#Give me gory Mika
misano17 · 2 years
Yo, Shumika community, gore?
So it’s October. Ya boi wants to write some horror in between working on chapters of Schwanensee. I need to see Mika covered in blood, and Shu will be smitten in the worst most awful ways. Be prepared for a fic on Halloween. Probably gonna be one chapter but I might split it if it gets too long. Watch me not post it on Halloween cuz it won’t be done by then or some shit lmao.
Anyways, bit of a sneak peak for those who actually want it.
Tw, mentions of: cannibalism, murder, kidnapping, torture, graphic violence, and literal eating out
So Shu is some kind of old immortal being or something
he kills people <3
king shit
Mika is a traveler who is going to a village for a job, he is accompanied by the local village guide Nazuna who warns him of a local serial killer stalking the woods and eating the bodies of his victims
Mika tells Nazuna that he’ll be fine, and then immediately gets kidnapped by Shu’s servants
Anyways, Shu is some kind of weird cryptid man so Mika is his new spouse now
Shu tells Mika that he can go anywhere in the house except for one specific room
Shu then proceeds to give Mika the key to the room
Mika gets curious almost immediately, so he waits until Shu is gone, sneaks over to the room as quietly as he can and unlocks the door.
his eyes widen and his breath catches in his throat
hundreds of barrels line the walls and the smell of iron and salt permeates the air, rot and carnage hit Mika’s senses as he takes in the hundreds of mutilated corpses decorating the cavernous room.
anyways, I’m gonna enjoy writing this. Also I’m about halfway done with Schwanensee chapter 12 as of writing this lmao (10/03/22)
Thanks for reading bois.
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mysticmellowlove · 2 years
indulge me in your deepest darkest secrets…
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about requests
important - length may vary, if my mind decides that i'm gonna blast 1k words on something it will.
i'm mainly an original works blog - so feel completely free to send in your ideas and i'll see what i can cook up concerning them.
i only write - sub male, sub male yandere, if you want a specific reader gender feel free to include it in your request, otherwise they will be gender neutral. For some characters I will also write a more dominant role if i feel up to it.
but i'm also open for fandom requests as well - i also write for other fandoms on another platform so i am comfortable tackling certain fandoms.
there are some things i won't be comfortable writing - if anything i feel uncomfortable writing appears in my inbox i will delete it. as a little suggestion i won't write anything that is overly non-consensual, too gory, abusive, incestuous or generally gross. this list may be updated from time to time as i come across any more examples
please take note that i am a university student - sometimes i get too lost in my work to remember to write. i may get burnt out. if you request something of me (and you know it doesn't breach my personal boundaries) please give me some time. i'll get to it eventually and if i don't there will be some sort of public announcement.
if things start to get too much - i'll tell you about it! if there's simply too much backlog i'll close requests for a while until i shave things down
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about fandom requests
at the moment my scope is limited to what i know i can complete a fic about. below is a helpful list of what fandoms i can write. this list may be updated in the future as well
it should be noted - i will not write for underage characters, i will always age them up as i see fit unless I'm uncomfortable with it.
genshin impact
tokyo revengers
demon slayer
fire emblem: three houses / conquest / shadows of valentia
jujutsu kaisen
characters i will not write for;
genshin - bennet, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, pierro, mika, venti
TR - makoto, peh, pah, muto, benkei, mocchi, madarame, south,
DS - kagaya, gyomei, genya, tanjuro
FE - hubert, caspar, lorenz, raphael, alois, mycen, valbar, jesse, rudolf, odin, arthur, benny, gunter, any of the children in conquest
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about asks and thirsts
i may be socially awkward but i love interacting with like minded people - feel free to send me an 'ask'. also feel free to chat about your day with me as well, i'll chime in with my own experience.
if you don’t want a whole essay written about what you have on your mind - send me a thirst. i'll give my two cents, i might even expand on it a little bit. we're all on this blog for one thing and one thing only. don't be shy
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shutupvital · 3 years
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@curseofabel​ said:
"Vi-boo!" Mika chirps with his eternal happy smile, as he opens the door of his luxurious apartment, a bag full of Christmas cookies (rather soft with tons of sugar to please his boyfriend), but also candies and caramels. He downloaded a few movies, gory and spooky ones, for the evening. "Get the blankets, I didn't plan to come home tonight."
