#Garcia Rovira
mentaldiary-ah · 1 year
Women fighters, in fiction and in reality, have always fascinated me.
I grew up never getting tired of The Mummy Returns (2001) and its action-packed adventures. It features one of my most favorite cinematic moments: the fight scene between Nefertiri and Anck-su-namun, both tasked to be protectors in the kingdom of Egypt some 3,000 years ago. One may think they must be ahead of their time for training women for battle and assigning such tasks to them.
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Fight scene from The Mummy Returns (2001)
There are many other scenes in the said film showing both women as their 1930s reincarnation, Evy (Nefertiri) and Meela (Anck-su-namun), fighting with and among men. Not once did Rick, Evy's husband, handed over guns to her to help them battle the enemies and save their son. Their kind of relationship was yet another reason why I have always loved that film.
Seeing The Mummy Returns again for the nth time, I figured these female characters have played a significant part in my upbringing. They showed me women can fight, too, when it was most needed. They didn't have to be the stereotypical damsels in distress waiting to be rescued because they can save themselves while saving others, as well. In retrospect, at such a young age I knew I wanted to be like them. I wasn't very much into the princess thingy, except for the Xena the Warrior Princess kind. In fact, I once dreamed of becoming like the Power Rangers with all their skills and stunts.
Through the years, I have been learning more about Filipinas who left their mark in our history. In an era of a patriarchal society where women were reinforced to be homemakers & deemed as the lesser sex, there were several of them who strayed against the conventions and took part in the never-ending fight for freedom.
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Illustrations of Gabriela Silang (by Carlito Rovira) (top) and the first female general Agueda Kahabagan (from SCOUT Magazine) (bottom) during the Philippine Revolution
One of them was notorious for polishing her nails and putting on red lipstick before going to battle, because she believed she also fought for the freedom to be herself as a woman. Another one used to be a movie superstar until the war. She joined the guerrilla movement to avenge for her husband's murder, and in the process she saved an entire village from being killed by the colonizers.
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The women of HUKBALAHAP (Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon), clockwise from left:
Remedios Gomez-Paraiso AKA Kumander Liwayway and her red lipstick (art from Rejected Princesses); Carmen Rosales, movie star-turned guerilla fighter (from Flickr); Felipa Culala AKA Kumander Dayang-Dayang (art by Dos Garcia); and Simeona Punsalan-Tapang AKA Kumander Guerrero (art by @RoriComics on Twitter)
But the courage of Filipina women in history has been witnessed not only at home and in the battlefield. There were women who stood up for their right to receive formal education and their right to vote.
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Top photo: a painting of The Women of Malolos (art by Rafael del Casal); bottom photo: U.S. First Lady Florence Harding w/ Filipina suffragette delegation, 1922 (From US-Philippines Society)
There were women who saved people's lives by caring for the injured and the sick and feeding the hungry.
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Clockwise from left: Melchora Aquino AKA Tandang Sora (from Wikipedia); Josefa Llanes-Escoda (from Bayaning Filipino on Blogger); Maria Orosa (from Orosa Family); and Dr. Fe del Mundo (from National Academy of Science and Technology)
There were women who continue to fight for justice and for their right to be heard, not just as victims but survivors of a violent, tragic past.
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Top photo: the Malaya Lolas of Candaba, Pampanga; bottom photo: the lolas of Lila Pilipina. Both are groups of “comfort women,” survivors of military sexual violence during the Japanese Occupation. (From Facebook)
There were women who prove themselves worthy to be recognized by the world for their talents, abilities, and dedication in their respective fields.
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Hidilyn Diaz, the first Filipino Olympic gold medalist; and Maria Ressa, the first Filipino Nobel Laureate (From Esquire Philippines)
There were women leaders who empowered their countrymen towards a better quality of life.
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Campaign images of Senator Risa Hontiveros and former Senator Leila de Lima for the 2022 National Elections (From Facebook)
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Atty. Leni Robredo, former Vice President of the Philippines (From Esquire Philippines)
And before I forget, I was raised and surrounded by strong women who all the while face their own share of battles in life.
We as women are fighters, and we should never let anyone tell us otherwise.
Meanwhile, I believe I have arrived at a full circle. I may haven't reached my dream of becoming a Power Ranger but who would have thought that as an adult, I would portray a woman fighter myself?
