he swallows thickly thinking about that. It’s not a lot, just a couple things that must’ve been missed and forgotten about. A t-shirt and—
Blake hears a growl, startled when he realizes he’s the one who made the sound. A t-shirt, and a pair of underwear. He fishes them out with trembling hands. You wore the t-shirt but it’s Lance’s, has his scent all over it. But the underwear…he glances back over his shoulder. Gently, he nudges the door shut. Locks it. It’s fine. He has time. He shouldn’t linger like this but Lance knew he’d come through today. Laundry, he thinks, his heart pounding. Without a word, he climbs into Lance’s bed. Into the side you sleep on. He leaves the t-shirt on the floor where he’ll see it so he won’t forget it. He clutches the underwear in one hand while the other, clumsy and shaking, yanks at his belt and the zipper of his jeans. 
This is bad. This is really, really bad. Blake has always been a stickler for the rules. A pedant, his old pack in the city would call him, and they were half-kidding, half-affectionate, but they meant it, too. The alpha is absolute. The alpha’s territory is sacred. Doesn’t take a whole lot of extrapolation to figure that he shouldn’t be jacking off in the alpha’s bed, but here he is with his pants around his hips and his cock in his hand, panting like he’s in rut. You’re everywhere. You’re all around him. He rolls onto his side so he can bite your pillow, muffle the moans trying to come out and imagine the softness of your nape, your shoulders, that lovely curve where your neck meets your body where Lance loves to sink his teeth. 
He imagines having you. Not here. But like this. Indoors, where your scent can gather, can sink into his clothes and his skin. Your hips raised, your back arched, eager and presenting yourself as you beg for your beta’s knot. He’s turning, on his stomach, seeing himself on top of you, and the grip of his fist is your tight heat. Fucking you the way he’s dreamed of doing it, laying claim, leaving marks. You’d cry when he draws blood but you would love it, wouldn’t you? Humans are meant to belong to wolves. Stuffed with his cum and his knot and smothered in his warmth, his weight along your back, you’d know that you’re finally where you belong.
Blake brings the underwear to his face and shudders. At the center, where the fabric would rub against your sex, he smells you. Your arousal. This was for the alpha, surely. You don’t know how loud you are when Lance takes you. Blake hears everything, your pleasure and your misery. He hears and he dreams that he’s the one bringing you to the edge. Do you ever think of him? Do you grind on your hand and imagine the touch of your beta? He growls into the pillow, a thick glob of precum dribbling from his tip when he squeezes his knot. Almost. He’s so close. He licks the dried, damp patch on your underwear and a shiver runs through him. 
He remembers—the first time he laid eyes on you. The craft fair. The stench of sun-baked concrete. Lance texting him those three words: Get here now. And not knowing, not having idea what was waiting for him. Your scent. Muffled then, tainted by asphalt and gasoline and a drab, meaningless cocktail of city smells, and yet there was something there, something that made him want to bend you over the display table and knot you in front of everyone. 
Blake tears a hole in the pillowcase with his teeth and doesn’t notice, doesn’t care. All he can think of is you. You, you, you, human and helpless and his. You’re the alpha’s, you’re the pack’s, but really, when it comes down to it, you’re his. The others don’t know. You haven’t realized it yet. But you are. All those little secret smiles you give him when he intercedes on your behalf, how you lean against him, confide in him. Shivering and sniffling and covered in bites, scratches, and cum, you go to him. You share the alpha’s bed but you show Blake what you show no one else—your vulnerability. Your willing surrender. 
Biting back a moan, Blake wraps your underwear around his aching cock. His hips buck and he feels another spurt of precum dribble over his fingers. Oh, like this—like this, he really can imagine it. His scent and yours, intertwined. Your inner walls stretching, welcoming him. It’s so filthy, so terrible to do this, soiling your underwear with his seed. It makes him want to do more.
He wants to rut against you mindlessly, wants to grind and hump and cum on you fully clothed, mark everything you wear so everyone in the commune knows where you’ve been, who you belong to. He wants to cum on your face. Wants you to lick it off your lips. Wants to watch it slide slow and thick down your cheeks and rub it into your skin so his scent stays for days. He feels disgusting, feral, more wild than the shepherds, hungrier than he’s ever been before. He cums just like that—in the alpha’s bed. On the side where you sleep. With your underwear bunched up around his knot, drenching the fabric in his cum. 
He lays there for a while, in his own mess. He turns and buries his face in your ruined pillowcase. He scents it. He’s going to wash it anyway. Going to wash all of it, erase that he ever did this. But for a bit, just for now, he basks in the scent of you with him. The scent of you, covered in him. And he smiles. 
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jedi-bird · 13 days
A vent post about house repairs because I need to get it out before I start screaming at the walls.
Before we got married, my partner's family decided to renovate their house. Partly because it had never been finished when they moved in (concrete slab instead of floors, broken and missing tiles, one bathroom unusable, shitty electrical, no central air or heat) and partly because a pipe broke and why just fix one thing. In the planning stages, they asked if I had any opinions. I told them a few things to watch out for that they were considering. Don't use sensor lights the house. Don't use tiles with lots of little parts in bathrooms. Don't get glass sinks for the bathroom that's going to need a lift bar. And only hire licensed people.
I was told, after helping them look for months at options, that my opinions didn't matter because I was never going to live there. My partner and I were engaged at this point. So I shut up and said nothing.
Surprise, surprise. Guess where we now live? And guess what problems there are?
First off, mother in law could not be convinced to not hire none licensed crews. The plumbing that they replaced? That they were supposed to level off for the downstairs bathroom since the pipe was for some reason angled up? Most of it was replaced except the bathroom, which still doesn't work right. The electrical? We're currently dealing with no working lights in the master bath, no working plug in the upstairs bathroom, two of four sockets shorted out in the office and at least one in our bedroom, the socket never worked in the laundry room, and no additional plugs added to the garage like they paid for.
The upstairs floors were not leveled so things tilt (I get very bad vertigo in two specific places while walking). Floorboards were not the ones ordered and are already wearing out pretty significantly. Tiles not level in the shower. Doors and doorjams not fully painted. Several plugs painted over completely. Cracks in the walls and ceiling. Broken glass cabinet. Mismeasured counter tops so a very expensive sink couldn't be used after already being purchased. Air conditioner broken because they moved it and then hit it. Trash left all over the yard and buried under the dirt from the replaced pipe (which they didn't cover so water leaks into the house every time it rains). A jet tub that mother in law wanted and was never properly installed so the jets never worked. Dimmer switches that immediately broke (properly part of the short). Windows that can't be opened in two rooms because they were installed wrong.
They eventually got so fed up with nothing getting done that they fired the construction people, who then threatened to sue despite getting paid in full at the start of the project (another thing I said not to do). It took another very large payment to get them to leave. So now, not only do we have all of that that's wrong and still never been fixed, we also have two large gaps in the walls that apparently only I noticed and care about (because bugs keep getting in) and now a broken downstairs toilet leaking everywhere because it too was installed wrong.
I'm pissed. I'm so very very pissed. I'm the one who has to clean this place and half of the choices make it harder than it should be. The bathrooms all have fucking sensor lights that can never tell when I'm waving at them so they turn off and stay off. That first broken cabinet in still in the upstairs of the house, shoved into a box that no one will let me get rid of. We currently have a water damaged wall full of mold and a broken roof that desperately need to be fixed (hopefully before this winter).
I'm so very fucking tired and have resorted to repairing small things myself because I know how to do some of it. Which makes the others mad but we can't just ignore it! Yes, the house is safe and livable. But why leave it with problems? Why can't we just get the big stuff done?
Rant over for now. But yeah, I'm very frustrated and still am not allowed to have an opinion despite living here and taking care of things.
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canyonlouve · 2 years
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Hello friends, it’s been a while! hope this couple of months have been nice to you all! i’ve been a little busy and haven’t had the chance to read a lot but i’ve read a few that i really enjoyed and i hope y’all do too. don’t forget to leave kudos and nice comments!
🏷️ More Than a Mic Drop by @haztobegood | @haztobegood | E | 5.6k 
“You dropped the mic last night.”
“Oh, yeah. I did.” Louis gives a little shrug. He tucks his hands into the pockets of his baggy grey sweatpants.
