#Get in the Shop: the rookie re-cap blog
chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Pilot"
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Welome to the very first drop of "Get in the Shop" !
Welcome to the start of “Get in The Shop!” The Rookie Re-Watch Blog! I am not sure how I plan on going about doing this blog, but there is no time like the present to start.  I have to warn that this is one of those figure out as I go type of ordeals; I have never done this before and I did brief research about the “dos and donts” of blogging, especially one of a tv show recap so I truly am just going to go with the flow.  I think I am going to post a new blog drop every Sunday and if I have any extra time during the week, maybe a Tuesday?!
If I try one thing and it doesn’t work, I will move and and try the next best thing with the end goal of having the best blogging/re-watch system that I can create for myself.  I am not an expert in any way.  This blog is solely a fan based one that I am choosing to do for my own mental health to get me, myself and I through whoever long this summer (plus) hiatus may last and if I happen to find friends along the way that will read my thoughts and interact with me then I couldn’t ask for anything better!
I think I will take notes as I watch the episode and then immediately following it, I will expand on those notes or should I watch the episode in its entirety in full and then type up everything I want to say about said episodes…
I want to preface the beginning of my re-watch by saying that I had no idea that this show even existed prior to me finding it on Tik Tok.  I saw a #Chenford scene from Season 5 Episode ! That was blowing up on TikTok and I immediately started watching it so I can obsessed over a new OTP without realizing Tim & Lucy weren’t even a though until Season 5.  So I did start it because of them but stayed because of how much I love this show.  
I am going to try my best to do this re-watch as if I don’t know anything that is to come in later episodes/seasons but I make no definitely promises!!
Let’s get into it!!!
Season 1 Episode 1: 
Title: “The Pilot” Original Air Date: October 15th, 2018
Synopsis: After a life altering incident, a small town guy (Nathan Fillion) peruses his dream of being a police officer.
First Impression of John Nolan: Eager
First Impression of Jackson West: Naive
First impression on Angela Lopez: Badass
First Impression on Talia Bishop: Out of Place
First Impression on Lucy Chen: Hotshot 
First Impression on Tim Bradford: Hot! #IYKYK
First Impression on Wade Grey: Seasoned
First Impression on Zoe Anderson: Authoritative
The episode begins with a bank robbery.  Which is fitting given there needs to be something to correlate this show with the premise of it: “A Silly Little Cop Show”.  John Nolan was definitely at the right place at the right time. Without knowing he goes on to become a cop after the bank robbery- you can tell that John has a passion for helping people.  You have to want to help people in some capacity in wanting to become a police officer right? 
The very first showing of The Rookie theme song.  It is a not even 10 second snippet of a full length song but man does it work.  It works so good that I am glad they never got rid of it.  There were shows that I watched in the past who had a whole opening credit scene/song which eventually faded out for it to just be a title card of the show (One Tree Hill I’m looking at you) so for The Rookie to have just ended its 5th season and to still have the little opening credit is cool!
After the cold open, the timeline jumps to “Nine Months Later”.  The first day on the real job.  No more training wheels, no more tests (so Lucy Chen thinks), no more papers and skills labs.  The beginning of the rest of their lives.
The introduction of Lucy Chen. She isn’t even clocked in for her first day of work and she already makes an arrest.  Way too cool for us or way too over eager to make a lasting first impression to everyone at the station?  Only time will tell.  But do you know what did make a great first impression? Her car!  Let’s hope this isn’t the last we see of that thing!  
I know we are focusing on the present but it doesn’t mean I can’t wish that we saw any kind of flashbacks of the time that not only John but Lucy and Jackson were in the academy. How did they get there? How did they excel or did they fail? What happened in the academy that John, Lucy and Jackson all became friends?!  It would’ve been cool to see!
Enter the infamous roll call room and the immediate jokes of John Nolans’ age. I really have no background regarding anything police related but I am assuming that someone of John’s age normally isn’t a rookie cop.  More so of the age of Lucy and Jackson.  So I don’t think this will be the last we hear of any ageist jokes of John Nolan and being a Rookie.  You can tell it is all in good fun and John takes it in stride. We all love our enemies to lovers storylines, but will there be an enemies to friendship between John and Wade Grey? This first episode shows no, but only time will tell.  We all have to be forever grateful to Watch Commander Wade Grey for playing the “Training Officer Match Game” and matching up rookie Lucy Chen with Training Officer Tim Bradford. (Thank you writers!)
The very first day gets off to a start.  The T.O’s teaching all of their boots the basics of the shop.  The ins and outs of the shop, what to do every morning, before going out on patrol to start your shift.  The basics and less than exciting aspect of being a cop.
Tim and Lucy. Or what we only knew then: Officer Bradford and Boot.” Lucy had no idea what to expect, not form her first day on the job and certainly not from her T.O. I think she immediately wanted to try to create some sort of bond/friendship with Tim but quickly realized that went out the window when he did his very first, what we all have come to learn and love, “Tim Test”.  “I’ve been shot! Where are you boot? I’m bleeding to death and you have to call for help. Where are you?” We will get back to that later on..
Side Note: I am trying very hard to pretend I have never seen any other episode besides this first one.  It is hard to compare Tim and Lucy then with what we know about their relationship now and just how their friendship progressed. I want to recap the episodes as if I was watching it for the ver first time.  It is hard but I ma going to do it!!!
Food Trucks! I never eat at food trucks much but do they officers of Mid-Wilshire make me want too!  The scene at the food truck was a nice way to show the two separate trios separately but together.  You have the experienced, veteran officers: Tim, Talia and Angela and then you have the brand new rookie officers: John, Lucy and Jackson. It’s smart TV. Yes this show is about John Nolan but it’s also about so, so much more.
You quickly start to see how much John cares about wanting to be a cop but in hindsight really has no idea just how to be one.  He thinks he does, mainly because of his age, but he doesn’t, not really.  All he knows is the 9 months he was in the academy. That’s it and it is evident the amount of training that he does need. He hopes he’s doing all the right things in order to succeed but in reality he is not: Using the baton to try to break the car window repeatedly even though it didn’t work the first few times; not putting on his gloves when going to help the husband of the domestic violence call- Blood Bourne Pathogens anyone?  Throughout this whole episode you quickly see how eager John is to be “a cop” but not HOW to be a cop. One thing is for sure is that John knows his way with words. The potential is there- it just needs to be taught.
The comedic relief of this show is introduced and it is much appreciated.  “I just got a disturbing video.  I’ve never seen anything so horrific..so prepare yourselves” said one Grey Wade and turns out it was the body cam footage of John trying to hop the fence.  There needs to be some light hearted fun in a profession where it can be serious most of the time!
I am immediately intrigued by this already established friendship between Lucy Chen, Jackson West and John Nolan. We already saw them interact in their work life so now we see them interacting in their personal lives.  It is a nice storytelling aspect of this episode.  The premise of the show is about the lives of newbie police officers but what happens after they clock out for their shift? And now we get to see it! The karaoke bar cuts right into the morning after where they make us want to believe John called the badge bunny and they spent the night together but SURPRISE! John wakes up to Lucy Chen!
(Please don’t hate me for what I am about to say)
The first time I watched this- I have to say I wasn’t turned off entirely by the brief relationship of John and Lucy. (Considering at this time, the romantic side of Tim and Lucy wasn’t even a thought, to anyone and that John really had better chemistry with literally anyone else). I am not opposed to have seen this relationship continue for a bit longer, if this was the only romantic option for either Lucy or John, I think I would have been okay with this relationship, I think it had potential.  John wants their relationship to become public and Lucy doesn’t. Lucy has every right to feel those feelings. Lucy knew from the start that no matter what she did in her career she would always have to fight for her place in the force where John would never be questioned twice for it and rightfully so: sexism. Talia seeing that little moment between Lucy and John at the end of the episode after the shoot out was on purpose.  It just confirmed to Lucy that she was correct in her feelings and reasonings as to why she wanted her and Johns relationship to remain a secret. 
It’s only the second day on the job and we already start to see Lucy’s frustration with Tim.  She quickly sees that Tim’s training methods are not conventional.  I don’t think we know that they are called Tim Tests yet, but outside of the liquor store, we witness Tim Test #2 and as Lucy is cuffing Ghost Head we meet an Isabel.  The Tim we saw is gone. The second he lays eyes on Isabel he becomes a shell of a person. The tears well up in his eyes and his voice cracks. He is no longer Officer Bradford, he is just Tim Bradford; a man that is desperate for his wife who he hasn’t seen in over a year. That does something to a person and Tim hides it well. Does Isabel recognize him at first? It’s hard to say but what is clear is that Tim is helpless when it comes to her.  I mean wouldn’t anyone who hasn��t seen their WIFE in over a year be, no matter what their profession is. He does exactly what she asked him to do: give her money even though its the last thing he wanted to do.  The quick glance back to Lucy? What does that mean?
You can’t have a cop show without actual action scenes right?!  And this one literally started with a bang!
I never expected Tim to get shot at in the very first episode but it was smart storytelling.  Tim’s first “Tim Test” paid off well because there was zero hesitation when Lucy called in Tim being shot. She knew what to say and how to say it and she did it with fierce conviction. It’s only been two days but Tim knew what he was doing when that first test was executed.
We didn’t see much of Jackson or Angela this episode in the field until the very end. And what a way to end this episode for Jackson, which left us all scratching our heads at the cliffhanger question: Why did Jackson freeze up in the middle of the field?  We can’t get all of the answers in the first episode and the confrontation between him and Angela in the locker room was a nice segue to what’s to come for them.  Not only for them but for the rest of the ensemble! It was a stellar first episode of the start of an amazing series!
At the end of every recap I am going to do an honorable mention that I did not discuss at all in my above rant as well an episode “peak” the high point of the episode, what made the episode great among other things and a “pit” the low point of the episode, something we could’ve done without and just a few random thoughts I need to get off my chest!!
Honorable Mention: The long sleeve uniforms!
Episode Peak: The introduction of “Boot”
Episode Pit: John Nolan’s Hair
Episode Rating: 10/10 (It was the Pilot Episode I would be a troll if I rated it any less!)
Random Thoughts:
I have never heard of Melissa O'Neil until I watched this show and it's safe to say my life is changed for the better now that I know that precious of a human exists. She was made a lasting imprint on my life in the best way possible. I will be a forever fan of hers.
Eric Winter ages life fineeeeeee wineeeeeee
I would love for these posts to be an open dialogue! I want to connect with other fans and hear your thoughts and opinions! What do you agree with? What do you disagree with?!  Is there anything I should change for my future blogs? I want this to be not only a fun hiatus but a fun thing for all of us to do together!
Until next time on “Get in The Shop”!
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Roundup"
Season 1 Episode 5: “The Roundup”
“Nolan, the rookies and their training officers get involved in a competition that pits them against each other; officer Lucy Chen notices officer Tim Bradford is obsessed with winning at all costs”
Original Air Date: November 20th, 2018
Directed By: Nelson McCormick
Written By: Elizabeth Beall
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A new episode! Im ready to get right into it!! This was a fun episode to do!!!!
The episode starts with our favorite trio out in the field, at some type of fair/event and we are introduced to a new Lucy hairstyle, her iconic braided buns and it is one of my favorite ones.  There is visible tension between John and Lucy as they are freshly broken up, but that tension is oblivious to Jackson as he isn’t picking up on it, like at all.  The break-up is one that was for the better but seeing John being all mopey as he is literally a grown man is an ick. Like get it together man!  It doesn’t help with his longing pining as he overlooks Lucy talking to a firefighter, Antonio, who is by far better suited for her, mainly in the age range.
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The premise of this show is about an older than average guy joining the police academy so it is to be expected that this first season would primarily revolve around John.  I appreciate how he can be the hero and the comedic relief at the same time.  For all the times he isn’t our favorite, we have to give credit where credit is due.  John has some of the best one-liners and funny bits, that we have seen from everybody! I like that for him.  On the complete opposite spectrum, he also shows heroic acts.  I don’t know what made him wander into the side yard by those kids to quickly rush into the back yard, but thankful he did because he rescued the little boy who fell into the pool.  
We have the introduction of a new character, John’s friend, Ben, who is also the owner of the house that John has been staying in.  I mean, lets be real, did any of us think that  house actually belonged to John!
In the roll call room, spirits are high as everyone knows what day it is: Roundup Day!  I think this is the first time since episode 1, we’ve seen Tim excited and with a smile on his face. Angela and Jackson are just as excited and ready for this competition day.  The rules are explained and the game is on.  
We have not seen any previous Roundup days, but we know that Tim hasn’t lost in the past 5 years and he wants to continue his streak, so he makes sure that doesn’t happen.  Enter Nell, another new character we are introduced to this episode.  She is the precincts 9-1-1 dispatcher and Tim knows how to woo her to get what he wants: the first one she calls for any incoming calls and she does exactly that.
Angela and Jackson are returning to the precinct booking 2 felons before Tim and Lucy have even left the station…let the games begin.  
Jackson and Angela respond to a call for a wellness check for a hospital disappearance.  After checking in on the elderly gentleman, Mr. Walker, Jackson was too quick to dismiss the call and leaver after speaking to him where as Angela knows.  She tells Jackson there’s something up with Mr. Walker and wander around to the side of the house and they witness him with a bag full of stolen drugs.  Angela knows the signs and what to look for, that’s not say Jackson won’t, he will, he just needs to learn them through his training.
John is itching to get in on this game, so he makes the executive decision to enter into it himself but only after getting highly annoyed by firefighter Antonio who asks him about Lucy.  I mean, you can’t fault the guy, he is young and Lucy is pretty.
Side Note: My fellow One Tree Hill fans!!! Skills!!!!! I love seeing other favorite actors on different shows!
Back in the “7-Adam-19” shop, Lucy initiates, or at least tries too, a personal conversation with Tim about Nell.  He quickly shuts it down with his infamous, “I’m married, Officer Chen and this isn’t something you and I talk about”. (Again, I’m trying so hard to act as if I haven’t watched any other episodes/seasons but little does Tim know….) Stoic, emotionless Tim is activated as he tells her to keep her eyes out for the DUI suspect, much to Lucy’s dismay, as I think she’s just whole heartedly trying to get to know Tim, with no other ulterior motives, and he isn’t being receptive towards it.  They come up on the DUI suspect and Lucy is taken aback with Tim as he is reading him his Miranda rights as well as demanding a blood sample while basically bleeding out before the ambulance takes him away.  Lucy is associating the DUI suspect as a human who was severely injured and not as a drunk driver who possibly killed a child and committed a serious crime.  I think this is where we start to see her empathy start to show.  No matter TIm’s feelings or not towards this suspect, he’s being a police officer.  He needs to demand and obtain the blood sample before its too late for the drivers victim or else it will all be for nothing.  Lucy will eventually learn that.  
