#German Student Visa Requirements
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One needs a visa to study in Germany and other requirements. Germany consists of top-class universities with affordable education. It is because public universities do not demand tuition fees from both international and domestic students. Therefore, Germany provides a good opportunity for students.
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9jacompass · 2 years
Applying For Germany Student Visa To Study In Germany
Applying For Germany Student Visa To Study In Germany
Wish to Study in Germany – Learn how to Apply for a Germany Student Visa: I remember feeling very excited and also very nervous at the same time when I was preparing to travel to another country for my studies last year, because I was given a Visa. It was basically a mixed feeling. And I think many can agree to this. Much more nervous and exciting is the feeling of applying for a Visa. The…
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davidrainey1 · 2 years
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How To Get A German Student Visa In 2022
There are many super universities and faculties in Germany, supplying world-class instructional possibilities no longer simply to German citizens, however open to foreigners, too. Visit here: https://dammann-german-english-translations.com.au/how-to-get-a-german-student-visa-in-2022/
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girlactionfigure · 9 days
🟣 Thu morning  - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️MIN. OF HOUSING BOOTS UNRWA.. The Ministry of Housing has been ignoring UNRWA failing to pay for use of their Jerusalem facility as well as making illegal changes to the property.  The Ministry, at instruction of Minister GoldKnopf, has now given UNRWA 30 days to vacate the premises as well as demanding back payments of over NIS 7 million.
▪️AFTER THE BAT HEFER SHOOTING.. the IDF informed the mayor of a reduction in the reserve force of the standby-alert squad for the town.  The IDF similarly has been reducing the size of the reserves in standby squads in near-Gaza towns.  ???
▪️TULKARM TERRORISTS SAY THEY INFILTRATED AND TRIED TO KILL AN OFFICER.. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Battalions of the Fatah in Tulkarm claim in a proclamation: “Our operatives infiltrated a house in the settlement of Bat Hefer with the aim of eliminating an officer.”  But nicely didn’t slaughter the wife and children when the officer wasn’t found (their words, more or less).
IDF: there was no intrusion into Bat Hefer.
▪️AID LIES.. Samantha Power, head of the US Agency for International Development USAID: Our humanitarian partners working in Gaza tell us that conditions are worse now than ever before. (( And you, of course, believed them and repeat their words with no evidence because JOOOOOOS bad? ))
Israel introduces a new electronic travel authorization (ETA) system for visitors from visa-exempt countries, similar to the US ESTA. 
Visitors from countries that do not require visas to enter Israel will be required to obtain an ETA before boarding a flight to Israel. An ETA will be valid for two years, and allows the holder to enter Israel multiple times. Fee: NIS 25 (approx. US $7).
Israeli citizens, non-citizens with a Teudat Zehut (Israeli ID), and student visa holders are exempt.
Starts June 1 for US & German passport holders.  Mandatory after Aug. 1.
Issued within 72 hours, though it may arrive in a few hours. 
A person can apply any time, you don’t have to be traveling right now.
Apply here -> https://israel-entry.piba.gov.il/
▪️3 HERO SOLDIERS HAVE FALLEN.. two from an attack in Samaria, one in combat in Gaza.  Yedidya Azugi, 21, from Revava, Eliya Hilel, 20, from Tel Tziyon, and Diego Shvisha Harsaj, from Tel Aviv.  May their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood!
▪️SWEARING IN.. of the latest Paratrooper trainees at the Kotel last night.  Did you know that included a charedi paratrooper combat brigade?
▪️IRAN LEADER TO US STUDENTS.. at US universities: "Now you are part of the resistance front. You have inspired the rest of the world to act against Israel.”
▪️POLICE STOPPED STOLEN WATERMELONS?  An overloaded vehicle was stopped by Emek Ma’aina, filled to overflowing with watermelons.  Resident of Nazareth suspected of theft of watermelons worth approx. NIS 3,000 (about $815) along with severely unsafe overloaded vehicle.  Mass watermelon theft, who knew?
▪️JERUSALEM PRIDE PARADE.. today at 15:30, expect city traffic disruptions.  Refocused on theme “Born to be free” with a call for return of the hostages.
⭕ HAMAS Rockets at Nirim.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH Suicide Drones at south Golan: Avnei Eitan, Eliad, Afik, Bnei Yehuda and Givat Yoav, Gshur, Haspin, Kfar Haruv, Mevo Hama, Metzar, Neot Golan, Nov, Natur, Ramat Magshimim, Bnei Yehuda Industrial Zone 
⭕ HOUTHI RED SEA ACTIVITY.. US Central Command reported the US navy successfully destroyed two missile launchers of the Houthis. In addition, the forces destroyed two UAVs over the Red Sea. At the same time, the Houthis launched two ballistic missiles against ships.
