#George Serfes
let’s be honest for a sec
if you don’t want dany in a position of power at the end of asoiaf then you cannot actually care about the small folk.
you just want your fav on a throne while the small folk continue to be little better than slaves : )
yes, i know that other characters (like jon and arya) are also clearly positioned to make change but dany is the one with the dragons. she has the power to make true lasting change by using her power, and at the end of dance she finally understood that fire and blood was the only way to make true peace in meereen/slavers bay. if it takes fire and blood to strip some power away from lords and ladies in westeros and make the small folk a more protected class then i know dany will do it because she has the means and the kind heart to see it through
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
What "The Hidden Fortress" (1958) tells us about the Jedi's status in the Prequels.
In 1999, George Lucas had this to say on BBC Omnibus: A Long Time Ago: The Story of "Star Wars" and then The Phantom Menace's director's commentary.
“I greatly admired Kurosawa, especially the film Hidden Fortress, which told a story from the point of view of two serfs, two slaves...
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... peasants who tag along with this famous general and a princess-- y'know, royalty. And the whole story is told from their point of view. And I like that idea. I like the idea of telling a story from the lowest person's point of view, uh, in the food chain, and that's how the story got to be told by Artoo and Threepio.”
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“[The Phantom Menace] is told primarily from the Jedi's point of view, but the story that's being told is essentially the story of Queen Amidala and her plight of having her planet blockaded. As in, say, Episode IV, where the story is told through the eyes of the droids, in this one, it's told through the eyes of the Jedi.”
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“But [from the moment we get to Coruscant, Anakin and Jar Jar] are standing on the sidelines. It's a little bit a riff on the very first film where the story is told through the point of view of the droids, who were sort of the lowliest characters.”
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“And in [Phantom Menace], I'm doing it through - primarily - the two Jedi, but then the secondary characters are also carrying a lot of the weight when the Jedi aren't around.”
George Lucas draws a comparison between lowly characters like Hidden Fortress' peasants Matashichi and Tahei, the droids in A New Hope, as well as the Jedi in The Phantom Menace.
What do they all have in common? They are all the lowest-ranking characters in their respective films. Repeat: the movie frames the Jedi as almost at the bottom of the food chain.
Because of course they are. Functionally, they're just diplomats. They hold no political power whatsoever and barely have any authority .
What little authority the Jedi do have in TPM comes from the Queen's young age, which allows them to ease into a more advisory position, and Qui-Gon's rebellious streak. And even he's explicit about the fact that his mandate has limitations.
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The only characters "below" them in status are Jar Jar, an exiled Gungan, and Anakin, who just yesterday was still a slave kid, Artoo the literal object and that's it!
Also the other Prequel films are consistent with this portrayal. Who do we see lower in status than the Jedi? Dexxter Jettster and the clones. Everyone else is pretty much above them.
Yes, the Jedi are part of the system, but they're not as high-ranking as you'd think. Yes, they have Force Powers, but that means squat when put against political power. So, like, to expect the Jedi to...
influence the decisions of the Senate,
wage a war against the Outer Rim to end slavery,
or blatantly refuse an order to join the war effort,
... is incredibly unreasonable.
They're not meant to be seen as "the elite, peering down upon the people from their ivory tower".
They're the servants! Servants of the Republic.
And they're seeing their higher-ups destroy what they should all stand for, but are unable to stop them.
Later on, with The Clone Wars, we are introduced to civilian characters and from their point of view, the Jedi are ultra powerful and are highly placed and "should do more but don't".
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It makes sense that these characters would see the Jedi as 'the elite'. But they don't have the full picture.
We, as the audience, do.
So we know that the reality is more along the lines of the Jedi "should do more but can't".
After all, we are made privy many instances of the Jedi speaking up and trying to change politicians' minds, only to be dismissed and overruled at every turn.
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↑ these aren't even all the times we see it happen, btw, there's more examples...
So at some point, if you - as an audience member - see all this and are still saying "the Jedi should've done more!" I really need to know... what more could they have done?
Take control of the Senate?
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That'll result in a dictatorship, there's a reason they waited as much as they did before trying to take down Palpatine.
Power corrupts and they're wise enough to know it.
Don't join the Republic in the first place?
George Lucas never frames the Jedi's involvement with the Republic as a bad thing. In the foreword to Shatterpoint (2004), he says their being part of the Republic led to 1,000 years of prosperity.
Where's the issue, then? Well, it's a two-man job and the Jedi's bosses, the Senate, grew corrupt and stopped doing their part. They stopped carrying their end of the couch.
But “no Jedi in the Republic from the get-go” means the Sith will rise to power even faster. Fun!
Stay neutral in the war?
The Separatists were killing civilians and testing weapons on neutral systems, or enslaving them.
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The choice put before the Jedi was "do what we tell you and fight, or let people die".
But also, out-of-universe... do you really think Palpatine, genius politician, master of spin, can't re-frame the Jedi staying neutral in a negative light?
When they joined the war, he unleashed propaganda that either directly (on the Separatist side) or indirectly (on the Republic side) framed them as "warmongers who corrupted their values". If they don't join, they're "apathetic cowards who care more about their own values than the lives of the people they're supposed to protect".
So either way, Order 66 comes around, wipes them out and the Republic goes "good riddance".
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So what else could they do?
The answer is "not much".
Because the whole point of the narrative is that Palpatine checkmated them by taking the fight to a field the Jedi had no experience in or right to meddle with: politics.
So if you look at these characters who are nowhere near the top of the food chain, and say "well, why didn't they fix things?" I'm sorry to say you're missing the point of the narrative.
Or maybe you do get the point of the narrative and just aren't trying to be fair...
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... in which case, at least be consistent and also argue:
"Why didn't Threepio & Artoo do more to save the Rebel crew of the Tantive IV from the stormtrooopers?!"
"Why didn't Matashichi & Tahei do more to save the Akizuki clan?!"
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lassieposting · 1 year
Okay but. For anyone who's unfamiliar with the UK. Pop-up street funfairs are kind of a Thing here - they show up for carnivals and village fetes and shit and when you grow up in the middle of buttfuck nowhere like I did they might be the only entertainment you'll get all year, so you really come to love the atmosphere and the strobing lights and the pounding music and the nostalgia of better, easier, safer times.
And every year, in London, they have the Hyde Park Winter Festival, which is hands down the biggest pop-up funfair I've ever seen.
Anyway hc that the year Lucy runs away to London, Lockwood and George take her to the festival. It's George's idea - she is from the Barbarous Wastes Oop North, Lockwood, she's probably never seen a funfair before, and she does gasp and go all wide-eyed every time their taxi drives past it - and Lockwood pays, because his house might be mortgaged to the hilt, he might be practically a serf, but he's the boss and he's pretty sure he still owes George a tenner anyway for those beers, so, whatever -
And it's just a whole thing for Lucy because she's never really been treated before. Everything she's needed since she was thirteen came out of her Jacobs' wages. Her mum never spent a penny on her that wasn't absolutely necessary, and begrudged her even that. So she's always had to be a penny-pincher, always had to deny herself fun things because her wages were being spent on essentials or frittered away on pints of Fosters, and being able to do whatever she likes purely for her own pleasure is utterly foreign to her.
And he doesn't make her feel bad for it. For wanting to have fun for once. Neither of them do. George spouts useless facts about when rides were invented and the origins of ice skates, and sometimes puts his fingers in his ears with a grimace, but when she grins at him, he grins back. Lockwood plays the yes-man for her all evening, eyes twinkling when she hangs off his arm or pulls him over to see something by the wrist. He stumps up for candyfloss, for sweetie cones, for fresh donuts and hook-a-duck and the shooting gallery, because "You were looking at it like you wanted it." She has three goes on a claw machine trying to get a particular stuffed dog, and then Lockwood has a go, before George finally wins it for her. And she loves them so much, these boys who put her first more than her own family ever did.
She falls asleep on Lockwood's shoulder in the taxi on the way home. Mostly. She dozes, at least. She's still vaguely cognizant of what's going on around her - the low hum of the radio, the pulse of the taxi's engine, George's voice when he leans around her and says, "I didn't realise you noticed that thing she does."
She's been faintly aware of Lockwood's arm around her shoulders since he put it there, when she started listing drowsily into his side, but she hadn't noticed his thumb idly petting back and forth until it stills. "Thing? What thing?"
"The thing," says George helpfully. "Where she looks at things like she wants them but she knows she can't have them."
Lockwood snorts. It's a small, derisive sound, probably accompanied by an eye roll. "I'd make a pretty piss-poor agent if I hadn't. She does it at lots of things."
"Oh." George seems to muse on that for a second. Then, "Just you never seem to notice when she does it at you."