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In the shop again, Lucy is clearly annoyed with Tim after his behavior and actions with the DUI suspect. Tim picks up on it as well based on her attitude towards him that she isn’t happy, but he explains it needed to happen.  Her annoyance continues as she thinks he seems more interested in racking up points on the scoreboard than prioritizing the arrests of the bank robbers in front of them, which is not the case per Tim, because he can do both!  Tim is smarter than them, as he proves it when he pepper sprays them out of the money truck.  As good as Lucy is, her methods of policing still reflect naively.  Lucy would’ve just waited around for back up if it weren’t for Tims quick thinking methods and they both gain points making 2 more arrests.  Let us all just very much appreciate the bickering of Tim and Lucy literally bickering like an old married couple so early on, and it is only the beginning of this beautiful relationship!
It’s a nice sight to see Captain Anderson again!  
Getting closer to the end of the episode, is usually when all of the separate storylines wrap up and merge into one larger one, as we see visible when John, Talia, Tim and Lucy come together to take down these Mob bosses.  I don’t think Lucy meant to trip and fall, but it helped with all of the arrests, so Go Lucy!!  It seems to be a trend, but I like this way of ending episodes, with some, if not all of the characters working together to achieve the common goal!! A great way to include the entire ensemble!
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This is the first time we really see Lucy interact with Angela and again with Talia.  So far, we’ve only really seen her mainly with Jackson and John, personally and Tim, professionally.  Lucy overhears the girls trying to decide what to do with their own points and how to divvy them up and when she puts things together, she realizes that they are doing it all in the sake for Tim so he can win.  It’s brought full circle because of Isabel. Tim and Isabel used to excel as partners in the Roundup, so of course this would be a sensitive day for Tim.  Angela and Talia were witnesses to those years prior and know how different this year looks so they need to too this for him.  Lucy took note how much this competition means to Tim but Talia and Angela knew the importance and meaning all along. 
Angela announces Tim and Lucy as the winners, now 6 years for Tim and the first for Lucy and Tim is thrilled.  He remains the reigning champion, yes, it probably boosts his ego a little, but at the end of the day, he needed to win it for his own mental health.  A reminder of what was once good between the relationship that once was with him and Isabel. 
Jackson is still struggling with, I suppose, his self worth of being a cop.  He knows that he got to where he is at because of his dad, but Angela encourages him to prove where he can go in spite of his dad. I love that for them.  This friendship is quickly growing on me!
John and Lucy still seemingly pining for each other is becoming old quick.  It is clear as day that Lucy is so far out of Johns league.  She doesn’t need him and she really never did.  I think the relationship started out of convenience and maybe even boredom while in the academy.  At this point, just be done, and move on. 
The episode ends with John (of course) and his friend Ben, who may be the best thing that The Rookie introduced us to so far.  Ben and his wise words is what John needs to hear: maybe its time for him to be alone for a while and see where that gets him….only time and watching more episodes will tell!
Honorable Mention: Lucy’s Braids! I wish they kept this hairstyle longer!
Episode Peak:  Tim winning The Roundup. 
Episode Pit: There really wasn’t anything that bad in this episode, so none for this week!
Quote of the Episode: “We’re not robots, Officer Nolan.  We all have our bad days but our bad days pale in comparison to the people we meet” - Talia Bishop
Episode Rating: 8/10.  This episode was a quick and easy watch.  Nothing too major happening but not too slow either.  We got some solid baby Chenford crumbs in it as well! I liked it!
I decided to start adding pictures throughout the blog! I'm thinking it add a little extra spice to it!
Another one down! I definitely took a different approach to this recap, I don’t know why, it just felt way better to recap it in episode order, rather than by the parings and relationships.  I guess it will all depend on the episodes for my blog style, but I am not minding it!  They are also getting way easier and more fun to do! 5 down, 15 to go for season 1! My god I am flying through these!! This one also is probably my shortest review but that’s okay!! They all don’t have to be super long!!!
Until next time in “Get in the Shop”… ;)
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"
Season 1 Episode 3: “The Good, The Bad And The Ugly”
“After Nolan and Talia lose control of a crime scene, they begin to debate whether people are fundamentally good or bad; Lucy worries Tim is enabling his wife’s destructive behavior and not taking care of himself".
Original Air Date: October 30, 2018
Directed By: Greg Beeman
Written By: Liz Alper & Ally Seibert
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Might as well jump into it, shall we?!
I really love how much action that this show has in it and throughout the episode as well.  I mean if you are going to have a show about being a cop, might as well make it as realist as possible. Calls like the ones that Talia and John were on is what real life officers respond to on a daily basis.  I haven’t watched many cop shows, but the ones that I have watched, this one is by far the most realistic portrayal of the police force!  As much action as this show has, it also has a sense of calmness as well (if that is the right word for it!) Hence the ending scene of our favorite trio on the beach.  
I really like the healthy balance of the work vs personal life of the main characters.  We see who they are while they are in uniform and on duty but let us get to know who they are and how they act when they do take their work belt and badge off.  We are getting to see more of that as each episode airs.
It’s good to see Tim in a uniform again, and I think everyone in the station feels the same way!!  As of this episode, we really don’t know what happened in Tim’s life that made him want to be a cop, but  he really was born to be one.  His looks, attitude, demeanor, it all screams “cop”, but in the best way.  I want to know so so much more about Tim’s life and what happened that made him choose this career path.
Who is Wade Grey?! I still don’t know!!! All we have seen of Grey so far is him catching attitude with Nolan. So to see him in a different light, while talking to a fellow cop that he likes and respects makes us start to warm up to him.  In this episode, we learn through his conversations with Tim that he has this whole past life of being in the force that not even some of his officers know about.  As they are learning, so are we and I feel that there is much more to know and like about Wade Grey, I can’t wait to find out!
Tim and Lucy back together and back on the patrol and why not start the day off with a ‘Tim Test’ because that’s what Tim does best and Lucy is quite receptive to the tests yet and especially this one.  Tim knew exactly what he was doing and all Lucy wanted to do was use the bathroom; but because of how brilliant Tim is as a T.O, no matter where you are as an officer, you can never have your guard down.  The ridicule is cut short when Tim receives a mysterious phone call.  We don’t know from him but it jolts him.  His demeanor instantly shifts, and not for the better.
Tim and Lucy end up in the hospital, as we find out it’s because of Isabel.  Tim becomes a shell of himself when it comes to Isabel.  This is the second time we see her on our screens and the effect that she has on Tim is palpable.  His voice cracks, the tears start to well up in his eyes, he is desperate and pleading.  His wife is in front of him yet she might as well be 10,000 miles away because she isn’t really “his wife” anymore at this point, is she.  
All that Tim has wanted for the past year is to find her and he finally did, but is it enough? Its obvious that she didn’t want to be found so how is Tim feeling about that?  His frustration is growing by the second hence his fist through the wall.  
I think Lucy is justified in her anger towards Tim and in the situations that he has been putting her in this episode/day.  Tim is spiraling, hard and fast.  He is beyond frustrated with his current situation with Isabel and is taking it out and train it too far with the biker gang that they respond too.  Lucy is left helpless to just watch Tim beat these guys while simultaneously getting beaten himself.  This is not the T.O that she originally had and her hands are tied until Lucy offers to help Isabel instead of Tim because she knows it’s the best thing that she can do for him in that moment. Tim has been having an inner crisis this entire episode and Lucy sees it.  Tim wants his wife back.
Lucy went into the apartment for Tim to help Isabel but in hindsight, is Isabel the one that helped Lucy?  Isabel starts to give Lucy a small bit of history between Tim and herself and their relationship.  This new info is just the beginning for the friendship that is to come between Tim and Lucy; but it also makes Lucy start to see Tim in a different light…maybe as an actual person and not just her hardass T.O.
The silence in the car between them is deafening.  This is the first time that we see Tim opening up to Lucy about his personal life and Lucy is very receptive to it as well. There is so much that is wanted to be said when Lucy gets back in the car yet what really is there to say except for the fact that maybe Lucy is exactly the person that Tim needed to enter his life in this exact moment for Tim to start becoming himself again.  Tim is genuinely thankful for Lucy and in what she just did for him.
If Talia was good for one thing this season it was spitting the facts regarding being a cop. Out of the three T.O, I believe Talia has been the most insightful regarding the actual teachings of an officer.  A patrol police officer is more than just patrolling, it is about reading people and situations, the protocols and the black & white of the job.  I like the way she teaches all of that to Nolan.  We see it lacking in the teachings of Tim and Angela, that’s okay because it will all eventually come full circle.  Nolan is trying to see the good in everyone whereas Talia knows better.  Yes she’s human and feels for people, but at the end of the day she’s there to do the job.  Nolan is still very green to being an officer. This is the very first time he’s being held by gunpoint by a criminal.  His first instinct is to talk her down and it works because Talia catches her off guard and tases her.  John has tried to see the good in every single person in this episode whereas Talia sees the bad in them.  
As of this episode, we still aren’t getting a lot from Jackson and Angela; which is fine because I know their moments are coming.  We have insight into Lucy and John but not so much from Jackson yet.  The Angela and Jackson scenes almost feel as if they are scene fillers and an afterthought.  I want to know more about the both of them, give me something! I just don’t feel like anything I have to say about them right now is good enough for me to do a deep dive about it.  I just feel like the conversations were very fluff filled and nothing very deep and personal.
The roll call scenes throughout these first few episodes and in this one are cool to see.  It makes you wonder if this is what actually happens in the beginning of the work day and through it as well in a real life precinct.  It’s a nice way of having everyone in the same room at the same time, while also still showing the individual storylines happening as well for all of our favorite characters!  
Honorable Mention: Lucy’s Work Belt
Episode Peak: Isabel.
Episode Pit: Still Nolan’s hair.  I am sorry, I can’t stand his S1 hair!
Quote of the Episode:  “See, your problem is that you think that people are inherently good, but you're wrong. People are good when it's easy. When push comes to shove, everyone crosses the line” ~ Talia Bishop
Episode Rating: 8/10.  This episode started to show the cracks in Tim’s personal life, which is exactly what we all needed to see.  The lack of Angela and Jackson is getting to me, I really want to know more about both of them in their personal and professional lives.
I hope you guys are enjoying reading this just as much as I am enjoying watching and blogging about it!  Again, I really want to know and hear your thoughts and opinions on not only my post but about the episode as well! I truly love interacting with all of you guys!!  Thank you again for everyone for continuing to read all of my posts! You don't have to but yet you are still here!
Until Next Time on “Get in the Shop” …
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
Season 1, Episode 12 “Heartbreak"
“The team is on high alert during the most dangerous day of the year, Valentine’s Day; Oficer Nolan invites everyone over for a party now that he is single.”
Original Air Date: February 12, 2019
Written By: Vincent Angell
Directed By: Carol Banker
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Happy Sunday again- back at it with Episode 12! Lets Get in the Shop, shall we?
Another cold open starting us strong with our favorite rookie trio! And this time it includes also seeing Sargent Grey off duty as well.  It’s obvious this episode is going to be centered around Valentines Day and perhaps some type of romance? Leave it to Nolan to ruin Grey’s romantic date night with his wife, who we are introduced too for the first time!
John wakes up on Valentines Day morning to a phone call from a flower shop having trouble being delivered to his ex-wife.  This is the first time in 20 years that John is single and on Valentines day and Ben realizes that too.  He offers to throw John a Valentines Day party that night to get his mind off of everything.
Angela and Wesley are getting dressed together after clearly spending the previous night together.  Their relationship is moving fast, but they seem to like each other.  At the same time though, Wesley seems to be a bit more in-tuned with his feelings than Angela is: the mentioning of Valentines Day gifts, wanting to spend more time with her, actually dating her.
Back in the roll call room Valentines Day morning, Grey announces, “Valentines Day is the most dangerous day of the year”.  I guess we are going to find out why.  Lucy notes that her T.O. is not in the roll call room, to which Grey says that Tim took a personal day, Angela can’t believe it as he’s never taken one a day in his life and Lucy gets succumbed to the front desk duty for the day.
The only valid reason as to why Tim would ever take a personal day: Isabel.  This is the first we are seeing Isabel again after laying post brain surgery in a hospital bed after the failed drug bust.  She is in a rehab facility and clearly clean and sober and doing good.  Even Tim notices, “You look like you again”.  This is a side we haven’t seen from Tim since the pilot.  It’s like Tim seeing Isabel sober and happy for the first time in a year has made him happy, as it should.  He sees his wife again.
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Isabel and Tim are walking through the rehab facility, just talking. Something that they haven’t done in years.  Isabel tells Tim that she’s been talking to a therapist and how she needs, or wants Tim to trust her again.  Tim doesn’t blame Isabel directly for hurting him all those years, he blames the drugs because its the drugs that led Isabel to do what she did to him.  It was the addict in her.  Isabel says she will always be an addict.  Isabel informs Tim that she felt pressure after marrying Tim to live up to his standards, and that she felt like she failed in doing so.  Could that be a reason why she chose to go down a path of drug use for so long?
Tim looks distraught, obviously over hearing Isabel tell him that she never felt good enough being his wife, in lack of better wording.  Tim doesn’t want to be angry anymore, all he wants is his wife back, but he knows deep down that he really will never have Isabel back.  Isabel may be back to her old self but she isn’t the same person that Tim married, not really.  There will always be the weight and heaviness between them of Isabels drug use.  No matter how well Isabel does in her recovery and on her sober journey, Tim knows that he will always be the constant reminder to Isabel when she was at her very lowest at the height of her drug use.  Tim knows that in order for Isabel to 100% recover, he can’t be with her anymore, they can’t be married anymore and he tells her that it’s the end of their relationship.  His voice breaks, telling Isabel this, as it should.  He is telling his wife of 10 years that their marriage is officially over, even though he knows it’s been over for a while.  He does it for Isabel, so she can have the recovery that she deserves, but he also needs to do it for himself too. If they chose to remain married, it would never be like before; like before the drug use.  They could pretend everything is better, but it really will never be.  There would always be a cloud hanging over both of their heads, both of them waiting for the next ball to drop to affect their marriage.  For both of them to move on with their lives, they have to move on separately and accept that their marriage is done.  And that decision is the best thing to happen for Isabel and for Tim.  Even though he never gave up on her and their marriage even when everyone was telling him to do so, he has to end it here and now.  Even now, this still isn’t giving up, it’s giving each other closure; but as Tim is finally walking away from Isabel for the last time, you see the weight of everything that was Isabel and their marriage, finally life off his shoulders.  It’s the end of one chapter of Tim’s life but also the beginning of the very next one.