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juni-ravenhall · 7 months
asking for help from fellow eu ppl on my dash - jobs, studies, place to live.
apparently the """easiest""" way for yasmin to get a swedish spouse visa would be if both of us leave sweden for 6 months, live in another eu country together as a married couple, and then when we re-enter sweden theres apparently a eu law thing that forces sweden to give her a spouse visa since we were already living together in another eu country. (so this is a legal way for poor ppl to get around the money requirement of the regular swedish spouse visa.)
problem is, it means finding a job or uni studies in another eu country so we can move there. we have no savings, no money. either of us could get a job and then move together, if we found a job (i have basically no resume and no degree, but i am an eu citizen so i dont need a work visa, therefore could theoretically do simple work if im able within my handicap - yasmin prob needs a specialist work visa using her design degree).
uni studies would only work if its free for me in that country (eu citizen), then i could potentially study something for 6 months, and hopefully get student money from the government to pay for food (and we need to find a place with cheap rent). in general this whole concept is really difficult when youre as poor as we are (aka barely money for food rn).
if anyone of you knows that its free for me (eu citizen) to study in your country and if you could help me with finding potential uni classes and a place for us to live for a few months, and help with other questions/info about the moving process, please let me know.
if anyone has tips on jobs yasmin could apply for in your eu country, pls let us know - stuff like concept artist or other related to illustration, design, graphics. (since shes not an eu citizen your country might require her job to be specialist to get a work visa, aka use her design/art skills.) and if you could help us with questions and information about the move and finding a place to live as i said above, pls let us know too.
i really wish we lived in a world where someone of you just happen to have an uncle who runs a farm and could pay me minimum wage to help out at the farm for 6 months, bc i could do that. but those kind of things are impossible to find. i really dont know if we can succeed with this eu spouse concept, but im just trying to look into it as much as i can bc we have so few options.
the easiest option rn would be if she gets a job with her degree in finland bc its nearby and i dont even need to do anything as a nordic citizen, i can move there no questions asked. and then we would be in a eu country together + i dont have to push my disabled health to work hard + its easier to move there bc its close. but we're gonna try to look into all eu countries, even if nordics (easy move for me) or germany (i speak some german) or ireland (since we both speak english) are the most convenient options.
if my posts seem stressed and unhinged thats bc i am!!! i dont want my fiance to be sent back to a shit country at war where there is danger!!!! i dont want to be separated from her at all for any reason either!!!!! we are just having a really really horrible time about how to solve our near future!!!!
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morgenlich · 11 months
can i ask what resources you used for info on moving to europe? its something im considering and i have been doing research myself, but a lot of good advice was on reddit and im not really sure if reddit is still usable.
well, first i'll say that most of reddit is still usable to me so don't lose hope on that front!
there's not a lot of advice i can give in general, only wrt moving to germany because that's where i'm going specifically so i've been doing So Much reading the past few months from official govt sites more than anything else--tho regardless of what country you want to move to, govt sites with info on immigration are a good starting point.
tldr, more details under the cut:
-you're gonna need housing and health insurance
-you're gonna need to look into visas/residency permits (visas are for entry into the country, if you're from the US or Canada you probably won't need one) and their specific requirements
-ur nearest consulate is going to be a good source of info and point of contact
the first things, imo, that you need to know are:
1 do you need a visa to get in (if so, what kind, what are the requirements, etc)
2 steps for establishing a residency permit once you're there
and getting all your ducks in a row on those fronts (often the visa and residency permit will have the same requirements as each other from what i've noticed, though as a US citizen i haven't paid much attention because i don't require a visa to enter the vast majority of european countries). this is all info that will be available on official websites, including consulate/embassy sites. it may be helpful to start out looking for info on the site of the relevant consulate website, they will often include links to further resources, or just shoot them an email with questions you have if you can't find answers there.
but important questions for these:
-is there a language requirement? for example, in germany, to be able to work you need to be at a B1 level of german on the CEFR scale. C1 is required for university admissions. etc.
--is there a possibility of a language learner's visa/permit if you're not at that level? what are the requirements for that? (again with germany as an example: you will not be allowed to have a job while you have this residency permit and therefore must prove to the govt that you can financially support yourself for a year through a locked bank account with a minimum of around 11k euro in it).
-what additional documentation is required, besides just your passport? how do you acquire it?
--you will probably have to get passport photos taken again after you've moved because (i'm assuming anon is from the US but i'm sure this applies to other countries too) required biometric photo sizes vary by country and you will almost certainly need one for any residency permit or other documentation.
the other important thing will be securing housing, which gets to be a massive fucking pain when you live on the other side of the ocean. doomspiral and i lucked out massively finding a prefurnished place in berlin (which is an especially hard city to find housing in in general). you are just going to have to keep trying to contact places until someone actually responds to you, unfortunately. and, realistically, you're going to have to trust that the listing is actually accurate to what you saw on the website.
also, i know that in both germany and austria, once you've actually moved, you will have to register your address with the local government (like within a matter of days, this is not something you can put off literally at all), so look into if you need to do that and what forms are required if you do (i forget the reqs in austria, but in germany it's your passport and a specific form you and the landlord fill out)
european countries are going to require that you have health insurance. there are companies that cater specifically to immigrants and/or students (if you happen to be doing uni there--look into the student insurance it'll be much cheaper lol). try to familiarize yourself with the way the insurance system works; for example, in germany it's not unheard of for you to have a deductible (this is still going to be Much Cheaper than a deductible from an american company lmao). also in general it doesn't hurt to be aware of things like abortion and birth control access (fun fact! abortion is totally illegal in germany and has been since the 1930s and yes you are doing that math correctly about who put those laws in place).
