#Garibald Grey
twoiafart · 2 years
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THE DEATH OF CRISTON COLE Artwork by Hristo Chukov
Ser Criston found an army twice the size of his own awaiting him on a high, stony ridge. Realizing that the enemy was fresh and held the high ground, Ser Criston sent out a peace banner to treat with them. Leading this host were Ser Garibald Grey, Longleaf the Lionslayer, and Roddy the Ruin. Ser Criston offered to surrender but his foes rejected the offer. And when Criston pointed out that many of their men would die in the fighting, they dismissed that as well. The Winter Wolves were there, and felt it was best to die with sword in hand. Ser Criston Cole then challenged all three to a duel, but this challenge was met with three arrows that came winging down from the ridge, striking Ser Criston dead. And so ended the Kingmaker, remembered as one of the best and the worst to ever don the white cloak.
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florisbaratheons · 11 months
Idk, it's really gross to me to read an article written by Screenrant that salivates over Criston's death in later seasons and says it's going to be satisfying, when his death was a result of treachery and dishonor. He tried to surrender to Garibald Grey to save his men, because he knew the battle was lost, Garibald wouldn't let him surrender, so Criston offered to fight him, Roderick Dustin, and Pate of Longleaf in a mini trial by combat. Rather than actually face him, Longleaf had fucking Robb Rivers shoot him in the back?
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The World of Fire & Blood Calendar 2023 || The Death of Ser Criston Cole by Hristo Chukov
Calling for a peace banner, King Aegon’s Hand rode out to treat with them. Three came down from the ridge to meet him. Chief amongst them was Ser Garibald Grey in his dented plate and mail. Pate of Longleaf was with him, the Lionslayer who had cut down Jason Lannister, together with Roddy the Ruin, bearing the scars he had taken at the Fishfeed. “If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” Ser Criston asked the three of them. “I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…” Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.” The northman Roderick Dustin laughed at these words, saying, “That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.” Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?” But Longleaf the Lionslayer said, “I’ll want three more,” and up on the ridge Red Robb Rivers and two of his archers raised their longbows. Three arrows flew across the field, striking Cole in belly, neck, and breast. “I’ll have no songs about how brave you died, Kingmaker,” declared Longleaf. “There’s tens o’ thousands dead on your account.” He was speaking to a corpse. -- Fire and Blood
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
Calling for a peace banner, King Aegon’s Hand rode out to treat with them. Three came down from the ridge to meet him. Chief amongst them was Ser Garibald Grey in his dented plate and mail. Pate of Longleaf was with him, the Lionslayer who had cut down Jason Lannister, together with Roddy the Ruin, bearing the scars he had taken at the Fishfeed. “If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” Ser Criston asked the three of them. “I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…” Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.” The northman Roderick Dustin laughed at these words, saying, “That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.” Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?” But Longleaf the Lionslayer said, “I’ll want three more,” and up on the ridge Red Robb Rivers and two of his archers raised their longbows. Three arrows flew across the field, striking Cole in belly, neck, and breast. “I’ll have no songs about how brave you died, Kingmaker,” declared Longleaf. “There’s tens o’ thousands dead on your account.” He was speaking to a corpse.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
All this was but prelude, for the Lords of the Trident had been gathering their forces. When Ser Criston left the lake behind, striking out overland for the Blackwater, he found them waiting atop a stony ridge; three hundred mounted knights in armor, as many longbowmen, three thousand archers, three thousand ragged rivermen with spears, hundreds of northmen brandishing axes, mauls, spiked maces, and ancient iron swords. Above their heads flew Queen Rhaenyra’s banners. “Who are they?” a squire asked when the foe appeared, for they showed no arms but the queen’s. “Our death,” answered Ser Criston Cole, for these foes were fresh, better fed, better horsed, better armed, and they held the high ground, whilst his own men were stumbling, sick, and dispirited.  Calling for a peace banner, King Aegon’s Hand rode out to treat with them. Three came down from the ridge to meet him. Chief amongst them was Ser Garibald Grey in his dented plate and mail. Pate of Longleaf was with him, the Lionslayer who had cut down Jason Lannister, together with Roddy the Ruin, bearing the scars he had taken at the Fishfeed. “If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” Ser Criston asked the three of them. “I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…” Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.” The northman Roderick Dustin laughed at these words, saying, “That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.” Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?” But Longleaf the Lionslayer said, “I’ll want three more,” and up on the ridge Red Robb Rivers and two of his archers raised their longbows. Three arrows flew across the field, striking Cole in belly, neck, and breast. “I’ll have no songs about how brave you died, Kingmaker,” declared Longleaf. “There’s tens o’ thousands dead on your account.” He was speaking to a corpse.
Fire and Blood, by George R.R. Martin, pg 475-476
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The Dragon’s Spoil (Aemond Targaryen x Rivers! Reader)
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Part 1   |   Part 2  |   Part 3   |   Part 4
Summary: The baseborn daughter with little knowledge of who your Lord father was, your life is caught in the midst of war. The Riverlands are the base for the Greens and the Blacks, dragons loom in the skies, and men die daily, especially within the walls of the cursed Harrenhal. It’s only when a certain one-eyed dragon comes for his retribution. The year is 130 AC and war endures.
A/N: You’re Alys Rivers but with less sorcery and more so just judgement over being a bastard. You’re around the same age as Aemond, maybe two-three years older than him at the time of the Dance.
Wordcount: 2,400
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The Dragon’s Revenge
It is known by Commons and Nobles alike that the Targaryens have always ruled the skies.
They had for the last century: when the Old King had his decades of peace, continuing to his grandson, Viserys I. Dragons continued to fly over towns and for that century, the common people stared in both admiration and terror.
Peace did not continue for long, not after the death of the King and its disputes finally sprung forth. Rhaenyra, the King’s eldest daughter and Aegon, the second born but eldest living son from his second marriage had begun their war for the throne, and the people suffered for it. 
It didn’t matter what the poor folk thought, not when their opinions were silenced over the sounds of constant clashing steel and the rumbling of dragons roaring above. Wherever war went, the people died for it, and on and on did the cycle continue.
The Riverlands had seen the most of the war, for a dragon appeared from the skies in early 129 AC. The blood wrym circled and landed on the Kingspyre Tower with a screech that shook the castle grounds. 
The castellan, Ser Simon Strong, yielded it without the need of spilling blood to Prince Daemon Targaryen and he used it as a nearby base to carry his side’s attacks.
For the next few months, dragons and armies came and went through Harrenhal, your home for as long as you could remember. You had been fostered by the old man and uncle of Lyonel Strong, Ser Simon after the death of your mother, an unknown woman no one knew of. Not much was known about your father too: noble or baseborn too, there was one thing for certain, your looks were undeniably Strong.
The first men's blood was strong in your veins: from the curls that reached the small of your waist, black as a raven’s wing, to your eyes, brown as chestnuts. Squires and maids whispered within the walls of Harrenhal, murmuring of your potential parentage. One of the many kin of House Strong, many whispered it had been Harwin “Breakbones”, the man who fathered Princess Rhaenyra’s children with her first husband, Laenor Velaryon. 
Others whispered it had been the castellan himself, Ser Simon, who took pity on his natural daughter, taking her in as a handmaiden. Some even mocked it had been Larys, Harwin’s brother and the Master of Whispers for Aegon’s small council, but those also mocked that spoke that it would’ve been impossible for him to even father children.
Harrenhal was a ruined castle: those who resided in its walls spoke of ghosts, deathly and dreadful, cursing those who was the owner. It was no surprise to you when you had heard of the rumours: of Lyonel and Harwin’s deaths and those that came before.
“Have you heard?” You had been kneeling by the fireplace when your closest friend, Perra came running through into the main apartment, a letter screwed in her hand.
“If you’ve come to tell me this bloody war is not over, I’m not interested.” You chided, wiping away the ash from your calloused hands against your apron. 
Perra was from House Grey, a knightly house sworn to House Tully. Brown-haired and long-faced and a girl of ten-and-seven, she was as skinny as a stick and small as one too. Her uncle, Ser Garibald had sworn to the Blacks from the beginning of the conflict and it was without a doubt that Perra agreed.
She grinned toothily, shoving the letter in your face, assuming you were literate. “You will be most pleased to read what just arrived.” As you unravelled the scroll, your eyes darting over the words you were reading. “My uncle brings news. The Queen has taken over King’s Landing. Aegon has not been seen nor his children. The Queen Helaena and Dowager Alicent have been captured.” 
“The Greens will not be most pleased to have their Queen returning to claim her father’s throne.” You rejected the letter quickly, handing it back over to Perra.
