#Genesis Global Capital
manualwheel · 1 year
Genesis G 90 2023
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sohanur24 · 8 months
Gemini, the cryptocurrency company co-founded by the Winklevoss twins, named in lawsuit by New York Attorney General for alleged 'investor fraud
Gemini, Co-Founded by Winklevoss Twins, Faces Lawsuit for Alleged Investor Fraud Gemini, the prominent cryptocurrency company co-founded by the Winklevoss twins, has found itself at the center of a legal storm. The New York Attorney General, Letitia James, has taken legal action against Gemini, along with other cryptocurrency firms, including Genesis Global Capital LLC and Digital Currency Group…
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pinene · 28 days
I know so little about economics especially on a global scale but I love doing research about stuff I'm into, rn it's predominantly coffee. And it just still weirds me out like.. how expensive the end product is, while watching the farmers work with like ancient equipment and in what appear to be sub optimal living conditions. and i'm like. surely this is backwards, how can the people who are at the very genesis of the thing you're selling make less money than you? and i'm assuming the answer is in the nature of capitalism and colonialism etc. but then on the flip side i'm like. who am i to judge this person's living conditions. like why do i assume my preferences are standard. and also like. the old ass machines seem to work fine. why should they spend money on that.
but i think the first thing is also true.
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silvanoir · 7 months
are there any other anime you've seen or know of like red garden that are somewhat hidden gems or backlist series that are somewhat obscure?
I have watched a lot of anime.. spent most of the early 2000s doing so... quite a bit of it now obscure/not remembered. I have all these on DVD, some may be out of print, no idea where to stream them. Good luck!
5 Centimeters per Second (movie)- Slice-of-life that progresses through time. The prettiest scenery I've ever seen.
Armitage the III (movie)- cyberpunk, if you liked Ghost in the Shell, you'll probably like this (robot lady cop)
BoogiePop Phantom (tv series)- This would be the most like Red Garden, I think in that its spooky things happening to students and made in the early 2000s.
C-control (tv series)-- for those who like Digimon and are familiar with the horrors of capitalism. Like, if you ever thought the devil was in charge of electronic finances. But also like anime monster battles.
The Count of Monte Christo (Gankutsuou) (tv series)- if you liked the patterned look in the opening of Red Garden, all the art is like that. Very pretty if unfaithful adaption of the book.
El Cazador de la Bruja (tv series)- an amnesiac witch protected by a female bodyguard, on the run through desert towns. I think this would be for those who like Trigun, but wish it was more about 2 girls who were friends and developed a bit of more-than-friends feelings for eachother.
Haibane Renmei (tv series)-similar to RedGarden in that these girls have died and been reborn into new bodies and new roles in life, but there is no fighting, only self-discovery.
Jormungand (tv series)- a female weapons dealer adopts a child soldier boy onto her ship, and she has, to quote the back cover "a warped plan for world peace"
Kamisama Kiss (tv series)- would appeal to those who like Fruits Basket
Millennium Actress (movie)- made me cry! the mysteries of an actress' past are revealed through the roles she's played.
Noein (tv series)- I don't know how to explain it, its weird? Time travel, other dimensions. Unique art style. Did air on American TV, but was promptly forgotten about after.
Rahxephon (tv series)-what if Neon Genesis Evangelion was less depressing? Not sure how I feel about the ending. Technically a happy ending. but. hmmm.
Shangri-La (tv series)- posted about it on Tumblr years ago, an anime that addresses global warming with a spunky girl fighting for a better future, so may be even more relevant now than when it was made
The 12 Kingdoms (tv series)- Japanese people transported to fantasy worlds may be a common genre now, but this is when it wasn't all the rage, and it has very thought-out worldbuilding.
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scifigeneration · 5 months
Doctor Who at 60: the show has always tapped into political issues – but never more so than in the 1970s
by Jamie Medhurst, Professor of Film and Media at Aberystwyth University
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Doctor Who hit television screens at a key period in British television history. It launched on Saturday November 23, 1963, at 5.15pm, being somewhat overshadowed by the assassination of US president John F. Kennedy the previous day.
Set firmly within the BBC’s public service broadcasting ethos of informing, educating and entertaining, Doctor Who quickly became a mainstay of Saturday-evening viewing. By 1965, it was drawing in around 10 million viewers.
Throughout its history, Doctor Who has tapped into political, social and moral issues of the day – sometimes explicitly, other times more subtly. During the 1970s, when the Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, there were a number of examples of this.
Doctor Who in the 1970s
The 1970s were a period of political and social divisions: relationships between the government the unions in the first part of the decade was strained, exemplified by the miners’ strikes of 1972 and 1974. The political consensus that had dominated since 1945 was under pressure with talk of a break-up of the UK in the form of Welsh and Scottish Assemblies.
In his cultural history of Doctor Who, Inside the Tardis, television historian James Chapman argued that the 1970s painted “an uncomfortably sinister projection of the sort of society that Britain might come”.
It was never clear if Doctor Who storylines during this time were set in the present or at some point in the future. The fact that one of the lead characters, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of the United Nations Intelligence Task Force (UNIT), calls the prime minister “Madam” in a telephone conversation in one episode suggests the latter.
As for some of the more politically engaged stories, The Green Death (1973), or “the one with the giant maggots” as it is known by fans, certainly pulled no punches. Described by Chapman as an “eco disaster narrative”, it pitted corporate greed and capitalism against environmental activists (portrayed here as Welsh hippies) and their concerns for the planet.