Lockwood goes very still, for a second. Clears his throat, just quietly. His arm jostles her a bit; she thinks he's fussing with his cufflinks, which he seems to do a lot ever since he started wearing them in the first place. His voice is warm, though. "Shut up, George."
"Yes, boss." Irreverent. Grinning, probably.
With her face tucked into his shoulder, Lucy smiles, and lets herself drift.
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Manifesto of the Communist Party
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A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.
Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
Two things result from this fact:
Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.
It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.
To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.
I. Bourgeois and Proletarians*
* By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour. By proletariat, the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live. [Engels, 1888 English edition]
The history of all hitherto existing society† is the history of class struggles.
† That is, all written history. In 1847, the pre-history of society, the social organisation existing previous to recorded history, all but unknown. Since then, August von Haxthausen (1792-1866) discovered common ownership of land in Russia, Georg Ludwig von Maurer proved it to be the social foundation from which all Teutonic races started in history, and, by and by, village communities were found to be, or to have been, the primitive form of society everywhere from India to Ireland. The inner organisation of this primitive communistic society was laid bare, in its typical form, by Lewis Henry Morgan's (1818-1861) crowning discovery of the true nature of the gens and its relation to the tribe. With the dissolution of the primeval communities, society begins to be differentiated into separate and finally antagonistic classes. I have attempted to retrace this dissolution in The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, second edition, Stuttgart, 1886. [Engels, 1888 English Edition and 1890 German Edition (with the last sentence omitted)]
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master‡ and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
‡ Guild-master, that is, a full member of a guild, a master within, not a head of a guild. [Engels, 1888 English Edition]
Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other – Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns. From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.
The discovery of America, the rounding of the Cape, opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie. The East-Indian and Chinese markets, the colonisation of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to industry, an impulse never before known, and thereby, to the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid development.
The Communist Manifesto - Part 1
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princessithaca · 1 year
gotta hand it to the writers they really did an excellent job of communicating exactly what type of posh brat anthony j. lockwood is through his dialogue. the defense that his london townhouse is 'mortgaged to the hilt, george, i'm practically a serf! is a personal favourite, as is the description of the night watch as 'real salt of the earth types'. as if anyone other than the insufferably middle class have ever used that phrase in the history of ever. bonus points for the fact he has, naturally, never had an actual conversation with his platonic ideal of the working man. hysterical. i know like twenty of this exact same Type.
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graceofromanovs · 1 year
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Born during his grandfather's reign on 18 May (New Style) 1868 at the Alexander Palace, Tsarkoe Selo in Saint Petersburg. He was the eldest son of Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna (then, the Tsarevich and Tsarina of Russia). He was christened on 1 June at the  Chapel of the Resurrection of the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoe Selo, by the confessor of the imperial family, protopresbyter Vasily Borisovich Bazhanov. His godparents were: 
ALEXANDER II, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather, the Russian Emperor stood as one of the godparents. He became the Emperor of All Russia in 1855. Alexander’s most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator. He was assassinated in 1881 when the young Nicholas was only 12 years-old, to which he became the heir apparent upon his death.
PRINCESS MARIE OF HESSE AND BY RHINE, EMPRESS MARIA ALEXANDROVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandmother, the consort of Emperor Alexander II, was another of his godparents. Known for her intellect, she was one of the founders of the Russian Red Cross Society. However, she suffered from tuberculosis from 1863 and spent long stays in southern Europe to avoid harsh winters. Although she and her husband were unofficially separated sometime after the death of their eldest son, Maria was treated with respect and love by her surviving family. Maria passed away from illness when the young Nicholas was still a child.
PRINCESS LOUISE OF HESSE-KASSEL, QUEEN CONSORT OF DENMARK - his maternal grandmother was listed as one of his godparents. Louise became the Queen consort of Denmark upon her husband's - King Christian IX - accession in 1863, just few years before her grandson Nicholas' birth. She, herself, was a niece of another King of Denmark (Christian VIII). The great dynastic success of Louise's six children was to a great extent a result of Louise's own ambitions - through them, she was a grandmother of not only the future Tsar of Russia (Nicholas II), but also that of King George V of the United Kingdom; King Constantine I of Greece; King Christian X of Denmark, and King Harken VII of Norway.
GRAND DUCHESS ELENA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-great-aunt, the wife of the late Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich, was one of his godparents. Born as Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, she became a close friend of his grandmother the Empress Maria Alexandrovna, and was known as an intellectual. She was also considered the most exceptional woman in the imperial family since Catherine the Great.
KING FREDERICK VIII OF DENMARK - then, the Crown Prince, his maternal uncle stood as one of his godparents. During the long reign of his father, he was largely excluded from influence and political power. Upon his father's death in 1906, he acceded to the throne at the advanced age of 62. In many ways, Frederick VIII was a liberal monarch who was much more favorable to the new parliamentary system introduced in 1901 than his father had been, being reform-minded and democratically inclined. 
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
« It's very simple. These are very rich men who've decided to back the Republican Party that tends to do good things for very rich men. »
— Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg explaining why filthy rich tech bros would support authoritarians like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance despite big differences with them on things like climate and equality. Via Real Time with Bill Maher.
Essentially, it's just plain old GREED. People (overwhelmingly males) who have more money than they know what to do with crave even more money than they know what to do with. It's a pathological obsession.
Trump has previously doled out big tax breaks for the filthy rich and he will shovel even more money into their pockets if he gets another chance.
Increased income inequality has warped society and turned many Americans into de facto serfs. Raising taxes on the filthy rich has benefits for society as a whole. So does a rise in the minimum wage – which is opposed by Republicans and the oligarchs who support them.
The Clinton administration raised taxes on the rich in 1993. By the end of the decade the federal government saw its first balanced budgets since 1969. The 1990s also saw the greatest economic growth since the 1960s. Then in 2000 Ralph Nader helped elect George W. Bush who then gave the rich two tax breaks in three years. The last year of the Bush administration then saw the start of the Great Recession and the near collapse of the economy.
Elon Musk, who is donating heavily to Trump-Vance, should not be allowed to dictate even more tax breaks for himself.
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devilofthepit · 10 months
seinfeld characters if they were vanpires
kramer: ancient. the first vampire ever. petyr from what we do in the shadows (2014)
jerry: byzantine serf. his first language is a proto-serbian latin mix and that’s why he speaks so weird. turned by kramer and they spent the next few centuries hunting together on and off.
george: that man lived through the great depression. that man never stopped living through the great depression. turned by jerry while kramer spent the 30s asleep
elaine: 80s all the way
courtesy of @destroyingangela
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bella-rose29 · 7 months
episode 3 - Doubt Thou the Stars
major spoilers for the show and books, swearing, I go feral on multiple occasions, spent most of this simping for cam/lockwood and I'll apologise now for some of the things I've said (multiverse of George I'm blaming you for a couple)
I would just like to reiterate that this is not a proper analysis of the show, this is my immediate reactions to what happens in the show. barely anything constructive is actually said in here 👍
a ring is what we're looking at
Georgie I love you
hands (oh dear starting early)
hands again
"which you stole illegally" honey-
you have me in a chokehold lockwood
hehehe fairfax
"George, this... negativity, it's why I don't tell you things in advance" first of all I am weirdly obsessed with the way he says that, second of all I wanna give George a hug
ok but who gave cam the right to look that good
"miss Kingston got her hair done special" George I love you
"straight into the office. that's a classy move"
omg I love lucy's jumper
his cheeky smile omg
"you lie like a politician" yeah bc he has to
you can do any job for me lockwood
hands and ring
absolutely we have a deal I'll do anything for you
hands (omg I need to stop)
they're children how did they get alcohol
bottle opener thingy scene
omg Georgie in his apron and gloves 😭
so sad we didn't get the "nice... towel" scene
barnes is so sinister sometimes
I love lockwood and george's friendship, just yelling at each other about cleaning
ooo green lighting when she's taking the keys
tut tut
"I visit my gran in Sidcup" "...sidcup is in London"
"you've got a real hard-on for him, haven't you" "well, if... you wanna put it like that"
"I'm practically a serf" aw lockwood honey
all I can think is the Traitors castle even though I know it's not the same
lockwood's so pretty
oh lord what the hell was that look lockwood don't lower your head with that intense gaze wtf
"apart from anything else, we've got much better flares" 😂
don't you just love it when someone who doesn't have any clue about your job tells you how to do your job
lots of smashing
he's fishing (where tf did he get a fishing rod from)
his grin omg
oh crikey this boy needs sleep I can see his eye bags even though the lighting is dim and my room is bright
"What, and deny us all this... beautiful moment?" you're a beautiful moment- wait that doesn't make sense
his smile I am on the floor
aaa suspense I don't like it
omg we get to see George's Touch again I love that
ew cobwebs
well that was silly
oh no
you can disrespect me anytime woah what is happening to me holy shit
ewwww cobwebs
I could never be an agent I have arachnophobia
ok those special effects were awesome
"probably wanted to warn us not to go down there" *proceed to go down there*
Lockwood say what's on your mind
ok I get why Ali said that the monks were terrifying that chanting haunts me still
turn your torches off you'll see the ghosts better
ohh I don't like this
Lucy no
aw the boys saved her
"make a wish" I wish for you to marry me and we live happily ever after
"my cheek hurts"
husband calls out pathetically for wife after waking up, she crawls over and he reaches desperately for her hand
"oi, where's his slap?" fair
hahaha the way they just drop to the floor
you look so silly in those goggles
lockwood's voice is doing Things to me
I love that you can see Ellie rethinking as Fairfax goes on
"we don't travel round with it, we're not insane" *while focused on Lucy*
"you're just a performer too, aren't you?" we love a masking king
"She stole it again, Lockwood" yep
I love that you can sort of make out the flowers on her dress
oh christ that was scary
ew old man burning
heavy breathing lockwood (I blame the multiverse of George chat for that)
"I'm working with maniacs" got room for another one?