“This is good news, Y/N. The war will soon be over. Stark bannermen march down, so too will the Arryns.”
It didn’t seem possible that the wounded usurper king was missing but not much was known of his remaining brothers. Daeron remained at large a threat with his dragon, Tessarion, but what about the one-eyed brother, Aemond?
“You forget one thing, Perra. The King may be missing, but he has two other brothers, Aemond and Daeron. And they have dragons too. What would we do with them? Or where could they be?” 
“They fight elsewhere.” Perra was too naïve to know such a thing, the excitement and positivity were good to hear of, but you doubted the Greens would leave the capital open so easily. “Vhagar has not been seen with her rider for days.”
Certainly, they will be looking for revenge. You dreaded. 
Your conversation was broken when the low, dreadful sound came as a response of caution.
A long, blow of a horn was sounded in the courtyard, and the rush of footsteps and shouts erupted as vast as the sound of battle. Steel and shields could be heard being collected and as Perra rushed to the window to look out, she shouted. “A dragon comes! The Rogue Prince without a doubt.”
How you wish it had been.
The shadow of this dragon was much too large to belong to the blood wrym, looming over the entirety of Harrenhal like dusk. It appeared as if it was an apparition, and fears of what happened a century ago from the first Aegon could happen again.
It had not been Daemon that had arrived, but rather a one-eyed Prince who landed in the courtyard.
The ground shook when the old beast landed, mighty and worn from a thousand battles. The she-dragon growled, hissed and spat as she stared down at those who had gathered arms in protecting the base.
From her saddle, Aemond climbed down, appearing in gleaming armour of black and gold, adorning a helm of similar colours and a long dark plume. He was not mistaken for another Targaryen, for when the banners of a gold dragon on green cloth began to be marched through, you realised the war had not been over just yet.
You and Perra ran as fast as you could, gathering behind the stalls, and observing the entire ordeal go down. 
From this close, you saw the Prince, and despite missing an eye, you couldn’t help but marvel at how otherworldly and comely he was from afar. Targaryen women were blessed with the rare beauty of Old Valyria, and so too were the men.
Aemond stood mighty in front of his dragon, and beside him, the new Hand, Ser Criston Cole, aged and haggard and not so knightly as the stories spoke of him. War and hatred had aged him horribly, and he stood with a sour face, adorning the golden armour of the Kingsguard and pin of the Hand.
“Which Strong rules this castle?” Aemond spoke aloud to the crowd that had gathered and when no one spoke or came quick enough, Vhagar hissed impatiently.
It didn’t take long for a voice to be heard, emerging the old man who presumably shared your blood. “Aye, I am.”
Aemond responded coolly towards him, “Ser Simon, I assume? Can you recall to me, Ser, which Master of Whispers sits at my brother’s council?”
“My grand-nephew, Larys, my Prince.”
“And you agree that you share the familiar ties to Strong blood?”
“Aye, my Prince.”
His seeing eye was wide with rage, mouth twisted when he spoke in unwavering patience. “Then pray tell, why have you yielded the castle to my uncle, and kept it as a base for the forces of his whore of a wife and pretender Queen?”
Ser Simon did not yield under the heavy gaze of the Prince, nor with the hot breath of the dragon eyeing him down. He had no hesitation when he stared death in the face, and he must’ve known that he would die this day. 
Perhaps in the jaws of a dragon. You thought.
Simon spoke calmly. “Prince Daemon took the castle without spilling blood. I am, without a doubt, loyal to my Queen.”
Aemond tutted, his purple eye glaring in rage, though he remained calm. “You waited daily for a dragon to return and now, one does. Do you yield your castle to King Aegon, Second of his Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm?”
“Your brother – that cunt of a man – you wish for me to yield my castle to him?”
Aemond was to speak before Criston Cole stalked towards him, ready to unsheathe his sword. “Not yet, Cole.”
The Hand did not answer as he slowly stepped away from Simon, glaring silently. “Yes, my Prince.”
“I will not ask again, Ser. Answer truthfully and you will be spared alongside your kin. My dragon will not burn your walls the same way it did at the hands of my ancestor a century ago. Do. You. Yield?”
“I would never accept the words from a kinslayer.”
Kinslayer. The word was wrought with dread from the simple term, and it seemed to both spook and bring Aemond’s temper to rise. Or neither. Murdering his nephew with his dragon, chasing them along the clouds only for them to meet a death falling into the sea.
Aemond nodded to the honest words, and it took you everything not to grab Perra and flee through the castle gates. You knew that the Green’s forces stood just outside to chase any Black loyalists down. 
Or even have Vhagar have a meal if she’s hungry. You shivered. Instead, you stood still, frozen in terror of what would happen if you were spotted.
The next words to come from Aemond’s mouth were wrought with venom.
“Cole. Bring me my sword.” 
Men of Aemond’s forces grabbed for Simon, kicking and knocking him to his knees, holding him by the back of his burly arms. The Hand did not say a word, silently moving like a shadow before bringing forth what the Prince had wanted. There were cries in the crowd, presumably from those who were close kin to Simon. 
A sword flashed bright silver when it was unsheathed from the Prince, as he stalked his way towards the knelt man. 
“Speak now or forever hold your silence, old man,” Aemond asked, his mouth thin and twisted, holding the blade in between both hands. “Do you have any final words?” 
“Gods be good to you and your ilk, kinslayer,” Simon spoke with as much pride as his “The Black Queen will come for your head and every Green who chases for her throne.”
Aemond did not flinch when he gave the man a worthy death, swinging the sword with might that it took his head clean off, thudding softly into the soft mud. Shouts and protests were heard in response, but they were deafened by the sound of Vhagar roaring.
You watched as the resigned Aemond brushed off some blood and its matter from the blade with a harsh flick. You could tell in his eye that it was something he shouldn’t have done, but what he had to do next was the next honourable thing:
His voice was laced with heaviness as he announced to his men, “Bring every boy, squire and baseborn of Strong blood to meet my steel.”
You grabbed Perra by the hand, fleeing back the way you came through, down the vanquished halls that had melted away like a thousand candles. Screams from others were heard around you as you hid, but to no use, the castle was surrounded by not only men but an ancient dragon that could burn it all down.
It felt as if no time had passed at all, before Perra was grabbed and thrown into the arms, screaming for you as she was led out the castle. “Perra!” You, however, found yourself running after her, colliding into the back of a heavily-armed bannerman, decorated in the green sigil of a dragon. 
“No! Unhand me!” You screamed and hissed as you were dragged the opposite way from your friend, away from the sight of freedom and back towards the courtyard.
Aemond was facing his dragon when you came back to meet him up close, and you realise even despite the way he scowled as he looked you up and down, that he was still comely. You were thrown to your knees, your hands bracing your stumble as they were coated in the mud and blood that decorated the yard.
Aemond eyed you scrutinisingly as if assessing what was wrong with you and what he had to do to be rid of you. After all, you did have Strong blood in you, but he didn’t know that.
“Who are you, girl?” He drawled, but his tone was laced with taunting you.
You dared not to meet his dismal stare, instead, watching the blood-soaked and muddied ground or his muddied boots. “Y/N. Y/N Rivers.” You spoke earnestly.
“A bastard,” Criston Cole hissed, momentarily holding his sword’s hilt to draw it, “would you wish for me to bring forth her head, my Prince? Or she could be fed to Vhagar.”
“No,” Aemond dismissed quickly, too quickly. He was staring at her distantly, and it was difficult to see what he was thinking. His seeing eye was bright and staring down at her with disgust and fascination for her and those of House Strong blood. “No, she will not be fed to my dragon. She is much too reliable. Bring her warm clothes, Cole. I will have better use for her.”
“Yes, my Prince.” Cole relaxed as he grabbed you by the back of your arm, dragging you away from the yard, away from the one-eyed monster and his loyal beast. 
You wished for your feet to stop yourself from being dragged away, to accept the headsman’s sword and to have your head beside those you were fostered by.
You looked back in horror, watching as the courtyard grew smaller and smaller, hearing the foreign, unknown words dragonrider spoke to their bonded dragon, the bright flame came from her open jaws, lighting up the pile of corpses you did not stand too close to a second ago.
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thedaringknight · 9 months
criston's death and daeron's revenge.
Whatever the reason, Ser Criston and Prince Aemond decided to part ways. Cole would take command of their host and lead them south to join Ormund Hightower and Prince Daeron, but the Prince Regent would not accompany them.
Fire and Blood, The Dying of The Dragons - Rhaenyra Triumphant, p. 474.
“Who are they?” a squire asked when the foe appeared, for they showed no arms but the queen’s.