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No knock and the door was unlocked, the perfect conditions for Mika to burst into his apartment... not that he minded. Knocking and waiting for him to answer was a waste of time after all. Vital sat up straight in his office chair at last to hear his spine crackle, gaze upon the bag of sugary confections and treats before landing on his boyfriend’s bright smile.
Vi-boo. What a ridiculous pet name. He loved it.
“Give me ten minutes to wrap this up and I’ll join you on the couch, does that sound good? You can set up meanwhile,” the smaller man replied as he turned back to his desk, back to Mika as he smiled rather serenely to himself. Not often did he welcome distractions to his work, but this idiot would always be an exception.
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geralehane · 4 years
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A Faeverse Story: The Forest Queens
(faeverse is my new series of interconnected short stories about fae and their girlfriends interactions with humans.)
Fae hate iron. Fate love bargains. Fae want your name.
I was about twelve when I met my first fae. 
I ran away from home and into the Forgotten Forest – a bad decision to make, if you ask me. But I simply couldn’t stand my mother’s silent fuming any longer, and I just wanted to -- get away. To forget and be forgotten. That’s what the forest is for, isn’t it? In a way, I was a willing spirit for fae to abduct.
I wandered off deep into the forest and spend an hour aimlessly browsing through the trees. The forest is beautiful. Sun was shining through the leaves, illuminating them a shining brilliant green, and particles of dust swirling in the streams of light looked enchanting. That’s exactly the word.
I sat down on a tree stump, and I cried. I cried, because my mother didn’t love me, and I don’t think I loved her, either. I cried because there were no friends I could talk to about this, and even if there were, twelve year olds aren’t exactly equipped enough to deal with this kind of emotional turmoil. I cried, because I knew that I would end up going back to my broken home with its tense silence and my mother angrily washing dishes at me. I cried, because there seemed to be no escaped.
That’s when she crept out of the woods, her steps light, inaudible. She walked the way only fae could – almost levitating. And mesmerizing. Fae are, despite all of the danger and alleged people eating, magnificent creatures.
“Hey.” Her voice was light, too. Like wind, and sunshine, and the stream of a spring. All lovely clichés rolled together in one slender blonde-haired bundle standing before me.
I sprung to my feet and ran. Or wanted to run, really. Except I only ended up stumbling over a branch that wasn’t here before and scraping my knee as I fell down.
“Am I that scary?” Fae cocked her head to the right, studying me with her amused eyes. Emerald green. Just like the leaves with the sun shining through them.
I kept silent. Talking with fae, if you’re inexperienced at it, could end badly. On the other hand, what did I have to lose, really? My name? My life? None of it particularly mattered to me. None of it made me happy. So I stood up, dusted myself off, and looked at her.
She appeared to be the same age as me, but you never knew with fae, the immortal creatures they were. She could be a thousand years old and I wouldn’t know till she told me. She was a little shorted than me, and much, much prettier. Which isn’t that hard to be when the eternal magick of the Forgotten Forest and the spirits of wanderers lost feed your youth and beauty.
“So?” She got impatient with me rather quickly. Not surprising. “Am I that scary?”
“No,” I said quietly. “Not really. But I’m still scared.”
She stood, then, contemplating something as she studied me. Then, she sighed. “I won’t ask for your name. Don’t worry.”
“I can give it to you,” I said. For a second, I was enveloped by my fear; imagining The Feast of Fae, with a table full of every food I loved, beckoning me to eat something, anything, and never be able to return to the mortal world again. Imagining the endless dance. Imagining fading away into the sunlight, and the fae in front of me breathing my soul in.
I wasn’t sure that that was exactly how it went, but my twelve-year-old imagination pictured everything so vividly and beautifully that I didn’t want to know the truth. Perhaps, fae would simply gnaw on my flesh and bones instead while I danced away in a magically induced haze. Perhaps, they – or even her, in front of me - would wear my skin and come back to my mother.
“Careful.” Her quiet voice interrupted my train of thought that was about to take a rather gory turn. “It’s not something you want to say in this forest. Come on.” She gave me another long stare. “Follow me.”
I had already made peace with the fact that I was staying in the Forgotten Forest forever, so I simply did as I was told. To my surprise, instead of a sunny meadow and a dinner table, she led me back to the town border.
“Go. Don’t come back.” Her expression was serious, and it looked completely out of place on her young, ethereal face. “I can’t cross over the border, or I’d walk you home. But hey,” a tiny smirk appeared on her lips, then. “If you managed to survive an hour in the Forgotten Forest, I’m sure you’ll find your way back home.”