“That was really careless.” His tone is very stern, unlike his usual bubbly and helpful voice when he suggests Louis try singing a chorus for the third time as he adjusts the sound mix again. Harry levels him a serious look and suddenly the room feels too hot. “You could have broken the mic and we don’t have a lot of spares.”
🏷️ For the Right Reasons Series by @juliusschmidt | @juliusschmidt | 109.9k 
“You dropped the mic last night.”
“Oh, yeah. I did.” Louis gives a little shrug. He tucks his hands into the pockets of his baggy grey sweatpants.
“That was really careless.” His tone is very stern, unlike his usual bubbly and helpful voice when he suggests Louis try singing a chorus for the third time as he adjusts the sound mix again. Harry levels him a serious look and suddenly the room feels too hot. “You could have broken the mic and we don’t have a lot of spares.”
🏷️ Hold Tight by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright | @yeah_alright | E | 29k
Louis’ new home comes with a garage, a garden, and a dream man next door. The only thing standing in the way of their happily ever after is his neighbour’s stubborn insistence that his vintage motorbike continue to rust away rather than let Louis get it back into driving shape. Louis can only hope his plan to repair it behind Harry’s back will repair the rift it's created between them, too.
🏷️ like cranberries on a winter evening by @evilovesyou | @4ureyesonly28 | General Audiences | 57.7k 
Louis hates Christmas. With good reason, too. And no, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
When research for his next novel leads Louis to the website of a quirky little hotel in Northumberland, there is exactly one room available for the two weeks that Louis really wants to get away from his family.
Will the fairy lights, kind smiles, homemade pastries, and genuine friendships awaiting him in Harry Styles’ hotel be enough to cause Louis a change of heart?
🏷️ they’re laughin’ and drinkin’ and havin’ a party by @evilovesyou | @4ureyesonly28 | General Audiences | 4.2k 
When Louis decides he has to get away, he chooses the next best town in Texas, as far away from his ex as he can get. The real estate agent tells him it’s a quiet neighborhood, yet somehow the sound of a champagne bottle popping from two doors down followed by the roar of a party, sends him spiraling. That is, until a deep voice calls out a tentative “heey” from the darkness.
🏷️ you’re an alpha, harry! by @agape-28 | @fondjumpedtheshark | E | 32.9k 
So, yeah.
Harry Styles?
He's an alpha.
And he has no clue what that entails.
[or: Right before Harry goes to university, he presents as an alpha. Struggling with his newfound identity in a completely different environment, he seeks advice from the notorious Louis Tomlinson, an omega whose claim to fame is being the local campus sex expert. Sex Education AU.]
🏷️ good, good graces by @larrieblr | @safetyfilm | E | 10.1k 
Louis put his hand at the base of Clifford’s head and ruffled his ears. “Who’s a good boy? So good, you are!” There it was again. The electricity, that terrifying desire. Something in Harry’s mind latched on to it, sinking its teeth into the emotion and letting it wash over him in waves… like he’d crave Louis’s approval just to be called good. Maybe.
Or, the one where Harry's boyfriend Louis gets a new puppy and frequently tells the dog how he's a good boy. Harry gets jealous and decides to show Louis how much of a good boy he can be.
🏷️ bright eyes, like denim by @evilovesyou | @4ureyesonly28 | General Audiences | 2.2k 
Louis' favourite jeans have suddenly disappeared from where he always got them. Harry is a store manager with an affinity for customer care, particularly when the customer has bright blue eyes and happens to be very flirty.
🏷️ kiss like fire by @orphan_account | E | 9k 
Harry watches as his uncle's new omega walks around the backyard, serving canapés and drinks to all of the family members gathered. Harry is surrounded by his cousins, all sat together, too young for the adults but too old for the kids and teens. He lifts his beer to his lips and takes a sip when the omega crouches down by one of Harry's younger cousins and hands her a small cracker, sending her off with a sweet smile.
He watches as his uncle comes out of the house, sliding the patio door shut behind him and quickly making his way over to his omega. The omega looks up at him when he wraps an arm around his waist. His pretty lips move with soft-spoken words. Harry has to fight to keep his alpha in check when his dirty old uncle's hand dips down, grabbing at the omega's ass and making him jump.
"Dude," one of his cousins says, "Uncle Darron's new omega is such a milf."
🏷️ We’re Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood | @haztobegood | Teen and Up Audiences | 5.2k 
Hello Harry, this may seem out of the blue, and even weirder if you don’t remember me. We hung out for a few weeks back in the summer of 82. A picture of you showed up on my facebook tonight, I think because we have a few mutual friends on here. I know we haven’t spoken in forty years, but I thought I’d just shoot you a message. I hope you’re doing well. L
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
🏷️ The Hellebore Theatre by @daggerandrose | @amomentoflove | M | 2k 
Harry is scared shitless. For months, he’s been on edge, waiting for the moment when he’ll hear the words he’s been longing to hear and now he finally has. But now, they come with a great weight hanging over his head.
“You’re on,” the director tells him only minutes before the curtain is supposed to rise.
or the one where Harry is a swing and has to perform the leading role of King Louis Tomlinson in front of King Louis Tomlinson
🏷️ The Truth of Hearts by @all-these-larrythings​ | @Rearviewdreamer | M | 7.1k
After rising through the ranks to become one of Hollywood’s most celebrated alpha writers, the world is Harry’s oyster. Louis, another rising star alpha, is Harry’s greatest undoing, in more ways than one. 
🏷️ Keep Driving (without me) by @londonfoginacup​ | @Ladylondonderry | Teen and Up Audiences | 2.4k 
It is hour eight of the road trip and Harry Styles is going into heat.
“We should’ve taken two cars,” Ny Oh says.
“We should’ve left Harry behind,” Mitch grumbles.
🏷️ Matcha Me and Matcha You by @londonfoginacup​ | @Ladylondonderry | General Audiences | 2.5k 
Louis does not like the douche, and the douche clearly looks down on him. Therefore sometimes when Louis is in the walk-in freezer, he keeps himself warm with thoughts of punching his Boarding School Face.
And the day he sees the douche walk into the cafe with someone new, he decides he can’t stomach the idea of his new partner going on unawares of just what a douche he’s on a date with.
🏷️ Any Man of Mine by @becomeawendybird​ | @QuickedWeen | Teen and Up Audiences | 5.3k 
Harry goes to visit his old friend Louis at his ranch in Texas after they reconnect during the pandemic. He learns a thing or two about cowboy hat etiquette.
🏷️ The Hidden Hills Restaurant by @daggerandrose | @amomentoflove | E | 4.5k 
“Are you sure you want to hear about this? Wouldn’t you rather hear about what I’ll do to you? How often? How long? How many fin—“
“I like to get to know my potential clients before agreeing to anything,” Louis says and lays down the menu. He’s thinking of steak. Something meaty, juicy, and hearty.
Harry’s arched eyebrow at the word ‘potential’ doesn’t escape Louis’ notice.
or the one where Louis is a personal feeder and Harry is the vampire to be his next client
🏷️ The Honeycomb Bed and Breakfast by @daggerandrose | @amomentoflove | Teen and Up Audiences | 8.4k 
“I’m sorry, but where did we land?” He asks one of the flight attendants when he reaches the door.
“We’re in Bucharest.”
It takes a minute for Harry to process the location. “Romania? I was supposed to go to Rome, not Romania! How does that happen?”
or the one where Harry's work trip to Italy makes a tiny detour to Bucharest, Romania and he has to find a place to stay.
🏷️ The Hazel Woods by @daggerandrose | @amomentoflove | M | 3k 
There, just a few feet away across the clearing, a person is leaning against an aging tree, looking very dapper in a tailored suit. Even in the dim light, his eyes are a bright, bold blue. As he softly laughs to whomever he’s conversing with, Harry can swear he sees a flash of fang.
Well, that’s enough to convince him that everything he’d experienced in Romania hadn’t been a wild figment of his imagination.
or the one where Harry attends the funeral for a distant family member and sees a familiar face.
🏷️ I Remember (The Distances We Covered) by @lululawrence​ | @lululawrence | Not Rated | 5.2k 
@ColleenisStylish: @LouisTomlinson my dad thinks he’s sat next to you on a train from Edinburgh right now, so if you could confirm that would be amazing. His name is Harry and he’s just had white wine and says you’re on red x
Louis glanced at the glass of red wine in his hand before taking a quick look around those nearest him on the train. Just across the aisle in a seat facing him was a man with graying, curly hair falling into his face yet somehow staying above his glasses. He was reading a book as he tapped his foot, seemingly oblivious to everything around him, and there sitting on the table in front of him was a half glass of white wine.
p.s. feel free to send me your fics and i will happily read them! 
