#Germany's lord of the Lost who were amazing and did not deserve the result they got
ladyyatexel · 1 year
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it's crazy, it's party, some other people's relevant lyrics from the eurovision season are coming along for the ride
I will never get the sound of that crowd screaming his name out of my head
Fuck it up, king
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010s: 65 - 61
65. Michael Schulte - “You let me walk alone” Germany 2018
[2018 Review Here] (shared with Eugent)
When Germany revealed this homely carrot top  as their entrant I of course IMMEDIATELY rolled my eyes at it. Discount Ed Sheeran, GTFO!! Idk what the general lowdown on Ed Sheeran is, but good lord that man is responsible for some really BORING and GENERIC music (I will never get the obsession with “Perfect”, ever.) and as you can expect that also bled into my initial opinon of Michael.
However, two things. A of all, “You let me walk alone” is a much better song because it is actually VERY catchy, in a good way. ONE love / TWO hearts /  THREE kids / LOVING mum is among the more memorable hooks in this decade. 
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Secondly, Michael’s emotion is *real*. This is a song about his coping with his dead father and well... I am not made from stone. Dude was in GENUINE TEARS during the endgame!! And as someone who deeply loves his father, I can definitely empathize with that message on a personal level.
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There are better songs around. There are better performers around. There is better emotional pull left in this ranking. Regardless, Michael was able to stun me into teary-eyed silence and that is a feat which earns nothing less than RESPECT.
64. Softengine - “Something better” Finland 2014
FANTASTIC INDIE ANGELS <333 The appreciation I have to Softengine I have is obvious, yes? Highly energetic indie rock song from one of my favourite Eurovision countries. 😍 That also did VERY well because it’s genuinely that good. Take THAT Finland bullies!!! #HeyaSuomi
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However, Softengine offer even more than just a kickass rock song. They offer some of my favourite song lyrics ever? They are both puzzlingly weird and endearingly ESL Even Human Bound People Rolling Dice Such A Novel Life She Thought While Knowing Nothing At All~
What on earth is Topi singing about? 😍 Well actually, it’s the story of an old man looking back at the life he’s had and.. It actually has a LOT of emotional pull wtf? Take a look at the bridge: 
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A wonderful display of juvenile energy that has me coming back craving for me. SHOULD HAVE BEEN TOP 10 but lol it’s Finland when is Finland not getting bullied by people with no taste. 😭
63. Litesound - “We are the heroes” Belarus 2012
More rock angels. 😍 However, Litesound rank on the other end of the quality spectrum, being great because of their incompetence.  
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Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything more endearing when the inept give it their all, completely oblivious to their amateurism, a description which -let’s be honest- is “Belarus in Eurovision” is in a nutshell 😍. Well that plus the hilariously rigged NF, remember that ALYONA LANSKAYA originally won Litesound’s NF and then had to bequeath her spot to them when her voting fraud was exposed. 😍 It’s not even the most hilariously rigged NF of the decade though, omg YES we shall discuss that whenever it’s “Samo shampioni’s” turn. 😈
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Anyway, Litesound bring the a double whammy of hilarity with some A+ Bad English diction (let us all sing along)
and the fact that all Litesound members look like animals, introducing:
The seahorse
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The afghan greyhound
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the mongoose
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and of course Dima who might be the lovechild of Alsou and an ostrich. 😍
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All of this may make you believe I merely stan Litesound on an ironic level, but I actually LOVE them on an unironic level too. “We are the heroes” is a fun, futuristic electronic rock rollercoaster and Litesound strike a perfect balance between good song, disarming incompetence and going ALL OUT in proving themselves as high quality, laced with high voltage addictive rock beats. SO, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY, NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO, I’LL MAKE IT ALL RIGHT! I’M BRACKING DOWN THE WALLS, THEY ARE THE *HEROES*
62. Justs - “Heartbeat” Latvia 2016
AGE OF AMINATA <3 what a glorious two-piece act in the herstory of Latvia. To Latvia’s credit they completely reinvented themselves in the Supernova Era, usually resulting in bold entries (and Carousel). 
If "Love injected” was the earthquake that shook Latvia AWAKE with her experimental masterpieces, then "Heartbeat” is the aftershock, providing the same avant garde novelty, but not as impactful with a lesser impact. 
