#Git project tutorial
codeonedigest · 2 years
What is GitHub? Github tutorial and project setup, Reference guide to GitHub Commands
Hi, a new #video on #GitHub #tutorial and #Project #Setup is published on @codeonedigest #youtube channel. Learn, what is GitHub in 1 minute. #Gitprojecttutorial #gitproject #gitprojectupload #gitprojectsetup #gitprojectmanagement #gitprojectexample #git
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets people work together on projects from anywhere. GitHub is easy to use, it supports both public and private repositories, it is free of cost. In this video we will learn, how to start working with GITHUB repository? How to create GITHUB project? How to initialize GITHUB repository? How to add files in GITHUB? How to…
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skarlettskwrl · 1 year
GIT Font and PNG Generator
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This post by @pichikui was the spark of inspiration for this whole project.
I'm super excited to share this project (though it's in beta stage) The first part is a font family based off of the glitch in time ghost speak codex.
The second part is PNG Image Generator that can copy the GIT font to the system clipboard as PNG, download it as PNG, and copy an HTML template to paste into AO3. If you are unsure how to embed images into AO3, please consult this tutorial on the topic.
As I previously stated, this project is still in beta, so if you guys find any bugs or issues, feel free to reach out. I'm also open to collab as well.
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spockandawe · 4 months
I forgot to post the last few paintings! I have also been experimenting with watercolors, because I've never been a person to git gud at a single craft when I could be mediocre at ten million 😂 (stay tuned for my impending adventures in straw marquetry and lampshade covering) (neither of those are jokes).
For watercolor, like with acrylics, I dove in pretty big, with the aim of having things for my parents' new house by mother's day. So I was very much aiming for foolproof projects! I had two very tall, very skinny frames (12x36) that i got from the clearance section, thinking I would buy 36 inch watercolor paper, only to learn that no such thing was in the stores near me. So for that, i went abstract and layered, using spacers from the papercrafts i never followed through on to give it some dimensionality that doesn't photograph well. And then i looked up tutorial videos for loose watercolor flowers. Very much a learning process, and I was painting right up until noon of mother's day, but I had fun and mom was delighted! Now it's time to back down and do real studies and learn the fundamentals, haha
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izicodes · 2 years
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Hiya! Just wanted to share some Web Dev learning course videos I found really helpful! They're all pretty long and full of content! These videos can be the foundation of your web development journey and be used as a reference! If you do decide to work through the videos, do remember to code along - the best way to learn is by doing and, with programming especially, creating projects as well to apply what you've learned!
Most of the videos, if not at all, cover things like:
Responsive Design + Mobile design
GitHub Tutorials
Tailwind CSS fundamentals
React fundamentals
Next.js and more!
Now, onto the videos themselves below!
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Web Development Tutorials For Beginners playlist by LearnCode.academy [link] 💻
Covers: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub, Responsive Design
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Full Course Web Development [22 Hours] | Learn Full Stack Web Development From Scratch by Codedamn [link] 💻
Covers: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React, Tailwind CSS, React Query, Node.js, Next.js
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Full Stack Web Development for Beginners by FreeCodeCamp.org [link]
Covers: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB
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Introduction To Responsive Web Design by FreeCodeCamp.org [link]
Covers: HTML, CSS, Flexbox, Media Queries
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Web Development In 2022 - A Practical Guide by Traversy Media [link]
Covers: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, PostCSS, TypeScript fundamentals, Testing, Databases, GrapghQL, WordPress, REST APIs, UI kits & Libraries, Moblie Development fundamentals, Web3
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Front End Development Full Course 2022 | Front End Development Tutorial For Beginners by Simplilearn [link]
Covers: Git and GitHub, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Angular
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Learn Web Development from Scratch by Edureka [link]
Covers: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, TypeScript
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Well, that’s all! I hope the videos are helpful!! 😋
Have a nice day/night and happy programming 👍🏾💗
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
Using Git for Twine Games
A while back, I somehow managed to copy the contents of one file and overwrite a different file, meaning the entire section of the map was lost for good. I had to reconstruct it from snippets of prose written in separate documents. It sucked. And that motivated me to try something that would stop that problem from ever happening- hosting my project on GitHub!
Git sounds really fancy and hard to understand, but it's really not! So I'm going to walk you through how to use it to back up your files and do much, much more.
This tutorial expects you to have an already set up Tweego folder and VSCode. If you don't know how to get that started, @manonamora-if has an excellent ready-to-use folder with an explanation of how to use it.
What is Git?
In short, git is a kind of version control. Say you're working on a coding project with somebody else, and you need to work on the same file they were working on. But how do you know you're working on the right version of that file? Maybe they forgot to send you the newest version. Or maybe you both have to make changes at the same time. It would take a lot of effort to manually splice together everybody's changes, let alone identify what each of you had changed. That's what git's job is. Git identifies what has changed about a file, notes those changes, and updates the "main" files to match. That way, everything stays consistent, and big files can be updated easily.