In the episode, Global Chemicals, run by a faceless machine, is tipping waste from its petrochemical plant into a disused mine in the south Wales valleys (cue awful Welsh stereotypes). The green sludge not only kills people, but creates mutant maggots which also attack. As fears grew and the green movement gained momentum in the early 1970s, this story would have resonated with large parts of the audience.
When the Doctor visits the planet Peladon in The Curse of Peladon (1972), the planet is attempting to join the Galactic Federation. There are those on the planet who argue for joining, while opponents are just as vociferous, arguing that joining the Federation would destroy the old ways of the planet.
Sound familiar? This is the time that Britain was negotiating to join the European Economic Community, as it did in 1973. Interestingly, the serial was broadcast during the time of the 1972 miners’ strike (leading to many viewers missing later episodes due to power cuts).
The follow-up story, The Monster of Peladon (1974), is set against a backdrop of industrial strife and conflict involving miners.
Tom Baker’s Doctor
In what many consider to be one of the best classic serials, Genesis of the Daleks (1975) Tom Baker’s doctor continued the tradition of raising complex political, social and moral issues.
Sent back in time by the Time Lords to change the course of history, the Doctor at one point has an opportunity to destroy the mutations which form the “body” of the Dalek (inside their metal casing) and destroy the Dalek race forever. Holding two wires close to each other, about to create an explosion in the incubation room, he asks himself and his companions: “Have I that right?”
Having the ability to see the future, he says that future planets will become allies in fighting the evil of the Daleks. Had he the right to change the course of history? Given the symbolism used in the story (salutes, black outfits, references to a “pure” race) this was a clear reference to the rise of the Nazis.
The political allegories didn’t end in the 1970s. One of the most blatant can be seen in the 1988 serial, The Happiness Patrol. The main antagonist, Helen A (played by Sheila Hancock), a ruthless and tyrannical leader is said to be modelled on Conservative prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. The fact that Hancock appears to be impersonating Thatcher lends a certain degree of credence to this belief.
Anybody who argues that the revival of Doctor Who in 2005 saw a more political edge to the storylines need only look back over 60 years. Now that we can do this thanks to the BBC uploading more than 800 episodes onto iPlayer, it will become clear to all.
Doctor Who – especially during its Golden Age in the 1970s – has always been political.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The fallout from the collapse of FTX just won’t stop—and now it’s threatening one of crypto’s most important institutions. On November 16, Genesis Global Capital’s lending unit suspended withdrawals due to “unprecedented market turmoil.” Now, the firm is seeking emergency funding of at least $500 million to ensure it has enough cash on hand to pay its customers. All the while, the crypto industry watches nervously.
On November 21, Genesis said it had “no plans to file for bankruptcy imminently,” but it has since appointed an external party to advise on its financial predicament. Such moves have done little to calm twitchy customers. Halting withdrawals has been the precursor to multiple previous crypto collapses this year, including at FTX and Celsius. Genesis did not respond when asked to confirm whether bankruptcy was under consideration.
If Genesis were to fold, it would deliver another gut-punch to an industry already reeling from the fall of FTX, one of its most highly regarded companies. If an institution the size and standing of Genesis is vulnerable, can trust be placed in the stability of any crypto firm? Yes, the industry is expected to survive the ordeal, but the days of minimal oversight, generous funding, and rapid expansion are over.
The impact from the potential fall of Genesis should not be underestimated. It might not be as well known as FTX and other exchanges, but it’s crucial to the day-to-day operations of the crypto world. In 2021 alone, the company issued $131 billion in loans and set up $116.5 billion in trades; the Financial Times has described it as the Goldman Sachs of crypto. To fund these loans, Genesis borrows from individuals and institutions that own large quantities of coins, also known as whales, who receive a cut of profits in return. 
While the market was hot, so was Genesis. But as the price of crypto tumbles, and trust in large crypto companies bleeds away, Genesis risks becoming the latest example of a crypto giant failing to prepare for the worst. Not only might customers lose their money, but the collapse of an intermediary like Genesis threatens to “set crypto back several years,” says Brad Harrison, founder of decentralized lending protocol Venus. That’s because of how Genesis enables the flow of money between organizations—which is essential to the functioning of any industry.
When it launched in 2013, Genesis was the first over-the-counter bitcoin trading desk—somewhere traders could go to buy and sell large quantities of coins. But the company is now the largest crypto lender too, as well as the backbone for yield farming services provided by exchanges, which let customers earn interest on their holdings.
Harrison says Genesis has worked with many of the largest crypto organizations over the years, and it has wound its way into practically all corners of the cryptosphere. “It’s a household name.”
Genesis has been in trouble since July, when the hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC) collapsed, taking with it $1.2 billion of the $2.36 billion it had borrowed from the firm. If someone defaults on their mortgage, the bank can seize the property to recoup the full value of the loan, but in this case Genesis didn’t have that option, because only part of the loan was secured against 3AC assets.
To ensure Genesis wasn’t hamstrung by the loss, its parent company, Digital Currency Group (DCG), bailed it out. But in the aftermath, Genesis cut 20 percent of its workforce to reduce costs and Michael Moro, its longtime CEO, stepped down.
Genesis again found itself on the wrong side of a collapse earlier this month; when FTX filed for bankruptcy on November 11, the firm lost $175 million stored with the exchange. Again, DCG intervened, providing a cash injection of $140 million.