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silkenblankets · 1 year
The job was done, red coated the scene and it felt like he could finally think. There was a moment of bittersweet silence, lowering his metal arm and taking in a deep breath. Gunpowder, it wasn't his first time smelling it. Every time before, that scent meant another piece of him was torn from his body, his identity would break into a smaller shard than before.
But it also meant freedom. The initial fear of pain dissolved, replaced by a sweet catharsis. He dropped the weapon, walking up to the body and lifting it's right hand. A handcrafted ring, silver band, with small grey stones beaded on either side of a slightly larger stone resting atop the finger. It came off with a good tug, inspecting the metal before attempting to place it on his own finger. The metallic surface didn't hold the ring, and so he opted to hide it in his only worldly possession: a small pouch of dice pulled tight around his artificial wrist.
Turning his back on his God, he left the home and everything that happened within it. He was lost, he was angry, he was doubtful. But he knew the driveway led to a road, a city was to the right. Or, something similar. He wasn't sure, but it was his only plan.
The road was endless, and unkempt. Despite the dullness of his touch, he could feel the loose asphalt under his feet, scuffing the metal and adding small dents to the form. It was cold, his jacket was the only thing keeping his body from shivering. Slightly oversized with tearing in the sleeves, the only clothing he could fit over the thick spikes worked into his prosthetics. He has always disliked the shape, now outright hating the form it gave him.
He could tell his legs would be sore by now, his hips already ached and his back hurt. The man's posture was more akin to a zombie, his body long since tired.
The moon had been thrown over him, completing its arc as he entered the small city. The sun had begun to emerge, everyone would be waking up soon. But not God. That felt nice to know... But the rattling in his foot signaled damage, he wanted to patch that up. Except he didn't have materials, or method.
Lifting his eyes from the ground, his gaze bounced from one building to the next. Maybe he could find someplace that fixed cybernetic limbs? Though, as far as he knew, nobody really had those. For whatever reason, he had been made the outlier, rather than another corpse in the frigid winter.
Oh, that looked promising. A building that looked more like a garage than the others, the inside showed displays of what looked to be assorted car parts. But it was small and cramped inside, the business wasn't big in the slightest. He tried to pull open the door, but found it was locked. Must be closed. He tried to plan for what time it would be open, hearing muffled footsteps and the scattered crunch of a latch. Feeling the door open, he backed away and stared at who opened it.
A short brunette wearing some kind of work jumpsuit, a name tag was embroidered on the fabric: Michael.
"Hey- do you need something? Are you okay?"
It took him a moment to process that he needed something, he needed to be fixed.
"Do you do repairs?" His metallic voice caused visible confusion in Micheal. "Yup. What for?"
"... My foot."
Michael looked down, skipping past the exposed hips and crouching to inspect the metal appendage. Tilting his head, he gave a confused smile. "It doesn't look that bad, I can fix that I suppose."
He nodded quietly, following the smaller man inside the building. Michael pulled a chair into the garage, which was empty as of now. Motioning to the seat, the cyborg sat down in silence. His foot was lifted and set on a crate, Michael went from one toolbox to the next before returning with a handful of material.
For once, he was grateful for his dulled touch, barely aware of the molten heat touching him. Michael must've found the silence uncomfortable, shifting his stance to look at the man. "What's your name?"
"..." Xavier was dirtied. He didn't know what other name he had. "... Xavi."
Michael smiled. "That's a pretty neat name." He glanced to the gashes in Xavi's jacket, clicking his tongue. "Hey would you like those shaved down? They look really uncomfortable."
Xavi looked at Michael, trying not to show his excitement. "... Can you do that?" He got a nod in response, the mechanic stood and pat Xavi's leg. "Of course, then we can put something on ya to keep you from freezing." The man smiled, holding out his hand.
"C'mon, it should only take a few minutes. Maybe I can get to know you better."
It felt... wonderful, to be a person again.
Xavi used the aid of Michael to pull himself back to his feet, his smile hidden behind his artificial jaw. "Thank you."
Michael gave the cyborg a quick, partial hug as he led him towards the rest of his tools. As he rummaged through the drawers, his smile returned.
"My pleasure, Xavi."
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aquietwritingcorner · 2 years
Fandom: TMNT 2003       Word Count: 5058   Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: K   Characters: Donatello, Raphael, Ms. Morrison     Warning: NA     Summary: Raphael’s been asking Donatello for advice on repairing things. The only problem is, they aren’t the types of items that the turtles own. Curious as to what is going on, Donnie decides that his best course of action is to follow Raph and see what’s going on. He didn’t expect what he found, though.   Notes: I know nothing about repairing anything, really. Sorry for any inaccuracies. AO3 || ff.net
Something was up with Raphael. That was something Donatello was positive about.
The thing was, it wasn’t something that necessarily would have caught anyone else’s attention. He was still acting pretty much the same. He trained, roughhoused and teased with Mikey, argued—both friendly and not—with Leonardo, sat and watched a little TV with Master Splinter, helped April in her shop, went out to “bust heads” with Casey, and went off on his own, as he was wont to do. He even, as wasn’t unusual, worked side-by-side with and helped Donatello with several of the projects in the garage. If Donnie was going to trust anyone with work on the Battleshell, it was always Raph.
So, as evidenced by the mental list Don was making, no one else would have noticed anything off with Raphael.
But Don did.
It started off small. It started off with Raphael asking him about how to do small things. Things like sealing windows or making sure that a normal door—something that they did, admittedly, lack in the lair—was square and closing well. Donatello didn’t think too much about it. He just assumed that he was helping April with some basic repairs, and that Casey was too slammed at the garage he worked at to help out. And while Donnie had taught his brothers how to do quite a number of things, home repairs like that had never been on the list. They just hadn’t been something that was needed. Basic carpentry, wiring, welding, plumbing, sewing, the sorts of things that generally went into getting homes like theirs livable were what he had focused on teaching them. He even went more in depth with certain things with certain brothers, like automotives with Raphael, forging and metal work with Leonardo, and wiring, coding, and basic tv and kitchen repair with Michelangelo, along with whatever else he could teach the orange banded turtle that would allow him to repair his own things and let Donnie focus on other stuff.
Funny how Mikey had the broadest set of knowledge among his brothers.
Donnie honestly didn’t mind teaching his brother these things. He thought was good… and, selfishly, maybe a bit useful to him… for Raph to learn more about repairing things. He asked from everything from windows and doors, to hot water heaters, to washing machines, to toaster ovens, to ice makers, to gas ovens, to, currently, a heater.
It was the gas oven that really tipped Donatello off. He knew that April’s oven was electric, not gas. In fact, except for the very rich, who thought it was trendy to cook with gas, most people in New York City had electric stoves and ovens. The only other ones who didn’t were either historically accurate buildings, or buildings that were very, very old.
Donatello and Raphael were currently elbow deep in an old heater that one of them had scavenged from some junkyard somewhere. Donnie hadn’t been intending to turn it into a lesson on how to repair heaters, but Raph had been interested when he had seen the old thing, and so Donnie had rolled with it. Although they weren’t exactly cold-blooded, they weren’t exactly warm-blooded either, instead some weird mix of the two thanks to their mutation. Because of that, a little extra heat in the winter was always a welcome thing. They had long ago learned to scavenger for heaters whenever they saw them, just to keep their lair a bit warmer. These days, if they had more than they needed, Don often fixed them up and then gave them to April to sell. She’d give him the money from whatever sells she managed to make on his stuff, which gave them a little money, at least.
“Okay, but this one’s an electric heater, right, Don? How’d it be different from a gas one?”
Don paused in what he was doing and looked over at Raph. “…That is a very specific and somewhat unusual question, Raph, considering we use electric ones.” He saw Raphael tense, and then he looked back down at the heater they were working on, shifting through the innards again. “With all the questions you’ve been asking me lately, I’m starting to wonder if you’re trying to move out.”
He gave his voice a bit of teasing lilt, hoping to put his brother at ease, or at least not to make him too suspicious. It only partially worked, as Raph had a tendency to be suspicious by nature anyway, especially when he was hiding something.
And Don was sure he was hiding something.