why did Ellie think it would be a good idea to try and run straight through the middle
"Shut up!" their faces afterwards
kipps pls stop sounding so smug
dw I believe you lockwood
punch me like that wall pls
barnes looks so sad
omg he's being a protective dad
ohhhhh lockwood in a proper suit 🪣 (bad timing for it I know)
"do you know my name?" George I love you
"that's a shame, she was a fool but... she really fitted in there actually" *lockwood nudges him* George I love you even more and I think we would be the bestest of friends
I love the lavender in the pockets of Penelope and Ellie
omg Lucy's drawing! like she said her hobby was in the books!
hand + ring
*George casually pulls out stolen evidence*
I want lucy's jumper
the way lockwood's sat on the chair has me weak
"You belong here" *stares at her with heart eyes*
oh dear
why does he keep sprawling on the chair
I don't want to talk about the sound I just made at that one frame of lockwood
"She's good, and... she's finally starting to get me" aw Georgie I love you
"she's a lot tougher than you think" *thumps as Lucy passes out*
seriously who gave him the right
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aurevoirmonty · 1 day
«Hystérie du Covid», puis «arnaque du réchauffement climatique»: Klaus Schwab veut nous soumettre par la peur—Ned Ryun
Le WEF «est un véritable mouvement fasciste public et privé mondial», résume New Ryun, ex-rédacteur de discours pour George W. Bush, puis devenu allié fidèle de Trump.
«Leur objectif et la fusion du big government, de la big tech et de la big money, pour créer une élite technocratique dominante.»
Et comme «par hasard», cette classe dominante se trouve être eux-mêmes.
«Ils veulent créer un «féodalisme 2.0» dans lequel nous serions les serfs et eux, les seigneurs qui nous gouvernent.»
Et Ryun de conclure:
«Vous n'aurez rien et vous serez heureux», c’est leur objectif.
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townsenddecades · 7 days
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Recap 1310 – 1319
The second decade of the fourteenth century was one of hunger, uncertainty and death. This was true for all of England and beyond and hasn’t left the population of the town of Praaven and its surroundings untouched.
But, even through all the losses they suffered, the Townsends have persevered, and have grown their family through several marriages and children. The three oldest Townsend siblings have started their own families, and although Edith is gone, her two children live on.
Despite their station, fate hasn’t been kind to the two noble families of the area, the Dudleys and the Pelhams, either, with only Ralph Dudley’s young daughter Maud as heiress to the family line after the loss of her four older siblings, while the Pelham legacy lies on the shoulders of two small boys and one little girl. Not even the Watcher knows how that will end.
But on to the recap.
The Townsend Family
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Current Members: 8
In 1310, the family consists of Benedict Townsend and his six children: twin girls Anna and Edith, and after them son Benjamin, Simon, Gregory and finally third daughter Helen. The family is still reeling from losing Anne, Benedict’s wife, shortly after baby Helen’s birth. In the same year, Simon ages up into a child, and Benjamin ages up into a teenager. After those two birthdays, Anna marries her betrothed, George Crawley, and leaves her childhood home to share his family’s house in Praaven. 
In 1311, Benjamin too finds romance with his childhood friend Malika, who tells him plainly that she wishes to escape serfdom. He gains her father’s blessing for their interest in each other on the day of his elder sister Edith’s wedding to William Watmore, also a serf. She, too, moves out to live with her husband; the two have acquired the Earl’s permission to farm a piece of land in the neighbouring village of Mahlsberg.
Birthdays of 1311: Helen ages up into a toddler, while Gregory ages up into a child.
In the beginning of 1312, Benjamin makes his intentions towards Malika official by asking for her hand in marriage. The couple celebrate their betrothal by having their wedding night early, which leads to a very rushed marriage when Malika falls pregnant by it. While she settles into her new home, Benjamin travels to Praaven to talk to the earl about buying the rights to an additional piece of land, which he is granted. The year ends with Malika giving birth to twins, a girl and a boy, whom they name Amye and Malcolm.
In 1313, Gregory and Simon visit Edith, who tells them about how Anna and her once tried to find the witch of Lüghaven, who may know more about Simon’s own gift of magic. While this is happening, Benjamin, who has big plans for his family, travels to the abbey of St. Wright, where his mother once lived, to learn how to read. He also teaches this skill to those in the rest of the family that are interested. Spurred on by their brother’s success, Simon and Gregory travel to the abbey to learn how to paint. Gregory does so, while Simon is held off by a mysterious woman named Elea who he feels inexplicably drawn to. She seems surprised by him but tells him they will meet again.
This season’s harvest also turns out to be meagre due to constant cold. As Benedict had spent some years making a living as a carpenter in addition to farming, this doesn’t affect the Townsends too badly. In fact, they have enough money left over to start building a cottage on their new piece of land.
The weather doesn’t improve in 1314, neither for the Townsends nor for anyone else, and people are already starting to fear food shortages. Despite this, the twins age up into toddlers, while Malika falls pregnant once more, and gives birth to a little boy named Duncan later in the year. After that, the Townsends bring in a small harvest, which they hope will tide them over the coming months.
By 1315, nothing at all is growing due to the bad weather, and while the Townsend have food put by, it won’t hold out if the famine that is now starting to develop lasts for a long time. They get a distraction in the form of a visit by the same woman that Simon had met at the abbey two years before, who reveals that she is a witch and wants to train him once his magic grows. At the end of the year, young Helen ages up into a child.
Sadly, baby Duncan doesn’t cope well with the malnourishment, and becomes the family’s first famine victim at barely a year old. This tempers Malika’s joy at finding herself with child again by the end of the year.
In 1316, Malika gives birth to a little girl named Joan. Sadly, the deprivations Malika suffered during her pregnancy cause the baby to be born very frail, so that she dies after only two months. At around the same time, Edith’s husband William dies, and the family takes her, pregnant with her second child, and her little daughter Elsie in. A few months later, her son, Wilfred, is born. The pregnancy leaves Edith very weak.
 The year 1317 begins with Edith’s death; sadly, she hasn’t been able to recuperate from Wilfred’s birth. The Townsends vow to raise Elsie and Wilfred, now orphaned, in their parents’ stead. A few months later, Simon turns 13, and moves out to begin his apprenticeship with Elea, which means living with her and her daughter Mariora. Later in the year, an epidemic sweeps the countryside and carries many off with it, among them Helen, Benedict’s youngest child. She is the final famine victim in the Townsend household.
In 1318, Gregory meets a girl named Agnes at the abbey, where she lives, when he goes there to paint. She’s the illegitimate daughter of a sister that had died during the epidemic of the previous year. A few months later, little Wilfred ages up into a toddler, and at the end of the year, Malcolm, Amye and Elsie all age up into children. Gregory, now a teenager, also makes the acquaintance of a merchant from Praaven who is impressed with his painting skills.
In 1319, Malika becomes pregnant once more. Winter finally ends, which means that not only can the Townsends start to farm again, but they also have to say goodbye to Elsie and Wilfred, who move back to the farm in Mahlsberg, which has been taken over by their father’s brothers, to help them work the land. At the end of the year, Malika gives birth to another set of twins, whom they name Frank and Adeline.
The Witches’ Coven
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Current Members: 1
This household is established in 1317, when Simon Townsend moves into the Ellesmeres’ hidden dwelling to be apprenticed by Elea in matters of witchcraft. Elea is a mysterious woman, far too young-looking, and seems to pursue her own ends in taking in Benjamin.