i highly highly recommend putting together checklists of documents you need for each major thing mentioned here. also learn how to use excel to create budgets because it's a lifesaver lol
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cipherexists · 11 hours
been looking up immigration laws and generally getting a residence permit so i can go live with my partner at some point and. uh. oh no.
germany require a B1?? proficiency level?? in german?? and, uh, woah that also expensive and the standard for finacially stable is high there
okay well we were thinking about the netherlands anyway, what about that- what is this. why is this. what do you mean i have to be a skilled worker in order to move there, i dont have a degree ?? should i go as a student? but i would Not be able to afford a degree ngl oh and students can only stay for duration of course
okay uh, what if they move to the UK, we are planning on getting married so marriage visa or family visa, yeah. huh. its realitivly simple to get but it costs hoW MUCH??? FOR JUST AN APPLICATION???
just out of curiosity, how difficult is it to settle in spain, i speak Spanish pretty well, i have family there. spanish immigration authority: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. ALL YOU NEED IS TO APPLY FOR A RESIDENCE PERMIT IT COST €20. YOU CAN STAY HERE. IF YOURE NOT FROM THE EU THEN ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS STAY HERE FOR OVER 3 MONTHS AND BOOM, YOU QUALIFY FOR RESIDENCY PLEASE.
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MBA in Germany in English
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Pursuing an MBA in Germany in English is a rewarding experience that offers a world-class education, international exposure, and excellent career opportunities. Germany is known for its high-quality education system and innovative business environment, making it an ideal destination for aspiring business professionals.
Benefits of pursuing an MBA in Germany in English
Studying for an MBA in Germany has several advantages. Firstly, the country is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities and business schools, known for their rigorous academic programs and experienced faculty. Secondly, studying in Germany provides international exposure, allowing students to network with professionals worldwide and gain a global perspective on business. Lastly, completing an MBA in Germany opens up a wide range of career opportunities, both in Germany and internationally.
Requirements for studying MBA in Germany:
To study for an MBA in Germany in English, students typically need to meet certain requirements. These include having a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as business administration or economics, and demonstrating proficiency in the English language through tests like the TOEFL or IELTS. Additionally, many MBA programs in Germany require applicants to have relevant work experience, usually a minimum of two to three years.
RECOMMENDED:- Germany Student Visa Requirements for Indian Students
Top universities offering MBA in Germany in English
Germany is home to several prestigious universities and business schools that offer MBA programs. Some of the top institutions include PFH University, ESMT Berlin, which is known for its focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, Mannheim Business School, which offers a range of MBA programs tailored to different career goals, and WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, which is known for its strong international focus and excellent career services.
Cost of studying MBA in Germany:
The cost of studying for an MBA in Germany in English can vary depending on the institution and program. On average, tuition fees for MBA programs in Germany range from €20,000 to €40,000 per year. In addition to tuition fees, students will need to budget for living expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation.
RECOMMENDED:- Part-time Jobs in Germany for Students
Scholarships and financial aid options:
There are several scholarships and financial aid options available to international students studying for an MBA in Germany. These include scholarships offered by the German government, as well as scholarships offered by individual universities and private organizations. Additionally, many MBA programs in Germany offer financial aid packages to help students cover tuition and living expenses.
Application process:
The application process for MBA programs in Germany typically involves several steps. Firstly, students will need to research and select the programs they wish to apply to, taking into account factors such as program curriculum, faculty, and location. Next, students will need to gather the necessary documents, which may include academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose. Finally, students will need to submit their application by the deadline specified by the university.
RECOMMENDED:- Scholarships in Germany for Indian Students
Job prospects after completing MBA in Germany:
Completing an MBA in Germany in English opens up a wide range of career opportunities in both Germany and internationally. Germany is known for its strong economy and innovative business environment, making it an attractive destination for business professionals. Some of the growth sectors in Germany include technology, finance, and healthcare, where MBA graduates can find lucrative career opportunities. Additionally, the average salary for MBA graduates in Germany is quite competitive, making it a financially rewarding career choice.
In conclusion, pursuing an MBA in Germany in English is a wise investment in your future. Not only does it offer a world-class education and international exposure, but it also opens up a wide range of career opportunities in Germany and internationally. Whether you're looking to advance your career or start your own business, studying for an MBA in Germany can help you achieve your goals and set you on the path to success.
RECOMMENDED:- Masters in mechanical engineering in Germany
Q:- Can I work while studying for an MBA in Germany?
Yes, international students in Germany are allowed to work part-time while studying, usually up to 20 hours per week.
Q:- Are there any English-taught MBA programs in Germany?
Yes, many universities in Germany offer MBA programs that are taught entirely in English, making them accessible to international students.
Q:- How long does it take to complete an MBA in Germany?
Most MBA programs in Germany are designed to be completed in two years of full-time study.