Happy Women's Month!
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hawaii5ho · 2 years
MONTBLANC from Mauro Chiarello on Vimeo.
CLIENT – Montblanc AGENCY - W+K Amsterdam CREATIVE DIRECTOR - Elena Knox CREATIVE DIRECTOR - Joe Burrin COPYWRITER - Richard Gorodecky COPYWRITER - Allan Stevenson ART DIRECTOR - Jack Welles PRODUCER - Khalid el Khouani GROUP ACCOUNT DIRECTOR - Franky Wardell ACCOUNT DIRECTOR - Amandine Decourcelle ACCOUNT MANAGER - Wenwen Zhao BUSINESS AFFAIRS MANAGER - Sametta Gbilia PROD COMPANY - ANORAK Film DIRECTOR – Ian Pons Jewell DOP - Mauro Chiarello EP - Christiane Dressler EP - Christoph Petzenhauser PRODUCER - Björn Krüger-Levy PRODUCTION COORDINATOR - Chiara Walde 1st AD - Tirso Diaz-Jares VFX - Black Kite Studios VFX PRODUCER - Amy Richardson VFX SUPERVISOR - Adam Crocker VFX ON SET SUPERVISOR - Denis Reva SOUND - String and Tins SOUND DESIGN AND MIX - Lawrence Kendrick ADDITIONAL SOUND DESIGN - Mike Bamford FOLEY - The Foley Barn AUDIO PRODUCER - Eimear Ni Ghuaire EDITOR - Tobias Suhm COLOURIST - Tom Mangham
SERVICE PRODUCTION SERVICE PRODUCTION - 24/7 24/7 EP - Gordon Mackinnon 24/7 PRODUCER - Mariana Mota PRODUCTION MANAGER - Marc Gallén Solsona PRODUCTION COORDINATOR - Mar Llompart TALENT COORDINATOR - Eva Cid COVID COORDINATOR - Cristina Tenor PA - Isabel Camacho TRAINEE - Yi Zhang PRODUCTION AMBASSADOR - Jordi Mollà UNIT MANAGER - Francesc Puig PRODUCTION DESIGNER - Pablo Tregebov Poza ART DIRECTOR - Mar Tubau COSTUME - Núria Durá HAIR & MAKE UP - Txell Fernandez
CM CREW MANAGER CM - Jared Greenwald STYLING CM - Anders Sølvsten Thomsen STYLING ASSISTANT CM - Brian ConwayGroomer CM GROOMER CM - Gareth Bromell AGENT STYLING CM - Elise Miccolis
AD ́S 1st AD – Tirso Diaz-Jares 2nd AD – Monica Sanchez 3rd AD – Oriol Rovira SCRIPT SUPERVISOR - Cecilia Moliné
CAMERA 1st AC - Alicia Galiña Seijo 2nd AC - Raul Mulas VIDEO ASSISTANT – Carles Alonso DIT – Esteban Wiaggio STEDICAM – Nicolas Lasarte STEDICAM ASSISTANT – Gulcin Bekar PHANTOM – Antonio Urquijo BOLT OPERATOR – Angelo Freda BOLT ASSISTANT – lluis Giordana BOLT ASSISTANT – Dani Ballester BTS - Adrián Torres
LIGHTING GAFFER - Carlos Meliville BEST BOY - Juan Francisco Roman BEST BOY - Paco Roman Melguizo ELECTRICIANS : Juan Francisco Flores Garcia Celso Barandarian Ferran Grau Vega Javier Carrion Lopez Ivan Flores Monroy Ana Portla Alex Postius ELECTRICIAN + GENNY OP - Antonio Martinez Marti
GRIP KEY GRIP - David Arrés GRIP - Rodrigo Álvarez SOUND SOUND - Quique Lopez BOOM OPERATOR - Marcel Vilar BOOM OPERATOR - Edu Ramada
ART PRODUCTION DESIGNER - Pablo Tregebov Poza ART DIRECTOR - Mar Tubau PROPS MASTER – Ana Romero PROPS BUYER - Miriam Serrano PROPS BUYER - Julian Santiesteban STAND BY PROPS – Santiago Mario STAND BY PROPS – Arnau Gassó STAND BY PROPS – Roberto Pozuelo ART ASSISTANT – Marta Gomez ART ASSISTANT - Juan Carlos Sabaté ART ASSISTANT – Santigao Balmaceda PRODUCT HANDLER - Pau Arregui
WARDROBE STYLIST – Núria Durà WARDROBE ASSISTANTS: Manuel Jesús Jose Carayol Patricia Rodríguez Inés Iribarne Salari Andrea Garcia Chiara Legitimo SEAMSTRESS - Rosa Perez
SFX SFX TECHNICIAN - Juan Carlos Davila SFX TECHNICIAN - Roger Salvany
SECURITY VIP SECURITY - Dídac Rodríguez VIP SECURITY - Juan Herredia
NURSE NURSE ON SET 1 - Jacobo Solís NURSE ON SET 2 - Alejando