“Just thought you’d appreciate the helping hand,” Raph said, turning a bit sulky. It was just an act, though. Donnie could see right through it, although he didn’t let on.
Instead, he gave a rebuttal. “Which would be great,” he said, “if you were actually helping out around the lair with what I’ve been teaching you.” Don turned to look at him more fully. “But we don’t have anything that runs on gas, aside from a camping stove we have just in case, and we don’t have windows and doors to worry about. So, I have to wonder just what this is really about, Raphie.”
He had hoped that the use of the childhood nickname might loosen his brother’s tongue a little, but it didn’t seem to work. Instead, Raphael grew defensive and a bit huffy.
“If yer not gonna teach me, then I’ll figure it out on my own!” his brother snapped, pushing to his feet to quickly to be casual, and too slowly to be called “rocketing.” He turned on his heel and left the garage, heading back down to the lair, and, if Don had to guess, to his punching bag.
Don looked back down at the heater thoughtfully, not at all phased by this reaction. It was one of the possibilities he had accounted for. Honestly, though, he wasn’t too happy with the idea of Raphael, untrained in the ways of natural gas, messing around with anything that used it. He’d hoped to get more of an answer so that maybe he could help out a bit more. But if Raph wasn’t going to give him one, then perhaps Donnie would just have to find it on his own.
He returned to working on the heater, his hands moving almost automatically as he ran through possible scenarios in his mind and made plans for what his next steps would be.
Like most evenings when there was nothing planned, everyone assumed that Donatello would be busy puttering away in his workshop, working on this project or that. There was also good chance that he would be in the garage above, if something up there needed working on. And sometimes, every once in a while, he would go out scavenging alone. Ninety-five percent of the time, someone would go with him, but there were times when he went alone, usually when he was going to look for more of the delicate things that he would need.
While most of the time his brothers didn’t mind going to the junkyards with him, as there was usually plenty to find and enough to keep even Mikey entertained, the trips for specific electronic parts were not particularly enjoyable for his brothers. Mikey would quickly grow bored and fidgety, trying not to accidentally hurt anything useful. Raphael would be somewhat useful, as he had an eye for things that could be useful, but his eyes would glaze over at some point, the components that Don was looking for all starting to look alike to him. Leonardo was probably the most useful, his attention to detail making him pretty effective as far as looking for particular items, but he was also pretty bad at noticing what might potentially be useful.
So. Don usually made those trips alone. Which also made them great cover.
Don emerged from his workshop, duffle bag in hand, slinging it across his chest as he made his way towards the door of the lair. Naturally, this caught the attention of the others, even if they didn’t stop what they were doing. Mikey glanced up from his game of Mario Kart. Leo, although he didn’t pause in his kata practice, did look his way for a moment. Raph, giving his punching bag a good beating, glanced up at him, too.
“Going somewhere, Don?” Leo asked as he continued working through the forms.
“Just need to go get a few things,” he said. “I’m short on some of the wiring I need for this project, and the motherboard I have isn’t in as good of shape as I hoped it would be. I think I can repair it, if I can use pieces from other motherboards, but I’d really rather just find one in better shape.”
Mikey had already turned back to his game, clearly not wanting to be asked to go with Don on his trip. That was fine by Donatello. He didn’t want company tonight.
“Do you want someone to go with you?” Leo asked as he entered the final steps of his kata.
“No, that’s okay,” Don said, waving it off. “Those dumpsters and junkyard are generally safer than the ones we go typically go to, and I’ve got my bo, some shuriken, and my shell cell. Hopefully it won’t take too long, and if I lose track of time, you can always call me.”
Leo had reached the end of his kata now and turned to look at Don. “If you’re sure,” he said.
“I am,” Don responded. “Don’t worry, Leo, I’ll be safe.”
“I know,” Leo said. “But still. Just be careful, alright?”
“As careful as I can while getting the components I need,” Don said, with a wave of his hand as he started back through the door.
Leo pulled a face. “That’s what I’m worried about,” he said, part teasing, part admonishment. “Don’t get too lost in your search!”
“I’ll be fine!” he said with a wave as he headed out the door.
He didn’t miss the look of opportunistic planning that crossed Raphael’s face, no matter how quick his brother was to cover it up and continue punching as if he hadn’t ever thought about doing anything else.
Donatello was, as his brothers would attest, a patient turtle. He was also an observant one and knew his brothers’ habits well. So, after implementing a program on the shell cells that would make it look like he was at the dumpsters he had been claiming on going through, he settled into the garage and waited. It only took one hour and thirty-seven minutes before what he thought was going to happen, happened.
The elevator into the garage came up, opening, and Raphael stepped out. He, as they always did, took a sweep of the garage before moving into it. Don had made sure to hide himself deep in the shadows, to reduce his presence to a minimum. Raphael had always been good at feeling when a threat was near, or when he was being watched. It was part of that protective nature of his. Fortunately, Donnie had always been exceptionally good at staying still and hidden, at making his presence as unobtrusive as possible. That worked in his favor now, as he watched Raphael head over to the workbench, picking up a spare bag on the way, and putting several tools inside of it. Donatello recognized them right away as the same tools he had been using to repair the heater, which was exactly what he had been expecting.
Once he was satisfied with the tools he had gathered, Raphael headed out of the garage. He didn’t take the bike, and he didn’t have the same look on his face that he did when he was getting ready to meet Casey. Don wasn’t sure what it was, but he did know that he was going to find out. Silently, he swung out of his hiding place, stopping only to pick up a couple of more tools. If Raph was going to be working on a gas heater, then there were a couple of things that he was going to need that Don hadn’t had the chance to show him.
Following Raphael was always a tricky game. He moved fast, typically, and sometimes seemingly erratically. You had to stay close to keep an eye on him and not lose where he was going. However, if you got too close, then you risked being seen and confronted, which was the exact opposite of what Donatello wanted tonight.
Fortunately, Don was a turtle of many talents, and that included tracking his brothers in less-conventional ways. Namely, by using the tracking on the shell cell and some night vision googles that had a setting attuned to himself and his brothers.
Don paused on a roof, taking a second to look around. This wasn’t an area that was outside of their usual patrol areas, but it wasn’t one that they went by a lot either. The neighborhoods here generally took care of themselves, to some degree, and didn’t require as much intervention as other parts of the city, although it still wasn’t what most humans would classify as a very “safe” area.
“Where are you going?” Don softly said to himself as he watched the tiny blip that was Raphael move on the screen.
Donatello followed Raphael for about fifteen more minutes, doing his best to make sure that he wasn’t caught. Still, it became easier to follow him when the red-banded turtle narrowed his focus until he was in front of one old apartment building. It looked like it had been built fifty or sixty years ago, maybe longer. The front of it had been updated more than once, it looked, so that obscured the actual age of the building a bit. Raphael stared at it for a moment, quiet and still as he observed the street. Donatello stayed just as quiet and still, knowing that one move could alert his brother to his presence.
Finally, after a few minutes, Raphael made his way across the street, and down to street level in the alley. Not wanting to risk following him just yet, Donnie lowered a pair of goggles over his eyes, zooming in on his brother. To Donatello’s surprise, he knocked on the door and waited. Within just a few moments, the door opened to reveal an elderly lady. She and Raphael seemed to exchange a few words, both of them absolutely at ease. Raphael patted the bag he had, and the older lady clutched a wool shawl closer around her. Then she stepped back, Raphael entered, and the door shut.
Donatello took off his goggles and stared at the spot his brother had been in just a few minutes ago. Normally, he’d just leave after this. Yes, it was odd what Raph was doing, but there didn’t seem to be any harm in it, so he’d just tuck this into the back of his mind, leave it there, and go on about his business. However, with the possibility of a gas heater in the mix, he was a little more hesitant just to let it go. It only took him a moment of deliberation before he decided to head across the street himself. Maybe he could just peek in a window or something.
Carefully, with the ninja training developed over the past sixteen years of his life, Donatello snuck up on the home, careful to stay in the shadows. He could hear his brother’s voice, as well as the older woman’s. It was a bit difficult to make out the words, but everything sounded friendly enough. Moving closer, he kept himself just below the window, hoping to at least hear what was happening, and pick the right time to look in. He heard the clanking of tools being laid out on a floor, and the sound of feet moving about. Raphael seemed to be saying something about a heater, and the woman was saying something about it being trouble and…tea? Donnie wasn’t sure about that part, but it seemed to get the two of them out of the room they were in. Don decided to risk it and peeked up.