The words escaped my mouth before I even had a chance to thought them over. “What if I don’t want to go back home? What if I wanna stay here?”
“No mortal wants to stay here,” she cut me off, rather coldly. “Go before I change my mind.”
That was when my self-preservation instinct kicked in, and I ran. Mother didn’t even notice my absence, and I never told anymore about my run-in with fae. No one would believe I escaped her, anyway.
For a week after that, I waited. And researched. I read everything I could on fae, but the books didn’t offer much – only that they were trouble and you should never talk to them, or attempt to bargain. There were things I already knew – that they hated salt and iron and you could use that to protect yourself, should a stray fae wander up to your house. In the Forgotten Forest, though, that was virtually useless. It was their territory. The land itself gave them power. Or so dusty old books told me. I wasn’t that dumb of a kid to go to the forest again, but I also had enough anxiety that told me the border might not stop a fae that realized she let her prey go.
So I stocked up on salt and waited seven long, sleepless nights for her to come take me back. Yet she never appeared. I waited for confusing, luring dreams, but they never happened. I waited, and waited, and it was almost in vain.
Until the eight night, when I awoke to a silver moon and an annoyed familiar face staring at me through the window. Naturally, I screamed. Or attempted to, really, but fae waved her hand at me, and no sound came out. I could only watch, wide-eyed and terrified, as she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.
Her next words, however, made me more baffled than scared. “What do you want?” She hissed, thoroughly irritated.
I blinked and gestured at my throat.
“You scream and I tear you apart,” she warned. I nodded. Huffing again, she snapped her fingers. “Now. What do you want?”
“N-nothing,” I stammered. “I don’t want anything.”
She glanced down at the window sill. “Salt? Seriously? I finally answer to your call, and you make it so I can’t get in?”
“My call?”
At my question, she narrowed her eyes, and studied me for a long moment. Her gaze ran over me, searching for something. And, clearly, she found what she was looking for, and she didn’t particularly like it. “If you don’t know about the call, how did you do it?”
“I don’t—”
“Yeah, you don’t know.” She shook her head, incredulous. Her hair shined silver in the moonlight, and her eyes looked dark. “Don’t think about me. Forget you ever met me. If I cross the border again, it’s to kill you and burn your town to the ground. Do you understand?”
Oh, I understood. I frantically nodded, wishing for this all to be over so I could go back to my uninterrupted, boring small-town life. As soon as I thought of it, her face relaxed, and her expression became that of a relief.
“Good,” she told me, curtly. “Hope to never see you again.” With that, she stepped away from my window and ran. I didn’t watch her retreat. I jumped from the bed, closed the curtains, and poured another salt circle around my bed before climbing back in and hiding under the blanket.
I was wildly successful in not thinking of fae at all for several years. If I were more willing to start therapy, I would’ve been probably told that I blocked a traumatic experience as a defense mechanism. And I, once again, successfully avoided even talking about fae unless it came to studies, and I was the only one in my class to opt out of the Defense Against Fae class, which didn’t exactly help with my social standing as that quiet freak.
It was only at my graduation night that I was forced to think of her again.
Our class gathered at the house of our valedictorian, as was the long-running tradition. It certainly helped that our valedictorian came from an extremely long and equally powerful line of witches. Makes sense, really; children of ancient witch families were taught the craft earlier than they learned to walk. I, like many of other simple witches, only got to start on the witchcraft at the age of fourteen. Anything earlier was deemed potentially harmful. But old bloodlines didn’t care. And maybe they were onto something, too.
The fact that our valedictorian was from one of these families meant not only proficiency in magic, but wealth, too. Wealth meant owning a house that was more of a mansion, which meant a party for the ages. I had no idea how I ended up going there. The invitation stretched for everyone in the class, though, and I wasn’t all that looking forward to spending another lonely night in my room with my mother silently watching TV. I guess I just wanted to celebrate at least somehow. Do something to remember one of the most important days in my life.
It turned out to be both the worst and the best decision I’ve ever made.
When it was late and half the class had passed out in various places not really meant to passing out around the house and the other half got tired of excessive dancing and drinking, we all spilled out into the backyard to gather around the fire. Another tradition. I stood a little behind, silently sipping on my wine and watching everyone joke around and exchange promises they likely won’t keep. Until it got quieter, and the main fae expert of our class, Sam, noticed me.