“Our death,” answered Ser Criston Cole, for these foes were fresh, better fed, better horsed, better armed, and they held the high ground, whilst his own men were stumbling, sick, and dispirited.
Calling for a peace banner, King Aegon’s Hand rode out to treat with them. Three came down from the ridge to meet him. Chief amongst them was Ser Garibald Grey in his dented plate and mail. Pate of Longleaf was with him, the Lionslayer who had cut down Jason Lannister, together with Roddy the Ruin, bearing the scars he had taken at the Fishfeed. “If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” Ser Criston asked the three of them.
“I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…”
Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.” The northman Roderick Dustin laughed at these words, saying, “That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.”
Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?”
But Longleaf the Lionslayer said, “I’ll want three more,” and up on the ridge Red Robb Rivers and two of his archers raised their longbows. Three arrows flew across the field, striking Cole in belly, neck, and breast. “I’ll have no songs about how brave you died, Kingmaker,” declared Longleaf. “There’s tens o’ thousands dead on your account.” He was speaking to a corpse.
p. 486, 487.
"Fresh from their victory at the Butcher’s Ball came Ser Garibald Grey and Longleaf the Lionslayer, with the head of Ser Criston Cole upon a spear, Red Robb Rivers and his archers, the last of the Winter Wolves (...)"
p. 492.
Tumbleton went up in flame: shops, homes, septs, people, all. Men fell burning from gatehouse and battlements, or stumbled shrieking through the streets like so many living torches. Outside the walls, Prince Daeron swooped down upon Tessarion. Pate of Longleaf was unhorsed and trampled, Ser Garibald Grey pierced by a crossbow bolt, then engulfed by dragonflame.
p. 495.
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lya-dustin · 9 months
All is bliss
Chapter 48
Cw: Butcher’s Ball, childbirth complications, hallucinations, attempted murder
Gif by @daemonsdarksister
Taglist @mercedesdecorazon @alexandria-millie @watercolorskyy @darylandbethfanforever9 @ewanmitchellcrumbs
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Their men were laid out as if they had been killed at a feast.
They have been like that in every village they have marched through these four days.
A grotesque thing Aemond is glad he isn’t walking through.
Because his mission is of great urgency, he attacks only if he must. House Darry folds at the sight of him and Lady Darry tearfully asks him to spare her infant son after Criston obliterated her husband and eldest sons in battle when they first marched out of Kingslanding.
Criston’s hand shook as if remembering an ill prophecy and agreed no harm will come to those who surrendered.
Something he hadn’t done when they set out. Had the chill of the Stranger in the air caught to him too?
Crossed Elms proves that nagging feeling right.
Their enemy had more men, fresh horses and every advantage they lacked.
Save for a dragon.
Archers attack them in woods unknown to them, Aemond is not spared as he tries to evade them in the air.
Vhagar’s too large and old to perform like a younger and sleeker dragon.
And they knew that.
So he and Cole call for a parley, just enough to buy them time.
“If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” he asked the three of them.
Three seasoned and grizzly commanders, such men bore scars and dents in their armor enough to make Cole look green as grass.
Aemond felt like a squire pretending to be a man. Like the little boy who used to wear Daemon’s winged helm as he stand before Ser Garibald Grey, Pate of Longleaf ,now called Longleaf the Lionslayer, and Rodrick ‘Roddy the Ruin’ Dustin.
Men who won the Fishfeed with only their wits and skill.
They have no chance against them even with Vhagar.
“I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…”
They choose to fight on knowing their victory is assured.
If he dies he will die with Aemma’s name in his lips, like all the knights in the songs.
Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.”
The Northman, Roderick Dustin, laughed at his words, saying, “That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.”
Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?”
It won’t, they won’t give in. They know better than to let them live.
So Aemond interrupts with the thing that may make them change their mind.
“The King is dying, our mother’s own cupbearer poisoned him after her brother failed to kill me. Queen Aemma, the queen you fight to liberate is nearing her time. If you let us go you have my word that her son will be named king and I will not move a finger to take what is hers by right.” The prince regent said hoping to make them change their minds.
“We know, we took down your ravens and your riders. The question is, how do you know that?” Red Robb Rivers and his sister, Alysanne Blackwood, asked coming down the ridge with their archers.
Oh, they were fucked.
“Dragon Dreams, I have been plagued by them for the past five nights. The king in his bed weak by the poison and the queen in hers as she brings forth her babe.” He lies. Better blame his Valyrian blood than tell them the witch is in his mother’s employ. “For all I know both my brother and his wife are already dead and the babe with them.”
The men are divided about it, but those of the north, especially the silver haired Crannogman with eyes as green as Vhagar’s flames seem to believe him.
“The First Men have Seers too. You may go, but only you.” Roddy the Ruin said, thank the gods for the Northman and their superstitions.
“Go, your brother needs you more than I.” Criston said as Aemond looked at him for the last time. “Godspeed, your highness.”
Vhagar is scarcely in the air when what’s left of their men and the Lord Commander are killed by a rain of arrows.
Garibald Grey would later call it Butcher’s Ball.
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The babe is taking its sweet time to come.
The queen has been in labor for a day, and the midwives and maesters are close to giving up.
She has walked up and down the hall, she has been given castor oil, she has been moved by the midwives on the blanket and nothing is working.
“There is a way.” A maester suggested as Silverwing echoes her rider’s scream.
There is no real need for it, not yet.
But the queen knows the whore is the reason her son is half dead in his bed.
If she’s gone, Aegon will live and so would her two younger sons.
The only way her family is safe is if all of Rhaenyra’s family is dead.
They see will see you as you are, the dead princess whispers behind her as blood runs down Alicent’s hands.
Yes, they will, they will see a mother who would do anything for her children, the queen bites her tongue lest they think her mad.
Her aunt went mad, Denyse who was committed to the Motherhouse for fear of shaming them.
They would lock her up too ,if they knew.
“No. We cannot.” Gerardys and Orywle are of the same mind on this.
If she dies any chance for peace is gone.
If she dies like her namesake did, Aegon will be known as her killer.
But her family will be safe from her and that is all that matters.
Queen Alicent chooses to override them. “The king’s heir is at risk, if we wait longer both she and the babe will be lost.
If we must choose, we need to choose the king’s son over his mother.”
There is clear horror in their faces as she says this.
Even Alys cannot hide it in hers.
“Your grace, will you not reconsider it?” the aging midwife pleaded with her. The same woman who helped bring Aemma into the world now being told to help them take her out of it.
“If we do not decide now---” the queen pretended to care for her gooddaughter's wellbeing and yet she is interrupted by the all too familiar roar.
She had told Alys not to summon Aemond, why had she gone against her wishes?
If he is here he will choose her.
How can she save her family if they refuse to let her?
“Maester Orwyle, do what you must to save the prince.” The queen ordered and the man did as ordered.
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He can hear screams, those of his men and Aemma’s in Silverwing’s roars ringing in his ears as he rides his coal black horse like a madman.
Aegon was weak but not dying, Aemma was having trouble delivering their babe.
His mother had ordered for them to save the babe at the cost of it’s mother.
This was the news he received the moment he arrived.
We have lost the Riverlands, was all he had to say in turn.
It would be a mercy if Aegon died now.
If Aemma died with their babe, Joffrey would be made king with his Lady of Runestone beside him. Nothing would stop Daemon from burning the city to the ground nor his men from sacking it.
If Aegon died, but Aemma lived, Aemond would be king and have the upperhand in negotiations.
There would be other children and even if she is left barren she had three brothers and two cousins to provide heirs for House Targaryen.
They would wed and all will be righted before winter sets in.
“Whatever you do, save the queen.” He orders as he raced against time.
It helped both were in the same suite of rooms saving him the trouble of having to choose which bedside he goes to.
Her screams bring a chill to his bones not unlike Criston’s and his men’s.
“If you fail to save the queen I will kill all of you myself.” Aemond runs to her instead of his brother.
Aemma cries out for him, covered in sweat, blood and tears.
They were going to cut her open. Mother had given the order.
The moment Aemma is safe, he will have her placed under custody.
His mother had very knowingly committed treason, but that look in her eyes speaks of madness.
Madness he’s never seen before.
“I’m here, Aemee, I’m here.” The prince takes her sweat covered hand and kissed it as if it would will her to keep fighting. “You can’t leave , not when I’ve only just returned, sweet girl.”
His reputation be damned, he won’t leave her and he won’t let his mother kill her.
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lemonhemlock · 11 months
Hello! What are your thoughts on how Criston Cole died in the Butcher's Ball? Do you think Garibald Grey, Dustin, and Pate Longleaf's tactics were treacherous and cowardly? I do not understand why Cole's death is seen as satisfying when he was trying to surrender and save his men in a battle they knew they could not win. And Garibald even acknowledged that it was not a fair battle and it was a massacre.
