#Garment Finishing in the UK
Garment Processing Services in the UK
Raspberry Processing House is a leading garment processing company in the UK, specialising in comprehensive services for the fashion industry. We offer a range of solutions including quality control, garment steaming, re-labelling, and repairs. Known for our attention to detail and commitment to high standards, Raspberry Processing House ensures each piece meets the specific requirements of our clients. Catering to retailers, wholesalers, and designers, we provide reliable and efficient services, helping to maintain the integrity and appeal of fashion products throughout the supply chain.
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jackoshadows · 2 years
Shein: Fast-fashion workers paid 3p per garment for 18-hour days, undercover filming in China reveals
It is the biggest fast-fashion company in the world, making billions of pounds by unveiling thousands of new designs on its addictive website every day and selling them cheaper than anyone else. Now the first undercover investigation into factories supplying Shein, the Chinese retailer loved by millions of young women in the UK and around the globe, has exposed the disturbing experiences of workers making its clothes. Garment manufacturers in China are often working up to 18 hours a day, being paid as little as 3p per item, with no weekends and only one day off per month, a Channel 4 team has found.
This treatment of workers – who are fined two thirds of their daily wage if they make a single mistake – breaks not only Shein's code of conduct for suppliers but also Chinese labour laws. The company says it will investigate. A woman using the false name of Mei secretly filmed inside two factories where she took on jobs producing the kinds of tops that British shoppers can buy for as little as £1.49. The footage has been shared with i ahead of Untold: Inside the Shein Machine, streaming on All4 from Monday. Women in one factory are found to be washing their hair during their lunch breaks, as they have so little spare time outside of their long shifts. A man who started work at 8am, but is filmed sitting shirtless at his sewing machine after midnight, says he will not finish until 2am or 3am because he needs to complete his batch
Woods says Shein is "head and shoulders" above other fashion brands in the number of "dark patterns" it uses online. "These are behaviours on the website that force you into actions that you might not choose yourself," he explains. "Data is making marketing like a loaded weapon." Shein was contacted for comment by the documentary makers but did not respond on this matter. Data published on 6 April by The Business of Fashion showed that in the year to date, Shein had launched 314,877 separate designs in the US market, compared to 18,343 in the same period by Boohoo. This relentless onslaught suggests customers have more than 3,000 new styles to potentially view every day
The contact arranged for "Mei", one of the journalists in his network, to infiltrate the Shein supply chain in Guangzhou, a south-eastern city with a population of 14 million. Having seen what she discovered, he says: "I have been doing investigative stories in China for 15, 16 years – still [they] exploit workers like dogs. Basically it's worse than years ago."
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bridgertonbabe · 4 months
Benophie Drabble - Bridgerton Brothers AU
Surveying the room around him, Benedict smiled to himself as he watched his nieces and nephews keeping Simon, Daphne, Anthony, and Kate on their toes; Colin cuddling into Penelope all the while she laughed and chatted with Eloise; his parents lost in their own little world as they rocked back and forth dancing to the music. It was a far less raucous after-party than the ones they used to have during their early years of touring but now they were all that much older and more settled (and honestly far more easy to wear out), celebrating another sold-out concert with just their loved ones was much more preferable.
There was just one notable absence for Benedict to feel particularly dispirited; his wife.
For the last twelve weeks Sophie had been on her own solo tour across the UK playing sold-out theatre shows, enchanting audiences with her mesmerising violin concertos and pop covers. Much to Benedict's dismay he had yet to be able to attend any of her shows as her tour coincided with the Bridgerton Brothers international one, otherwise he'd be attending every last one of her concerts as he had done with all of her previous tours. He had desperately tried to find any opportunity to be able to jet back to see her, but unfortunately both of their schedules were so jam-packed that there'd barely be enough time to even kiss her before he would have to fly back out for his next concert. Sophie had tried in vain as well to find any openings in her diary in order to see him but they both reluctantly accepted that they had no other options but to endure the separation apart.
At the very least it definitely made the heart grow fonder as with every new day he missed her more and more. Sure they still called and texted and video-chatted constantly but Benedict was keening to be able to see her in the flesh once more, to hold her in his arms and to kiss her and just be in her physical presence. For now however he'd have to endure just another twelve hours before they flew from Dublin to London to be reunited with Sophie once more.
Except, as Benedict looked around at all the loved-up couples; his mum and dad, Simon and Daphne, Kate and Anthony, and Colin and Penelope; he realised he couldn't actually handle waiting just twelve more hours - he wanted to be back with his wife right that very second.
Now that their Dublin concert was over and done with and knowing that Sophie's concert in Reading that night would have finished, Benedict couldn't help but feel that now was as good a time as any to simply hop on the next flight home and be with Sophie at long last.
He quickly got his phone out, putting all of his energy into manifesting a miracle last-minute flight being available to London as he googled flights out of Dublin airport that night - and his eyes lit up as soon as he saw that such a flight was in fact going to depart within the next hour.
Jumping to his feet, he marched straight over to Daphne to run his plan of action past her; after all, she was in charge of the band's itinerary. As soon as he mentioned just how desperate he was to see Sophie again, Daphne assured him to leave everything with her. She'd book his flight and cancel his seat on the one the following morning so long as he left immediately. He pecked his sister on the cheek, thanking her profusely before legging it out the room.
In just under two hours he was opening the front door to the home he shared with Sophie, making sure to be as quiet as possible as he made his way up the stairs and into their bedroom. As soon as he caught sight of his wife sleeping peacefully in the bed they shared his heart swelled up and the feeling of homecoming washed over him.
Typically after any flight the first thing he'd do is have a quick shower but after twelve long weeks apart from Sophie, there was nothing he wanted to do more than slip under the covers and simply hold her. After ridding himself of every garment but his pants he got into bed as carefully as he could, doing everything he could not to disturb her sleep. Rather adorably she was cuddling a pillow - one of his pillows - as well as wearing one of his old sweatshirts and Benedict couldn't help smiling, elated in the knowledge that Sophie had been missing him as much as he had missed her. He gently wrapped his arms around her, spooning her (and the pillow), and buried his head into her curly tresses.
