#Gilgadad Birds verse
secret-engima · 2 years
Gilgadad: I have the feeling that Glynda Leonis is little Ignis’ role model in being hyper competent and lethal. However, Prompto Leonis is still a cinnamon roll, but an even more terrifying marksman. Not only are all of his guns mecha-shift guns, but he’s figured out how to make pseudo dust rounds from chipped off crystal at the magic points near the havens.
100% yes to all of this. Ignis looks up to Glynda so much and Prompto is an adorable if deadly cinnamon roll with shapeshifting firearms. XD
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secret-engima · 3 years
Gilgadad: I’m imagining this troop running hog wild at some point, and either Glynda’s along for the ride for once, or she’s not there at that moment, and then they get caught on camera/TV. Three magic users with no subtlety because OZ doesn’t need to reign it in any more, a well known missing heiress, and one or two extras. Everyone turns to look at Regis. Aulea: Is there something you’d like to tell me dear?
*snickers* I CAN SO SEE THAT.
Glynda *tries* to keep them in line but does not succeed at all times, and they get caught on a blurry camera recording doing shenanigans.
Regis is *instantly* a confused panic the moment it's brought to his attention. Aulea is more concerned for the wayward kids, plus they're definitely old enough that they were born before Regis married her.
Cor has a headache already. He knows he's going to be the one who has to find them and catch them.
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secret-engima · 2 years
Gilgadad: Really I see Glynda snapping up Prompto as a sibling because she *likes* children, and isn’t old enough (technically), to be his mom. After all, this is the same woman who voluntarily became a teacher…in a combat school for hormonal teenagers who won’t make entirely rational decisions because their brains aren’t fully developed and puberty. Teenagers who had constant access to shapeshifting weaponry.
I can see that! Glynda clearly likes kids if she chose to become a teacher at a school where hormonal teens get to play with superpowers and shapeshifting weapons XD
And besides, she does not trust the Lucian foster system to take care of this baby with special origins and potentially special needs.
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secret-engima · 3 years
LC Birds/Gilgadad: I now kinda want to see Regis using his new meca-shift cane. I mean, I don’t want to see anything serious happen to Clarus. So I don’t know if I want to see Regis and Clarus sparring so he can get used to his new weapon, or if I want an infiltrator/assassin to actually sneak by Clarus and it ends up being the last thing they do.
Regis is hardly going to sit back and let Clarus fight all his battles for him. If an assassin actually got close enough to pick a fight, Clarus would leap forward to be the Shield and Regis would instantly whip out the death cane and open fire.
Any witnesses, staring at the assassin cooling on the floor without a head: O.O
Regis carefully pushes the button to fold it up again and says: Well, that was easier to use than I thought it would be. :D
His children are so talented!
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secret-engima · 3 years
LC Birds/Gilgadad: With Oz and Regis both limping around with a cane and only being distantly related, I can see the public coming to the conclusion that LC’s have a tendency towards joint problems. But then, I can also see the Birds and Co deciding that even though Regis has a shield, that his cane should be a Meca-shift sword too. Just in case. Cue others staring at Oz’s cane and clearly wondering…
The public and the internet especially start theorizing that LCs have a tendency toward chronic illnesses and then *someone* probably does an entire research binge on the lifespans of the royal family and when they start using canes and like-
yeah that's not a fun week for the PR department. But oh well XD.
The Birds and Co definitely put their heads together and make Regis a fancy and terrifying shotgun sword cane of death. Regis is too enamored by his kids giving him a gift to really be concerned with the potential breaking of physics required to have a shotgun, a sword, and a cane all coexisting as one functional entity.
Clarus is now eyeing Oz's cane in trepidation.
Cor is wondering how he can get a "sword that turns into something else" for himself. Because Cor.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Gilgadad: I just saw that clip of Crowe leading the mage division in battle with that *huge* collaboration magic piece. Now I can’t get the idea of the bird twins and Oz doing that sort of thing, but a) they’re all Lucis Caelums so a hell of lot more oomph, b) they aren’t using it like anyone else would, and c) they might have already shared magic with their retinue and they’ve coulda joined the fun too.
Oh that would be *awesome*. They could absolutely do that and 1. make it bigger and 2. do it faster. The magic comes easier to them, and Oz is the one leading the spell and he has a vastly different way of seeing and using magic than anyone on Eos.
Summer, Tai, and Glynda also totally join in as Retinue with magic.
Instead of a firestorm I can see Ozpin leading like- a massive thunderstorm? Whatever he needs to overkill is going to be drowned in pelting, *frozen* droplets of rain that hit like tiny bullets and then smote with a bunch of lightning while the wind howls and keeps the target trapped in place via growing wind vortex.
Because why hit the problem with one natural disaster when you can combo chain three at once?
Gilgadad is so proud.
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secret-engima · 3 years
I'm thinking of the Gilgadad au and like... imagine Summer and Tai somehow stumbling across the Tempering Grounds. Maybe Summer's an Amicitia bastard in this au or something and she and Tai are the orphans who ran away from an orphanage or something and they run into three magic idiots and subsequently also get adopted by Gilgamesh. This poor ghost is Suffering and he Definitely thinks it's karma.
*Wheezes*. Honestly We can easily keep their backstories as Summer the Noble's Daughter and Tai the ... I think I made him an orphan? He's from outer Lucis anyway. All we need to do for this (because it's hilarious), is kidnap Summer and then have Tai spot the suspicious kidnappers and go snooping. He helps Summer free herself and they recognize each other and hare off into the wilds to avoid the kidnappers. They INTEND to go back to Insomnia, but while escaping kidnappers and wild animals they tumble into the camp of the feral birbs and their Oz and like- OF COURSE THEY AREN'T LEAVING.