Well, Sahtine, there's really no other way to put this. The white flag has been used even in Roman times, it's been used in the medieval period, it's been used across continents. It's been an integral part of international law ever since we can ascertain that something resembling this concept exists. It's in the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, it's in Hugo Grotius' 1625 De jure belli ac pacis. People across space and time know what it means and have somehow agreed to respect it so often that the practice became quasi-universal. Killing someone that comes under a peace banner is breaking the laws of war, plain and simple. Many military manuals pertaining to countries all around the world consider firing intentionally upon a parlementaire carrying a flag of truce to be a literal war crime: https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/fr/customary-ihl/v2/rule67
They could have just refused Criston's offer of trial by combat, sent him back and met his army on the battlefield. But that was the whole point, wasn't it, to deny him an "honourable" death. Had Criston's army surrendered first and were butchered regardless, it still would have been considered a war crime. It still should be, because the men laid down their shields and fled.
With Ser Criston dead upon the ground, the men who had followed him from Harrenhal lost heart. They broke and fled, casting aside their shields as they ran. Their foes came after, cutting them down by the hundreds. Afterward Ser Garibald was heard to say, “Today was butchery, not battle.”
The United Nations defines "no quarter given" as a war crime. Killing members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms is also considered a war crime: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml. Sure, the UN is a contemporary organization, but these principles are not new, they've just been more recently enshrined on paper.
So, yes. IDK who thinks of it as "satisfying". It's really there in the text to highlight how Rhaenyra's side committed atrocities, too.
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eschercaine · 2 years
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I’ve never seen that side of you, my daughter. I even doubted its existence. It was an ugly thing. I regret it. We play an ugly game. And now, for the first time, I see that you have the determination to win it. — Otto Hightower, House of the Dragon Ep. 7 “Driftmark”
Pfft. Yeah, right. Whatever you say. In the end, the greens died in a pathetic way. (While Rhaenyra and Daemon’s sons became kings and the Targaryen line would continue through them.)
Otto was the first to be beheaded as a traitor by Rhaenyra.
Ser Criston being put down by the blacks (led by Ser Garibald Grey, Ser Pate of Longleaf, and Roderick Dustin, Lord of Barrowton) like a dog.
Aemond dying terrified and outsmarted by his uncle.
Aegon was poisoned by his own men.
Alicent, outliving her children, spending the rest of her life confined in her chambers, weeping and talking to herself and she came to dislike the color green. She died during an outbreak of Winter Fever.
And Helaena... she doesn’t deserved that fate. And her children, too. They are the ones from the greens that I don’t hate.
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duxbelisarius · 1 year
The Dance of the Dragons: A Military Analysis (Pt. 10)
We now arrive at the military climax of the Dance of the Dragons, the First and Second Battles of Tumbleton; As always, if this is your first time encountering this series, the previous parts are all linked on my Master Post. If there’s any point at which George can be said to have “Jumped the Shark” with his Dance narrative, it has to be Tumbleton. All of the awful writing tendencies we’ve identified previously are on full display here: plot holes and contrivances left and right, characters suddenly emerge to move the plot in a certain direction without any set-up or internal logic, world-building is ignored or applied as the author demands, alongside inexplicable decision-making galore.
In terms of when the battles took place, we established in Part 9 that the First Battle of Tumbleton likely took place on April 30th 130 AC, and that Rhaenyra likely gave her orders for the arrest of Addam Velaryon and Nettles on May 2nd. Assuming that May 3rd was when an attempt was made to free Corlys Velaryon, who was imprisoned for defending Addam, this means that it would have been the evening of May 4th when Queen Helaena committed suicide, sparking the Riots in King’s Landing. After about five days, Rhaenyra was forced to flee the city and a rogues gallery led by Aegon II’s Master of Whispers, Larys Strong, took over governance of the city. The Hightower army remained at Tumbleton from April 30th all through these events; we’re told that the army’s commanders belatedly heard of Aemond’s death at Harrenhal and were aware of the unrest in King’s Landing, indicating they remained at Tumbleton well after May 22nd. Assuming that word of the Battle over the God’s Eye began circulating the day after, May 23rd, it would have taken about a week for word of it to reach the army at Tumbleton via raven, and another two days elapsed from when the news was first received before the Second Battle began. That gives us June 1st 130 AC as the likely starting date for the Second Battle of Tumbleton, the First Day of the Sixth Moon, meaning just over a month elapsed between the First and Second Battles.
Before analyzing the battles themselves, a brief synopsis of what happened between The Battle of the Honeywine and First Tumbleton is helpful; by the time of the Battle by the Lakeshore, House Rowan, House Oakheart and House Grimm and the Shield Isles had all been forced to submit, “for none dared face Tessarion, the Blue Queen” according to Gyldan. Next to submit were the Merryweathers and Caswells, who surrendered Longtable and Bitterbridge respectively without a fight, with the Merryweathers castle being stripped of it’s wealth and food stores, but otherwise left unmolested. Bitterbridge was not so lucky, being brutally sacked with the support of Prince Daeron; this was after Lady Caswell revealed that Prince Maelor, Aegon II’s only surviving son, had been murdered alongside Ser Rickard Thorne of Aegon’s king’s guard, who was tasked with bringing the prince to Ormund Hightower.
Tumbleton was the seat of House Footly and a prosperous market town, protected by town walls and a small keep, located c.200 miles or roughly a week’s travel to the southwest of King’s Landing at the headwaters of the Mander. The Black forces there numbered some 9000 men by the time of the First Battle, comprising the 7000 strong Riverlord-Winter Wolf army that had annihilated Criston Cole’s forces at the ‘Butcher’s Ball,’ while the remaining 2000 were men from the Blackwater Rush area and the remnants of the Black forces in the Reach. Ser Garibald Grey, Pate of Longleaf, Roderick Dustin, and ‘Red Robb’ Rivers were among the commanders, as were Moslander of Yore, Ser Garrick Hall of Middleton, Ser Merrell the Bold, and Lord Owain Bourney from the Blackwater region. The Hightower army numbered over 20000 men by this point, a tenth of which were mounted knights, according to Maester Munkun; 24000 seems like a reasonable estimate, as Gyldan states that some estimates for the Black forces go as high as 12000 but in all cases the Blacks were heavily outnumbered.
There are serious narrative issues with the First Battle of Tumbleton before it even begins; as stated in Part 9, Maiden’s Day would likely have been sometime in March, to give the Daemon & Nettles plot in the Riverlands sufficient time to develop. Given that Ulf and Hugh were also dispatched to Tumbleton on Maiden’s Day, means there would have been a period of weeks in which the Blacks simply did nothing but await the Hightower army, despite having two very large and old dragons at their disposal. In light of the little real damage being done to the Riverlands by Aemond, we also have to ask why the Black Council did not simply send all four dragonriders to deal with Ormund and Daeron, as once Tessarion was dealt with it would have been easy to destroy the Green armies. Furthermore, while the Black forces at Tumbleton were heavily outnumbered by the Hightower army, Gyldan tells us that the army’s ranks had grown by forcing the surrendered Black houses to join their forces to it’s own. Had the Blacks met the Greens in open battle with Vermithor and Silverwing to offset Tessarion’s presence, there’s every reason to believe that the former Black supporters in Ormund’s ranks could have turned coat and assisted the Blacks. Charging out to meet the Greens, whose only protection would have been a younger she-dragon flown by a 15 year-old boy, would surely have appealed to power-hungry, blood-thirsty men like Hugh and Ulf; the conduct of the Winterwolves and Riverlords at the Butcher’s Ball suggests they would favour this course as well. None of this would bring George closer to his desired outcome however, and so he simply ignores it if he was even aware of it at all.
The First Battle is chock full of contrivances and inexplicable decision-making from the start; we’re told that 6000 of the defenders met the Hightower army outside the town, ‘fighting bravely for a time’ under Ser Garibald Grey’s command. Apparently George thinks it would be a wise idea to take a page from the book of Game of Thrones: Season 8, Episode 3, and have an outnumbered army supported by dragons leave the safety of it’s fortifications and fight on open ground. 9000 men, a third of whom we know are archers, supported by two large dragons should be more than a match for a foe three times their number, with the aid of fortifications. The dearth of any sieges worth that label during the Dance is an glaring omission on George’s part, especially given how much more common sieges were than outright battles in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. We can probably chalk this up to George only having the Dance last 2 years, thus barring any month long sieges, but in the betrayal of the Blacks by Ulf and Hugh gives him an easy out, making the actions of the Blacks that much more perplexing.