At long last he was back where he belonged; home.
Sophie was exhausted by the time she got in that evening and had only just remembered to give a wave of thanks over her shoulder to her driver before she entered her home. Normally at this time she would be buzzing with post-concert energy but as of late once she had finished a show she was desperate to climb into bed and fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
It also didn't help that she was missing her husband dreadfully and had spent the last twelve weeks yearning to be reunited with him in person once more. While his absence had only made her heart fonder of him, she was relieved that come midday the following day he would be home at last. Finally she'd be able to embrace him, to kiss him, to talk and laugh in person, to just be with him - and the quicker she got herself to bed and fell asleep, the sooner she'd be expecting him by the time she woke up.
As she had done since they had been apart, she dressed for bed in an old sweatshirt of his, one she had adopted from Benedict long ago but it still smelled like him and made her feel closer to him despite the distance they had endurd for the past twelve weeks. Then once she was under the covers she grabbed a hold of one of the pillows from Benedict's side of the bed and cuddled into it, treasuring the feel of it against her as her husband's stand-in; and as soon as she was comfortable and had closed her eyes, she fell straight to sleep.
While sleeping soundly her brain flashed up images of her husband, memories of him flopping down on the sofa she was sat on and resting his head in her lap, how he'd always ensure he pointed to her in the crowd whenever she attended his concerts, the way she'd always find his eyes at her concerts and how he beamed proudly back at her, how safe and protected she felt being held in his arms and how she could practically feel his warm breath against the back of her neck as he buried his head in amongst her curls and his hands came to rest on the pillow she was cuddling as he spooned her...
In fact, it almost felt too real to just be a dream.
Sophie's eyes gently opened as her conscious lazily stirred awake and she observed the darkness of the bedroom and the stillness of the night - and then after several seconds it finally registered that there was a warm body cuddling her, the feeling of which was so familiar she knew instantaneously it was her husband.
"Ben?" she rasped, her voice thick with sleep.
"Hey." he breathed back against her neck and squeezed her gently in greeting.
"What are you doing here?" she blearily asked, not having expected him home for roughly another twelve hours, and attempted to turn in his hold.
"Couldn't bear to be away from you a second longer." he answered but prevented her from twisting round to face him. "Sleep, my love. We'll have all the time tomorrow." he assured her gently, pressing a kiss against her back, and snuggling into her.
And though Sophie could have blissfully drifted off back to sleep in that moment, before she could succumb to slumber once more her brain kicked into gear and she excitedly remembered a very particular reason why she had been more desperate than ever before to see her husband. Without a second to lose Sophie leaned over to switch on the bedside lamp and shuffled herself to sit up.
"Soph." Benedict groaned, squeezing his already shut eyes even tighter from the sudden burst of light. "There's no need-"
"Oh Ben." she sighed affectionately as she got her first proper look at her husband in the flesh for the first time in twelve weeks, and she leaned down to kiss him tenderly on the lips.
In spite of his disgruntled exhaustion, Benedict was sufficiently woken up by his wife's lips against his as he kissed back without hesitation. He managed to crack open his eyes when she pulled away to gaze at her adoringly, a soft lazy smile curving his lips as he reached out to pull her back in.
"I've got something to tell you." she said as she intertwined her hands with the ones that were trying to drag her into a cuddle.
"Oh, can't it wait?" Benedict grumbled. "The whole point of sneaking in was so I didn't disturb you."
"And that was very thoughtful of you - but this can't wait." she told him; after all, Sophie had been impatiently waiting for the last six weeks to tell him this and there was no way in hell she was going to keep it to herself for a second longer.
"What is it?" Benedict relented with a laborious sigh and reluctantly pulled himself up to lean against the headboard.
Sophie twisted around, opening the drawer of her bedside table, and presented him with a gift box. He raised an intrigued eyebrow, having been under the impression she was about to tell him something but after receiving a nod of encouragement from her he accepted the gift and opened the lid.
As Sophie watched on eagerly, he pulled back the tissue paper to reveal a baby onesie with the words Daddy's #1 Fan emblazoned on it. Benedict stared at it for a few seconds, his brain being affected by tiredness and delaying his reaction when suddenly it clicked and he shot his head up to meet Sophie's sparkling gaze.
"You're pregnant?" he swallowed and she nodded in confirmation. "We're having a baby?"
"We're having a baby, Ben." she answered gleefully and in a flash she was swept up into his arms.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" he chanted into the crook of her neck as he clutched her to him. "Sophie." he choked out and kissed her neck. "Oh god, Sophie I'm so happy. I'm so so happy. I love you, I love you so much." he teared up and punctuated his joy with kisses up the column of her neck until his lips were on hers.
"I love you too." she laughed shakily, blissfully overjoyed with his ecstatic reaction.
"How far along?" he asked.
"Well that flying visit twelve weeks back did the trick." she answered and Benedict's face lit up in amazement.
Having children was always on the cards for them and they had planned to start trying for a baby once Benedict was home from touring, however they had certainly made the most of Sophie's one night in the US to get ahead of their baby-making plans.
"I can't believe it." Benedict beamed. "How long have you known?"
"Six weeks." Sophie exhaled and brought a hand through his hair. "I've been dying to tell you but I wanted to tell you in person instead of over the phone or through a screen. I hope that's okay-"
Benedict cut her off with a searing kiss, an automatic assurance that her decision to hold off from telling him until they were face to face was very much appreciated.
"Of course that's okay." he verbally iterated when he managed to pull himself away from kissing her. "If you had told me over the phone I'd have left the tour without a word of notice to fly home immediately just so I could hug and kiss you. Nothing else would have mattered to me than seeing you and celebrating the baby we've made."
"I guess it's a relief I waited then, for the sake of the fans."
"And for my sake as well, to avoid Daphne throttling me for abandoning the band in the middle of a sold-out tour." he (somewhat) joked.
"Oh well we couldn't have that then, could we?" Sophie giggled and kissed him.