“Hey,” he addressed me, with a tiny bit of slur in his words. “Hey – Mika, right?” His pupils, dilated and sparkling, told me he’d been sipping on potions that night. That didn’t help me at all. I wondered if I should translocate to my house. That would be too dangerous for a novice like me. I could always just run, though.
“Yeah, Mika,” he nodded and beckoned me to come closer and sit on one of the logs that served as chairs around the crackling bonfire. “I always wanted to ask you. Why are you so afraid of fae?”
“Why aren’t you?” I replied quietly. Every pair of eyes watched me as I slowly sat down.
He shrugged. “Why would I be?” The on-going question ping-pong did nothing good for my anxiety. I took a deep breath and shrugged back at him, clearly indicating I wasn’t interested in continuing with this conversation. But he wasn’t done. And not just him. Reana Griffin, the valedictorian, watched the exchange with unhealthy interest.
“No, seriously,” Sam continued coking his head to the right. Just like – no. I gulped the remaining wine down, shutting the thought down. “You didn’t take the Defense class. You never talk about them.”
“I never talk about anything to any of you,” I reasoned.
Reana smirked. “Then why are you here?”
I didn’t have an answer to that, and I was all out of wine to gulp.
“Come on, tell us,” Sam said loudly. He spilled some wine on his tailored pants, and didn’t notice. “Something happened, didn’t it? Did they kill your father?”
“Sam,” one of his friends, a guy I didn’t remember the name of, shushed him disapprovingly. “Too far, man.”
“No one killed my father,” I said, clearing my throat. “He was just... never there. I don’t really…” Why was I even sharing any of these with those people? I glanced at my empty glass. Right.
Everyone kept staring at me. Witch unions were supposed to last forever – literally, in some cases. Divorce was unheard of. One of the many reasons I didn’t really have friends. Everyone speculated that my mother got rid of my father, or that I caused him to leave, somehow.
“So you don’t know your dad?”
“Wait, I wanna know what’s up with her and fae first,” Sam interrupted.
“Nothing,” I said. Nothing was up with me and fae. I was afraid of them. I couldn’t think of them. It inevitably lead to thinking about her, and what happened that night, and what did she even mean by my call? And why did she save me – and did she even save me at all, or did I make it all up in my lonely mind of a lonely child to escape the reality of being utterly, truly alone?
I blinked and felt something wet drip down my cheek. Great. Now I was crying in front of these brilliant, wealthy, confident morons. Truly a way to end the night. I blinked faster, and the tears kept coming faster, too. I couldn’t bear to watch their faces twist with pity, so I pointedly looked past them, far eat. In the direction of the Forest.
It probably shouldn’t have been such a surprise to see her standing there. She grew up, too, as I did. Her hair was longer, and it still shone silver under the moonlight. She stood mere feet away from where we were all sitting, and her smirk was as warm as it was annoyed. At first, I thought she was just a result of my desperation and blurry vision. But, when I wiped the tears away, she remained.
“I’m surprised it took you this long,” she told me. Everyone turned around, and then scrambled to their feet, cries of surprise and fear filling the air. I didn’t move. I simply watched her as she walked to me, her bare feet barely touching the ground.
“So am I.” There was something different about meeting her this time. There was no fear. “Are you mad at me?”
“Not anymore.” She outstretched her hand. “Come.”
“Aren’t you going to kill me and burn this town to the ground?” I asked, then, allowing myself a small smile as I stood and took her hand. Warm. And soft. It promised forever. So I accepted.
And she led me away; away from my gawking classmates and my small town and my dim future; away from my previous life that seemed so dull in comparison with the bright green of The Forgotten Forest. We crossed the clearing that separated the town and the woods, and I didn’t ask why The Forest was suddenly illuminated by sunshine, just like the way it was when we first met. I just watched, and breathed the warm summer air in, and smiled.
“It’s yours now,” she told me, quietly, as we stood before the unseen border. “All of it.”
I looked at her. “Do you need my name?”
“No. No,” she shook her head, and let out a small, melodic laugh. “But you don’t need it, either. You can find a new one. I can give you a new one, if you want. Or you can go without any name at all.”
I thought of it, and the last option seemed the best. Later, perhaps, we’ll come up with something together. Now, I just wanted to be.
