positivelyqueer · 1 year
Happy Disability Pride Month to people with ostomy bags, nasogastric tubes, gastrostomies and jejunostomies.
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losmagnates · 1 year
5 platillos de Puebla
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Nosotros hablaremos sobre cinco platillos típicos del estado de puebla. 
Abarcaremos los siguientes platillos.
1. Mole poblano
2. Los molotes
3. Rajas poblanas
4. Las chalupas
5. Las cemitas
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maternaratipico · 1 year
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Oi povo. Tudo bem com vocês? Espero q sim
Bom, Alicinha nasceu de 39+2 por um sofrimento fetal que até hoje (após 3 anos) não sabemos o motivo; por ter sido uma gestação totalmente tranquila, sem nenhum motivo aparente! Fizemos alguns testes genéticos, outros exames pra fora, revisão de prontuário, biópsia da placenta e nada deu alterado!
Ficamos na UTI neo por 72 dias, 36 dias entubada e os outros 36 ficamos entre cpap, bipap, O2 livre, por fim conseguimos o desmame do O2 e fomos pra saga da alimentação.
Começamos a fazer alguns estímulos com a fonoaudióloga; peito, mamadeira, chupeta, chuquinhas… mas nada fazia Alicinha ter a sucção (dessa vez eu juro que pra mim foi por falta de estímulo suficiente dentro da UTI). Fizemos de tudo, mas ela não pegava de jeito nenhum! Tivemos que fazer uma gastrostomia (a famosa GTT), um furinho na barriga que chega até o estômago pra que ela conseguisse se alimentar, já que no hospital Alice não podia sair com a sonda nasoenteral (sondinha no nariz). Fomos transferidas de hospital e então fizemos a cirurgia pra tão sonhada alta 🥹🫶🏻
Foram dias difíceis, muitas inseguranças, medos, receios.
Ela nasceu dia 24/03/2020 quando a pandemia BOMBOU, não podíamos ter visitas, nem ajudas psicológicas, não conseguia saber de nada, ficava tudo escuro, sem graça, meu sonho desabou nas minhas mãos!
Maaas pra falar do relato do que foi viver o luto na UTI e sozinha, vou contar em outro post!
Ce gostou? Então dê um alô pra essa babyzinha 🫶🏻
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vyrodhir · 2 years
Chupe de camarones - Arequipa-Pérou
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gastropune · 1 year
Surgical Gastroenterologist In Pune
Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is the best gastrologist in Pune for Gastrointestinal Disease that requires surgical intervention. Surgeons use minimally invasive surgical procedures that ensure a speedy recovery and quick return to normal life. The hospital also has a dedicated liver clinic that has successfully conducted complex liver surgeries for liver cancer using intraoperative ultrasound guidance, which renders safety and better outcomes. The obesity clinic is equipped to handle obesity cases that cannot be medically managed. Here, they offer surgeries like gastric bypass, gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, and long-term care.
What Are The Symptoms Of Gi Cancer?
Symptoms of GI cancers can vary depending on the type of cancer. Some warning signs may include the following:
Abdominal pain
Change in stool color
Blood in the stool
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
Unexplained weight loss
Feeling bloated
Problems swallowing
Loss of appetite
We are one of the best gastrointestinal surgical hospitals in Pune. We offer consultation, surgery, and post-operative care for all types of gastrointestinal disorders like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, gastric cancer, gastric ulcer, etc.
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cabowineclub · 2 years
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6th annual Sabores de Baja Festival Had a greats showing of organic food & drink. watermelon mint water, coco water, craft beer mezcal, tequila and wine. This year Sabores de Baja event had plenty of authentic baja flavors to promotes the gastronomy of Baja California Sur, its products and traditions. 
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ley-med · 1 year
I stabbed someone in the stomach today! It was a good day today :)
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joyamedicalsuppliesau · 3 months
Get a MIC-KEY 14Fr 1.7cm Low Profile Balloon Gastrostomy Feeding Tube with ENFit Extension Sets from Joya Medical Supplies. MIC-Key Button is a sterile, Natural rubber, latex-free and available in Various sizes. Order now!
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nursesequipment · 11 months
Gastrostomy Care Service in Noida
Tiwari Healthcare Group Pvt. Ltd. is a leading organization providing the Best Gastrostomy Care Service in Noida. We provides the Best Patient Nursing Care service at very affordable prices at your home in Noida Delhi-NCR.
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ezalife · 2 years
Gastrostomy Button
Take control of your medical situation with Gastrostomy Button. Our Button is designed to ensure you get the medicine or food you need, quickly and accurately. It's a highly advanced device that helps you get the dosages your body needs directly through your abdomen. With Gastrostomy Button, you can trust that you'll stay healthy & have peace of mind knowing that your medication is being administered correctly!