But despite multiple DCG bailouts, Genesis has failed to escape the FTX fallout. Samson Mow, a prominent crypto pundit and ex-chief strategy officer at crypto infrastructure firm Blockstream, says the brokerage is struggling to fund a surge in the number of customers asking to redeem their crypto. This led to the suspension of withdrawals, which threatens to worsen the prevailing crisis of confidence and increase the likelihood of a rush on other lenders (say, BlockFi or Voyager Digital)—and so the contagion spreads.
But Mow says it’s important to understand that this is a liquidity problem, not a solvency problem. In other words, Genesis has enough assets to pay its debts, they’re just not readily available in cash form. For this reason, a bankruptcy “seems unlikely,” says Mow.
DCG also sought to play down the situation on Twitter, saying that the decision to suspend redemptions and stop issuing fresh loans was a “temporary action,” and that the problem is confined exclusively to the Genesis lending division, which means the trading and custody units will continue to operate as normal.
Nonetheless, the situation is serious enough for Genesis to seek additional funding, with crypto exchange Binance and private equity firm Apollo Global Management tapped as potential investors.
The attempt to secure funding has been unsuccessful thus far, reports suggest, partly due to concern over the financial relationship between Genesis and other DCG-owned entities. Of the $2.8 billion in outstanding loans on the Genesis balance sheet, roughly 30 percent are made to either DCG or its subsidiaries, but inter-company loans are being treated with particular suspicion right now because of their central role in the FTX collapse.
Barry Silbert, CEO of DCG, told investors that inter-company loans of this kind are nothing out of the ordinary. “We have weathered previous crypto winters, and while this one may feel more severe, collectively we will come out of it stronger.”
Yet, for all its conviction, Silbert’s rallying cry has not halted speculation. Burned recently by false assurances from FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried—who tweeted “FTX is fine” on November 7, just days before the firm collapsed—crypto investors are bracing for a bankruptcy at Genesis, too.
One of the consequences of a potential collapse is already playing out. After withdrawals were halted, crypto exchange Gemini, whose yield farming product sits on top of Genesis, announced its Earn customers would no longer be able to access their funds.
On November 22, the exchange explained it was working to “find a solution,” but until then, $700 million worth of customer funds would remain locked up. If Genesis were to go bankrupt, some of these funds may never be returned, just like at FTX—and it's possible that customers of other Genesis-linked exchanges might suffer the same fate.
The silver lining is that Genesis deals predominantly with institutional customers: family offices, high-net worth individuals, hedge funds, and the like. So in the event of a bankruptcy, although confidence in the industry may be torn to shreds and knock-on effects may put other businesses in financial distress, the immediate impact on regular people would not be as severe as with FTX. 
Max Galka, founder of blockchain analytics company Elementus, says that blockchain data suggests the company is also "an order of magnitude less intertwined than FTX” with large industry players. Although there will be “ripples,” a collapse is unlikely to have the same cascading effects.
The potential collapse of Genesis wouldn’t be “nearly as broad,” says Joe Flanagan, cofounder of the decentralized lending protocol Maple, because the financial shortfall is much smaller than at FTX. He also says bankruptcy proceedings would likely be more straightforward as a result of the clear demarcation between internal divisions at Genesis, which means the troubled lending division could be splintered off. 
The greatest impact is likely to be felt in the crypto lending market itself; in the same way the collapse of FTX has drawn attention to the advantages of decentralized exchanges, the Genesis situation has the potential to drive people towards decentralized lenders.
Instead of relying on an intermediary to lend out their cryptocurrency in a responsible way and to keep enough cash on hand to meet withdrawals, decentralized alternatives let customers see exactly what’s happening to their crypto. This is an example of what’s known as decentralized finance, or DeFi.
Most decentralized lenders also exclusively support overcollateralized loans—that’s to say, borrowers are required to lock up assets with a greater value than those they are borrowing—so the chance of default is low. Genesis, by contrast, is reported to offer riskier, unsecured loans, which might have contributed to its current financial difficulties.
Harrison describes lenders like Genesis as “black boxes” that offer none of the transparency of the DeFi approach. He says there are two potential outcomes to the current situation: Either the “DeFi ethos” around transparency and collateralization will have to be adopted by centralized lenders, or decentralized lenders will begin to steal customers away. Galka goes as far as to say that “crypto lending by centralized services is essentially done,” as a result of what’s happened to lenders like Genesis.
Meanwhile, the FTX fallout continues. Although the effects on Genesis and other companies tied up with FTX (like BlockFi and Voyager Digital) are beginning to take shape, it’s possible that many more are quietly sitting on significant losses, Galka says. “It may take a year or more for things to shake out before we really know just how far the contagion has spread.”
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samdrews · 6 days
Crypto lender Genesis Global Capital has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In response, Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of the Gemini exchange, provided an update on the company's Earn program, affected by Genesis's bankruptcy.
Cameron sees this as a positive step towards recovering assets for Earn users. Despite intense negotiations with Genesis’s parent firm, DCG, and its owner, Barry Silbert, a fair settlement has not been reached. The bankruptcy filing is seen as beneficial because it places Genesis under judicial supervision, requiring them to disclose information about the actions that led to this situation.
Cameron stresses that Genesis's bankruptcy does not absolve Barry Silbert, DCG, or other involved parties of their responsibilities. He announced that Gemini plans to sue Silbert, DCG, and others who contributed to defrauding over 340,000 Earn users and additional creditors.