Okay, but what benefit does git provide to you, somebody who's just working on a solo project with very little code? Well for one, it would have completely fixed my problem. Instead of overwriting all of my work, git would have shown me that the file had been changed. Then, I could simply click a button to revert the change. Neat! It also means you can keep working on the same project from multiple locations without losing progress. Say you're working on your game on your home computer, but then you want to keep working on your school laptop. All you'd have to do is "push" your changes to save them to your master file, and then "pull" the changes when you get to school. Neat
The Basics of Git
Okay, but what does "push" and "pull" mean? Git's confusing, but the basic terms you'll be encountering don't have to be! Here's some terminology:
Git - This is the program that goes on your computer to manage your files. It does all of the version control.
GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket - These provide servers you can host your git repositories on.
Repositories - This is a fancy word for a folder that's being maintained by git. Every file in a repository is getting analyzed by git for changes.
Local vs Remote - Your local repository is the one hosted on your computer, and it's the one you're editing. The remote one is the one hosted on a site like GitHub.
Stage - When you stage a file, you're getting it ready to commit it.
Commit - A commit is like saving your progress as a new update. You can go back to a commit later if you messed something up.
Push - When you "push" your commits, git will look at your changes, go into the remote repository, and individually change all of those things in the "main" branch.
Pull - Just like pushing, when you pull, you're taking changes from the remote repository and updating your local one to match it.
Under the cut, I'll show you full step-by-step (with photos!) of how to set up your game with GitHub using VSCode!
Setting Up Git With VSCode
Lucky for you, VSCode has built in integration with GitHub, which means you don't have to download any new programs other than git itself. You'll just have to set it up. A note- I'm not sure at what point exactly in this process VSCode prompts you to install git, because I'm not going to install it on another computer just for this tutorial haha. VSCode will provide the installation, just go along with the default settings and you'll be fine.
So first, make a Github account. It's free!
Now, open VSCode. Here's our project! You're going to want to click on that third button down in the side menu, the Source Control tab.
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Under source control, you'll see this option. Click it.
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Aaaaand it's done! That was easy, right? Now your folder is a git repository. Crazy!
Before you can put all of this up in GitHub, you'll need to push all of your files. Type a brief message (try "Initializing" to feel like a real cool coder), press commit, and VSCode will ask if you want to skip staging and just commit everything. Yes! Yes you do!
Now that all of your "changes" have been committed, let's publish your new repository to GitHub. Click on the new button that says "publish branch." When the popup appears, click "Allow" to give VSCode access to your GitHub account and sign in. Back in VSCode, you'll see this:
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You're probably going to want it to be private, otherwise anyone on the internet could see all of your writing! Which is cool if it's a public coding project that people might want to download and use for their own projects, but if you're not a fan of code diving, leave it private.
Using Git To Help You Write
Now that you've got your folder set up as a git repository, it'll change the way VSCode looks. VSCode is using git's info to know where you've made changes, and it'll represent those changes in the UI. Here's what those look like:
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If you click on those lines, you'll get to see this fancy new panel that highlights all of your changes:
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So let's say we have a scene, and we aren't happy with how it's looking, but we aren't sure if we want to make one change or a different change. Instead of backing up all of your stuff or copy and pasting it to test it, you can just make whatever change you want and click that backwards facing arrow to revert it back if you aren't happy with it. You can do the same for things like CSS- when you've made some good progress and want to save your changes, commit them. Then any more changes you make will be easy to revert back if they don't look right. Groovy!
Now that everything's set up, it's as easy as committing your changes when you're satisfied with them and pushing those commits to back up your work.
Pat yourself on the back! You just learned (the very basics of) how to use git! You absolute genius!
If you have any questions while following this tutorial, feel free to ask! My askbox is always open!
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fujowebdev · 10 months
New Streaming Schedule (and New Update)
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We're back with a Kickstarter update and a new streaming schedule! This December, we're going to git serious: we'll be streaming every week, twice a week (Monday and Thursday) for 2 hours at 3PM PST!
About the Streams
In addition to two new hangout editions of our “Let’s Build our Website” series where we'll finish all that we have pending and add more content to the website, we’ve added a couple new types of stream:
A tutorial write-along, where our project lead will explain how to use PayPal/Stripe links to easily add a tip jar on your Astro website (and compile that information in a blog post).
A learn-together session (possibly more than one), where you can follow an experienced software developer as she tries to learn the intricacies of accepting payments on the web, using the actual Stripe and PayPal APIs.
In addition to these, we’ll look at adding more characters into RobinBoob by scraping AO3 with AO3.js, and we’ll start a new series where we’ll rebuild the RobinBoob's functionality from scratch! After all, like many of our “April 1st projects”, RobinBoob was built in a feverish last-minute rush, and we cannot add some of the requested features without a serious rewrite!
Where to Find Them
We’ll see you this Monday, December 4th at 3PM (see converted time on the schedule) on Twitch, and all throughout December!