However, to recycle a phrase i’ve already used multiple times, a lesser Aminata is still fucking awesome. “Heartbeat” packs a massive emotional punch, being more aggressive and volatile than its predecessor, which... works out fine actually. Killer lines such as:
need an emotionally intense delivery and Justs fucking GOES for it without any inhibitions for his own health and safety 
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and with every passing second
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he gets more into the zone
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right until the end, when he LOSES his voice and is reduced to panting an aspirated ”thank you”. 😍 If you’re going to sing about lost love, you’d better do it by also SCREAMING YOUR LUNGS OUT <3
61. Hatari - “Hatrið mun sigra” Iceland 2019
God I’ve been dreading this write-up. Not because of the Hatari stans (lol who is going to complain about getting ranked 61st out of 408), but can I do Hatari justice in print? Hatari weren’t as much as an entry as they were the fiery spirit of mischief, an existential manifestation of defiance, a gestalt of provocative resistance, all contained in the tiny package of two asshole hellraisers.  Yes, assholes.  You see, the one thing you NEED to understand before everything else is that Hatari’s poetic palestine shawl moment is one of grade A assholery. Pulling that at the last sec towards their hosts WAS a dick move and Hatari were fully aware of it. We MUST see this as a fact before we discuss anything else that is also Hatari-related.
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However, that’s precisely the point? Provocation was the sensation that swept the icelandic nation and its idolization became Hatari’s vocation with dedication and its application in the humiliation and the vexation of the Israeli station in support of the Palestine civilization, leaving KAN in devastation after months of the rabid disorganization was a justification well worth the potential probation. In other words: GET REKT KAN SHIT HOSTS HOPE U GET BLACKLISTED LOLOL #Hatredwon 😈 😈. 
ps: still getting the Israelis to cheer for them despite being OPENLY pro-palestine when will ur faves.
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~My reasons~ for ranking Hatari lower post-show are less grounded in the politics (again, they were jerks but... that’s also the entire point of sending Hatari lmfao) and more determined by the actual live performance: I thought Klemens was underwhelming and his parts of “Hatrið mun sigra” were also the fave bits. 😭 On the flipside I thought Matthias was excellent (when he didn’t miss his cue) and I legit laugh out loud each time I see his hilarious OTT facial expressions.
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What a justified use of guyliner <3 The act was yet again a diabolically brilliant clanging of chains, bashing of mallets, grinding of gears, steaming of punk, a satanic cirque du soleil come to rain justice and brimstone down on our hopeless souls. Hatari were the anti-heroes we needed and don’t deserve.
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ps: i hope i will ever find someone who loves me as much as Klemens loves Teresa May. 
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Iceland’s chart looks much better than I thought it would, but the averages actually put them somewhere in the middle on average. Iceland are always hit-or-miss for me, much moreso in the 2010s than in any other decade and it’s largely down to them failing to pick the best available option because, you know, BadTastitis. 
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the next update... will be the FINAL one in this shade of green :o  Yes, we are about to move on to the highest, upperest, bestest tier of Eurovision entries. The mind-blowingly amazing entries that are not off this fucking world. Find out who makes the cut and who doesn’t TOMORROW :o
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Are there Human Devils?
Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE OF YOU IS A DEVIL? John 6:70
You must accept that a person in your life can for a moment be a tangible living devil in action. Such a person, must not be obeyed, must not be yielded to and must not be listened to. You must not operate by what you see. You must operate by the divine revelation of the person you are dealing with. 
Certain people must be treated as devils because they are (if only for a period) literal devils to you. Some people are completely possessed and occupied by the devil! Failure to treat certain people as devils will result in serious problems. Why would I say something like that? The scripture teaches that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. From this scripture, it is clear that our enemy is not flesh and blood but a spirit! Indeed, our wrestling, struggling and fighting is not with flesh and blood. It is with evil spirits. 
However, these evil spirits are able to inhabit, influence and possess some human beings so much that it is difficult to differentiate between the human being and the devil. When this happens, human beings become literal devils and must be treated as such. 
I wish to emphasize that if a human being is fully inhabited, influenced and used by the devil, you must not allow that person to function around you. I have seen ministries that were destroyed because pastors were too polite, too gentle and too restrained in their dealings with the devil. I have also seen ministries that were destroyed because pastors were too polite, too gentle and too restrained in their dealings with people who operated as the devil himself! There are some human beings you must see as the devil himself. You must talk to such people as though you were talking to the devil himself! Failure to do this is to allow the devil to freely exist and manoeuvre around you and against you. 