Genesis's partnership with Gemini on the Earn program ended with the bankruptcy filing, revealing obligations and assets between $1 billion and $10 billion, and debts to over 100,000 creditors. The financial strain on DCG, which owns the crypto media outlet CoinDesk, has led to its potential sale for $200 million. Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson has expressed interest in purchasing CoinDesk.
The bankruptcy marks a significant development in the ongoing controversy surrounding Genesis and DCG, with potential legal battles ahead to address the grievances of the affected parties.
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globalime · 20 days
Global IME Bank: Pioneering Banking Solutions for a Globalized World
In the ever-evolving landscape of global finance, banks play a pivotal role in facilitating economic transactions, fostering growth, and empowering individuals and businesses alike. Among the myriad of financial institutions, Global IME Bank stands out as a beacon of innovation and reliability, offering a diverse range of services tailored to meet the needs of a globalized clientele. In this blog post, we delve into the journey of Global IME Bank, exploring its history, core values, and the array of services it provides.
The Genesis of Global IME Bank:
Global IME Bank, established in 2007, emerged as a result of the merger between Global Bank Ltd. and IME Financial Institution Ltd., two prominent entities in the Nepalese banking sector. This strategic amalgamation aimed to harness the synergies of both institutions, leveraging their expertise and resources to create a robust financial entity capable of catering to the diverse needs of customers.
Core Values and Philosophy:
At the heart of Global IME Bank's operations lie a set of core values that guide its every endeavor. Integrity, transparency, and customer-centricity form the bedrock of its philosophy, ensuring that all interactions are conducted ethically and with utmost professionalism. Moreover, the bank remains committed to fostering inclusivity and sustainability, striving to uplift communities and contribute to the broader socio-economic development of Nepal and beyond.
Comprehensive Range of Services:
Global IME Bank prides itself on offering a comprehensive suite of banking services designed to address the evolving needs of its clientele. Here's a glimpse into some of its key offerings:
Retail Banking: Catering to the needs of individual customers, Global IME Bank provides a plethora of retail banking solutions, including savings accounts, fixed deposits, loans, and remittance services. With a customer-centric approach, the bank ensures seamless transactions and personalized assistance to enhance the banking experience.
Corporate Banking: Recognizing the vital role of businesses in driving economic growth, Global IME Bank offers tailored corporate banking solutions to meet the diverse requirements of enterprises. From working capital financing to trade finance and project financing, the bank collaborates closely with corporate clients to fuel their expansion and success.
Digital Banking: Embracing the digital revolution, Global IME Bank has invested significantly in technology-driven solutions to provide convenient and secure banking experiences. Through its mobile banking app, internet banking platform, and ATM network, customers can access a wide range of services anytime, anywhere, with just a few taps on their smartphones.
International Banking: In an increasingly interconnected world, Global IME Bank facilitates seamless cross-border transactions through its international banking services. Whether it's foreign exchange services, letters of credit, or inward and outward remittances, the bank ensures efficient and cost-effective solutions for global trade and remittance needs.
Agri Banking: Acknowledging the importance of agriculture in Nepal's economy, Global IME Bank offers specialized banking services tailored to the agricultural sector. From agricultural loans to agro-based project financing and advisory services, the bank supports farmers and agribusinesses in maximizing their productivity and profitability.
Commitment to Innovation and Excellence:
Global IME Bank is not merely content with its current achievements; instead, it continually strives for innovation and excellence in all facets of its operations. By embracing emerging technologies, fostering a culture of innovation, and investing in employee development, the bank remains at the forefront of the banking industry, setting benchmarks for others to follow.
Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility:
Beyond its commercial pursuits, Global IME Bank remains deeply committed to its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, actively contributing to community development and welfare programs. Whether it's supporting education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or disaster relief efforts, the bank endeavors to make a positive impact on society and uplift the underprivileged segments of the population.
In a rapidly evolving global financial landscape, Global IME Bank stands as a beacon of excellence, epitomizing integrity, innovation, and customer-centricity. With a diverse range of banking services tailored to meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and communities, the bank continues to redefine the standards of banking excellence. As it embarks on its journey towards greater heights, Global IME Bank remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering individuals, fostering economic growth, and driving positive change in Nepal and beyond.
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ramrodd · 26 days
By saving humanity Elon Musk wants to move people from Earth on to Mars. How is that possible? Or is that a joke or a SIN?
The purpose of the Bible has been to employ the social organization necessary to produce the Pyramids as an incubator for the human and material technology necessary for space travel, The message in Genesis 15:5 is that Humanity’s destiny is defined by Song of Myself. W
Eisenhower’s 1945 Presidential Platform is a process designed to reconfigure the social infrastructure of the Manhattan Project of the global Military Industrial Complex to the economics necessary to sustain a lunar colony for 100 years, if not forever. Eisenhower knew that the space race was going to happen and his concept of the relationship of the moon to Mars is England to the crusade in Europe.