As one could predict, this doesn’t turn out well and the defenders retreat through the main gate; it’s here that we get one of the most brazenly contrived examples of plot armour and plot convenience in the entire Dance. Once the defenders were safely inside the town walls, Roderick Dustin and the last c.600 or so of the Winterwolves sally forth from a postern gate, sweeping around the Greens left flank and fighting their way through ten times their number to reach Ormund Hightower’s command post, where Roderick Dustin cuts down both Ormund AND his cousin Ser Bryndon Hightower. To believe that even a fraction of this was possible, we have to assume the Winterwolves were mounted, as accepting that they pulled this off entirely on foot is a non-starter. A postern gate should be small enough for foot soldiers and horsemen to pass through, but any larger would make them a liability to the defenders; this means we have to assume that 600 or so horsemen were able to exit a postern gate, likely to the side of the town, before assembling for a charge around the flank of a more than 20000 man army, and all this without being seen. They also apparently did so without any trouble from the Green cavalry and archers, who were responsible for Grey’s retreat (the Green mounted troops alone were almost a third the number of the entire Black army). We are expected to believe this force of c.600 mounted men fought through 6000 or more enemy soldiers, and were able to do so despite such a small mounted force being at an inherent disadvantage against large ranks of infantry, behind shields and polearms and having suffered little from fatigue or battle. With the Hightower army being as large as it is, Ormund would had to have situated himself towards the rear of his army’s center, in order to ease communication between the flanks. So Dustin likely had to fight his way through the left flank of the army to it’s center-rear, and at no point did Ormund try to avoid the oncoming, seemingly unstoppable Northmen. Ser Bryndon takes one of Dustin’s arms clean off with his great axe, but nothing can stop a man who is armoured by the plot itself; this is extremely significant, because the entirety of the plot at Tumbleton will hinge on the deaths of Ormund and Bryndon Hightower.
It’s at this point that the dragons suddenly decide to intervene and the First Battle of Tumbleton ends; assuming that Ulf and Hugh arrived at Tumbleton weeks prior, and learning that Lord Owain Bourney and Ser Roger Corne were secretly aligned with the Greens and sought to betray the defenders, we should expect that Ormund and Daeron were aware of their presence also. This combined with Daeron’s use of Tessarion to conduct reconnaissance and support the army, makes it completely unbelievable that Dustin was able to pull off his stunt, or that Grey’s forces fought as they did without being annihilated by Tessarion. Nor does the betrayal by Ulf and Hugh make much sense; they may have been cowards who turned-coat once they say Ormund’s forces or the prospect of fighting Daeron, but this doesn’t explain why they made no effort to engage them BEFORE they encountered them at Tumbleton. It’s possible they were promised rich rewards for helping Aegon return to the throne, but this implies that Larys Strong or one of his agents was able to assure them that the King still lived, and that these promises would be made good. This would had to have taken place in King’s Landing prior to Maiden’s Day, but for how avaricious Ulf and Hugh are shown to be, it’s difficult to believe they would remain content with whatever they were promised for so many weeks. This also requires us to believe that neither of them thought of betraying whoever their associate was, alerting Rhaenyra and the Black Council to Aegon still being alive.
Regardless, the First Battle of Tumbleton is an utter disaster for the Blacks; while Tessarion assails the defenders around the walls, Vermithor and Silverwing burn the town from end-to-end, reducing it to ashes. Lord Bourney and Ser Corne open the gates to the attackers, and while a few lucky inhabitants flee the rest burn alive, drown in the Mander, or fall to the Green forces in an orgy of murder and rape. However, we noted at the beginning that a month passes between the First and Second Battles; this is because George goes out of his way to invent reasons and contrivances for the Hightower army to remain at Tumbleton, and prevent the Greens from retaking King’s Landing.
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444namesplus · 1 month
all character names used in the song of ice and fire pile
addam addison adrack adrian aegon aegor aelyx aemma aemon aemond aenar aenys aerea aerion aeron aeryn aerys aethan aethelmure aggo agnes ahai aladale aladore alan alannys alaric alarra alayaya alayne albar albett albin alchemist alekyne alerie alester alfyn alicent all allar alleras alliser allyria alton alvyn alyce alyn alys alysanne alyssa amarei amerei amory amos and andar andrey andrik andros androw anguy annara antario anya archer archon's ardrian aregelle areo argella arianne arlan armen armond aron arra arrana arrec arryk arryn arsa arstan arthur artos arwood arwyn arya arys asha ashara ashford aubrey aurane aurion axell ayrmidon azor b baelish baelon baelor balaq balerion ball balman balon banefort bar baratheon barbara barber barbrey barneby barra barre barristan barthogan bass bastards beesbury bella bellanora bellegere bellena bellonara belly ben benard benedict benfred benfrey benifer benjen benjicot bennard bennarion bennifer benton beren berena beric bernarr beron bertrand bess beth bethany bettley bharbo big billy biter black blackbar blackberry blackfyre blackshield blacktyde blackwood blade blood bloody blount blue boarkiller boisterous bolton boremund boros bors borys botley bowen boy bracken bran branda brandon brax braxton breaker brella brienne brightstone bronn broome brother brother brune brus bryan bryce bryen brynden bryndon buckler bullock bulwer bump burley burton byan byrch byron bywater c cadwyl cafferen caleotte calla captain captain's cargyll caron cassana cassel cassella caswell category catelyn catspaw cayn cedric celtigar cerelle cerenna cerissa cersei cerwyn ceryse character characters characters charlton chataya chayle chett chiggen children clarent clayton clegane clement cleos cletus cleyton clifton clydas cockshaw codd cohollo coldhands colemon colin colmar commander commander's connington corbray corlys corne correy coryanne costayne courtesan cousin cox craghorn
crake crakehall crane cregan cregard creighton cressen creylen crow culiper cuy cynthea cyrelle cyrenna d daario dacey dacks daegon daella daemion daemon daenerys daenora daenys daeron daeryssa dagmer dagon dale dalt dalton damion damon danny danos danwell dareon daring darke darklyn darlessa darnold darry daryn daughter daughter daven davos daxos dayne deana deceased deem delena demonlover denyo denys desmera desmond devan deziel dick dickon dobber donal dondarrion donel donella donnel donnis donnor dontos doran doreah dormund dorna dornishman dragons drogo drumm drunkard dryn duckfield duncan dunstable dunstan duram durran durrandon durwald dusk duskendale dusky dustin duur dyanna dykk dywen e ebrose eddara eddard eddison edgar edgerran edmund edmure edmyn edric edwell edwyle edwyn edyth eerl egen elaena elder eldred eleyna elia elinda elinor ella ellard ellaria ellyn elmar elmo elric elwood elyas elyn elys elysar emberlei emma emmett emmon emmond emory endrew erena erenford erich ermesande erren erryk essie estermont estren ethan euron ever eye eyed f falena falyse farman farring farwynd father fenn fergon flatnose flement fletcher flint florent florian florys flowers folk follard fool foote for forel fork forley foss fossoway fox franklyn free frenken frey from g gael gaemon gage galbart gardener gared gareth garibald garlan garrison garse garth gaunt gawen gendry genna gerald geremy gerion germund gerold gerrick gevin gilbert gilliane gilly gilly's glendon glover godry gold goodbrook goodbrother goode goren gormon gormond gorold gower graceford gran grance greatjon green greenbeard greenfield greenhand gregor grell grenn grey greydon greyiron greyjoy griffith grover groves guard guncer gwayne gwenys gwin gwynesse gylbert gyldayn gyles gysella h h'ghar haegon haereg haggo haggon hagon haigh hairy hake hal halder hali halleck hallis hallyne halys hammer hardy hardyng hareth harlan harlaw harlon harma harmen harmond harmund harrag harras harren harrion harrold harron harry harwin harwyn harys hawick hayford heddle helman hendry henly herndon hero herrock heward hibald high hightower hill hilmar historical hoare hoarfrost hoat hobb hobber hobert hodor hogg hoke hollard holly hop horas horgan horn
