#Garlick just loves games and betting
zetadraconis11 · 7 months
HL Incorrect Quote #82
*in the Central Hall*
Prof. Sharp: I'm not interested.
Prof. Garlick: Come onnn, it's just a bit of fun!
Sharp: Betting on when students start courting is not fun.
*in the distance*
Garreth: I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to explode... Imelda, what are you doing? Stop, don't-
*Imelda chases after Garreth through the Central Hall*
Sharp: ...I'll bet three Galleons they're courting in spring sixth year.
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hoarding-niffler · 2 years
If I remember correctly, you can find a letter from Black addressed to the teachers. They asked for the option to have a little get-together. I don’t want to go into detail about how restrictive Black’s reply was but instead, talk about how the teachers get along and--just like students--have little gatherings; probably on the upper floors of The Three Broomsticks if Black isn’t permitting happenings within Hogwarts (which seems impossible, he cannot possibly have his eyes on them all the time, he naps every hour). 
And let me tell you, I bet it gets *wild*. 
Professor Fig can hold his drink. He, Professor Ronen and Madam Kogawa will engage in little drinking games (Ronen will fall asleep after his second butterbeer). It’s like their own personal teacher-bingo. Will Professor Onai worry about Natsai again and leave early? Will she talk about dark things to come? Bottoms up!
Professor Shah and Howin will talk about the particular importance of the night sky not only for humans but for beasts as well (especially mooncalves and their magical dances), and forget everything around them. 
Professor Binns rambles on and on about how every beam in the room has a particular history and nobody listens to him. He doesn’t seem to mind. 
Professor Hecat, Garlick and Sharp are the gossip trio. Hecat hears all kinds of things about their students and she will absolutely ‘share with the class’. Sharp will try to predict the profession students might end up in while Garlick and Hecat take bets on their student’s love life. It’s only after at least half a bottle of firewhisky that Sharp will join in with frighteningly accurate guesses.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
i got myself hogwarts legacy as an early birthday present and after about 30hrs of playing so far i’ve got to say: though i wouldn’t call it a fantastic or groundbreaking game (not the way BOTW was when it came out, or Baldur’s Gate), it is a fun game that is basically what i wanted to play when i was 11. the soundtrack is great, the characters are fun, and though i can easily see the faults and the bigotry i’ve critiqued canon for before in its storyline and details, it’s compelling enough to keep you interested (if somewhat frustrating). i’m also incredibly fond of a variety of characters (natsai onai, poppy sweeting, ominis gaunt, professors fig and garlick; i don’t like sebastian sallow very much but the banter between him and the player is quite amusing) but i’m mostly importantly fond of professor phineas nigellus black.
he’s so…. annoying ♥️ he’s self-centred and self-important, undeniably posh, cares far too much about his looks (he’d be just as handsome if he looked a little less presentable), dislikes children, only became headmaster because it’d look good on his CV. he’s dandy and dramatic and awful, and i love him SO much. what a momentous prick. nobody likes him even a little bit, every teacher sighs when they talk about him… and the reason for cancelling quidditch being CENSORED BY HIS ORDER is HILARIOUS. he really was looking for any excuse. i bet sirius II and phineas II (his two oldest children, implied to be at school during the school year the player attends—finny had FIVE (5) children, the man fucked) had a HORRIBLE time with their father in charge. they probably started hogwarts all cocky and smug that their papa is headmaster before swiftly realising that their papa 1) is an awful headmaster, 2) is despised by the student body, and 3) would not advance them any more than another pureblood because letting family go first would look bad on his record. phineas is a bitch and i love him SO much.
my mc comes from like, a european branch of the black family who had their name changed to ‘zwarts’ at some point and i’m endlessly amused by the idea that a family member is walking the halls and solving shit and wreaking havoc with phineas none the wiser. she loves messing with him.
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businesstodays · 5 years
Best Financial Solutions For Business
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Finding business finance in any money related air can be trying, paying little respect to whether you're scanning for fire upholds, subsidizing to develop, or cash to hold tight through the incredible events.
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 Scrutinize more on what you need to think about balancing a loan application.
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