#Ghost Cera and Ghost Sophie
mysteryideasgroup · 3 months
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 8: Ghost Teams realize that Dark Future/Future Valerie and Future her Allies are revealed Normal Original AU friends who are alive/Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan arrived and met with the present Ghost Teams
Older/Future Valerie springs out of the wreckage on her jetsled, powering up a huge shoulder-mounted blaster.
Future Valerie: Got that right, ghost!
She fires, the kickback knocking her back a little. The blast impacts the street right in front of Danny, blowing the street apart. Danny retreats into the street, then rises back up through it intangibly to face off against Valerie.
Future Sarah/Future Me and her Future Alilies think Three Ghosts are enemies of Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan with ghost weapons at three Ghosts of Ghost Teams
Danny: Valerie! Listen to me!
Sophie: Wait! We are not enemies!
Dan: !!! Not three Bad Ghosts!
Future Valerie: You can't fool me this time, Phantom!
Future Sarah/Future Me: No, not doing them! They are destroying here!
Future Laura/Future You: They’re not going to destroy them and hurt them!
She fires again and he takes a flying dodge. She fires a few more blasts then chases after, jumping into the air and letting the board continue on its own. Danny loops back around, just barely misses getting beaned by the jetsled, and gets caught in an electrified purple net which drops him to the ground. Valerie lands nearby and trains her blaster at him, powering it up with a whine, her future friends are used to capture nets tied to three Ghosts friends to the ground
Future Valerie: I've been waiting a long time for this. Goodbye and good-
Present Sarah/Me refuses to Future Allies think of Three Ghosts as Three Dark Ghosts, Present Ghosts Teams have refused not wanting to hurt their Three Ghosts Allies
Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams jump in front of Danny, Sophie, and Dan shielding them.
Sarah/Me: No! Not doing! They are not enemies! They are good friends but they are present!
Tucker: Valerie, no!
Elise: Val, don't harm my friends!
Valerie rears back in shock. Future Allies are shocking
Sam: Don’t shoot them!
Susan: Val, don't hurt my friends!
Future Sarah/Future Me: What are you and your friends... ! They are alive?! Not better...! They are dead and they’ve got missing is presumed dead!
Future Muffet: ! They are not alive, they are dead and they are missing!
Future Valerie: [wide-eyed] Sam? Tucker? I-It's not possible! This is a trick! You can't be alive!
Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams realized they had Alternate Versions of Dark Futures
Muffet: Oh my God... They have Alternate Versions of the Dark Future here!
Sarah/Me: Wait... I realize that my Alternate Universe of me and my friends? Other Future Me!
Future Sarah/Future Me: Wait... hold on, my younger/Past Me?! Oh my god... Your dogs are alive!? I have lost my one dead and one is missing!
Sarah/Me is realizing that my future version has lost her own dogs, one dead and one missing.
Sapphire and Samantha realize that they have future versions of Sapphire is dead and Samantha is missing
Laura/You: Wait... They have here an Alternate Universe of the Future!?
Future Laura/Future You: ! I think my friends are dead or alive! They are not good!
Cera: !? Future Me? Not good...
Future Cera: Yes, I'm... sorry not better to miss my Friends and Family... I think Mike and Misti are missing!
Ecole, Mike, Misti: !
Josh: !? Wait, my Alternate best friends are Bart is missing and Matilda is dead?
Future Josh: Yes, right...
Future Ecole: Bro, not good.
Josh and Ecole are very shocked and horrified they are dead and they are missing
Tucker: Wait. Not alive? [dropping his arms] That's our future? I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T.!
Future Valerie: The C.A.T. That's the last time I saw you alive. The explosion at the Nasty Burger... you, Tucker, Danny's family- [training the gun on Danny again] And it was all your fault!
her future friends are used to ghost weapons on three Ghosts friends again
A green flash of flame and other colours of fire knock Valerie and her Future Allies offscreen. The Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams look up to the source to find Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan floating there.
Dark Danny: Actually, that was me. And you, eventually.
Dark Sophie: They have to me and they are dark!
Midnight Dan: Us, ours are strong! They are weak!
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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sfcabanasstarcgs · 4 years
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Cera and Sophie fusion
Cera Pepper belongs to my msa
Sophie Kingsmen belongs to her msa
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laurasanchez36 · 2 years
Mystery Skulls Animated X Danny Phantom Chapter 19: Stuart forgives his new friends for he will not control with his anger/The City is safety and sound
**Stuart saves Muffet Pepper from gets possessed by Vlad Plasmius**
Vlad Plasmuis: Ack!! What the?
Stuart the Adventure Boy: **foughts vlad plasmius**
**Vlad Plasmius and all ghost enemies are defeated**
Stuart the Adventure Boy: Guys, I'm so sorry for i was actting with temper and i guess i should learn with my temper
All: It's alright, stuart
Muffet Pepper: Thanks for saving me, bodyguard
Stuart the Adventure Boy: **is smiling and likes she calls him "bodyguard"
Cera Pepper: The City is safety and sound
Sophie Kingsmen: Yeah
All: Us too! :D
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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metalandmagi · 6 years
October Media Madness!
It’s the last day of the month, so you know what that means! What-no not Halloween! It’s time to see how one person wasted their time this month by keeping track of all the media they consumed! And if you thought October would mean a lot of horror movies and books and TV shows...you are going to be very disappointed because I’m a fucking wimp who hates horror.
September media
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Scott Pilgrim, aka the most intentionally unlikable protagonist ever, has to defeat the seven evil ex-boy...uh I mean exes of the cool girl he’s dating. Yeah, I’m super late to the Edgar Wright party, but since this movie was finally available on Netflix I figured it was time. And it’s pretty good aside from the fact that Scott is the worst. But at least he owns up to it in the end. It’s crazy over the top ridiculous, has tons of little details that film theorists love to salivate over, and Scott’s roommate Wallace is hilarious. I just wish I could hear what Michael Cera says half the time. Oh well, there’s nothing good or bad I can say about this movie that hasn’t been said before. 8/10
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Coraline: Coraline Jones, an imaginative young girl with inattentive parents who has just moved into a new apartment, discovers a secret door that leads to a world where everything is better, and everyone has buttons for eyes. However, under the perfect exterior, things are more sinister than they seem. I got the urge to re-watch this because it’s freaking October, and although I don’t watch horror movies, I felt obligated to watch something at least kind of Halloween-ish. And I stand by my long held opinion that this is the all time creepiest movie marketed for children ever made. Literally everything about this movie is creepy. There’s creepy music, creepy dolls being made and following people around, creepy cats, creepy people with buttons for eyes, creepy ghosts of children, creepy children with their mouths shown shut...the list is endless. And Laika never fails to make beautifully animated stop motion. 9/10
Sierra Burgess is a Loser: The latest film in Netflix’s attempt to dominate the rom-com genre, in which an unpopular high school girl ends up texting a handsome jock while leading him to believe he is texting a gorgeous cheerleader named Veronica who also goes to her school.
Okay, this isn’t a bad movie, so let me start with the good. I appreciate the message of how you need to make yourself stand out to colleges and how high school in general is becoming a toxic competitive environment. There’s a lot of good material about living up to expectations and stereotypes, both from Sierra’s side and her partner in crime Veronica’s. And speaking of Veronica, I was completely blindsided by how much of a great character she was and how much she grew throughout the film. I also liked Sierra’s best friend and the love interest, even if they were a little generic.