John invites Jackson and Lucy to his Valentines Day party at his house later tonight, to which Lucy and Jackson both accept.  He also invites Angela and Talia- Angela does not hesitate to decline but Talia also chooses to pass as she has plans already that Angela doesn’t seem too happy to hear about…
Jackson tries to talk to Angela about her personal life, asking if she’s going to be seeing Wesley for dinner later, but she reminds Jackson, “We’re friendly, not friends”- no personal talk, but Angela still chooses to confide in him anyway, telling Jackson that she saw that Wesley bought her a V-Day gift, even though Wesley doesn’t think that she did, and she doesn’t know what to do.  As Jackson and Angela take their guy into the station, Angela sees Wesley being taken in by a fellow officer in handcuffs, a judge booked him for contempt of court, which Angela is having fun with.  The first lovers quarrel happens right after as Wesley associates the officer in court with not only Angela but with basically every other officer, period.  “Even if he was, that doesn’t give you permission to hurt him like that” “Give me permission”.  Angela doesn’t like it and has someone else book him, clearly upset by Wesley’s comment.  
Wesley is still being held in a holding cell as the judge still doesn’t want him related yet.    Angela puts her pride aside and tells Wesley that if he gets released early enough, shell let him take her out to dinner, but Wesley already made plans for the evening.  You can see Angelas face fall, but she recovers and tells Wesley that its no big deal, but she does snoop in his belongings to see what his evening plans are; “Dinner-Melanie”.
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Jackson and Angela are at the hospital to take a statement from an assault victim, but it seems Jackson is also there to flirt with the male nurse behind the desk, the same male nurse that Tim berated just an episode ago when he was there with Lucy from the needle exposure.  In the room with the assault victim, Jackson and Angela are asking him routine questions, but the victim really doesn’t remember anything, and they are on their way.  Nell tells Jackson and Angela that something doesn't add up with the call she sent them on to the assault victim because at the same time this guy was assaulted, there was also another call of derailed kidnapping, the woman who the assault victim was trying to kidnap turned the cards and started attacking him and Angela figures that out after questioning him again with Jackson because he slips up.
When Angela is back at the station to run some reports, Captain Anderson tells her that  after detectives looked into her hospital victim, they attached multiple abuse victims and even homicides to him leading him to be a serial killer that they have been looking for.  Angela texts that over to Jackson, who is still at the hospital watching over him, but when Jackson goes to check in on him, he pretend to have fallen only to attack Jackson, he knows that they are on to him.  
Angela sees Jackson on the floor of Kevin’s hospital room.  Kevin knocked Jackson out and took his loaded gun.  Angela chases him through the hospital stairwell and fights him until she finally gets the cuffs on him, not without a few bumps and bruises though, he didn’t go down easily. Angela gets to put away a decades long serial killer, good for her!
John and Talia are in the shop together, and John tries to insinuate a personal conversation between him and Talia but is not successful.  It still seems that this Rookie/T.O duo are the least to be bonded in any way, in my opinion.  Their relationship still seems out of place compared to Jackson and Angela and Tim and Lucy.  Something is missing still.  They respond to a car accident and a women gets electrocuted by live down wires.  John starts to giver her CPR and resuscitates her.  She is grateful, as anyone would be.  The woman whose live John saved turns up at the front desk of the station asking for John.  Desk Duty Lucy pages him over the loud speaker for her.  You can slice the awkward silence between Lucy and this woman as they are waiting for John with a knife.  This is the first time that Lucy is witnessing anything romantic happening with John since breaking up with him, which is why I think it is awkward for her, but I don’t think she cares, it’s just weird, especially when the woman asks John to come over and check up on her after his shift is done, AWKWARD.
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John and Talia respond to an intruder call, as they sweep the house, it is clear and when they go to inform the home owner that it is clear to come out of the bathroom, where she was hiding in, it is the same woman who John rescued “Officer Nolan, came to rescue me again?”. Talia berates the woman for placing a false 9-1-1 call but John asks to speak to her alone.  Being very aware of his surroundings, John notices a wedding picture and asks about the woman’s husband, to which she tells him he dies in action almost a year ago and hasn’t been the same since until that very morning when John rescued her.  John lets her down easy telling her that he is not interested in her and what she is experiencing is pure adrenaline. I mean she only did get electrocuted a few hours ago that very same day.
John and Lucy are done for the day and start to head out to Nolans Valentines Day Party, which Lucy is quite hesitant to still go too because they run into Angela as they are leaving who tell them that her and Jackson are still working on their case so Jackson won’t be there, and we all know that Lucy only said yes to going because of Jackson.  Lucy and John are decorating Johns place getting ready for his Valentines Day party and Ben tells them that he invited over a date, and when he brings her in to meet them, it turns out to be the same woman again that John rescued, Denise. “Oh my God, what a small world”.  In an ever so John way, he tells Ben that she is just using him to get to John because she thinks that she has feelings for him when in actuality she’s just transferring those feelings that she still has for her late husband onto John.  Classic.  John finds Denise waiting for him in bed and she notes that she just wants someone to look at her the way that John looks at Lucy, because she tells him that she noticed that.  As John is going to get Denise out of the bed to get her dressed and on her way home, an empty pill bottle falls out of the bed, as she took all the pills.  John calls an ambulance and him, Lucy and Ben just need to keep her awake until they arrive.  Before the ambulance arrives, looking right at John, she speaks to him as if he was her late husband.  She just flat out misses him, she doesn’t know what to do without him there anymore.  It’s truly sad.  Even though we will never see her again, I hope she gets the help she needs.
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Lucy offers to go with Denise to the hospital to make sure that she’s okay, mainly for John because he wanted to go with her, but also because I think she wanted to get out of staying at Johns Valentines Party, and this was her escape out.
Angela brings Talia her flowers that someone sent to her at the station, Angela knowing exactly who they are from: a married, not separated, man that Talia seems to be sleeping with, who went back to his wife.  Talia’s personal life is dicey.
At the end of the episode, Tim is back in the station, to do stacks of paperwork to get his mind off of everything that just happened with Isabel.  Nell sees him walking through the station, and Tim asks her to go have a very platonic Valentines Day drink with him, as he really needs a friend and she accepts.  I like this friendship, and I like Nell.  I hope we get to see more of her.  Tim deserves to have friends in his life, especially right now and she seems like one of the best.
Angela lets Wesley out of his cell as the judge finally lets him go- Angela lets Wesley know that he can make it in time to go have dinner with Melanie, but he isn’t too happy that Angela searched through his belongings, especially because Melanie is his step-mom. In Angela own words, “I really screwed that one up”.
Jackson goes to the hospital, to bring dinner for not only him but to the male nurse as well, I still don’t know if we know his name yet.  He seems very into him, and they go on a date in the hospital, exactly what Jackson intended to do. He looks happy, and this is the first time we are seeing him show any romantic interest in another partner, we love to see it!
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John and Ben are packing up all the food and drink for Johns seemingly failed first solo Vanities Day Party, and John tells Ben that it felt good that Denise was into him, which Ben tells him, that makes him human.  To Johns surprise, Talia shows up at Johns, ready for the party to see that she’s the only one there, but that’s okay as she hangs out with Ben and John and wants to hear all of the dirty funny stories that Ben has of John fro their school days.
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Honorable Mention: Lucys street style.  I love seeing it!
Episode Peak: Angela and Wesley! I love seeing their relationship come into fruition.
Episode Pit: Tim.  He has slowly became one of my favorite characters and seeing him so sad, really hurts.
Quote of the Episode: “I mean, what kind of husband would I be if I left you when you were lost? But you're not lost anymore. And I will always be a reminder of your lowest point of that shame you felt when you put that needle in your arm. So, as long as we're together, you're never gonna be able to move forward. This is the end” ~ Tim Bradford
Episode Rating: 8/10.  This was a solid episode.  It literally had zero Chenford in it, but that wasn’t the point of this episode.  It was for the ending and closure of Isabel and Tim and the start of Wesley and Angela.  I know well get out Chenford in due time, but it sucks without them, not gonna lie lol!
Until next time on “Get in The Shop”…
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"Crash Course"
I am back!!!! I want to start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who actually read my first every blog drop and took the time to respond and interact with me and my thoughts and feelings, it truly means so much!!! I have never felt the way I do about this show and Chenford ever, and I have loved the community that I have found among all of you guys! I hope you guys continue to stick around for the next 98 blog drops throughout our hiatus, however long it shall last (& we are all okay with however long the strike lasts no matter how it affects our shows because the!! writers!!! deserve!!! to!!! get!!! paid!!!! #WGA).
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Season 1, Episode 2: “Crash Course”
“Talia forces Nolan to confront his personal moral instincts after he encounters a kidnapping victim; Lucy is temporarily placed with a new training officer who tests her patience; Jackson must confront his failures head on”
Written By: Alexi Hawley
Directed By: Adam Davidson
Original Air Date: October 23, 2018
Let us get right into it, shall we?!
It has only been one episode so far, but I do appreciate the “Previously on The Rookie” recap.  Not enough TV shows do that these days anymore. Of course, nobody would ever dare to miss an episode of this show but they did it from the beginning and they kept up with it, which is nice!
The episode begins with John and Talia in a car chase through the streets of LA which eventually ends at the Hollywood Sign.  John is taken aback by the driver when it turns out to be a runaway bride, which was the last person either of them were expecting. His emotions automatically kick into high gear and he uses his personal experiences to relate and literally talk her off the ledge (classic Rookie comedy). I will give credit where credit is due, and that is to John Nolan because he has a way with his words and communicating to strangers and that’s a nice quality for not only a person, but a cop to have.  It is what brought him to the police academy in the first place.
It’s clear that Lucy didn’t immediately take Talias advice and end things with John because they are waking up in bed together with cringeworthy pillow talk. I don’t know what shifted for them between Episode 1 and 2 but something did because I did not feel as put off by them just an episode ago as I do now. I want to like this couple, I really do, but there is something very familial of them being in a relationship- it gives off those vibes and that is not good, in any way.
I understand why the writers started the show with John and Lucy already in a relationship; the execution of them is just very poor and not well received, but it is not their fault.  Who knows how long their romance will last, but I think it is for the best that Talia intervened as early as she did because I don’t know how long people would sit through their relationship.
Lucy telling John that she wants to keep it casual is the best answer she could’ve given him no matter how much that was not what John wanted to hear.  This relationship was doomed from the start. 
Tim is recovered from surgery and is being released from the hospital, albeit alone, or so he thinks. His wife is MIA and as far as we know, there is no other family.  Any other person would have an audience of family members jumping at the chance to be there for their release, but we know that Tim Bradford is nothing but normal in the best way possible.  Who shows up for him, none other than his unconventional family: Talia and Angela.  Family doesn’t always have to be blood and they prove that to him simply by being there and showing up for him and that genuinely shocked him in the best way possible.
Talia continues to put the pressure on Lucy and I am glad she is.  It’s been only 2 episodes, but you can tell how much Lucy wants to be a cop.  Talia makes a fair point to Lucy that by dating a fellow police officer she is only self sabotaging her career and its like a lightbulb went off atop Lucy’s head.  You can tell how much being a cop means to Lucy and she doesn’t want anything or anyone getting in her way of that.
And Lucy diving out of the way of John’s bouquet throw was a nice touch!
I feel bad for John when it comes to his not quite there relationship with Officer Grey.  It is evident that this job means something to John and he is also trying to build something with Grey but the feelings are not reciprocated. All Grey can see is a walking talking joke and he doesn’t want any part of it.  He can’t understand why someone of John’s age wants to become a cop and he refuses to do so.  At this point in time, there seems to be no hope for this friendship..
I like that this show gives more than just the action and the line of duty of being in the police force.  What goes on after coming back to the precinct, which shows: how an intake happens, how the paperwork is done, how the numbers are calculated, etc.  For someone who has no idea about anything regarding the police, its a nice touch (how much of it is accurate, lets leave that up to our imaginations!)
Lucy’s on-duty hair style doesn’t suit her, in my opinion. 
This episode makes you start to question if Jackson has a true passion in wanting to become a trained police officer or if he is going through all of these motions just to please his family and especially his father.  Does it make Jackson happy or does it make his father happy?  We still are seeing him freeze up when it comes to his gun and using it.  IN the back of the Quick Mart shop he uses anything but his gun to take down the offender: His fists, his body and his baton.  The first thing that you see when Angela comes barging in, is her gun in her hands.  The question remains, why is Jackson afraid?
With Tim still out of commission from his surgery, Lucy is assigned a temporary T.O officer for the time being, Officer Wrigley.  Right off the bat he does everything for her that Tim would make Lucy do for him.  A huge difference in T.O officers, but is it a good different?  They haven’t been in the shop together for no more than 5 minutes and Wrigley already has spoken of his appraisal of Lucy and she has yet to hear that from Tim.  It is different for Lucy though because instead of going head first into the action, she gets but on the back burner and is succumbed to traffic citations with Wrigley, much to her dismay.  Lucy is impatient, bored and eager.  You can tell how much she wants to be a cop and loves this work.  She isn’t meant to be writing tickets, she’s meant for the action and there isn’t anything wrong with that just like there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to go home to your kids every night, which Wrigley does, and that is fine, it’s just that is not the type of police officer that Lucy wants to become.  
With Lucy stranded at the diner, it’s a surprise to her when Tim also shows up at the very same diner.  At first Lucy thinks he is there to check up on her but is shut down when Tim is just there to pick up his lunch.  Even with Tim on leave, he still somehow manages to be the training officer that Lucy needs.  She doesn’t know how to handle Wrigley, so when the call comes in regarding the shoplifter, Lucy wants to jump at it but is hesitant. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t have a car or a T.O at that moment, she has Tims encouragement to go after him and that’s enough for her and she hits the ground running, literally and she does a hell of a job at catching him too. 