Benedict kissed back, wrapping his arms around his wife and cherishing this very moment for all the joy it brought to his heart. "I love you, Soph." he professed once more against her lips. "I didn't think I could be any happier coming home to you and yet you never cease to amaze me."
He continued to express his overwhelming joy by peppering her with kisses until his lips were sore and he rested his head against hers, professing his unconditional love for her and their baby before they both acknowledged just how spent they were and sunk back down under the covers to rest. Sophie turned over so he could hold her back against his chest and then he rested his hands over her abdomen where he could feel the smallest hint of a bump. With the biggest smile on his face, Benedict pressed one last kiss against Sophie's shoulder, professed his love for her yet again and settled comfortably into the embrace before dreaming the sweetest dreams of the joy-filled future that lay ahead of them.
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captainrayzizuniverse · 9 months
Gotta say, I don’t know if it’s because it’s the first drop and they want to give off a good reliable impression, but that is some fast international delivery. Ordered on the 28th received on the 6th. UK to Canada. Yeah that’s pretty fast from past experiences. I hope they keep it up for future drops.
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She came off of a transatlantic flight so she’s a bit jet lagged and banged up but all the goods are in tip top condition.
The hoodie is big but the track pants fit really well so I guess the hoodie is meant to be super baggy and droopy. I love love love that it’s 100% cotton. I usually love full cotton hoodies because they’re flexible with different seasons (you can layer them as you wish) AND they’re generally a superior quality to different types of sportswear fabric.
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I’m a seamstress’ daughter and I’m trained well so I look at the seams and finishing of garments with a very critical eye😂 Genuinely can’t complain. The quality of the fabric of the body and the material used for the cuffs are really high. I shall update if anything changes after the first wash though.
Oh and a big bonus for me, there’s a little pouch in the track pants for my insulin pump! I know they designed that with me especially in mind . Not that usually all track pants have pouches inside. But yeah the zipper and the zipper flap is incorporated very seamlessly with the elastic cuff. Gotta love a good quality zipper.
I’m bringing them home with me in a couple of weeks so I’ll get my mums opinion on this. But I guess with all kinds of clothing, you gotta wait and see how durable they are as well.
Now if I wear my track pants on the long ass flight back home will the passenger next to me get annoyed with the sound? They’re not that noisy Tbf so I think I’m safe.
Something cool that I really like is that the collection is numbered. So I imagine next drop will be “collection 02”. Also how cool is the size inside the rose icon??? My graphic design heart is melting! Little details.
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elegantlaundry · 6 months
Elevate Corporate Attire with Premier Steam Ironing Services in Dubai
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At Elegant Dry Cleaning and Laundry, our commitment surpasses traditional services, offering the Best in Corporate Steam Ironing Services in Dubai. With a heritage of serving esteemed customers globally, including the vibrant hub of Dubai, our expertise in Steam Ironing Services sets a new standard for garment maintenance. Having garnered trust and excellence for over two decades in the UK, our venture into Dubai ensures unparalleled garment care.
In Dubai's fast-paced cosmopolitan setting, maintaining the elegance of corporate attire is a prime concern. Our comprehensive suite of services goes beyond regular dry cleaning, showcasing our flagship offering of top-notch Corporate Steam Ironing Services. This innovative technique transforms attire finesse and durability.
The essence of our premier steam ironing lies in its transformative capabilities, merging steam power seamlessly with finesse in ironing techniques. It's not solely about removing wrinkles; it's a holistic solution offering an array of benefits:
Fabric Integrity Preservation: Our steam ironing delicately handles fabrics, ensuring even delicate materials retain their texture, shape, and vibrant hues, diverging from standard ironing practices.
Impeccable Wrinkle-Free Finish: Irrespective of the garment, our Corporate Ironing Services ensure flawlessly smooth, wrinkle-free appearances, whether it's a silk blouse or a sturdy woolen coat.
Hygienic Freshness: In Dubai's climate, hygiene is crucial. Our steam ironing method acts as a natural disinfectant, eradicating creases while eliminating bacteria and allergens with high-temperature steam.
Sustainable Practices: Embracing eco-consciousness, our Steam Ironing Services rely on steam power, reducing chemical usage and environmental impact while guaranteeing superior results.
When choosing our Corporate Steam Ironing Services in Dubai, anticipate nothing but excellence. Our skilled professionals specialize in the art of steam ironing, ensuring meticulous care and attention for your corporate attire.
Our commitment to exceptional service transcends garment care; it's rooted in a relentless pursuit of quality and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. With a history of serving discerning British patrons for over two decades, we align with the expectations of our esteemed clientele.
Introducing Corporate Steam Ironing Services in Dubai signifies our passion for innovation. Staying ahead of industry trends ensures that our customers experience the pinnacle of garment care. Our service portfolio continuously evolves, surpassing expectations, highlighting our dedication to pioneering techniques like steam ironing, enhancing your corporate attire experience.
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Hey there fellow beings!
Due to helping my Brother in Law pay his rent this month, I'm gonna be short for rent in March! So to close the gap as much as possible, I'm opening PWYW (Pay What You Want) commissions from today (Friday Feb 24th) through Friday March 10th! And PWYW means just that: even if you can only spare a dollar, you get a slot! Payments will be through Paypal, email is in the pinned post!
Stickers only for this sale! I cannot afford to purchase garments to print right now!
Limit of 3 items per order please!
No restrictions on size or complexity; I am limited to 12×12in (30.5 × 30.5 cm) only because my vinyl sheets are that size. More complex designs with multiple colors will take longer to cut and thus longer to ship than more basic designs.
I can ship anywhere in the continental US as well as Europe, the UK and Australia, it may just take longer to reach you, especially Australia (whatever is going on with AusPost delays things into infinity)
10 slots open to start
Any fandom goes or none at all! I can work with you to customize a design based in a fandom or something completely original!
Time to completion varies; I plan to have averything done and in the mail no later than March 17th, but as I am not omnipotent, Life Events may change that target date. Simpler designs are faster to be finished, as are ones with only one color.