First Beta Feedback
And since Tumblr generously allows us to write as much as we want, here's a small sample of the feedback to the first draft of our first issue! You can read more about it under the cut, or get the full details on Kickstarter.
“Unlike other code guides, it's engaging and not dry. [I] wish some of the coding books i read in the past were like the fujoguide cause like. i would have been more into it”
“The guide was really easy to use for the most part, with cute examples and just... really fun!”
“I'm enjoying this, it's approachable and I really like the various ways information is presented; it looks like a legit textbook, like it seems like I could've picked this up from a shelf in Barnes & Noble.”
“I'm really happy at how many cool things are packed here. I have so many friends I will throw this guide at once complete!”
Looking forward to sharing our guide with you all!
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armory-rasa · 1 year
Thorin boot caps, start to finish
I’d made the pattern for his boot caps available in my shop, but unlike my other pattern packages, it didn’t come with instructions on how to make them. So, here is me fixing that with a quick step-by-step tutorial. :)
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Step one, print your pattern, trace it out (twice) onto 10 oz veg-tan:
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(The reason that leather is an odd shape is because it was a discarded panel from the Witcher armor. Waste not, want not, I suppose. 🤣)
Cut it out; you can use a utility knife or an exacto knife for this:
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Case it, aka dunk it in water a bit until it softens up:
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Then you’ll probably want to put it in a plastic bag or something overnight, so that the water can evenly permeate the leather. I wrote a whooooooole big thing on proper casing that’s much too long to retread here, but is worth a read if you’re trying to git gud at leather tooling.
When the leather is well cased, take a stylus (or a ballpoint pen) and trace the design from your pattern piece. The leather should darken where you’ve indented it, an effect called burnishing, that makes your traced design very easy to see:
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(And if your design isn’t burnishing well, that’s usually a tip-off that your leather is still much too wet.)
The next step is to use a swivel knife to go over all the lines you traced. I actually forgot to take a picture of this step, but digging around on my computer turned up a very old WIP photo from the same project, showing the carved lines next to the traced lines:
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If you haven’t used a swivel knife before, I strongly advise doing a lot of practice on scrap leather before you attempt it on your project -- it’s unintuitive for people who aren’t used to it, and in my opinion it is one of the hardest leatherworking tools to master. On the plus side: this project is entirely straight lines, which makes it much easier.
Once you’ve got your cutlines made, you are going to bevel every single one of them -- outward from the design, inward from the edges of the piece.
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It looks kind of complicated at a glance, but technically speaking it’s very simple, since all you’re doing is bevelling. You can do almost the entire thing with a single stamp, a wide checkered beveller (Craftool B971, if you’re buying from Tandy Leather), and switch to a narrower beveller (what’s shown here is a Barry King tool; the closest Craftool equivalent would probably be B936) for getting into a couple of tight crannies.
When your tooling is done, you’ll want to put some texturing on the overall piece, because that will make it look better when it comes time to paint it. I have a mallet I made for exactly this purpose, a cheapo rubber mallet that I pockmarked with a dremel, but you can literally just go outside and find a rock for this step:
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Take a rivet hole punch (~2 mm) and punch the holes as shown: 
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(Or punch different holes -- this is going to be how you attach them to your shoes, and there are a lot of different ways you could go about that.)
Take your edge beveller and round off the sharp square edges (you’ll do this on both the top side and the underside), as shown below:
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Punch stitching holes as shown. If you don’t have one of these punches, you can poke the holes with with an awl instead, it’ll just be slower.
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Take your knife again and carefully cut at a 45 degree angle from the top of your stitching holes to the edge of the leather. This is what is going to allow them to come together to form a tidy right angle:
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Mark the lines where it’s going to fold, and do something similar there. The key is that we’re removing material to make it easier to bend the leather, and make for sharper angles in the folds.
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Time to dye! For this (and other armor pieces that get gilded afterward) I use Eco-Flo Waterstain in black. Leave the angled edges you cut undyed, because that will help them adhere better when it comes time to glue:
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And before you leave them to dry, pre-fold them into the final shape you want -- it will put less strain on the glue, and folding leather after it’s dry can cause it to crack.
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When the dye is dry, apply contact cement to the angled edges:
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Wait 15~20 minutes for the contact cement to set, and then firmly press the edges together, being careful to have them correctly aligned before you do. (Because you only get one shot with contact cement, and if you set it crooked, you’ll have to pry them apart, scrub the glue off, and try again.)
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Time to stitch up the corners, because glue is almost never meant to be the ONLY thing holding leather together. Start like so, with 12″ of waxed black thread and two blunt needles:
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And then you just kinda.... sew up the line. I’m not sure how to explain it, just stick needles in holes in a way that makes sense.
From the outside:
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From the inside:
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Then tie off a knot with your loose ends, and clip them down to like 3/4″. With the tie-off at the top rather than the bottom, it’s not likely to come loose because there’s no strain being put on it at that point.