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medicalsupplyg · 2 years
Bard Tri Funnel Replacement Gastrostomy Tube - Medical Supply Group
Price: $393.59
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While leaving a skin-level device with an anti-reflux valve to ensure better and safer feeding, the low-profile design is unobtrusive and pleasant. Its low-profile exterior bolster secures the device and appeals to patients who are ambulatory in terms of appearance. The bard tri funnel replacement gastrostomy tube can suit juvenile and adult patients because of its wide variety of sizes.
Skin-level, unobtrusive, and aesthetically pleasing gadget
Available in various lengths
Using an anti-reflux valve makes feeding more secure.
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cannabiscomrade · 2 years
February 6-10 is Feeding Tube Awareness Week!
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The beginning of February was selected because of its proximity to Valentine’s Day, because we love our feeding tubes. This is my first year as a tubie and I’m looking forward to learning more about feeding tubes and the conditions that necessitate them! I do love my tube, it saved my life!
I am an adult with a feeding tube, and a lot of the awareness and attention surrounding these medical devices is child focused. A lot of children depend on tube feeding to thrive, but there are plenty of disabled adults that depend on tube feeding as well! In 2017 there were approximately 438,000 people with feeding tubes in the US, and 60% of them are adults.
I have gastroparesis, which directly translates to paralysis of the stomach. My stomach doesn’t grind food the way it’s supposed to, and my pylorus sphincter at the bottom of my stomach doesn’t open well to pass food and liquids through. While gastroparesis has a range of impact and severity, I have a very severe case, and I am no longer able to eat or drink by mouth for nutrition. I am 100% tube fed. I went into starvation ketoacidosis prior to my placement.
Tube feeding, or enteral nutrition, has several different forms. There are nasal tubes and there are surgical tubes. Nasal tubes can go into your stomach (NG), duodenum (ND), or your jejunum (NJ) and are typically for short-term use. They can be used for acute illness and malnutrition, or to trial tolerance of enteral feeding. Surgical tubes go into your stomach (gastrostomy/G) jejunum (jejunostomy/J) or both (gastrojejunostomy/GJ) and they’re for chronic conditions and/or long-term use. I have a GJ tube and it looks like this:
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I have a GJ tube so that I can bypass my paralyzed stomach and feed directly into my intestine. I can also drain stomach contents from the gastric port, which allows me to drink liquids and drain them out before they make me sick. Different people will have different tubes depending on their diagnosis and prognosis! Some people have one form of tube, and others have separate G and J tubes.
There are over 400 conditions that can require tube feeding. Some of those include
Intestinal dysmotility
Intestinal failure
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
Cerebral Palsy
Congenital/chromosomal conditions
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Several trisomy conditions
Other conditions not mentioned in the link above include
Hyperemesis gravadarium, severe nausea/vomiting during pregnancy to the point of significant weight loss and electrolyte imbalance
Acute trauma requiring bowel rest
Eating disorders
This week, I want to promote visibility for disabled adults with feeding tubes. I didn’t know anything about enteral nutrition until I got sick. Once I had a confirmed diagnosis of gastroparesis, the reality that I was facing forced me to learn and adapt quickly to a completely life changing treatment. I know there are other adults like me, as well as tubie adults that used to be a child with a tube!
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gastropune · 2 years
Best Trauma Surgeon in Pune
Achieve the best health possible
Gastroenterologists in Pune are surgeons with expertise in different areas of surgery. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is the best trauma surgeon in Pune and has been successful in managing cases that may be considered unusual or difficult.
Qualified and experienced surgeons
We are a team of qualified and experienced surgeons who specialize in various areas like laparoscopic surgery, colorectal cancer surgery, liver transplantation, etc.
Common Trauma Surgery Procedures
Craniotomy: Opening the skull in surgery to remove a clot and lower brain pressure
Craniectomy: removing a part of the skull bone to give the brain more room to swell This type of surgery may also be done when a clot is removed.
Gastrostomy: Surgery to make an opening in the stomach to place a feeding tube This surgery is often done at the bedside. The feeding tube is usually temporary. It may be removed by the doctor when the patient is able to eat food.
Jejunostomy: Surgery to make an opening into the small intestine for placing a feeding tube. This feeding tube is often temporary. It may be removed by the doctor once the patient is able to eat food.
Laparotomy – Surgery that opens the abdomen. When it is opened, doctors can examine and treat organs, blood vessels, or arteries.
Tracheostomy – Surgery that makes an incision in the throat area just over the trachea to insert a breathing tube. When complete, the breathing tube in the mouth will be taken out.
Contact us -
Address - Aditya Birla Hospital Marg, Onkar Colony, Yashoda Colony, Wakad, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411033
Phone: +91 9099 058 141
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enter-the-rickyverse · 23 hours
Nicky Ricky (Majestic Rep) with Disability Aids and a Feeding Tube bc why would Ocean say that if he doesn't have feeding tube
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Hydrated king
(Ok but for real!!! My home health nurse ass was so glad to get to this one!! Like you I also hc that Ricky actually Does have a feeding tube. I’ve seen some folks draw him with an nasogastric tube (the kind that goes in one nostril) but personally I feel he would actually have a gastrostomy (directly into the stomach like the one in this drawing). Not sure which type you had in mind so I just went with the type I envision that seems to get less visibility and awareness. Thanks for the awesome req, I hope you like what I drew!!)