Lucy being assigned to Wrigley was solely at the hands of Tim and his undying love of Tim Tests.  It isn’t until the day is over when Lucy realizes that it was a Tim Test and I’m glad she didn’t figure it out any sooner.  Wrigley showed her the kind of cop that he wants to be and Lucy showed him exactly the kind of cop that she wants to be as well, which in turn showed Tim as well.  I think it was one of his better Tim Tests, it was a baby step in the right direction for the start of their friendship.  I do think this is the first time that we see Tim smile.  And an authentic smile at that too.  His “boot” passed one of his Tim Tests, and with flying colors as well and it makes him giddy.  He isn’t going to be training some eventual burnout.  He now knows that Lucy is in it for the long haul and her be damned if he trains her with anything less than excellence.  THE SMALL SMILES FROM BOTH TIM AND LUCY. SWOON.
The first crack in Tims hard exterior and its from Lucy Chen. It is a very small one, but it is there none the less.  Tim’s heart grew a size bigger that day without even knowing it and all because of Lucy Chen. This is the first smile we see from Tim, especially since his heartbreak the last episode.  
I like how we haven’t sen much of Captain Anderson but what we have seen of her, she has everyone’s back and is there for all of her officers, new and old.  
Two episodes in and I like every single character, yet Talia still has yet to make me like her as much as I like everyone else.  I don’t know what it is with her character, but I don’t feel it quite just yet, maybe I will soon…
You can tell that Jackson wants approval from his T.O Angela just as much as Lucy wants it from her T.O Tim and there isn’t anything wrong with that.  Angela and Tim were once Rookies themselves and went through exactly what Lucy and Jackson are going through so it’s inevitable that they want some type of approval or recognition from them.  It is admirable.  
This episode is very John Nolan centric, which is to be expected considering the premise of the show is about him and his life as a rookie police officer, BUT now that I know there is an ensemble cast with a ton of other characters to watch and learn more about, I don’t think every episode has to feature John so heavily.  Let us viewers get to know more about all of the other characters, both on and off duty, in this police precinct of Mid-Wilshire!
Honorable Mention: Shirtless Tim! I’m sorry, I had too!
Episode Peak: Everyone’s street style starting to show! We love to see it!
Episode Pit: 6 minute and 07 second mark…what..was..that…
Quote of the Episode:  “With all due respect Sir, you’re a pain in my ass” — Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 7/10- Only of the fact that, besides a few key moments here and there, not much really went on in this episode that gave me the “WOW” factor.
Until the next drop on “Get in the Shop”.... ;)
Please give me your honest feedback!!!!! I LOVE interacting with you all of you guys!!!
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Ride Along"
Season 1 Episode 7: “The Ride Along”
“Sergeant Grey informs Nolan and officer Bishop that they are going to have a movie director as a ride-along.  Bradford learns that his wife has been arrested for drug possession”
Original Air Date: December 4th, 2018
Written By: Robert Bella
Directed By: Cherie Nowlan
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Before we start another episode, I just want to express all of the continued love and support and likes and re-blogs and thought and opinions on everything that I have shared so far!  I know there has been a multitude of re-watch blogs this hiatus so for everyone who has stuck with me and will continue to stick with me, the appreciation is endless so thank you!!  With that being said, shall we begin!
This is the best cold open we have seen so far, with the cutest premise of why it was done, “Make-a- Cop Wish Foundation”! One of the many reasons why this show is flat out amazing.
Ben is back, and putting Nolan in his place, get out there and stop being a sad little puppy.  I mean, Nolan is acting like a whiny child.  If this is how he is acting after the breakup with Lucy, who he was only dating for a few months, I can only imagine how he acted after his divorce from his wife of 20 years. 
Im glad there is another episode with Lucys hair still in her braid buns, I wish they lasted longer.
Grey asks what one of the worst days on the job can be with the vets giving all different answers, but according to Grey, it is The VIP Ride Along.  The officers have to limit the calls they take as to not put the VIP in any danger, have to make sure the VIP is getting treated as such, but also while still doing there job as well. “He doesn’t get anywhere near danger” Sounds like its going to be a slow day for Bishop and Nolan.  Every call that comes in over the radio gets bypassed by Nolan and Bishop until they get a less than thrilling one, no action to put the VIP in danger.   They respond to the call which seems to be innocent, but Bishop and Nolan enter a house unsecured which reveals a dead body.  VIP continues to want to toss money around to make this house call pass by, which shows his arrogance, this is something exciting for him, but for John and Talia, this is the proper protocol for what they have to do when put in this situation, this is still their job, and they need to do it the right way, no matter if VIP is there or not. 
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Bishop and Nolan respond to another call, a family disturbance.  Nolan and Bishop both see that the distressed man has mental issues and they quickly de-escalate the situation without any force.  They inform the family that he will be placed in a 24 hour mental facility hold which is better suited for their brother than putting him in a jail holding cell.
Taking Ben’s advice, John accepts the invitation to go to VIP’s house party that night and maybe it was a good thing he was there too- he saved a girl from being roofied!  I still appreciate that Nolan is still the comedic factor of every episode in some way. The next day, while out on patrol John and Talia answer a personal call on Johns phone and it is VIP under attack from the family of the disturbance call from the previous day. Turns out maybe VIP isn’t such a bad guy after all- he called up the family from the previous days arrest and offered to pay for a spot in a mental facility and they took it completely the wrong way and attacked him.  Ive said it before and I’ll say it again, as much as Nolan is the comedy relief, he also has a way with his words and he knows how to use them well- he could talk himself and others out of any situation.  At the end of the episode, John video calls his son, and it’s the first time we see him being a dad!  Obviously we are going to see him again soon as John mentions he will buy tickets to fly his son out to LA!  This show continues to have a good balance between the professional and personal aspects of all of their characters!
This is the first we hear of Angela being interested in the open detective position.    Angela wants to move up, and thanks to Jackson, she has some inside intel.  When Angela and Jackson respond to the 9-1-1 call, they see a kid electrocuting himself, solely to get an adrenaline rush.  Jackson is quick to make an arrest, but Angela stops him after doing a quick canvas of the scene.  She spots all stolen hospital property,  and is already thinking 5 steps ahead: you have to go through all of the minnows to get to the big shark. 
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Angela’s detectives skills are very visible and apparent this episode, she knows how good she can be as a detective and she wants to make it known.  Not only is she putting her potential detective skills in use, but she is also teaching Jackson how to long for a bigger picture in making certain arrests happen, also like thinking of a food chain, how to use the bottom feeders to get to the top.  At the end of the episode though, it turns out that Angela got way ahead of herself and the big guy on top turns out to be a dead end as Captain Anderson informs them.  The prospect of Angela potentially getting the tap and becoming detective got the best of her that day and she got a little over her head?  It’s upsetting for Angela, but Jackson is there for her every step of the way and continues to support her.  It is nice to see Angela and Jacksons budding friendship in this episode, it seems to be evolving into a really special bond. 
Now onto the #Chenford of it all (our favorite part of every episode)!
Tim and Lucy are still at the station, with Tim un-patiently waiting for Lucy to grab their shops gear when Grey summons Tim into his office.  Once in the office, Grey informs Tim of a recent drug bust, and the arrested suspect is Isabel.  You can see Tim’s heart drop into his stomach at that news.  I wish we could be inside Tim’s head here, because he is clearly reeling from this information.  Tim hasn’t seen or heard from Isabel in a year, and then after one random day while on the job, she’s back in his life and not the way that Tim was hoping for.  Every time he’s seen her since, its been at the police station, and it is evident she is till on drugs, which continues to cause major stress on their already strained marriage.  How much more can it take?  How much more can Tim take?
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It’s like Tim is in the twilight zone for a bit this episode.  He doesn’t know what to think, act or feel, and is kind of just there.  For a man who claims to never show no emotion, you can see every one written across his face and in his eyes when he watches from afar, the detectives bring Isabel into the station.  I wish I could jump though my screen and give Tim a hug.  I feel like that’s what he needs right now, a hug from someone who will never let him go. (Ahem Lucy!!!)
The detectives let Grey and Tim in on what is going on with Isabel and what will happen with her now that she was arrested.  Isabel is deep with heroin, and with other heroin dealers. The detectives do make a good point, “Is he a cop or the suspects husband”; Tim is really caught between a rock and a hard place in this episode.  Does he put his feelings aside and practice what he preaches to Lucy and be the cop, or does he put his professionalism on the back burner and be Isabels husband in her time of need and help her out, even though she probably doesn’t deserve it.  What is Tim to do, or feel? 
Tim and Lucy bring in a suspect for public urination, but I think it is a ruse for Tim to get himself bak to the station to see Isabel, I mean, even Lucy knows this arrest is nonsense but she has Tim’s back, so she just does as he says.  Lucy spots Tim looking at Isabel and lets him know that shell keep an eye out for the detectives so he can have a conversation with Isabel.
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We know what Tim and Isabels relationship is like now, but it makes me wonder what their relationship was like for the past 10 years.  How long was it good until it got bad?  How were they at work together? How were they like at home?  This episode makes me want to know so much more about Tim.  Isabel knows she’s in big trouble for heroin possession, which is why she asks Tim to do the unthinkable and get rid of the stashed heroin at her ‘sometimes boyfriends’ house so the cops don’t find it when they raid the apartment. I can only imagine how that made Tim feel- having your current wife talk about her boyfriend, like a knife to an already bleeding wound.  In my opinion, I think Isabel begging Tim to help her is out of pure selfishness.  She knows what will happen to her if she goes to prison, and she will do any means necessary to stay out of it, and that includes begging Tim to help her with this. In no way does she ever think about what she’s asking Tim to do will affect him, but why would she though.  It’s an interesting choice when the camera pans to Lucy right after Isabel asks him to hide her stash, I wonder why?
Later that night, a stealthy looking Tim breaks himself into Isabels apartment, he opens the heating unit and finds the heroin exactly where Isabel said it would be, and in that moment we don’t see what his decision is as he’s back on the streets.  Is this rock bottom for Tim and Isabel’s relationship?  When they exchanged vows 10 years ago, I don’t think Isabel asking Tim to confiscate kilos of heroin from her sometimes boyfriends apartment was a thought.  How does not only a strained relationship, but also strained marriage recover from a situation like this?  I mean, can it ever recover and go back to what it used to be?
Tim almost gets in his car until Lucy steps out of hers.  My first though when Lucy gets out of her car is how did she know that Tim was going to be there, but it brings us back to when Lucy was listening into the conversation between Tim and Isabel in the holding cell, Lucy has always been listening, this entire time. 
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Lucy is there for Tim.  Just like we don’t know what Tim decided to do, neither does Lucy, but that doesn’t matter.  Tim and Lucy have only known each other for 2 months, but in those 2 months, Lucy has learned who Tim is.  I mean he doesn’t make it easy for her to forget.  Lucy knows that if he does help her, it will completely change him as not only a cop, but a person and maybe even as a husband.  That is why Lucy is there, to remind Tim of that, and after she does, is silence is loud. There is no response from him, he just walks away and I really do believe it’s because he knows that she’s right.  Lucy knows that if Tim did this for Isabel, it would just put her back on the streets, and right back into a cycle, learning nothing from it.  Lucy just knows. There was no reason why Lucy needed to show up that night to talk to Tim, she just knew that she had to, no matter how much shit she would get for it from him the next day. This was one of those moments that furthered their friendship, even though neither of them realized it at the time.  
The next morning, Tim pretends as if nothing happened from the previous night. His  decision is revealed that he actually didn’t help Isabel and he left the heroin in the apartment as told to us by Grey.  Lucy tells Tim that he did the right thing, so why does Tim look like he didn’t.  Not that Isabel deserves anything from Tim, but he apologies to her that he didn’t or couldn’t help her and she is quick to dismiss it; which just shows how much she isn’t willing to change.  At no point in this entire episode was Isabel thinking of anybody but herself whereas Tim was thinking of everybody but himself.  And by everybody, I mean Isabel.  She claims that because of what Tim didn’t do, that they will never know if she could’ve actually changed and gotten her life together, but I think that deep down, Tim knows that she would’ve just ended right back in the streets, repeating the same cycle.  And that’s why he made the choices that he made.  Isabel’s lashing out at Tim is misplaced and uncalled for and Tim just takes it, what else can he do, he just signed over a prison sentence to his wife. 
At the end of this episode, Tim is sitting in silence in his car when Angela and Talia show up and enter his space.  They already know what Tim is going to say, but that doesn’t mater for them, whether he likes it or not, the girls are there for him, jus like they have been and always will be.  That is what friends do.  Angela and Talia were friends with not only Tim, but Isabel as well, and watched the marriage start to fall apart and they are going to be there to pick up all of Tim’s broken pieces and help put them back together again; well mainly Angela, and a lot of Lucy, because Lucy is and will always be exactly who Tim needs, he just doesn’t know it yet!
Honorable Mention: Lucy’s baby, her car!
Episode Peak: Jackson & Angela
Episode Pit: Distraught Tim
Quote of the Episode: “No, I came here to remind you that you’ll regret helping her.  Because it’s not gonna change her, but it’ll sure as hell change you” ~ Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 8/10.  I enjoyed this episode.  Not only did it give us one of the best Season1 Chenford scenes, but it also shows the blooming friendship between Jackson and Angela! 
Another episode down! Thank you, thank you, thank you again for reading and chiming in! I truly appreciate it! 7 episode down, only 91 more to go!!!!
Until next time on, "Get in the Shop"...
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Switch"
Season 1 Episode 4: “The Switch”
“The rookies are temporarily paired with new training officers: when Nolan and Lopez track down an escaped criminal, the discover a little kindness goes a long way.  Jackson is forced to face his fears when he is partnered with Officer Bradford and Officer Chen and Nolan must face a hard truth”
Original Air Date: November 13th, 2018
Written By: Vincent Angell
Directed By: Toa Fraser
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Another new episode, another cold open led by John and Talia. It would be Talia if she wasn’t spitting official police codes and their meaning at John.  Action is only one aspect of being a cop, as we forget there is the paperwork side to also being a cop and Talia does not let John forget that.  He is in his training days as a rookie police officer and that also means learning every single thing there is to being a cop including all of the penal codes!  I like that Talia is always quizzing and grilling John!
We enter the roll call room with all of our favorites!  We learn that the rookies are at the point in their training where they switch their T.O’s for a few days.  John gets paired with Angela, Jackson with Tim and Lucy with Talia.  As mentioned by Angela later in the episode, this is done on purpose.  The rookies can’t learn only one way how to be a cop.  And as we’ve seen already, Tim, Angela and Talia all have different teaching methods and police procedurals.  They were getting too comfortable with their normal T.O.’s, hence a switch-up! A glaring visible reaction we see is from Talia and Lucy when Grey announces they are going to be together for these next 2 days and its for the most obvious reason: Talia knows. How are these next 2 days going to be for Lucy? I guess we'll find out!