The room was empty, which was Don’s first concern. The second was looking at the heater that he could see across the room. It was an older style one, which fit with the time period he estimated this building was constructed during. It was also gas, which, again, fit. But it had Donnie blanching as he looked at it. He had instructed Raph on modern electric heaters. And while Raph was pretty intuitive about a lot of mechanical things, heaters were notoriously tricky things. Adding gas on top of that was also a problem. It also made Don worry about the instruction on the stove and hot water heater, and maybe even the dryer. All of those things could be run on gas as well. He’d need to find a way to get in there and double check the work, just in case, but how was he going to manag—
Before he could even finish the thought, there was a hand on his shoulder, the grip solid and hard enough to bruise, pulling him back and away from the window with enough force to throw him off balance. Of course, Don wasn’t a ninja for nothing, and he twisted, turning as he fell back, using a well-practiced move to break the hold and tumble onto his feet, bo at the ready.
Raph’s surprised voice broke the battle-ready tension, and Donnie found himself relaxing from it. He could tell, too, that Raphael, who had before been geared up to fight, had now dropped that stance and was, instead, staring at his brother.
Don straightened up. “Um, hey, Raph,” he said, a bit sheepishly.
Raphael skewered him with a look. “Don. What the shell are ya doing here and why were ya creepin’ around the window?”
Before Don could even try to come up with a reasonable explanation, a new voice—or at least new to Donatello—rang out in the dark.
“Raphael? Dear, what is it? Are you alright?”
Raph immediately turned at it. “Yeah, yeah, it’s all good Ms. M. It’s just—well, it turned out to be one of my brothers.”
“Oh?” Donatello could see the old woman standing at the door, turned towards Raphael. “Well, why don’t you invite him in. It wouldn’t do to leave him outside in the cold.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Raphael said, his voice relaxed and respectful in a way that Donatello didn’t often hear. He shot a look at Donnie that was neither but gestured for him to come in anyway.
It seemed a bit odd to Donnie to just willingly follow Raphael into this random woman’s home, but Don trusted his brother. If there was something dangerous, or even the least bit sketchy, there was no way he’d be willingly leading Donatello into it. Or, at least, he wouldn’t be leading him into it in such a relaxed manner. He was sure he’d get an explanation from Raph soon enough.
He stepped through the door and into what seemed to be a quintessential old woman’s house. The furniture was older, worn, but still cared for. The decorations were a bit dated, but they seemed to be in fairly good condition. There was an older television and radio, and a hutch full of matching dishes.
“Hello, there,” the woman, Ms. M, Donatello assumed, said reaching out a hand towards him. Don had a mild panic as he tried to figure out what to do. “I’m Ms. Morrison. Please, dear, won’t you take my hand? I won’t know where you are until you do. I’m blind, you see.”
Several things clicked at once in Donatello’s head, and he obligingly reached to take Ms. Morrison’s hand. “Oh, yes ma’am,” he said, letting her hold onto him, and wondering what she thought about that. After all, even blind, she had to be able to feel the oddly formed hands and unfamiliar skin. Still, she didn’t seem to blink twice at it, metaphorically speaking. “I’m Donatello.”
“Donatello. What a lovely name. Why don’t you come into the kitchen, Donatello, and tell us what you’re doing here. Raphael, can you fix your brother a cup of tea?” Ms. Morrison said.
“Yes, ma’am,” Raphael said. “I’m kinda interested myself in knowin’ what he’s doin’ here.”
The look he shot Don spoke volumes and Don tried to shoot him a sheepish look back even as Ms. Morrison was leading him into the kitchen. It didn’t seem to help matters any.
Ms. Morrison led him to a table, and Donatello made sure that she was seated before he sat down. Raphael was already at the stove, pouring some hot water into a cup and adding in a tea bag.
“Now, dear, why don’t you tell us what you were doing outside?” Ms. Morrison said.
Don grimaced. “Ah, well, it’s, um… it’s a little complicated,” he began.
“What’s complicated about it?” Raph said, sitting a cup and saucer down in front of Donnie. “Ya followed me here,” he said. “I thought ya were ‘electronics shoppin’.’ Did Leo put ya up to this?”
“Electronics shopping?” Ms. Morrison said. “At this hour?”
“It’s, um, a bit of specialty place I shop in,” Donatello said. “It keeps odd hours for customers like me. And no,” Don said, turning an annoyed gaze on Raphael, “Leo did not put me up to this. He didn’t put me up to anything. As far as everyone else knows, I am ‘electronics shopping’.”
“Then what the—what in the world are ya doin’ here?” Raph said. “Followin’ me and spyin’ on me like… like I’m off getting myself into trouble or somethin’!”
“To be fair, you do get yourself into trouble a lot,” Donatello said without even thinking, “But no, I didn’t think you were getting yourself into that kind of trouble.”
“Then what kind did ya think I was gettin’ into!” Raphael practically exploded.
“Boys!” Ms. Morrison’s voice cut through the tension, and almost immediately, they both backed down. “Raphael,” she chided him. “At least hear your brother out. He might have a perfectly good reason for following you. And Donatello,” Don straightened in his seat. “Go a bit easier on Raphael. I don’t know what kind of trouble you think he’s gotten himself into before, but he’s a good boy, very helpful, and good company to an old woman like myself.”
Don was a little surprised at the defense, but he, like Raphael, responded with a respectful “Yes, ma’am” before continuing with his explanation.
“I followed you because I was concerned,” Donatello explained, his voice going back to a soft, almost apologetic tone as he looked at his tea. “You’ve been asking me a lot of questions about repairing things lately. At first, I thought that you were helping April, one of our friends,” he explained to Ms. Morrison as an aside, “because Casey’s been busy lately, or maybe you were just trying to learn more to help me out, which I appreciate, but I got suspicious when you started asking me about gas appliances. We don’t have any, or if we did, I’ve converted them over to electric at this point, and April doesn’t have any either.” He looked back up at Raph. “The heater today was just confirmation that something was going on, and you left before I could answer your question. Knowing how tricky working with gas can be if you don’t do it right, and not knowing the state of the appliance you were working with, well… I was worried.”
“So, ya followed me,” Raph said flatly.
Donnie raised his chin and looked his brother in the eyes. “I did,” he said. “I didn’t want to intrude if it wasn’t necessary, so I planned to keep my distance. And, provided it wasn’t anything dangerous, I wasn’t going to tell Leo or Mikey. I just wanted to make sure that you were working safely with whatever it was that you were working with. If it was, I was just going to walk away and keep it to myself.” He glanced around the house, and at Ms. Morrison. “For the record, I don’t see a reason to tell them anything even now.”
Donatello saw Raphael relax a little at that, and Don knew that he had made the right call. Whatever this was, it was important to Raphael to keep it his and his alone.
“Ah, I see,” Ms. Morrison said, although her lips turned up a bit at her phrasing, clearly a bit amused. Raphael finally sat down, and Donatello watched as a white cat jumped up on him, clearly comfortable. “You were asking your brother about repairing my things. What a thoughtful boy you are, Raphael. And your brother just wanted to make sure that you were being safe. What I don’t understand is why you didn’t just invite him over to help. I wouldn’t have minded.”
Don blinked, for a moment wondering if he was imagining it, but no, he wasn’t. Raphael was looking embarrassed. “I, uh, I haven’t exactly told anyone about me coming over here so often,” he said. “I… it’s just nice, ya know? Bein’ able to come here and talk ta ya and help out. I just… I wanted to keep that.” He sort of mumbled the last part, but they heard it anyway.
“That’s right,” Ms. Morrison said. “You have four brothers, don’t you? And are being raised by your father. I’d imagine that privacy and things that are just yours are hard to come by.”
Both Donatello and Raphael laughed lightly at that.
“You’re right, Ms. M,” Raph said.
“I don’t think there’s ever been a time when we weren’t in each other’s space or business somehow,” Don said. “And someone has always borrowed someone’s something to do something it wasn’t intended to do.”
“Especially Mikey,” Raphael said.
“Especially Mikey,” Donatello agreed.
Ms.  Morrison chuckled at them. “Well, then I’m glad that I was able to give you that space, Raphael. And it seems as if Donatello is willing to let you have it as well.”
“Sure,” Don said. “Like I said, I was just going to walk away, if everything was fine.”