CAST Allegra Ceruti – YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Koko Ishizuka - YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Wenjun Gao - YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Rafael Barata - MAN WITH BUSINESS BAG Vincent Wu - HOTEL LOBBY Jiaying Li - HOTEL LOBBY Xavier Verdes - TEAR MAN Lluis V. - ACTOR THEATER Meseret Martinez - GIRL READING BOOK Arnaud Prechac - MAN Limber A. V. - ACTOR THEATER Motokazu Kawamura - STREET PAIR Gary Thoulouis - STREET PAIR Blanca Valletbó - STRIKING WOMAN Aimar Vega - ACTOR THEATER Lluis Gerard Valeta - ACTOR THEATER Limber A. Vivas - ACTOR THEATER José Luis Matienzo - ACTOR THEATER Cio Vives - DIRECTOR THEATER Katrin V - ACTRESS THEATER
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Suiza duda de la investigación de García Castellón y se niega a localizar a Marta Rovira por Tsunami
Las autoridades helvéticas suspenden cualquier colaboración con el magistrado hasta que no concrete si la causa que instruye está afectada por la amnistía — Leer en www.eldiario.es/catalunya/suiza-duda-investigacion-garcia-castellon-niega-localizar-marta-rovira-tsunami_1_10939348.html
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movienized-com · 8 months
No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea (2023)
I Don’t Expect Anyone to Believe MeJahr: 2023 Genre: Comedy / Drama Regie: Fernando Frias Hauptrollen: Juan Minujín, Dario Yazbek Bernal, Anna Castillo, Natalia Solián, Alexis Ayala, Juan Carlos Remolina, Jelen Garcia, Giovanni Conconi, Clara Roquet, Angel Zermen, Darío Rocas, Alba Ribó, Rosa Rovira, Natàlia Planell … Filmbeschreibung: Der junge mexikanische Autor Juan Pablo (Darío Yazbek…
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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687) Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, ERC, Izquierda Republicana de Cataluña, Republican Left of Catalonia, Esquerra Republicana, Republikańska Lewica Katalonii – centrolewicowa nacjonalistyczna i demokratyczno-socjalistyczna partia polityczna postulująca niepodległość Katalonii z ziem należących do Hiszpanii i Francji. Utworzona w 1931, nielegalna w latach 1939–1975 za rządów generała Franco, od 2003 członek trójpartyjnej koalicji rządzącej Katalonią. Na XIX Kongresie partyjnym w 1993 ERC przyjęła dokument programowy, który obowiązuje do dziś. Organizuje on działalność partyjną w trzech obszarach: esquerra (kultywowanie ideałów lewicowych podczas debaty politycznej), república (opowiadanie się za republikańskim ustrojem państwa w opozycji do monarchii konstytucyjnej, jaką jest obecnie Hiszpania) i Catalunya (dążenie do niepodległości Katalonii). Pod przywództwem Francesca Macii w 1931 partia zadeklarowała niepodległość Republiki Katalońskiej, co nie zgadzało się jednak z postanowieniami nowej konstytucji Drugiej Republiki Hiszpanii. W 1934 partia pod przywództwem Lluísa Companysa ponownie ogłosiła niepodległość Katalonii, jednakże w ramach „Hiszpańskiej Federacji” zaproponowanej przez Companysa. Była to reakcja na wejście prawicowych ministrów do rządu Republiki. Jednakże liderzy partyjni (Companys także) i cały skład rządu katalońskiego (Generalitat) zostali zaaresztowani, a specjalna autonomia Katalonii została zawieszona do 1936. W 1936 ERC postanowiła wejść w skład Hiszpańskiego Frontu Ludowego, aby w ten sposób wziąć udział w wyborach, które Front wygrał. Esquerra stała się jego wiodącym elementem w Katalonii próbując jednocześnie zachować jego jedność w obliczu narastających sprzeczności pomiędzy POUM i komunistami. ERC została zdelegalizowana (wraz z innymi członkami Frontu Ludowego) przez generała Francisco Franco po tym, jak doszedł on do władzy w 1939. Companys został aresztowany przez niemieckich agentów na terenie Vichy, sprowadzony do Francji i rozstrzelany w 1940.