For anyone who was really hoping for a hoodie or shirt:
I do have plans to offer them alongside stickers once my finances improve to the point where I can absorb the cost of buying them to print on. But I do not want to offer something I have no way of guaranteeing a timeframe for.
Some examples of my stickers:
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rarebritney · 5 months
do you have any favorite places to order yarn online? i'm just getting into knitting and realizing it's an expensive hobby
Definitely an expensive hobby, especially the more you get obsessed with natural fibers. My favorite place to order yarn is wool and company, in Illinois. They have free US shipping and a huge selection. Also Little Knits in Seattle is kind of a yarn outlet and you can get amazing deals on natural fibers there. I have never tried Drops yarn, but apparently it is super affordable, but you have to order it from the UK on wool warehouse. A good way to get deals on yarn is shopping peoples destashes on ravelry, or shopping on eBay. Sometimes I wait for sales, but honestly my part time job mostly supports my knitting hobby. I love spending money on gorgeous yarn because it's so rewarding to work it up into a priceless garment. since it takes a while to finish something, the purchases are pretty spread out.
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onegirlatelier · 1 year
1930s Qipao - a masterpost
Hey there!
I haven't posted on Tumblr (well, on this sideblog) in a long, long time. I have made plenty of things, just didn't have enough energy to write it all down in coherent sentences.
I think I'm going to make a new series though, since I don't have a blog elsewhere and I need a public space to organise my thoughts, on the making of a qipao in the 1930s style and tradition.
I have made two qipaos before (when I was still a baby to couture dressmaking) but whilst they were wearable, they were very messy with structural issues. Now that I'm a bit more experienced, I'm determined to a) make a proper toile/pattern, b) improve my pressing skills with a steam iron, and c) have nice and round fabric buttons and neat 'button legs'.
I won't have time to smooth out my notes, so I'm just going to reblog and add stuff in the thread or edit the post directly. I'm going to note down the methods I use as well as other methods I've learned about, since there are different ways to make things and each dressmaker develops their own techniques over time.
So for today I just want to share my choice of fabrics and notions.
Main fabric
'Pink sketchy retro garden rayon fabric' purchased at Guthrie & Ghani (a shop located in Birmingham, UK). The selvage reads 'AMSTERDAM by Anbo Textiles designed by Sholto Drumlanrig', so I guess that's the actual textile company and designer.
The website says the rayon is 'similar to viscose', but since rayon technically equals viscose, we don't actually know if the rayon used here is the old-fashioned stuff or a more eco-friendly version like Ecovero.
It feels very smooth with a good drape, a bit heavier than silk.
I got 2.5m which would be enough for a 120cm long qipao. A 1930s qipao has no shoulder seams so you cut the front and back in one piece, hence the length of fabric=2*(length of the garment). I only need 80cm in width for a short-sleeved qipao though. If you have a wide fabric width you can actually make two sleeveless/short-sleeved qipaos, or you can save the other half for something else!
Other fabric choices
The perfect choice would be silk. This is because silk drapes nicely and is very easy to stretch/shrink and be molded into 3D shapes. Of course you need a drapey silk, not too stiff and not too flowy.
Other natural fabrics, including cotton, linen, and wool, are all good. Cotton and linen will be harder to shape though.
Synthetic/semi-synthetic fabrics can be used too, just keep in mind that some are hard to shape, and some do not wash well. You want something that is very breathable, since it fits snugly around the neck, and drapey.
A medium, non-transparent fabric for a single-layered (or lined for colder weather) qipao. A transparent silk can be paired with a slip (which you would wear anyways if you follow the norm of the 30s).
If you plan to wash your finished garment you must choose a fabric that can be washed reasonably without fuss and pre-wash it.
Binding tape
Mine is a pre-made tape from Atelier Brunette. You can make your own with the fabric of your choice. It has to be on true bias (very important)!
I have eight metres in total, not sure how much I will end up using.
Stay tape
Super important. 99% of the resources I've read suggest fusible interfacing. A very thin but sturdy woven tape would work too. Sometimes I use strips of silk organza cut on straight grain (or leftover selvages), which is also what I plan to try for this project.
You need at least 4*(length of garment).
Sewing thread
I always use Fujix 100% cotton sewing thread. Also a thicker (maybe cheaper) thread for thread-marking and basting. If making surface decorations, silk threads would be nice. I don't feel the need to wax the Fujix threads but if using another brand/type I would certainly consider waxing.
Starch glue
Either buy some or make your own. Another soluble stabilizer would probably work too. This is used for the edges, especially at the neckline. If I didn't want to bother with a glue, I would leave the cutting until the last minute, baste with running stitches, and minimize the handling.
This is for button strips and the collar. I use a medium-soft cotton canvas. I know most people use a fusible interfacing, but I don't like it. Organza is not the most suitable, though if I needed a semi-transparent natural fabric for the style then it would be my best bet. You can also starch the fabric to stiffen it, but a starch glue washes out.
Also a lot of sharp pins and a trusted pair of scissors. Some people use spaghetti straps to make buttons, in which case you need a drawstring threader type of thing.
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
Tell me more about Larry Tennessee AU and Baby I Can Love You Better pleeeeeease 😘
Thank you for asking!!
Baby I Can Love You Better: This was meant to be my Big Bang fic for 2022, and though I started working on it pretty early for me, I had taken on too much and just couldn't finish :( There's BEAUTIFUL art by @haztobegood that I am excited to share once I manage to write the last ~2k and finish editing.
This fic is set in the queer two-step scene. Harry is an au pair from the UK whose friend Niall has just started bringing her to a regular women's two step night where she meets Louis, a local who's just returned from a couple years away getting her master's degree. Harry wins VIP passes to an upcoming dance event weekend, and spends the next few months getting more comfortable in the dance scene and getting to know Louis, who she definitely starts crushing on. The problem is that Louis only seems to be interested in a casual hookup (which H doesn't want) AND sleeping with her cute, fun ex. It works out though :) Here's a snippet from the last chapter behind the cut:
“Oh good, looks like you’ve just gotten here too,” Louis said from behind her. Her cheeks were ruddy from being outdoors and Harry wondered if they’d been on the same train and just not realized it. “My dumb ass wasn’t paying attention and got off a stop too late, but I decided to walk instead of waiting for the next train-- no way would it be worth piling in with a bunch of Friday evening commuters for just a few extra blocks, right?” 