John and Lucy’s relationship has been a main focus for these first few episodes of this series and very heavily focused on this episode.  I don’t know how television works, but I want to assume that maybe the reaction towards this relationship was not a positive one and the writers/creators of “The Rookie” picked up on it and decided to end them before they could really even start? Or I could be completely wrong and this was their trajectory for this relationship the entire time?  
I am truly so sorry for my words that I spoke regarding my feelings on them because as of episode 4, I no longer feel the same way.  I have no defense to take on this matter! It is hard to root for John and Lucy as a couple  The older you are, age gaps in relationships don’t really matter, but in John and Lucy’s, it does, because their age gap doesn’t work.  To me, and I am assuming a lot of other viewers, the age gap reflects one as of a creepy uncle and his younger niece, not one of love between two grown adults.  
At the end of the episode, we finally get to the John and Lucy of it all.  When John confronts Talia to tell her to back off from his personal relationship, she quickly turns it around and for lack of better words shoves it back into Johns face.  John is all talk- he says he cares for Lucy and wants to be with her, but Talia is right.  If John truly cares for Lucy like he says he does then why is he letting her potentially ruin her career; the second word spreads that Lucy and John are dating, it will not only put a Scarlett letter on her uniform but it will also end her barely begun career as a police officer, but for John, barely a scratch on him and he will basically get off scotch free.  John knows that Lucy deserves and wants to be a cop as much as he does so why would he do that to her.  
Lucy comes to see John, clearly upset and distraught.  Lucy, who has been struggling with this decision to end things for weeks, is taken aback when John so very nonchalantly, at least to her, ends things first before she can end it with him.  John says its because he doesn’t want to be the reason why she fails out of training, which Lucy takes offense to as she should because that reasoning alone is John protecting his self.  You can clearly see the pain that is written all over Lucy’s face and how this has been an inner turmoil for her for weeks and it makes all of it kind of really sad.  As much as we don’t like her and John together, she actually felt something for him and it’s killing her to end things with him.
I think it’s safe to say that John and Lucy were exactly who each other needed while in the Academy, but now as they are in their training days, their so called relationship is crumbling, and fast.  Their relationship has shifted and they are trying so hard to grow together while also growing through their training, but are they actually just growing apart and at the very least, for the absolute better?
4 episodes in and this episode is the most we have gotten to see of Angela!! I immediately like her.  Right off the bat, she is telling John about her personal life regarding how she was raised and how she grew up: by a single mom, the youngest of 4 siblings, all of which are boys and the only girl of the family!  The first of hopefully a lot more insight into her personal life!  We are slowly getting more back stories from not only Angela, but a handful of other characters as well; At this point, we know the most about John and Tim, a little about Jackson (he is a legacy) and now Angela.  Hopefully we get a little more insight into Lucys personal life as she’s the only one we don’t know much about!!  Not only do we get to see more of Angela but also of John interacting with someone else who isn’t Talia!  It’s safe to say that John is a large part of the comedic relief of this show hence his current dilemma of his training rook book.  John has been carrying it around all throughout the courthouse to study, but when he has to stop a convict from escaping he RUNS BACK TO GATHER THE SCATTERED PAGES OF THIS TRAINING BOOK-JOHN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LEAVE THE BOOK AND RUN!!!  Angela is quick to tell him that this is the exact reason why this switch up happens every year.  The rookies get too comfortable with their official T.O’s and need to see the perspective from a different T.O.  Eventually, John and Angela find the escaped convict at his daughters quinceanera, where they let their human sides show and allow him to finish the night with her before the arrest is made.  Like Angela said, they aren’t monsters.  We also get even more of who Angela is as she tells John more about her family life/growing up and opens up about her dad because seeing this dad with his daughter is bringing up memories of her own dad.
Watching Jackson and Tim being paired together is like seeing a newborn giraffe trying to find their walking legs while the mom just sits back and watches.  Jackson is this newborn giraffe: he has the legs but they are shaky and brand new.  Jackson watches Tim and sees what he strives and hopes to be one day in his career.  Jackson looks so young compared to Tim, both in age and experience.  Tim knows he’s a damn good cop and every rookie he’s trained has also became a good one too, and Jackson wants to eventually get there but how long will it take him to do it and to what extents?
Jackson being oblivious to Tims training style, thinks he’s in for the beginning of an easy ride when Tim starts to talk personal with Jackson than BAM, a Tim Test- “Ive been shot boot.  Where am I?”  One of the more recognizable ones as well.  It is the same test he did with Lucy on her first day and where as Lucy didn’t pass (at least according to Tims standards), Jackson did or at least impressed Tim a bit with all of the correct answers.   
Tim and Jackson stake out the house with Tim’s fellow cop friend and in doing so they start to get shot at and yet again Jackson freezes up the instant he hears the gunfire and he becomes the shell of a person and hides within himself, so afraid. Tim is shocked to say the least and this is not a good impression for Jackson at all, so what’s going to happen?
Tim is angry to say the least and before he even gets out of his shop Angela knows why.  I believe that Tim has every right to be as angry as he is.  How is he properly supposed to train a rookie who wants to be a cop when at the first sight/sound of bullets and guns he runs and hides?  To Tim, Jackson is asking to be killed and that is the last thing that he needs on his shoulders.  He confronts Angela and to his dismay Angela knows and has covered for Jackson as well.  I like how Angela tells Tim that Jackson isn’t broken because he isn’t, he just has some issues to work through.  (If we are going to talk about broken people, there are essays we all can write about Tim Bradford, especially Season 1, so he just needs to push his mouth!)  
I like to see that Jackson is opening up to Nolan,  it’s the starting stages of the friendship between our rookies!  The end of day one, Jackson goes to Tim in the locker room to stand up for himself and his actions.  Tim is not Jackson’s T.O therefore, in Tim’s mind it won’t affect him whether he succeeds or fails because in the long run it won’t affect him, he harbors zero responsibility towards Jackson. This episode shows the first few signs of the serious friendship of Angela and Tim (and I know that they are best friends but again I am writing these as if I have never watched this show before and I don’t know what’s to come!) But where does Tim stand with Angela, because what happens to Jackson would directly affect Angela and after this episode, we know that they have a friendship beyond just being patrol officers together.  Which is exactly why I think Tim brings Jackson to see his friend, Wallace.  Wallace is a hermit of a person of who he once was and that’s no way to live and if Jackson continues down this path that he is currently on, Jackson will become just that and Tim knows and sees that.  Tim was never going to turn Jackson in, but he did need to put a little fear in not only Jackson, but Angela too.  This can’t happen again.
Did Wallace cure Jackson? No, but is it the first step in the right direction for helping Jackson with his fears, absolutely.  Which also proves true when Jackson takes a step in the right direction in helping Tim during the quickly ill fated shoot out towards the end of the episode.  He didn’t get out of the shop and start shooting, but he did take the initiative to prove to not only Tim but himself as well that he’s not scared anymore and he can be a good cop, just let him show it.  I think it was a blessing in disguise that Jackson was switched to Tim for these 2 special days- in hindsight, it was exactly what he needed.
Theres tension in the shop between Talia and Lucy for the most obvious of reasons.  Lucy has yet to do the one thing that Talia has told her to do: end things with John. Lucy tries to continue to talk about it but Talia doesn’t want to hear it, she has said her piece regarding it and if Lucy doesn’t want to follow it than that’s on her own conscious and it’ll be nobody but herself to blame for her own actions. Not only is Lucy breaking things off with John right for her to do in her professional life it’s also right for her to do in her personal life as well because let’s be real: Lucy! Chen! Can! Do! So! Much! Better!  Hopefully we will see it happen soon.  It makes you wonder if Talia has been in this situation before or if she’s known someone who’s been in a similar situation as Lucy is in.  
Back at the precinct hallway, Talia is calling Lucy out regarding Lucys ignorance of arresting the wrong runaway from the car and good for Talia.   As much as I like Lucy at this point, she does seem to be a little too confident (Hmm maybe Tim is rubbing off on her?!). Lucy thinks she’s one of the better rookies and there is nobody out there like her; Talia quickly shuts her down.  Talia sees the potential in Lucy, but I also think that she sees the lack of commitment to being a good cop.  Talia mentions she’s putting maybe 65-70% into her training days and the other 35-30% of her training/rookie days into being with John.  Lucy should have 100% commitment to her training and rookie days and zero commitment to John, it should even be a question.  Talia doesn’t understand why especially when it can ruin her career before it will even start.  Lucy needed to hear this very tough from her- maybe it’ll whip Lucy into shape and into doing the right thing…which is inevitable ending things with John.
The amount of personal information we are getting on our favorite characters in this episode is really great! Talia shares more personal information on her childhood in that being she grew up in the foster system, I can’t wait to learn even more on that.The next day in the shop, Lucy expresses to Talia that she doesn’t want to end things with Nolan because she really likes him and it’s one of the things she’s been most serious about in a long time, the first is about becoming a cop, as we learn that entering the police academy was on a whim to anger her parents but it quickly became one of the best things that Lucy has ever done in her life.  4 episodes in, we can say its safe to assume that anything that Lucy does in her life is serious and she doesn’t take it lightly.  Which is why she says that ending things with John is going to hurt her and it’s a hard decision for her to make, but at the end of the day, she knows that she has to do it.  She knows this because of Talia’s words that she overheard in a interrogation room.  Like Jackson being paired with Tim, I think it was a good thing for Lucy to be paired with Talia.  Talia is exactly who she needed to give her the push to end things with John.
I like how all of the side scenes and storylines converge and end up with everyone back at the precinct and all working together.  There is a good balance of personal storylines as well as ensemble storylines and it is handled very well.  At the end of day 2, the final day of “The Switch” the rookies are getting grilled by Grey on their T.O’s personal life but in a surprising, but in a typical “The Rookie” fashion, none of them fess up and say a damn thing about their temporary T.O’s.- makes you wonder why not, when each of them clearly did learn something personal?!
Honorable Mention: Jackson’s Dog Biscuits Hack 
Episode Peak: The end of John and Lucy. Or is it?
Episode Pit: Not enough Tim and Lucy (we are all thinking it!)
Quote of the Episode: “Yo, yo, yo.  You call an Uber?  I’ll understand if you don’t give me a five star” ~ Wade Grey
Episode Rating: 10/10.  This episode is exactly what we needed at this time. We learned so much more about a number of the characters regarding their personal lives.  We got a little switch up in partners and to see how they all interact with each other was awesome! I can’t wait to see more!
Random Thoughts:
Lucy’s on duty hair was finally changed to her iconic low bun, which suits her SO much better.
With the lack of interaction between Tim and Lucy this episode, it was nice to see Lucy sticking up for Tim.  They haven’t been riding together for long, but in the time that they have been together in the shop, Lucy knows well enough that Tim would never have turned Jackson in, and she was right!  Our itty bitty #Chenford crumbs are showing!
I don’t care how many times I say it, Tim Bradford is so hot.  I know he is a completely fictional character and we have Eric to thank for bringing him to life, but there is just something about that man.
Out of John, Jackson and Lucy, I believe that Lucy has shown the most potential about becoming one of the best cops that Mid-Wilshire will have seen!
Oh boy! This one was a doozy and if you’re reading this than that means you stuck through all of my rambling and I truly can’t thank you enough! There was so much going on in this episode and I had a LOT to say about it!!!  I hope you guys are continuing to stay with me and read my weekly episode recaps because there’s a hell of a lot more to come! Thank you again, so much! As always, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and opinions on everything!!! I love to hear it, always!
Until next time on, “Get in The Shop”...
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"The Hawke"
Season 1 Episode 6: “The Hawke”
“The team must help capture a cop and his former mentor from the academy after he becomes a fugitive following an assault; Officer Tim Bradford needs Officer Lucy Chen to learn to predict the moves of criminals in order to capture them”.
Original Air Date: November 27th, 2018
Written By: Frederick Kotto
Directed By: Timothy Busfield
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If you are reading this, that means for some reason, you are sticking around with me and all of my happy thoughts and I cannot thank you all enough!
Happy Sunday and Happy Fathers Day to those who celebrate!! 
Onto the next one shall we…
We have a new cold open, it is short and sweet with our favorite Rookie and T.O duo…Chen and Bradford! I think this is the shortest]cold open we’ve seen so far, and I think the first one between Tim and Lucy as well!
We are introduced to a random, yet important for this episode, character, The Hawke, who trained John Nolan as a recruit! Hawke is a police officer as well, as his current position is a trainer in the police academy; He seems to be jealous of John, or at least of Johns position, which is one of a soon to be patrol officer.  Mayne Hawke is done with the academy life and is envious of what John has.
Can you say fishy, which is the vibes I am getting from “The Hawke”.. what type of person he is, or even yet, what type of cop is he?
After a morning roll call room, Tim and Lucy get the leftover jobs that were incomplete from night shift and have been sequestered to serving and completing a search warrant.  They head over to the apartment complex  and Tim immediately starts giving Lucy lessons in how to properly serve a search warrant and succeed at one as well.  This is definitely not the first one Tim has done and it won’t be the last either, but with that being said, Tim is doubting Lucy’s skills, which is understandable as he has never seen her properly serve a warrant and search a house.  This deadbeat of a guy hits on Lucy as she is searching his apartment, Tim does what any respectable guy would do and puts this kid in his place and comes to Lucy’s defense because she’s oblivious to it as she is in the zone.
We are introduced by Tim to the D.E.A.R method: Deception, Elusive, Access and Repulsive.  Lucy is trying to take down everything Tim is telling her as she pulls out her pad and pen to jot everything down until she basically gets told she has to continue her search in the repulsive category "You might want to glove up” he tells her as she storms off into the bathroom (Best belie we will circle back around to that later”.
A pissed off Lucy comes out of the bathroom to see Tim at the table with the stash of the stolen objects that he sent Lucy to go find, anger arises even more for Lucy yet a bit of gloating surfaces for Tim.  He knew what he was doing the entire time, and where the stash was hidden but he couldn’t let Lucy off the hook that easily.  Tim’s “Tim Tests” are becoming a normal occurrence for Lucy, what else can Tim throw at Lucy?!
Jackson and Angela respond to 9-1-1 call of a woman who called the police the previous night.  She called because of her unruly, drunk, soon to be ex-husband who was at the brink of assaulting her, and she reveals that said soon to be ex-husband is the character we were introduced to earlier in the episode, Jeremy Hawke.  Things seem to be getting a little dicey for this guy, how do they proceed with going about arresting a fellow police officer?