The object of the exercise to to colonize Mars and recreate Eden,
Apollo 11 was Stage 1 of Eisenhower’s process in the transformation of the global Military Industrial Complex to the Aerospace Entrepreneurial Matrix of Eisenhower’s Star Wars economics illustrated by 2001:A Space Odyssey, If you replace the Pan Am logo with SpaceX, you have a clear picture of where we were suppose to be by 2001, The issue isn’t that Elon Musk is a visionary: it’s that he is about 6- years behind The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
Elon Musk is no visionary: as a US Army combat veteran from Vietnam, I am part of the first generation of Starship Troopers. Elon Musk is a first rate industrial genius with 3rd rate intellectual pretensions
Here’s the rest of the story: the reason why we haven’t achieve 100`:A Space Odyssey is because of the MAGA Conservative politics and business model behind Elon Musk. In 1871, we were a cunt hair away from the final paradigm shift of Stage 3 of Eisenhower’s 1956 Presidential Platform leading to the Starship Capitalism of 2001: A Space Odyssey, If Carter had been re=elected, we’d have been to Mars an back by now. But the Conservative agenda of William F. Buckley of the Hollywood, Wall Street and Miami chapters of the John Birch Society that came to town with Reagan have conspired to sabotage Eisenhower’s transformation process. The net effect is that the January 6 agenda represents 40 yeaars of opportunity loss from greed and venal social obstruction by the people opposed to the DEI performance technology of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
The good news is that, given his re=election, Biden’s Build Back Better budget will complete Reagan’s New Federalism of Stage 2 and complete the paradigm shift to Stage 3 by 2028 and turn over the keys to Starship America to who ever accepts the peaceful transfer of power in January 20, 2029.
Unless Trump and the January 6 insurgency manage to blow up America like the Key Bridge instead.
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Exploring Excellence: The Best Boarding Schools in Delhi NCR
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi NCR, where opportunities abound and education is highly valued, the quest for the finest boarding schools is a priority for many families. Boarding schools offer not just academic excellence but also holistic development, nurturing students into well-rounded individuals. Let's embark on a journey to discover the best boarding schools in Delhi NCR, renowned for their academic rigor, state-of-the-art facilities, and nurturing environment.
The Shri Ram School, Aravali: Nestled amidst the serene Aravali hills, The Shri Ram School, Aravali, stands as a beacon of academic excellence and holistic education. With a legacy of over two decades, the school is renowned for its innovative teaching methodologies, emphasis on critical thinking, and comprehensive co-curricular programs. The sprawling campus, equipped with modern facilities, provides a conducive environment for students to excel academically and explore their passions.
The Doon School, Dehradun (Satellite Campus in Delhi NCR): For over 80 years, The Doon School has been synonymous with academic rigor, character building, and leadership development. Its satellite campus in Delhi NCR brings the essence of Doon to the capital region, offering world-class education coupled with the ethos of camaraderie and community service. With a rich legacy of producing eminent leaders in various fields, The Doon School continues to inspire generations of students to strive for excellence.
Mayo College Girls' School, Ajmer (Branch in Delhi NCR): Mayo College Girls' School, renowned for its legacy of empowering young women, extends its reach to Delhi NCR with a branch that upholds the same values of academic excellence and holistic development. The school's commitment to nurturing confident, compassionate, and socially responsible individuals resonates through its comprehensive curriculum, diverse extracurricular activities, and personalized mentorship programs.
Pathways World School, Aravali: Pathways World School, Aravali, epitomizes the synergy of Indian ethos and global perspectives, offering a transformative educational experience. Situated amidst lush greenery and equipped with world-class amenities, the school fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and cross-cultural understanding. With a focus on holistic development, Pathways prepares students to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and compassion.
Genesis Global School, Noida: Genesis Global School, with its commitment to academic excellence and individualized learning, has emerged as a preferred choice for discerning parents in Delhi NCR. The school's dynamic curriculum, supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure and experienced faculty, nurtures intellectual growth, critical thinking, and holistic development. Through a myriad of extracurricular activities and community service initiatives, Genesis instills values of empathy, integrity, and leadership in its students.
Conclusion: In the vibrant educational landscape of Delhi NCR, the best boarding schools stand as beacons of excellence, shaping the future leaders and innovators of tomorrow. Whether it's fostering academic prowess, nurturing talent, or instilling values of integrity and empathy, these schools are committed to providing a transformative educational experience. For families seeking a holistic development journey for their children, the best boarding schools in Delhi NCR offer a perfect blend of academic rigor, extracurricular enrichment, and supportive community ethos.
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adsagency · 30 days
Unveiling the Genesis and Impact of Advertising Agencies in India
In the bustling landscape of modern commerce, advertising reigns supreme as the vanguard of brand communication and consumer engagement. From the humble beginnings of hand-painted signs to the digital revolution, advertising agencies have been instrumental in shaping the narrative of businesses worldwide. In the Indian context, this phenomenon has not only transformed the marketing landscape but also left an indelible mark on the socio-economic fabric of the nation.
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The Birth of an Industry:
Advertising, in its rudimentary form, has existed since time immemorial, albeit in a vastly different guise. Ancient civilizations employed various means of communication to promote goods and services, ranging from town criers to engraved messages. However, it was not until the industrial revolution that advertising began to evolve into a structured industry.
The concept of advertising agencies as we recognize them today emerged in the late 19th century. With the proliferation of print media, companies sought specialized assistance in crafting persuasive messages to captivate potential consumers. The inception of the first official advertising agency, Volney B. Palmer, in 1841 marked the dawn of a new era in marketing.
Evolution of Advertising in India:
In India, the journey of advertising parallels its global counterpart, albeit with distinctive cultural nuances. The earliest traces of organized advertising can be traced back to the colonial era when British-owned agencies began promoting goods to the Indian populace. However, it was not until the post-independence period that advertising witnessed a seismic shift.
