#George Tsakraklides
panoptik · 1 year
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George Tsakraklides, Mutsuzluk Makinesi.
Kitle kültürü kavramını temel alarak günümüz tüketim kültürünün bireylerde yaratmış olduğu mutsuzluk üzerine bir kitap. Sosyal konular üzerine düşünmeye meraklı ancak dili ağır kitaplar okumak istemeyen insanlar için faydalı olmuş. İleri okuma yapan bireylerin ise bir çırpıda bitireceği, spesifik olarak çok kazanım elde edemeyeceği bir kitap.
Livera'dan çıkan ve aslen hiç de kabul etmediğim şekilde "günümüz aklını" "tümden reddetmeye" çalışan iki kitap okuduktan sonra faydalı olacağına inandığım Metamorfozlar'ı okumuştum. O kitap "Meşhur günümüz aklını" reddetmenin imkanı olabilmesine dair birazcık da ışık tutan kitaplardan biri oldu. Çünkü içinde bedene, ölüme, doğuma karşı farklı bakış açıları geliştirmeye çalışan bir anlatı vardı. Ondan sonra da Foucault biyopolitika ve Homo Sacer kavramı üzerine ilerleyen Agamben okuması yaptım. Onu da bir sonraki gönderi de paylaşacağım.
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dipnotski · 1 year
George Tsakraklides – Mutsuzluk Makinesi (2023)
‘Mutsuzluk Makinesi’ bize, hepimizin o ya da bu şekilde aşina olduğumuz halde duymamakta ısrar ettiğimiz bir hikâyeyi son derece açık ve sade bir dille anlatıyor: İnsanın bildiği ve düzenlediği dünyanın kendi sonuna doğru hızla ilerleyişinin hikâyesi. Kendi doğal mirasından, bu gezegendeki diğer türlerle olan akrabalığından utanan ve kendisini umutsuzca izole etmeye çalışan insan türünün…
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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E1 Finding Mental Health Facing Collapse: George Tsakraklides June 2024
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llpodcast · 3 years
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Mr Tsakraklides new novel gives us a clue on what could happen if Mother Nature decides to reclaim what is hers in this exciting eco-thriller.
 The New Earth is an interesting book and shows that Tsakraklides has talent when it comes to narrative descriptive passages which carry the reader in to the near future with spark clarity.  Given us a world where mass media is not to be trusted, people rather get their news from a machine modified voice of reality stars.  We also enter a world where freedom of speech has been muted leaving a segment of the population turning to minimalist which walk around in recycled clothes lost in their own thoughts.  Social media is where you find out your opinion news and it is the new gospel of the information highway.  Before you gasp about a reality star becoming president, let’s say that California has a Kennedy marrying Austrian who is famous for only utter no more than three to five word sentences governing them.  We live in a world where anything is possible.  
 The author breathes life in this near future apocalyptic world and opens the eyes in a flowing narrative that washes over the reader as they take in each new bit of information. This is where the book really excels. The science is told in layman’s terms without dummying down the text which is a special gift that the author seems to inheritedly have as this is not an easy task and he does this swimmingly.
 The characters are very articulate and at times lack a full realised three dimensional life but they do speak the stoic style of science and although there is a total of four main characters, they sometimes get lost in the drama of the evolving earth.  They do become more involved in the narrative later on and by this time, you are totally invested in Mother Nature and Science and as the Earth reinvents itself, you find yourself at a weird intersection which for me makes this a winning book about whom to root for.  
 I found myself not rooting to save humanity but in fact rooting for nature to eradicate the pestilence called man and extinguishing the rot and the mould to begin a fresh.  This happens slowly and builds and the author dishes this out deliciously building tension and hopelessness and man’s ego thinking it can conquer whatever it comes across and it is nice to know that sometimes fate comes in and maybe the hairless monkeys are not in charge of their own universe.  Maybe it is time to retire as a species and let the next mutation or the next evolutionary link take over as they can’t be any worse than the current incarnations.
 Tsakraklides heads down some strong bylines and is able to stack these as the thriller becomes more and more horrific.  As characters hope and hopelessness  intertwine in this new worlds constructing itself before your very eyes it becomes something beautiful.  Beauty found in the throes of death and reforming, restructuring and like a true mother, nature must take care of its own.
 Overall, this is a truly beautiful well written book which needs to be admired.  The human characters could be better drawn out and easier to identify with but they are nearly bystanders as the true character is Earth with her beauty, colourless gases and taken back something that was never really appreciated.  Tsakraklides has finally given the Earth a voice and hopefully one day maybe the mass population will wake up and listen that this house of cards is even less stable and at some point patience will end and where will we be and asks the true question:  will man accept its responsibility or just be another victim of his own fate.  This is where the book comes into its own.  If you looking for something slightly out of the norm with beautiful passages mixed with a tightly woven eco thriller you can’t go wrong with this.  A true individual work of art that should be devoured treasured and read and shared.  Highly recommended.  
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sataniccapitalist · 11 months
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“We have bankrupted this planet, we have whored ourselves out to capital and condemned our future and our children, just so that we can have iPhones, burgers and travel getaways” -George Tsakraklides
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
““Only humans would have thought it a good idea to unearth the remains of plants and animals that Earth had buried deep under its layers of sediment, millions of years ago. It’s like ransacking a cemetery” #JustStopOil #ClimateCrisis”
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
““All of Earth including its beings, resources, climate systems and all of humanity, is being parasitically exploited by a non-human, semi-sentient, self-destructive Ponzi scheme entity called capitalism. The countdown accelerates just as everything disappears” #ecology”
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
“If French workers protest like this for a 2 year rise in pension age, imagine what will happen across the world when food and water is rationed #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction”
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
“Scientists have just confirmed that an Apocalypse is coming in a couple of decades, but media is preoccupied with the bailout of Credit Suisse, Macron, Ukraine, and other effects of the climate polycrisis. Big picture is too abstract for humans #ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNow”
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
““Like a colony of ants that can’t look up, humans have become too busy, narcissistic and enslaved to their day-to-day reality to even question where this civilisation is heading. And this is exactly what the CO2 machine of capitalism wants” #ClimateActionNow #ClimateEmergency”
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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sataniccapitalist · 7 months
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sataniccapitalist · 8 months
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Welcome to a wild ride into “Necrocapitalism” – cutting observations by Greek scientist and author George Tsakraklides. 
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George Tsakraklides: Post-doom with Michael Dowd
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
““Future humans, if they exist, will try to imagine through virtual reality what it was like to walk in a wild meadow surrounded by flowers and buzzing insects, or picking fruit from a tree. They will never experience the scents, the sound of grass, the sun on their face” #ecology”
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