Jackson and Angela’s side storyline seems insignificant this episode compared to what everyone else is dealing with.  What we have seen so far in the past 6 episodes, there is always more than 1 storyline, conflict in every episode of The Rookie, so even thought Hawke is the main arc of this episode, there has to be a secondary storyline, which is for Angela and Jackson.  They end up dealing with what they think is a drive-by shooting at first, then a suicide call, but Jackson figures out it was a shooting out of anger: an angry so over his dad not accepting him as gay and allowing him to be with his boyfriend.  “Look, we can’t choose our fathers but we can choose how we let them shape us”. The quotes that this show gives us have been some top tier stuff, let me tell ya!
Grey calls into John and Talia, to speak to John to see if he can figure out how to proceed with dealing with Hawke.  We are reminded by the John from the very first episode and how he reacts to situations like the one he is currently in.  He is quick to think on his feet and he knows how to relate to others, and especially those of his age as well.  The Hawke situation escalates quickly for everyone and it becomes one of questioning.  How do they go about proceeding with him when he is a police officer.
It is obvious he’s friends, or at least acquaintances, with some of the other officers at Mid-Wilshire.  So not only do they have to figure out a way to go about arresting another officer, but now a friend as well.  I don’t think the decision is that hard because we find out that he is quickly turning into a criminal “Anything you can do, I can do better” comes to mind; how do you outsmart a cop, or a quick approaching crooked cop at that as well?
I think that we have seen Captain Anderson in this episode the most.  We still don’t know very much about her at all, but her time will be coming, I am sure of it!
I like watching Jackson and Angela work together, you can already tell the type of relationship and friendship that is going to form between the two of them.  John and Talia are a steak difference from everyone else and it has been an odd number of weeks/months into their training days, but I still don’t find them meshing well together, there is something missing in that professional relationship.
Chen and Bradford find Hawke’s truck sans a Hawke.  Tim confirmed my suspicions, Hawke is quickly becoming a criminal cop and is now going to do anything to avoid an arrest which includes outrunning everyone looking for him by any means necessary.  John saw all the signs wrong with Hawke when he met him out the previous night, but did nothing about them.  He just chalked it up to Hawke having a “bad night”  whereas I think that if he had a bit more training, he would have acted on his instincts and at least maybe reported Hawke to someone higher up, things could have turned out a little bit differently.  Talia knows that Hawke is trying to outsmart everyone just like Tim knew as well.  Hawke is taking no chances in getting caught.  It’s a no holds bar in getting Hawke and arresting him, everyone is on his tail and John and Talia announce that he has kidnapped his son and has put him at risk, which just made this situation that much more dire.
Tim devises a plan to get Hawke to fall right into their trap.  Lucy thinks it won’t work but Tim knows it will because he thinks that he is going to outsmart Hawke but yet again Hawke has the upper hand because he still has his police radio on him, much to everyones frustration.  They all realize that Hawke is going to one of the most public places he could go to: the mall.  We are always reminded that John is to be the big hero of these episodes as he starts to confront Hawke in the mall. Hawke lays it all out for John; he is angry, desperate, and humiliated.  He thought he had no other choice but to act the way he did.  He has nowhere else to go and he is at a loss but that still doesn’t stop him from continuing to run but this time he leaves his son.  He doesn’t need to be brought down with him. 
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The gang put their heads together to figure out just what Hawke is going to do next.  What is his next move, his next target? Is he really going to be able to outsmart this group of cops?  Turns out everyone knew exactly what he was going to do next, which is stay exactly where he is at the mall, even though he hopes that they vacate and search for him elsewhere.  Its a bit of a renaissance that John and Tim are the ones to corner Hawke as he was the one who trained both of them: “one in the field and one in the classroom” but Hawke is not going down without a fight and as punches are thrown, and mainly at Tim and John, it is Talia with a little help from Lucy that gets the job done and finally arrest Hawke.
We end the episode on the highest note, a very memorable #Chenford scene..
The episode ends with Tim hanging out in a bar, answering a phone call.  It is Lucy on the other end of the call, and I think that this is the first time that we hear Tim call her by her first name and not, “boot” or “Chen”.  This is also one of the first times that we see them interacting outside of work.  It’s a small moment, but it is one none the less; it’s a scene that solidifies that maybe there is a friendship forming between Lucy and Tim, albeit a very very small one, practically noting, but baby steps.  Lucy reveals to Tim that she swiped his money clip from him when he was “getting his ass beat”- but hey he wanted her to act and think like a criminal so…
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Before Tim hangs up, Lucy ever so reminds him that he might want to "glove up" before he finds a way to pay for his tab, most likely by washing dishes. I love this for Lucy, not only is she giving Tim payback for how he treated her earlier in the search, but she is also showing and telling Tim that she is not standing/backing down to him. She can handle anything he throws at her, any "Tim Test" he decides to put her through and I love that for her. I already see an improvement from Episode 1 Lucy to Episode 6 Lucy, in demeanor, confidence and on patrol. Tim smirks as he hangs up the phone is nothing short of amazement and bewilderment.  He is impressed to his core that Lucy swiped his money, and his little smirk proved it.  It’s a moment where we see another crack in Tim’s hard exterior and it’s because of Lucy.  I think it is safe to assume that as much as Tim should be mad at Lucy for swiping his “wallet”, he really can’t be.  She just did exactly what he told her to do, and even better than he could’ve imagined.  He is training her a little too well! 
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Honorable Mention:  The Cold Open; a classic.
Episode Peak:  Captain Anderson, we are getting to see a bit more of her each episode!
Episode Pit: Jeremy Hawke
Quote of the Episode:  “I think you were raised to analyze bad guys not be one and to be a great cop you’ve got to have a little outlaw in you” ~ Tim Bradford
Episode Rating: 6/10.  Personally, this episode was just okay.  It kind of felt like a filler episode, with really not much going on really in any storyline for any character.  There was really no advancement in the storytelling for anybody this episode.  One of the only positives that this episode gave us in one of out beloved and classic #Chenford scenes, but besides that, really just an okay episode.  I mean they all can’t be a 10/10 and that’s okay!
Another episode for the books! Can't wait to hear everyones thought and opinions on this one. Like I just said, I personally didnt think that was a WOW episode, much much more of a filler one, but to each their own! I want to thank you all again for coming along for the ride!
Until next time in, "Get in the Shop"...
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"Time of Death"
Season 1 Episode 8: “Time of Death”
“Nolan and Bishop respond to a silent alarm call at a local convenience store where two men are attempting to rob the place; Bishop helps coordinate a drug bust.”
Original Air Date: December 11, 2018
Written By: Brynn Malone
Directed By: Michael Goi
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Another week, another episode, let’s get right into it, shall we?!
When a new episode starts with a “previously on” usually that means that storyline is brought back up in the current episode, so I know already off the bat that the John and Lucys relationship is going to be a focus on this episode, as well as Isabel.  Im kind of glad though, because that means there will be more traction for the doomed Nucy relationship and maybe it will finally get to a head and be done with completely, maybe, hopefully!
My favorite part of every episode, I’ve come to learn, is the cold opens.  I think because of the fact that, so far, they really have nothing to do with any of storylines that we get in the rest of the episode. John and Talia are in pursuit of the assailant, and  he leads them into a room where they realize that its an escape room and the only way out is by actually figuring out all of the clues of the room and they end up solving their way out and it also gives us a little comedy as well, as its really the only comedy we get this episode unfortunately.
Lucy and John are seen sparring with each other and it’s awkward because they are awkward still.  Still fresh off of a break-up that neither of them seemed to want, but was necessary to happen.  We can all feel it.
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Talia and Nolan respond to a call from a convenience store where there are two robbers, Talia quickly captures her robber, but John’s escapes and his leads him into the home of an unsuspecting scared family.  The robber runs upstairs and finds a gun, he turns, and aims to shoot at John, but defensively, John pulls the trigger on his own gun and the bullet lands right into the mans chest, and kills him.  Talia radios the shooting in and this original call becomes one, that nobody expected it too: an officer is now a suspect.  John did not think that this is how his day was going to pan out.   John starts to rationalize his decision, but Talia knows how this works and she tells John to stop, because now, this has turned into an IA investigation: an on-duty police officer shot and killed a suspect. 
Officer Nolan is asked by Captain Anderson who he wants to be his companion officer, to help guide him through this new and unfamiliar territory and he responds with Officer Grey.  It is a surprising choice, mainly for the fact that Grey has shown on multiple occasions that he does not like Nolan, nor does he respect him, and as far as the viewers eyes can see, John knows that, so why exactly does he choose him?  I personally think it’s because even though Grey doesn’t like or respect him, Nolan respects Grey.  I think that he always has.  He told him from the very first episode that he’s there for a reason and he will prove him wrong.  Maybe this is one of the first steps in doing just that?  We eventually find out later in the episode that Nolan actually chose Grey because Grey isn’t going to sugarcoat things.  When push comes to shove, Grey will be upfront and honest with John, and John needs 100% honesty right now.  
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Grey goes over in detail with John of the next steps that’s going to happen to him in these next ew days with the upcoming investigation. An on duty officer, shot and killed a suspect, this isn’t something that gets treated lightly.  The IA investigations are going to be brutal and John will be getting asked questions of every moment leading up to and everything after the shooting, and Grey is preparing him for that.   
Another question that pops into my head while watching this episode, why did they have Nolan be the officer who killed the suspect?  The only thing I can think of is because this show was intended to revolve around John and his career/life in the academy, especially as a rookie cop, but also because this might bring Lucy back into his life?
This is the first time that we have seen Grey be serious with John.  Every time before this, Grey has been mocking Nolan and making fun of him, so to see this change in his behavior, is serious.  Grey knows how serious this is and he knows he has to be there for Nolan, in any capacity he can be in.  I genuinely feel bad for Nolan.  This job means so much to him, so for it too potentially be taken away from him is weighing heavy on his mind.  John is in the investigation room and the questions are being rapid fire shot at him by IA. John is answering them to the best of his abilities, but you can see that John is reeling- this shooting only happened hours ago, and it was traumatizing to John.
The morning after the shooting, John just lays in his bed replaying the previous day over and over again, but did he even sleep…?  
We see individual interviews between IA and Jackson and Lucy.  Lucy gets asked personal questions regarding John and she knows the correct answers too, but has to lie in order to protect herself and her relationship with John.  Lucy approaches John the next day to talk, and she wants him to talk to her, but advises against it.  As suspected, he admits he can’t stop thinking about what happened the previous day to her.  Lucy brings John to the house where the shooting happened.  She shows John the family that he protected, who are save and alive in their house because of him and what he did, I think its what John needed to see.  He took a life, yes, but he also saved the lives of 4 other people.  It might not seem like it now, but John did a good thing.  
John is very out of it this entire episode after the shooting, and it’s sad to see.  The very normally happy-go-lucky John is long gone and he is just somber.  It is unsettling. This shooting has affected him, and for the rest of this episode, John really is just going through the emotions, of what is expected of him. He just shot and killed a man hours ago, for anyone to expect anything else from him would be uncalled for.
John goes to talk to Captain Anderson, asking to see his body cam footage from the previous day of the shooting.  Captain Anderson highly advises against it, but John chooses to do so in the end, maybe this is the next step he needs to take in order to accept what happened.  It is clearly traumatizing for John to watch, but he needs to see it in order to understand why he did it. Captain Anderson knows that as she previously mentioned she has been there.
John and Lucy end the night with Lucy bringing John back home and walking him in, and as mentioned before, you can still feel the tension between them, whether that is unresolved sexual tension or awkwardness, but its there and of course they end up in a kiss, which we all know what that is going to lead too, unfortunately.  I get it though, why they did that; they fell back into comfortability.  Given the current situation, it is unfamiliar and very uncomfortable so they regress and go back to what they know, which is each other.  This is potentially the last time that John is, or could be an officer.  He needs to feel something that was normal for him for a long time and that is Lucy and vice versa.  After all is said and done, Lucy tells John that it was a mistake, which she knows it is, but again, it felt good and familiar in the moment.  
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The episode ends with Lucy in the shower, and while John is up and about the house making food, he gets the vibe that something is off, goes to investigate and gets pummeled in the face by a baseball bat, and dragged throughout the whole house, and by who? The brother of the man that John killed.  This guy is out for revenge.  To be continued….what is going to happen next?
The other storyline of this episode is Isabel.  
Talia gets told by Anderson that she got the tap, and she is delighted, but knows that it’s a sticky subject to talk to Angela about because Angela also wanted the tap, but they play nice and Angela is happy for her, of course.  As the girls and Tim are talking, they look over and see Isabel being brought into the station.  Tim gets told that Isabel made a deal with the detectives to be an informant in order to avoid prison because she knows what’s waiting for her in prison is hell and she will do anything to avoid that. 
Angela and Jackson respond to an obvious impaired civilian who ends up having her boyfriends chopped off foot on her and when they bring her back into the station to book her, they notice something is up, Angela peeks over and knows the exact reason why, John Nolan and the shooting- this arrest is quietly forgotten about.  It was almost as a ploy to get them back to the station and involved in the Nolan storyline.  
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Tim and Lucy are talking about the drugs that Tim didn’t take from Isabels apartment while in the shop and this is really the only interaction that we have of them this episode.  This episode is not about them and their forming relationship, but they are sorely missed.  While in the shop, they get notified of Nolans shooting and head back to the station.  Isabel starts to work with the detectives, with Talia helping them as she got the tap.  The detectives want Isabel to wear a wire, and even though she is hesitant, she knows that she has to do it because again she will do anything to avoid a prison sentence.  Its different to see other people besides Tim and Lucy interact with Isabel and with Isabels storyline.  Even Talia mentioned, she was at Tim and Isabels wedding and now she’s a part of the team leading Isabel into straight up danger, I’m sure its an unsettling feeling for every party involved.  
The detective and Talia arrest Isabels boyfriend, and they knew exactly what they were doing because while booked, he calls Isabel and has her to go into the upcoming drug bust in his place.  Isabel still knows what will happen to her if she goes to prison so she’s going to take whatever else she can, which is why she’s willingly going into this drug bust, and with a wire at that.
Talia pulls Tim to talk about Isabel, and she finally tells Tim what the detectives want Isabel to do which is wear the wire.  I was wondering why Tim was being so left out of the loop with Isabel.  Bottom line, Tim and Isabel are still married, even though it really doesn’t seem like it, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she is still his wife, who he said vows too.  He has every right to feel what he is feeling about this situation.  Isabel is all wired up and everyone is ready to go.  The risks and stakes are high, this entire operation is riding on Isabel, that’s a ton of pressure on her, but for Isabel, who we still infer is still addicted to drugs is even worse.  Can she pull this off?