That being said...I didn’t like Sierra. When main characters intentionally lead people on for no good reason (and thinking some guy you’ve just met isn’t going to text you back because you’re not “conventionally attractive” is not a good reason) it annoys the hell out of me. Not only does she lie through texting him, but she and Veronica lie to his face multiple times. She also does something really horrible to Veronica because of a misunderstanding that could have been avoided if she taken five seconds to use some common sense. She also thinks she’s above doing a simple homework assignment for her poetry class because she wants to be different. I realize she needs to stand out in order to get recommendations for college, but come on. And finally, when she’s upset about how she looks, she blames her parents because her mom is attractive??? Yes it is frustrating to have these brilliant “conventionally attractive” parents, but they always try to build her up, as opposed to Veronica’s mother who only tears her down. I DID NOT HATE HER CHARACTER, but I think she could have been portrayed better. The other major thing that bothered me is that there is the complete lack of proper conflict resolution. All the problems and hurt feelings just magically go away in order to have a happy ending. Overall, the movie’s just okay. 7/10
Howl’s Moving Castle: Sophie, an ordinary girl who gets cursed by a witch, turns into an old woman and ends up working for a wizard who steals hearts. It feels like Studio Ghibli’s version of beauty and the beast, except Howl is the beauty with a questionable personality, and Sophie is the “beast” who whips him into shape...until the second half of the movie anyway. I’d prefer to watch an entire movie of old woman Sophie interacting with the other characters rather than deal with the war aspect of the plot. Anyway, the animation is awesome, and I appreciate the English voice cast...except for the fact that no one had the good sense to use Crispin Freeman as Howl instead of just having him as Turnip-Head! I know lots of people have talked about the differences between the book and the movie, but I like how the movie portrays that even though being old is physically painful, it can also be emotionally freeing. Either way I think Sophie is a great character with a fun sense of humor! 8/10
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First Man: The story of Neil Armstrong and the years leading up to the moon landing...which apparently a lot of people didn’t like? Some people are butthurt about there not being a shot of planting the flag (which if they actually saw the movie they would know the focus of the scenes on the moon were to show Armstrong dealing with wonder and grief, NOT rallying together as Americans). Some people are unhappy that an American hero can be portrayed so negatively, and some people just thought it was boring and dragged a lot…
Okay, yes, the movie is a drama that does not portray Armstrong in a glowing light, and yes there are certain scenes that go on too long. BUT I really liked this movie...and this is coming from someone who doesn’t like Ryan Gosling. It is a family drama that captures how different people respond to grief and stress set in the backdrop of the space race. I also liked learning about this period in history and the controversy around the space program in general. It was beautifully shot and had very creative music choices, which was the main reason I saw it in theaters. I came away from it awed and terrified that we basically sent these people to the moon in freaking tin cans, and that in the sixties men shunned their emotions so much that they wouldn’t hug their children before going to space! Overall, it was good in a solid way, but it did drag a bit. 7.5/10
Mama Mia: Another protagonist named Sophie is getting married and invites the three men who could each possibly be her father to the wedding. But who cares about the plot, the main purpose of the film is to show women having fun with their friends! This movie...isn’t exactly good, but it 100% knows what it wants to be and accomplishes that. It’s a wacky, ridiculous, musical romp that people only watch with their friends when they’re plastered because they want to hear ABBA songs. It’s the very definition of a guilty pleasure movie, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I will say that it’s harder for me to relate to because I don’t have friends that I act this ridiculous with, and sometimes it gets to be a bit much. Although, I have seen the Broadway musical and remember absolutely loving every minute of it...so maybe it’s just the movie overplaying it. Oh well, it’s just something fun to have on in the background or watch when you need cheering up! It’s a 9/10 for being accomplishing what it wants and a 6/10 as an actual movie.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: In this Marvel filler episode between Infinity War and Captain Marvel, Scott is under house arrest and Hope tries to get her mother out of the quantum realm. Okay, this was a fun movie with some great moments, but it definitely had its issues. For a movie called Ant-Man and the Wasp, the two did not do much fighting together...or at all until the end. It felt more like an origin to their partnership than a team up movie (and I’d rather have a Wasp and Black Widow team up movie...or all the Marvel women team up movie). It also couldn’t figure out who the villain should be. It’s like they realized half way through writing it that Ghost was way too sympathetic and cool and had to come up with a bunch of more forgettable villains. And because this was more of a hot potato rather than a heist, I didn’t think it was as fun as the first movie overall. HOWEVER I still really enjoyed the inventive action and the characters. I will always watch 2 hours of Evangeline Lilly kicking ass, and Paul Rudd being himself. And I am convinced that Marvel is using The Adventure Zone route of needing competent women to solve everyone’s problems. But the heart of the movie is really family. Hank and Hope, Scott and his daughter, and even Ghost all had very compelling stories that drew me in every time. And that post credits scene...I knew it was coming, but come on! Marvel is the only current studio who can basically do a horror movie “The End…?” in their credits now. 7.5/10
The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: The Disney version of the classic C.S. Lewis book; come on we all know the story. Okay, I watched this for the first time in several years because I also read the book this month. And holy cow, when you see what material the movie had to work with, this is a freaking masterpiece. It takes a very simple children’s book and turns it into an epic fantasy! The score, the little details, and the setting are all perfect. All the characters are so real and fleshed out AND ACCURATELY PORTRAYED FOR THEIR AGES! All four siblings are struggling with something, and the actors do a great job considering they were actual children while making this! I am so angry that Disney let this property’s potential slip through their fingers because I truly believe that if they kept making movies like this, it could have been their Harry Potter by now. Prince Caspian was also excellent, though I don’t remember much of Dawn Treader, but I think if they put the money and effort into continuing this franchise it could have been great.
One thing I don’t appreciate about the movie is how they reduce Edmund’s mental journey. I have always especially loved Edmund as a character, and something the movie fails to mention is the fact that APPARENTLY in the book the Turkish Delight is enchanted to make whoever eats it think only of eating more and more until THEY EAT SO MUCH THAT THEY DIE?! He’s not just a greedy kid. And there’s a lot more to his time with the Witch that makes his actions easier to understand. Anyway it definitely goes down as one of the best book to movie adaptations I’ve ever seen, and it is on my very short list of movies that are better than the books. 10/10
The Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis: It’s the first Narnia book; we all know the plot. I am one of the many people who had this series read to them as a kid, but it’s been like...eleven years since I actually read these books for myself. Even then I only got to The Horse and His Boy before stopping because it was boring as hell. I’ve been wanting to re-read the series all year, and with only the Disney movies in recent memory, imagine my surprise when I found out that Lewis’s writing style is absolutely bananas! I think he’s acting as some omniscient narrator, but his style is so stream of consciousness it’s hilarious! He constantly addresses the audience in these 2007 fanfiction author-esque asides. The Pevensies are the most posh, old-timey sounding British kids ever, and it’s amazing to visualize children that actually speak like this. Everything happens so quickly because it is 100% meant to be a children’s story, not this epic adventure we all associate with the movies. So...if you’ve never read it before definitely check it out just to discover how utterly wild everything is. My only real complaint is that it’s kinda sexist, and no one except for Edmund gets a character arc. Even though Susan gets a bow and Lucy gets a dagger, they’re treated like they shouldn’t be fighting because they’re girls and not...oh I don’t know...because they’re children! 7/10
The Ladies Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee: The second installment of...idk...the “Guide” series? I talked about the first book, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue in my May Media Madness, and this book is just as good! This series takes place in the 1700s, and while the first book follows arrogant bisexual disaster Monty, his (boy)friend Percy, and his sister Felicity through a romp across Europe, this book follows Felicity and her friends on a...let’s just say “scientific expedition” involving pirates. The less you know about the plot going in the better. And did I mention her friends include a badass Muslim pirate princess and an Elle Woods-esque dog loving naturalist? And also did I mention Felicity is CANONICALLY revealed as ARO/ACE?! It’s strongly hinted at in the first book, and in this book Mackenzi Lee basically shoves any doubt about it out the window. It’s fun, hilarious, and also heartbreaking at the same because of all the challenges each character faces because they’re ambitious women in this time period. Sometimes it feels a little heavy handed in its feminist messages, but you can’t deny it’s not accurate. I’m really only saying that because I am a woman, and the struggles are nothing I haven’t seen or read before.  Anyway, this is a fantastic series that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a fun read, and it gets bonus points for including Monty and Percy being disgustingly in love together! 1000/10
Dear Evan Hansen the Novel by Val Emmich (and also Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, and Justin Paul):
Buckle up.
I really love the Dear Evan Hansen musical (which I talked about in my August Media Madness.) The novel is almost a word for word adaptation of the musical, in which Evan, a teenager with anxiety, writes a letter to himself that is stolen by a boy who commits suicide, leading everyone to believe Evan and the boy, Connor, were best friends because they assume Connor wrote the letter to Evan. There is a lot I could say about this adaptation, but the number one thing is: I really don’t know if people who haven’t seen the musical or heard the soundtrack will like it as much. The strength of Dear Evan Hansen is mainly in its performances and its music, and while they tried to work the music in as best they could, I enjoyed the story more because I can link it back to the actors’ performances. Yes, the story is interesting and the message is important, but I honestly don’t know how much people going in blind will like the writing and how the characters are portrayed. Overall, it seemed like a well written fanfic- in a good way, not a Harry Potter and the Cursed Child way. That being said, I did really enjoy a lot of things about this book. They expanded on a lot about Evan’s relationship with his absent father and the aftermath of the big lie. They also expanded on a lot about Connor…
I honestly don’t know how I feel about Ghost Connor. Yes, I’m glad Connor shows up as a ghost in the book. What he doesn’t do is ACTUALLY INTERACT WITH EVAN...LIKE AT ALL! The best parts of the show are when Connor, as a figment of Evan’s imagination acts as a comedic buffer and his “moral center.” However, here ghost Connor exists to give snippets of Connor’s life. He barely comments on what Evan is doing at all even though he sees everything. All of Connor’s sections made me feel like the author was going through the DEH tag on AO3 and picking things to throw in. I liked his sections, but the writers really missed the more entertaining story of having Connor actually commenting about the shit Evan is doing.
So overall, I’d say watch the musical if you can find a bootleg, or at least listen to the soundtrack and then read the book. It was very enjoyable, although I think the ending dragged a bit in its quest to give more closure than the musical. 8.5/10
Bonus Manga
Shimanami Tasogare: Tasuku Kaname, a closeted boy starting his first year of high school meets a mysterious woman named Anonymous who helps him finds solace in a lounge run by other members of the LGBT+ community. This is the kind of manga that really hits and misses for me. It does a great job at portraying the struggles of a community with different sexualities and gender identities, and it has some really great characters and beautiful moments that I really think would be even better animated. But there are some character arcs that I feel are really...incomplete. It feels like the author was rushed into finishing the manga and did the best they could, but certain characters come off as major hypocrites or suddenly act like their arcs never happened. I also appreciate having an asexual character play such a big role, but the chapter where she talks about her identity as a person is just kind of...bizarre. Not to mention I barely understood what was happening for the first couple chapters because everything Anonymous says is so vague. There’s a lot I could say about this manga, but really I think it’s something everyone should read for themselves (and you’ll definitely need your tissue boxes). 8/10
TV Shows!