They live with her daughter Mariora, who is only slightly older than Simon. She warns him that he better know what he is doing, throwing in his lot with witchcraft, when he arrives; she herself does not have the gift of magic.
Not much else of note happens in this household; the longer he lives with her, however, the more Simon feels drawn to Mariora. He even tells his father on a visit to the Townsend farm in 1319 that he has thoughts of courting her.
The Crawley Family
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Current Members: 4
Established in 1310, the Crawley Household comes to be when Anna Townsend marries George Crawley and moves into his family home on Praaven’s Castle Hill District. This is quite a change in circumstances for a girl who has grown up on a farm, but she does her best to adjust.
She becomes pregnant quickly after the marriage and tells her family of her coming child on a visit in 1311. Sadly, her little girl is born prematurely, and dies only a day the birth.
A year later, in 1312, Anna finds herself with child again. Luckily, this time around, her daughter, who they name Annette, is born strong and healthy.
She is pregnant again in 1313, much to the amusement of George’s younger sister Caroline, whom Anna has become good friends with. Sadly, the family’s hopes that this child will be healthy like Annette are dashed, and her son is stillborn.
In 1314, the Crawleys celebrate Annette’s aging up into a toddler. A few months later, the Countess of Petersmarch brokers a marriage between her widowed brother and Caroline, much to the family’s joy. Only Caroline is heartbroken, because she had been considering marriage with a merchant’s son whom she truly cared for. Cared for so much, in fact, that she had shared his bed; she confesses this and the news that she is pregnant to Anna. To save her from dishonour, Anna proposes a scheme to go away for a while, so they’ll be able to claim Caroline’s child as Anna’s.
Their plan works, and they return to Praaven with Caroline’s little girl, Theodora, in 1315 with no one the wiser. It is hard on Caroline, of course, especially when she leaves Praaven a few months after their return to marry the baron’s son as arranged, but at least her honour is intact.
The Crawleys suffer under the famine like everyone else but there are no deaths in their family.
In 1316, little Theodora ages up into a toddler. Other than the brown hair she inherited from her mother, she takes after her father a lot, and Anna and George (whom she had taken into her confidence as a matter of conscience) hope fervently that no one will question this.
In 1318, Annette ages up into a child, closing out the decade’s events for the Crawleys.
The Watmore Family
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Current Members: 2
This household was created in 1311, when Edith Townsend married William Watmore, and moved to Mahlsberg onto a piece of land granted to them by the Earl to make a new life there with him.
Pregnancy follows marriage swiftly, and in 1312, Edith gives birth to a little girl, whom they name Elsie, after William’s mother.
Baby Elsie ages up into a toddler in 1314. By this time, Edith and William, who are only poor serfs and don’t have any provisions stocked, are very worried about the food situation, but vow to themselves that they will make sure their daughter has enough to eat, even if they don’t.
They get a bit of support from Edith’s father as the famine lengthens, but with so many mouths to feed on the Townsend farm, he can’t spare much.
Despite her malnourishment, Edith becomes pregnant again in 1316, much to the worry of her family, who has noticed how thin she has become. The constant deprivation takes a toll on her husband, who falls ill and dies. After his burial, Edith seeks shelter on her father’s farm with her daughter, while her brothers-in-law take over the farm in Mahlsberg. At the end of the year, Edith gives birth to a little boy she names Wilfred in remembrance of his father.
Sadly, in the beginning of 1317, Edith passes away due to the strain of Wilfred’s birth. He and Elsie are raised by the Townsends after that, and age up into a toddler (Wilfred) and a child (Elsie) in 1318. Both of them, but especially Elsie, form close bonds with their aunt/uncles and cousins.
When spring arrives in 1319, the two Watmore children return to Mahlsberg to help their uncles farm the land that had been meant for Edith and William, in hopes of bringing in a proper harvest this time around.
Robert Townsend, the squire
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Current Members: 1
As the decade begins, Robert, at age 9, has been serving as a page to Sir Silas Ellesmere, the captain of the Earl’s guard, for two years. In 1311, he attends the marriage of his elder half-brother the Earl in this function. He is noticed by the new Countess in the coming months; they both like art, so she decides to take him on as her own page for the company, somewhat to the dismay of her brother-in-law Clement.
In 1313, Robert turns thirteen years old, and moves on from page to squire, a position he will hold until he can be dubbed a knight at age 21.
In 1315, he meets Katheryn Deane while he practices his archery, whom he is instantly attracted to, especially when she starts flirting with him brazenly. It is only when the Countess arrives that he learns that she is actually Lady Katheryn Deane, a cousin of the Countess and herself daughter of an earl. Robert realizes immediately that their difference in station means that he would never be considered as a match for her.
Despite this, the two of them spend much time together and grow close, enough so that in 1316, they share their first kiss. Robert apologizes profusely, but Katheryn assures him that all she wants is a bit of fun, and that provided they are discreet, no one will be harmed by it.
Their hopes are dashed in 1317, when the Earl announces that he has arranged a betrothal between his younger brother Clement and Katheryn. Robert is heartbroken despite his assertions that he’d always known that their romance couldn’t last, and tries to break their relationship off, but it is the perspective of losing him that makes Katheryn realize that she has come to truly care for him, too. They kiss and don’t part ways, but deep down, they both know it can’t last.
After Clement and Katheryn’s marriage, the Earl sets his matchmaking sight on Robert in 1319. As a low-born bastard, they shouldn’t be good, but the prospect of the Earl’s favour and Robert’s knighthood makes the de Bellefaye family, of French noble stock and residents of the town, amenable to negotiations. Their daughter, Elisaria, is only 14, but Robert finds her very sweet-natured and lovely and decides to agree to the match. When he tells a heavily pregnant Katheryn of this and breaks off what is left of their relationship, she is enraged, but he doesn’t feel he has any other choice.
It is agreed between the Earl and the de Bellefayes that Robert and Elisaria will marry once he has been given his knighthood.
The Dudley Family
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Current Members: 7
At the beginning of the decade, the noble house of Dudley consists of Ralph Dudley, the Earl of Petersmarch, his brother Clement, his sisters Lady Elizabeth and Lady Gwendolen and his mother, also Elizabeth, the former Countess. Ralph is also betrothed to Mary Pelham, the youngest child of Baron Elbenhawke.
At the beginning of 1310, Gwendolen ages up into a child, which is followed a few months later by Clement aging up into a teenager.
The Dudley-Pelham wedding takes place in 1311, after which Ralph’s mother departs from Praaven with her daughters, to take up residence in the Dudley’s country estate while the new Lady Petersmarch settles into her role. She soon becomes pregnant, and, because she feels lonely, takes her husband’s bastard half-brother on as her page, which he allows, much to Clement’s dissatisfaction.
In the following year, 1312, Lady Petersmarch gives birth to a healthy son and heir named Arthur, much to everyone’s joy.
A second son, named Nathaniel, follows in 1314. Sadly, when the Dowager Countess and her daughters come to town to visit this newest member of the family, they bring illness with them; little Nathaniel and Lady Elizabeth (his aunt) both succumb to it. In the aftermath of those tragic losses, Clement decides to accompany his mother and remaining sister back to their country seat to get some distance from the castle.
In 1315, Lady Petersmarch gains a companion in the form of a distant cousin, Lady Katheryn Deane.
In 1316, tragedy strikes again when Lady Petersmarch gives birth to a stillborn son.
In 1317, Lady Petermarch gives birth to another child, a daughter this time, whom they name Alicent. Unfortunately, the tragedies that have been hounding the Dudleys for years continue, and the epidemic that sweeps the countryside that year kills both Alicent and five-year old Arthur, which not only leaves the countess shattered, but also the earldom without an heir. To prevent this, Lord Petersmarch arranges a marriage between his brother Clement and his wife’s companion Katheryn, unaware about the romance between her and his bastard half-brother. Lady Gwendolen ages up into a teenager that year.
The marriage takes place in 1318, and Lady Katheryn becomes pregnant soon after. Sadly, her daughter is stillborn the following year. The Countess fares better, and gives birth to a healthy baby girl, Maud, at the end of 1318, leaving her the sole heiress of the earldom as the decade ends.
The Pelham Family
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Current Members: 5
As the decade begins, the family consists of Peter Pelham, Baron Elbenhawke, his son and heir Richard, his daughter Mary, and Richard’s betrothed, Lady Elinor Mowbray.
In 1310, Richard and Lady Elinor are married, in hopes that their union will finally provide the heir the barony needs.