Q:- Is German language proficiency required to study for an MBA in Germany?
While some knowledge of the German language may be helpful for daily life in Germany, it is optional to study for an MBA, as many programs are taught in English.
Q:- What are the career prospects like for MBA graduates in Germany?
MBA graduates in Germany have excellent career prospects, particularly in sectors such as technology, finance, and healthcare, where there is a high demand for skilled professionals.
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Reasons to get an MBA degree in Germany
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Are you contemplating pursuing an MBA degree abroad? Germany might not be the first country that comes to mind, but it's gaining recognition as a top destination for MBA studies. Here are some compelling reasons why getting an MBA degree in Germany could be the right choice for you.
For More Info Visit: MBA in Germany for Indian students  
1. Renowned Business Schools:
Germany is home to several prestigious business schools renowned for their quality education and international recognition. Institutions like ESMT Berlin, Mannheim Business School, and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management offer world-class MBA programs that attract students from around the globe.
For More Info Visit: Best Business School in Germany for MBA  
2. Diversity and International Environment:
Studying for an MBA in Germany exposes you to a diverse and multicultural environment. With a significant number of international students and faculty members, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with peers from various backgrounds, enhancing your global perspective and cross-cultural communication skills.
3. Affordable Tuition Fees:
Compared to MBA programs in the US and UK, obtaining an MBA degree in Germany can be more cost-effective. Many universities offer competitive tuition fees, and some public institutions even provide tuition-free education, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious students without compromising on quality.
For More Info Visit: Cost of Masters in Germany for Indian Students  
4. Strong Job Market:
Germany boasts a robust economy and is home to numerous multinational corporations and thriving industries. Completing an MBA in Germany can open doors to a plethora of job opportunities, especially in sectors such as automotive, engineering, finance, and technology. The country's strong focus on innovation and entrepreneurship further enhances career prospects for MBA graduates.
5. Post-Study Work Opportunities:
After completing your MBA in Germany, you have the option to extend your stay and seek employment opportunities in the country. Germany offers various visa options, including a job seeker visa, which allows you to stay and search for employment for up to 18 months after graduation. Additionally, the German government encourages skilled professionals to contribute to the country's workforce, making it easier for international graduates to secure job offers.
For More Info Visit: How to Get Admission in Germany  
Choosing to pursue an MBA degree in Germany can be a strategic move for your career advancement. With renowned business schools, a diverse learning environment, affordable tuition fees, abundant job opportunities, and favorable post-study work options, Germany emerges as an attractive destination for aspiring business leaders seeking a transformative educational experience.
1. Are MBA programs in Germany taught in English?
Yes, many MBA programs in Germany are taught entirely in English to accommodate international students.
2. What are the entry requirements for MBA programs in Germany?
Entry requirements may vary depending on the university and program, but typically include a bachelor's degree, relevant work experience, GMAT/GRE scores, and English proficiency (for non-native English speakers).
3. Can international students work while studying for an MBA in Germany?
Yes, international students with a valid student visa are allowed to work part-time up to 20 hours per week during the semester and full-time during semester breaks.
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yesgermany-manish · 7 months
Why Consider a Masters Degree in Germany? Exploring the Benefits and Opportunities
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Germany is one of the most popular destinations for international students who want to pursue a masters degree. According to the latest statistics, more than 300,000 foreign students were enrolled in German universities in 2020, making up 13.5% of the total student population. But what makes Germany so attractive for higher education? Here are some of the main reasons why you should consider a masters degree in Germany.
High Quality Education
Germany is known for its excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, as well as humanities, arts, and social sciences. German universities offer a wide range of masters programs, from traditional disciplines to interdisciplinary and innovative ones. Many of these programs are taught in English, making them accessible to international students. Moreover, German universities have a strong reputation in the global academic community, with 44 institutions ranked among the top 500 in the world.
Affordable Costs
One of the biggest advantages of studying in Germany is the low cost of tuition. In most public universities, there is no tuition fee for both domestic and international students, except for a small administrative fee per semester. Even in private universities, the tuition fee is usually much lower than in other countries, such as the UK, the US, or Australia. Additionally, the cost of living in Germany is relatively affordable, especially if you choose to live in a student dormitory or a shared apartment. You can also benefit from various discounts and subsidies for public transportation, cultural events, and health insurance.
Cultural Diversity
Germany is a multicultural and cosmopolitan country, with a rich history and culture. By studying in Germany, you can experience the German way of life, as well as learn about other cultures from your fellow students and professors. You can also enjoy the variety of cuisines, festivals, music, and art that Germany has to offer. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the opportunity to travel around Europe, as Germany is well-connected to other countries by train, bus, or plane.
Career Prospects
A masters degree from a German university can boost your career prospects, both in Germany and abroad. Germany has a strong economy, with many leading companies and industries, such as BMW, Siemens, SAP, and Bosch. As a graduate, you can benefit from the high demand for skilled workers, especially in STEM fields. You can also apply for a job seeker visa, which allows you to stay in Germany for up to 18 months after graduation to look for a suitable job. Alternatively, you can pursue a PhD or a research career in one of the many prestigious research institutes in Germany, such as the Max Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Society, or the Helmholtz Association.