Arrested Development: “The story of a wealthy family who lost everything and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.” Aka Ron Howard narrates the shenanigans of the worst people you’ll ever see. Yes, I finally got around to watching this, and yes the first three seasons are hilarious. It’s got the same beats as a soap opera (twins, adoption, losing limbs in seal attacks), but in a sitcom format it’s genius. The fourth and fifth (or at least what there is of the fifth) are just nothing special in my opinion. I thought the fourth season was structured terribly, and once the family starts getting into politics the show tries to be a form of satire that just doesn’t work for it. Plus I live with a family of Trump supporters; so it’s not as funny when you have to live with the racist people the show is making fun of who take all the “wall” stuff seriously. 8/10
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Documental: A Japanese...social experiment/documentary/game show type thing on Amazon Prime wherein 10 comedians all get locked in a room together and attempt to make each other laugh without laughing themselves. The twist is each of them contribute 1 million yen to play, and the winner gets the pot of 10 million yen. In the first season, the show is more interesting as a social experiment than it is funny. You’ll like it if you like Japanese comedy. But the thing about Japanese comedy is...well, just picture an episode of Osomatsu-san, with all the disgusting and bizarre shit they do, and then picture real people. Though I do love seeing the faces everyone makes when they’re trying not to laugh! HOWEVER, the second season is so much better. I was laughing so much every episode that it hardly felt like the same show. They also changed the format a little so there would definitely be a winner at the end of the time. There’s still gross weird shit, but it’s a much better season. I give season 1 a 6/10 and season 2 an 8.5/10
Over the Garden Wall: In case you’ve been skipping the entire season of autumn since 2014, OTGW is a 10 episode miniseries that aired on Cartoon Network detailing the journey of two brothers Wirt and Greg who are lost in a mysterious wood called “The Unknown.” But really the whole thing is like a stuck in Purgatory story. It’s one of those shows that goes from adorable and funny to dark as fuck real quick. I think it’s impossible to go through the fall season without watching this at least once. This is another one of those things where there’s nothing I can say about it that hasn’t already been said. The atmosphere is perfect for Halloween, the characters are great (Elijah Wood voices Wirt, and it’s the best), and there are so many hidden clues that after it aired we all demanded a Gravity Falls crossover…
I could go on. This show is perfect except for the unnecessarily silly school teacher episode...and fact that it goes by too fast...and also the fact that now I know Elijah Wood has an adorable singing voice, and I’m salty that he didn’t really sing in Lord of the Rings. This is the atmospheric “watch it once a year” type of show that we desperately need more of...it doesn’t have to be the same characters or even have the same messages, but dang it Cartoon Network you can’t just give us this masterpiece and walk away!!! 10/10
Yuri On Ice: Yes, the figure skating anime. This is Tumblr so I doubt I need to post the summary of the show, but I do talk about it in my Hufflepuff Anime recommendations post. Since I couldn’t watch the Yuri On Ice marathon (which was coincidentally held on my birthday!) I decided to have my own dang marathon. There’s just so much to love about this anime: the music, the animation, the characters, the diversity, the humor, and the accuracy to the sport. But I think the main reason I love this show so much is because, as someone who watches a lot of sports anime, I really appreciate this show doing something different and focusing on ADULTS WHO ACTUALLY RELY ON THE SPORT AS A CAREER and using drama that way instead of the main source of angst being “we have to win the match for our senpai!” This is one of those shows you can watch a million times and still find new things to love! 10/10
I don’t know why I made a separate section for this, since I only listened to one.
Hey Riddle Riddle: A podcast with three hosts that go talk about riddles and puzzles (aka puzzies and riddies) and role play various ridiculous answers to them. I started listening to it because Justin McElroy was on an episode, and it was pretty funny. The podcast is interesting and entertaining, except for the fact that sometimes their role playing and improve can go on for too long, and they don’t know when to let a joke die. Also one of the co-hosts is really annoying, but the other two make up for it. 8/10
Honorable Mentions
Camp Camp released a Halloween episode called Arrival of the Torso Takers and I watched it...probably four times...I don’t have a problem.
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Some shows I watch on actual television came back this fall! Bob’s Burgers, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Fresh Off the Boat, Speechless, Modern Family (yes I still watch that), and The Good Place!
I don’t know if this was a leak or what, but there’s a new My Little Pony christmas Hearthswarming special, and guys...I thought it was pretty great. Say what you want about this show, but it knows how to do holiday episodes. Anyone who has been a fan for a long time or even fans who have fallen off the show will probably love it. It’s very sweet and never went in the direction I thought it would.
And last but not least, shout out to all the anime coming out this fall...there’s just...so much to watch...please help...
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2008 Movie Awards
Best Picture: The Dark Knight Milk Rachel Getting Married WALL-E The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Doubt, The Class, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, Burn After Reading, Wendy and Lucy, Man on Wire, Hunger, Ballast, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Happy-Go-Lucky, Synecdoche New York Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, The Wrestler Jonathan Demme, Rachel Getting Married Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Andrew Stanton, WALL-E Gus Van Sant, Milk HONORABLE MENTION: Laurent Cantet, The Class; Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, Burn After Reading; David Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Lance Hammer, Ballast; Charlie Kaufman, Synecdoche, New York; Kurt Kuenne, Dear Zachary; Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky; James Marsh, Man on Wire; Steve McQueen, Hunger; Kelly Reichardt, Wendy and Lucy; John Patrick Shanley, Doubt Best Actor: Michael Fassbender, Hunger Richard Jenkins, The Visitor Ben Kingsley, Elegy Sean Penn, Milk Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Francois Begeaudeau, The Class; Michael Cera, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man; Colin Farrell, In Bruges; James Franco, Pineapple Express; Brendan Gleeson, In Bruges; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Synecdoche New York; Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon; Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Michael Pitt, Funny Games; Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop; Jason Segel, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast; Anton Yelchin, Charlie Barlett Best Actress: Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married Sally Hawkins, Happy-Go-Lucky Kristin Scott Thomas, I've Loved You So Long Meryl Streep, Doubt Michelle Williams, Wendy and Lucy HONORABLE MENTION: Amy Adams, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Kate Beckinsale, Nothing But the Truth; Cate Blanchett, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Rebecca Hall, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Scarlett Johansson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Nicole Kidman, Australia; Melissa Leo, Frozen River; Frances McDormand, Burn After Reading; Frances McDormand, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Tarra Riggs, Ballast; Jess Weixler, Teeth; Kate Winslet, Revolutionary Road Best Supporting Actor: James Franco, Milk Bill Irwin, Rachel Getting Married Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight Eddie Marsan, Happy-Go-Lucky Brad Pitt, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Russell Brand, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Josh Brolin, Milk; Brady Corbet, Funny Games; Liam Cunningham, Hunger; Aaron Eckhart, The Dark Knight; Ralph Fiennes, In Bruges; Danny McBride, Pineapple Express; Liam McMahon, Hunger; Mos Def, Cadillac Records; Gary Oldman, The Dark Knight; Dev Patel, Slumdog Millionaire; Haaz Sleiman, The Visitor Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Viola Davis, Doubt Rosemarie DeWitt, Rachel Getting Married Samantha Morton, Synecdoche, New York Evan Rachel Wood, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Hiam Abbass, The Visitor; Amy Adams, Doubt; Patricia Clarkson, Elegy; Vera Farmiga, Nothing But the Truth; Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Taraji P. Henson, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Anjelica Huston, Choke; Beyonce Knowles, Cadillac Records; Sophie Okonedo, The Secret Life of Bees; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Tilda Swinton, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler; Debra Winger, Rachel Getting Married; Elysa Zylberstein, I’ve Loved You So Long Best Original Screenplay: Burn After Reading - Ethan Coen & Joel Coen Hunger - Steve McQueen & Enda Walsh Milk - Dustin Lance Black Rachel Getting Married - Jenny Lumet WALL-E - Pete Docter, Jim Reardon & Andrew Stanton HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Charlie Barlett, Chop Shop, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Happy-Go-Lucky, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Pineapple Express, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Visitor, The Wrestler, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Adapted Screenplay: The Class - Francois Begaudeau, Robin Campillo & Laurent Cantet The Dark Knight - David S. Goyer, Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan Doubt - John Patrick Shanley Elegy - Nicholas Meyer Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy HONORABLE MENTION: The Counterfeiters, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Speed Racer, Wendy and Lucy Best Ensemble: Burn After Reading The Class The Dark Knight Milk Slumdog Millionaire HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Doubt, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Funny Games, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Rachel Getting Married, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Limited Performance - Male: Andre Blake, Rachel Getting Married Justin Long, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Denis O'Hare, Milk Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road J.K. Simmons, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, Flash of Genius; Michael Caine, The Dark Knight; Tom Cruise, Tropic Thunder; Bill Hader, Pineapple Express; David Rasche, Burn After Reading; Victor Rasuk, Stop-Loss; Mark Rendall, Charlie Barlett Best Limited Performance - Female: Patricia Clarkson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Hope Davis, Synecdoche, New York Karina Fernandez, Happy-Go-Lucky Amy Ryan, Changeling Robin Weigert, Synecdoche, New York HONORABLE MENTION: Heather Burns, Choke; Zoe Kazan, Revolutionary Road; Jennifer Jason Leigh, Synecdoche New York; Lena Olin, The Reader; Amy Sedaris, Snow Angels; Sigourney Weaver, Vantage Point; Dianne Wiest, Synecdoche New York; Kristen Wiig, Ghost Town Breakthrough Performance: Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop Tarra Riggs, Ballast Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast Jess Weixler, Teeth HONORABLE MENTION: David Kross, The Reader; Lina Leandersson, Let the Right One In; Charlie McDermott, Frozen River; Gabe Nevins, Paranoid Park; Esmeralda Ouertani, The Class; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Rachel Regulier, The Class; Brandon Walters, Australia Best Film Editing: The Dark Knight - Lee Smith Hunger - Joe Walker Rachel Getting Married - Tim Squyres Slumdog Millionaire - Chris Dickens The Wrestler - Andrew Weisblum HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Burn After Reading, Chop Shop, The Class, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Dear Zachary, Doubt. Funny Games, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Man on Wire, Milk, Paranoid Park, Pineapple Express, Speed Racer Best Cinematography: Australia - Mandy Walker Ballast - Lol Crawley The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Claudio Miranda The Dark Knight - Wally Pfister The Wrestler - Maryse Alberti HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Changeling, Chop Shop, Doubt, Elegy, Funny Games, Hunger, Let the Right One In, Milk, Paranoid Park, Rachel Getting Married, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Synecdoche New York, Wendy and Lucy Best Original Score: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Alexandre Desplat The Dark Knight - James Newton Howard & Hans Zimmer Milk - Danny Elfman Slumdog Millionaire - A.R. Rahman WALL-E - Thomas Newman HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Burn After Reading, Changeling, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Kung Fu Panda, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Revolutionary Road, Speed Racer, The Visitor, Waltz with Bashir, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Original Song: High School Musical 3: Senior Year - "I Want It All" - Matthew Gerrard & Robbie Nevil Slumdog Millionaire - "Jai Ho" - Gulzar & A.R. Rahman Synecdoche, New York - "Little Person" - Jon Brion & Charlie Kaufman WALL-E - "Down to Earth" - Peter Gabriel & Thomas Newman The Wrestler - "The Wrestler" - Bruce Springsteen HONORABLE MENTION: Australia - “By the Boab Tree”; Bolt - “Barking at the Moon”; Cadillac Records - “Once in a Lifetime”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “High School Musical”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “A Night to Remember”; My Blueberry Nights - “The Story”; Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist - “Ottoman”; Sex and the City - “All Dressed in