hornwood horpe horse horton horys hosman hosteen hostella hoster hot hotah hotho howard howland hubard hubert hugh hugo hullen humble humfrey hunter huntsman husband illifer illyrio ilyn imry irri iv ix j jacaerys jacelyn jack jacks jaehaerys jafer jaime jalabhar jammos janei janna janos jaqen jared jaremy jason jasper jast jax jayne jennis jenny jenye jeor jeren jeyne jhiqui jhogo jirelle joanna jocasta jocelyn joffrey johanna john jojen jommo jon jonah jonnel jonos jonothor jonquil jorah joron jorquen jory joseran joseth joss josua joy joyeuse jurene justin justman jyck k kaeth kandaq karlon karstark karyl kedge kegs kella kenning kermit kettleblack kevan kezmya kindly king king kings kingsblood kingsblood's kingsguard knight knights kurleket kyndall kyra l lad laenor lake lambert lancel langward lanna lannister larence lark larys last laswell leana leathers leek lefford lelia lem lemoncloak lenwood leo leobald leona leonella leonette leslyn lester lew lewyn lewys lharys lia lianna lickspittle lily locke lodos lollys lomys long longbough longleaf longthorpe longwaters lonmouth lonnel loraq loras lorch lord lord loren lorence lorent loreon lorimar lorimer loron lorra lothar lothor lucamore lucas luceon lucifer lucimore lucinda lucion luthor luwin lyanna lyarra lydden lyle lyman lymond lyn lynara lynora lyonce lyonel lysa lythene m mace mad maege maegelle maegon maegor maekar maelor maelys maester maia maid maldon malegorn malleon mallery mallister mallor man mance manderly mandon manfred manfrey manfryd manly marbrand
margaery margaret marghaz margot mariah marillion maris mariya mark marla marlon marna maron marq marqelo marsella marsh martell martyn maryam masha maslyn massey matarys mathis matthar mattheus matthew maz meadows medgar medrick medwick meera megga meha melantha melara meldred melesa melessa melisandre melissa mellario melony melwyn merianne meribald merlon merlyn mern merrell merrett merryweather mervyn meryn mikken milk mina minisa mirri mo mohor mollander mollen monarchs moon moore mooton mopatis mord mordane moreo morgan morgarth morgon mormont moro morrec morrigen morros mors morya moryn mott mounts mullendore mullin mully munda murenmure musgood mya mycah mychel myles myr myranda myrcella myre myriame myrielle mysaria n naerys naggle naharis nan narha night's norbert norcross norjen norman normund norne norren norrey norridge norvos notch noye nute nymeria o o' oak oakenshield oakheart oarsman obara oberyn of old olene olenna ollidar olymer olyvar olyver omer ondrew orbert orkwood ormond ormund orryn orton orys osbert oscar osfryd osha osmund osney osric oswald oswell oswyck oswyn othell otherys othgar otho othor ottyn owen oznak p paege pahl palehair patchface pate pater patrek paul paxter payne peake penny pennytree penrose perceon peremore perianne perkin perra perriane perwyn petyr philip pie piper plummer podrick polliver poole porther pov praed pree prentys prester preston prince
princes promised prudence prunella pryor puckens pyat pycelle pyg pyke pypar q qalen qarl qarlton qhored qhorin qhorwyn qorgyle qotho quaithe quaro queen quellon quenten quentin quenton quentyn quincy qyburn qyle r ragged rakharo ralf rambton ramsay randyll rast raven ravos raya rayder raylon raymont raymun raymund raynald raynard reach red redbeard redfort redpool redwyne reed reference regenard regis regnar renfred renly rennifer reynard reyne reysen rhae rhaegal rhaegar rhaegel rhaella rhaelle rhaenyra rhalla rhea rhogoro ricasso richard rickard rickon rivers rob robar robard robb robert robett robin robyn roderick rodrik rodwell roger rogers rognar rohanne roland rolder rollam rolland rolley rolly rolph romny ronel ronnal ronnel roone roose roote rorge roryn rosamund rosby rose rosey roslin rowan roxton roy royce rufus rupert rus russell ruttiger ryam rycherd ryella ryger ryk rykker rylene ryman rymolf rymond ryswell s saan sabitha salladhor sallei saltcliffe samantha samgood samwell sand sandor sansa santagar sara saranella sargon sarra sarsfield sarya satin sawane scales scarb seastar seaworth sebaston selmond selmy selwyn selyse senelle septon serena serra serry serwyn sevenstreams shadrich shae shaena shagwell sharp she shella shepherd shett shiera shierle shireen shirei shortear shrike shrykos sigfry sigfryd sigorn simon sister sisterton skahaz skinchangers sloane slynt small smallwood smike smiling snow son son soulless sour sparr spicer spotted squire stackspear stafford
stallion stannis stark starvling staunton steffarion steffon stevron stillwood stiv stokeworth stone stonehouse stonetree storm stout strickland strong suggs sumner sunglass surly swann sweet swyft sybell sylas sylvenna sylwa symond syrio t taena tagaros talbert tall talla tallhart tally tanda tanner tarbeck targaryen tarle tarly tarth tawney templeton teora ternesio terys tess that the the theo theodore theomore theon thoren thorne thoros three timeon timotty tion titus tobho todder todric togarion tollett tom tomard tommen torghen torgon torrhen torwyn torwynd tower towers toyne trant tree tregar tristifer triston trystane tully tumitis turnberry turnip tyana tybolt tyene tygett tyler tyrek tyrell tyrion tyrion's tysane tysha tyta tytos tywald tywin u ulf uller umber umfred umma urragon urras urrathon urrigon urron urswyck uther utherydes uthor utt v vaegon vaellyn valaena valerion valiant vance varamyr vardis vargo varly varys vayon velaryon veron vickon victaria victarion victor vikary vines visenya viserra viserys volmark vorian vortimer votyris w waif walda walder walderan waldon walgrave wallace wallen walter walton waltyr walys was waters watt waymar wayn waynwood weaver webber weeper wendamyr wendel westerlands westerling westling wex whalen whent white whittlestick who wick wife wildling will willamen willas willem william willis willow wind wineseller winterfell wode wolves woman woodcock woolfield world woth wulfgar wull wyl wylde wylis wylla wyman wynafrei wynafryd wynch wynton wythers x xaro xho xhoan y yandry yarwyck yew ygon ygritte yohn yorbert yoren yorko youngest yronwood ysabel ysilla z zo zollo
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queenviserra · 3 years
"day three" minor character of the Dance
The Kingmaker
When Ser Criston left the lake behind, striking out overland for the Blackwater, he found them waiting atop a stony ridge; three hundred mounted knights in armor, as many longbowmen, three thousand archers, three thousand ragged rivermen with spears, hundreds of northmen brandishing axes, mauls, spiked maces, and ancient iron swords.
Above their heads flew Queen Rhaenyra’s banners. “Who are they?” a squire asked when the foe appeared, for they showed no arms but the queen’s.
“Our death,” answered Ser Criston Cole, for these foes were fresh, better fed, better horsed, better armed, and they held the high ground, whilst his own men were stumbling, sick, and dispirited.
Calling for a peace banner, King Aegon’s Hand rode out to treat with them. Three came down from the ridge to meet him. Chief amongst them was Ser Garibald Grey in his dented plate and mail. Pate of Longleaf was with him, the Lionslayer who had cut down Jason Lannister, together with Roddy the Ruin, bearing the scars he had taken at the Fishfeed.
“If I strike my banners, do you promise us our lives?” Ser Criston asked the three of them.
“I made my promise to the dead,” Ser Garibald replied. “I told them I would build a sept for them out of traitors’ bones. I don’t have near enough bones yet, so…”
Ser Criston answered, “If there is to be battle here, many of your own will die as well.” The northman Roderick Dustin laughed at these words, saying,
“That’s why we come. Winter’s here. Time for us to go. No better way to die than sword in hand.”
Ser Criston drew his longsword from its scabbard. “As you will it. We can begin here, the four of us. One of me against the three of you. Will that be enough to make a fight of it?”
But Longleaf the Lionslayer said, “I’ll want three more,” and up on the ridge Red Robb Rivers and two of his archers raised their longbows.
Three arrows flew across the field, striking Cole in belly, neck, and breast. “I’ll have no songs about how brave you died, Kingmaker,” declared Longleaf.
“There’s tens o’ thousands dead on your account.” He was speaking to a corpse.
