#Gerlad Gardner
city-witch-magix · 4 years
History and Covens
There are thousands of different Wiccan groups and not all Pagans are Wiccan 
There is no governing body over Wicca (no pope) or a “Wiccan Bible” 
Wicca was introduced in the 1950’s by Gerlad Gardner (Witchcraft Today) and has many branches to its tree but all the foundations are Gardner’s that he came up with influences from his original tradition, Eastern mysticism, Kabbalah, and British legend. 
Wicca acknowledges the polarity of the Divine, which means they honor both male and female deities. A wiccan can chose to worship a non-specific deity or one specific to their tradition 
Wiccan Covens have their own kind of initial and people who aren’t apart of a Coven may choose to perform a self-dedication ritual
The belief and use of magic/spellwork is pretty much universal in Wicca. The view of magic can vary, some believe it to be supernatural and others believe that it is the harnessing and redirection of natural energy to cause change around us. There are specific tools a wiccan can use (herbs, crystals, candles, ect.) and some spells are often performed within a circle. (More details in BOS?) In some traditions there are guidelines of how and why magic should be performed like the Rule of Three. 
Afterlife is typical with Wiccan beliefs and there is a general willingness to accept the spirit world. Contact with the unknown is not uncommon with Wiccans but not all Wiccans actively seek communication. Divination and Astrology are used also and write your own rituals. 
Source: https://www.learnreligions.com/basic-principles-of-wicca-2562829
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