Love”; Slumdog Millionaire - “O Saya”; Trouble the Water - “Trouble the Water”; Twilight - “I Caught Myself” Best Art Direction: Australia - Beverly Dunn & Catherine Martin Changeling - Gary Fettis & James J. Murakami The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Donald Graham Burt & Victor J. Zolfo Revolutionary Road - Debra Schutt & Kristi Zea Synecdoche, New York - Mark Friedberg & Lydia Marks HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Frost/Nixon, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, Iron Man, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Pineapple Express, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Best Costume Design: Australia - Catherine Martin The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Jacqueline West Milk - Danny Glicker Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - Michael O'Connor Sex and the City - Patricia Field HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Cadillac Records, Changeling, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Doubt, Frost/Nixon, Happy-Go-Lucky, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, W., The Wrestler Best Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Frost/Nixon Hunger The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Cadillac Records, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Saw V, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Tropic Thunder, Twilight, W. Best Sound Mixing: The Dark Knight Iron Man Pineapple Express Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cadillac Records, Cloverfield, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Let the Right One In, Mamma Mia!, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler Best Sound Editing: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Iron Man Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Pineapple Express, Saw V, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Hellboy II: The Golden Army Iron Man Speed Racer HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Eagle Eye, Get Smart, The Incredible Hulk, Tropic Thunder Best Foreign-Language Film: The Class - Laurent Cantet The Counterfeiters - Stefan Ruzowitzky I've Loved You So Long - Philippe Claudel Let the Right One In - Tomas Alfredson Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman HONORABLE MENTION: JCVD Best Documentary: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father - Kurt Kuenne Man on Wire - James Marsh Taxi to the Dark Side - Alex Gibney Trouble the Water - Carl Deal & Tia Lessin Young@Heart - Stephen Walker Honorable Mention: HONORABLE MENTION: Bigger Stronger Fast, Encounters at the End of the World, Religulous, Standard Operating Procedure, Waltz with Bashir Best Animated Film: Bolt - Byron Howard & Chris Williams Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who - Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino Kung Fu Panda - Mark Osborne & John Stevenson WALL-E - Andrew Stanton Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman Every 2008 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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i-love-shannon-bubb · 7 years
Every single question you unsociable prick
Shania you are an absolUTE ASS BLOODY HELL1. Who was the last person you held hands with?A girl,, gals being pals :^)2. Are you outgoing or shy?Outgoing3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?My friends4. Are you easy to get along with?I would say so?5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?I would hope so!6. What kind of people are you attracted to?UHM Girls with long hair and light colored eyes? Around my height??7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?One of my friends from college9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?Nope10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Don’t actually remember lol11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“SHOOK”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?!!! “Strangers” By Halsey ft. Lauren Jauregui“That’s My Girl” By Fifth Harmony“Born To Die” By Lana Del Rey“Misery Business” By Paramore“When You’re Gone” By Avril Lavigne
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Only certain people omggg,,14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Ehh iffy about that15. What good thing happened this summer?It’s warmer and I can wear as little clothing as I want16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?LOL YEuUP17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Ye
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Nope19. Do you like bubble baths?Ehhh sometimes20. Do you like your neighbors?I don’t talk to them21. What are you bad habits?I bite my nails and i like attention even if its bad22. Where would you like to travel?Australia!23. Do you have trust issues?Eh depends24. Favorite part of your daily routine?Idk tbh25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?My hips omgg26. What do you do when you wake up?I stay in bed for 10 minutes and evaluate how much I don’t wanna get up at the moment so I use my phone for a little bit27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Just a tad darker28. Who are you most comfortable around?People I trust29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?Never had an ex30. Do you ever want to get married?Yeah31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yes sir32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?Lauren Jauregui, Sophie Turner, Natalie Dormer33. Spell your name with your chin.nztasha34. Do you play sports? What sports?Yeah, I swim and I do track and field35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yes37. What do you say during awkward silences?I either laugh or just say something to break it38. Describe your dream girl/guy?LOL Lauren Jauregui39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?H&M, uhh, Hot Topic????40. What do you want to do after high school?Go to college41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Depends42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?Im just tired43. Do you smile at strangers?YEAH44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Outer Space45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Alycia Debnam Carey46. What are you paranoid about?Yikes,, idk if i wanna say,,”47. Have you ever been high?..ye48. Have you ever been drunk?Does being tipsy count?49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Nope50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Grey51. Ever wished you were someone else?Yeup52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?My lips53. Favourite makeup brand?I dont wear makeup54. Favourite store?Idk man55. Favourite blog?My blod56. Favourite colour?Grey, Black, Green, Red57. Favourite food? Brazilian food58. Last thing you ate?Pork59. First thing you ate this morning?Oatmeal60. Ever won a competition? For what?yee, a swimming competition for my heats61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Nope62. Been arrested? For what?Nope63. Ever been in love? Yeah to a famous person64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?FUCK So i met this girl at like a gay prom and like I got her number and snapchat and like we were texting for a few days and we wanted to hang out and so we met up on a friday and we went to one of my school music events and like we left and she drove me home and we were in her car just talking and i went “Wow we didn’t even hold hands” as a joke and then she said “cause you never went to hold mine” and so i held her hand and I SAID THE FUCKING DORKIEST THING EVER I HATE MYSELF and then i said “Lowkey i wanna kiss you” then bam bam chicken and ham i got my first kiss,, highkey if she reads this imma kermit sewerside65. Are you hungry right now?Nope66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?I mean they are my real friends lol67. Facebook or Twitter?What?68. Twitter or Tumblr?Never heard of her69. Are you watching tv right now?No
70. Names of your bestfriends? Nicole, Arleth, Aylin, Gaby, Eileen, thats it p much71. Craving something? What?Murder72. What colour are your towels?Its a yankee towel72. How many pillows do you sleep with?273. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?yeah, 274. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?2..75. Favourite animal?UGH there are too many76. What colour is your underwear?Black77. Chocolate or Vanilla?both78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Cookies n creme79. What colour shirt are you wearing?A Fall Out Boy tank top80. What colour pants?Im wearing shorts81. Favourite tv show?Game Of Thrones82. Favourite movie?Ex Machina83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?The first84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean GIrls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Regina George86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Bruce87. First person you talked to today?LOLL My crush,,88. Last person you talked to today?My two friends Ash and Nicole89. Name a person you hate?One?
90. Name a person you love?My mother91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Myself92. In a fight with someone?No?93. How many sweatpants do you have?394. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Uh 5?95. Last movie you watched?Guardians of the Galaxy 296. Favourite actress?Im gonna list a few, Alicia Vikander, Alycia Debnam Carey, Sophie Turner97. Favourite actor?Kit Harington, Michael Cera, Heath Ledger98. Do you tan a lot?not really99. Have any pets?2 dogs and 2 cats100. How are you feeling?Eh101. Do you type fast?Idk102. Do you regret anything from your past?Yes.103. Can you spell well?Yas104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Eh105. Ever been to a bonfire party?yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart?maybe?107. Have you ever been on a horse?|yes108. What should you be doing?I dont even know109. Is something irritating you right now?YEs, myself110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?ye111. Do you have trust issues?eh112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Myself113. What was your childhood nickname?Nat114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yes115. Do you play the Wii?Not anymore, really116. Are you listening to music right now?no117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes119. Favourite book?A Game of Thrones120. Are you afraid of the dark?Hell nah b121. Are you mean?Maybe122. Is cheating ever okay?HELL NO if its on a person, Unless its a test in school then eh i guess
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?Yes
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Idk125. Do you believe in true love?yes?126. Are you currently bored?yes127. What makes you happy?Many things128. Would you change your name?N0129. What your zodiac sign?Aquarius130. Do you like subway?the food place? Not necessarily 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Hes gay so thats a problem132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?No clue133. Favourite lyrics right now?“She doesn’t call me on the phone anymore”134. Can you count to one million?Lets see135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I lied to my mom saying I was hanging out with 4 friends when I was actually hanging out with this girl i like136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed137. How tall are you?5′6″138. Curly or Straight hair?I have Curly139. Brunette or Blonde?I am brunette140. Summer or Winter?Autumn141. Night or Day?Afternoon142. Favourite month?February cause thats my birth month143. Are you a vegetarian?Nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Dark145. Tea or Coffee?Both146. Was today a good day?Yes147. Mars or Snickers?None148. What’s your favourite quote?“Time to stop”149. Do you believe in ghosts?Meh150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
“For the first ten minutes, the prisoners were too rattled by the shooting to notice that they were floating through space, the only humans to leave the Colony in almost three hundred years.”-The 100
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ETUDE HOUSE [Pink Bird]: April Box Unboxing ♡
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I lost track of time recently so I might be late to this unboxing but it’s here now! I’ve been dreading the month of May because it’s going to the busiest month for me but I’ll survive 🙆🏻 This means I don’t think I will be making another post until the May pink bird box! Thank you to those who have stuck around 💕  
This month’s theme is pretty similar to the January box with a cushion, tone-up primer and two eye makeup items. I also got sent a mini trial kit of the Honey Cera skincare range but I won’t be reviewing that in this post because I haven’t had time to try it. 
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This is their newest cushion foundation and it comes in 6 shades. Mine is in Sand (which is actually a bit too neutral for me but Beige is too light TT). As with typical cushion foundations, it has whitening, wrinkle improvement and SPF 50 PA+++ UV protection functions. It is also meant to be long lasting and give you ‘perfect coverage’. You get 14g of product.  
The coverage is a lot higher than their usual cushion foundations and it does give a very smooth canvas. The coverage was buildable - but in saying that I applied it very sparingly on my face so it didn’t look cakey on me. It covered the redness around my nose very well and did a fair job at covering blemishes. I would consider this a medium coverage. The texture is quite thick so it can look cakey if you apply too much. I can imagine that it would be quite thick and uncomfortable for those with dry to normal skin. There was no transfer for me but I did set it with a translucent pressed powder. 
In terms of lasting power, it stayed on for around 6 hours. However, it did wear off around my nose and under-eye area after 4ish hours but that is to be expected because my glasses are there and I’m either rubbing my nose when it’s itchy or blowing it 😅  I have combination skin and it worked fine for me but I wouldn’t repurchase this only because there isn’t a shade that fits me and because I have to be careful with how much I apply. But for those of you whose skintone matches with the shades that are available, I would recommend this if you are someone who doesn’t have too many blemishes or trouble spots that need covering and if you have oily skin. 