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crown-of-winter · 3 years
Cronología del foro (Parte 2/3)
AÑO 130 AC
- Mes 1: La triarquia se une al bando de Aegon II Targaryen, aportando noventa buques de guerra, Aegon el pequeño es llevado por tempestad de regreso a Rocadragon, Viserys Targaryen desaparece y es dado por muerto. Horas después fallece Tempestad. - Mes 1: La Batalla del Gaznate toma lugar, en ella el poder naval de la triarquia se enfrenta a las fuerzas de los negros, y si bien Rocadragon no sufrió en demasía, si lo hizo Marcaderiva. Villaespecia fue saqueada, los cuerpos de los hombres, mujeres y niños fueron masacrados en las calles y abandonados como carroña. Marea Alta ardió y todos los tesoros que Lord Corlys Velaryon fueron consumidos por el fuego, la Casa Velaryon perdió un tercio de su fuerza naval. Muere el príncipe Jacaerys Velaryon y su dragón Vermax. - Mes 1: La Batalla del Aguamiel: Las fuerzas Hightower se enfrentaron a los partidarios de Rhaenyra en el Dominio, quienes lo superaban en número, hasta que Daeron Targaryen y Tessarion, el dragón, trajeron la ventaja al bando verde. Tom Flores y Lord Costayne mueren, mientras que Alan Beesbury y Alan Tarly fueron capturados. Daeron Targaryen, fue nombrado caballero. - Mes 2: Batalla del Forcaverde, siguiendo el plan del príncipe Aemond Targaryen, Lord Jason Lannister y las fuerzas de Occidente se enfrentan a las de los ríos, Lord Jason Lannister es herido por el escudero de Lord Pyper, pasando el mando a Lord Tarberck que logra realizar un plan y asesinar a Lord Pyper pasando así el obstáculo. Lord Lannister termina muriendo debido a estas heridas. - Mes 2: Dalton Greyjoy, decide aceptar la propuesta del bando de los negros y saquea Lannisport, llevandosé varios barcos, riquezas y mujeres. - Mes 3: Reconquista de Reposo del Grajo, muere Lord Walys Mooton, intentando asesinar a Fuegosolar, el dragón vuelve a volar. - Mes 3: Caída de Desembarco del Rey: Rhaenyra y su esposo, Daemon, junto a las semillas del dragón y Lord Velaryon, logran tomar Desembarco del Rey, quién era defendida por la reina madre, Alicent Hightower. Aegon II Targaryen, y sus hijos Jaehaera y Maelor logran escapar. - Mes 3: La Reina Rhaenyra Targaryen, se sienta en el trono de hierro y hace que la gente jure, pero tras levantarse se nota que el trono la ha rechazado porque esta toda cortada y llena de sangre. - Mes 3: Al enterarse de la toma de Desembarco del Rey, Aemond Targaryen elimina a la Casa Strong, casi al completo, mientras que toma a Alys Ríos como su amante. - Mes 3: La Batalla de la orilla del lago, llamado también Pasto de Peces por sus participantes, fue una batalla acaecida a lo largo de la orilla occidental del Ojo de Dioses dónde los Occidentales se enfrentaron a los hombres de los Ríos y los Lobos de Invierno al mando de Lord Dustin.  Murieron más de 2000 hombres, entre ellos muchos notables como lord Frey, lord Lefford, lord Bigglestone, lord Charlton, lord Swyft, lord Reyne, ser Clarent Crakehall y ser Emory Colina, el Bastardo de Lannisport. Las huestes de los Lannister resultaron destrozadas y masacradas, también muchos norteños fallecieron aquel día: más de 2/3 de las huestes de Lord Dustin. - Mes 3: En el Dominio, lord Hightower y su pupilo, el príncipe Daeron el Audaz, continuaron cosechando victorias y sometieron a los Rowan de Sotodeoro, los Oakheart de Roble Viejo y los señores de las Islas Escudo. - Mes 3: Lord Borros Baratheon, parte al sur contra los Dornienses, por sucesos en las marcas. - Mes 3: Los barcoluengos del kracken rojo caen sobre isla bella. - Mes 3: Rhaenyra Targaryen:  premia a Ser Luthor Largent, comandante de los capas doradas, por matar al hermano de la reina Alicent, ennobleciéndole. A ser Lorent Marbrand lo nombró lord comandante de la Guardia Real y le encargó dar con seis caballeros dignos de servirla a su lado. El gran maestre Orwyle acabó en las mazmorras, Lord Otto Hightower, fue asesinado, la reina Alicent apresada, ser Tyland Lannister fue apresado y torturado para saber dónde estaba el tesoro de la corona real. Lord Rosby y Lord Stokeworth, también encontraron la muerte. Mientras que el Martillo y el Blanco fueron nombrados caballeros. Lord Bartimos Celtigar, fue nombrado consejero de la moneda y lord tesorero. - Mes 3: Lord Bartimos Celtigar, para volver a llenar las arcas Targaryen, inicia una gran cantidad de impuestos, generando el descontento de la población. - Mes 3: En Puenteamargo, asesinan al príncipe Maelor Targaryen y a ser  Rickard Thorne, de la guardia real, escudo juramentado del niño. -Mes 3: Torrelabella cayó ante Dalton Greyjoy, y con ella, la última resistencia de los hijos del hierro en Isla Bella. El Kraken Rojo reclamó a cuatro hijas de lord Farman como esposas de sal y entregó la quinta a su hermano Veron. - Mes 4 :  En el Dominio, lady Merryweather rindió Granmesa a lord Ormund Hightower, quien, no les hizo daño alguno a ella ni a los suyos, aunque saqueó las riquezas y los víveres del castillo para dar de comer a sus millares de hombres con el grano de la señora, antes de levantar el campamento y marchar sobre Puenteamargo. Cuando lady Caswell apareció en la muralla de su fortaleza para solicitar idénticas condiciones a las brindadas a lady Merryweather, Hightower dejó la respuesta en manos del príncipe Daeron: «Obtendréis las mismas condiciones que ofrecisteis a Maelor». La señora no pudo sino contemplar el saqueo de Puenteamargo, y la quema de muchos de sus territorios. Posteriormente ella se suicidó, sus hijos e hijas pasaron a ser rehenes de la Casa Hightower en Antigua. - Mes 4: Tras que Cole, y Aemond decidieran irse, Sabitha Frey tomó Harrenhall, dónde encontró una embarazada Alys Ríos. - Mes 4: Aemond Targaryen junto a Vaghar queman: Darry, Aldea de Lord Harroway , Molino del Señor, Hebillanegra, la Hebilla, Lagobarro, Vadopuerco, Bosquearaña, entre otras localizaciones. - Mes 4: Se realiza el baile de los carniceros: Los hombres de los Ríos asesinan a Ser Criston Cole, el hacedor de reyes, y a su hueste. - Mes 4: Ser Byron Swann, segundogenito del Señor de Yelmo de Piedra, intenta asesinar a un dragón y este lo carboniza. - Mes 4: En el día de la doncella, se anuncia la llegada del invierno. - Mes 4: Al otro lado del mar Angosto, la Triarquía había empezado a hacerse pedazos por sí sola, en guerras internas. - Mes 4: Tras quemar gran parte de los Ríos, Aemond Targaryen retorna a Harrenhall y lo recupera. - Mes 4: Lord Corlys Velaryon propone negociar indultos con los Lannister, Baratheon, y Hightower, enviar a la Reina Alicent y a la Reina Helaena a la fe, tomar a Jaehaera de pupila para luego casarla con Aegon, el pequeño y enviar al muro a Aemond y Aegon II. Rhaenyra y su consorte Daemon, rechazan la propuesta, decidiendo ir a matar a los hermanos de Aegon II Targaryen. - Mes 4: Alicent Hightower le pide a su hijastra que dividan el reino con Aegon II Targaryen, pero Rhaenyra rechaza la oferta. - Mes 5: Se produce la Batalla de la Ladera también conocida como las Traiciones de Ladera, porque Ulf y Hugh, así como Ser Roger Corne y Lord Owain Bourney  cambiaron de bando, pasando de los negros a los verdes. En ella mueren: Lord Roderick Dustin, Lord Footly, Ser Garibald Grey, Ser Pate de Hojalarga, Lord Ormund Hightower y Ser Bryndon Hightower. - Mes 5: Se acusan de traición a Ortigas, y a Addam Velaryon, sin pruebas, más que el amorio de la joven con el esposo de la Reina. Se apresa a Lord Corlys Velaryon y se envía a rocadragón al maestre Gerardys. - Mes 5: El pastor manco habla mal tanto de Rhaenyra como de Aegon II, ante la gente de Desembarco del Rey. - Mes 5: Ortigas se marcha de la estancia de Lord Mooton, para no volver a ser vista, así mismo la Casa Mooton cambia de bando en favor de Aegon II Targaryen. - Mes 5: Mueren Aemond, Vaghar, Daemon y Carexes -Mes 5: Se suicida (aunque hay rumores que cuentan lo opuesto) Helaena Targaryen, Reina de Aegon II Targaryen. En respuesta, el pueblo inicia una revuelta sangrienta clamando justicia por los príncipes muertos y su madre asesinada. - Mes 5: Durante la revuelta de Desembarco del Rey mueren:  Lord Bartimos Celtigar, Arthor Celtigar, Ser Lorent Marbrand, Ser Luthor Largent, Ser Willam Royce, Ser Glendon Goode y Ser Gyles Yronwood, queda sin un ojo Ser Deddings. Las meretrices coronan a Gaemon, un supuesto bastardo de Aegon II, como rey; mientras que un caballero, nombra a su escudero, Trystane, Rey, aludiendo que es hijo del difunto rey Viserys. - Mes 5: Se realiza el asalto a Pozo Dragón, mueren: Joffrey Velaryon, Glendon Goode, Willam Royce, Gyles Yronwood, Shrykos, Morghul, Tyraxes, Sueñafuego y Syrax. - Mes 5: Rhaenyra es obligada a abandonar al castillo, la Pulga aprovecha para reclamarlo y asesina a: Garth el Leporino, ser Harmon del Cañaveral, veinte hombres y lady Mysaria de Lys, tras ello libero a los prisioneros, el gran maestre Orwyle,  lord Corlys Velaryon, la Serpiente Marina. Ambos andaban cerca al día siguiente y fueron testigos de cómo Trystane, el escudero de ser Perkin, ascendía al Trono de Hierro.  