Raph looked at him for a moment, then gently elbowed him in the side. “Well, boy genius?” he said. “Is everythin’ alright?”
Don grinned at him. “Well… not exactly. I brought some more tools with me that might be more useful than the ones that you took.”
Raph’s eyes narrowed. “Wait, just how long were ya watchin’ me?”
Don’s grin turned cheeky. “Long enough to draw up new blueprints in my head for some modifications I want to do to the Battleshell.”
“You are one sneaking tu—teenager, Don.” Raph said, catching himself just before he said “turtle.”
“Of course,” Don rebutted. “You don’t think you’re the only one that sneaks out, do you?”
They both grinned at each other, and Ms. Morrison chuckled.
Raph finished off his tea, and then stood up. “Alright, Brainiac, since yer here, why don’t ya walk me through fixin’ this heater?”
Don smiled at him, a genuine one, and stood as well. “Sure thing, Raph. Ms. Morrison. Would you mind if I give Raphael a hand?”
“Of course not,” she said. “Its good boys like you two that give me hope for the future.”
They walked with Ms. Morrison back to the living room where the heater was located, the cat, who Donnie found out was named Lucy after she crawled on his shell when he and Raph were working, walking with them. Then the two brothers got to work, Raph taking on the main bulk of it while Donnie walked him through the process, teaching as he went. As he expected, Raphael caught on quickly and had an intuitive knowledge about it, his practiced hands in the garage translating over nicely to work like this. It didn’t take them more than an hour to get the heater back up and running and for Raphael to look satisfied with what he had done. Don could have had it fixed in a fraction of the time, sure, but he didn’t mind spending the hour with his brother, helping him learn, and found that Raph’s expression was well worth the extra time.
Afterward, he checked over Raphael’s other work wanting to make sure that anything with gas was properly installed and repaired. Most of it was good work, and Don made sure to let Raph know that. The only “fixes” he really made were more of adjustments that he knew would help in the long run, and those he had learned from experience.
Ms. Morrison fed them some cookies before they left, and thanked the both of them once again, telling Raphael that she looked forward to his next visit, and telling Donatello that she hoped she’d hear from him again at some point.
“Yeah... I might bring him around every once in a while,” Raph said, and Don couldn’t help the warm feeling that grew in him, knowing that Raphael was willing letting him into a sanctuary that he had.
As the two brothers walked away, Raph slung an arm around Donnie’s shoulders. “Ya know… there’s probably still a couple of hours left before Leo tries to call ya to make sure you’re alright. That’d be enough time to get at least a little of your shoppin’ done, won’t it?”
Don turned his head to look at his brother and grinned. “Why, Raphael, are you volunteering to come ‘electronics shopping’ with me?”
Raph’s arm moved up, giving Don a light noogie. “Only for a little bit,” he said. “At least until Fearless can’t stand that both of us are out, even if he’ll let us stay out longer if we’re together.”
“Hm. Pushing Leo to the edge and getting hard to find components. Sounds like a win-win to me,” Donnie said with a grin.
Raph grinned back at him and his not oft seen display of pushing back on Leonardo, and headed up towards the rooftops. Don followed him quickly, and both brothers took off, a little lighter in mind and spirit as they ran alongside each other.
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garagedoorrepairc · 15 days
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kellyhorner · 1 year
Garage Door Troubleshooting Guide
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A garage door stuck can be so frustrating that you almost feel like driving right through it. Many people are in this situation during the winter. To resolve the problem, instead of becoming frustrated, you can use some troubleshooting methods.
Examine the door for a few moments to ensure that its safety features work properly. Sometimes, safety features installed by the manufacturer can prevent a door from opening. The troubleshooting techniques below may work if the first method doesn't. You can try these tips before calling a Garage Door Service:
Typically, most doors come with settings such as automatic lock mode or vacation mode. When the door is set in this mode, it will not be able to open with the remote. From inside the garage, they must be manually unlocked then set back in their normal position.
Check the remote's battery to see if it has been charged. The problem could be a rechargeable battery. Replace the batteries to see if it works. If you can open the door with the garage controls, your remote may be the problem.
Check the cables and the power supply. It is possible that the power supply has been turned off, or there could be a broken cable. If this happens, you will need garage door repair services to fix the problem.
Inspect the garage and see if anything is blocking the door. An obstruction on the ground could stop a door from swinging upwards. If something is holding onto the springs of the door, it will not function.
Check the automatic sensor to see if it is lit. If the sensor light is not blinking then it needs to be replaced. Nothing should block the path of the sensors.
Garage Door Repair: Trust the Experts
Simple mechanics are used in the automatic garage door. The door operates with springs and mechanical pulleys. The problem with the door is easily understood. Although some minor repairs can be done by yourself, major replacements and other repairs shouldn't be attempted.
This is the main reason why these doors should be thoroughly repaired. They are heavy, and if one falls they can seriously injure someone. It's best to let professionals inspect it, even if they are mechanical experts.
You can do some things by yourself such as greasing the springs or the tractions. You can fix any loose nuts and screws or hinges. Always keep the owner's manual on hand when you're repairing the door. Replace the parts with the originals sold by your door's manufacturer. Avoid buying off-market add-ons, as they can damage the door and cause accidents.
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growtoexpert · 1 year
Unlock Your Dream Garage: How to Find the Right Garage Door Supplier!
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Building your dream garage can be an exciting journey. Whether you want a space to store your car, a workshop to putter around in, or a place to store tools and supplies, ensuring that you have the right garage door supplier is essential. Finding a knowledgeable, reliable, and reasonably priced supplier can make all the difference. They should have a wide selection of doors to choose from, be able to customize the installation to your exact needs, and be willing to provide maintenance and repairs when needed. With the right garage door supplier, you can ensure your dream garage will be safe and secure.
What to Consider When Choosing a Garage Door Supplier? 
What to Consider When Choosing a Garage Door Supplier When it comes to choosing a garage door supplier, there are a few essential considerations that you should take into account. First, you need to ensure that the supplier you are considering is knowledgeable and experienced in the type of door you want. If you are looking for a traditional wooden door, for example, you should ensure that the supplier has extensive experience installing this type of door. In addition to experience, you also want to ensure the supplier is reliable. Ask for references from past customers and read reviews online to get an idea of how well the supplier has performed. You also want to ensure the supplier can provide the services you need, such as installation and maintenance. Finally, you want to make sure that the supplier is reasonably priced. Compare prices between different suppliers, and ensure you understand all the fees and costs associated with the installation.
Benefits of Purchasing from a Professional Garage Door Supplier? 
When purchasing and installing a garage door, there are several benefits to working with a professional supplier. For one, they will provide you with various options you may not find elsewhere.In addition, professional suppliers can provide you with custom installation services. This means they can tailor the installation to your exact specifications, ensuring the door is installed correctly and securely. Finally, they can provide maintenance and repair services to maintain your door.
Tips for Finding a Reliable Supplier
In addition, make sure to ask questions about the supplier’s experience and qualifications. If you are looking for a specific type of door, ensure the supplier has the experience and qualifications to install it properly. Finally, make sure to compare prices between different suppliers. While getting the best deal possible is essential, you also want to ensure you get quality services and materials.
What Types of Doors are Available? 
When it comes to choosing a garage door, there are a wide range of options available. Traditional wooden doors are still popular and can provide a classic look to your garage. Aluminum doors are also common, as they are lightweight and durable. Steel doors are also popular, as they are strong and secure.In addition to these traditional types of doors, more modern options are available. Roll-up doors are becoming increasingly popular, as they are easy to install and use. There are also insulated doors open, which can help to keep your garage warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Installation and Maintenance Services
In addition to installation, the supplier should also be able to provide you with maintenance and repair services. This includes ensuring that the door is in good working order and any necessary repairs. The supplier should also be willing to advise you on how to best care for your door in the future.
A Guide to Garage Door Materials
Wooden doors are still popular, as they provide a classic look. They can also be painted or stained to match your home. Aluminum doors are lightweight and durable, and they come in a range of colors. Steel doors are solid and secure, and they are available in a variety of styles. Finally, roll-up doors are becoming increasingly popular, as they are easy to install and use. When choosing a suitable garage door material, it’s essential to consider your needs and preferences. Research and find the right supplier to ensure your dream garage is safe and secure. With the right supplier, you can be sure your dream garage will be a reality.