Harry took in Louis’ luggage and attire-- she wore jeans and a plaid shirt, puffy vest layered over it, and her only bag was a duffle that didn’t look to be overstuffed. Harry had thought she was packing light with her small rolling suitcase and garment bag, but Louis definitely had her beat. Harry probably would’ve waited the few minutes and braved a packed train to save herself the extra walk. 
“As long as you’re not too tired to get to the welcome events tonight, there’s no wrong way to get here, right?” Harry draped her garment bag over the handle of her suitcase and took her jacket off, checking behind herself quickly to make sure there wasn’t much of a line at the welcome table. When she turned back, she caught Louis’ eyes on her cleavage and couldn’t help the surprised laugh that fell from her lips. 
Louis threw a hand over her eyes, laughing along with Harry. “Shit, sorry, H! I really was going to tell you that you looked nice just now-- didn’t mean to get caught gawking at your chest.” “Thanks. I get it, though. I’ve definitely gotten distracted by cleavage before and been caught in the act of it, so you’re not alone.” Harry glanced down at herself, mentally high-fiving her past self for choosing her trusty purple sweetheart neckline dress with its plunging dip that really did make her cleavage look lethal
Larry Tennessee AU: ok, this was one of the very first fics I started in this fandom, and I actually wrote around 10k of it before I abandoned it. The premise is that Louis and Harry are both from Tennessee and end up on an X-Factor-like competition show that's looking for a country music act specifically.
Louis is from a more rural part of Tennessee, not far from Pigeon Forge. He's 18 and the competition is a chance for him to escape a small life in a small town. Harry is a little younger in age (17) but definitely less mature. He's from Knoxville, goes to a private school, and lives in a nice suburb in a big house. They meet in the Nashville hotel where they're staying for the competition and then there's a slow build of their friendship that leads to the two of them eventually getting together.
Here's why I left it: There's a subplot with one of the people who's working with the contestants grooming Harry. He gets moved off of the show, but comes back later as a threat to Harry and Louis before being exposed/fired/actually facing consequences. I quickly realized that writing that in this fandom would likely make me persona non grata. Now I would probably do it anyway, BUT when I read the fic over it just feels like something written by someone totally new to the fandom.
Also it's a looooong story! that 10k took me to them starting the contest! Anyway, here's a snip from the very beginning:
The radio fuzzed out as Louis turned onto the road to his house, and he fiddled with the dial on the old truck’s radio, trying to bring back the signal so he could hear the rest of the song. A tiny bump and it came back, the static clearing and Randy Travis’ voice coming back through. He smiled as he sang along, “as long as old men, sit and talk about the weather…” enjoying the breeze as it blew through his open windows. As the truck bumped along his driveway, he saw that Lottie was sitting outside in a lawn chair, facing toward the sun. Laughing, he honked the horn, watching her startle and then turn to flip him off. He returned the gesture as he parked, yelling to her when as he jumped out, “No need to be unladylike, Lottie, what would Mama say?” 
“Don’ matter what Mama’d say,” Lottie said, her glare hidden behind her sunglasses. “She’s workin’ late tonight anyway.” 
Louis flung himself into the chair next to hers and picked up her Coca-Cola, taking a long drink from the can. “Damn, wish you’d sent me a text or somethin’--I’d’ve picked up McDonald’s from in town.” Lottie shrugged. 
“We’ve got stuff for sandwiches. Mama said to make that,” she said, settling back into her chair. “And it’s your turn cookin tonight.” 
“Yeah, don’t I know it,” Louis said, looking at their trailer. “Hey, did the mail come yet?” 
“Didn’t check it,” Lottie said. Louis could see her eyes closing behind her sunglasses, so he kicked at the leg of her chair when he got up. 
“Don’t stay out to long now,” he said. “You’ll end up being Lottie the Lobster again like you did that one time last year.” He laughed as he started the walk down the drive to the mailboxes they shared with their neighbors, ignoring it when Lottie tossed her emptied coke can in his direction in protest.
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justkick · 2 years
Ddt wrestling move
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Body Length: Measured from high point of shoulder from the front.
Chest Width: measured across the chest, one inch below armhole when laid flat.
Get a product Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt and please visit other products. Shipping or handling charges are non-refundable.