En las celdas negras, los hombres de ser Perkin encontraron a ser Tyland Lannister, el antiguo consejero de la moneda del rey Aegon, aún con vida; ciego, sin uñas y eunuco. - Mes 6: Gobiernan los 3 reyes: Trystane "Fuegoeterno" , Gaemon, y el "predicador". - Mes 7: Segunda batalla de la Ladera: en esta contienda Addam Velaryon intenta demostrar que los bastardos no son cambiacapas, y recluta casas ribereñas (se une la casa Tully a la guerra) para una batalla, en la misma mueren: Daeron Targaryen, Hugh Martillo, Owen Fossoway, Marq Ambrose, Jon Roxton, Richard Rodden, Leygood, Vermithor, Tessarion, Addam Velaryon, Bruma, Lord Stanton Piper y Lord Lyonel Deddings. - Mes 8: Sucede la Caída de Rocadragón fue la toma del castillo de Rocadragón por parte del rey Aegon II Targaryen y sus seguidores, allí mueren: Bailarina Lunar y Robert Quince. - Mes 9: Rhaenyra Targaryen, es auxiliada por Meredyth Darklyn temporalmente. - Mes 10:  Rhaenyra llega a Rocadragón, la cuál había sido tomada por su hermano, Aegon II, él la entrega a Fuegosolar y este la asesina, delante de Aegon el menor. - Mes 10: Aegon el pequeño, es apresado por Aegon II Targaryen, quién envía cuervos a todo el reino para avisar de la muerte de su hermana. - Mes 12: Muere Fuegosolar, el dragón del rey Aegon II. - Mes 12: Lord Borros Baratheon, encara con rumbo a Desembarco del Rey, la reina Alicent, lord Larys y el gran maestre Orwyle, son enviados por el Rey Trystane a negociar, y la reina viuda llora de alegría al enterase que su nieta Jaehaera está viva, allí llegan a un acuerdo con Lord Baratheon para apoyar a Aegon II - Mes 12: Lord Borros Baratheon, devuelve el orden a Desembarco del Rey, toma a los tres reyes como prisioneros. - Mes 12: Corlys Velaryon jura lealtad a la causa de Aegon II Targaryen, siendo indultado el y los suyos de todo lo que hicieran y retomando su puesto como consejero naval - Mes 12: Regresa el Rey Aegon II Targaryen a Desembarco del Rey. -Mes 12: Aegon II realiza las sentencias de los 3 "reyes": Trystane Fuegoeterno, muere siendo previamente nombrado caballero como su último deseo, Gaemon Peloclaro es perdonado y se lo nombra Guardián de la Corona, el Profeta muere tras dar la profecía de que Aegon II moriría en menos de un año, mismo que dijo a Lord Baratheon.
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ashandbonesrp-blog · 6 years
canon list!
hello! we’re releasing our canon list! we’ve only gone ahead and listed those mentioned specifically in the dance and then added members to those families to fill them up if they were lacking in order to give everyone a chance to play someone they want. we accept characters from minor houses not listed as well! canons without a name or age can be determined by the player.
house targaryen: viserys targaryen, npc alicent hightower, 43, queen of the seven kingdoms rhaenyra targaryen, 26 aegon targaryen, 23 helaena targaryen, 22 aemond targaryen, 21 daeron targaryen, 19 daemon targaryen, 39 baela targaryen, twin of rhaena, 18 rhaena targaryen, twin of baela, 18 rhaenys targaryen, 55, wife of corlys velaryon
house velaryon: corlys velaryon, 60, husband of rhaenys targaryen addam waters alyn waters
house stark: cregan Stark, 44, head of house rickon Stark, 20 jonnel Stark, 18 edric Stark, 17 lyanna Stark, 16
house darklyn: — darklyn, head of house steffon darklyn meredyth darklyn, wife of lord darklyn harrold darke, a cousin of the branch house
house dustin: roderick dustin
house manderly: medrick manderly torrhen manderly
house tully: grover tully, 83, head of house elmo tully, 56 kermit tully, son of elmo, 31 celia tully, daughter of elmo, 29 gwenys tully, daughter of elmo, 26
house frey: forrest frey sabitha vypren, wife of forrest (the freys can have more members added. the number of freys is determined by whoever takes forrest.)
house blackwood: black aly blackwood, benjicot’s aunt benjicot blackwood, son of the deceased lord, 19 barba blackwood, sister of benjicot, 18 edwyn Blackwood, brother of benjicot, 16 robb rivers, bastard of blackwood
house dedding: — dedding, head of house davos dedding, son and heir of house dedding darla dedding, his daughter
house royce: sarra royce, 38, mother of the lord of runestone anya royce, 31, sister of sarra artys royce, 17, lord of runestone willum royce, a knight and cousin of the main branch
house arryn: jeyne arryn, 35, head of house and maiden of the vale — arryn, male, a distant arryn cousin — arryn, male, a distant arryn cousin — arryn, female, a distanr arryn cousin
house martell: — martell, prince of dorne — martell, princess of dorne quentyn martell, heir nymor martell loreza martell
house reyne: gerold reyne, 53, lord of castamere lynora reyne, 49, lady of Castamere torrence reyne, 26, son and heir loren reyne, 22, son jocelyn reyne, 20, daughter
house lannister: jason lannister, lord of casterly rock, twin of tyland johanna lannister, wife of Jason tyland lannister, twin of jason cyrenna lannister, sister of Jason and Tyland
house fossoway: owen fossoway, lord of house fossoway of cider hall, 30 steffon fossoway, 27, his brother garrett fossoway, 24, his brother mina fossoway, 22, his sister leona fossoway, 19, his sister
house hightower: ormund hightower, cousin to alicent, lord of hightower otto hightower, father of alicent gwayne hightower, younger brother of alicent bryndon hightower, hightower cousin hobert hightower, hightower cousin
house baratheon: borros baratheon, 49, head of house laena baratheon, 47, his wife, originally from house penrose argella baratheon, 25, his daughter and heir cassana baratheon, 22, his daughter raya baratheon, 20, his daughter alyssa baratheon, 18
others: criston cole jasper wylde larys strong, lord of harrenhal orwyle, maester unwin peake jon roxton, wields orphan-maker arryk cargyll, twin of erryk, kingsguard rickard throne, kingsguard willis fell, kingsguard marston waters, kingsguard mervyn flowers, kingsguard tyler norcross, knight of house norcross marq ambrose richard rodden hugh hammer, will ride vermithor ulf the white, will ride silverwing manfryd mooton, head of house mooton. maester norren, loyal to mooton florian greysteel, loyal to mooton alfred broome, castellan of dragonstone tyler hill, bastard of lannisport roger corne byron swann simon strong alys rivers, bastard of house ryger geradys, maester lorent marbrand glendon goode, 20, queensguard erryk cargyll, queensguard lyonel bentley, queensguard adrian redfort, queensguard loreth lansdale, queensguard luthor largent, 45, leader of city watch robert quince, a knight nettles, 16, will ride sheepstealer denys, alleged bastard of maegar the cruel blood cheese mysaria, spymaster for the blacks balon byrch, city watch garth, city watch jon charlton, head of house charlton garibald grey, knight of house grey pate of longleaf, squire to roderick dustin bill burley thaddeus rowan, head of house rowan alan tarly,  head of house tarly owen costayne, head of house costayne tom flowers, bastaed of bitterbridge alan beesbury, knight of house beesbury gormon massey, head of house massey bartimos celtigar, head of house celtigar
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