#Martin Bilbert
enteringdullsville · 3 months
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Just something I made to be silly. Comic is technically canon, just irrelevant to the season’s narrative.
Saffron was partially based on a girl I liked when I was in middle school; a goofy, whimsical dork. Can you tell I have a type?
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enteringdullsville · 6 days
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“You learn to tune Marty’s screams of pain out.”
It’s Color Theory Episode 44.
No Strings Attached
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This is the first episode since his debut Ivan has extended dialogue. Martin and Amber continue to have dialogue in all of their appearances.
This is the fourth episode and the second in a row to feature a character in their youth. In this case, it’s Ivan.
This is the first appearance of Bowie in It’s Color Theory and of Admiral overall. Both only appear via fantasy. Tyler’s brother is also mentioned for the first time.
Sky’s revealed to be able to fly.
Martin and Tyler’s series-wide feud, while technically starting in “Super Dee Duper Powers”, is cemented here.
No Orange Drewmans appear, nor do any of the core six characters. Violet is indirectly mentioned by Ivan as “The boss”.
While Ivan being a fanboy of in-series celebrity Bowie was a plot point since the original continuity, it was only brought up once due to Ivan debuting in Rough Sketch’s final season and Ivan’s general lack of screen time. The height difference between the two is partially a carryover from Ivan (and most of the cast in general) being children at the time, Ivan in particular being weirdly small. Bowie’s silhouette isn’t a stylistic choice; this incarnation of him is actually just twice Ivan’s height.
Amber’s a slightly more orange shade as of this episode.
The song Ivan wrote is actually the beginning of the “with lyrics” version of theme song prepared for if a network is desperate enough to green light this for a show when I inevitably pitch the comic. It was originally going to be “I Just Wanna See You Grow”, his personal leitmotif that came around when I mangled Steven Universe’s theme song and “Giant Woman” together in my head.
Ivan’s flashbacks/fantasy sequences were originally going to cut to Noah’s high school experiences with his band, where it would show Rudy and two random side characters as part of it. Whitney would’ve also appeared, confirming the three to have grown up in the same district. The whole sequence was scrapped to avoid taking too much attention away from Ivan. Amber’s offhand remark about her (and presumably Eloise) going to Noah’s school is a nod to this.
Noah’s band in and of itself is a callback to Rough Sketch, where he roped Gordon, Bryan, and Martin into starting one. Said band will be formed in the second season of this continuity, Martin being replaced by Geneva due to Martin no longer being magenta in this incarnation.
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enteringdullsville · 1 month
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“I can put up (falters) with the fighting in the stores and parks, trespassing on rooftops, even the devastation of the sun itself. But this…”
It’s Color Theory Episode 42.
Action Has Consequences
This is the first episode where Georgia and Monty appear. As of this episode, none of the remaining four main characters of the initial cast are hired through the usual means.
This is the first episode Landon speaks since his debut and the first episode to give Elroy extended dialogue.
This episode reveals ICT is government funded.
This is Ingrid’s first speaking appearance since “Sore Losers” and Gordon’s first since “Onward and Upward”.
This marks the debut of Elroy’s bodyguards, Chuck and Ralph.
At least one Drewman of every color type appears.
This episode picks up shortly where the last left off.
Rudy and Eloise never appear in their normal outfits.
As of this episode, Violet’s shirt is a darker shade to avoid blending into her skin. Since Gordon’s wedding ring is color picked from Violet’s palette (and vice versa for Violet), his ring is now the same color.
J. and Angie are the only core characters to not appear. Despite her prominent appearance, Chloe never speaks.
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enteringdullsville · 3 months
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It’s Color Theory EP. 37
My Least Favorite Idea
This is the first appearance of Perry, the first episode since his debut Aaron appears, Coco and Peony’s first appearances since “‘Ello, Elo, Y’ello”, and Peony’s first speaking role since the last Microsketch.
Not counting the stinger, this is the first episode Martin exclusively appears without his usual glasses and the first Microsketch without Peony. Counting the stinger, this is still the first Microsketch without Noah.
This is the first and only Microsketch to introduce a cast member.
This is the final episode to only introduce one new cast member.
No orange, green, or gray Drewmans appear.
While the name and stinger are both Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared references, the sketch itself is meant to parody Sesame Street.
Amber’s face is never shown in the main episode.
This is the first episode since “Medical Trauma” to use a real background. Both happen to be Microsketches that Martin has appeared in.
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enteringdullsville · 4 months
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I’m pushing my ace agenda on all of you.
