sataniccapitalist · 9 months
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What stage of Capitalism is this?
Supermarket covers body with umbrellas after worker dies in Brazil (yahoo.com)
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hardpacker · 11 months
every day the world unbearable again. i have nothing but pure cold hatred for israel. all the libidinous necrocapitalism... death is such an intoxicating mania for western governments while death is a looming spectre the common people must slink past on our way back to work. US maintains its denial of a disabling pandemic, and won't even stop mass shootings of its own citizens because doing so would undermine the whole foundation the sham country's built on. as-complicit CA will, among other things, choose to euthanise the sick in place of care or housing. makes me wanna throw up blood.
such contempt for life! nothing but vacant silence and the stupidest shittiest little lies from an alliance of wraiths, who know for sure how much we hate them, but because they deal in austerity, famine, and torture, they're smugly convinced we'll choke to death before we can ever return it in kind. i hope the whole project implodes. aside from all the other actions we have to take to bring about a better world, i do also hope these people implode, physically, excruciatingly. anything but agony is too kind an end for them.
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blackponderer · 11 months
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“On Necrocapitalism” by M.I. Asma (chapter 12)
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female-malice · 1 year
The reason why we have not solved the climate crisis yet is because we are not the ones in control of our destiny.  Our economic system is in control of everything now: it is our boss, keeping us in check with alarm clocks, salaries and consumer propaganda.  We live under the delusion that we have developed an economic system that works for us, when in reality we are the ones working, being exploited. What we did in fact create is our own slave master. One who is always ready to discard us, if we dare not participate.  Whether this system represents a higher or lower form of intelligence than us, it really doesn’t matter.  What matters is who is winning, and it’s not us. 
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radicaldeathclaw · 5 months
SCP-3914 │ Necrocapitalism │ Keter │ Uncontained SCP
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padawan-historian · 4 years
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e-stranger · 2 years
Algorithmic politics
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This is an image of the second itteration of the project “El 27 | The 27th” (originally from 2014) by Eugenio Tisselli, a programmer, writer and researcher. In this piece each time the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index closes with a positive percent variation, a fragment of the 27th article of the Mexican Constitution, written in Spanish, is automatically translated into English.
The piece materialises in a “poetic” way, the devasting processes - from necropolics to necrocapitalism - going on in Eugenio’s homeland. He explains its context in Article 27: Algorithmic politics published on Furtherfield:
Today, the dictatorship of finance prescribes a progressive and quick reduction of the sphere of politics, with the aim of canceling the restrictions that laws and codes used to impose on the flow of capital. And governments have indeed shrunk, turning thus into little more than facilitators of the unstoppable progress of capitalism.
Given enough time, the algorithm will produce a version of Article 27 fully readable in an effective – yet incorrect – English. An automated English that will already have attempted to displace humans brutally, even though they might still be fighting for a territory delimited by language only, and refusing to die. An automated English that will have already eroded a land delimited by language only, rendering it unrecognizable: torn, exploited, almost dead.
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sataniccapitalist · 10 months
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thebonesofhoudini · 3 years
Tumblr is the absolute last place that will discuss the truth about Black Lives Matter as an organization. And I don't know why. 1. It's Necrocapitalist (please look up the defintion of Necrocapitalism if you have the stomach for it). 2. Patrice Cullors had to step down cause it was revealed that she was purchasing million dollar properties in white neighborhoods using the blood money from unarmed black men and black women killed by police. 3. The "mission statement" on their website has a glaring omission of Black Men. 4. The "mission statement" also states it is about "disrupting the nuclear family structure"...so basically they hate the Black family too. 5. Over 6 organizations/companies are registered with the name (doesn't that seem fishy?) 6. Millions upon millions were donated to BLM and related causes from companies last year...and none of that money went towards helping out Black businesses, black institutions, black banks, or any of that...and there is proof that this money actually went to white people and non-blacks.
And have you noticed BLM has all but disappeared? Instead of going to the border and advocating for the rights of Haitian migrants seeking asylum...they were protesting outside of some restaurant in Harlem because (ALLEGDLY) one Black woman got called the N-Word (apparently it was about a mask mandate or something). 🤦🏿‍♂️ sorry but there are bigger fish to fry.
Black Lives Matter never talks about economic empowerment, job creation, employment, and wealth creation amongst Black people...always talking about racism, police violence, police brultality, prisons, etc...that's a red flag.
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cyprinodont · 6 years
“In one of the most egregious examples, the military used the body of an Army veteran who signed a donor form two months before he died of cancer in 2013. The man was so angry about the poor health care provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that he checked “No” to military experimentation on the consent form. It didn’t matter. His body was used in a violent Army test anyway.“
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blackponderer · 11 months
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“On Necrocapitalism” by M.I. Asma (chapter 24)
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crowsa · 3 years
“To get at the core of the problem is to in most cases become a revolutionary because you understand that these problems can never really be solved within the confines of this mode of production.”
(Necrocapitalism Revisited, 2021)
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cyberianpunks · 7 years
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the sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil
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rpnnews · 4 years
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From neoliberalism to necrocapitalism in 20 years | USA Capitalism and race. However you slice it, the coronavirus pandemic has revealed their insidious umbilical relationship, especially in the United States, where the racialised nature of its spread and impact has made the routine brutality of American racism suddenly intolerable.
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apveng · 5 years
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