How to Apply for a Masters Degree in Germany?
If you are interested in pursuing a masters degree in Germany, you will need to meet some requirements, such as:
Having a bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognized university
Having a sufficient level of proficiency in the language of instruction (German or English)
Having a valid passport and a student visa (if required)
Having a proof of financial resources to cover your living expenses
Having a health insurance coverage
The application process may vary depending on the university and the program you choose, but generally, you will need to submit the following documents:
A completed application form
A copy of your academic transcripts and diplomas
A copy of your language test scores (such as TestDaF, DSH, TOEFL, or IELTS)
A motivation letter and a curriculum vitae
A copy of your passport and visa (if required)
A proof of financial resources and health insurance
The application deadlines may also differ depending on the university and the program, but usually, they are:
July 15 for the winter semester (starting in October)
January 15 for the summer semester (starting in April)
You can find more information about the application process and the available programs on the websites of the German universities or on the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) website.
How to Find the Best German Study Consultants?
If you need help with finding and applying for a masters degree in Germany, you can consult with professional german study consultants who can provide you with guidance and support throughout the process. Some of the services that german study consultants can offer are:
Helping you choose the right program and university for your goals and interests
Helping you prepare and submit your application documents
Helping you apply for a student visa and a residence permit
Helping you find accommodation and transportation in Germany
Helping you adjust to the academic and cultural environment in Germany
Helping you network with other students and professionals in Germany
However, not all german study consultants are reliable and trustworthy. You should be careful when choosing a german study consultant and avoid falling for scams or frauds. Here are some tips on how to find the best german study consultants:
Do your research and compare different german study consultants based on their reputation, experience, credentials, and reviews
Ask for references and testimonials from previous clients and verify their authenticity
Check if the german study consultants are registered and accredited by the relevant authorities, such as the DAAD, the German Embassy, or the Ministry of Education
Ask for a written contract and a clear breakdown of the fees and services that the german study consultants will provide
Avoid paying any upfront fees or deposits before receiving any service or confirmation from the german study consultants
Avoid any german study consultants who make unrealistic or false promises, such as guaranteed admission, scholarships, or jobs
A master's degree in Germany can be a rewarding and beneficial experience for your personal and professional development. Germany offers high quality education, affordable costs, cultural diversity, and career prospects for international students. However, applying for a masters degree in Germany can be a challenging and complex process, which requires careful planning and preparation. If you need assistance and guidance, you can seek help from reputable and professional german study consultants who can help you achieve your academic goals and dreams.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
I heard it is mandatory to get a German language certificate for you to obtain a German visa even if you are studying in English. Is that true?
Where in germany are you planning to study?
No, it's not true. Well at least for Argentina. It's important to know that Visa requirements depend on the country you come from. You can even get a "jobseeking visa" that's a visa to travel to Germany to search for a job, you can get a "working visa" and a "student visa" without knowing a single word of german lol.
I've friend who traveled to seek for a job in Germany and he didn't even know how to say "hallo" and he had been living there for like 2 years already.
The thing is that some universities ask for German knowdledge to be accepted in. Since the course is fully in English plus they don't even ask the documents to be translated in German, they ask for them in English. I do want to clarify that I'm a SCIENCE STUDENT or a SCIENCE DEGREE person. Germany is in high demand of my career and therefore I do have an "UPPER HAND," that maybe people who study another career don't have. Plus, Science Master have the upper hand that most of them is in English because after all the Science community communicates in English. So most Masters in the science field don't care as far as you know English. Dresden! that's the place I'm staying at.
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abroadstudyexperts · 2 years
What Is Cost Of Studying For Indian Students In Germany?
Germany would undoubtedly rank at the top of any list of the most popular study locations in the world. Over time, the country has established itself as a hub for Indian students, providing unique possibilities to study and get a cultural experience.
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Most German universities have made it to the top of international rankings. The globally recognized study programs, part-time employment opportunities, affordable tuition, and living costs attract a large number of Indian students. To begin, let us discuss the study cost in Germany for Indian students and the study visa.
Cost Of Studying For Indian Students In Germany
Overseas students can study for free at German public universities. They must, however, pay an enrollment, administration, and confirmation fee per semester. This varies depending on whether the university is private or public, as well as the course chosen.
It should be noted that only public colleges provide free education. Fluency in German is one of their entry requirements.
Tuition fees at private institutions vary depending on the course you desire to pursue. However, tuition fees in German institutions are often on the lower end of the scale. They are reasonable compared to other countries such as Canada, the United States, and Australia.
Study Program                                       Average Tuition Fees in €
Undergraduate  Bachelor Degree          €500 -€20,000  yearly
Postgraduate  Master’s Degree              €5,000 – €30,000 yearly
 Intakes In Germany
The application dates for universities in Germany vary. However, if you want to study in Germany, these two general periods are often applicable:
Intake 1: Summer Semester – The semester runs from March to August. Every year, the application must be submitted by January 15th.