Stick and move tactics followed by raw power. In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a front facelock/inverted headlock, and falls down or backwards to. Wrestlers Raven, 3 Jon Moxley, 4 Randy Orton, 5 Tommy Dreamer, 6 Arn Anderson, 7 Bobby Roode, and The Rock are among those who have competed in the WWE. In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a. Maryse, with her French Kiss -a snap DDT with theatrics-, also uses. For the wrestling promotion known as DDT, see Dramatic Dream Team. Please contact me immediately if you are not satisfied with your purchase.ġ00% Money-back Guarantee within 30 days If your Items have not been delivered or the items you receive are not the same as the picture. Warlord-Jannetty is a template for some of Shawn's later matches against bigger wrestlers like Taker and Sid. Jake The Snake Roberts is the guy who perfected the DDT and is also the wrestler who is credited with giving the move its name. The DDT made a return as a finishing move in WWE With Drew McIntyre and his Future Shock DDT, a snap double underhook variant. ( NOT INCLUDE HANDLING TIME ) Returns and Exchanges: In professional wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a front facelock / inverted headlock, and falls down or backwards to. ( NOT INCLUDE HANDLING TIME )Ģ0-30 days for delivery to Worldwide. In wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler falls down or backwards to drive a held opponents head into the mat. The package will be processed and sent out within 1-3 business days after payment is received.Īny international customs charges or charges by postal services are the responsibility of the customer.ġ0-15 days for delivery to the USA. Inspire Unique T-Shirt Handling & Shipping:Īll orders will be processed only on working days (MONDAY – FRIDAY). We Accept PayPal and Credit/Debit Card – Paypal express checkout Casual elegance will make it an instant favorite in everyone’s wardrobe. This heavy cotton tee has a classic cotton look and feel. Iron on low heat on the reverse side to printĭO NOT iron print, not dry clean, and not bleach Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt For Women Or Men Size S, M, L, XL,2XL,3XL 100% combed ring-spun cotton UNISEX T-shirt available for men or women and printed onto super soft 100% cotton t-shirts (heather grey and dark heather grey are a 90/10 and 60/40 cotton and polyester blend). All our shirts are DTG (direct to garment) printed to ensure the durability of the print and give a long-lasting and vibrant finish to all our designs. You can buy this product’s Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt on our webshop, This Product made of premium quality ring-spun cotton for a soft feel and casual fit. Welcome to, It’s never been more fun besides Make Your Own T-Shirts Cheap anytime. You can always count on LWOPW to be on top of the major news in the wrestling world, as well as to provide you with analysis, previews, videos, interviews, and editorials on the wrestling world.Wanted Fuego Del Sol’s Tornado Ddt The World’s Most Dangerous Wrestling Move T-Shirt For Women Or Men Size S, M, L, XL,2XL,3XL
Stay tuned to the Last Word on Pro Wrestling for more on this and other stories from around the world of wrestling, as they develop. Speaking of that promotion, Chris Brookes’ final match in the UK before jetting off to Japan for a year will be a SCHADENFREUDE & Friends event in February. The group have also started up their own promotion, SCHADENFREUDE & Friends, based in Manchester, with Brookes starting up a rivalry of sorts for Dani Luna that saw the pair engage in a Cumulative 20 Count Match on the promotion’s second show. Do not attempt this move unless you are in a real pro wrestling ring, and have been trained by a professional. As part of the SCHADENFREUDE group in Fight Club: Pro (FCP), he became a two-time Tag Team Champion with Kid Lykos and then with Kyle Fletcher, as well as being a one-time FCP Champion. Back in the UK, Brookes was always one of the biggest names on the scene, but he’s really become an even bigger asset since the likes of Pete Dunne, Trent Seven, and Tyler Bate all started appearing for WWE on a more regular basis.
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raspberryprocessinguk · 6 months
From Runway to Warehouse: The Secrets Behind Garment Warehousing Storage
Garment warehousing storage is a crucial part of the fashion industry that often goes unnoticed. The secrets behind this process unravel the intricate details and measures taken to preserve garments from the runway to the warehouse. By understanding and appreciating the role of garment warehousing storage, we can better grasp the efforts that go into delivering fashion to our wardrobes, ensuring that every piece we wear is of the highest quality.
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lesacollection12 · 14 days
How to Care for Your Lesa Collection Leather Waistcoat: Expert Tips
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Leather waistcoats are timeless pieces that add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. At Lesa Collection UK, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality leather garments that are designed to last. However, proper care is essential to maintain their elegance and durability. In this guide, we'll share expert tips on how to care for your Lesa Collection leather waistcoat, ensuring it remains a staple in your wardrobe for years to come.
Why Proper Care Matters
Leather is a natural, durable material that can look even better with age if cared for correctly. Improper maintenance can lead to dryness, cracking, and other forms of damage. By following the right care routine, you can preserve the quality, texture, and appearance of your leather waistcoat.
What You'll Need for Leather Care
Before you start caring for your leather waistcoat, make sure you have the following supplies:
Soft, lint-free cloths
Mild soap or specialized leather cleaner
Leather conditioner
Distilled water
A soft-bristled brush
Leather protector spray
Step-by-Step Guide to Caring for Your Lesa Collection Leather Waistcoat
1. Read the Care Label
Always start by checking the care label on your leather waistcoat. This label provides manufacturer-specific instructions and recommendations tailored to the type of leather used in your waistcoat.
2. Perform a Spot Test
Before applying any cleaning or conditioning product, perform a spot test on a hidden area of the waistcoat. This ensures that the product won't damage or discolor the leather.
3. Dust and Brush Off Dirt
Use a soft-bristled brush or a dry, lint-free cloth to gently remove any surface dust and dirt. Regular dusting prevents buildup that can lead to scratches and deterioration.
4. Clean the Leather
Mix a small amount of mild soap or leather cleaner with distilled water. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution and wring out any excess liquid. Gently wipe down the waistcoat, focusing on any stained or soiled areas. Avoid soaking the leather, as excessive moisture can cause damage.
5. Remove Soap Residue
After cleaning, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any soap residue. Make sure all cleaning solution is removed to prevent it from drying on the leather and causing a dull finish.
6. Dry the Waistcoat Naturally
Allow your leather waistcoat to air dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Using artificial heat, such as a hairdryer, can cause the leather to dry out and crack.
7. Condition the Leather
Once the waistcoat is completely dry, apply a leather conditioner. Conditioning leather is crucial to keep it soft and supple. Use a soft cloth to apply the conditioner in circular motions, ensuring even coverage. Allow the conditioner to absorb fully before wearing the waistcoat.
8. Apply a Leather Protector
Consider using a leather protector spray to shield your waistcoat from water and stains. Apply the protector according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually by spraying it evenly over the entire surface and allowing it to dry.
Tips for Maintaining Your Leather Waistcoat
Regular Cleaning and Conditioning
Regular maintenance is key to preserving your leather waistcoat. Clean and condition it every few months, or more frequently if you wear it often. This routine helps maintain the leather's natural oils and prevents it from becoming dry and brittle.
Proper Storage
Store your leather waistcoat in a cool, dry place. Use a padded hanger to help it retain its shape and avoid plastic covers, which can trap moisture and promote mildew growth. A breathable garment bag is ideal for long-term storage, protecting the waistcoat from dust and environmental damage.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals
Never use harsh chemicals or household cleaners on your leather waistcoat. These can strip the leather of its natural oils and cause damage. Stick to products specifically designed for leather care.