The 1950s and 60s heralded the golden age of advertising in India, characterized by iconic campaigns that resonated with the masses. Agencies such as Hindustan Thompson Associates (now JWT) and Lintas played pivotal roles in shaping consumer preferences through memorable ad campaigns. With the advent of television in the 1980s, advertising transcended print media and penetrated the homes of millions, revolutionising the industry once again.
The Impact of Advertising on Indian Society:
The influence of advertising on Indian society cannot be overstated. Beyond its commercial implications, advertising serves as a mirror reflecting the cultural ethos and societal norms of the nation. Advertisements have played a pivotal role in shaping perceptions, fostering aspirational values, and catalyzing social change.
One of the most profound impacts of advertising in India has been its role in breaking societal taboos and challenging stereotypes. Campaigns such as "Laadli" by the Ministry of Women and Child Development and "Daag Achhe Hai" by Surf Excel have sparked conversations around gender equality and inclusivity, catalyzing a paradigm shift in societal attitudes.
Moreover, advertising has been instrumental in driving economic growth and fostering entrepreneurship in India. By providing a platform for businesses, both big and small, to showcase their products and services, advertising has fueled consumer demand and propelled industries forward.
Mediums of Advertising:
Advertising in India encompasses a myriad of mediums, each catering to diverse audiences and objectives. From traditional avenues such as print, radio, and television to modern digital platforms, advertisers leverage a plethora of channels to convey their message effectively.
1. Print Media: Newspapers and magazines remain stalwarts in the realm of advertising, offering widespread reach and targeted audience segmentation.
2. Television Ads: Television advertising commands a significant share of the advertising pie, capitalizing on the visual and auditory appeal to captivate viewers.
3. Radio Ads: Despite the digital onslaught, radio advertising continues to thrive, particularly in rural areas where it serves as a primary source of entertainment and information.
4. Digital Advertising: The digital revolution has transformed the advertising landscape, with online platforms offering unparalleled targeting capabilities and real-time analytics.
5. Out-of-Home (OOH) Advertising: From billboards to transit ads, OOH advertising provides ubiquitous exposure, making it an indispensable component of marketing campaigns.
6. Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have emerged as veritable goldmines for advertisers, offering unprecedented access to a global audience.
Challenges and Opportunities:
While advertising in India has witnessed unprecedented growth, it is not devoid of challenges. One of the foremost challenges faced by advertising agencies is the proliferation of fake news and misinformation. In an era dominated by social media, disseminating accurate information amidst the deluge of falsehoods poses a formidable challenge.
Furthermore, the advent of ad-blocking software has forced advertisers to reassess their strategies and explore alternative avenues to reach consumers. However, amidst these challenges lie abundant opportunities for innovation and creativity. With the rise of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI), advertisers have a plethora of tools at their disposal to create immersive and personalized experiences for consumers.
The Future of Advertising in India:
As we gaze into the future, the role of advertising agencies in India is poised to undergo further metamorphosis, propelled by technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences. The advent of 5G technology promises to revolutionize advertising by enabling seamless connectivity and immersive experiences.
Moreover, with the rise of e-commerce and digital platforms, advertisers are increasingly leveraging data analytics and machine learning algorithms to deliver targeted and personalized ads. The convergence of advertising and entertainment, exemplified by branded content and influencer marketing, is blurring the lines between traditional advertising and content creation.
In conclusion, advertising agencies in India have traversed a remarkable trajectory, evolving from rudimentary beginnings to burgeoning behemoths in the global marketing arena. Their impact transcends mere commercial transactions, permeating the cultural, social, and economic fabric of the nation. As we stand on the cusp of a new era defined by technological innovation and changing consumer dynamics, the future of advertising in India holds boundless promise and potential.
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drewssam · 1 month
Tom Emmer Slams Gary Gensler For Taking too Long to Charge Gemini and Genesis
Rep. Tom Emmer criticized Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler via Twitter for what he perceived as delayed actions against Gemini and Genesis. Emmer accused Gensler of employing a "regulation through enforcement" approach that harms ordinary Americans rather than protecting them. He called for proactive guidance from the SEC instead of relying on retrospective enforcement measures that leave industry players to interpret regulations independently.
The SEC filed a complaint late on Thursday, alleging that cryptocurrency exchange Gemini and lender Genesis Global Capital offered unregistered securities. Gemini's yield-bearing service, Gemini Earn, drew scrutiny for funneling deposits to Genesis for further lending, generating income on billions of dollars in cryptocurrency without proper registration.
The complaint highlighted that by November, when Genesis ceased loan withdrawals, over 340,000 Gemini Earn users and around $900 million worth of cryptocurrency were left in uncertainty. Investors lacked essential information about the program, hindering their ability to make informed investment decisions.
Emmer's criticism underscores broader concerns about regulatory clarity and enforcement in the cryptocurrency industry, prompting calls for proactive regulatory measures to protect investors and foster innovation.