In 1311, Mary, too, weds, which makes her the Countess of Petersmarch. Accordingly, she moves out of her family home, Elbenhawke Hall, into the Dudley seat, Praaven Castle.
In 1313, Lady Elinor finally gives birth to her first child, the son and heir they had all been hoping for. They name the child Richard, after his father.
A second pregnancy follows quickly in 1314, with disastrous consequences: due to birth complications, both Lady Elinor and her little girl die, leaving Richard bereft and with only his small son as heir. Even while mourning, the Pelhams start looking for another bride, and (after some help from Mary) approach the prosperous Crawley family, which has an unwed daughter, Caroline. The betrothal is accepted. At the end of the year, Little Richard ages up into a toddler.
The Pelham-Crawley wedding takes place in 1315, after Caroline returns from a long trip she had taken with her brother’s wife, Anna. The new lady of the house bonds well with her stepson, although her marriage remains a bit distant. She and Richard the elder do their duty, however, and she becomes pregnant soon after the marriage.
In 1316, Caroline gives birth to a healthy son named David. A daughter, Josephine, follows in 1317.
Then, tragedy strikes once again. A few months after Josephine’s birth, Richard goes hunting, and is gravely wounded in an ill-fated encounter with a boar. He is rushed back to Elbenhawke Hall, but it is soon clear that there is nothing to be done for him. He dies that night. Afterwards, Lord Elbenhawke asks Caroline to remain the lady of the house, even if she will not be baroness.
In 1319, Josephine ages up into a toddler, and Richard Jr. ages up into a child, ending the decade on an at least somewhat hopeful mood for the Pelhams.
And that is the end of the recap.
The 1310s have certainly been eventful, and at times I felt a bit overwhelmed with the management of it all. I have played the challenge before, but back then I didn't switch households as much, and let the Story Progression Mod do much of the management for me. It’s been fun to be more involved, in a way, but also stressful. That wasn’t helped by the extra management of the famine years.
But the famine is in the past now (although in real history, its effects lasted into the 1320s), and at least as far as event rules are concerned, there won’t be anything happening in the following decade. Historically, there was much turmoil, of course, due to the strife between King Edward II, his lords and Queen Isabella, which eventually led to Edward being dethroned and his subsequent death. I may mention that in regard to the nobles, but don’t plan on inventing any new rules to see if they are affected by it.
Either way, the future will be interesting.
Prev: 1319, Day 4 | Recap 1300 - 1309 <--> Next: 1320, Day 1, Part 1/2 | Recap 1320 - 1329
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
Hi quil what are the books you like about dragons I want to find them I feel like I’ve asked this before oops
Someone's asked, but I have no problem revisiting it!
The Aurelian Cycle by Rosaria Munda; with one of my favorite depictions of dragon/rider bonds I've ever seen, we follow Annie, Lee, and the other young dragonriders of Callipolis as it tries to establish itself in the aftermath of a violent revolution. Annie, former serf, and Lee, former royal, grew up in an orphanage together in the aftermath, and together have risen to the top of the new regime as dragonriders. But the regime is untested and flagging under the stress, and did the revolution even fix anything? With beautiful character relationships, arcs, plot, and politics, Aurelian Cycle is a delight to read
The Memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan; Lady Isabella Trent, now an old woman, tells the story of how she became the world's most renowned dragon naturalist, literally changing the world, via her memoirs. Dragon's are little understood beasts, but they've enchanted her since childhood. Overcoming sexism and the infinite political hoops of science, we follow her rise to the top--involving her personal life, her professional life and its politics, uncovering the biology and past cultures of dragons/dragon-centric societies, I adore this series.
To Shape A Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose; Anequs discovers an egg indigenous to her island and bonds with its hatchling, the species thought to have disappeared years ago. But there's all sorts of rules by the colonizing Anglish society when it comes to dragons, and to prevent them from taking out their wrath on her people, she must attend their school to learn how to handle the hatchling as they see fit--but her customs and theirs consistently clash as one of the only girls and one of only two Indigenous people at the school. The thorough worldbuilding, character relationships, and real-world complex topics of culture and colonization make this book absolutely gripping--I eagerly await the sequel
When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill; In the 1950s, thousands of women across America spontaneously turned into dragons and left society behind. No one talks of it directly, dragoning a distinctly feminine and therefore shameful thing. Alex loses her aunt to dragoning, and her mother to illness--and finds herself responsible for her young niece at only 16, who keeps looking to the skies. She struggles to find herself as the world struggles against the continued dragoning of women who are tired of being made to feel small. It's a lovely story of femininity and empowerment and self, though it does focus near exclusively on white womanhood.
Those are the first that come to mind--I've also enjoyed The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin, which is a quick read. And A Chorus of Dragons, but despite the title that's not really about dragons.
I've recently acquired some new dragon books though, so perhaps soon I can add them to this list!
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gratelove · 10 months
I Think I Love You
Peter (The Great) x Reader
I am on season 2 of The Great and I am so in love with Peter. So here’s a cute fluffy Peter fanfic I’ve been daydreaming about.
This is a long one
Warnings: fluff, sweet Peter, cursing, kissing
You were promised to Peter by your father, and since you’ve arrived you’ve been incredibly disappointed. You believe you can never love Peter. The night before your wedding everything changes, making you rethink what life will be like with Peter.
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You were betrothed to Peter, the Emperor of Russia, by your father to end the war between your regions. You knew as it was your duty to follow through to save your people, as you were losing the war. Though you did not want to marry the Emperor, you must. You believed he was a cruel and violent man. You watched so many boys come home from war severely injured, missing limbs, or not even returning at all. You had a job to protect your people; to make sure sons, husbands, and fathers would be able to come home to their loved ones.
When you first stepped off the ship, the rocks of the shore crunched under your blue heels, and you were hit with the wonderful smell of the ocean and the trees. You may not be happy about your marriage, but at least Russia is breathtaking. You hoped that you could make a positive impact on its people and government.
You were taken to a carriage, and after a short and bumpy ride, you arrive at the palace. It is more luxurious than you could’ve imagined and you realize your mouth is left open in awe. A guard helps you out and leads you through the halls. Your heels click on the shiny marble floors and you see serfs cleaning up broken glass and fixing pieces of broken wall. You are told to wait in an empty room and the guard closes the large double doors behind you.
A few moments later a young gentleman in a wig walks in with several men following.
“Hello wife.” The young fellow grabs your shoulders and kisses your cheek.
“Hello. You must be Peter.” You curtsy.
“You are sweet. Our wedding will be in 2 weeks. Lots of planning. Must be on your best behavior to make sure I end the war. You French Fucks are losing after all.” You ball your hand into a fist. Be a lady. Control yourself. Do it for your people. You think all of this to yourself, and release your fist.
“I will be on my best behavior, husband.” You force a smile.
“Amazing. I think we’ll get along great. Huzzah.” He throws his hands in the air. “I shall leave you. Settle in and meet the ladies at court. You’ll love them. You can talk about the latest hats and throw balls on the lawn.” He gives you another quick peck on the cheek before exiting.
Later that evening your serf, Margaret, helps you dress in a beautiful, baby pink gown. You slip on matching heels and are directed down several flights of stairs and halls until you reach a magnificent ball room. The large doors open before you and present people in elegant attire dancing, laughing, and drinking.
“Ah wife!” Peter grabs your breasts and jiggles them in his hands. Disgusting. What am I? A bag of meat? “Tonight we drink, dance, eat, and later we fuck.”
“I thought we wouldn’t lie together until our wedding night?” You ask, hoping you can push off any sexual actions as long as possible.
“I’m the Emperor. I fuck who I want, when I want.”
“Actually, wise Emperor. Though you can do what you want, when you want. According to the church, you should be married before you lie with the Empress.” An old man with a long beard chimes in. Thank you old man.
“Shut up Archie. But, the Emperor must be one with God, so fine. I’ll just fuck George instead.” What a pig. Peter hands you a small glass, matching the one in his, and he swallows the drink in one swift head tilt. He then pushes your glass up. You smile and take the shot. The burn runs down your throat and you wince. Peter then grabs your hand and pulls you to the dance floor.
In what feels like hours of dancing, mingling with the ladies at court, and forced drinking, you have discovered that women cannot read, and are not allowed to. They don’t know what art or science is. They don’t know Voltaire. You have a lot of work to do here.
Finally supper is ready. You sit at a table with just Peter and you. The other members at court sit at tables on the sides, facing the head table. A large pig is laid out in front of you. You envy the pig right now.
“Before we eat, to my wife.” Peter stands from his chair and raises his glass. “To our marriage, to the end of the war, to lots of fucking, and to soon getting a little Peter. Huzzah!” He takes a shot and smashes his glass on the ground. The court follows his actions. “Huzzah!” In unison and the sound of glasses smashing crowd the dining hall.