Then, because those glued-together edges are currently very ugly, you’ll want to take them down with some sandpaper, or a knife if you’ve got a steady hand. I use the sanding drum on a dremel, to make them level and smooth them out:
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And then you’ll need to hit those edges with another quick coat of the black dye, and buff them smooth, which I also forgot to take a picture of. Fortunately this step is easy: edges are undyed, so dye them.
Very last step is to put the metal color on them. In all the reference pics they look like a very muddy bronze, and I found a great mimic for that in Rub n Buff’s “Spanish Copper.”
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It’s very simple to apply, you just coat your finger with a very small amount of it, and then dab/rub it lightly over your surface. It gilds the raised areas without getting into the crevices, which does a brilliant job bringing out the textural detail in your work.
That said, if you don’t have that product and don’t want to acquire it, you can dry-brush it with your acrylic paint of choice.
And then you’re done -- le voila, Thorin boot caps!
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graphicdesign01bbsmit · 7 months
Mastering Web Development: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
In the vast landscape of technology, web development stands as a crucial cornerstone. It encompasses the art and science of building websites, ranging from simple static pages to complex web applications. Whether you're aiming to pursue a career in software development or seeking to enhance your digital presence, understanding web development is essential.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the fundamental concepts and practical skills needed to master web development from scratch. Let's dive in!
1. Understanding HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML serves as the backbone of every web page, providing the structure and content. It uses tags to define different elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. By mastering HTML, you'll be able to create well-structured and semantically meaningful web documents.
2. Exploring CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS is the language used to style HTML elements, enhancing their appearance and layout. With CSS, you can customize colors, fonts, spacing, and more, giving your website a polished and professional look. Understanding CSS selectors and properties is essential for effective styling.
3. Introduction to JavaScript
JavaScript is a versatile programming language that adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. From simple animations to complex web applications, JavaScript powers a wide range of functionalities. Learning JavaScript fundamentals such as variables, functions, and events is crucial for web development.
4. Building Responsive Websites
In today's mobile-centric world, it's essential to create websites that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Responsive web design achieves this by using fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries. Mastering responsive design principles ensures that your websites look great on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
5. Introduction to Version Control with Git
Git is a powerful tool for tracking changes in your codebase and collaborating with other developers. By learning Git basics such as branching, merging, and committing, you can streamline your development workflow and effectively manage project versions.
6. Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
Front-end frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, and Materialise provide pre-designed components and stylesheets to expedite web development. By leveraging these frameworks, you can create responsive and visually appealing websites with less effort and code.
7. Introduction to Back-End Development
While front-end development focuses on the user interface, back-end development deals with server-side logic and database management. Learning back-end languages such as Node.js, Python, or PHP enables you to build dynamic web applications and handle user interactions efficiently.
8. Deploying Your Website
Once you've developed your website, it's time to make it accessible to the world. Deploying a website involves selecting a web hosting provider, uploading your files, and configuring domain settings. Understanding the deployment process ensures that your website goes live smoothly.
9. Conclusion and Next Steps
Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide to mastering web development! By now, you've gained a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, version control, frameworks, and deployment. As you continue your journey in web development, remember to stay curious, practice regularly, and explore advanced topics to further refine your skills.
Resources for Further Learning:
Online tutorials and documentation
Interactive coding platforms
Community forums and discussion groups
Next Steps:
Explore advanced topics such as web performance optimization, server-side rendering, and progressive web apps.
Build real-world projects to apply your skills and showcase your portfolio.
Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in web development through blogs, podcasts, and conferences.
With dedication and perseverance, you'll continue to evolve as a proficient web developer, creating innovative solutions and contributing to the ever-changing digital landscape . Happy coding!
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abiyaabi · 8 months
Navigating the DevOps Landscape: A Beginner's Comprehensive
Roadmap In the dynamic realm of software development, the DevOps methodology stands out as a transformative force, fostering collaboration, automation, and continuous enhancement. For newcomers eager to immerse themselves in this revolutionary culture, this all-encompassing guide presents the essential steps to initiate your DevOps expedition.
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Grasping the Essence of DevOps Culture: DevOps transcends mere tool usage; it embodies a cultural transformation that prioritizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. Begin by comprehending the fundamental principles of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement.
Immerse Yourself in DevOps Literature: Kickstart your journey by delving into indispensable DevOps literature. "The Phoenix Project" by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, and Kevin Behr, along with "The DevOps Handbook," provides invaluable insights into the theoretical underpinnings and practical implementations of DevOps.
Online Courses and Tutorials: Harness the educational potential of online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity. Seek courses covering pivotal DevOps tools such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes. These courses will furnish you with a robust comprehension of the tools and processes integral to the DevOps terrain.
Practical Application: While theory is crucial, hands-on experience is paramount. Establish your own development environment and embark on practical projects. Implement version control, construct CI/CD pipelines, and deploy applications to acquire firsthand experience in applying DevOps principles.
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Explore the Realm of Configuration Management: Configuration management is a pivotal facet of DevOps. Familiarize yourself with tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef, which automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration, ensuring uniformity across diverse environments.