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Click on for the full post :3 
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🌸  Next we have the FIX AND FIX PRIMER.
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This is a similar concept to their previous Any Cushion Color Corrector but in tube form. I got Lavender, which is for dull skin. This primer aims to make your makeup last from “morning until afternoon” by controlling excessive sebum and maintaining the oil-water balance. 
There are 3 tone-up primers and 1 pore primer.  
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I was not expecting to like this because I didn’t like the one that came in the cushion compact. That one was hard to blend and it made me look so white. However, this has been my go-to primer ever since trying it. Everything from the packaging to the consistency of this primer makes it a much better one than the cushion compact one. It’s hygienic, easy to control how much product you want, the consistency is very lightweight (which you’ll see in the swatch) making it very easy to blend! This one actually brightens up my skintone without making me look like a ghost. LOVE. 
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🌸  Finally we have the SUPER SLIM PROOF LINERS. 
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True to their name, these liners are indeed super slim. There are two types: brush liner and pencil liner. I’m a huge lover of eyeliners and seriously cannot live without them. Lately I’ve been into using brown liners more but it’s always good to have backups of black! 
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The brush liner was (and still is) my favourite! The brush is only 0.3mm long and it is so easy to work with. I like to use this to thicken my lashline and because it’s so thin. However, it also works very well for creating a perfect wing because the brush is so precise. It is very pigmented and rich in colour. My eyes can get quite oily (eyeshadow can melt sometimes) and I also like to rub my eyes occasionally but this eyeliner stayed put for 10 hours (when I leave my makeup on until I have to take it off before bed). I would highly recommend this liner!
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The brown liner is twist up and to be honest I didn’t like using this on my eyes. While it is pigmented when I swatch it on my hand, it was difficult to apply on the soft eye area. It isn’t as smooth as it looks on the eyes and I had to drag it. However, this looked really patchy and clump and the colour wasn’t distributed evenly. Because the eye area is delicate, I didn’t want to push too hard. In the end I used this on my brows and it worked very well for that :D But I will pass on using it as eyeliner. This pencil is 1.5mm. 
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Here is the overall look with the primer, cushion foundation and black eyeliner ⬇
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This was another sweet and simple box! I liked all the products and for the ones with drawbacks, I managed to find another and better use for it (i.e. the brown pencil liner). I really wish their cushion foundation had a shade that suits my skin tone because I really like it. Nonetheless I am trying to make it work by mixing it with my NARS tinted moisturiser.  If there was one item that I would recommend the most, it would be the brush liner. 
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Check out reviews from other pink bird bloggers who received different shades! 
▷ Yennie:  Any Cushion [Vanilla], Tone Up Primer [Rose]  ▷ Sophie: Any Cushion [Petal], Tone Up Primer [Mint]  ▷ Mindy: Any Cushion [Beige], Tone Up Primer [Rose]   ▷ Jasmine: Any Cushion [Vanilla], Tone Up Primer [Mint], Liners ▷ Kirsty: Any Cushion [Beige], Tone Up Primer [Lavender]  ▷ Kathy: Coming soon 
Have a good May! 
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These products were sent to me by Etude House as part of the Pink Bird program for review purposes; opinions are 100% honest and my own
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mysteryideasgroup · 4 months
Sophie meets Dark Future AU of MSA X DP
Old Juleka of Dark Future AU
Survivors of Dark Future AU 
Alive/Active of Dark Future AU 
Sardonyx the Polter Cat 
Josh Rivas 
Molly the Dog/Kitsune of Matilda 
Ava Lee 
Cera Minnie 
Ecole Rivas 
Myisha the Dog/Kitsune of Viana 
Albert Rivas 
Aaron Rivas 
Maren the Dog/Kitsune of Vera 
Mary Minnie (Roger and Atta's one of three Daughters) 
Terrine Minnie (Roger and Atta's one of three Daughters) 
Andy Weld 
Lee Weld 
Gia Rivas 
Missing/Presumed Dead/Unknown of Dark Future AU 
Samantha the Polter Dog/Kitsune of Sarah
Lewis Pepper 
Vivi Yukino 
Bart Minnie 
Miles the Dog/Kitsune of Bart 
Jaxson the Dog/Kitsune of Josh 
Eve Rosebell 
Mike Weld 
Misti the Dog/Kitsune of Mike 
Lewon Minnie 
Viana Weld 
Vicki Weld 
Mira the Dog/Kitsune of Vicki 
Landon Minnie 
Vera Weld 
Alden the Dog/Kitsune of Aaron 
Roger Minnie 
Atta Minnie 
Esmeralda Minnie (Roger and Atta's one of three Daughters) 
Aurora Weld 
Lando Rivas 
Ollie Lee 
Dead/Deceased of Dark Future AU 
Sapphire the Dog/Kitsune of Sarah 
Arthur Kingsman 
Mystery the Dog/Kitsune of Vivi 
Matilda Weld
Darling the Dog (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
Arther Rivas 
Lewinn Minnie 
Zoe Weld
Diane Lee 
For @laurasanchez36
Crossovers of AUs Alternate Universes belongs to me 
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
AUs Alternate Universes and Crossovers belongs to me 
Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs belongs to my msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs 
Mystery Teams/Groups/Gangs belongs to her msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs 
The Legend of Ghosts Teams/Groups/Gangs to my new msa X dp ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs 
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 years
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Professor Kieran's Female Demon Spirit Plant
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Professor Kieran's Demon Spirit Plant was Human before she became the Demon Spirit Plant
Full Name: Darcy
Nicknames: My Demon, Demonic, Demoness, Succubus, Lover (Reverb 'Rev'), My Mistress (her Master or Lord Professor Kieran), Bad Demon Lady/Woman, Demon, Demoness, Succubus (her enemies), Gali
Age: Unknown like 30's
Blood Type: A
Likes: Reverb, her Professor Kieran, Hurting People and Ghosts, Possessed People and Ghosts
Dislikes: Her Powers and Abilities are weaknesses of fire, ice, water, Fire, Ice, Water, People and Ghosts are freed from Possessed, Dan, Bart, Cera, Sophie
Powers and Abilities: Plants Manipulation, Regeneration, Chlorokinesis, Plants Vines, Fire Manipulation, Pyrokinesis
Skills and Abilities: Plants Manipulation
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Water
Skin Colour: Medium Light (Human), Dark Purplish (Demon Spirit)
Eyes Colour: Purple
Hair Colour: Black
Clothes: Dress
Shoes Flats Ballet Shoes with bows (Human)
Accessories: Neck choker with Gem
For @laurasanchez36
Darcy Wilson belongs to her new msa oc sona
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mysteryideasgroup · 4 years
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Cera and Sophie fusion
Cera Pepper belongs to my msa
Sophie Kingsmen belongs to her msa
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 years
Mystery Skulls Animated X Danny Phantom Chapter 12: Training about going ghost
Sarah: Now, everyone is here to the training room with training transformed. 1, Transformed into Ghosts and back to Normal forms of Humans. My turn. Going Ghost! *changed to her Ghost form* Now, they're turns.
Dan, Danny, Bart, Cera, Lewis, Sophie: Yes. Going Ghost! *changed to their Ghosts forms*
Sarah: Good, 2, I used to changed back to normal form of Human. *changed to her Human form* I need to hiding and Objects that Humans and Ghosts are hurting.
Dan, Danny, Bart, Cera, Lewis, Sophie: Ok, Going Ghost! *changed to their Humans forms*
Sarah: 3, Attack to Ghosts is not friendly, but they're enemies. But they are Good friends, it's Ghosts beats called Deadbeats belongs to their owners of Masters and Mistresses.
They are attacked to training dummies Ghosts enemies
Few hours later
They are done with training
Sarah: Good, they're good. They've not wanting to seen the people are discovered that they are identities of Humans and Ghosts. They need to hiding their identity of their Humans and Ghosts.
Dan: They not wanting to people seen them, they are discovered that they are identities of Humans and Ghosts.
Sarah: They need to hiding, right.
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas and new msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas and new msa x dp ocs sonas
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mysteryideasgroup · 4 years
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Ruby Pepper/Minnie (Cera's Cousin)
Full name: Ruby Pepper/Minnie
First name: Ruby
Last name: Pepper
Different last name: Minnie
Nicknames/Alias: Ruby (by Jane Kingsmen; her sidekick)
Mistake names: Other Cera (that was huge mistake one by Alquen and Gansel; her enemies)
Family members: Spinel Pepper (her mother), unnamed father (deceased), Ursa Pepper (her big sister) with all her sisters and brothers, Cera Pepper (her cousin) 
Friends: Roger Pepper and his wife, Anita Pepper, Cera Pepper with her brothers and sisters, Eddie Kingsmen and his wife, Aria Kingsmen, Jane Kingsmen (her sidekick), John Kingsmen with his brothers and sisters, Princess Malina (her cousin-in-law, later John Kingsmen's wife), General Lunaris and his wife, Queen Rosie (her uncle-in-law and her aunt-in-law), Sarita and Todd Kingsmen (her new sidekicks/John Kingsmen and Princess Malina's daughter and son), Winston Yukino and his wife, Helena Yukino, Maxy Yukino with his brothers and sisters, Molly (Dark Danny's descendant) and all her friends
Enemies: Azula, Lord Darkar, Lord Brevon, Deadly Six, Alquen, Gansel, Shiromori, ???, Dark Danny, Pennywise, Tinker Bell (from world of Winx; her evil from), Shadow Creatures, Stuart the adventure boy (sometimes) and all her foes
Profile pic  
Age:  21
Blood Type:  B
Occupation:  ????
Actual Occupation:  Home of Pepper
Favourite Shows/Games: Avatar (TV Series, Movie, Games), The Legend of Korra, Sonic Forces (Game), Star vs the forces of evil, Randy Cunningham: Ninja Total, Frozen 1 & 2 (Movies), The Lion Guard
Favourite Food: Beef Noodles  
Instrument:  ????
Favourite Animal: Dog/Kitsune (her pet named is Tracer)
Alignment: Good  
Hobby: ????