Tim sits back in his car, watching old home videos of Isabel and himself from when they were simply themselves and just together.  I am sure this whole situation is weighing heavy on his heart. Tim never expected his life, his marriage to go the way it did, he misses what it once was, because deep down, he knows it will never be the same and could never go back to being the same.
Ive said it since the beginning, Angela is the superior friend of Tim, which is why she ends up in his passenger seat right next to him, she knows that he shouldn’t or can’t be alone right now. They all wait this out with Isabel and the drug lord until it’s a little too late and Tim, Angela and the detectives realize that the drug lord is on to them and Isabel.  They rush in and everybody is gone, with Isabels wire on the ground.  Tim freaks the fuck out, to put it lightly and shit just hit the fan…. To Be Continued.
Honorable Mention:  
Episode Peak:  This entire episode was really just, sad. I personally don’t think there was one.
Episode Pit:  John Nolan. This is the first episode I truly felt bad for him.
Quote of the Episode: “I can't imagine what you're going through. And maybe if I was in the same place, I'd think about quitting, too. But they're alive because you did your job. You put your own life at risk to protect them, and if you're ever in that position again, I know you'll do the same thing”. ~ Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 7/10.  I don’t dislike this episode, but I also didn’t love this episode.  I know that this episode needed to happen to basically put an end to John and Lucy’s relationship but I feel indifferent to this episode.  
This episode took me a few hours to review and I didn’t even realize it- but I had to get it done! I hope you enjoy it!
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
Season 1 Episode 11: “Redwood”
“An unscheduled visit by the vice president of the United States puts the station on high alert; the Secret Service tasks Nolan and Bishop with checking out a possible threat while the rest of the team tries to keep the streets safe for his visit”
Original Air Date: January 22, 2019
Written By: Ally Seibert, Liz Apler
Directed By: Sylvain White
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Happy Sunday! Do we like that I post these on Sundays? I am just trying to gauge when people are hyper active on Tumblr and the first blog drop seemed to be a success on Sunday early night- but I don’t seem to be getting the same response on the rest of the drops as much as I did the first one.  Either way, it is not going to stop me from doing these!!!
I am excited to get into another one, let’s Get in the Shop, shall we!
The cold open, a classic riot, I have gathered that whatever the opening scene is, really has nothing to do with the storyline of the rest of the episode, but I think that is the point of them.  It brings a bit of banter, comedy, tragedy, all at the same time or individually.  Nothing like an elderly woman bringing in pistols and land mines into a police station!
The episode begins with John talking to Ben about the tragedy of his past life- his old house that he shared with his ex-wife is being listed on the market, and he’s being nostalgic about it; but like Ben says, Sarah (John’s ex-wife) is moving in and living in the present and so should he.
The station is packed full with every officer- the Vice President is coming into town and everyone is now on high demand.  Everyones gear bags are stacked to the brim with extra weapons and precautions. 
John and Talia get assigned to a special task force- a “Level 2” on the presidents watch list- a person who has made and posted numerous times online threatening the vice president.  Talia is a bit more positive this episode and John notices and points it out to her; she is trying to approach every day a bit differently than the last.Stanley, the man they were tasked to watch- ends up running with a bag full of flares; enough evidence to lock his ass up.  Back at the station, John is still hung up over his old house, he can’t quite seem to let it go, but everyone else around him is telling him he should.  When Grey assigns them a new task, Talia is more than cheerful to accept it and even Grey notices that Talia is acting strange, why is she so chipper and happy.  They get tasked to be the “Gofers” of every other cops that are on VP cleaning duty: whatever the other cops need, Talia and John are there to help and support them.  While walking through the streets, a road rage incident turns deadly when a tractor trailer driver takes out his shotgun to scare the other driver but in doing so, shoots a women who was in her car behind him in the chest, and she dies within seconds.
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In trying to decompress from the events that just happened, Talia tells John that the reason she has been more positive is because her therapist told her to.  John admires how brave Talia is by sharing that she is going to therapy, especially because it  is looked down upon by the “men in blue”.  I feel like therapy should be the first thing police officers would want to do every day after being on the job.  The stuff that they witness and experience can be traumatizing, and therapy would only help them work through it.  John gives his kudos to Talia.  Who John and Talia have to clean out a whole new street for the VP to get a sandwich, they are sweep the streets and get a peak at a some dirty happenings going down in a shady street…a robbery is about to happen at a dispensary.  With no back up on the way because of all the road closures, its just them and I have to say, Talia is super impressive in this moment.  She knows what to do and exactly how to do handle this situation.  The guys come out of the dispensary and shots are immediately fired.  Angela and Jackson come to help John and Talia, and take the driver of the getaway car to the hospital as he was shot in the neck by one of the stray bullets.  At the end of the day, John thanks Talia for talking to him about his worrying over the selling of his old house and she jokes around that, “she’ll send him the bill”.
How long has it been since we have seen Tim and Lucy in the same scene together for more than 5 seconds? Oh yeah too long! We start right off the bat, with Lucy looking forward to being called in on her day off, as that means overtime and more money.  All Lucy is thinking about is fixing the air conditioning in her car, but her eagerness quickly fades away as Tim shuts her down real quick, “Air conditioning makes you soft.  You gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable”.  I think we have officially been introduced to the Grumpy/Sunshine trope of Tim and Lucy and I am appreciating it.
With having too clear out majority of the streets of LA for the VP, Tim and Lucy end up going to a street occupied by all homeless people to inform them of just that.   When Lucy breaks up a fight between two of the homeless women, she gets thrown in between them and knocked down.  When Tim comes over to help her, he’s immediately serious.  They both look down and Lucy is stabbed by a very used and very old hypodermic needle.  When Tim pulls the needle out, there is blood on the tip.  I think this is the first time that Lucy’s life is at risk while on the job, Who knows how many people syringe went through and with whatever drugs was pushed through it as well and now it ended up in Lucy’s body.  Her panic is setting in quick and fast.  Tim and Lucy get to the hospital for Lucy to get examined- the on call nurse tries to have Lucy to sit down and fill out paperwork, and because Lucy doesn’t know any better, she starts to do just that, but that doesn’t work for Tim.  Lucy is an on-duty officer with a utility belt loaded with armed weapons who just got STABBED by a dirty needle- the paperwork be damed, she is getting put into a room with a doctor immediately.  My words aren’t doing justice to how Tim stood up for Lucy.  This needle got Lucy, but this also affects Tim as well.  You saw it in his face when he was the one who spotted the needle in her.  He became soft again, worried.  If something tragic happens to Lucy, in hindsight it’s going to happen to him too.  
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When Tim goes into Lucy’s room after her blood test is done, she is anything but calm.  Tim grabs her phone, and Lucy is down the WebMD rabbit hole of HP-V and Hep-C, among anything else that she could potentially get from a dirty needle.  Lucy is spiraling and Tim picks up on it.  Lucy is thinking of every single worse case scenario is this results come back positive and what that means for her future as a cop as well as Tim’s.  The Lucy we saw excited to be working OT is long gone in this exam room.  You can see her quivering, trying to hold back her tears;  In no surprise though, Tim is being exactly who Lucy needs to be around right now and saying everything that she needs to hear.  No matter what she things or googles, none of that is going to change whatever the results say.  Tim is being his full sincere self in trying to get Lucy through this and she sees it.
While Lucy is putting herself back together in the bathroom, she talks to a distraught women who is more than upset over her brother, who was just in a car accident.  When she leaves, Lucy looks behind her and sees a bottle of bleach on the floor of the stall that she just came out of.  Lucy follows her into her brothers room and she has a syringe filled with bleach aimed at her brothers neck.  I mean to kick one when they’re down is putting it lightly.  Lucy just went through her own hell with a needle, now she has to come face to face with another needle in an entirely different situation all while not even being over her own ordeal.  Its too much for her to handle on her own, and she radios for TIm.  Lucy tries to be empathetic towards this woman, and talk her out of doing it, but it’s no use, as the woman has made her decision.  SHe inserts the needle directly into his neck, but doesn’t have enough time to push the plunger as Lucy tases her.  Tim has to go back to the station, but lets Lucy know that she should stay at the hospital and wait for her results.  As he’s leaving, she stops him and thanks him, with Tim immediately responding, “For what? Doing my Job”.  Lucy would still be in a completely different head space if it weren’t for Tim.  He knew what to do the second Lucy was stabbed and didn’t even bat an eye.  They have been riding together for 4 months t this point, and some type of friendship has been established between them, its very evident.
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Lucy’s results are in and with Jackson by her side, the doctor informs her that she is negative for any diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis, but she does have a staph infection, and needs to start IV antibiotics.  You can literally see the weight being lifted off of Lucy’s shoulders when she gets her results.  Pure relief.  Without even asking Jackson tells Lucy that he will call Tim for her so he can be there when she gets out.  Its a nice gesture on Jackson’s part and one that he doesn’t even have to do.  
Jackson starts the episode being distracted with his cell and continues to be distracted with it.  Commander Grey doesn’t like it and neither does Angela.  Distractions call for trouble.  Angela and Jackson respond to protesters outside of a hotel and inform them that they need to move or get cuffed.  Yeah, nobody budged.  Jackson and Angela are going through an apartment complex to have the residents remove obscene flags in everybody’s windows.  They have gotten though to everyone and when they get to the last apartment, something is not right.  Jackson kicks down the door so he and Angela can get in and come face to face with an elderly women tied up to her wheelchair.  She tells Angela that her son, Luke, did it to her and when he comes back in Jackson is on edge and ready to throw some nasty words.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact he has been pre-occupied by his phone all day with his mom.  Angela and Jackson arrest Luke, the son, for elder abuse. 
Jackson finally lets Angela in on why he’s been so distracted, his mom.  They haven’t been talking since before he entered the academy and on his first day off in a while, aka today, he was going to meet her for lunch to talk. So with being called into work, plans got thwarted and he’s been trying to smooth them over all day.  Angela thanks him for letting her in, but like she said, “being distracted on the job will get you killed”. Jackson and Angela hear the call from John and Talia and are told that they can’t leave the complex, but were talking about Angela here.  They come to John and Talias rescue.  The road closures make it harder to get the GSW victim to the hospital, but Angela and Jackson get him there and in time for surgery.  While cleaning himself up, Jackson spots Lucy sitting in the waiting room, and Lucy tells him what is going on with her.  Nobody knows what happened with her except for Tim and with Tim gone, Jackson waits and sits with her.  I think the friendship between Jackson and Lucy is starting to form and grow into something special.  Jackson starts to open up to Lucy about his family and what he went through right before entering the academy, and in doing so, we find out why Jackson and his mom haven’t talked, because of his decisions of choosing the academy over his own family.  Angela finds Jackson at the hospital and tells him how far he’s come in his training. 
The episode ends with John, Lucy and Jackson all hanging out together at Ben/John’s house and we finally see John signing the papers and relinquishing his old house and you can tell that it is bittersweet for John, but in ones Ben with a package and its a doorjamb from Henrys room at the house, and its a nice closure gift for John.
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Honorable Mention: Ben. He isn't a major character, but when he is on-screen, he gives us everything.
Episode Peak: Soft Tim
Episode Pit: Injured Lucy
Quote of the Episode: “I thought air-conditioning made me soft”~ Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 8/10.  I liked this episode.  It gave us some of the more iconic Chenford scenes and it showed us the early stages of the forming friendships of Jackson and Lucy and even Tim and Lucy.  Before this episode, al we have seen is T.O Tim and Rookie Lucy, but this episode we saw some real foundations of their friendship/relationship starting.  We got a little bit more of everyones personal life as well! I can’t wait for more!
Thanks for reading along for another one guys, whether you just look at the pics, skimming through or giving e a like for the hell of it, I really do appreciate it all!
Until next time on, “Get in the Shop”…
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"Flesh & Blood"
Season 1, Episode 10: “Flesh & Blood”
“Officer Nolan and Sergeant Grey are paired up for the day on patrol; Officer Chen is paired up with Captain Anderson, and Bradford tells Chen to protect her at all costs”.
Original Air Date: January 15, 2019
Written By: Inda Craig-Galvan
Directed By: Jessica Yu
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Happy Sunday! Another week, another episode!!
I think we are in for a doozy of a hiatus now that the actors are on strike as well.  I don’t think we’re going to get any new episodes until well into 2024, but ya know what, the writers and actors deserve to get everything they are asking for, especially our writers. Yet again, I don’t know what these studio execs are thinking….without the writers, they would have nothing!  I pray they get everything soon! #WGAStrong
Shall we Get in the Shop…?!
A silly quick, fun cold open, with John going to pick up his son, Henry, at the airport, but it wouldn’t be classic Rookie style without some cheesy laughs as we watch John getting put in handcuffs by an airport cop for “breaking into” his own car!!! Classic!
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Jackson and Lucy meet John and Henry in the station lobby and as John goes to introduce them to Henry, he’s surprised to find out that they all know each other already, at least they do through social media, as they all follow each other and John is clueless to it, and clearly showing his age, and the significant difference between him and Jackson and Lucy.  The John and Lucy relationship has finally come to a complete close it looks like as well. There are no more longing stares and sad faces, as we saw in the previous episodes after the break-up.  Truly happy that chapter is closed.
Captain Anderson is present in the roll call room and has decided that her and Sargent Grey are going to ride along with the rookies.  Captain Anderson chooses to ride with Lucy, and by no surprise Grey chooses to ride with John which also means that Tim and Talia will be riding together for the day.
Tim places the fear into Lucy before she starts her day with Captain Anderson forewarning her that the Captain better not even come back with a scratch on her.  Considering Tim warned Lucy of what would happen to her, if anything happened to Captain Anderson (which it did),  I wonder why we don’t see Tim scold Lucy at the end of the shift regarding what happened.  This is pretty much the only Tim and Lucy interaction we have in this entire episode.  We are still only getting itty, bitty crumbs of them.
You can start seeing the friendship really form this episode between Jackson and Angela.  It’s slowly becoming more than just a rookie/T.O relationship and into one of true friendship.  Angelas phone won’t stop buzzing with notifications from her mom; is Angela going to bring a date o her brothers wedding… this is the first mention of a personal relationship for Angela, so that only means that we are going to see some momentum happening in her personal life?  