Handle Stains Immediately
Address stains as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting into the leather. For oil-based stains, sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder on the area and let it sit overnight before brushing it off. For other stains, use a damp cloth and mild soap to gently clean the area.
Protect from Water and Heat
Leather and water don’t mix well. If your waistcoat gets wet, blot the excess water with a clean cloth and allow it to air dry. Avoid exposing your leather waistcoat to direct heat sources, which can cause it to dry out and crack.
Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause leather to fade and dry out. Store your waistcoat in a shaded, cool place to preserve its color and suppleness.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Over-Saturating the Leather
Using too much water or cleaner can saturate the leather and cause it to become stiff or damaged. Always use a damp, not wet, cloth and wring out excess liquid before cleaning.
Skipping the Conditioning Step
Conditioning is a critical part of leather care that should not be skipped. Without regular conditioning, leather can dry out and become brittle over time.
Using Incorrect Products
Only use products specifically designed for leather care. Household cleaners, detergents, and even some commercial stain removers can harm leather.
Exposing to Direct Heat
Avoid drying your leather waistcoat with direct heat sources such as hairdryers or radiators. Let it air dry naturally to prevent damage.
Caring for your Lesa Collection leather waistcoat is essential to maintain its beauty and durability. By following these expert tips, you can ensure your waistcoat remains a stylish and cherished part of your wardrobe for years to come. Regular cleaning, conditioning, and proper storage are key to preserving the quality and appearance of your leather garment.
For more leather care tips and to explore our collection of high-quality leather waistcoats, visit our website at Lesa Collection UK.
Keep your leather waistcoat looking its best with these professional care tips and enjoy its timeless appeal for many years.
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ineedfabrics · 15 days
A Beginner's Guide to Fabric Types and Their Characteristics
Exploring the world of fabrics can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially for beginners. Understanding different fabric types and their unique characteristics is crucial for choosing the right material for your projects. This guide will introduce you to some of the most popular fabrics available at I Need Fabrics, a top online fabric store in the UK. Whether you’re looking for cotton, satin, net, or other materials, this guide will help you make informed decisions.
Cotton: The Versatile Staple
Breathability: Cotton is renowned for its breathability, making it perfect for everyday wear, especially in warm climates.
Softness: It’s naturally soft, providing comfort for both clothing and home textiles.
Durability: High-quality cotton is durable and can withstand frequent washing and wearing.
Cotton is incredibly versatile. It’s used in everything from T-shirts and dresses to bed linens and curtains. For those new to sewing, cotton is a great starting point due to its easy handling and wide availability.
Cotton is relatively easy to care for. It’s machine washable, and most cotton items can be tumble dried. Iron on a high heat setting while the fabric is still slightly damp to remove wrinkles effectively.
Satin: The Luxurious Choice
Glossy Finish: Satin is known for its smooth, shiny surface that adds a touch of luxury to any garment.
Drape: It has an elegant drape, making it ideal for creating flowing garments.
Smooth Texture: The fabric’s texture feels luxurious against the skin.
Satin is often used in formal wear, including evening gowns, bridal dresses, and lingerie. Its luxurious appearance also makes it popular for decorative home items like cushion covers and drapery.
Satin requires more delicate handling than cotton. Hand wash in cold water or use a delicate machine cycle. Lay flat to dry and iron on a low heat setting on the reverse side, using a pressing cloth to avoid damage.
Net: The Delicate Delight
Sheer: Net fabric is lightweight and sheer, creating an airy, delicate appearance.
Stiffness: It has a degree of stiffness that allows it to hold shapes, making it ideal for structured garments.
Versatility: Available in various textures and weights, from soft tulle to stiffer mesh.
Net fabric is widely used in bridal veils, tutus, and costume designs. It’s also popular for decorative elements in fashion, such as overlays and ruffles.
Net fabric is delicate and should be hand washed in cold water. Avoid wringing it out; instead, gently squeeze out excess water and lay flat to dry. Ironing is usually unnecessary, but if needed, use a very low heat setting and a pressing cloth.
Linen: The Cool Comfort
Breathability: Linen is highly breathable, making it perfect for warm weather clothing.
Natural Texture: It has a natural, slightly rough texture that softens with each wash.
Durability: Linen is strong and durable, known for its longevity.
Linen is commonly used in summer clothing like dresses, shirts, and trousers. It’s also a popular choice for home textiles, including tablecloths, napkins, and curtains.
Linen can be machine washed in cold water and tumble dried on low. To maintain its crisp appearance, iron while damp using a high heat setting.
Wool: The Warm Companion
Insulation: Wool provides excellent insulation, making it perfect for winter garments.
Elasticity: It has natural elasticity, which helps garments maintain their shape.
Moisture-Wicking: Wool can absorb moisture without feeling wet, keeping you dry and comfortable.
Wool is ideal for warm clothing such as sweaters, coats, and scarves. It’s also used in blankets and other home textiles for added warmth.
Wool requires careful handling. Hand wash in cold water with a mild detergent or dry clean. Lay flat to dry to prevent stretching and reshape while damp.
Choosing the Right Fabric
When selecting fabric from an online fabric store like I Need Fabrics, consider the following tips:
Project Requirements: Determine what type of fabric is best suited for your project based on its characteristics. For example, choose cotton for casual wear or satin for formal attire.
Fabric Quality: Always opt for high-quality fabrics from reputable providers. I Need Fabrics is known as one of the best fabric providers in the UK, offering a wide range of quality materials.
Customer Reviews: Check reviews and ratings to gauge other customers' experiences with the fabric. This can provide insights into its quality and suitability for your needs.
Fabric Descriptions: Pay attention to detailed fabric descriptions on the website, including weight, width, and care instructions.
Understanding the unique characteristics of different fabrics helps you make better choices for your sewing projects. Whether you’re drawn to the versatility of cotton, the luxury of satin, or the delicacy of net, I Need Fabrics offers a wide selection to meet your needs. By choosing high-quality materials and following proper care instructions, you can ensure that your creations not only look beautiful but also stand the test of time. Happy sewing!