Przewodniczący Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya:
Francesc Macià i Llussà (1931–1933)
Lluís Companys i Jover (1933–1935)
Carles Pi i Sunyer (1933–1935)
Lluís Companys i Jover (1936–1940)
Heribert Barrera i Costa (1993–1995)
Jaume Campabadal i Farré (1995–1996)
Jordi Carbonell i de Ballester (1996–2004)
Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira (2004–2008)
Joan Puigcercós i Boixassa (2008–2011)
Oriol Junqueras i Vies (od 2011).
Sekretarze Generalni ERC:
Joan Lluís Pujol i Font (marzec 1931 – kwiecień 1931)
Josep Tarradellas i Joan (kwiecień 1931 – marzec 1932)
Joan Tauler i Palomeras (marzec 1932 – brak danych)
Josep Tarradellas i Joan (1938–1957)
Joan Sauret i Garcia (1957–1959)
Heribert Barrera i Costa (1976–1987)
Joan Hortalà i Arau (1987–1989)
Àngel Colom i Colom (1989–1996)
Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira (1996–2004)
Joan Puigcercós i Boixassa (2004–2008)
Joan Ridao i Martín (2008–2011)
Marta Rovira i Vergés (od 2011).
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Capitanejo Turistico y Cultural
Capitanejo Turistico y Cultural
Capitanejo Turistico y Cultural Paisanos y Paisanas de Garcia Rovira ante ustedes la programacion general de nuestro 2do Festival Cultural y Turistico del Cañon del Chicamocha. Les estaremos esperando este 1, 2, 3 y 4 de diciembre en Capitanejo. Prográmense y asistan a cada uno de los espacios que hemos preparado para ustedes. Gracias infinitas a todas la personas que hacen este sueño posible,…
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
VIRGINIA MAESTRO..ante la muerte de la hija de OSCAR GARCIA JUNYENT [con el q me fotografie en el COLISEUM ALFONSO PEREZ q me animo en mi 1era MARATON en SEVILLA al estar fuera de Hotel AL ANDALUS=península ibérica Musulmán..en barrio de HELIO_POLIS=CIUDAD DEL SOL..en SEVILLA xq iban a jugar DERBY con REAL BETIS donde tambien jugo su hermano IVAN ..asi como antes jugaron en REAL MADRID...yo en la GRADA y el como ENTRENADOR del BRIGHTON desde donde fui a ISRAEL o de donde él venía de ENTRENAR y donde luego VOLVIO..y donde me llevaron en 8_88 con Escuela de Idiomas EF=Education First=FE AL REVES]..te pregunto si aún crees q tienes la LIBERTAD DE ELEGIR , DE CREAR TU PROPIO DESTINO, DE DAR UN SENTIDO A UN SUEÑO..como dijiste posando con un PERRO antes de lanzarte a un LAGO para promocionar tus camisetas..yo creo q NO y no hace falta verlo en casos tan extremos o desgraciados.