Violet was best friends with Gordon for 15 years before catching any feelings for him. They’re married now.
Paige isn’t particularly repulsed, she’s just apathetic and doesn’t have an especially strong drive.
Martin is mildly repulsed, but he’s not opposed if he feels reeeaaally attached to someone.
Bowie’s the most straightforward case of “no way, no chance, no nothing” when it comes to romance or intimacy.
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enteringdullsville · 2 months
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It’s like a metaphor for life or something.
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enteringdullsville · 7 months
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It’s Color Theory EP 21.
Sore Losers
This makes the first reappearance of Rosie (formerly Scarlett) in It’s Color Theory.
Gordon never appears in his regular clothes in this episode while Violet exclusively appears in her main outfit in her brief appearance.
This is the first episode Martin appears without his glasses. Additionally, Ingrid lacks her eyeshadow and mascara. Both get them on the final page.
Gordon’s physical strength appears for the first time since the third episode.
The “blood is weakness” gag is recycled from “Teacher’s Pet Peeve” in Rough Sketch in which Sylvester and the prototypes for Tanya and Orchid all say this verbatim independently of each other. Fittingly, Martin’s prototype was one of the recipients of said line.
Tyler, Ingrid, and Martin were all originally meant to suffer more comically exaggerated injuries from their training. This was heavily downplayed in the episode proper to the point that Tyler is hardly affected at all.
This is the first episode Ingrid appears without Geneva; she only has one line this episode. The following comic inverts this by having Geneva appear but Ingrid absent.
Violet’s symbol is a spade from this episode onward.
No orange, green, or gray Drewmans appear.
This is the first episode Tyler appears where he suffers no major misfortunes.
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enteringdullsville · 6 months
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“The police just left your house. Should I be worried?”
It’s Color Theory EP 23.
Violet and Scarlett
This marks the first appearances of Paige, Scarlett, Clarence, and Aziz. The former three previously appeared in Rough Sketch, the latter debuts here. This is also the first time Siren appears in the flesh.
Olive makes her first appearance since her debut.
Scarlett inherited Rosie’s old name from the original continuity. The names “Violet” and “Scarlett” came around about a month before Gamefreak agreed it was a good idea.
This episode debuts a new background style with geometric blocks of color to partially convey movement.
This episode also dabbles in consistent leitmotifs for certain characters; in this case, Scarlett, Clarence, and Aziz.
Aziz’s setup shows “Sore Losers” playing in the background. Coincidentally, that was Rosie’s debut episode.
No Gray Drewmans appear.
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enteringdullsville · 6 months
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“Some of them are growing…wary.”
It’s Color Theory EP. 24
This marks the second appearance of Formblende, the first appearance of Sykie, and the first time the former gets extended dialogue.
Formblende’s voice is much higher and rougher than his previous appearance, while his accent is completely different. He’s also sporting a different design, but his final panel shows that’s merely due to him adopting a different form when actively using his powers.
Only violet and green type Drewmans appear, even Lyman’s mention keeping this up.
This episode onwards eschews the Pokémon sound effects used to denote the cast’s speech. Ironically, the episode features voice acting for unrelated reasons.
Violet’s front door is still broken after the events of the previous episode; Martin somewhat acknowledges this.
Chloe’s appearance near the end sets up the season’s B-Plot.
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enteringdullsville · 11 months
Random Lines of Dialogue I May Never Get to Use in It’s Color Theory
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Violet: It’s amazing what you can accomplish through emotional suppression!
Rudy: You middle urinal of a living being. 
J.: You can’t kill me in any way that matters.
Gordon: We can’t kill you at all!
Angie: (About to punch someone) I think this needs a woman’s touch.
Gordon: I wanna do something so out of character the message boards will whine about for years to come!
Chloe: (Collapsed on the ground, deadpan) Want some blood? I’m clearly not using it.
Bryan: Unyielding rage, my old friend, how I’ve missed you!
Peony: I…I never want to hear any of those words again.
Geneva: Not even “the”?
Lyman: I can see your intrusive thoughts.
Coco: Everyone shut up, I’m dissociating.
Aziz: Why are you this kind of person?
Noah: Hey, if I hit on every available adult in the vicinity, statistically somebody has to love me back.
Whitney: It’s like they always say, “if your life is without order, make the lives of others shorter”!
Tyler: What, you think you’re better than me?
Martin: As someone who has no self-esteem, yes.
Ingrid: Tonight, girls become women, and boys…(brandishes hedge clippers)
Geneva: Whelp. I guess I’m the voice of reason now.