Containerization and Orchestration: Delve into the universe of containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes. Containers provide uniformity across diverse environments, while orchestration tools automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Integral to DevOps is CI/CD. Gain proficiency in Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitLab CI to automate code change testing and deployment. These tools enhance the speed and reliability of the release cycle, a central objective in DevOps methodologies.
Grasp Networking and Security Fundamentals: Expand your knowledge to encompass networking and security basics relevant to DevOps. Comprehend how security integrates into the DevOps pipeline, embracing the principles of DevSecOps. Gain insights into infrastructure security and secure coding practices to ensure robust DevOps implementations.
Embarking on a DevOps expedition demands a comprehensive strategy that amalgamates theoretical understanding with hands-on experience. By grasping the cultural shift, exploring key literature, and mastering essential tools, you are well-positioned to evolve into a proficient DevOps practitioner, contributing to the triumph of contemporary software development.
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annajade456 · 8 months
Strategic Learning on a Shoestring: DevOps Certification on a Budget
Embarking on the path to becoming a certified DevOps engineer need not be accompanied by a hefty price tag. In a digital realm overflowing with resources, you can effectively traverse this journey without breaking the bank. Let's unravel a comprehensive guide in 500 words, charting the steps to attain DevOps certification without a substantial financial investment.
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1. Establishing a Solid Foundation: Grasping DevOps Principles Commence your journey with a robust understanding of DevOps principles and practices. Immerse yourself in the realm of free online resources, including blogs, articles, and introductory courses. Platforms such as Dev.to and Medium host insightful articles, while MOOCs on Coursera deliver structured introductory courses to set the stage.
2. Leveraging Online Learning Platforms: Accessing Cost-Free Courses Esteemed online learning platforms like Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning provide an array of free DevOps courses. Collaborating with universities and industry experts, these platforms offer quality content. Explore courses from institutions like the University of California, Google Cloud, or Microsoft to gain a well-rounded understanding of DevOps practices.
3. YouTube Tutorials: A Wealth of Free Knowledge YouTube stands as a treasure trove of tutorials spanning various DevOps tools and practices. Channels like "The Net Ninja," "edureka!," and "Techsith" furnish free, in-depth tutorials. From version control to containerization and CI/CD pipelines, leverage these resources to absorb concepts visually and at your own pace.
4. Mastering Version Control: Git and GitHub Proficiency Proficiency in version control systems, particularly Git, is indispensable for a DevOps engineer. Platforms like GitHub offer free accounts for personal projects, providing the space to practice version control, collaborate, and showcase your prowess. Immerse yourself in repositories, contribute to open source projects, and build a tangible portfolio.
5. Hands-On Practice: Virtual Labs for Practical Expertise Solidify theoretical knowledge through hands-on practice in virtual labs using tools like VirtualBox or Vagrant. These environments provide a sandbox for experimenting with various DevOps tools and workflows. Practical experience is the linchpin for translating theory into applied skills.
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6. Contributing to Open Source: Collaborating in Real-World Projects Actively engage in open source projects on platforms like GitHub. This avenue offers opportunities for collaboration, exposure to real-world scenarios, and a chance to exhibit your skills. Your contributions serve as tangible proof of your practical abilities and commitment to the DevOps community.
7. Free Certification Courses: Accessible Learning Paths While certain certifications may come with a price tag, numerous organizations offer free DevOps-related certification courses. Platforms such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Learn, and the Linux Foundation provide accessible courses. While the certification itself may involve a cost, the learning resources leading up to it often come without a financial burden.
In conclusion, achieving DevOps certification without a substantial financial commitment is not only plausible but also attainable with a strategic approach. By amalgamating self-paced learning, practical application, and community involvement, you can cultivate a robust skill set and confidently pursue DevOps certification without incurring significant expenses. Dedication, proactive learning, and a commitment to continuous improvement will serve as your guiding lights on this budget-friendly DevOps journey. Best of luck!
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magnetohazard · 1 year
Hey!! What sort of process did you use to mod your own custom character model into RoR2?? This sounds like it’d be the perfect project to get into 3d modeling. Also, is it usable in multiplayer?
Thanks for taking the time to ask! I used this tutorial by Audrey from Earth! on YouTube. It was really helpful but there are a few things in there that you may have to defer to the full-length version for if you want a more in-depth explanation of something.
There was an issue when it came to getting the SkinBuilder addon to work with the Git URL so I downloaded the the .zip and added it from the drive it was on.
In terms of being playable with multiplayer? No fuckin clue yet, I'm waiting for a friend to be available to try it. I would imagine if you put it on the R2ModMan service for distribution it should work I think. Basically all you need for something like this to work is for both you and the other player(s) have the same file installed.
Hope that answers at least a couple questions for you! Have fun, I'd love to see what you make!
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codermj · 2 years
How to become a front-end 💻 website developer this year!
To become a front-end website developer in 2023, you can follow these steps:
Acquire fundamental HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge through online courses, tutorials, or books.