Gilgamesh let them out of the grounds to go fishing for one day. ONE DAY.
And he knows already there's no giving them up, not with how little Ozpin has claimed them as Retinue already. So Gilgadad is a loud internal scream as he has MORE CHILDREN TO DAD. WHILE HE IS TECHNICALLY DEAD.
This is absolutely punishment for his sins. He spent 2k years thinking being a suit of armor was punishment but no. That was just the waiting time for the Astrals to think up a TRUE punishment and here it is in five tiny child bodies.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Gilgadad: Okay, but Glynda. She’s just making her way out of Niflheim when she stumbles across five gremlins who are Too STRQ and Too Ozpin to NOT be her idiots. She just instantly starts lecturing because they’re all managing to be clowns at once. The stick she’s now waving around like her riding crop is VERY scary, pls have mercy Professor Goodwitch :(
Gilgamesh, immediately upon seeing the new child: (Very Loud Internal Screaming)
Also? Considering Aera’s dead and Gil knows that, and probably still thinks Ardyn’s on Angelgard, and KNOWS they didn’t have a child together, AND the fact that Ramuh himself just gently plopped Oz in front of the twins, Gil probably thinks that Oz was made by the Astrals specifically to be a part of Gil’s punishment.
*wheezes* this keeps getting better.
Glynda is like: You are ABSOLUTELY my idiots and I am going to lecture you WHAT ARE YOU WEARING. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LIVE WITH A DEAD MAN.
Gilgamesh: *Oh no they've multiplied again help*.
Oh GOSH I hadn't thought of that. He absolutely thinks that Oz was crafted specifically by the Astrals to punish Gilgamesh and make him feel bad and it's working.
And Oz is like: I literally do not remember enough to say no, but the idea that I reincarnated into a world where that is plausible is traumatizing thank you.
Glynda: *already preparing to fight the gods with her stick on Oz's behalf*
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secret-engima · 3 years
twas thinking on lc birds and i know you already have an au of it in the form of ardynson(? is that it idr) but i would like you to consider: instead of plopping oz down with the galahdians, ramuh takes one look at oz's soul and then looks at the bird twins' souls and goes Oh Okay and plops him down with the twins.
now gilgamesh's carrion birds have found another lc and he's not too surprised, royalty be like that, until he registers that oz feels like ardyn and aera and he just... that's His now. his oracle prince. cue niflheim's death-by-gilgamesh being even earlier and even more painful.
That would be hilarious. Ramuh gently plopping bby Oz right in front of the bby birds, who immediately run off to Gilgamesh because HELP OUR KING IS HURT.
Gilgamesh: *senses Ozpin's mixed magic and sees his facial features*
Gilgamesh: *confused guilty internal screaming*
Also Gilgamesh: *immediately begins to awkwardly dad newest child*
Ozpin is more than a little confused to wake up in ... a tomb? With Qrow and Raven but small? And a giant haunted suit of armor that is awkwardly trying to parent??? What is this reincarnation he's found himself in????
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secret-engima · 2 years
So, I know that I’ve sent you two asks for Gilgadad…a couple months ago. I was just wondering if they’re in your backlog or if tumblr ate them, because tumblr. Not trying to be pushy, just wondering.
No, I think they're in here! I'm just trying to drag the muses over to answer them. ^^;
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secret-engima · 4 years
LC Birds 'verse: Everyone who mistakenly thinks that Raven is going to be the model of a stereotypical princess will be /very surprised/. (And oh, but sudden mental image of the various members of the Lucan Nobility - and possibly foreign Nobility - seeing that there is an eligible princess soon to be on the market, and dreaming up Plans - only for said Plans to be shattered by Raven's, well, Raven-ness, and Qrow's tendency to sit back and LAUGH at the show)
*cackles* oh absolutely. Raven is irreverent and prankish and gremlin, but she was also once the leader of a BANDIT tribe. These fussy nobles are *not prepared* for how expertly she can verbally shred them into tiny pieces when they attempt to schmooze with her. She is cunning and cutthroat and wayyyy smarter than just about anyone else in the room.
Qrow is a Delight™, look at his sister go. This is just like the good old days back in Beacon when the snobbier teams tried to pull one over on them because they were from outside the kingdoms.
Cor is actually impressed with how thoroughly Raven can verbally shred a man, and that’s on TOP of her Gilgadad trained swordsmanship abilities.
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secret-engima · 4 years
LC Birds 'verse idea: What if the twins actually /didn't/ reconcile in their past lives, and they only reluctantly banded together while young in their new one because their survival literally depended on working together? And what if, what if - it was /Gilgamesh/ who provided them with the support/advice etc needed for them to really become /family/ again? (Q+R, rediscovering their Inner Brats/Gremlins: Thank you, Gilgadad! Gilgamesh: What have I unleashed upon the world - ?)
Hmmm that is a good angst idea, but no. For the sake of plot convenience and drama, they reconciled pre-dying. If not LONG before dying.
Gilgamesh can still help them though! Because they never really had a parent in EITHER lifetime and now he’s filling that role of breaking up sibling squabbles before there can be actual bloodshed and also just- trying to make them happy and safe.
They absolutely call him Gilgadad though. XD
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