Intake 2: Winter Semester – The semester runs from September to February or October to March. Every year, the application must be filed by July 15th.
Germany Study Visa Types And Basic Requirements
The German student visa is of three types.
·       German Student Visa: This visa for overseas students who have been accepted into a full-time study program at a German university.
·       German Student Applicant Visa: This visa is required in order to apply in person for a university course, but can't be used to study in Germany.
·       German Language Course Visa: This visa is required if you intend to study German in Germany.
Basic Visa Requirements To Study In Germany
·       Completed and signed visa application form
·       Valid passport
·       Two photocopies of your passport
·       Your birth certificate of birth
·       Your recent passport-size photos
·       Proof of financial resources
For more inquiries, contact our Abroad education consultants by ringing at +91 8595338595 or mail us at [email protected].
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kartikrawat · 2 days
How long is German language certificate valid
Understanding the Validity of German Language Certificates
German language certificates are essential for various purposes, including academic admission, visa applications, and employment opportunities in German-speaking countries. These certificates, awarded upon passing standardized language exams, serve as proof of your proficiency in German. One common question is about the validity period of these certificates. This article explores the validity of different German language certificates, their uses, and considerations for maintaining language proficiency over time. Best German language institute in India
Types of German Language Certificates
Several recognized institutions issue German language certificates, each with specific validity criteria. The most common certificates include:
Goethe-Institut Certificates (Goethe-Zertifikat)
TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
TELC (The European Language Certificates)
DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang)
Validity of German Language Certificates
1. Goethe-Institut Certificates: The Goethe-Zertifikat, issued by the Goethe-Institut, is one of the most widely recognized German language certificates. These certificates do not have an official expiration date. Once you earn a Goethe-Zertifikat at any level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2), it remains valid indefinitely. However, some institutions or employers may require proof of recent language proficiency, typically within the last two years.
2. TestDaF: The TestDaF certificate is often used for university admissions in Germany. Like the Goethe-Zertifikat, the TestDaF certificate does not expire. However, universities and other institutions may request a certificate obtained within the last two years to ensure that the candidate's language skills are up to date.
3. TELC Certificates: TELC certificates are recognized across Europe and cover various levels of language proficiency. Similar to the other certificates, TELC certificates do not have an official expiration date. Nonetheless, some organizations might prefer a certificate that is no older than two years to confirm current proficiency.
4. DSH: The DSH exam is specifically designed for students seeking admission to German universities. The DSH certificate also does not expire officially. However, universities might have their own requirements, often asking for a certificate obtained within the last two years.
Why Institutions Prefer Recent Certificates
While German language certificates do not officially expire, there are reasons why institutions might prefer recent certificates:
Language Attrition: Language skills can deteriorate over time if not regularly practiced. A recent certificate is more likely to reflect your current proficiency.
Current Standards: Language standards and testing methods can evolve. Recent certificates ensure that the holder's proficiency meets the current requirements.
Verification: Institutions prefer recent certificates to streamline the verification process and reduce the risk of outdated or unverifiable documentation.
Maintaining Language Proficiency
If you hold a German language certificate but have not used the language actively, it's important to maintain your proficiency. Here are some tips to keep your German skills sharp:
Regular Practice: Engage in regular reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities in German. Use online resources, news websites, and language exchange platforms.
Advanced Courses: Enroll in advanced language courses or conversation classes to continue improving your skills.
Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in German culture through films, music, and literature. This not only enhances language skills but also deepens cultural understanding.
Travel: If possible, visit German-speaking countries to practice your language skills in real-life situations.
German language certificates from recognized institutions like the Goethe-Institut, TestDaF, TELC, and DSH do not have official expiration dates. However, institutions and employers may prefer recent certificates, typically within the last two years, to ensure current proficiency. To maintain your language skills, engage in regular practice, continue learning, and immerse yourself in the language and culture. This way, your proficiency remains strong, and your certificate retains its value.
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higherstudy · 4 days
Know all About German Student Visa
German Student Visa
To apply for a German student visa, you need to gather essential documents, including a valid passport, university admission letter, proof of financial resources (such as a blocked account), and health insurance coverage. You must also provide evidence of academic qualifications and, if required, language proficiency. Once you have your documents ready, schedule an appointment with the German consulate or embassy in your country. The application process involves submitting these documents, attending an interview, and potentially providing biometric data. Ensure to apply well in advance of your intended travel date to accommodate processing times.
 Types of German student visas 
Here are the types of German student visas.
Student Applicant Visa (Visum zur Studienbewerbung):
For students who need to be in Germany to apply for university admission in person.
Suitable if you haven't received your university admission letter yet.
Student Visa (Visum zu Studienzwecken):
For students who have already been accepted to a German university.
Requires an official admission letter from the university.
Language Course Visa:
For students attending a language course in Germany.
Not suitable for pursuing a full degree.
Study Preparation Visa:
For students attending a preparatory course (Studienkolleg) or a foundation course.
Helps in meeting university admission requirements.
PhD Candidate Visa:
For students who intend to complete their doctoral studies in Germany.