And so I smiled wider, and grasped her hand, and led her over the border, into the emerald depth of our forest. patreon
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thatspookyspoonie · 4 years
As someone looking for new anime, can you list all the shows from the 10 favorite show gif post?? Thank u in advance from a newbie weeb that really wants some new shows to watch!
Absolutely!! I love talking about my fav anime! I actually have another blog @nerdyloserorsomething where I post about the series I like, if you’re interested in anime or gaming! I also have an art blog but I won’t subject y’all to that lmao.
1. Yu Yu Hakusho (1992)
Absolute classic! About a delinquent teenager with no future who dies while trying to save a child. He’s allowed to come back for his selfish actions, but now has to help the Spirit World fight all manner of demons. Lots of action!
2. Shin Sekai Yori (2012)
Takes place 1000 years in the future and all humans have developed telekinesis! Can’t say much more than that without spoilers. Nearly all the main characters are gay/bi and you see healthy queer relationships! Word of warning though: it’s a deeply disturbing story and there are several gory scenes.
3. Katanagatari (2007)
Listen, there’s no way for me to explain this one. It starts slow, but it gets so good. Make sure you have tissues on hand if you watch it.
4. Shiki (2010)
My favourite horror anime! The only anime to ever give me nightmares! About a small town where the villages suddenly all start dropping dead after a new family moves in. Heads up for plenty of gore, especially later on.
5. Hunter X Hunter (2011, but the 1999 version is good, too)
About a boy who’s just trying to find the dad that abandoned him. It starts happy and progressively gets darker and darker, until you’re just sitting there screaming. Has an amazingly written trans character!
6. Chrono Crusade (2003)
You’re going to cry over this nun who just wants to stay with her demon lover.
7. Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East (2013)
I don’t know how to explain this one. The main character has a demon that lives in his arm that takes the form of a sassy crow, and tons of mystical shenanigans ensue.
8. Devilman Crybaby (2018)
A modern version of the Devilman manga, which came out in 1972! Classic story. There is A LOT of on screen sex, gore, and disturbing topics, though. So I really can’t recommend it for people who know they may be sensitive to such things.
9. Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2011).
Don’t trust the opening theme or trailers. This series is fucked up. It’s basically about gritty, lesbian magical girls. Beautiful, but twisted.
10. Owari no Seraph (2015)
This anime is basically my guilty pleasure. It’s not that well written, the anime ended way too early, with the manga still ongoing, the characters are kinda generic, I’m probably getting queer-baited by Yuu and Mika. But I also just adore Yuu and Mika and their relationship. I just want them to be happy and love each other forever.
Thank you for letting me infodump!! :D
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lunarpanda · 7 years
The school mysteries sidequest was radically spooky. I loved it!<3
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henning-a · 7 years
Thoughts on the FINALE
My face is really warm right now, holy shit... I am so satisfied! These are completely out of order, I’m just writing them down as they pop into my head, since I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT...
Ever since that Major Character Death post went around, that correctly predicted the death of Mika in episode 2 I was so worried for Sarah throughout the entirety of the finale, and I’m just SO happy she got the ending she deserved!
I connected so much with her in this episode, through her self-doubt, her lack of confidence to finish school... Not the biggest issue in her life, but one that I have struggled with for YEARS. And actually having dropped out of high school myself, and having had to prove myself to others made me feel so deeply for her, because I have NEVER seen this issue explored so authentically in ANY character on ANY show. I. LOVE. H E R.
I loved that the episode started right where the last one left off, setting us up for a really tense series of showdowns, and wrapped up the villains’ arcs by giving them quick, but also satisfyingly gory deaths in only the first act. Good riddance, John and Coady!
Other things I absolutely LOVED...
Helena’s title for her memoirs (a bit on the nose maybe, but cute)
Rachel using her position as DYAD’s former CEO to get the setras the complete list of LEDAs
That entire car scene actually (Rachel choosing not to come into Clone Club on her own terms, FELIX WISHING HER A NICE LIFE)
EVERYONE who’s still alive by the end that is getting the happy ending they deserve
Delphine and Cosima traveling around the world curing LEDAs
And of course...
THE BIG CLONE SCENE ™ (Sarah breaking down, her sisters comforting her)
Of course there are things I wished would’ve happened that didn’t end up happening, not to mention the season as a whole didn’t always live up to my expectations, but I am honestly just so overwhelmed with joy that I really can’t complain right now. A beautiful way to end our sestras’ stories, and a perfect way to close out my birthday!
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