AER Garage Door & Gates Repair
17834 Burbank Blvd, Encino, Los Angeles 91316
(866) 938-3290
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splitminiusa · 2 years
Should I Get a Mini-Split in my Garage?
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Do you like to garden? Do you repair your car on your own? Or maybe, you need jam space for your band or a place to run a home business? If you said “Yes” to any of these questions, then installing a Mini-split ductless air conditioner & heat pump could give you the coolest garage on the street.
Imagine sitting back this summer playing guitar in comfort in your garage, or, imagine rolling out of your toasty warm garage this winter! How much more enjoyable will your drive to work be with a warm car this winter? If you want to reduce the humidity and improve comfort in your garage, then let us tell you about Mini-split ductless air conditioner & heat pumps. They are amazing units and can be the perfect option to heat and cool additional space in your home.
How to Choose the Right Mini-Split for your Garage?
When converting your garage, one of the most important decisions is the type of equipment you will use to condition the space. Unfortunately, running new ductwork can be expensive and may require replacing your existing HVAC equipment. Mini-splits are an ideal solution when it comes to this type of application, and they offer several advantages over traditional HVAC:
- Typically cheaper than modifying or replacing existing ducted equipment - Straightforward installation (90–100% can be DIY if you are handy) - Year-round, energy-efficient heating and cooling - Whisper-quiet operation - Independent climate control - WiFi connectivity and smartphone / smart home hub compatible
A mini-split can be customized to your specific garage and how you intend to use the space. Independent climate control is perfect for a flex space like this, as you may not want to heat or cool the garage if unoccupied for long periods. WiFi connectivity allows you to control the system directly from your phone: turn the unit off while you’re away, and turn it on before you arrive home so that your space will be ready when you are.
Sizing Considerations for your Garage
The HVAC experts at Alpine recommend considering the following important factors when choosing the right size and type of mini-split for your garage:
- Square Footage - Ceiling Height - Insulation - Air Escape through Gaps and Doors - The Climate in Your Region - How Will You Use Your Repurposed Garage?
What size mini split system do I need for my garage?
Are you looking to install a mini-split for your garage but do not know the cost? Mini-splits are great because they allow you to change the temperature of an individual room. You can keep your garage significantly warmer than your house in the summer, driving your energy bill down.
Before purchasing a mini-split, know the costs and determine whether an investment in this type of heat pump is right for you. Although mini-splits have their advantages, some people still opt to install HVAC units in their garage. Please give us a call, and a member of our team of NATE certified HVAC technicians will be happy to help you navigate any questions.
Do you spend a lot of time in your garage? Maybe you have a dog that spends most of his time in the garage. These factors might incline you to purchase a mini-split air conditioner for your garage. These systems remain popular in areas that do not come with built-in ducts, such as bonus rooms and garages. Maybe you store food in your garage or have a flat top grill used for cooking. All these scenarios make a mini-split appealing if not essential. Mini-splits use less energy and are less noisy than traditional HVAC units. If you are using your garage for anything more than parking your car, we recommend starting a mini-split for heating and cooling solutions.
Mini-splits range in price depending on how powerful of a system you purchase. The average price range from cooling your garage with a mini-split is between $1,000 to $4,000. Luxurious brands and complex installations will also cost more. Fortunately, prices do not range too high for garage mini-splits because it only requires one unit. Installing multiple mini-split units into different rooms in the home significantly increases costs, but it remains cheaper over time than an HVAC unit.
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Business Name: Rocket Garage Door Repair
Street Address: 14615 Manchester Road, L03
City: Ballwin
State: Missouri
Zip Code: 63011
Country: USA
Business Phone: (314) 310-6135
Website: https://www.rocketgaragedoorrepairs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rocketgaragedoorrepair/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rocketgaragedoorrepair/
Business Description: Rocket Garage Door Repair in St. Louis is one of the top go-to places for garage door repair needs.
If you need a new garage door installed, which will make your home look like a million dollars, or just to replace a spring on your garage door, we can do it.
We can also insulate your garage door to make sure your garage stays warm in the winter and nice and cool in the summer.
Give us a call. We would love to work on your garage door. We are very proud to be a 5 star garage door company in St. Louis.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10584042448773932288
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex Paypal Cash App
Services: Garage Door Installation, Garage Door Repair, Garage Insulation, Garage Door Replacement
Keywords: garage door repair, garage door opener, garage door installation, garage door insulation, overhead door
Location: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10584042448773932288
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Service Areas:
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Signs You Need a New Garage Door Installation
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Your garage door is essential to your home, providing security, convenience, and curb appeal. However, like any other component of your home, garage doors don’t last forever. Over time, they can wear out, become less efficient, or even pose safety risks. Knowing when it’s time for a new garage door installation can save you from unexpected breakdowns and enhance the functionality and appearance of your home. All In One Garage Door, a trusted provider of garage door installation in San Diego, shares the key signs that indicate you need a new garage door installation.
1) Frequent Breakdowns and Repairs
If you frequently call for garage door repair in San Diego, it may be time to consider a replacement. While occasional repairs are normal, consistent issues such as broken springs, malfunctioning openers, and misaligned tracks can indicate that your garage door is nearing the end of its lifespan. Investing in a new garage door can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for constant repairs and providing a more reliable system.
2) Excessive Noise
Garage doors should operate relatively quietly. If your door makes unusual noises, such as grinding, squeaking, or banging, it’s a sign that something is wrong. These noises indicate worn-out components, loose hardware, or an imbalanced door. While some noise issues can be resolved with maintenance or minor repairs, persistent or loud noises often suggest that the door and its mechanisms are aging and must be replaced.
3) Slow Response Time
A well-functioning garage door should respond quickly when you press the opener button. A noticeable delay before the door starts to open or close could be a sign of a problem with the opener or the door itself. Slow response times can also indicate an aging system that is struggling to operate efficiently. Upgrading to a new garage door installation in San Diego can restore optimal performance and convenience.
4) Visible Damage and Wear
Over time, garage doors can sustain damage from the elements, accidents, or general wear and tear. Look for signs such as dents, cracks, rust, or warping. Cosmetic damage detracts from your home’s curb appeal and can affect the door’s structural integrity and functionality. If the damage is extensive or affects the door’s operation, it’s time to consider a replacement.
5) Lack of Modern Safety Features
Modern garage doors have a range of safety features designed to protect you and your family. These include auto-reverse mechanisms, photoelectric sensors, and rolling code technology. If your garage door lacks these safety features, upgrading to a new model can provide enhanced protection and peace of mind. Ensuring your garage door meets current safety standards is particularly important if you have young children or pets.
6) High Energy Bills
An old or poorly insulated garage door can contribute to high energy bills by allowing heat to escape in the winter and letting heat in during the summer. If you’ve noticed increased energy costs, your garage door might be part of the problem. New garage doors are designed with energy efficiency in mind, featuring better insulation and weather sealing. Installing an energy-efficient garage door can help regulate the temperature in your garage and reduce your overall energy consumption.
7) Outdated Appearance
Your garage door is a significant aspect of your home’s exterior. An outdated or unattractive door can negatively impact your home’s curb appeal and overall value. If your garage door looks old-fashioned or doesn’t match the rest of your home’s design, it’s worth considering a replacement. A new, stylish garage door can enhance the look of your home and make a great first impression.
8) Difficulty Opening and Closing
Struggling to open or close your garage door indicates something is wrong. This could be due to a problem with the springs, tracks, or opener. While some issues can be fixed with repairs, persistent difficulties suggest that the door is no longer functioning correctly and may need to be replaced. A properly functioning garage door should open and close smoothly and effortlessly.
9) Sagging or Imbalance
Over time, garage doors can become unbalanced or start to sag. This can result from worn-out springs, cables, or other components. You can test your garage door’s balance by disconnecting the opener and manually lifting the door halfway. If it doesn’t stay in place, it’s a sign of an imbalance. A sagging or imbalanced door looks unsightly and can be a safety hazard. In such cases, a new garage door installation may be necessary to restore proper balance and functionality.
10) Security Concerns
A secure garage door is essential for protecting your home and belongings. Older garage doors may offer a different level of security than newer models. If your door is easily bypassed or doesn’t have modern security features, it’s time to upgrade. New garage doors are designed with advanced security features, such as tamper-resistant brackets and rolling code technology, which can help keep your home safe from intruders.