Angela and Jackson are grabbing some coffee and they see a man running for a briefcase, Angela stops him and sparks are flying between Angela and this man.  We have no idea who he is except for the fact that he’s a lawyer.  Who is this man?  The lawyer has a tracking app in his briefcase- once they find the thief and the briefcase, Angela and the lawyer, who is still nameless 26 minutes into the episode, start arguing with each other: police vs lawyer, and their chemistry is undeniable.  They don’t even know each other, but it’s fire.  At the end of the day, as Angela is leaving, the lawyer is still at the station, as he was waiting to apologize to her.  Immediately after he asks her out on a date and Angela invites him as her date to her brothers wedding.  Even at the end of the episode, we still don’t get Mr. Lawyers name.  I’m excited to see the potential between them!  (We know what it is, but again, I am watching/writing these as if I’ve never seen an episode and this is all brand new to me!)
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We are also introduced to Dominque, who is Grey’s daughter.  I think this is the first time we see Sergeant Grey be less than domineering in the precinct and it has everything to do with his daughter, he is showing a different side to himself, a much more lighter, less intimidating side.  Its smart storytelling watching Grey with Dom vs John and Henry.  Two older police officers with their kids.  Henry is voicing his concerns over John being a cop and those same concerns came tru with Grey and Dom.  Henry is scared every day of getting that phone call that John gets shot while on the job.  Dom received that phone call once, and she doesn’t want to get it again.  We see some bonding between John and Grey, and it’s because it’s over there kids.   
Tim and Talia are at a standoff- who is getting the shop gear bags? The stubbornness is coming through and we know for a fact that Tim will not budge, not even the slightest hence why immediately after we see Lucy carrying an overload of bags and guns.  There was no reason why Lucy needed to get Tim’s shop ready, considering he was more than capable of doing it himself, but because she’s his boot, she thought she had no choice but to listen to him.  Captain Anderson doesn’t like that and makes Tim and Talia get their own gear, as they just should’ve done in the first place.
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There is head butting between Tim and Talia, two veteran patrol officers having to ride together, and neither wanting to take a step back as lead.  Tim was Talia’s T.O for two weeks until she got a new one.  I don’t know if we got the reason why she switched T.O’s, but there is evident tension between them.  Lucy is still too scared to give Tim a run for his money, but Talia has zero problem in doing it.  She is giving back to him just as much of what he is dishing out to her.  Tim is assertive in taking point in the apartment call, so when they go in the basement to find the big bad intruder, he gets a surprise as he gets sprayed by a skunk.  At the end of the day, Tim apologizes to Talia for his actions and the way he treated Talia.  I think this is the first time we are seeing Tim apologizing to anyone really.  Its just another layer of Tim Bradford that we are seeing get pulled back (but not exactly with the person we want to see him opening up to…ahem Lucy Chen ahem)!
John is nervous., it’s quite obvious. What should he say, or do? He already knows that Grey dislikes him and now he’s going to be on a 12 hour shift with him, so he wants to make sure he does everything right and by the book, but also to impress Grey, or at least try too.  He is not off to a great start with the pulled over grandma, who ends up kicking him right where it hurts.  They next respond to a call in an apartment complex- a woman claims her neighbors won’t stop fighting and screaming.  The awkwardness between John and Grey is still in the air.  John still just wanted to impress him and Grey still isn’t budging either.  They get into the apartment and start getting attacked by the neighbors.  Strike 2?  The last call they respond to isn’t even a call- they witness a gas break right by a house- and they respond in getting everyone out of the house.  John wants Grey to stay outside because of the gas leak but they both put on make shift masks and rescue all of the remaining people inside of the house.  I think this is where John impresses Grey.  No matter what the call is or what it entails, John will put his life on the line every time, for anything and anyone.  I think baby steps have been made between them.
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Lucy and Captain Anderson respond to a domestic dispute, when they enter the house, the couple are fighting in Farsi, and as Lucy is calling in for an interpreter, Captain Anderson starts talking to them in Farsi.  Come to find out that Zoe was in the Marines, where she learned to speak Farsi. Its super impressive and intriguing.  Why haven’t we seen much of Captain Anderson and he past background in the force.  I want to know about her.  As she is trying to de-escalate the situation, the ex-husband is asked to leave the house and as Lucy is escorting him out of the house, he makes a quick run for the upstairs bedroom where he locks himself inside…we hear a gunshot and the husband has shot himself. Captain Anderson comforts the wife as Lucy watches from afar.  There was nothing that could’ve been done.  
Zoe and Lucy respond to the next call, of two neighbors arguing and as Lucy goes to arrest one of the neighbors she ducks, and the other neighbor swings and lands a push right in the captains face.  Lucy knows that she’s in trouble.  Lucy can’t express her apologies enough to Zoe, but she wipes it off her shoulder, its just another day on the job.  Lucy’s eyes light up while talking to Captain Anderson.  This is a person who Lucy hopes and strives to be one day.  She made a name for herself in a male dominated career and its something Lucy wants to accomplish as well.  This episode is the most we have seen of Captain Anderson and she’s been nothing but a positive influence on everyone but especially Lucy.  
Back in the precinct lobby, a freshly released prisoner starts to ask Captain Anderson questions about re-sentencing, which starts to sound fishy and she is quick to pick up on it.  He grabs a helpless woman as his victim and aims his gun on her.  Captain Anderson talks try to talk him out of it.  Like Lucy, she expresses great empathy.  I don’t want to say its a female cop characteristic, because I don’t think Angela has the same type of empathy that Lucy and Captain Anderson show. She figures out that talking him out of this won’t work, so she’s thinks quick on her feet and tricks him, knocking him to the ground and arresting him.
All jokes are on Tim as he finally gets himself back into the station and gets laughed at, as Lucy points out, “Oh my god, did you get skunked”.  As serious as this show can be, it can also switch into its comedic side at the drop of a ball and it is done very well.
At the end of the episode, Lucy goes to talk to Zoe.  You can see that the events of the day are weighing on Lucy’s mind.  She feels guilty of what happened to Zoe but Captain Anderson puts her at ease when she praises Lucy and her policing.  Lucy is on her way of becoming a very impressive cop.  Captain Anderson sees it and so do we. 
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Honorable Mention:  Introduction of Wesley Evers aka Mr. Lawyer
Episode Peak: Captain Anderson
Episode Pit: Guilt Ridden Lucy, we love a happy Lucy!
Quote of the Episode: “You don’t tell people that you’re a badass, Officer Chen.  Just got to show ‘em” ~ Captain Anderson to Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: I give this episode a solid 7/10.  It had a little bit of everything in it.  Not terrible but also not the greatest.  It did give us a hell of a lot more of Captain Anderson, which is much appreciated and it pushed the Nolan/Grey storyline a bit forward; and we also start to see little inklings of the cop that we all know that Lucy can and will become, there was just a certain someone that she had to get rid of first that was holding her back… lets hope for some more Tim and Lucy content in the next upcoming few episodes!!!
Until next time in, “Get in the Shop”…
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
Season 1 Episode 9: "Standoff"
“Officer Bradford’s wife is found shot but alive, and he vows to track down the man responsible: Officer Nolan must protect his home and the truth after a home invasion attack”
Original Air Date: January 8, 2019
Written By: Alexi Hawley
Directed By: John Terlesky
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Back again with another Shop Drop!! Episode 9 is the episode that aired after coming back from the winter hiatus! So for a good month, we are left wondering what happened to not only Isabel, but with John and Lucy…so let’s find out, shall we?!
The episode picks up exactly where we left off, with John being attacked by the victims brother, who is clearly out for revenge.  Lucy listens in and she makes the final decision to make herself known to distract the brother to give John enough leverage to knock him on his ass.  John calls in the attack and Lucy is on edge and in panic mode.  She does not want to get seen or caught being at Johns, given their whole predicament and especially at 1 in the morning aka a booty call.  Lucy leaves the house before any of the cops and ambulances come.  Not for nothing, she is trying to save her ass and whose to blame her.
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I think its’ clear that Lucy is starting to move on from this relationship with John.  She clearly knows that the back tracking and their previous nights hook up was a mistake, and like she said, a “heat of the moment” type of thing but John seems a bit more hesitant to let her go so easily.  
For just being attacked, John is very cool, calm and collected; a very stark difference from how his demeanor was in the last episode.  He answers all of Commander West and Captain Anderson questions with no hesitation.  Commander West continues to ask John questions regarding the previous nights invasion, especially because now that the brother awoke, and starting to talk, he just so happens to mention that he heard a second voice in the house last night, but John sticks to his original story…that he was alone, much to Officer Wests dismay.  When all units are called to the apartment, the entire precinct scrambles and makes their way over, including Officer West and John.  I don’t know what Officer West sees when he watches John arrest one of Vance guys, but it must have been something special, because it makes him drop all investigations on John.
The next morning, Captain Anderson notifies John that he is cleared in the fatal shooting of his victim, but there are some holes that are starting to gape in his statement and the investigation in the home invasion from the previous night.  John is sequestered to front desk duty until the investigation can clear.  John is very much out of his element at the front desk he is meant to be out on patrol, that’s a given.
Tim and Angela are out searching for Isabel and they get notified that they found her shot and unconscious in the dumpster.  Tim goes into fight or flight mode, all is forgotten in that moment as he watches her getting wheeled into the ambulance, “Im here baby, Im here”.  At the end of the day, Isabel is still his wife, and nothing else matters.
The Tim we see in the the office with Grey is clearly a different Tim than when we saw him in the first episode.  It’s like he’s speechless, somber.  Isabel is the only thing that’s on his mind and running through his thoughts, nothing and nobody else.  The only mission that Tim sees now is getting Vance, who shot Isabel.
All hands are on deck in getting Vance and the guys involved in Isabels shooting, and we are back to the entire ensemble working together, which is what we love about this show. 
We are getting itty bitty crumbs of Tim and Lucy in this episode.   Lucy confronts Tim and gives him her sympathies regarding Isabel, which he seems to take it in stride. Tim has Lucy go gear up the shop and to make sure she includes the Bradford Special.  We see Tim and Lucy, Angela and Jackson and Talia in the parking lot of the apartment complex where they believe Vance and his men AND his pregnant baby mama are all being held up.  They are ready to take this guy down.  Before entering, we get introduced to The Bradford Special- a chest plate for inside the vest for added protection. I guess Tim has been in a situation similar to this one where his special came in handy..
Tim and Lucy find Cesiah's apartment and push their way in.  They need her to lure Vance to her in order to be successful in taking him down.  So when Cesiah calls Vance to come back,  low and behold Vance is in the damn complex hiding out and he knows the cops are there…and BAM! Shots fired towards Talia and Jackson AND Angela.  Jackson has zero hesitation with shooting back.  It’s only a few episodes after his previous freeze ups, so he is either over that, or he has been working on the side with maybe Angela in order to overcome his holds up over open fire.  
I think a showdown is bound to happen.  Vance is outside the door with Cesiah, Tim and Lucy on the inside.  Tim and Lucys view gets blacked out by Vance’s men so they have to figure something else out.  Tim decides to take Lucy’s body cam and uses it as his eyes.  It’s a small moment, but its almost a little lesson that Tim teaches Lucy. “There’s a body cam app on your city issued phone” which Lucy opens up and together they use the body cam and the app to see what’s going on in the hallway. It really is an ingenious idea and I don’t know if Lucy would’ve thought about that on her own. 
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Cesiah’s water breaks, and things are about to get a whole lot dicier, being stranded in the apartment, they have no other choice but to deliver the baby in the apartment.  Cesiah asks Lucy is she’s going to deliver her baby and before giving her an answer, she looks over to Tim.  Maybe its because she isn’t sure if it’s something she’s allowed to do, or she needs his approval to do it, but it’s the start of her always looking to get Tim’s approval and support on all of her decisions.
We don’t see it, but Lucy successfully delivers Cesiah’s baby and within seconds, Vances men enter the apartment, guns blazing and shoots Lucy right in the chest before she can even pull her gun out, knocking her cold out.  But did it hit her chest plate?  Honestly thank god for Tim and his special because as Lucy wakes and we hear and see Tim getting his ass beat by these men, Lucy removes her chest plate and the bullet is right in the middle of it.  Lucy taps in and starts double teaming these guys with Tim, I love watching this side of Lucy.
The detectives, Wolfe and Vestri end up at the apartment building, but unfortunately, they don’t know what they are riding up to and the second the elevator doors open, guns are blazing and shots are being fired form everywhere and both are immediately hit multiple times and they both go down.  Talia witnesses it all and comes to their rescue, and brings them to her safe zone, but Detective Vestri dies from the bullet wounds. 
The episode starts to end with Commander West and Captain Anderson informing John that he is cleared of everything, from the fatal shooting to the home invasion.  It’s been a long few days for John. 
Tim is at Isabels bedside at the hospital and when she wakes up, she whispers to Tim, “I didn’t know that rock bottom had a basement”.  I think its safe to assume that being shot in the head, on the brink of death, was her rock bottom and there is nothing but healing and recovery to happen from there.  What her recovery looks like, only time will tell, but will Tim be a part of it, or even in her future as a recovering addict?  It almost is feeling like the beginning of the end for them.
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In the final moments, we see Lucy back at Johns house again, and I think they come to a mutual understanding and decision that even though their romantic aspect of their relationship is over, that doesn’t mean that their friendship has to also be over and they decide to be real friends; friends who can talk about their days with each other, real friends.  I think they are going to be way more successful at that type of relationship.  And with that, I truly believe the “Nucy” of it all has come to a complete close. Finally!
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Honorable Mention: The Special Effects Department on this show.  They know how to do their jobs and do it good too.
Episode Peak: Isabel Surviving
Episode Pit: Detective Vestri Dying
Quote of the Episode: “The world isn’t black and white.  And it won’t be better with us off the force.  We’re out there making a difference.  Thank about everybody you have helped.  Now think about what would have happened if you weren’t there.” ~ Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 8/10.  I forgot how much I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.  It was a very fast paced, action filled one, which I have quickly found out I love.  The only downside to these earlier episodes is the lack of Tim and Lucy, but I know that we’re getting a whole lot more of them soon.  One of my blog readers mentioned to me that, this episode and the previous one almost felt like wrap up episodes for a few of the storylines that they catered too, hence why they were so heavily focused on Isabel and Tim and John and Lucy.  With all that being said, I really, really liked this one!
Side Note: I definitely did not go in order with my recap for this episode, I actually felt like I was all over the place with this one, but everything came to me so quickly and I didn’t know how else to write everything down, I hope it wasn’t too crazy!
Until next time on, “Get in the Shop”…!!!
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