“To ge-“
“You don’t talk. Sit. Look pretty, wife.” Peter interrupts your attempt at a speech. The more time you spend with him, the more you hate him. He’s rude, filthy, childish, and overall just a prick.
After dinner is done you immediately head to your room, wanting to escape Peter. His presence makes your blood boil. You make it to your room. Margaret helps you change and you are finally able to sleep, although not very well.
It’s been a week since you’ve been in Russia and it is incredibly dull. All the ladies ever want to do is roll balls on grass and wear their stupid wigs as hats. You had an outburst on Lady Svenska for whipping a serf in the hall for accidentally spilling a drink on her dress. You put an end to it immediately, and now hide in the library where no one will ever find you. No one comes here, and everyone hates you for defending a serf. The court believes they are property and not people.
You hear the door creak open and you shut your book. You peak around the side of a shelf to see Peter looking around.
“I know you’re in here.” You stand up and smooth out your dress.
“I’m here.”
“Grigor just told me that you yelled at Lady Svenska in front of all the other ladies at court. I told you you need to behave. Make friends with the ladies. You’ll only make your life harder. Besides, it’s a fucking serf. No need to get upset over a fucking serf.”
“They’re people too.”
“Not here. Serfs are property. You need to get used to the Russian way, or else you’ll never find happiness here.”
“I’ll never find happiness being married to you.” You spit. He has only sexualized and told you what to do since you’ve been here. He’s hasn’t asked one question about you. Hasn’t tried at all to get to know you.
“I have only been fucking nice to you. Besides, I am Emperor. I do what I please. You are only here to make my heirs. Think about your next moves, or I’ll bring you a French Fucks head for dinner.”
“You’re a prick.” As the words come out of your mouth, you know it’s a mistake. Peter’s face goes red and he grabs your wrist tight. “Let go of me!” You yell and try to shove his hand off. His grip gets tighter and as you try to push your heels into the ground to stop movement, he is much stronger than you. You lose your footing and fall to the floor, but Peter doesn’t stop. He continues to drag you down the hall by your wrist as you kick, scream, and squirm. You make it to your room and he picks you up and tosses you in there.
“You can stay in here until you decide to be a good fucking wife.” He slams the door as you run towards it.
“Let me out you fucker! I’ll fucking kill you! You can’t keep me trapped in here!” You yell and bang on the door.
“I’ll visit you tonight and see if you’re in a better fucking mood.”
“Peter! Dickhead!” There is silence and you know he is gone. You are locked in your room, with no books, no friends. You are completely alone. Only a quill, some paper, and your thoughts. Tears stream down your cheeks, and you decided to sit at your desk and write your heart out.
You awake, dry tears on your skin, your hair a mess. It’s dark outside and you raise yourself on your elbows to see a figure sitting at your desk. You rub your eyes and let them adjust. You realize it’s Peter sitting at your desk, reading all your angry thoughts.
“Is this really what you think of me?” You try to recollect what you had written.
“Yes, from what I remember.”
“But everybody loves me. So there is obviously something wrong with you and not with me.”
“Or maybe everyone just pretends to love you.” You can see a hurt look on Peter’s face.
“Elizabeth told me that I have to make you love me.” You snort. You do like Elizabeth. She’s Peter’s aunt and she has been very kind to you since you arrived. She has told you a little of Peter and his parents. In a way you feel sorry for him. His parents sounded cruel, his mother more than his father. From what Elizabeth has told me, she hated Peter. “Why are you laughing? It is not a jape.” His eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Peter, I could never love you.”
“Well, why not?” He stands and makes his way to your bed, sitting on the edge.
“Because you are heartless. You care not for others and only love yourself. I could never love a man as cruel and selfish as you.” You say honestly.
“What… Tell me something about yourself.”
“In your writings, you say I know nothing about you. I have not gotten to know you. Tell me something.” You ponder for a moment.
“Back home, I had a Dutch Hound named Truffle. He was my best friend.” Peter’s eyes light up like a little boys, and it makes you smile for a moment.
“I have a dog Zeus! And truffle season is my favorite! Shaving it over bread and butter. It’s the deepest of autumn.” He looks off in the distance, remembering a past truffle season.
“My father used to take me every winter.” You smile at your own memory.
“Our love of truffles and dogs. We’ve found something in common. Huzzah.” He says, and I giggle.
“Huzzah. This does not make me love you.”
“You call me cruel, but you seem to have no love in your heart. Like I said, everyone loves me.”
“You dragged me down the hall by my wrist and locked me in a room like a prisoner. You haven’t gotten to know me, even an ounce, and you continue to talk about all the French you killed like it is a jape.”
“Killing French Fuckers is pretty funny.”
“Those are my people. What if I joked about murdering Russians?”
“They were happy to give their lives for me, for Russia. If you were a man you’d understand.” You roll your eyes in annoyance.
“That’s the other thing. You think woman are here to open their legs and close their mouths.”
“Because they are. The women in court know their place. You’ll learn yours soon enough.”
“That’s what you misunderstand. I will never learn my place.” You stare at one another and you feel tension rise.
“You’re fiery. It makes my cock rock hard.”
“The idea of your cock in me makes me wretch.”
“You have not seen or felt it yet. I am of massive cock. You will love it, as well as me.” Peter pats your leg and stands to leave.
“Am I free to go?” Peter’s hands are on the door knobs as he ponders for a moment.
“You do not love me yet. I’ll be back tomorrow. We shall have breakfast together.” He walks out the door and you hear the lock click. You throw yourself against your pillow, grabbing one and holding it over your face. You scream the loudest scream.
The next morning you wake and throw on your pink, silk robe. You tidy up the mess of papers on your desk. You wait for a small time until the door finally opens. You hurry to stand and Peter walks in. He has on a fur hat and his red and gold robe.
“Good morning wife. Sit.” He point to the chair across the small, circular table. A serf walks in, laying out fruits, bacon, eggs, and small cakes.
“Tea?” I nod my head to the serf and he pours some in my cup. I take a sip and close my eyes at the feeling of the warmth going down my throat.
“You are pretty. You look as if you were the sun itself.” I open my eyes to see Peter smiling at me.
“Why are you being nice to me?” I ask.
“Well we are to marry in 6 days. I must get you to love me.”
“Do you love me?”
“Well, you do make my cock hard, that’s for fucking sure.”
“Making your cock hard and your heart soft are two completely different things.” You raise your brows at him and put a strawberry in your mouth
“That is true. Tell me something about yourself.” Peter shovels eggs into his mouth.
“I’ve thought about killing you.” You smile at Peter and he begins to laugh.
“I’ve thought about killing you too. This is why we are perfect together. My father always said ‘if a woman tries to kill you, you’re in business.’ Deep down I know you love me.”
“Tell me about your parents.” Peter stops eating his breakfast and sits for a time in silence.
“Well, father was… great. He is Peter the Great. He was a wondrous fighter and fucker. Mother, she was cruel. She loved me, but Igor always used to tell me his mother was much better than mine. Elizabeth used to hold me and tuck me in, while mother-she…” his voice fades off and I see tears fighting to pour. In this moment he’s like a little boy who got his ball taken from him. He looks so innocent and sweet. I haven’t seen Peter like this since I arrived. Elizabeth told me his mother would lock him in a closet for days by himself. Little Peter would go mad in there all alone. He sniffles and I reach my hand out to lay it on his. I think this is the first time we’ve touched in an honest way. Not drunkenly being thrown around in a dance or groped in public. Peter looks at my hand and then at my eyes. We stare at each other for a long moment.
“Fuck.” Peter states.
“What is it?” I ask, removing my hand and putting it in my lap.
“I think I love you.”
“Peter, you’re sweet.” I smile at him.
“Do you love me?”
“Breakfast is over.” Peter stands and heads for the door.
“Can I come out?”
“Will it make you love me?”
“Then no. I’ll be back for dinner.”
It’s been 4 days of being locked in your room. The wedding is tomorrow and Peter comes and visits every day, two to three times a day. He professes his love every time, asking if you feel the same way. As the days have gone on, Peter has really tried to put in the effort to get to know you. He gave you some books, asks lots of questions about you, and has even tried writing you love letters. Though they are terrible and incredibly sexual, you do find them sweet and comical.
“We’re having pork belly and moose lips for dinner!” Peter squeals in excitement as he takes a seat at the table. You sit across from his and he takes your hand.
“You look lovely wife.” He raises your hand to his lips and kisses your fingers softly. “I have a surprise for you after dinner.”
“That’s very sweet. I can’t wait.” You nod. You go through dinner with some small talk about Peter’s day. He rants about Velementov losing the war with the Swedes and how annoying Orlo is.