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[ad_1] Em 14 de janeiro de 2022, o ex-magnata da criptografia Sam Bankman-Fried tuitou: “Primeiro, estamos lançando um fundo de risco de US$ 2 bilhões, FTX Ventures. Uma vez que fundador, é importante concordar outros fundadores na geração de grandes empresas. Esperamos que isso nos permita fazer isso muito mais.” Um objetivo transcendente, com certeza. Mas, em vez de levantar capital para o fundo de investidores externos, Bankman-Fried usou moeda de credores terceirizados, porquê Genesis Global Capital, que foi para a Parque Research, a empresa de transacção de criptomoedas de Bankman-Fried, de concordância com testemunho de Caroline Ellison, ex-CEO da Parque. Pesquisar. Ellison testemunhou na terça-feira porquê a quinta testemunha de arguição no julgamento de seis semanas de Sam Bankman-Fried. Ela alegou que o ex-CEO da FTX a orientou a cometer crimes de fraude e lavagem de moeda. Quando Bankman-Fried publicou esse tweet, a Parque já tinha feito alguns investimentos de risco, mas o executivo queria aumentar significativamente a aposta. No “verão ou outono de 2021”, Bankman-Fried enviou a Ellison um potencial cenário ruim para a FTX e a Parque, detalhando um mundo em que o mercado de criptografia estava em baixa, os investimentos da Parque despencaram e a empresa se tornou inútil. Bankman-Fried colocou essa verdade no percentil 10, de concordância com Ellison, o que ainda é bastante aventuroso no mundo mercantil. “Cenários do 10º percentil acontecem todos os dias”, disse Ellison. Bankman-Fried estava pensando em investir outros US$ 3 bilhões em empresas em estágio inicial e queria saber porquê isso afetaria as finanças da Parque se a merda acontecesse. Não surpreendentemente, Ellison descobriu que isso colocaria a Parque numa posição mais arriscada do que a que já estava – na profundeza o valor patrimonial líquido da Parque era negativo em 2,7 milénio milhões de dólares – e tornaria improvável ou impossível remunerar os seus empréstimos se estes fossem cancelados todos de uma vez. . E porquê a Parque operava sob o pressuposto de que seriam necessários fundos dos clientes da FTX para remunerar quaisquer empréstimos, isso significaria que a FTX também perderia uma quantia significativa de moeda neste cenário. Ellison testemunhou que compartilhou essas preocupações com Bankman-Fried e apresentou cenários alternativos para contrair mais empréstimos para investimentos, porquê levantar mais capital, investir menos em empreendimentos e vender mais FTT (o token criptográfico da FTX). Bankman-Fried pediu-lhe que calculasse os números novamente, presumindo que todos os empréstimos da Genesis da Parque fossem fixos, em vez de a prazo. A maioria dos empréstimos da Parque na idade eram de prazo sincero, o que é mais aventuroso porque significa que o empréstimo pode ser solicitado a qualquer momento. “…e logo você teria que reembolsá-lo, mesmo que não tenha necessariamente os fundos disponíveis”, disse Ellison. Num cenário em que todos os empréstimos da Parque pudessem ser alterados para prazo fixo, Ellison estimou que a empresa tinha 30% de verosimilhança de não conseguir remunerar os seus empréstimos num cenário de mercado desfavorável. Bankman-Fried incentivou-a a tentar modificar os empréstimos da Parque para prazo fixo. Ellison conseguiu mudar alguns, mas a maioria permaneceu com prazo sincero. Ela também criou um cenário para essa verdade. Se houvesse uma desaceleração do mercado com a estrutura de empréstimos de prazo sincero da Parque, e se a Parque fizesse US$ 3 bilhões em investimentos, Ellison descobriu que a verosimilhança de a Genesis cancelar seus empréstimos seria de 25%. A verosimilhança de a empresa não conseguir efetuar os pagamentos do empréstimo passaria de 30% para 100%. “Isso significa que se fizéssemos esses US$ 3 bilhões em investimentos e houvesse más notícias do mercado levando a uma desaceleração significativa do mercado e nossos empréstimos fossem cancelados, não haveria nenhuma maneira de conseguirmos fazer os pagamentos”, disse Ellison, observando que a Parque seria incapaz de remunerar seus empréstimos, mesmo considerando a traço de crédito ilimitada e o chegada aos fundos dos clientes da FTX. No final, Bankman-Fried parece ter sentenciado investir 2 milénio milhões de dólares em investimentos de risco, apoiados por FTX em vez de LP, mas o resultado foi o mesmo. O testemunho e interrogatório de Ellison continuarão na quarta-feira. [ad_2]
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eternal3d2d · 1 month
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Yotta Infrastructure: Hiranandani Group Moves into Data Centre Parks - Darshan Hiranandani
In a significant strategic move that underscores both continuity and innovation, the Hiranandani Group, a stalwart in the Indian real estate sector, has announced its foray into integrated data center parks. With the torch of leadership set to pass to the next generation, Darshan Hiranandani, the scion of the Hiranandani family, is poised to steer the group into new territories of digital infrastructure. Let's delve into the details of this groundbreaking initiative.
Genesis of Yotta Infrastructure Yotta Infrastructure—a 100% subsidiary of Hiranandani Group—strategies to transform how the data center ecosystem operates. Yotta intends to create India’s first integrated data center park with an initial capital outlay of Rs1000 Cr. This cutting-edge facility is strategically located within the Hiranandani Fortune City township, Panvel on Mumbai's outskirts. What makes Yotta different? Let’s see:
Hyper-Density: The data center park at Yotta will have an unmatched density with 60,000 racks available for use. It allows businesses to safely store massive amounts of information.
Hyper-Scalability: Scalable infrastructure becomes necessary as technology advances further. To adapt to the ever-increasing needs of companies, Yotta facilities were designed to scale seamlessly.