Tyler: Oh, you SON OF A…Tanner, what’s our age rating?
Tanner: My mom watches this show.
Tyler: Jerk.
Olive: (About her drawing) Be honest, but please remember I’m holding a pointy object.
Tanner: Sorry, brah! I can’t hear you over my outdated nineties’ slang!
Paige: (To Martin) You sure do talk a lot for someone nobody listens to.
Scarlett: Can somebody just say the title of the episode so this whole thing can end?
Aziz: You don’t even deserve to hear my lame excuse. I’m out of here.
Sylvester: I’m right behind you, aren’t I?
Crimson: Turns out putting up emotional walls is terrible for your social life. Who knew?
Martin: Guys, you can’t just pressure him into this! He’s a person with his own feelings and desires!
Alexandre: (Genuinely confused) No I’m not!
Clarence: I want my life back, Dullsville.
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
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“I want you…”
It’s Color Theory EP 15.
This marks the first episode after another long hiatus. Unlike last time, this one has no in-universe explanation.
The marks the debut of Ingrid in It’s Color Theory and Geneva overall, the latter having never appeared in Rough Sketch. Ingrid and Geneva were initially intended to be introduced in separate, back to back episodes. The two became inseparable in the interim and debuted thusly.
Siren also debuts after having previously only appeared in the noncanon pilot.
The time between episodes results in a number of design changes between characters: Violet has a lankier design, Peony has a chubbier build, J. has a different hoodie, Gordon’s hazard symbol has a shine effect, and Martin’s sleeves are a different color. The season’s plot also becomes far grander in scope, having initially been planned solely to introduce the cast.
In this episode, all the characters’ “dialogue” consists of Pokémon cries. This persists for several episodes after before being dropped entirely.
This episode returns to the 2x2 format of the first episode.
The characters’ badges no longer appear on the text boxes, but they notably don’t appear over their intro splash texts yet.
Oz Square, one of seven subdivisions of Dullsville is first mentioned here before debuting properly in the following episode. The Void Between Voids, the subconscious place where Violet was initially introduced to the fourth wall, physically appears for the first time.
No Green, Orange, or Gray Drewmans appear in this episode. Gordon is the only Drewman present to not be in Red, Blue, or Violet Types.
Formblende appears initially with a distinctly humanoid shape, then grows horns all over his body, and finally morphs into a monstrous version of Martin’s face due to the latter cutting her dream short. This shapeshifting power is unique to him and isn’t shared by the other
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enteringdullsville · 1 month
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It’s Color Theory Episode 40.
Super Dee Duper Powers
This is the first episode since the first to feature every main character who has appeared so far. As such it is the first reappearances of Geneva, Coco, Rosie, Clarence, and Bryan after a hiatus, the first episode since his debut to feature Perry, and the first episode since their respective debuts Olive, Forrest, Aaron, Paige, Eloise, Perry, Whitney, Aziz, Clarence, and Sky don’t speak. Martin doesn’t say any words either but does vocalize, making him the character with the longest uninterrupted streak of having any lines. At least two Drewmans (three counting Sylvester) of all seven color types appear.
Amber, Fuchsia, and Sylvester are the only characters to appear and have actual dialogue.
Georgia, Monty, Crimson, Alexandre, and Veronica are the only starting main characters to not appear.
This is the first episode Rosie appears and doesn’t interact with any of her family members.
This is also the first episode both Rudy and J. appear in where they don’t interact.
This is the first episode any main character other than Violet, J., Martin, Lyman, Sylvester, or Scarlett overtly uses their powers. Aziz however does use his editing abilities in the prior episode, and Rudy’s appearance here is taken from how he looks in silhouette in the first episode.
Due to a three week absence, multiple characters showcase new designs. Violet now has an extra hair decoration in the form of a tiny blue spade. Whitney’s skin now carries a vague cyan tint. Bryan has visible facial hair lining his cheeks. Clarence’s sclerae are now a pale green.
Buddy reappears after not appearing in Forrest’s previous appearance. This is the first time Forrest actually acknowledges him.
Clarence and Rosie’s powers are unseen, although the latter has been established to carry her parents’ physical capabilities.
Noah, Whitney, Rosie, and Paige are never seen in their usual outfits. Amber and Tanner technically aren’t either, the former being buried up to her neck and the latter forgoing his sandals.
Despite the majority of the cast having more than one ability (Olive, Martin, Noah, Bryan, etc), Violet’s the only one to show off two powers. Her pyrokinesis in particular is a callback to her Rough Sketch incarnation, who inexplicably had such an ability that only showed up once.