Benefits of a New Garage Door Installation
Investing in a new garage door installation offers numerous benefits beyond addressing the abovementioned issues. Here are some additional advantages:
– Increased Home Value: A new garage door can enhance your home’s curb appeal and market value, making it a worthwhile investment.
– Improved Functionality: New garage doors are designed to operate smoothly and efficiently, providing greater convenience and reliability.
– Enhanced Safety: Modern garage doors have advanced safety features that protect you and your family from accidents and injuries.
– Lower Maintenance: New garage doors require less maintenance and are built to withstand the elements, saving you time and effort.
– Customization Options: With a wide range of styles, materials, and colors, you can choose a garage door that perfectly complements your home’s design.
Choosing the Right Garage Door
When it comes to selecting a new garage door, consider the following factors:
– Material: Common materials include steel, wood, aluminum, and fiberglass. Each material has advantages and considerations regarding durability, maintenance, and appearance.
– Insulation: Look for insulated doors if energy efficiency is a priority. Insulated doors help regulate temperature and reduce energy costs.
– Style: Choose a style that complements your home’s architecture. Options include traditional, carriage house, contemporary, and more.
– Color and Finish: Select a color and finish that matches your home’s exterior and enhances its curb appeal.
– Features: Consider additional features such as windows, decorative hardware, and smart technology for convenience and aesthetic appeal.
Professional Installation
Rely on professional installation services to ensure your new garage door is installed correctly and functions optimally. All In One Garage Door provides expert garage door installation in San Diego, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process. Their experienced technicians will handle every aspect of the installation, from removing the old door to fitting and testing the new one.
Recognizing the signs that you need a new garage door installation can help you avoid unexpected breakdowns, enhance your home’s security, and improve its overall appearance. Whether dealing with frequent repairs, excessive noise, or outdated features, a new garage door offers numerous benefits.
All In One Garage Door is your trusted partner for garage door replacement and installation in San Diego. With their expertise and commitment to quality, you can enjoy a reliable and stylish new garage door that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.
For more information or to schedule an installation, visit All In One Garage Door. Embrace the advantages of a new garage door and transform your home’s functionality and curb appeal today.
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lukehapper28 · 2 days
The Best Solutions for Garage Doors in Lexington, KY
When it comes to maintaining your home, the garage door is often overlooked. Yet, it plays a crucial role in security and convenience. If you are a resident of Lexington, KY, having a reliable garage door is essential. This article covers everything from installation to repair services available in the area. We'll focus on key aspects like choosing the best garage doors in Lexington, KY, reliable repair services, and top brands like Genie.
Choosing the Right Garage Door
Selecting a garage door is more than just about aesthetics. It's about security, insulation, and durability. In Lexington, KY, you have several options, from traditional to modern designs. Look for doors made from high-quality materials like steel or wood. These materials offer longevity and strength.
When picking a garage door, consider the climate in Lexington. Insulated garage doors are a good choice. They help maintain the temperature inside your garage, which is particularly useful during cold winters and hot summers. Additionally, insulated doors can reduce energy costs.
Professional Garage Door Installation
Proper installation is crucial for the functionality and longevity of your garage door. In Lexington, KY, several professionals offer top-notch installation services. They ensure that your garage door is installed correctly and operates smoothly. Misaligned tracks or faulty springs can cause significant issues, so it’s best to leave the installation to the experts.
Garage Repair Services in Lexington, KY
Even the best garage doors can experience wear and tear over time. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are necessary to keep your garage door functioning optimally. In Lexington, you can find excellent garage repair services to address any issues. Whether it's a broken spring, a malfunctioning opener, or damaged panels, professional repair services can fix it all.
Common Garage Door Issues
Broken Springs: The springs bear the door's weight and are prone to breaking after extensive use.
Misaligned Tracks: Tracks guide the door’s movement. If misaligned, the door can become stuck or operate unsafely.
Malfunctioning Openers: Issues with the garage door opener can prevent the door from opening or closing properly.
For any of these problems, hiring a professional service is the best course of action. Attempting repairs on your own can be dangerous and may lead to further damage.
Genie Garage Door Opener in Lexington, KY
When it comes to garage door openers, Genie is a trusted brand. Known for its reliability and advanced technology, a Genie garage door opener can significantly enhance the convenience of operating your garage door. In Lexington, KY, you can find several dealers offering Genie products.
Benefits of Genie Garage Door Openers
Smart Technology: Many Genie models come with smart features, allowing you to control your garage door from your smartphone.
Quiet Operation: Genie openers are designed to operate quietly, making them ideal for homes with attached garages.
Durability: Genie products are built to last, offering excellent performance over many years.
The Importance of Regular Maintenance
To ensure your garage door remains in good working condition, regular maintenance is essential. Simple tasks like lubricating moving parts, checking for wear and tear, and testing the door balance can prevent major issues. Professional maintenance services in Lexington, KY, can provide thorough inspections and tune-ups to keep your garage door in top shape.
Your garage door is a vital part of your home’s security and functionality. In Lexington, KY, you have access to high-quality garage doors, reliable garage repair services, and advanced Genie garage door openers. By choosing the right door, ensuring proper installation, and keeping up with regular maintenance, you can enjoy a trouble-free garage door for years to come. Don’t wait until a minor issue becomes a major problem. Invest in the best products and services available to keep your garage door in perfect condition.
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trifecta5745-blog · 3 days
The Best Solutions for Garage Doors in Lexington, KY
When it comes to maintaining your home, the garage door is often overlooked. Yet, it plays a crucial role in security and convenience. If you are a resident of Lexington, KY, having a reliable garage door is essential. This article covers everything from installation to repair services available in the area. We'll focus on key aspects like choosing the best garage doors in Lexington, KY, reliable repair services, and top brands like Genie.
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Choosing the Right Garage Door
Selecting a garage door is more than just about aesthetics. It's about security, insulation, and durability. In Lexington, KY, you have several options, from traditional to modern designs. Look for doors made from high-quality materials like steel or wood. These materials offer longevity and strength.
When picking a garage door, consider the climate in Lexington. Insulated garage doors are a good choice. They help maintain the temperature inside your garage, which is particularly useful during cold winters and hot summers. Additionally, insulated doors can reduce energy costs.
Professional Garage Door Installation
Proper installation is crucial for the functionality and longevity of your garage door. In Lexington, KY, several professionals offer top-notch installation services. They ensure that your garage door is installed correctly and operates smoothly. Misaligned tracks or faulty springs can cause significant issues, so it’s best to leave the installation to the experts.
Garage Repair Services in Lexington, KY
Even the best garage doors can experience wear and tear over time. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are necessary to keep your garage door functioning optimally. In Lexington, you can find excellent garage repair services to address any issues. Whether it's a broken spring, a malfunctioning opener, or damaged panels, professional repair services can fix it all.
Common Garage Door Issues
Broken Springs: The springs bear the door's weight and are prone to breaking after extensive use.
Misaligned Tracks: Tracks guide the door’s movement. If misaligned, the door can become stuck or operate unsafely.
Malfunctioning Openers: Issues with the garage door opener can prevent the door from opening or closing properly.
For any of these problems, hiring a professional service is the best course of action. Attempting repairs on your own can be dangerous and may lead to further damage.
Genie Garage Door Opener in Lexington, KY
When it comes to garage door openers, Genie is a trusted brand. Known for its reliability and advanced technology, a Genie garage door opener can significantly enhance the convenience of operating your garage door. In Lexington, KY, you can find several dealers offering Genie products.
Benefits of Genie Garage Door Openers
Smart Technology: Many Genie models come with smart features, allowing you to control your garage door from your smartphone.
Quiet Operation: Genie openers are designed to operate quietly, making them ideal for homes with attached garages.
Durability: Genie products are built to last, offering excellent performance over many years.
The Importance of Regular Maintenance
To ensure your garage door remains in good working condition, regular maintenance is essential. Simple tasks like lubricating moving parts, checking for wear and tear, and testing the door balance can prevent major issues. Professional maintenance services in Lexington, KY, can provide thorough inspections and tune-ups to keep your garage door in top shape.
Your garage door is a vital part of your home’s security and functionality. In Lexington, KY, you have access to high-quality garage doors, reliable garage repair services, and advanced Genie garage door openers. By choosing the right door, ensuring proper installation, and keeping up with regular maintenance, you can enjoy a trouble-free garage door for years to come. Don’t wait until a minor issue becomes a major problem. Invest in the best products and services available to keep your garage door in perfect condition.
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