X cierto la filosofía q representa tu camiseta q es LUCHAR POR LO QUE QUIERES SIEMPRE TIENE SENTIDO..creo q es filosofía MUY CARA o que NO MERECE LA PENA xq lo único que la MERECE es FOLLAR GRATIS Y LIBRE O X AMOR DE DIOS..NO X EGO Y VANIDAD o INTERES jaja
X cierto..los aficionados del BRIGHTON me fotografiaron en la calle RIGOBERTA MENCHU [una líder indígena y activista guatemalteca, miembro del grupo maya quiché, defensora de los derechos humanos, embajadora de buena voluntad de la UNESCO y ganadora del Premio Nobel de la Paz y el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Cooperación Internacional] y recuerdo q del BRIGHTON ficho por el LIVERPOOL el malogrado ex_jugador y comentarista MICHAEL ROBINSON q no vio su sueño hecho realidad de inaugurar su fábrica de VINILOS xq murió con 61 años de CANCER de piel tras hacer un INFORME ROBINSON a mi compañero de colegio RAMON ARROYO [un ex_fumador q al ser diagnosticado con ESCLEROSIS MULTIPLE decidió como apuesta x la vida CORRER un IRON MAN=42 KM corriendo, 200 KM de BICI y 2'8 KM a nado.. o lo q preparaba yo para correr el de LANZAROTE cuando se me iluminó el plan PLAN MAGIC de SPRINGSTEEN es decir..de ir a verle al MEMORIAL VETERAN ARENA de JACKSONVILLE tras verle en BERNABEU entrando x PUERTA 33 y encender las LUCES del ESTADIO al cantar BORN TO RUN y lanzarme a la AVENTURA O A LO LOCO jaja..x cierto..la peli 100 mts está basada en él y le interpretó Dani ROVIRA q luego hizo SUPERLOPEZ basada en el COMIC y le salió CANCER..e informe ROBINSON de RAMON ARROYO en el q salio LEIVA de PEREZA xq se lo encontró entrenando en Parque JUANCARLOS I y entonces su canción de cabecera era EME q es sobre FUTBOL..aunque la q le canta en el ATENEO DE MADRID es ELECTRICIDAD:
Quién va a salvarme a mí de mi cabeza?
Me quedo como sin presión
Y vuelo en otra dimensión
No va a desbloquearme la certeza
De que esa ola ya rompió
Y muere en el océano
Solo te deseo
Que tu mierda cobre vida
Y te dé un beso
Un beso de esos
Que me dabas cuando naufragaba
En tu pecho enfermo de miedo
Toda esa puta electricidad
Era una mentira más de lo que fuimos
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loliquiu · 5 years
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Ana Rivas & Teresa García
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estigmxs · 3 years
Eres de la parte de Garcia Rovira??
No, vivo lejos de allí 😅😅 ¿Tú vives allá?
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amobucaramanga · 5 years
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"Sobre las 6 de la tarde de mañana prenderemos todo el alumbrado navideño en #Bucaramanga. Los parques que iluminados serán el Turbay y Garcia Rovira, entre otros. También la carrera 27": dijo Edgar Álvares, gestión comercial ESSA a Caracol Bucaramanga @CaracolBGA
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jakey-beefed-it · 6 years
Valentian Dragoons
An “Astra Militarum” Kill Team
Background: Sappers
Squad Quirk: City-Fighters
High Gothic Motto: “Nec Deos Neque Regum” (‘Neither Gods Nor Kings’)
Battlecries: “¡Libertad!” “Faith and Valor!” “To the barricades!”
The Valentian Compañeros:
Sergeant Leona Pujol (power sword, plasma pistol): Leader Specialist. Personality Trait: Expert. Assigned to monitor the Valentians, she defected to them, and now monitors Ultramar for the Valentian Reach.
Corporal ‘Timber’ Garcia (chainsword, lasgun albeit modeled with a shotgun): Leader Specialist. Personality Trait: Courageous. 
PFC ‘Static’ Seguro (lasgun, vox caster): Comms Specialist. Personality Trait: Haunted (so, so much PTSD)
PFC ‘Frosty’ Tirador (sniper rifle): Sniper Specialist. Personality Trait: Nerves of Steel. Warm and friendly around the campfire, his whole demeanor changes when he picks up a weapon.
Pvt ‘Wildcat’ Granada (lasgun, bomb-throwing anarchist): Demolitions Specialist. Personality Trait: Bit of a nutter in the way you’d expect from a dedicated explosives enthusiast/grenadier.
Pvt ‘Hothead’ Encendero (flamer): Demolitions Specialist. Personality Trait: Gung-ho. Uses Escher bitz so she’s runnin’ around with a badass haircut and buff arms.