This episode kickstarts the second of three parts of the Sylvester Saga.
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enteringdullsville · 10 months
The Purple Drewman, Martin
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Aesthetic: Brainy
Age: 23 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Lightbulb
Color Type: Violet
Debut: Climb Every Gordon (Picture); Outline of Business
Effects: Creative Control (Martin throws something telekinetically); Brainstorm (Martin launches lightning from his hands); Extinction Event (Martin drops meteors from the sky); Blackhole Blur (Martin opens a void directly to Headspace)
Extra Forms: Mad Mind Martin (Martin’s electrokinesis grows stronger); Meta Morph Martin (Martin’s Chroma Fury form. Gained in Season Three)
Family Members: Yours Truly (Template and Immediate Superior)
Rank: A- (Main Character)
Standout Features: Short and wavy hair, big eyebrows with a notch in one, glasses, hoodie.
Synergy (Ally): Violet, Rudy, J., Angie, Chloe, Gordon, Bryan, Peony, Lyman, Coco, Noah, Whitney, Ingrid, Geneva, Tyler, Olive, Tanner, Amber, Eloise, Sky, Monty, Crimson, Veronica, Alexandre
Synergy (VS): Tyler, Paige, Aziz, Fuchsia
Character Bases
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Martin’s initial concept was Gene: a smug little gremlin thing and resident nuisance. As early as his first redesign, he became a far less rascally force and was drawn to increasingly and vaguely resemble Dullsville as I/he appears IRL.
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The jump to It’s Color Theory had Martin swap colors with Geneva and his personality dropped much of his initial goodwill to make him a more acerbic being, represented by a notched eyebrow, dark eyelids, and a less gangly design.
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Be Real
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enteringdullsville · 3 months
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“I make the audience feel things, joy, sorrow, indigestion, you name it!”
It’s Color Theory EP. 35
This is the first appearance of Traumedy, the second appearance of Sykie, and the first episode to feature Headspace without Formblende. As of this episode, the Masterminds have an echo effect added to their voices.
Sykie’s voice is more emotive as of this episode. Similarly, Violet’s Brooklyn accent is written more phonetically into her dialogue.
This is Angie and Lyman’s first appearance since “‘Ello, ‘Elo, Y’ello”, ten episodes ago. This is the former’s first voiced appearance since “Violet and Scarlett”.
Only secondary colored Drewmans appear.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Martin Bilbert, the Purple Drewman
Be Inspired
Rank: A- (Major Character)
Visual Inspirations
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Other Character Bases
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Deadpan Doom Magnet
(There I am, Gary, there I am!)
Ranking fifth place in the ICT sanity department is resident chew toy Martin. He’s the ideas guy and a creative genius, and the others generally treat him alright, but the show seems to go out of his way to beat him down. A lot. He doesn’t get much respect from people outside of ICT, either.
When the universe isn’t kicking Marty in the balls he’s not drawn with, he’s busy being a colossal nerd. A pop culture geek is a dangerous ally to have in a world where everyone’s a cartoon, especially when said geek is petty, vindictive, and has every reason to turn the universe’s rules upside down.
Fun Facts
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Martin is visually a rough caricature the series creator. He is entirely distinct from Yours Truly, the actual in-series version of him/me, and gets no preferable treatment as a result of this aside from appearing on the channel/account picture. Quite the opposite, really.
Martin (purple) and Geneva (magenta) are the only major characters from Season One aside from Bridgette (beige) and Crimson to change colors in development. Specifically, they swapped colors. Subsequently, Martin is one of several characters to change names in development, originally being known as “Gene”.
Martin’s name is a play on “purple martin”, a type of songbird.
Martin’s surname is a play on “bilberry”.
Martin does have hair, it’s just hard to tell due to the art style.
Martin/Gene’s first personality that was ultimately scrapped for both RS and ICT had a far more rascally and snide attitude reminiscent of Trixie.
Martin generally takes his treatment in stride, but if a person goes out of their way to inconvenience him, he will actively hope for and partake in their demise.
Martin’s my self-insert, and I’ll make him suffer as much as I want to!
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enteringdullsville · 4 months
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It’s Color Theory EP. 28
Exposition News
Sylvester’s ICT redesign and shapeshifting powers are clearly shown here. This episode also debuts Piper and Exposition News.
This is Sylvester’s first speaking role in ICT.
Sylvester’s dialogue is written in a different font than the Drewman characters. This aspect is dropped after this episode.
This is the first episode to directly name drop a character (Lopez) before their debut.
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