Likes: Good Creatures (Specially Princess Malina with her parents, General Lunaris and Queen Rosie), Sophie Kingsmen turns into her ghost from like Danny Phantom, Cera playing with her,
Dislikes: Shiromori (her foe; who was trying to kill Vivi), Bad Creatures (Especially Lord Brevon), evil meaner clowns (Especially Pennywise), Stuart's Betrayed, Deadly Six are trying to make Jane Kingsmen as a robot, Eveline, Maddie, Alquen and Gansel (her four enemies), her family gets hurt and gets captured by Lord Darkar
Goals: to returning to her family (succeed), to defeat Shiormori (ongoing, later succeed), to save Jane Kingsmen from deadly six, save her family and friends from Lord Brevon (both succeed)
Weapon(s): Fire/Flame manipulation Pyrokinesis
Powers/Skills and Abilities: Fire Flame magenta Ghost pyrokinesis
Gear First 1: Van
Gear Second 2: Bike
Gear Third 3: Train
Gear Fourth 4: Airplane
Gear Fifty 5: Truck
Backstory and flashback: She was born to her parents with her brothers and sisters, then she loved her cousins.
(Anita or Atta Pepper)
Ruby Pepper/Minnie
Cera's cousin belongs to my new msa oc sona
Gacha Club of games
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laurasanchez36 · 4 years
MSA X Danny Phantom AU: Lola Masters has to show them for Lola Masters' ghost from Comic
Cera Pepper: you must be...
Sophie Kingsmen: the first one?
Princess Lola Masters: Yep.
Cera Pepper: and well, uhhh.
Sophie Kingsmen: the second one?
*Princess Lola Masters transforming into her ghost like her father is vlad masters*
Sophie Kingsmen: God! I'm going ghost! *the box didn't helping* going ghost! wait, w-what's going on to us?
Princess Lola Plasmius: you have a problem this one, seriousy. i have a hand. and this is what's going on.
Cera Pepper: Let us go!
Princess Lola Plasmius: Why? so you two can go back to parents loves you so much, like you two having powers. Powers like mines, i hava a spirit, friends. i can train you two the lession.even you two has you're silly boys making jokes of everything.
Sophie Kingsmen: Boys... Oh! you mean "Norman, Ricky and Tim" even "Mick, Jed and Tord",They are my family and friends.
Cera Pepper: Yeah, you completly funny about these cupcakes,that's what i was feels.
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laurasanchez36 · 4 years
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Penny is "She loves her mom named is Jennfier,but her mom founds her new husband named is Walker (from Danny Phantom), She was so scared of him, Walker (from Danny Phantom) snaping on her, Walker is watching at his daughter is penny,he snapping on her again,But she's getting angry at her new father is  Walker (from Danny Phantom) from what he had done to snapping on her and she pushs her new father is Walker (from Danny Phantom),because  he tooks her life,She is scared and rans away from  her new father is Walker (from Danny Phantom), Penny seeing a New friend is Lucy Pelter."
Vanilla is "She loves her parents is adult muffet and adult tim in adult universe,she loves playing her new friends of her new school in adult universe,she was so scared about Dark Danny (from Danny Phantom),  her parents is adult muffet was trying to protect her from Dark Danny (from Danny Phantom),She was thinking about her aunt Cera Pepper was survived alive."
Sophie Kingsmen is "She's one of Arthur Kingsmen's Brothers and Sisters even her parents is Aria and Eddie for Kingsmen Family, she loves to playing her favourite game called "Overwatch", she loves her favourite show called "Danny Phantom",  She always want to be her ghost from like danny phantom, but she's just a normal one,and then she touching the lighting,but she finally has superpowers like Danny Phantom),She said "Going Ghost!" and she feels better and can flying than Cera Pepper."
Mick Pepper, Jed Pepper and Tord Pepper  is "They are one of Denise Pepper's Sons,they loves our Mom is Denise Pepper and they loves our Uncle is Lewis Pepper, They loves our friends is Norman Kingsmen, Ricky Kingsmen and Tim Kingsmen."
Logan the Demon Boy is "He's one of Princess Lola Masters/Plasmius' EX-Boyfriend,Because she loves him,but now she breaks his heart, then He has new girlfriend name is Spookianna,logan the demon boy need to forgive his EX-girlfriend is princess lola masters/plasmius,but Princess Lola Masters/Plasmius has her second EX-Boyfriend name is Prince Harry. Logan was crying about his EX-girlfriend is princess lola masters/plasmius ,but Princess Lola Masters/Plasmius has her second EX-Boyfriend, Spookianna loves him for his heart."
Princess Rosiana is "She's one of Muffet's best Buddy,because she likes mystery ideas are one of previous/normal group was past group and hartwin, unlike her evil sister is The Evil Ghost Girl (was green one,who’s possessed hartwin),She can help Heidiane and Mystery Ideas with hartwin from her evil sister is The Evil Ghost Girl."
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malte1mj-blog · 6 years
2012/2013 TV Awards
Best Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire Breaking Bad Game of Thrones Homeland Mad Men Scandal HONORABLE MENTION: Bates Motel, The Good Wife, Hannibal, House of Cards, Justified, Parenthood, Shameless, Sons of Anarchy, Southland, Treme Best Actor - Drama Series: Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire - "The Milkmaid's Lot" Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad - "Say My Name" Hugh Dancy, Hannibal - "Savoureux" Jeff Daniels, The Newsroom - "We Just Decided To" Jon Hamm, Mad Men - "In Care Of" Damian Lewis, Homeland - "Q&A" HONORABLE MENTION: Tony Goldwyn, Scandal; Michael C. Hall, Dexter; Freddie Highmore, Bates Motel; Charlie Hunnam, Sons of Anarchy; Peter Krause, Parenthood; William H. Macy, Shameless; Mads Mikkelsen, Hannibal; Timothy Olyphant, Justified; Wendell Pierce, Treme; Kevin Spacey, House of Cards; Steve Zahn, Treme Best Actress - Drama Series: Claire Danes, Homeland - "Q&A" Vera Farmiga, Bates Motel - "Midnight" Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black - "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men - "The Better Half" Emmy Rossum, Shameless - "A Long Way From Home" Kerry Washington, Scandal - "Truth or Consequences" HONORABLE MENTION: Jennifer Carpenter, Dexter; Glenn Close, Damages; Lauren Graham, Parenthood; Melissa Leo, Treme; Kelly Macdonald, Boardwalk Empire; Kate Mara, House of Cards; Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife; Katey Sagal, Sons of Anarchy; Robin Wright, House of Cards Best Supporting Actor - Drama Series: Jonathan Banks, Breaking Bad - "Say My Name" Michael Cudlitz, Southland - "Chaos" Jack Huston, Boardwalk Empire - "Sunday Best" Vincent Kartheiser, Mad Men - "In Care Of" Mandy Patinkin, Homeland - "The Choice" Corey Stoll, House of Cards - "Chapter 11" HONORABLE MENTION: Jim Beaver, Justified; Bobby Cannavale, Boardwalk Empire; Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Game of Thrones; Charles Dance, Game of Thrones; Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones; Walton Goggins, Justified; Michael Kelly, House of Cards; David Morrissey, The Walking Dead; Dean Norris, Breaking Bad; Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad; Ron Perlman, Sons of Anarchy; Jeff Perry, Scandal; Clarke Peters, Treme; Michael Shannon, Boardwalk Empire; John Slattery, Mad Men; Max Thieriot, Bates Motel; Sam Waterston, The Newsroom; Jeremy Allen White, Shameless; James Wolk, Mad Men Best Supporting Actress - Drama Series: Khandi Alexander, Treme - "Don't You Leave Me Here" Michelle Fairley, Game of Thrones - "The Rains of Castamere" Anna Gunn, Breaking Bad - "Fifty-One" Gretchen Mol, Boardwalk Empire - "Sunday Best" Monica Potter, Parenthood - "Keep on Rowing" Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones - "Mhysa" HONORABLE MENTION: Morena Baccarin, Homeland; Christine Baranski, The Good Wife; Linda Cardellini, Mad Men; Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones; Kim Dickens, Treme; Natalie Dormer, Game of Thrones; Christina Hendricks, Mad Men; Megan Hilty, Smash; January Jones, Mad Men; Emma Kenney, Shameless; Regina King, Southland; Debra Mooney, Scandal; Olivia Munn, The Newsroom; Jessica Pare, Mad Men; Diana Rigg, Game of Thrones; Kiernan Shipka, Mad Men; Maggie Siff, Sons of Anarchy; Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones; Bellamy Young, Scandal Best Writing - Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire - "Two Imposters" - Howard Korder Breaking Bad - "Fifty-One" - Sam Catlin Breaking Bad - "Gliding Over All" - Moira Walley-Beckett Game of Thrones - "The Rains of Castamere" - David Benioff & D.B. Weiss Homeland - "Q&A" - Henry Bromell Mad Men - "In Care Of" - Matthew Weiner & Carly Wray HONORABLE MENTION: Boardwalk Empire - “Margate Sands”; Boardwalk Empire - “Sunday Best”; Breaking Bad - “Dead Freight”; Breaking Bad - “Say My Name”; Damages - “But You Don’t Do That Anymore”; Game of Thrones - “And Now His Watch Is Ended”; Game of Thrones - “Mhysa”; The Good Wife - “Red Team, Blue Team”; Hannibal - “Aperitif”; Hannibal - “Savoureux”; Homeland - “The Choice”; Homeland - “New Car Smell”; Homeland - “State of Independence”; Justified - “Ghosts”; Mad Men - “The Better Half”; Mad Men - “The Crash”; Mad Men - “The Quality of Mercy”; Parenthood - “I’ll Be Right Here”; Parenthood - “There’s Something I Need to Tell You…”; Scandal - “Happy Birthday, Mr. President”; Scandal - “White Hat’s Back On”; Shameless - “A Long Way Home”; Southland - “Chaos”; Treme - “Don’t You Leave Me Here”; The Walking Dead - “Seed” Best Directing - Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire - "Margate Sands" - Tim Van Patten Breaking Bad - "Dead Freight" - George Mastras Breaking Bad - "Fifty-One" - Rian Johnson Game of Thrones - "The Rains of Castamere" - David Nutter Homeland - "Q&A" - Lesli Linka Glatter Mad Men - "The Crash" - Michael Uppendahl HONORABLE MENTION: Boardwalk Empire - “The Pony”; Boardwalk Empire - “Two Imposters”; Breaking Bad - “Gliding Over All”; Breaking Bad - “Say My Name”; Dexter - “Buck the System”; Game of Thrones - “And Now His Watch Is Ended”; Game of Thrones - “Mhysa”; The Good Wife - “Death of a Client”; The Good Wife - “What’s in the Box?”; Hannibal - “Aperitif”; Homeland - “The Choice”; Homeland - “New Car Smell”; Homeland - “State of Independence”; House of Cards - “Chapter 1”; Justified - “Ghosts”; Mad Men - “In Care Of”; Mad Men - “The Quality of Mercy”; Scandal - “White Hat’s Back On”; Shameless - “May I Trim Your Hedges?”; Sons of Anarchy - “Darthy”; Southland - “Chaos”; Treme - “Tipitina”; The Walking Dead - “Killer Within” Best Guest Actor - Drama Series: Eddie Izzard, Hannibal - "Roti" Lennie James, The Walking Dead - "Clear" Donal Logue, Sons of Anarchy - "Darthy" Joseph Mazzello, Justified - "Truth and Consequences" Gerald McRaney, Southland - "Heroes" Patton Oswalt, Justified - "Decoy" HONORABLE MENTION: Tom Amandes, Scandal; Ed Asner, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Dylan Baker, The Good Wife; Raymond J. Barry, Justified; David Bradley, Game of Thrones; Jere Burns, Bates Motel; William Daniels, Grey’s Anatomy; Raul Esparza, Hannibal; Michael J. Fox, The Good Wife; Walton Goggins, Sons of Anarchy; David Krumholtz, The Newsroom; Nathan Lane, The Good Wife; Gerald McRaney, House of Cards; Gerald McRaney, Justified; Chris Messina, The Newsroom; Joe Morton, Scandal; John Noble, The Good Wife; Mike O’Malley, Justified; Stephen Root, Boardwalk Empire Best Guest Actress - Drama Series: Kate Burton, Scandal - "Blown Away" Jane Fonda, The Newsroom - "The 112th Congress" Amanda Peet, The Good Wife - "Here Comes the Judge" Bernadette Peters, Smash - "The Parents" Carrie Preston, The Good Wife - "Je Nais Say What?" Gina Torres, Hannibal - "Coquilles" HONORABLE MENTION: Gillian Anderson, Hannibal; Patricia Arquette, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Elizabeth Ashley, Treme; Alison Brie, Mad Men; Stockard Channing, The Good Wife; Drea de Matteo, Sons of Anarchy; Mamie Gummer, The Good Wife; Jennifer Hudson, Smash; Marin Ireland, Homeland; Audra McDonald, The Good Wife; Mary Beth Peil, The Good Wife; Martha Plimpton, The Good Wife; Daphne Rubin-Vega, Smash; Jess Weixler, The Good Wife; Rita Wilson, The Good Wife; Natalie Zea, Justified; Constance Zimmer, Grey’s Anatomy Best Ensemble - Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire Game of Thrones Mad Men Parenthood Shameless Treme HONORABLE MENTION: Breaking Bad, Damages, The Good Wife, Grey’s Anatomy, Hannibal, Homeland, House of Cards, Justified, The Newsroom, Scandal, Sons of Anarchy, Southland, True Blood, The Walking Dead Best New Drama Series: Bates Motel Hannibal House of Cards The Newsroom Orphan Black HONORABLE MENTION: Nashville Best Comedy Series: Girls Louie Modern Family Parks and Recreation 30 Rock Veep HONORABLE MENTION: Arrested Development, The Big Bang Theory, Bunheads, Enlightened, Happy Endings, The Middle, New Girl, The Office, Raising Hope Best Actor - Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock - "My Whole Life Is Thunder" Louis C.K., Louie - "Late Show" Jake Johnson, New Girl - "Cooler" John Krasinski, The Office - "Finale" Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory - "The Love Spell Potential" Adam Scott, Parks and Recreation - "Halloween Surprise" HONORABLE MENTION: Jason Bateman, Arrested Development; Garret Dillahunt, Raising Hope; Jason Gann, Wilfred; Matt LeBlanc, Episodes; Joel McHale, Community; Lucas Neff, Raising Hope; Andrew Rannells, The New Normal; Jeremy Sisto, Suburgatory; James Van Der Beek, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23; Rainn Wilson, The Office Best Actress - Comedy Series: Laura Dern, Enlightened - "Agent of Change" Zooey Deschanel, New Girl - "Eggs" Lena Dunham, Girls - "One Man's Trash" Tina Fey, 30 Rock - "A Goon's Deed in a Weary World" Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep - "Running" Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation - "Leslie and Ben" HONORABLE MENTION: Christina Applegate, Up All Night; Beth Behrs, 2 Broke Girls; Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie; Jenna Fischer, The Office; Sutton Foster, Bunheads; Patricia Heaton, The Middle; Mindy Kaling, The Mindy Project; Jane Levy, Suburgatory; Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds; Martha Plimpton, Raising Hope; Krysten Ritter, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23; Dreama Walker, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23 Best Supporting Actor - Comedy Series: Ty Burrell, Modern Family - "Say Goodnight Gracie" Adam Driver, Girls - "It's Back" Max Greenfield, New Girl - "Fluffer" Simon Helberg, The Big Bang Theory - "The Re-Entry Minimization" Nick Offerman, Parks and Recreation - "Leslie and Ben" Chris Pratt, Parks and Recreation - "Pawnee Commons" HONORABLE MENTION: Aziz Ansari, Parks and Recreation; Will Arnett, Arrested Development; Michael Cera, Arrested Development; Charlie Day, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Modern Family; Nolan Gould, Modern Family; Tony Hale, Veep; Alex Karpovsky, Girls; Dermot Mulroney, Enlightened; Ed O’Neill, Modern Family; Adam Pally, Happy Endings; Danny Pudi, Community; Reid Scott, Veep; Jason Segel, How I Met Your Mother; Timothy Simons, Veep; Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family; Matt Walsh, Veep; Damon Wayans Jr., Happy Endings Best Supporting Actress - Comedy Series: Mayim Bialik, The Big Bang Theory - "The Love Spell Potential" Julie Bowen, Modern Family - "My Hero" Eliza Coupe, Happy Endings - "No-Ho-Ho" Aubrey Plaza, Parks and Recreation - "Ann's Decision" Jessica Walter, Arrested Development - "Queen B." Allison Williams, Girls - "On All Fours" HONORABLE MENTION: Kelly Bishop, Bunheads; Carly Chaikin, Suburgatory; Anna Chlumsky, Veep; Elisha Cuthbert, Happy Endings; Cheryl Hines, Suburgatory; Sarah Hyland, Modern Family; Jane Krakowski, 30 Rock; Zosia Mamet, Girls; Melissa Rauch, The Big Bang Theory; Alia Shawkat, Arrested Development; Eden Sher, The Middle; Cobie Smulders, How I Met Your Mother; Sofia Vergara, Modern Family; Merritt Wever, Nurse Jackie; Casey Wilson, Happy Endings Best Writing - Comedy Series: Girls - "It's a Shame About Ray" - Lena Dunham Louie - "Daddy's Girlfriend" - Pamela Adlon & Louis C.K. Louie - "Late Show" - Louis C.K. Modern Family - "Arrested" - Becky Mann & Audra Sielaff Parks and Recreation - "Leslie and Ben" - Michael Schur & Alan Yang Veep - "D.C." - Armando Iannucci & Tony Roche HONORABLE MENTION: The Big Bang Theory - “The Love Spell Potential”; Enlightened - “All I Ever Wanted”; Girls - “On All Fours”; Girls - “One Man’s Trash”; Happy Endings - “No-Ho-Ho”; Louie - “New Year’s Eve”; Louie - “Telling Jokes/Set Up”; Modern Family - “Heart Broken”; Modern Family - “My Hero”; New Girl - “Cooler”; New Girl - “Parking Spot”; The Office - “Finale”; Parks and Recreation - “Emergency Response”; Parks and Recreation - “Halloween Surprise”; 30 Rock - “Hogcock!/Last Lunch”; 30 Rock - “My Whole Life Is Thunder”; 30 Rock - “Stride of Pride”; Veep - “First Response”; Veep - “Running” Best Directing - Comedy Series: Girls - "One Man's Trash" - Richard Shepard Louie - "New Year's Eve" - Louis C.K. New Girl - "Parking Spot" - Fred Goss The Office - "Finale" - Ken Kwapis Parks and Recreation - "Emergency Response" - Dean Holland Veep - "Running" - Tim Kirkby HONORABLE MENTION: Enlightened - “All I Ever Wanted”; Girls - “It’s a Shame About Ray”; Girls - “Together”; Glee - “The New Rachel”; Happy Endings - “The Marry Prankster”; How I Met Your Mother - “The Final Page”; Louie - “Barney/Never”; Louie - “Daddy’s Girlfriend”; Louie - “Late Show”; Modern Family - “Arrested”; Modern Family - “Heart Broken”; Modern Family - “Yard Sale”; New Girl - “Cooler”; The Office - “Work Bus”; Parks and Recreation - “Leslie and Ben”; Parks and Recreation - “Two Parties”; Raising Hope - “Modern Wedding”; 30 Rock - “A Goon’s Deed in a Weary World”; 30 Rock - “Hogcock!