Pvt ‘Fancy’ Ferrer (lasgun): Scout Specialist. Dutiful. Literal poster-boy for the Valentians- appears on a fairly common recruiting poster under a slogan like ‘Mutual Aid is the Valentian Way!’ with smaller print explanation on the bottom for anyone who’s that far out of the loop ‘Ultramar’s Citizens suffer at the hands of the Death Guard! They helped us with the Hrud, it’s OUR TURN!’
Pvt Nadal (plasmagun): Heavy Specialist. Personality Trait: Eagle-Eye. (please don’t roll a 1 on overcharge)
Pvt Rovira (flamer): Veteran Specialist. Personality Trait: Pious. Has a bob haircut- obviously has a bit of hero worship for the Sisters of Battle.
Pvt Costa (lasgun): Veteran Specialist. Personality Trait: Wiseass.
Pvt Alcantara (lasgun): Veteran Specialist. Personality Trait: Grognard. Basically the Pvt Hudson of the squad; constantly complaining.
Ultramar Defense Auxilia Observers/Defectors to the Navarran Reach:
Tempestor Leona Pujol (power fist, plasma pistol): Leader Specialist. Personality Trait: Expert. You can only have one Leader, so if I field my Scions, I’m gonna field her as a Scion. Hence the backstory.
Scion Macrinus (hot-shot volley gun): Heavy Specialist. Personality Trait: Gung-ho. He ain’t got time to bleed.
Scion Florian (flamer): Demolitions Specialist. Personality Trait: Meticulous. Does not understand the demo people who like fire/explosions- it’s a job, a dangerous job that requires professionalism and attention to detail.
Scion Pertinax (plasmagun): Veteran Specialist. Personality Trait: Brave. Stupid. Stupid brave.
Scion ‘Lucky’ Vitalis (hot-shot lasgun): Medic Specialist. Personality Trait: Deadpan, morbid wiseass. He’s straight outta M*A*S*H.
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veronicagrc · 3 years
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Pantoffeltierchen und Meteoriten, Performance 2021
Xesca Salvà und Marc Villanueva. Mit: Anatomía humana desmontable, Verónica Garcia und Brix Lange in Zusammenarbeit mit der Biologin Carmen Mediano / Komposition, Sound-Design: Gerard Valverde / Licht-Design: Ana Rovira / Roboter-Konzept: Nanna Neudeck / Produktionsleitung:Helena Febrés / Koproduktion mit: Festival TNT – Terrassa Noves Tendències
Theater der Dinge. Die Welt ohne uns, 7.-10.11.2021 im Schloss Biesdorf
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Suiza pone en duda a García-Castellón y su investigación por terrorismo en el 'caso Tsunami' | Público
La Justicia helvética se niega a facilitar información sobre la localización de Marta Rovira y sobre varias cuentas bancarias y afea al magistrado español su insistencia en vincular a los políticos independentistas con actos de terrorismo. — Leer en www.publico.es/politica/suiza-pone-duda-garcia-castellon-investigacion-terrorismo-caso-tsunami.html
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architectnews · 3 years
D525 Barcelona, Sustainable Renovation
D525 Barcelona Offices, Spanish Architecture, Catalan Sustainable Renovation Project, Photos
D525 Barcelona in Catalunya
3 Sep 2021
Architects: sanzpont [arquitectura]
Location: Barcelona, Catalunya, north east Spain
photo © David Cardelús (courtesy of Naturgy)
D525 Barcelona
D525 Barcelona is an office building located in Barcelona, Spain that is designed through the concept of sustainable renovation. More than just an avant-garde building, the project also offers environmental and wellness benefits.
photos © Sergio Sanz (courtesy of Sanzpont)
The new headquarters of Naturgy group in Barcelona, a building property of Inmobiliaria Colonial, is located at Av. Diagonal 525. The project was designed by Sanzpont Arquitectura based on the concept of sustainable renovation, with the aim of reducing its environmental impact and extending its efficient, useful life. Its execution was carried out with materials that strictly respect the environment, and according to an environmental quality management plan.
photo © Sergio Sanz (courtesy of Sanzpont)
The original building was used for housing in the ’70s and presented several structural challenges. However, despite those challenges, the project incorporated all of the design and construction requirements necessary to achieve LEED Gold certification.