After dinner he tells you to cover your eyes. You follow his instructions and wait.
“Open.” You open your eyes to see a brown Dutch Hound in his arms. He has silky hair and the sweetest brown eyes. You gasp and run to him, giggling.
“Truffle!” You squeal and grab your pup in your arms, showering him with kisses.
“I had him shipped all the way here from France.” A small tear runs down your cheek. “Fuck, you’re crying. Did I make you sad?” You sniffle and put Truffle on your bed.
“No. I mean, I do miss home, but this gives me tears of joy. Thank you Peter.” You hug him tightly. Your cheeks rest against his maroon velvet coat. He smells of trees and soap and you take in his scent. You’ve never smelled him before, but you love it. You also just now noticed the recognizable height difference. He is over six feet tall and as you lift your head to look up at him your met with his blue eyes. You’ve never noticed how bright and beautiful they are. They do sparkle. He is smiling down at you and you feel a tingle in your lower belly. You find yourself gravitating closer toward him until finally your lips are touching. His are so soft as they brush against yours.
You come to a realization of the moment and move yourself off of him. What am I doing?
“Are you okay?” Peter moves toward you and you back away, putting your hand out toward him.
“No. I-I need lots of rest for the big day tomorrow.” You need some time to think about what just happened.
“Y/N, I’d like-“
“Peter, please leave!” You say harshly, and louder than you meant to. Peter expression turns to a sad one. He grabs his wig and throws it on over his short brown hair, storming out of the room. You lay on your bed, staring at the canopy of gold cloth that hangs above you. You think about this kiss. You think about this past week, locked in this room with Peter. Locked in this room!
You shoot up and look at the door. You shove your feet in your slippers and run for the door. You slowly grab the knob, turning it. It’s unlocked. You laugh to yourself and shove it open, running down the hall. You make it down the stairs and push through the front doors. You take a deep breath of fresh air. You look up and stare at the moon and the stars. It’s beautiful out tonight. You’ve missed the fresh air. It’s only been a week, but it’s felt like an eternity. You start to run through the front lawn, letting the cold air flow threw your hair. You stop when you’re out of breath and sit in a bench in the garden.
“Y/N?” You look at the voice that called you and see Elizabeth pulling her garments up as a guard pulls himself out from her dress. “You may go.” She shoos him away. She comes and sit next to you on the bench. “I see Peter let you out.”
“Or forgot to lock the door.”
“I told him not to lock you in there. He does love you, you know. In his own, odd sort of way.”
“I know. He tells me daily.” She smiles at you.
“And how do you feel about him?”
“I’m not sure. I came here hating him. I imagined killing him in all honesty. He locked me in a room, said hurtful things about my people, and dragged me down a hall.” I stop and stare at my hands.
“But,” Elizabeth inquires.
“But, I kissed him.”
“Peter is a sweet boy. I know he is hard to love, but once you give him a chance, you see he is full of love. His mother was cruel, and he didn’t receive much as a child. I believe this is why it is hard for him to show love to others. Maybe you have seen this side of Peter not many get to see, and you have fallen in love with it.”
“But it feels wrong. I feel as if I am going against myself by letting myself love him.”
“How is it going against yourself if it is you that wants it?” I juggle her words in my head for a little.
“Maybe you’re right. You are a true friend.” You hug her.
“And you.” She agrees. You both stand and you head back into your room. You lay in your bed and dream of your wedding tomorrow and if you will decide if you love Peter or not.
The next morning you are awoke by Margaret throwing open your bedroom curtains. The light burns your eyes and you cover your face with a pillow.
“Good morning Empress. It’s the big day. We must get you ready.”
“Five more minutes Margaret.”
“Sorry Empress. We must get started.” You groan and throw your blanket off.
After several hours of getting your hair done and getting multiple layers of your gown on you finally slip your feet into your white heels.
“The final touch.” Margaret places a gold crown atop your head. It is littered with diamonds and shines in the sun that’s coming through the window. You look in the mirror and see your gorgeous wedding gown. The white silk glistens. “You look beautiful. It is almost time. Are you ready Empress?”
“I’m ready Margaret.” You nod and take a deep breath. You head down the hall until you reach the top of the stairs. At the bottom of the steps you see Peter in a blue velvet suit with gold accents, with his teal sash across his chest. His back is turned towards you and he does not realize you are there. You hear a small gasp from some women in the court and the Emperor turns around. His mouth falls open at the sight of you and he takes a deep breath. Your stomach fills with butterflies. He looks so handsome. You grab the sides of your dress and make your way down the stairs with elegance. You meet Peter at the bottom and he holds a hand out to you. You take it and smile.
“You are breathtaking.” Peter whispers and you giggle.
“As are you.” Peter’s cheeks flush.
“Shall we get fucking married.”
“We shall.” You both turn toward the arch bishop and your ceremony begins.
“You may now kiss the Empress.” The arch bishop says. Peter grabs both your hands and leans in slowly. Your lips touch and you feel a spark you’ve never felt with Peter before. As the kiss ends you wish for more.
“Huzzah!” The whole court yells. Peter and you laugh.
“Let fucking party!” Peter shouts.
The rest of your evening is spent drinking, laughing, and dancing with your husband. You never thought you would feel this way for Peter, but feelings changed so quickly within a week. So quickly you are unsure of what happened.
“It’s now time to consummate the marriage.” Archie, the arch bishop, tells both of you. You tense a little. You’ve been thinking about this moment and have been terrified of the thought. You are a virgin, which is a requirement for women before they marry. Peter is definitely not a virgin. You have seen and heard him fuck Georgia in the halls. You hear her screams of pleasure and it makes you nervous. What if I am not as good as her? What is this makes him not love me?
Peter grabs your hand. “Let’s go, wife.” You are led to Peter’s bedroom, which you have never seen before. It is a large room with a massive bed. You turn around and Margaret unlaces your corset and pulls it off of your shoulders. “I got it from here.” Peter excuses her. You take a deep breath as Peter turns you around to face him. His fingers find the ties of your dress and pulls at the strings, loosening it around your shoulders. The top half of your dress falls down completely, and it’s about to expose your breasts before you catch it. “What is wrong?” Peter asks, concern in his eyes. “Does the thought of my cock still disgust you?” You chuckle and shake your head.
“No. No.” Is all you can say.
“Then what is it?”
“Peter, I-I’m nervous.” He brings his warm hand to your cheek and caresses your face. You lock eyes and he leans in to kiss you. Your lips meet and you feel those butterflies once again. You pull back for a moment.
“Y/N, stop resisting me. I know you love me. You kissed me last night.” His warm breath hits your cheeks, and you know he’s right. You find it so hard to admit it to yourself, but he’s right. Elizabeth is right.
“I do think I love you.” Peter smiles and it fills your heart with warmth. You reconnect your lips and feel lighter than you ever have before. You kiss for a what feels like so much time, yet no time at all.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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greenbloods · 4 months
shoutout to this exchange on r/pureasoiaf about arryk and erryk i saw two years ago and havent forgotten since, and the final comment by u/Jon-Umber on westerosi chivalry
AliEray: Oh, I never realized they were named after Cargyll twins. [deleted]: What kind of parents would name their children after two brothers who killed each other? Xx_kingbanana_xX: Who loved each other despite their vows/duty setting them up against each other [deleted]: no matter. if there is one thing asoiaf wants to teach us it is this: vows suck. Jon-Umber: That's not the takeaway I have at all. Rather it's that Westeros values romantic ideals which are clearly incongruent with reality. Nobility is given the power of life and death over the serf class with little to no oversight, since they rely on oaths and vows to do the dirty work for them. Obviously, it fails miserably more often than not, because only morally good people are concerned with keeping their word, and they're not overly likely to engage in aggressive violence to begin with. The morally repugnant don't give a damn about vows anyway. There's nothing wrong with vows and oaths. Keeping your word is extremely important to human relationships. How many liars do you enjoy being friends with? Would you call someone who fucked your significant other behind your back to come bail you out of prison? The problem is Westerosi just tend to ignore human nature and their social organization is broken as a result of that. Those in power who are aware of the facade take advantage of it to increase their own power and prestige at the cost of others (Tywin, Roose), and those who have internalized the myth are at an incredibly steep disadvantage (Ned, Robb) to those who haven't. Ned dies as a direct result of his investment in Westerosi romanticism when he confronts Cersei and tells her what he's going to do, expecting the idealized Westerosi norms to protect him. Obviously this fails catastrophically, as Cersei tears up Robert's letter without giving a shit, and Ned ends up dying for it. In many ways the romantic foolishness inherent to Westeros is what GRRM set out to write about in the beginning. George undoubtedly saw all of these overly romantic epic fantasies of the '70s and '80s, which were all aping Tolkien and based on a painted-turd version of feudalism and, being an enthusiast for medieval history, George knew that this was a steaming load of bullshit, and set out to write an epic fantasy which more accurately depicted feudalist society. Anyone who has any knowledge of feudalism whatsoever would undoubtedly agree.
