Knew it!
I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know if I'm even doing anything. I just sit in my tower and write down laws that I don't understand and don't believe in.
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if i were a wizard of the court i would kill every king and lord i could before they put me down like a dog
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Cup of Joe,
Cream of Dairy,
Snow from late late February,
Awesome hat,
Screenshotted Nude,
I now summon:
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Cup of Joe,
Cream of Dairy,
Snow from late late February,
Awesome hat,
Screenshotted Nude,
I now summon:
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Might destroy the ecosystem a little and summon ancient previously extinct horrors.
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If you put me in a room with creatures well i would fucking hate it
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Magic is a place for everyone!
Why, otherwise, the Trans Your Gender spells wouldn't be nearly as popular as they are!
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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Wow, I'm actually beginning to feel sympathy for you.
Don't worry, Jim, I'm sure things will turn out fine in your new pursuit of Necromancy!
Becoming a necromancer, day 3.
Having realised my true calling, and the sheer boredom of Tax Magic (I'm not having a midlife crisis, you're having a midlife crisis!), I have decided to become a necromancer! The path is long but I know it'll be worth it.
Changing attunment is... harder than it seems. It's one thing to get your orb to react to necromancy, but changing your magic is another. I spent hours speaking with dead Tax Wizards, layers and accountants. There's something depressing to it, really. It feels like being haunted by past mistakes, except I'm choosing to get haunted. Maybe I just don't have what it takes to be a necromancer...
Or maybe I need to work on myself, if I want to actually change my magic. This would all have been easier if I had just taken necromancy from the beginning. To think I only studied Tax Magic because there was a seat at the Council... And in the end, I got here by seducing someone. Such a waste, isn't it? I studied my youth away for a Magic that brought me nothing, in order to get a job that got me nothing, and in the end, it was all for nothing.
But I think the worst part of it all is that I actually kind of liked Serioth. Our relation was weird, but in the end, I was trying to make it work. I mean... I didn't even ask him for a seat at the Council. It felt like manipulating him (which was the idea, at first, so I guess I got what I deserved). But he himself said I should join. I wonder why. What did he see me? And why did he become so distant, before ending our relationship completely, once I got my seat at the Council? What did I do wrong? Why didn't he tell me? He's usually straightforward...
Oh, but here I am rambling. Anyway, that day was a waste.
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Tumblr is a little too safe today enjoy a fire to incinerate your mutuals
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Wizard beam sounds like an intrigueing alternative.
How do you cast this "Wizard Beam"?
"grow up" no. i cast wizard beam
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At least he's got some honor, but also banishing someone to twitter?! That's cruel and unusual punishment!
Who created the most forbidden spell? The answer might surprise you.
-by reporter Jim
Forbidden spells! Love them or hate them, they occupy a central place in wizard politics. From Ketamine Ape to Instant Dehydration, their effect and their power made the Council create new legislation. But who made them? And which one is the most forbidden, with the most damning legal consequences?
First of all, it is important to know that when they make a spell forbidden, the Council tries to find the creator of the spell, and strikes a deal with them. In exchange for complete anonymity, and a generous sum of gold, the spellsmith vows to never share the formula, and to destroy all existing documents related to it. This makes finding them complicated, but sometimes, they refuse the offer. For exemple, Doliprane, the creator of Baguettify Bones, was "disposed of" by Council member Liriam himself, as most wizards know, in the controversial duel of 1989.
What people generally don't know, is that authorized and forbidden spells are not the only categories in the Council's archives. One spell is considered worse than forbidden. There are no laws around it, as it is a state secret, and the formula, as well as most mentions of it, have been purged from Council record. This is the Apollyon-class spell.
Thankfully, an anonymous source has given us access to some of the archived documents, allowing us to know what the spell is, and most importantly its creator.
The Apollyon-class spell was allegedely created thrity years ago, to get rid of the warlock Arsæne the Crimson, by none other... Than Council member Serioth himself. Usually, the use of such a spell is considered treason, but Serioth used his Council immunity, dodging all charges, and still has a seat there to this day, which begs several questions. When will the Council act? Are they ever going to? And most importantly...
Who can stop Serioth from casting Banish to Tweeter again ?
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Clearly you haven't met Rumunophs the Wise.
can a colony of ants be a wizard
I don't think so but I'm also not going to rule it out
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Volmor the Violet?
favorite wizard creature?
This guy.
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Wow, I guess Serioth really isn't all he's cracked up to be.
That's beyond evil.
Who created the most forbidden spell? The answer might surprise you.
-by reporter Jim
Forbidden spells! Love them or hate them, they occupy a central place in wizard politics. From Ketamine Ape to Instant Dehydration, their effect and their power made the Council create new legislation. But who made them? And which one is the most forbidden, with the most damning legal consequences?
First of all, it is important to know that when they make a spell forbidden, the Council tries to find the creator of the spell, and strikes a deal with them. In exchange for complete anonymity, and a generous sum of gold, the spellsmith vows to never share the formula, and to destroy all existing documents related to it. This makes finding them complicated, but sometimes, they refuse the offer. For exemple, Doliprane, the creator of Baguettify Bones, was "disposed of" by Council member Liriam himself, as most wizards know, in the controversial duel of 1989.
What people generally don't know, is that authorized and forbidden spells are not the only categories in the Council's archives. One spell is considered worse than forbidden. There are no laws around it, as it is a state secret, and the formula, as well as most mentions of it, have been purged from Council record. This is the Apollyon-class spell.
Thankfully, an anonymous source has given us access to some of the archived documents, allowing us to know what the spell is, and most importantly its creator.
The Apollyon-class spell was allegedely created thrity years ago, to get rid of the warlock Arsæne the Crimson, by none other... Than Council member Serioth himself. Usually, the use of such a spell is considered treason, but Serioth used his Council immunity, dodging all charges, and still has a seat there to this day, which begs several questions. When will the Council act? Are they ever going to? And most importantly...
Who can stop Serioth from casting Banish to Tweeter again ?
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Ah, fuck.
theres been cases of people permanently turning into random normal objects when they get too angry lately
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Truly a powerful magick.
ive discovered a new favorite pastime where when im bored sometimes ill start tapping out the rhythm from what does the fox say because its so catchy and simple but at the same time no one thinks about that meme anymore, so everyone recognizes it but they cant place it. so inevitably someones gonna be like hey man that beats familiar whats it from? and i get to b like oh its from some old edm i used to listen to in middle school hows it go uhh RINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDADINGDADING DADINGDINGDADINGDADINGDADING. and basically its like a magic spell that makes everyone in the room want to kill me
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