photos © Dani Rovira (courtesy of Colonial)
More Natural Light & Purer Air The project incorporates a main façade based on large windows that provide abundant natural light, defined by unique photocatalytic krion 3D modules. These modules give the building a unique identity but, more importantly, have the ability to purify the air through their photocatalytic material. The krion material’s KEAST technology takes it one step further by extrapolating its benefits beyond its surface with the ability to decontaminate the air. The design, comprised of clean and aerodynamic lines, creates an avant-garde image of movement.
photo © David Cardelús (courtesy of Naturgy)
Greater Eco-Efficiency & Cleaner Energy The building envelope and its systems have been designed to render it an eco-efficient model, improving its performance, thermal insulation, and energy consumption. The design of the south façade incorporates a treatment of photovoltaic louvers, providing protection from the sun in the warmer months of the year, and generating clean energy through part of its electricity consumption. The photovoltaic louvers create enough energy to power 1,562 points of light for 4 hours per day, for up to 35 years, free of CO2 196 emissions.
photos © Sergio Sanz (courtesy of Sanzpont)
More Green Space & Native Plant Species A large part of the building’s roof is designed as a natural green space. It incorporates low-consumption native plant species that provide an extra insulation layer, thus minimizing the environmental impact, improving the microclimate, and helping to mitigate the heat island effect.
photos © Sergio Sanz (courtesy of Sanzpont)
Sustainability & the Building Skin To develop the project, a detailed study of the climate and the environment was conducted to determine the characteristics of the architectural envelope and its response throughout the year. This considerably improved the performance and efficiency of the building in terms of energy savings and sustainability. In addition to a rooftop garden, the design and improvement of the architectural envelope includes its orientation, thermal and acoustic insulation, solar control louvers, and production of renewable energy.
photos © Dani Rovira (courtesy of Colonial)
Developed & Coordinated in BIM The project has been developed using the latest BIM cloud technology for its complete coordination. Virtual models of architecture, engineering, interior design, and urban environment were integrated in order to generate a coordinated digital building.
photo © Dani Rovira (courtesy of Colonial)
D525 Barcelona, Spanish Sustainable Renovation – Building Information
Architects: sanzpont [arquitectura] Project Name: D525 Barcelona Location: Barcelona, Spain Area: 7,000 m2 Client: Inmobiliaria Colonial & Naturgy
Project Manager: Projects & Facilities Management Design Team: Sergio Sanz, Victor Sanz, Oriol Vidal, Xevi Prat, Carles Campanyà, Guillem Armengol Collaborators: Campanyà i Vinyeta Arquitectes, PGI, Tulpan Intermediació Engineers: PGI Engineering Landscape Architect: Vivers Ter Suppliers: Suris (MEP), Garcia Faura (Façade), Butech (Krion) Lighting Design: Sanzpont, Philips Signify Project Sector: Office Building Consultants: Campanyà i Vinyeta Arquitectes, PGI, Tulpan Intermediació, Mace Management Services General Contractor: OIC-Penta Project completion date: March 2021
photo © Dani Rovira (courtesy of Colonial)
About sanzpont [arquitectura] Victor and Sergio Sanz Pont, twin brothers, are the co-founders of sanzpont [arquitectura], with offices in Barcelona, Cancun, and Chicago. They view architecture as functional art that must adapt to the site bioclimatically. The firm has received numerous international awards, and their design philosophy is based on a constant search for innovation, creativity, and demonstrating great respect for the environment. Its design methodology is completely three-dimensional, making use of new technologies in cluding BIM, where intelligent digital models contain a constructive database of each project.
Álvaro Licona is a partner and co-founder of Sanzpont USA, based in Chicago. He is also the co-founder of a real estate company specialized in developing contemporary spaces in Mexico City. That practice aims to provide meaningful experiences and customer-appropriate solutions, while maintaining the natural and built environment. His professional career has enabled him to apply these ideas internationally and, in collaboration with his partners, he has completed designs in countries including Japan, Brazil, Holland, Hong Kong, Spain, the United States, and Mexico.
photo © David Cardelús (courtesy of Naturgy)
Photographer: David Cardelús (courtesy de Naturgy), Dani Rovira (courtesy de Colonial) y Sergio Sanz (courtesy de Sanzpont)
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