#Georgia Kobblestohn
enteringdullsville · 1 month
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Strong Suit and Stone Fruit (Violet/Gordon and Eloise/Georgia) as a drawing exercise.
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enteringdullsville · 1 month
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“I can put up (falters) with the fighting in the stores and parks, trespassing on rooftops, even the devastation of the sun itself. But this…”
It’s Color Theory Episode 42.
Action Has Consequences
This is the first episode where Georgia and Monty appear. As of this episode, none of the remaining four main characters of the initial cast are hired through the usual means.
This is the first episode Landon speaks since his debut and the first episode to give Elroy extended dialogue.
This episode reveals ICT is government funded.
This is Ingrid’s first speaking appearance since “Sore Losers” and Gordon’s first since “Onward and Upward”.
This marks the debut of Elroy’s bodyguards, Chuck and Ralph.
At least one Drewman of every color type appears.
This episode picks up shortly where the last left off.
Rudy and Eloise never appear in their normal outfits.
As of this episode, Violet’s shirt is a darker shade to avoid blending into her skin. Since Gordon’s wedding ring is color picked from Violet’s palette (and vice versa for Violet), his ring is now the same color.
J. and Angie are the only core characters to not appear. Despite her prominent appearance, Chloe never speaks.
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enteringdullsville · 8 months
Georgia, the Peach Drewman
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Aesthetic: Friendly
Age: 25 (Season One)
Alignment: Inhibitor
Badge: Peach
Color Type: Orange
Effects: Hatarang (GA throws her hat like a boomerang); Weed Whacker (GA sprouts roots from the ground to clobber the opponent); Rumbleweed (GA drags the opponent into a fight cloud); Bullet Seed (GA spits out seeds with incredible force and precision)
Extra Forms: Rotten Core (GA’s personality does a 180, losing all honor while gaining a power/speed boost. Obtained in Season Five)
Family: Barnaby, Kelsey, and Amanda Kobblestohn (Brother and Sisters); Pappy Kobblestohn (Father)
Standout Features: Cowgirl hat, squint, freckles and suntanned “nose”, overalls over button up, ponytail done up in a bow, boots.
Rank: A- (Main Character)
Character Bases
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Georgia’s a character whose concept was always solid but her exact design was hard to pin down. Pretty much every time I drew her I ended up experimenting with her facial structure, hairdo, hat, and eyes. The rounder face eventually won out and her hair became a cross between her first and penultimate styles, while her eyes became something entirely different (the eyes on her very first design were recycled for Lila).
Personality wise, GA became defined less by her background to make her a more flexible character. Georgia was designed alongside recurring character Julienne as a replacement for Rosie in what was formerly her (Rosie’s) time-skip spotlight season and was initially meant to debut in Season Two of ICT as a new recruit. Instead she was the last main character to be added to the main roster.
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Be Keen
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Georgia Kobblestohn, the Peach Drewman
Be Diligent
Rank: B+ (Season Two Major Character)
Character Base
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Immovable, Unstoppable, Unbreakable
Georgia’s family abandoned the country life to move into town, so she’s a little more used to handling the gang’s mania than, say, Whitney, Peony, or Bryan. Of course since nobody in Dullsville’s allowed to be entirely sane, she’s often unnecessarily stubborn and blunt when dealing with things. It always used to be her folks, gramps, her kid sister, and occasionally her little cousins. She’s kinda used to being in charge.
Fun Facts
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Georgia’s surname is a play on “cobbler” and “cobblestone”.
Georgia is the tallest character introduced in Season Two, the tallest woman in ICT (the in-series company, surprisingly not the entire show), and the second tallest main/major character after Gordon (yellow).
Georgia, unlike several other characters designed for Rough Sketch’s canned fourth season, was designed after the time skip angle was scrapped. She and Julienne (cerulean) were meant to replace Rosie and Junior (rose and baby blue, formerly named Scarlett [and colored appropriately] and Kidd) as the season’s orange and cyan characters.
Georgia is the only major character introduced in S2 to wear any sort of hat.
Georgia is one of very few characters whose color could be used as a name but isn’t.
Georgia’s among the strongest people in Dullsville, but she always finds herself being outclassed by Gordon. This frustrates her to no end, seeing as she and him essentially have the same build.
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