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calliekarlay · 1 month
Facts about Clothing Wholesale Suppliers UK
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For retailers in the UK, partnering with clothing wholesale suppliers is a strategic move that can unlock a world of opportunities. However, navigating the landscape of wholesale suppliers requires careful consideration and a deep understanding of the market. In this comprehensive guide, we'll unveil essential facts about clothing wholesale suppliers UK, empowering retailers to make informed decisions and drive business growth.
1. Diverse Product Range
One of the most significant advantages of partnering with clothing wholesale suppliers in the UK is access to a diverse range of products. From everyday essentials to seasonal trends and niche specialties, wholesale suppliers offer an extensive selection of clothing options to cater to varying consumer preferences and market demands. 
Whether retailers are seeking high-quality basics, on-trend fashion pieces, or specialty items for specific demographics, wholesale suppliers can provide a wide array of products to meet their needs.
2. Competitive Pricing
Another compelling factor that attracts retailers to clothing wholesale suppliers in the UK is competitive pricing. Buying in bulk from wholesalers allows retailers to benefit from economies of scale, resulting in lower unit costs compared to purchasing individual items at retail prices. Retailers can avail the same benefit while buying bags wholesale in the UK.
This cost-saving advantage enables retailers to maintain healthy profit margins while offering competitive pricing to customers, enhancing their competitiveness in the market. Additionally, many wholesale suppliers offer tiered pricing options, discounts for bulk orders, and seasonal promotions, further maximizing cost savings for retailers.
3. Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is a critical consideration for retailers when sourcing clothing from wholesale suppliers, and reputable suppliers in the UK prioritize quality across their product offerings. 
From fabric selection and garment construction to finishing details and packaging, wholesale suppliers adhere to stringent quality standards to ensure that each item meets or exceeds customer expectations. By partnering with trusted suppliers known for their commitment to quality, retailers can instill confidence in their customers and build a reputation for reliability and excellence.
4. Flexibility and Customization
In addition to offering a diverse range of pre-designed clothing options, many wholesale suppliers in the UK provide flexibility and customization options to meet retailers' specific requirements. 
This may include the ability to request custom colors, sizes, or branding details, allowing retailers to create unique and exclusive products tailored to their target market. By leveraging customization services offered by wholesale suppliers, retailers can differentiate their offerings, enhance brand identity, and cater to niche market segments with specialized preferences.
5. Efficient Order Fulfillment
Efficient order fulfillment is essential for retailers to meet customer demand and maintain seamless operations. Wholesale suppliers in the UK prioritize efficient logistics and order processing to ensure the timely delivery of products to retailers. Many suppliers offer streamlined ordering systems, fast turnaround times, and reliable shipping options to optimize the supply chain and minimize lead times. 
By partnering with suppliers with a track record of efficient order fulfillment, retailers can minimize inventory management challenges, reduce overhead costs, and maximize customer satisfaction.
6. Industry Expertise and Support
Navigating the complexities of the retail industry can be daunting, especially for newcomers or smaller retailers. Fortunately, many clothing wholesale suppliers in the UK offer valuable industry expertise and support to their retail partners. 
This may include trend forecasting, merchandising guidance, marketing support, and product training to help retailers stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities. 
By leveraging the knowledge and resources provided by wholesale suppliers, retailers can make informed decisions, optimize their product offerings, and drive business growth.
Partnering with clothing wholesale suppliers in the UK offers retailers a host of benefits, including access to diverse product ranges, competitive pricing, quality assurance, flexibility, efficient order fulfillment, and industry expertise for wholesale footwear and clothing. 
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elegantlaundry · 7 months
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How to Choose the Best Steam Ironing Services in Dubai
Elegant Dry Cleaning and Laundry, a burgeoning chain of laundry services, is dedicated to expanding its legacy and exceptional service across various continents, including the Middle East and beyond, with a special focus on delivering top-notch steam ironing services in Dubai. Based in Dubai, we have had the privilege of serving British customers for over two decades in the United Kingdom (UK). Our company is led by a professional proprietor with over fifteen years of sales and operational experience, distinguishing us from global multinationals.
Our commitment lies in delivering unparalleled service, backed by our extensive expertise and experience in the laundry and dry-cleaning industry, especially in the realm of steam ironing services. We take pride in staying abreast of the latest technologies, cleaning methodologies, and stain removal solutions, particularly in the context of delicate fabrics. Additionally, we uphold the highest standards of business ethics, ensuring strict adherence to local and national regulations, as well as environmentally responsible practices.
A Pinnacle of Garment Care
We understand that maintaining the pristine condition of your clothing is of utmost importance. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services that go beyond traditional dry cleaning and laundry, with our hallmark service being Steam Ironing Services in Dubai. This technique elevates the appearance and longevity of your garments to a whole new level.
Reviving Garments
Steam ironing services is a method that combines the power of steam and expert ironing techniques to rejuvenate your clothing. This process not only removes wrinkles but also offers several key benefits:
Gentle on Fabrics: Unlike conventional ironing methods that may cause scorching or damage to delicate fabrics, steam ironing is remarkably gentle. This method ensures that even the most sensitive materials retain their texture, shape, and color.
Wrinkle-Free Perfection: Our Steam Ironing Services efficiently remove stubborn wrinkles, leaving your garments looking impeccably smooth and polished. Whether it's a silk blouse, a linen suit, or a woolen overcoat, our service guarantees a wrinkle-free finish.
Sanitization and Freshness: Steam ironing services in Dubai also serve as a natural disinfectant. The high-temperature steam effectively kills bacteria, mites, and leaving your clothes not only wrinkle-free but also fresh and hygienic.
Eco-Friendly Solution: At Elegant Dry Cleaning and Laundry, we are committed to environmentally responsible practices. Steam ironing services in Dubai utilize the power of steam, reducing the need for harsh chemicals and minimizing the environmental impact of traditional ironing methods.
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skriverhaaning85 · 2 months
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