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Ruth is a 16-year-old Israeli with cerebral palsy and has to be fed through a gastrostomy tube. She was with her father Arik at Nova peace music festival because she loves music. Arik was seen carrying his daughter Ruth with Hamas terrorists chasing them down. They're now being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. The levels of barbarity to hold a girl with disabilities in this way... Help bring her home now.
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daisybslt · 1 year
Speech & Language Pathology Stroke Terms
Disorganised list of terms used in slt for stroke- for study/quick reference.
AAC- Alternative augmentative communication.
ABI- Acquired brain injury (anytime after birth).
Agnosia- Inability to process sensory information (in Greek gnosis- "not knowing").
Aphasia- Impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write, depending on the affected area of the brain. (Greek a/without + phásis/speech").
Apraxia- Inability to execute purposeful, previously learned motor tasks, despite physical ability and willingness. (Greek a/without + praxis/action).
Aspiration- Food or fluid accidentally enters the lungs through the windpipe, often as a result of dysphagia.
Bilateral- Involving or affecting both sides, usually referencing both sides of the body.
Capacity- Ability to reason, make decisions and consider choices, express views and receive and understand information (AWI= Adult With Incapacity).
Cerebro-Vascular Accident (CVA)- Stroke.
Cognitive function- Anything involving thinking.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)- Blood clot forms in a deep vein.
Deglutition- The act of swallowing.
Dementia- Decline of function in the brain causes cognitive problems such as difficulty with memory, understanding and mood.
Dysfluency- Any type of speech which is marked with repetitions, prolongations and hesitations; an interruption in the flow of speech sounds. Commonly known as stuttering or stammering.
Dysarthria- Collection of motor speech disorders.
Dysphagia- Swallowing difficulties.
Embolism- Blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot or piece of fatty material or other debris in the blood stream. An embolism is a type of stroke.
Enteral feeding- Feeding through a tube connected to the person's stomach.
FAST test- 'Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech problems, Time to call 999'
Fluency- Smoothness with which sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined together during oral language.
Hemorrhagic stroke-  Caused when a blood vessel in the brain bleeds into the brain tissues or the space around the brain.
Hemianopia-  Loss of one half of your visual field. 
Hemiparesis- Weakness on one side of the body.
Hemiplegia- Complete paralysis on one side of the body.
Hypotonia- Abnormal decrease of muscle tone.
Ischemic stroke/ Infarct- Damage to the brain caused by lack of blood flow, usually from a clot. An area of tissue that is dead because of a loss of blood supply. This is the most common type of stroke.
Infarction- A sudden loss of a tissue’s blood supply causing the tissue to die.
Ischemia- Blood flow (and thus oxygen) is restricted or reduced in a part of the body. 
Ischemic penumbra- Areas of damaged but still living brain cells arranged in a patchwork pattern around areas of dead brain cells.
Lacunar stroke/infarct- When a small artery deep in the brain becomes blocked, causing a small area of damaged brain tissue.
Left hemisphere- Controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing.
Muscle tone- The degree of natural tension in a person's muscles. Abnormally high muscle tone can lead to muscle tightness and stiffness (spasticity). Very low muscle tone can cause floppiness (hypotonia).
Muscle tension- When muscles of the body remain semi-contracted for a period of time in the resting state.
Naso-gastric (NG) tube-  Medical catheter that's inserted through your nose into your stomach.  Used both to deliver substances to your stomach and to draw substances out.
Neglect- Not being aware of one side of the body and/or environment.
Neuron- Nerve cell.
Neuroplasticity- The ability of undamaged parts of the brain to take over the jobs of damaged areas.
Nystagmus- Continuous uncontrolled movement of the eyes.
Paralysis- Partly or entirely unable to move the affected parts of the body.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)- Feeding tube placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach.
Right hemisphere- Controls creativity, spatial ability, artistic, and musical skills
Stroke- Occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.
Spasticity- Abnormal increase in muscle tone or stiffness of muscle
Thrombolysis- An early treatment for some types of strokes caused by a blood clot.
Thrombosis- A blood clot that forms in an artery.
Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)-  sometimes called a “mini-stroke”. Blood flow to the brain is blocked for a short time, usually no more than 5 minutes.
Vertebral artery dissection (VAD)- A tear in the walls of an artery at the back of the neck, blood can then get between the layers of artery walls and can lead to a clot forming, causing a blockage (a stroke).
Visual field loss- The loss of sight in a particular area of visual field.
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