The word, ‘diabolos’ is usually translated into the word ‘devil’ and refers to the literal devil. The word diabolos is used thirty-eight times in the entire New Testament. Thirty-five times, the word diabolos is translated into the word devil. For instance, “And Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.”
However, on three other very significant occasions, the word diabolos is used to describe human beings. Is that not amazing? The word diabolos is used to refer to none other than Judas Iscariot, some pastors’ wives and some older women. (Please verify this for yourself). If what I am saying is in the Bible, you must believe it. 
Follow the Example of Jesus Christ and Treat Certain People as Devils
1. Jesus dealt with Peter as though he was the devil. 
Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “ God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “GET BEHIND ME, SATAN! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s. Matthew 16:22-23 (NASB)
Just like Jesus, you must accept the reality that some people are momentarily possessed and used by the devil in such a way that they become literal, tangible devils in your life. Peter, whom Jesus appointed as the leader of the church, for a moment operated as a literal devil and Jesus dealt with him sharply and conclusively. Jesus did not allow him to continue speaking in His presence. Jesus did not allow him to continue operating in His life. Jesus Christ did not say that Peter was being influenced by Satan! Jesus addressed Peter as Satan himself! 
Peter was familiar with Jesus. His appointment as the head of the church had perhaps gotten to his head and he had moved out of his proper place. He attempted to direct Jesus in His ministry. He began to rebuke the Son of God. He was telling Jesus to forget about the nonsense of the cross! Remember that the preaching of the cross is foolishness to many people! It was indeed foolishness to Peter on that day. He told Jesus that there was no need to carry on and go to any cross. Jesus saw through the immaturity and familiarity of Peter. But he did not say that Peter was being immature or familiar. He recognized Satan using Peter’s voice. He rebuked Peter instantly and stopped Satan directly. 
If people had recognized Satan’s voice when Adolf Hitler was giving speeches in 1933, they would have stopped him in his tracks. But even pastors hailed this mass murderer as a hero. Adolf Hitler caused the deaths of fifty million people. He knowingly sent many people to their deaths. His last instructions were to wipe out his own German people. He said they did not deserve to live because they had lost the war. Allowing this man to speak, to live, to operate, to flourish and to become a leader was the greatest mistake that Germany ever made. Satan must be recognised and stopped in his tracks! 
Do not allow the devil to operate in your life for even one minute. Be smart and fast like Jesus Christ. If you found a gaboon viper in your living room, would you allow it to stay on for a few more weeks? 
Watch out for people who allow gaboon vipers to live in their living room! They are making a terrible mistake! 
Watch out for people who become familiar with you! 
Watch out for people who move out of place! Such people lose sight of the fact that it is not their place to guide, control or correct God’s servant.
Dealing with the humanity of men of God may confuse you and tempt you to step out of order. 
2. Jesus dealt with Judas as though he was the devil. 
Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE OF YOU IS A DEVIL? John 6:70
Disciples and associates can turn into diabolos (a devil) and behave just like the devil. Jesus called his own trusted accountant a diabolos. Judas Iscariot is referred to as a diabolos. Allowing a disloyal traitor to function around you can only be likened to allowing a real cobra to live and to roam freely in your house. Do not allow any kind of disloyal person to be near you. Do not allow cobras to exist among your pastoral staff. Identify them and deal with them swiftly. Jesus referred to Judas as a devil. He did not say that Judas was being influenced by the devil. He said Judas was a devil. He said “Have I not chosen you, and one of you is a devil.” If you allow a devil to operate freely in your life and ministry, surely, you are going to have problems. Allowing a disloyal associate to operate freely in the church is the same as allowing a devil to do what he wants in the church.
Can you imagine having a rattlesnake in the living room of your house? Would you just allow it to continue to live there? Would you not treat it as a killer? If you found a black mamba in your house, would you just leave it alone? Wouldn’t you treat it as something very dangerous to your life? Would you not treat it as something that brings death? Would you not do everything to get it out of your life? Would you not try to kill it? I believe a snake must be treated as a source of death and not like a pet. A venomous snake is not a pet! A venomous snake does not deserve any kindness and it knows that it will not receive any kindness from you. That is why snakes hide all the time! Jesus Christ considered disloyal Judas as someone very dangerous. He called him a devil! This is how you must deal with disloyal people who turn against you and betray you. All pastors who have a light-hearted attitude towards disloyalty live to regret it. 