/Last Lunch”; 30 Rock - “My Whole Life Is Thunder”; Veep - “D.C.”; Veep - “First Response” Best Guest Actor - Comedy Series: David Lynch, Louie - "Late Show, Parts 2 & 3" James Marsden, 30 Rock - "Mazel Tov, Dummies!" Garry Marshall, Louie - "Late Show, Parts 1 & 3" Andrew Rannells, Girls - "Bad Friend" Seth Rogen, The Mindy Project - "The One That Got Away" Patrick Wilson, Girls - "One Man's Trash" HONORABLE MENTION: Bobby Cannavale, Nurse Jackie; Steve Carell, The Office; Dennis Farina, New Girl; Donald Glover, Girls; Bill Hader, The Mindy Project; Leslie Jordan, Raising Hope; Bob Newhart, The Big Bang Theory; Chris O’Dowd, Girls; Mike O’Malley, Glee; Patton Oswalt, Parks and Recreation; Rob Reiner, New Girl; Ben Schwartz, Parks and Recreation; Peter Scolari, Girls; Jorma Taccone, Girls; David Walton, New Girl; Fred Willard, Modern Family; Robin Williams, Louie; Nick Zano, Happy Endings Best Guest Actress - Comedy Series: Shiri Appleby, Girls - "On All Fours" Allison Janney, Veep - "First Response" Melissa Leo, Louie - "Telling Jokes/Set Up" Parker Posey, Louie - "Daddy's Girlfriend, Parts 1 & 2" Merritt Wever, New Girl - "Winston's Birthday" Mae Whitman, Arrested Development - "A New Attitude" HONORABLE MENTION: Malin Akerman, Suburgatory; Georgia Engel, Hot in Cleveland; Judy Greer, Arrested Development; Jackie Hoffman, The New Normal; Margo Martindale, New Girl; Chloe Grace Moretz, 30 Rock; Amy Poehler, Louie; Missi Pyle, 2 Broke Girls; Kristen Schaal, 30 Rock; Chloe Sevigny, Louie; Octavia Spencer, 30 Rock; Elaine Stritch, 30 Rock; Sarah Sutherland, Veep; Liza Weil, Bunheads Best Ensemble - Comedy Series: Arrested Development The Big Bang Theory Happy Endings Modern Family Parks and Recreation Veep HONORABLE MENTION: Bunheads, Community, Girls, Glee, How I Met Your Mother, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Middle, New Girl, Nurse Jackie, The Office, Raising Hope, Suburgatory, 30 Rock, Weeds Best New Comedy Series: Bunheads The Mindy Project The New Normal HONORABLE MENTION: Ben and Kate Best TV Movie/Miniseries: American Horror Story: Asylum Behind the Candelabra The Hour Phil Spector Top of the Lake HONORABLE MENTION: The Big C: hereafter, The Girl, Political Animals, Steel Magnolias, Wallander Best Actor - TV Movie/Miniseries: Kenneth Branagh, Wallander Matt Damon, Behind the Candelabra Michael Douglas, Behind the Candelabra Toby Jones, The Girl Evan Peters, American Horror Story: Asylum Ben Whishaw, The Hour HONORABLE MENTION: Grant Bowler, Liz & Dick; Al Pacino, Phil Spector; Dominic West, The Hour Best Actress - TV Movie/Miniseries: Romola Garai, The Hour Laura Linney, The Big C: hereafter Helen Mirren, Phil Spector Elisabeth Moss, Top of the Lake Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story: Asylum Sigourney Weaver, Political Animals HONORABLE MENTION: Jessica Lange, American Horror Story: Asylum; Sienna Miller, The Girl; Queen Latifah, Steel Magnolias; Sigourney Weaver, Political Animals Best Supporting Actor - TV Movie/Miniseries: Peter Capaldi, The Hour James Cromwell, American Horror Story: Asylum Peter Mullan, Top of the Lake Sebastian Stan, Political Animals James Wolk, Political Animals Thomas M. Wright, Top of the Lake HONORABLE MENTION: Dan Aykroyd, Behind the Candelabra; John Benjamin Hickey, The Big C: hereafter; Joseph Fiennes, American Horror Story: Asylum; Rob Lowe, Behind the Candelabra; Adrian Pasdar, Political Animals; Zachary Quinto, American Horror Story: Asylum; Jeffrey Tambor, Phil Spector; David Wenham, Top of the Lake Best Supporting Actress - TV Movie/Miniseries: Anna Chancellor, The Hour Oona Chaplin, The Hour Holly Hunter, Top of the Lake Lily Rabe, American Horror Story: Asylum Condola Rashad, Steel Magnolias Debbie Reynolds, Behind the Candelabra HONORABLE MENTION: Ellen Burstyn, Political Animals; Carla Gugino, Political Animals; Adepero Oduye, Steel Magnolias; Franka Potente, American Horror Story: Asylum; Phylicia Rashad, Steel Magnolias; Chloe Sevigny, American Horror Story: Asylum; Gabourey Sidibe, The Big C: hereafter; Sofia Vassilieva, Call Me Crazy: A Five Film; Alfre Woodard, Steel Magnolias Best Variety Series: The Colbert Report The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Real Time with Bill Maher Saturday Night Live Watch What Happens Live HONORABLE MENTION: Late Show with David Letterman, Oprah’s Next Chapter, The Soup Best Variety Special: The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards Louis C.K.: Oh My God One Singular Sensation! Celebrating Marvin Hamlisch (Live From Lincoln Center) Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel (Live From Lincoln Center) The 66th Annual Tony Awards HONORABLE MENTION: Audra McDonald: Go Back Home (Live From Lincoln Center), Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne, Demetri Martin. Standup Comedian., The 55th Annual Grammy Awards, Kathy Griffin: Kennedie Center On-Hers, Kristin Chenoweth: The Dames of Broadway…All of ‘Em (Live From Lincoln Center), Night of Too Many Stars: America Comes Together for Autism Programs, Super Bowl XLVII Halftime Show, We Will Always Love You: A Grammy Salute to Whitney Houston Best Male Performer - Variety Series/Special: Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report Nathan Gunn, Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel (Live From Lincoln Center) Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live Bruno Mars, Saturday Night Live Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Justin Timberlake, Saturday Night Live HONORABLE MENTION: Louis C.K., Louis C.K.: Oh My God; Jimmy Fallon, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon; Zach Galifianakis, Saturday Night Live; Neil Patrick Harris, The 66th Annual Tony Awards; Taran Killam, Saturday Night Live; David Letterman, Late Show with David Letterman; Demetri Martin, Demetri Martin. Standup Comedian.; Bobby Moynihan, Saturday Night Live; John Oliver, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; Martin Short, Saturday Night Live; Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; Kenan Thompson, Saturday Night Live; Justin Timberlake, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Best Female Performer - Variety Series/Special: Vanessa Bayer, Saturday Night Live Beyonce, Super Bowl XLVII Halftime Show Tina Fey & Amy Poehler, The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards Melissa McCarthy, Saturday Night Live Audra McDonald, Audra McDonald: Go Back Home (Live From Lincoln Center) Kelli O'Hara, Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel (Live From Lincoln Center) HONORABLE MENTION: Stephanie Blythe, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel (Live From Lincoln Center); Aidy Bryant, Saturday Night Live; Kristin Chenoweth, Kristin Chenoweth: The Dames of Broadway…All of ‘Em (Live From Lincoln Center); Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live; Jessie Mueller, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel (Live From Lincoln Center); Cecily Strong, Saturday Night Live; Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live Best Animated Series: Archer Bob's Burgers Family Guy HONORABLE MENTION: Futurama, The Ricky Gervais Show, The Simpsons, South Park Best Voice-Over Performance - Animated Series: H. Jon Benjamin, Archer - "Sea Tunt, Parts 1 & 2" Dan Castellaneta, The Simpsons - "The Day the Earth Stood Cool" Dan Mintz, Bob's Burgers - "Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks" Eugene Mirman, Bob's Burgers - "The Unnatural" Amber Nash, Archer - "The Papal Chase" Kristen Schaal, Bob's Burgers - "Ear-sy Rider" HONORABLE MENTION: Hank Azaria, The Simpsons; H. Jon Benjamin, Bob’s Burgers; Judy Greer, Archer; Kevin Kline, Bob’s Burgers; Ron Leibman, Archer; Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy; Trey Parker, South Park; Karl Pilkington, The Ricky Gervais Show; John Roberts, Bob’s Burgers; Aisha Tyler, Archer; Jessica Walter, Archer; Billy West, Futurama Best Reality Series - Competition: The Amazing Race The Glee Project Project Runway RuPaul's Drag Race So You Think You Can Dance Top Chef HONORABLE MENTION: America’s Got Talent, The Celebrity Apprentice, The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons, Dancing with the Stars, Face Off, Masterchef, Survivor, The X Factor Best Reality Series - Non-Competition: Flipping Out Hoarders Kitchen Nightmares The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Real Housewives of New Jersey Shark Tank HONORABLE MENTION: The Real Housewives of New York City, Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2 Breakthrough Male Performance: Casey J. Adler, Bunheads Jacob Artist, Glee Chris Coy, Treme Jordan Gavaris, Orphan Black Blake Jenner, Glee Thomas M. Wright, Top of the Lake HONORABLE MENTION: Echo Kellum, Ben and Kate; Andy Mientus, Smash; Sam Palladio, Nashville; Ed Weeks, The Mindy Project Breakthrough Female Performance: Clare Bowen, Nashville Bailey Buntain, Bunheads Kaitlyn Jenkins, Bunheads Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black Cecily Strong, Saturday Night Live Bebe Wood, The New Normal HONORABLE MENTION: Melissa Benoist, Glee; Aidy Bryant, Saturday Night Live; Olivia Cooke, Bates Motel; Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead; Dakota Johnson, Ben and Kate; Meg Chambers Steedle, Boardwalk Empire; Julia Golden Telles, Bunheads Best Documentary Program: American Winter - Harry Gantz & Joe Gantz Beyonce: Life Is But a Dream - Ed Burke & Beyonce Knowles Broadway or Bust - Lance K. Shultz Ethel - Rory Kennedy Inventing David Geffen (American Masters) - Susan Lacy Marina Ambramovic: The Artist Is Present - Matthew Akers Me @ the Zoo - Chris Moukarbel & Valerie Veatch Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God - Alex Gibney Vito - Jeffrey Schwarz Witness - David Frankham & Abdallah Omeish HONORABLE MENTION: Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy (Great Performances), Broke (30 for 30), Crossfire Hurricane, Dropout Nation (Frontline), John Leguizamo: Tales From a Ghetto Known (PBS Arts), Manhunt: The Search for Bin Laden, Mel Brooks: Make a Noise (American Masters), 180 Days: A Year Inside an American High School, Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic, The World According to Dick Cheney, You Don’t Know Bo (30 for 30)
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