#Genuinly very happy with this even if you can absolutly see the art progress throughout lol
sammyboiocs · 1 year
Keep You Safe - The Benimatic
A year in the making I finally finished the animatic! I’ve posted the description under the cut for people who don’t know these characters and want some context :]
Alright anyone else who opened the description buckle up, I'll try and give you some context in case you've stumbled upon this and aren't in the know: 
 The animatic follows the lore from a EAH oc rp server I've been in for years. Specifically the cast of our version of Romeo and Juliet. The RNJ kids are a little different from other students in that they don't have to sign the Storybook of Legends to enact their story, they and all of Verona are just cursed into it happening every couple generations (few to non of the characters are descended from their actual prior roles since, y'know they died young). 
 Featured character Benicio is the grandson of the last Benvolio. The animatic follows his journey from childhood grappling with his fears for the mundane and soon the understanding that nearly everyone he knows and loves will die from the curse. He takes the initiative in researching curse breaking and by the end of their final year at eah he (with the help of the girl to become The Nurse, and then the rest of the cast) figure out how to break the curse on their houses and home.   
 Hopefully that all gives insight into what's going on. :] Obsessed with the rnj kids and have been for years so glad to finish this.
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