Develop your skills by building projects and learning frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.
Get familiar with version control using Git and GitHub.
Stay up-to-date with the latest web technologies, techniques, and industry trends.
Participate in online forums, attend meetups, and network with other developers to learn from their experiences and gain new insights.
Finally, practice and hone your skills by working on personal projects or contributing to open-source projects.
Note 📝: A portfolio of your projects and a solid understanding of the development process are key to finding a job as a front-end developer.
here is my @YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@thecodermj/ where you can learn how to build front-end projects if you have a little knowledge of HTML and CSS
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james-clarksons · 1 year
A Step-By-Step Guide To Starting Your Developer’s Journey
Giks Canada
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Embarking on Your Developer's Journey: A Step-By-Step Guide
The world of software development is a realm of endless creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Whether you're just starting out or looking to transition into a tech career, embarking on your developer's journey is an exciting endeavor. From learning the fundamentals to mastering advanced concepts, this step-by-step guide will help you navigate the path to becoming a skilled developer.
Step 1: Define Your Path
Begin by clarifying your goals. Are you interested in frontend or backend development? Mobile apps or web applications? Defining your focus will guide your learning journey.
Step 2: Choose a Programming Language
Select a programming language aligned with your chosen path. For web development, consider languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For backend development, explore options like Python, Ruby, or Java.
Step 3: Learn the Basics
Start with the basics. Online platforms, coding bootcamps, and tutorials offer beginner-friendly resources to help you grasp programming concepts, syntax, and logic.
Step 4: Build Small Projects
Apply what you've learned by building small projects. These could be simple websites, calculators, or basic apps. Practice is key to solidify your understanding.
Step 5: Explore Frameworks
Frameworks simplify development. For web development, explore frontend frameworks like React or backend frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails.
Step 6: Version Control with Git
Git is essential for collaboration and version control. Learn the basics of Git and platforms like GitHub to manage your projects effectively.
Step 7: Dive Deeper
As you gain confidence, delve into more advanced topics. Learn about databases, APIs, authentication, and other crucial concepts relevant to your chosen path.
Step 8: Solve Real-world Problems
Challenge yourself with real-world problems. Platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank offer coding challenges that enhance your problem-solving skills.
Step 9: Collaborate and Network
Join coding communities, forums, and meetups. Networking helps you learn from others, get feedback, and stay updated on industry trends.
Step 10: Build a Portfolio
Create a portfolio showcasing your projects. A strong portfolio demonstrates your skills and makes you stand out to potential employers.
Step 11: Seek Internships or Freelance Work
Apply your skills in real-world scenarios through internships or freelance work. Practical experience is invaluable for your growth as a developer.
Step 12: Keep Learning
Technology evolves rapidly. Stay curious and continue learning about new languages, tools, and trends to remain relevant in the field.
Step 13: Specialize
As you gain experience, consider specializing in a niche area like mobile app development, machine learning, or cybersecurity.
Step 14: Contribute to Open Source
Contributing to open-source projects enhances your skills, connects you with the community, and boosts your resume.
Step 15: Stay Adaptable
Adaptability is key in tech. Embrace change, continuously update your skills, and be open to learning new technologies.
In Conclusion
Embarking on your developer's journey requires dedication, perseverance, and a thirst for learning. Remember, every coder started as a beginner. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll lay a strong foundation for your growth as a developer. Stay curious, build, collaborate, and continuously improve – your journey has just begun.
For more information go to my blog website.
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
My strengths and ambitions
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Generic skills and forces:
Research, "Creative" Writing & Analysis (atlases, encyclopedias, reference works...)
Multimedia Collaging and Video Compositing
Analog Media and Digital Data Preservation
Composing tracker music
Technical documentation
(explorable?) multimedia explainers
History (& alternate history)
Information technologies
Historical hardware & software
Sidestream software & "operating" systems
Casual spirituality topics?
TTRPG crawl campaign setting & systemic designs...
Toybox tools and manifestation games...
Causal collectible card games and expansive board game mods...
Demoscene and game modding...
Vector / Retro Aliased Raster illustrations
Animations & interactive (A?)SVG cartoons
Free, Libre and Open Source movement (open culture, open hardware and open software, et cetera.)
Computer builds and overall customization (especially the looks but also functionality, both virtual and physically informed)
Sensible, caring and detail-oriented.
Specific skills (existing and upcoming) and emphasis points for my career
Page pixel dolls, banner blinkies, panels & other animated GIF graphics...
Printables (blanks, worksheet, guestbooks, greeting cards...)
Stickers & clipart
Stationery (especially legacy/obsoleted types)
Desktop organizers with bundled theme packs (even cursors, icons, sounds, widgets and almost everything else under the sun?)
Monero+Liquid online shop
ClipStudioPaint (upcoming...)
WordPerfect from Corel (upcoming...)
OpenMPT + MilkyTracker (tracker music)
ReNoise (upcoming...)