If Jesus Christ dealt with somebody as a devil why do you consider yourself to be wiser? It is your great mistake to deal with disloyalty as though it were something trivial. Your church cannot grow because you have allowed a cobra to roam around freely. You are treating the “cobra assistant” as a pet instead of treating him as a dangerous enemy! You are treating your “black mamba associate” as a pet instead of treating him as a source of death and destruction! 3. Jesus dealt with the Pharisees as though they were devils.
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O GENERATION OF VIPERS, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Matthew 3:7
Pray for the spirit of discernment so that you will be like Jesus. It takes great discernment to see evil in religious people. It takes great discernment to see through the righteous façade that religious people present. Indeed, few of us have real discernment and so we call bad things good and good things bad.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20
Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and described them as a generation of snakes. He addressed them as vipers. They were spiritual vipers – poisonous, deadly and evil. Jesus also told the Pharisees that they were just like their father the devil. If the father is a devil, it stands to reason that the son is also a devil!
Ye are of YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and the lusts of YOUR FATHER ye will do. He was a MURDERER from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44
It is important to deal with those who oppose the anointing and kill the ministry of the man of God. It was these Pharisees who eventually murdered Jesus Christ on the cross. But Jesus knew all along that they were devils and murderers. That is why Jesus called these pastors vipers. Jesus Christ confronted them and dealt with them as what they really were – devils! Long before they murdered Jesus Christ, Jesus called them devils and dealt with them as such. 
4. Paul warned pastors’ wives not to be devils. 
Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers (DIABOLOS), sober, faithful in all things. 1 Timothy 3:11
Can you believe that Apostle Paul used the word “diabolos” (devil) to describe some pastors’ wives and deacons’ wives? The translators of the Bible translated the word “diabolos” as devil in other parts of the Bible but did not translate it as devil in this scripture. Perhaps the translators were scared to apply the word “devil” to the pastors’ wives. Most of the translators were pastors and would be hesitant to write such things. But the Word is the Word! And the truth is the truth! Pastors’ wives and deacons’ wives can turn into devils. “Diabolos” is the Greek word for devil. That is why Paul warned pastors’ wives not to turn into devils. Deacons’ wives are warned not to turn into diabolos.
Why would Paul warn pastors’ wives not to turn into devils? It is because a pastor’s wife can become a strong accuser and opposer of her husband. A pastor’s wife can also become a strong challenger to her husband. Through accusation and opposition, some women are transformed into literal human devils that their husbands have to contend with.  Not all pastors have good marriages! Some have good marriages. Some have average marriages and some have terrible marriages. Adoniram Judson was called “three times lucky” because he married three times and each marriage was a good one. William Carey married three times. He had one bad marriage and two good marriages. 
There are many men of God who are dealing with tangible, physical female devils in their homes. Some of them would tell you that the greatest opposition and challenge to their lives and ministry is the woman they are married to. Why is this? Unfortunately, many beautiful ladies quickly metamorphose into full time accusers, opposers and challengers of the man of God they married. These pastors have to deal with a literal tangible, physical devil at home. 
5. Paul warned older women not to be devils. 
But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: that the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers (DIABOLOS), not given to much wine, teachers of good things; Titus 2:1-3
Older women are also susceptible to turning into devils. Older women can turn into diabolos and behave just like the devil. I did not write the Bible. Neither do I want to re-write it. Let’s read it together and accept what we see. The scripture clearly means that older women can become false accusers, slanderers, opposers, challengers and devils! That is what diabolos means. Why is that? Many older women are disappointed, disillusioned and disheartened about life. The disappointments of life have a way of turning people away from joy, peace, cheerfulness and love. 
Many women (and men) never experience what they hoped for. Many have had their expectations dashed. This deep disappointment with life, opens the door to devils. Some older, often bitter, women become inhabited by devils. The cheerfulness, giggles, smiles and friendliness of the young sweet girl are replaced by bitterness, wickedness, jealousy, hatred, irritation and unpleasantness. An older woman can literally become a devil. Keep your eyes open, you will see it practically. This could be why some older men go looking for younger, more cheerful, happier, loving girls whose souls are not embittered and open to demonic oppression.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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