Requires proof of admission to a PhD program.
Each visa type has specific requirements and purposes, so it's crucial to choose the one that aligns with your educational goals in Germany.
German Student Visa Procedure
Check if You Need a Visa
Determine if you need a student visa based on your nationality. EU/EEA citizens do not need a visa, but other international students typically do.
2. Gather Required Documents
Prepare the necessary documents for your German Student visa application, which generally include:
Valid passport
University admission letter
Proof of financial resources (e.g., blocked account, scholarship)
Proof of health insurance
Academic qualifications (certificates and transcripts)
Proof of language proficiency (German or English, depending on your course)
Completed visa application form
Passport-sized photographs
Any other documents specified by the embassy or consulate
3. Open a Blocked Account
Set up a blocked account in Germany, if required, to show proof of financial resources. This account must have sufficient funds to cover at least the first year of your stay (about €11,208 as of 2024).
4. Schedule an Appointment
Make an appointment with the German embassy or consulate in your home country to submit your visa application. This can usually be done online.
5. Submit Your Application
Attend your appointment and submit your application along with all the required documents. Be prepared for an interview where you may be asked about your study plans, financial situation, and intentions to return to your home country after your studies.
6. Attend the Interview
During the interview, you may be asked questions about your choice of university, course, future plans, and how you plan to finance your stay in Germany.
7. Wait for Processing
The processing time for a German student visa can vary but typically takes about 6-12 weeks. Ensure you apply well in advance of your intended travel date.
8. Receive Your Visa
Once your visa is approved, you will be notified by the embassy or consulate. You can then collect your visa and prepare for your move to Germany.
9. Register with Local Authorities in Germany
Upon arrival in Germany, you must register your address with the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) within two weeks.
10. Apply for a Residence Permit
Apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde) in the city where you will be studying. This permit allows you to stay in Germany for the duration of your studies.
By following these steps meticulously, you can ensure a smooth application process for your German student visa.
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ajay619k · 5 days
Discover Germany: A Premier Study Destination
Germany, officially known as the Federal Republic of Germany, is a prime destination for students worldwide due to its robust educational system and diverse academic offerings. Apart from Russia, Germany is the most populous country in mainland Europe.overseas education consultants for germany in hyderabad provides best guidance for students. Historically, its landmass included parts of modern-day Poland and Lithuania. The education system in Germany is unique, with schooling being optional until the age of six. 
Germany offers a wide array of educational opportunities. For those in Hyderabad, study in Germany consultants in hyderabad and Germany student visa consultants in hyderabad provide expert guidance to help navigate the application process and ensure a smooth transition.
Benefits of Studying in Germany
High-Quality Education: German universities are known for their rigorous academic standards and practical orientation.for those who are seeking best education guidance process germany education consultancy in hyderabad.
Affordable Tuition: Many German universities offer free or low-cost education, even for international students.
Diverse Course Offerings: A wide range of programs are available, catering to various interests and fields.
Research Opportunities: Germany is a leader in research and innovation, providing ample opportunities for students.For those seeking guidance on securing a best consultancy for germany student visa in hyderabad, one of the best consultancies in hyderabad
Work While Studying: Students can gain work experience and supplement their income with part-time jobs.
Cultural Exposure: overseas education consultants for germany in kukatpally offers rich cultural experiences and the opportunity to learn a new language.
Application and Visa Requirements
To study in Germany, students need to complete specific application and visa processes:
Application Forms: Fill out and sign two visa application forms, ensuring all details are complete.
Documentation: Submit necessary documents, including passport photos, visa fee payment, a valid passport, a cover letter explaining your study plans, and an admission letter from a German university.
Health Insurance: Show proof of valid health insurance upon entering Germany and acquire local insurance after enrollment.
Unique Features of the German Education System
- Group Study and Peer Learning: German universities emphasize collaborative learning and peer assistance, fostering a supportive academic environment.
- Switching Courses and Universities: The system allows students to change courses or institutions seamlessly, enhancing their educational experience.
- Research and Innovation: Students are encouraged to engage in research activities, contributing to Germany's reputation as a hub for innovation.
Support Services
Organizations like Vaaradhi Overseas provide comprehensive support to students aiming to study in Germany. Services include:
- Career Counseling: Helping students choose the right career path based on their interests and strengths.Abroad education consultancy in kukatpally helps to provide better guidance for students.
- Course and University Selection: Assisting in selecting suitable courses and universities.
- Scholarship Assistance: Guiding students through the process of securing scholarships.
- Visa Assistance: Ensuring all visa requirements are met and applications are processed smoothly when applying for a best consultancy for germany student visa in kukatpally. One of the top consultancies in Kukatpally known for their exceptional services
- Pre-Departure Guidance: Preparing students for their life in Germany, including cultural acclimatization and practical tips.
overseas education consultants for germany in kukatpally offers an exceptional blend of high-quality education, affordable tuition, and diverse academic programs. With strong research opportunities, flexible course structures, and the chance to work while studying, Germany is a prime destination for international students. Moreover, the rich cultural experiences and support services from organizations like Vaaradhi Overseas make the transition smoother and more rewarding. Choose Germany for a well-rounded and enriching academic journey.and best consultancy for germany student visa in kukatpally one of the best consultancies in hyderabad.