Krita with G'MIC
GrafX2 (upcoming...)
Kate & KDevelop
Version control with Git (GitHub, GitLab, GitTea...)
Homebrew responsive yet retro stylized HTML5/CSS3 static sites/blogs with Neocities + Hexo (and Jekyll?)
Vim & Emacs
Linux + BSD commands with both Bash and Fish shells
KDE Plasma
Linux/BSD/POSIX certifications?
Common Lisp & Nim (with C bindings?)
Godot + Qodot
Entrepreneurship / autonomous work?
Dreams and projects:
Video rental-store full-stack ticket database
Fiction atlases and themed pointcrawl semi-historical adventures...
Cozy game levels for raycasters and doom-clones
Cozy social spaces in Qodot & Hammer++
Cartoon pitches & short animated explainers
Toybox sets and modular building easy assemblers...
TTRPG campaign setting and supplementary rulesets...
Stylized yesterweb responsive pages
Analog media production (music video and data Digipaks)
SVG stickers, PDF printables and OGG content...
Fully custom developer desktop environment themes & scripted auto-riced workflows
Tutorials, listicles and other long-form content threads...
Raw art files and game-ready asset / clipart bundles
Manifestation / affirmation Tarot-sized card deques
Alternate technological implementations...
Dumbphone / "feature phone", two-way pagers and other dumb specialized devices... designing.
Constructed language(s) with nuanced dialects and poetic audio recordings...
Library economy in diecast car miniature worlds for sci-fi films
My very own guidebooks and curations
Lofi illustrations, podcast covers and album digipaks with feelies...
I hope that does sum up my professional + hobby goals well enough.
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izicodes · 1 year
Anonymous ask came through | My story
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I accidently deleted their ask, so I'll answer it here
Someone messaged anonymously me saying I was privileged to get the apprenticeship and that I shouldn't be sharing tips on my blog about Junior Developer roles since I’m “experienced” (I've only worked for 1 year and 5 months which my apprenticeship lasted for one year).
The anonymous person mentioned they have been studying for 6 months and still haven't found a tech job or the job they wanted. They mentioned that I shouldn't be making posts and share tips because I'm at a privalge position coming from attending an apprenticeship and I don't relate to what they're struggling with - to that I'm sorry it's been hard for you, I wouldn't wish that for anyone studying entirely on their own. please keep trying, don't give up.
But what the anonymous person doesn't know is how hard things were for me and my family for many years to even get me to where I am today.
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I am privileged to be in the UK to be able attend school, privileged to get accepted into an apprenticeship after doing two exams for it but:
I come from a family who were classed as "very low income" by the government for many years and only recently we broke out of that.
I learnt HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python on my own before the apprenticeship gave lessons on it and by then I already knew the topics.
The apprenticeship didn’t teach me Git or GitHub or how to set up VS Code or Visual Studio - I taught myself online.
I learnt SQL and C# from YouTube because the teacher was so bad at explaining things.
I only passed the two required exams for the apprenticeship after failing 3 times - which I posted about it on my blog.
I taught myself the tech I use today, the apprenticeship did was secure me a job and having a Lead Web Developer to shadow, though he had his own projects he was busy on.
When I realised the apprenticeship wasn’t going to teach me everything I needed to learn for my tech career, I joined and completed a free online night coding bootcamp from the government and studied for 16 weeks whilst having the apprenticeship and work to attend to.
All I do on my blog, my little tiny corner of the internet, is share my progress, tips through tutorials, write posts about a topic I learnt recently and share information I get from attending those career masterclasses that free for people to join in the UK. I want to help people, not to flaunt my success. I’ve failed lots of times and posted about them on here - exams, work projects and even my own personal projects.
I may not be a self-taught with no experience and suddenly got a great tech job that the anonymous messenger wanted me to, but I’m still going to share my experience and tips that might help people out their own their own coding journey (that’s why I end some of my posts with “I hope this helps someone out there”). If you’re looking for someone that is self-taught and got a successful tech job from no previous experience, I don't think I am that person for you to follow, there would be no point following my blog because I got the role through an apprenticeship - the job was not secure though as I had to pass or they would have fired me.
So, I apologise to the anonymous person who messaged me who looked at my blog and was upset with me sharing tips on coding and it seemed like I came from that specific background they wanted me to be. However, I won’t stop sharing posts, beacuse someone out there might appreciate them and if no one does, that’s 100% a-okay! My blog is also a record of my coding journey and I’m not going to stop! :D
All I do is to make my Dad proud. Through things didn't go well for him over the years, I hope that when he sees me, he's proud and felt like after everything, I was worth it.
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My family consisted of a single dad with two daughters since late 2000s UK. Mother left because she didn’t want the responsibility of looking after me and my sister. My father gave up everything to solely look after us - that meant not getting a job. We were in the benefits system for years after years, only in 2021 did we end it completely, so basically two years ago. I didn’t have much growing up and I mean the bare minimum. The only games I had were The Sims 3 base game and games on my Nokia brick.