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likesomekindofcheese · 11 months
Hey! Just recently finished The Great and frankly I’m also upset about Grigor’s relationship between Georgina and Marial, of which I haven’t liked her character since the beginning of the show and can’t seem to fathom why he loves her. Anyways, I can’t seem to find the post where you explain why you don’t like it, and if you haven’t written/posted it, I’d love to see why!
*cracks knuckles*
Hi there! I don't think I made a whole official post about why I don't like it outside of jokes. So let me explain why here. To get one thing over with, it was a personal thing. Gwilym Lee was my celebrity number one husband-boyfriend crush for ages. I began watching The Great for him. And of course I wrote lots of Grigor x reader fics to channel my imagination and lust. So when he became a cheater in season 2, out of nowhere, without any warning...it was a shock. I tried to think through it, justify it, but it never did. It felt like even in my fantasies, I wasn't safe. I wasn't good enough. The minute I slipped up in a romantic relationship, I would be cheated on as punishment. I had panic attacks and couldn't sleep and cried for days. I couldn't even look at the show or images or of Grigor for without crying. It was as if...I was the one cheated on. I literally had to get therapy because it bothered me so much.
Okay, now that this is done, here is my personal take of why Grigor/Marial is bad as a pairing. Also, this is just me being biased and my personal take, so if you ship the pairing...eh, good for you, all the more power to ya. This post isn't for you.
Let's move onto the foundation. I've discussed it a lot with the Queen and legend @ladystrallan but here it is for all y'all. The Big reasons why. Starting with the most important one.
Reason #1) Marial does not actually give a shit about Grigor's well-being and happiness.
Often in fanfics, when Grigor cheats on George, it's because he is sad about George and the OC or Reader or whoever is worried about him. They want him to be happy, wanted, loved, and valued, and chosen. Marial does none of those things. It's never about "how can I help this poor little meow meow feel better?" It's about "what can he do for me" like she's the damn rat from Charlotte's Web.
Reason #2) Marial does not respect Grigor
If Marial did respect Grigor, she would listen to what he says. She would not blab to Catherine about Peter having sex with and accidentally killing her mother. In season 3, when Peter dies- Grigor is sobbing and in a grieving state for his best friend. Marial on the other hand is celebrating his death like the munchkins celebrating a house dropping on the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz. Let's put it this way- if someone who you loved, someone you were very close to dropped dead out of nowhere, would you want to date someone who celebrated the death as good thing? No. If she did respect him, she would support him in his grief. She would keep her trap shut. Even if she personally didn't like Peter...she would still be there for Grigor's struggle of losing his friend. At the end of the day...Marial will betray her bestie to become a lady again. She is only on her own side and no one else's. She gets some Pet The Dog moments with the serfs...but not with anyone else she has interpersonal connections with at court.
Reason #3) The Affair is selfish.
Marial does none of these things. She starts the affair not because she is worried about his well-being, or happiness, or respect or selflessly genuinely loves him...she starts it because 1) he was a former fling, 2) she is rich again and she can, and 3) to spite Georgiana. Grigor kind of wants to feel happy and alive again- but it's bc George is away from him!
I understand that fiction is not reality. We can use fiction to discuss taboo things. Or even admit that we fantasize about things we know are ethically wrong. It says nothing about us. Just because we fantasize it or like it in fiction doesn't mean we like it in real life. But...
Reason #4) The Writers paint Georgiana's affair as bad and Grigor's affair as good.
We have all of season one to see how much it hurts Grigor to see his wife be Peter's mistress. And I'm not going to pretend it is entirely good. But Georgiana does get a few lines in season 1 after the poisoning that she kind of...HAS to be Peter's mistress. That their high social standing and wealth comes from their close friendship with Peter that in no ways should be tampered with. And this includes the complete lack of boundaries with Georgiana, because he is the absolute ruler emperor. Like that line in Six The Musical- If Peter says it's you, it's you. As far as I know, Peter and Georgiana is consensual other than the implied power balance and she's lucky she likes Peter and he's a good lover. In fact, back in the day, men WOULD offer their wives as missteress to the king because you could get a huge castle and lots of lands and money from it! That's what Mary Boleyn's husband thought when Henry VIII made her his mistress. You don't technically have a choice- might as well make the most out of it.
Yet the writer(s) paint Georgiana as bad and frame Marial as good, as something that Grigor needs to heal (it ain't), that she is his true love (blech) all without taking a big look in the mirror. They don't know how to handle a complex woman as Georgiana but they think framing Marial as a girlboss makes it better (yuck).
On a related note...imagine if we switched the genders? If Grigor was Georgette and Marial was Mark, we have Georgette being lonely and swept up in her exes charms. Giving everything to Mark, even when he crosses her personal boundaries. Despite this, she keeps running back to him, swearing she'll marry him even though he hates her recently dead bestie and doesn't comfort or support her mourning.
If that was the case, there would be riots! People would be all "omg you deserve better! My poor baby! Dump his ass, queen!" But...no. Since we have Miss GirlBoss (tm) Marial, this toxicity is apparently okay.
Reason #5) Grigor's love and loyalty to his wife was part of what made his character so endearing in the first place.
It's like if Peter said "fudge" instead of "fuck," but we all fell in love with Count Dymov because he loved his wife so much. That is why there are so many Grigor fics out there. Becuase the depth of love he has not only for Peter...but for Georgiana. It's not the issue that his honor as a man is insulted to have his wife sleep around...it's because he is genuinely heartbroken and sad about it. That he loves her that much. And that he loves Peter that much too. He's crying when he tries to put a pillow over Peter's face to suffocate him. In fact, Georgiana does care about his well being despite the whole mistress stuff. When he gets scruff out of rebellion, she knocks him out and tenderly gives him a shave. They tease and flirt with each other. She sits on his lap. Who wouldn't want a relationship where you are that wanted, adored, and unconditionally loved? In fact, their only conflict was Peter. If it wasn't for Peter, they would have an idyllic, wonderful marriage. Look up The Great on TV Tropes- they are listed as "Happily Married."
So him having an affair on Georgiana, to where he is given an option to KILL GEORGIANA and abandon her for Marial felt egregiously out of character.
This is not why i signed up. I wanted him and Georgiana to heal and grow and triumph in their love, especially as the series went on and Peter focused more on his romantic relationship with Catherine to where that WAS the show.
So yeah...those are my two cents.
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On March 6th in the year 1217, Malcolm, Earl of Fife, founded the Abbey of Culross. A place oozing with character and history, the whole of Culross is a magical place to visit. Some sources state that St Mungo, also known as St Kentigern, was born in Culross and this site may have been chosen to establish an abbey because of this. It is evident that the abbey was built over the earlier Pictish church supposedly founded by Saint Serf in the 6th century, as witnessed by the presence in the ruined Cistercian church of early medieval carved stones and from a ninth-century reference to a church of St Serf at Culross (Cuileann Ros) in a Gaelic list of the mothers of various saints. The original 13th century abbey was cruciform in plan, without aisles. By the late 15th century the lay brothers had left, and the abbey community consisted of only choir-monks. The western half of the abbey was therefore abandoned, and the nave was demolished around 1500. In 1633 the east choir of the abbey was taken over for use as a parish church, while the adjoining buildings fell into decay. In 1642 the north transept was converted into a tomb house by Sir George Bruce, Laird of Carnock. Alabaster carved effigies of him, his wife, and eight children can still be viewed there today, as seen in the third pic. The abbey was restored in 1823, although many original features were removed, including the transept chapels. Another restoration took place in 1905, which reinstated the chapels and left the buildings much as they can be seen today. The eastern parts of the church are still in use for worship, and are generally open to the public. Folk lore says a Ley tunnel exists beneath the abbey and within is said to sit a man in a golden chair waiting to give valuable treasures to anyone who succeeds in finding him. Many years ago a blind piper decided to try and upon entering at Newgate with his dog he proceeded to search and could be heard playing his pipes as far as the West Kirk, three quarters of a mile away. Eventually the dog emerged into the daylight, however the piper was never seen, or heard of, again. Culross is a hot bed for paranormal activity, with not only the abbey having sightings of the traditional ghostly monks, but also many reports from the village itself which is steeped in such history of black magic and witchcraft
The colour pics are my own.
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