For more information please visit www.vaaradhioverseas.com
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4shreya · 9 days
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Master’s in Germany
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Dreaming of studying in Germany for your Master's degree? You're not alone. With its world-class education system, affordable tuition fees, and rich cultural history, Germany is a top destination for international students. But how do you navigate the application process? This guide will walk you through each step, making the process clear and manageable.
Germany is known for its high-quality education system, innovative research facilities, and a vibrant international student community. If you're considering pursuing a Master's degree in Germany, you might feel overwhelmed by the application process. But don't worry! This guide breaks it down into manageable steps, ensuring you understand each part of the journey.
Why Study in Germany?
Germany is a fantastic destination for higher education, and here's why:
Quality Education: German universities are renowned for their academic excellence.
Affordable Tuition Fees: Many public universities in Germany offer low or no tuition fees for international students.
Cultural Experience: Germany offers a rich cultural experience with a blend of history and modernity.
Career Opportunities: A degree from a German university is highly respected and can open doors to career opportunities worldwide.
Choosing the Right University and Program
Selecting the right university and program is crucial. Here's how to go about it:
Research: Look into universities and their programs that align with your career goals.
Rankings and Reviews: Check global rankings and student reviews to get a sense of the university's reputation.
Course Content: Ensure the program content matches your academic and professional interests.
Location: Consider the city where the university is located. Cities like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg offer different experiences.
Understanding Admission Requirements
Each university and program may have specific admission requirements. Common requirements include:
Bachelor’s Degree: A relevant undergraduate degree with good grades.
Transcripts: Official transcripts from your previous studies.
Letters of Recommendation: Typically from academic or professional references.
Statement of Purpose: An essay explaining your motivations and goals.
CV/Resume: Highlighting your academic and professional background.
Language Proficiency Tests
Most programs in Germany are offered in German, but there are also many in English. Depending on the language of instruction, you may need to provide proof of language proficiency:
German Programs: TestDaF, DSH, or Goethe-Zertifikat.
English Programs: IELTS, TOEFL, or Cambridge English.
Preparing Your Application Documents
Organizing your application documents is a crucial step. Here's a checklist:
Academic Certificates and Transcripts
Language Proficiency Test Scores
Letters of Recommendation
Statement of Purpose
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Passport Copy
Application Form
Ensure all documents are translated into German or English if they are in another language.
Applying Through Uni-Assist
Uni-Assist is a centralized service that processes applications for many German universities. Here's how it works:
Register: Create an account on the Uni-Assist portal.
Select Programs: Choose the programs you want to apply for.
Upload Documents: Submit all required documents online.
Pay Fees: There's a processing fee for each application.
Submit Application: Once everything is uploaded and fees are paid, submit your application.
Direct University Applications
Not all universities use Uni-Assist. For direct applications:
Visit University Website: Check the university's official website for application details.
Follow Instructions: Each university will have specific instructions on how to apply.
Submit Documents: Send your documents as per the university's guidelines.
Visa Application Process
Once you receive your admission letter, you need to apply for a student visa. Here's what you need to do:
Schedule an Appointment: Book an appointment at the nearest German consulate or embassy.
Prepare Documents: You'll need your admission letter, proof of financial resources, health insurance, passport, and visa application form.
Attend Interview: Attend the visa interview and submit your documents.
Wait for Approval: Visa processing can take several weeks, so apply early.
Finding Accommodation
Finding a place to live is a key part of moving to Germany. Consider these options:
Student Dormitories: Affordable and close to campus but in high demand.
Private Apartments: More expensive but offer more privacy.
Shared Apartments (WG): A popular option among students for cost-saving and socializing.
Start looking for accommodation as soon as you receive your admission letter.
Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
Financing your studies can be a concern. Here are some options:
DAAD Scholarships: The German Academic Exchange Service offers numerous scholarships for international students.
Erasmus+: Provides grants for students studying in Europe.
University Scholarships: Many universities offer their own scholarships and financial aid.
Part-time Jobs: International students are allowed to work part-time to support their studies.
Health Insurance and Other Essentials
Health insurance is mandatory for all students in Germany. Here’s what you need to know:
Public Health Insurance: Available for a reasonable cost and covers most medical expenses.
Private Health Insurance: An option if you don't qualify for public insurance.
Bank Account: Open a German bank account for easy financial transactions.
Register with Authorities: Once in Germany, you must register your residence with the local authorities.
Arrival and Settling In
Congratulations! You’ve made it to Germany. Here’s how to settle in:
Attend Orientation: Universities often offer orientation programs for international students.
Explore the City: Familiarize yourself with your new surroundings.
Network: Join student groups and clubs to make new friends and connections.
Stay Organized: Keep track of important dates and deadlines related to your studies.
Applying for a Master’s in Germany might seem daunting, but with careful planning and preparation, it’s entirely achievable. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure you don’t miss any crucial steps. Good luck on your journey to studying in Germany!
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