The benefits money he got, he tried to get me and my sister to a private school just for us to see what it was like, but it only lasted a year before he realised the money was not enough. Dad made me and my sister really study hard to get into an all-girls independent school - a school where you have to take exams to get in. I took those exams and got into the school in 2013. When dad saw the confirmation letter, he cried. All his hard work was paying off. That inspired him to try university out, doing computer science.
It was when I finished secondary school I got my first iPhone in 2018 from Dad as a “well done for completing your GCSEs” gift. However, I didn’t do good enough to do the subjects I wanted to go and do medicine, so I had to switch my course from Biology, Chemistry and Maths to English Language, Combined Science and Economics. I’m grateful for economics, made me understand the government and the world a bit more (and understand what the hell news was talking about most of the time)!
I was failing. Miserably. I was pressured from my school to retake the year, so my dad advised me to quit and join a community college instead. In there they let me to my 3 subjects to do Medicine at university. However, I was failing again, had health issues which lead to me having to quit school early. I never completed my A-Levels. I was stuck for months doing nothing when I decided to get a call centre job. Liked it but last for only 3 months. I was inspired to learn programming again but properly so I can get a job. I realised how hard for self-taught beginner programmers to get a job, and I knew I would be in the mix but my dad was already struggling at home and I needed money fast to help him.
I started looking for apprenticeships even if it doesn’t pay similarliy to a full time job, it’s something to help dad. I was still of age to apply to the ones I kept seeing so I applied to a bunch. No answer. I kept learning Python and JavaScript and applied more. Then one came back saying they wanted an interview. They didn’t tell me the first interview was going to be an exam?! Last an hour and a half and then they talked to me afterwards. Got another interview with them - exam. And the last was talking to one of the partners of the company.
When I told my Dad I got the apprenticeship, he cried again. I knew he felt like I was failing left right and centre and he was a little bit losing hope on me, but for everything he’s done for me and my sister, I couldn’t let him down. And guess what my Dad did when I told him I completed my apprenticeship last month? Yep, he cried.
And I thank the gods and the universe everyday for the opportunity I was given to have done an apprenticeship because I can help my family more as I do have people here and around the world who depend on me and want me to suceed, so I will take every chance and opportunity I can get.
Dad said "If you're entitled to it, grab it. Any opportunty, grab it. You never know when it'll come back to greet you again"
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
How to Keep Your Twine Project Safe
It is a tale as old as time. The app crashes, your cache is cleared, your laptop breaks, and hours or days or weeks of work is lost. It's a terrible experience, and you never think about what to do in that situation until it happens to you- and by that time, it's already too late. So here's your prompt to get ahead of things and keep your project protected before something goes wrong.
So here, I'll be going over some layers of security you can use...
1. NEVER use the web app
I know this one's gonna be controversial. I know, a lot of people use the web app! It exists for a reason! But if you do, you're leaving your work very vulnerable.
When you use a local installation of Twine, your files are being saved to local storage. That means that everything is saved on your hardware, and with the exception of a freak event, it's not going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, those freak events aren't rare enough to dismiss (we'll talk about that later), but it's not quite as bad as the web app.
Instead of saving your files locally, the web app saves your progress to your browser's cache- the same thing that saves your cookies and keeps you logged in on websites. If your cache is cleared for any reason, your games will be gone.
2. Write your documents in a separate program
Chances are, if you're using Twine, there's a lot of stuff you can do outside of Twine before moving it into the program itself. A common practice is to write prose in a separate program, and then move it all into Twine when you're finished and write the code in Twine. This is a great way to back up your work, because if Twine has an error, you'll still have all the source files to reconstruct what you had before.
I'd recommend trying to use a stable program to write in. That means something that saves locally and doesn't frequently crash. In other words, do not use Google Docs. Instead of Docs, try one of these:
Microsoft Word (expensive, subscription, but stable)
LibreOffice (free, stable)
Scrivener (one time purchase, stable)
I can not stress this enough. Back up your damn work. Back it up in multiple places if possible.
"Oh, but I'm using Google Docs, it's already backed up!" NO. No it is not. To keep your work truly safe, you need multiple copies hosted on multiple pieces of hardware. If one of those is a Google server, great! But if it's just one, that means that one single failure in that hardware (or the software associated) will mean everything is lost.
You can back up your files from the Twine program by going under the Build tab and selecting Publish to File or Export as Twee. Saving that to your device is already better than having it saved by the Twine app, but you'll be even safer if you back that file up to an external hard drive (or just a cheap USB drive) and a cloud hosting service like Dropbox or Google Drive. To make it extra safe and minimize lost progress, make sure you replace these files regularly.
That seems like a lot of work though, right? Yeah. So here's my final piece of advice...
4. Use Git
Git is how I've been backing up my latest project, Signal Hill. It's intimidating at first, but there are simple and easy ways to use platforms like Github to keep your work safe and fix big errors. To teach you how, I've created a whole separate tutorial, which you can find here.
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