Co-Location Solutions: There are several compelling reasons why enterprises should consider robust co-location services from Yotta such as cloud providers or e-commerce giants among others.
Managed IT Service: Physical infrastructure alone does not define Yotta; comprehensive solutions are what matter most. Operational efficiency is improved through managed IT services which also include hybrid multi-cloud setups.
Security Services: In terms of security measures, cyber threats have become a thing for an era and therefore they are highly considered by Yotta. Robust data safeguarding provisions offer assurance to companies that entrust them with their sensitive information. Digital India Vision Niranjan Hiranandani, Founder & Managing Director of Hiranandani Group, underscores Yotta’s vision with the Digital India program. Data localization and protection are crucial for India to achieve a $ 5 trillion economy by 2025. The anticipated data localization and protection act from the Indian government will drive domestic data storage growth. Yotta is prepared to lead this transformation. As the torchbearer of the Hiranandani legacy, Darshan Hiranandani Group CEO of Yotta Infrastructure, articulates the company's mission. India has the lowest per GB cost for data consumption in the world and stands as its largest consumer. What is audacious about Yotta? Building or acquiring the world’s most cost-effective data storage infrastructure per GB. Under Darshan’s leadership, their vision becomes real. Capitalizing on Regulatory Shifts and Cost Optimization Darshan Hiranandani, CEO of Hiranandani Group, notes that India is home to the world's most affordable data consumption costs per gigabyte and it has become its largest consumer of data globally. By being globally a provider of the most affordable cost-effective data storage infrastructure per GB at scale leveraging this base advantage Yotta intends to actualize this goal. Leadership Transition and Continued Growth The new leadership of Hiranandani Group has made a well-timed strategic decision when it moved to data center parks. There is a need for reliable and affordable data storage in India’s growing digital economy which Yotta’s data center solutions have done well. Yotta, under Darshan Hiranandani's supervision, is likely to emerge as a significant leader in this vital industry due to its focus on scalability, and hyper-density, and offers the most complete range of services. With Yotta as their subsidiary, the Hiranandani Group not only improves its portfolio but also helps the expansion of digital infrastructure in India by giving way for enhanced security in the online space.
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roger-hoit · 2 months
Inside the Dominance of the World's Largest Private Equity Firm: An In-Depth Look at The Blackstone Group
In private equity (PE), few names command as much attention and respect as The Blackstone Group. With a history spanning decades and a portfolio that stretches across industries and continents, Blackstone stands as a titan in the world of finance. In this article, we'll explore the origins, strategies, and impact of the largest PE firm in the world.
The Genesis of Blackstone
The Blackstone Group was founded in 1985 by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman, former colleagues at Lehman Brothers. Recognizing the potential of private equity as an investment vehicle, the duo set out to build a firm that would redefine the industry. Armed with ambition and expertise, they laid the foundation for what would become one of our time's most influential financial institutions.
Evolution and Expansion
From its modest beginnings, Blackstone has grown into a behemoth with assets under management (AUM) reaching hundreds of billions of dollars. The firm's evolution and expansion have been driven by a relentless pursuit of opportunities, strategic acquisitions, and a commitment to delivering value for its investors. Over the years, Blackstone has diversified its portfolio to include traditional private equity and real estate, credit, hedge funds, and infrastructure investments.
Diverse Investment Strategies
One of Blackstone's key strengths is its ability to deploy capital across various investment strategies and asset classes. Whether acquiring undervalued companies, investing in distressed debt, or developing commercial real estate, its diverse investment strategies allow it to capitalize on opportunities in both public and private markets. This flexibility has been instrumental in Blackstone's success and resilience in changing market conditions.
Global Reach and Influence
With offices in major financial hubs worldwide, Blackstone boasts a global presence that few can match. Its extensive network and industry expertise give the firm a competitive edge in identifying and executing investment opportunities across geographies and sectors. Whether partnering with local businesses in emerging markets or acquiring iconic assets in established economies, Blackstone's global reach and influence are unparalleled in private equity.
Notable Acquisitions and Investments
Blackstone's impressive track record is punctuated by high-profile acquisitions and investments that have reshaped industries and generated substantial returns for its investors. From landmark real estate deals to transformative buyouts, the firm has consistently demonstrated its ability to identify undervalued assets and unlock their potential. Some notable acquisitions include the purchase of Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Equity Office Properties, and Refinitiv, among others.
Commitment to Corporate Responsibility
Blackstone remains committed to corporate responsibility and sustainable investing despite its size and scale. The firm actively engages with stakeholders to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and integrates ESG considerations into its investment decision-making process. By aligning its business practices with broader societal goals, Blackstone seeks to create value for its investors and the communities in which it operates.
Challenges and Opportunities
Like any central financial institution, Blackstone faces its share of challenges and opportunities in today's rapidly evolving landscape. From regulatory scrutiny to market volatility, the firm must navigate complex factors that impact its operations and performance. However, with its proven track record, seasoned leadership, and unwavering commitment to excellence, Blackstone is well-positioned to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the years ahead.
As the largest private equity firm in the world, The Blackstone Group stands as a symbol of innovation, resilience, and excellence in the financial industry. From its humble beginnings to its current prominence, the firm's journey is a testament to the power of vision, determination, and strategic thinking. With its global reach, diverse investment strategies, and commitment to corporate responsibility, Blackstone is poised to continue shaping the future of finance and delivering value for its investors for years to come.
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